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Everybody's welcome to post their doujinshi stash. Show off your favorites that you've collected over the years, and feel free to talk about what's on the way and your own wishlist.
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(2/2) There's no joy like having all these in person.
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Recently got back from a trip to Japan and Taiwan, here's my haul. 1/3

>There's no joy like having all these in person.
I half agree, only buy your favorites or your waifu.
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>super pose book
Nice I want it.
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My first haul from Mandarake. It was a pain to get it all in the picture!
Certified classic, you're a man of culture.
Thank you, sir! I also have Happiness!, but it's not with me at the moment.
Nice! Great haul now that I'm at it, we have very similar tastes. Most of these artists I own books of too.
I have a copy of MIKANAL too, based
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Got some more coming in, going to do a big c105 order then chill with ordering for a few months.
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This is what my tankoubon collection looks like at the moment. I'm still wainting on more stuff. I also have a bunch of fakku stuff at my other place.
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Doujins, I don't have that many yet
Speaking about c105, do we know anything yet? Submissions? No thread?
Pretty sure some artists announced they would have a table there.
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I'm finally starting my doujin collection, I'm doing it pretty slowly but still very happy with my picks so far (not that they were random, of course).
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And now you gotta catch 'em all
>>8347032 (OP)
How can you guys buy these and not be embarrassed?
Its a doujins store, everyone is there to buy doujins.
And nobody care what you do, people will forget you ever existed as soon as you leave the store.
You'd be surprised how little everyone cares and how normal it is over there.
And buying online it's just an online purchase.
anyone going to comiket?
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any suggestions for my c105 haul based on what I already have?
I have three works in mind, but I wanna get more stuff.
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I might be going too far

Yeah stop giving money to artists who give it to Fakku to "stop thieves"
Why do you press enter after every word?
You just kinda stop caring what people think after awhile.
Rookie numbers.
>12 whole doujins!
you have to own at least 3 digits to post in this thread anon
sorry, thought it was a thread to share hauls and collections, not a dick measuring contest
you dont need a big dick, you only need surplus money and not be scared of customs
yeah, I started recently.
thankfully my country doesn't tax books and magazines, so it's not a big deal. they're taxing everything else by like 90% thoug, so the only thing I can feasibly import are doujins and manga
calm down anon it was a joke
Only on neo-4chan can someone boast about being a consumerist without getting driven to an heroing.
Your country has more things to worry about because of rerards like you who wouldn't pass third grade.
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My small tsf collection.
Very nice Monogatari collection. I have to get my hands on those eventually.
I'm in the same position. They ban "pornography" imports. So I register them as "books" and never had an issue.
Customs people here seem to only open a small hole in packages to check that it is in fact a book and not some collectors edition videogame box masked as such.
If it gets retained at customs, I simply never show up. (and hasn't been the case yet, + they cannot officially reveal the contents unless I'm there) so it either goes back to the sender or to their warehouse and then gets destroyed (bad ending).
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Do you remember the first thing your bought? I bought these in 2008 or 2009.
A physical copy of Koihime Musuo and Demon Master Chris back when I got my first pay check. First time I ever heard of H-games and I bought it from a website that looked like it was from the 90's.
Unironically last year I went to japan, got both tankos of pisu hame (because it's an all time favorite, always thought to myself "If I ever buy one hentai it has to be this one") and before I knew it I was coming back with more than 150 doujins.
Mad shopping spree.
Do we have people on the ground this year?

Or is everyone just mail ordering.
definitely mail ordering
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Not doujinshi but I picked these up a few months ago. Volume 3 is on the way.
mail ordering
What are you using for online order now that Visa and Mastercard are trying to control what porn we can buy?
Trying Toranoana with AOCS for the first time, waiting for AOCS to make me pay for my order.
Switched to an Amex. Only card I can get a hold of that is still accepted, ideally I would get a JCB, but that's not possible in my region of the world.
What's generally the least restrictive proxy/forwarder for secondhand Doujin these days? It's been a good while since I ordered anything.
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Mandarake. You might be able to find some second hand stuff on the ZenMarket stores, but I think they mostly sell new items.

Does anyone know anything about how this Melonbooks lottery works? Are you guaranteed one of the lower tier items? Should I buy more tickets to get a variety? Is it worth it?

>learned that a great doujin you'd love came out on c105 but the artist never sells his works after the con or online
I'm about to cry
I can get behind not getting the omakes but this kills me on the inside

i've always used buydoujinshi but i haven't ordered anything since last summer at least

The pics say that if you buy 60 tickets you're guaranteed at least one A.
I've never done this, japs are addicted to this gambling shit like it's crack.
you can still look for second hand copies
>>8347032 (OP)
you have dogshit taste
it's incredible
Any one of you got the nekopara 10th anniversary book? If so are you willing to share some pics?
Last year I attended a Milf only event.
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Did you get repeats for a particular reason?
the post card bonuses on the sides.
I do have more volumes but I haven't taken a pic of everything together.
Makes sense.
Good selection btw
Milfs get me going, specially if they're fucked by their sons, those are like my favorite artists too. this year really wasn't all that great for mother x son incest volumes.
I mean last year.
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>>8347032 (OP)
ok /h I've got her, now what ?
(city 109 Alice )
Fill it up.
What's the best place to order new doujins nowadays? Typically I just wait until they show up used on Suruga-ya or Mandarake but I'd like to shop for some C105 stuff. Melonbooks is functionally banned overseas, I'm not so sure about Toranoana or others.

