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Who's the hottest and prettiest?

Hottest: Nami or Robin
Prettiest: Vivi
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And does anyone have the new Hamiltan doujin? I'm dyin' over here
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>Who's the hottest and prettiest?
Is that even a question?
>Who's the hottest and prettiest?
my personal choice cuz I love tall girls with wide mouths
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Easy. Yamato
one of the worst characters in the show
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Robin, absolutely. Though Yamato is a pretty strong contender.
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Robin is the hottest and the prettiest
Nami is very close

bonus: Yamato Carrot Reiju Rebecca Shirahoshi
Haki cocks are really funny
Sucks there aren't a lot of pics using powers
Based, Rebecca is my favourite. Is she nude training?
Colosseum reduced the weight limit so now she has to resort to this
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Does she like the humiliation on being seen nude?
At first she's embarrassed but learns to love it and becomes a hobby exhibitionist even after becoming princess again
Will Rebecca remain the undefeated woman in the arena and maintain her purity? I hope the people give her a new nickname because of it.
She lets anyone challenge her in the arena and if they win they get to take her purity. She remains undefeated and her new nickname is the Purity Princess Gladiator
I would to see the reactions of the people seeing her become an exhibitionist. Seeing Rebecca embrace her body and nudity during her fights and after the arena is closed as the princess again, while being undefeated.
Watching Rebecca wear a see through golden dress like her previous skimpy bikini armour, during her first speech after rebuilding Dressrosa. As she is introduced as the "Purity Princess Gladiator."
I could see her losing against a woman intentionally every now and then. It'd ruin her gimmick of Undefeated Champion but she's too curious what sex with a woman is like and no penetration would be involved so she still gets to keep her purity. That would also make people excited to watch her in the hopes she'll lose again and maybe even to them so more challengers and she'll get more watchers.
That would be hot, Rebecca would develop a new fetish/kinks like being groped and kissed by a girl. The live-stream and photos of it would be great, and it being in the newspaper would get the word out so more people watch.
I’m a Robin simp. She can make any part of her body flower and she could give you a literal tongue bath, but I’d just want her to lick my ass. Kissing, Deepthroat and Rimming at the same time would be peak.
Imagine her deepthroating, kissing, and rimming you all at once with as many tongues as she can squeeze onto each area.
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Nami is very cute and hot, but she also doesn't feel over idealized like other female characters, which makes her feel more real to me and makes my desire to impregnate her increase x1000. She's my favorite anime girl in general not just One Piece.
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I wrote a story based off of this talk! Hope you like it!
I enjoyed the story.
Do you still want to talk about Rebecca?
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Sure! What do you want to talk about?
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Either about how Rebecca gets corrupted instead of remaining pure because she loses in battle.
Or other stories/scenarios on how she got into exhibitionism besides being forced to fight nude.
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She'd probably start losing to men after a while out of curiosity
How do the male gladiator react to defeating her? Slowly break her down by groping her body? And with each future defeat of Rebecca continue to push the envelope.
They probably too excited to do anything than just start fucking her pussy as fast as possible
Damn I fell asleep. Is it her first time having sex?
Well for the first guy she loses to it would be. She'd gain experience so fast and would be putting even the most experienced prostitutes to shame
So she becomes a sex addict? Would Rebecca want to lose on purpose to be fucked on stage to enjoy the humiliation? What's her new nickname? Sex Slave Princess?
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Robin's devil fruit powers are criminally underrepresented and underused for sure
Yeah she becomes a sex addict not a straight up sex slave though. Just loses whenever she feels like it. Her new nickname would be The Defiled Princess-Gladiator
What's her favourite sex position? Since she's so experienced?
Good ol' fashioned missionary, with lots of kissing and handholding.
Does she enjoy blowjobs?
Of course, she's there to please, she loves whatever they want her to do
Is she even wearing clothes anymore? Or is she just nude for the male gladiators.
She has various lewd outfits that are functionally nude.
What kind of lewd outfits?
Micro bikinis, see-through dresses, bunnysuits, general slutty outfits
How did she gets those clothes? Gifts from male gladiators?
Gifts and looking through various 18+ fashion mags.
They do deliver into the coliseum? Adult Fashion mags in Dressrosa does sound very plausible. I wonder what were her thoughts and feelings, on picking each clothing.
Yeah she has a place for deliveries that get mailed to her. People at the Colosseum can give the outfits to workers for them to put them in her wardrobe.
Does she have a favourite slutty outfit?
She loves slutty dresses and gladiator outfits
How does she feel about it all? Turning into a Defiled Princess.
Makes her wet just thinking about it
Does she enjoy being watched, when she's wearing high heels? Her whole body swaying side to side, breasts, hips and jiggly butt.
Of course! That's why she started doing this in the first place. Loves putting on a show
that looks like Robin cosplaying as Boa
Wonder how long it'd take people to notice if Robin Hancock and Viola swapped with each other
Fuck, I would love to watch her move around.
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Is Rebecca a main attraction now, since she became a slutty Defiled Princess?
Yeah she's Dressrosa's main source of revenue
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I wish we could get a canon Nami in a full-body suit like that. Like Fujiko Mine.
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>Imu's anime voice is kept internationally vague with feminine undertones on it

Holy fuck, there's a chance we might actually win this
Usopp looks extremely pale here
Lighter than Luffy kek
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This is the best nude edit I've ever seen
The exact moment when One Piece fanservice switched to eleven
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It's criminal that there is still no tag for that dress
Gelbooru has nami_(one_piece)_(zou) at least. There's also generic tags like purple_dress, side-tie_dress, evening_gown, cross-laced_slit, cross-laced_dress, and official_alternate_costume
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Still hate that they don't respect the girls' canon sizes.
Maybe those guys are also huge. Unless you're talking about breast size
I'm talking about her size in general.
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It will always piss me off.
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Need Seraphim Nami sitting on my face
She looks too old.
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I'd be pale too if every single drop of blood in my body had just rushed into my penis after seeing what he's seeing
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We have a thread on /trash/ that's way more lively if you wanna move there
What is about Nami that makes me want to jack off everything I see her?
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Is nico or nami the bigger slut? not watched the anime, only know them from the hentai.
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My wife Nami is the hottest AND prettiest of course.
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