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Everybody's welcome to post their doujinshi stash. Show off your favorites that you've collected over the years, and feel free to talk about what's on the way and your own wishlist.
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(2/2) There's no joy like having all these in person.
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Recently got back from a trip to Japan and Taiwan, here's my haul. 1/3

>There's no joy like having all these in person.
I half agree, only buy your favorites or your waifu.
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>super pose book
Nice I want it.
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My first haul from Mandarake. It was a pain to get it all in the picture!
Certified classic, you're a man of culture.
Thank you, sir! I also have Happiness!, but it's not with me at the moment.
Nice! Great haul now that I'm at it, we have very similar tastes. Most of these artists I own books of too.
I have a copy of MIKANAL too, based
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Got some more coming in, going to do a big c105 order then chill with ordering for a few months.
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This is what my tankoubon collection looks like at the moment. I'm still wainting on more stuff. I also have a bunch of fakku stuff at my other place.
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Doujins, I don't have that many yet
Speaking about c105, do we know anything yet? Submissions? No thread?
Pretty sure some artists announced they would have a table there.
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I'm finally starting my doujin collection, I'm doing it pretty slowly but still very happy with my picks so far (not that they were random, of course).
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And now you gotta catch 'em all
How can you guys buy these and not be embarrassed?
Its a doujins store, everyone is there to buy doujins.
And nobody care what you do, people will forget you ever existed as soon as you leave the store.
You'd be surprised how little everyone cares and how normal it is over there.
And buying online it's just an online purchase.
anyone going to comiket?
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any suggestions for my c105 haul based on what I already have?
I have three works in mind, but I wanna get more stuff.

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