Doujinrepublic is good if you just want a single book but their "free" shipping means you can't combine multiples so it's a bad deal otherwise.
Just use a deputy service for Melonbooks.

Toranoana has their own warehouse place you can ship to and you just pay them.

Yahoo Auctions is basically your best bet for new doujins that come way earlier than Manda/Suru or doujins that they have that you'll never find anywhere else...it's just finding the right deputy service to deal with them.

There is akicomi.com, but you'll gotta be fast, because when new doujins come out they're usually sold out immediately.
plenty of forwarders can get adult doujinshi from melonbooks/toranoana/bookmate. sometimes there's issues with them buying adult stuff on yahoo auctions japan (there will be a warning about items being prohibited but any forwarder will accept the item other than buyee) but you need a japanese phone number to view the adult section and buyees search was the only way to view it without an account and that no longer works iirc.
>all that Jirou
Blessed. Great stuff
there's still neokyo and hoyoyo, it's the only ones I could find, and you can view the adult section...if you know what you're doing because it's very fucking complicated (esp. hoyoyo, but at least that site you can actually bid/buy adult stuff)
Neokyo is more effective as a searching tool rather than browsing page by page, as the sorting and categorization is nonexistant. But it gets the job done.
Neokyo works, thanks.
Bunkobon hentai is a godsent. Stacked that stuff like crazy when I was in Japan
Anybody have storage recommendations for if you have about 1000 doujins?
bump for interest
out of curiosity, how've you been storing them thus far?
I'm only about 300+ in and using some polypropylene boxes I could buy locally but that's unsustainable long term.
A few threads ago some anons shared their slick cabinets but I don't know if they can store that many works.
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I've been using the BCW comic book bins and currently have about 10 of them. However, I find them cumbersome and inconvenient, especially when I need to access something at the bottom of the stack. I'm looking for a better solution for mass storage, something that allows me to go directly to the doujin I want without the hassle of unstacking everything. The closet things I've found are filing cabinets.
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I'm using some very particular bins with the right amount of space to store my doujins vertically instead of stacking. But they aren't ideal, each bin has enough space for roughly 80~ wrapped and cardboard backed doujins. Also using comic book dividers to sort them by artist. The flaps let me easily search a specific work in my collection.

I was inspired by a blogpost I saw years ago but I can't find for the life of me. The collector bought himself an IKEA kallax bookself and stored his doujins on drawers he'd put on its square shaped holes (and use the dividers to sort his collection). It isn't a bad solution but since the kallax has its holes square shaped so there's a lot of wasted space on each drawer.
When I eventually move my collection outside of the bins I'm with you: find a filing cabinet (ideally a lateral one) and store my doujins vertically with the dividers.
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Here's how mine are looking now for reference.
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It keeps growing!
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I have some stuff that I need to scan someday, I think I have 55 doujins that I couldn't find anywhere.
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Been eyeing those bottom 3 for a while. But I feel fine with what I have now 1/4?
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How do I order to canada without the risk of being destroyed legally? Or am I ass out of luck.
Don't order anything that the cover make it obvious that the girl is underage like top row of >>8429727 in case you get randomly checked by custom.
dont be a pussy
drugs weapons and other contrabands get through every day
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I usually buy a lot of doujin from mandarake and get them sent to me from a friend in Japan. Got my latest package
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Insane haul anon. Grats. Tons of old works that are nostalgic to see in your order.
are you me? i have about 50% of the same doujins, except crimson comics
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Thx you. I try to get everything I love since I start reading hentai a long time ago. Not everything is easy to found but I slowly get a very good collection.

So far, I've 583 doujins

Just mean you have great taste, bro ;)
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>Thx you. I try to get everything I love since I start reading hentai a long time ago.
That's great, I'm doing the same, putting some effort in getting older books and mixing the new and the old. In my opinion hentai has gotten drastically more sexual over the years (and I think it's for the better, porn has never been this erotic regarding the visuals). But the works of yesterday deserve a space in our collections nonetheless. That Hellabuna Sophitia & Cassandra book is a trip, it feels like forever ago the first time I first read it.
One of my personal quests is that I won't be fully satisfied until I get as many old Kenix books as possible. I already have a few, some of my favorites.
Still have to get around picking up part 2, but still.

