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Links to him
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I don't like the way he draws dicks, but the way he draws milfs is divine
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Holy fuck, what a clickbait. A thumbnail that looks nice, followed by a sharp drop in appeal when enlarged and absolutely hideous subsequent posts. What you have is the antithesis of taste.
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Man, I gotta start looking at more of this guy's stuff. He's got some wild looking sex scenes, just how I like 'em
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any other artists out there that are similar to this dude? Either in art style or more specifically in this taboo type of work
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Etuzan Jakusui
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Aarokira really should focus more on anal scene, he very rarely does them and its usually 2-3 pages. Same for the ages, its a very very niche thing to have doujin on a 60yo woman, his Training Flowing latest doujin was a masterpiece. Combining both might be.... aye aye, I have a boner already.
Agreed, His anal and kissing scenes amazing
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He also releases doujins a lot more frequently
Not really
Yeah, but some artists take their sweet time. Like Mosquito Man. And you have radio silence in between
Sometimes they don't come back
Similar ish, agree
Good artist.
It isn't as bad as you say
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cute art
Why did trannies create a sticky saying only porn by Gooks is allowed on /h/?
This isn't allowed?
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the sequel is already out?
He is working on it
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New Aarokira doujin is out
Is it any good?
Haven't saw it. But some pages look very decent
I think about half of its on kemono right now there also an extra part called 2.5(11 pages) that only comes from his site
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More strict mother coming
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Looks very good so far
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Yeah it actually does. Looking forwards to the seeing the whole thing
How would you guys rate Sisters Of Taboo 2?
someone have the sisters of taboo 2,5 ?
Not leaked yet
2.5 still not leaked
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2.5 is not leaked yet sighr
who's the one who usually leaks them, why haven't they done so for this one?
People keep things from leaking for month or so. So people buy them + there noone to leak that
Aarokira still working on this, isnt finished yet
he better give her a long anal scene
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