>So far, I've 583 doujins
You've got twice as much as I do. Jelly, but I'm glad. A lot to look forward to still, picking up works is fun, relaxing and some of the most fun I had when I went to Japan. Ordering online is also a lot of fun. Keep it up brother!
how's the experience buying from surugaya
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I 100% agree with you. I love the news works, but some olds works keep a special place in my heart. For Kenix, well, this was from a previous package.
Also, I'm curious to see what you have in your collection.
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Man, you have me beat in all fronts.
I just have these 4, but they are some of the best in my opinion. The second yugioh one with the dark-skinned DMG I like better but overall these are my two favorite Orange Pie volumes (and are the ones that I happened to grab irl from the shelves because they had on stock)
I was suprirsed by how high quality the covers are. The Chun-Li one is sparkly and the yugioh one as you know has this kind of waved texture. Very nice.
Yeah, the quality is really hgih for his doujin. I can't wait to get the rest of his work... when they are available ^^'
But I'm curious for what others doujins you have
Oof, taking pics of all my 300+ doujins would take forever.
The first 4 OP pics of one of the earlier buyfag threads are mine, you can check them. Unfortunately I haven't been able to order much more after that, it's been a rough year.

But I have works from a ton of artists: ahemaru, amazon, bobobo, bonten, butcha-u, chilt, chirumakuro, dekosuke, diisuke, DISTANCE, erect sawaru, etuzan jakusui, fuetaishi, hanabi, isako rokuro, jyura, kakugari kyoudai, kamaboko, kemigawa mondo, kenix, kloah, kokuryuugan, kurosu gatari, kuronomiki, mimonel, mizuryu kei, mogudan, mumumu, muronaga chaashuu, nutaunagi, obui, onomeshin, sahara wataru, saigado, seura siago, shiwasu no okina, tamagoro, terada zukeo, tottontero tarou, toudori, unou and some omnibuses
Some artists I only have tankos like yamamoto zenzen. I love all of these, some more than others obviously. But I've been jerking it off for decades at this point, you grow attached to these works one way or the other.
And I have a few works whose artists I only have 1 ofs so I haven't sorted them out yet.

You want pics of my books of one artist in particular (or discuss them) I'd be happy to oblige.
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>>8347032 (OP)
first step for me
Starting off with an excellent foot if I may
Very nice choice. A lot of very good artist in the list of what you have.
I'm really curious in what you have in unsorted doujin, it's usually really good one when you bother to buy just one from a specific artist.
I'll be completely honest: those are the "oh shit I recognize this one and I recall it being really good! Get it!" when I was on a massive shopping spree overseas a few years ago. It's kind of late in here so tomorrow I'll find some time to search all of them and post them for you.
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light c105 haul, and some of them aren't even from c105
do you guys buy if its a character you like being featured?
Yeah, sometimes I buy because its a character or an anime but mainly because its an artist I really like and trying to for a complete collection.
Sometimes I also find a cover I like but when I'm trying to find it on exhentai or elsewhere and I can't find it, I will buy and scan it, if it's not horribly expensive. I uploaded 64 doujins and I have about 50 more to scan.
I like buyfag threads
I buy if it's an artist I really like, if it's from an artist I like and has a fetish I like, or if it features a character I like as well.
Yeah, I usually check show or character I like and found new autor that way. Got a lot of solo doujin like that
That's how I found out about a lot of artists.
i ordered top middle too, looked kino.
I have some stuff I am about to order from Mandarake SAHRA.

If you have any suggestions for something that hasn't been scanned yet and isn't too costly, I'll take a look at it and if I like it, I will order it and scan it. Post Mandarake URL.
this is absolutely amazing I'm so happy I found this bored
Probably a dumb question, but where you guys buy these? I wanted to buy them for some time now
First find a proxy service that works for you. Most of the good shit they cant sell direct so the Nips found a way around this by "selling in japan" and just forwarding the stuff we order to our addresses.
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had to reorganize since I wanna buy a couple more books recently.
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my doujins
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i need friends like yall if any of you have discord add me :D

Fuuck, i want that last one so bad
On Amazon tho?
you ever worry about customs opening your package and examining the contents?
which one?
They opened one of my big shipments once, cause a friend sent it through DHL, it was one og my chinbotsu packages lmao, they fucking managed to slash the cover of one of them, I had to get another copy.
Just google Japan proxy service, there are a million of them.
The King App one
one of my first mother x son incest books, Takatsu and Hyji are probably the artists that made me fall in love with the fetish.
I think that my favorite one so far desu, I love the mind control thing as well desu
There was a time a proxy service shipped me the wrong shit. I got some random crap from some other customer and I assume someone else got my shit. They managed to get it back and I had to return the items as well, so it worked out in the end.
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shit was good, I fucking loved the mom's design, and that she was a strict controlling bitch. seeing moms like that get fucked mercilessly by their sons is my favorite shit ever, thanks to this one work probably.
Japanese amazon?
Nope. What they see is what they get.
I would love to contribute picture wise to the thread, but my collection is too massive and I don't want to spam.
Post your favorites.
Same for me, ever since I found it I started to love this kind of incest and mind control! And the art is so good as well! I need to buy a physical copy of it, where did u buy it?
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A man of taste I see.
Melonbooks probably.
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Recent order.
is there any place other than doujinrepublic to find tapestries?
I mean theres the usual places like. Tora, melonbooks, suruguya, etc.
mercari and yahoo auctions? there's really a lot of alternatives.
Follow your favorite artists X accounts to see when they post new merch. Some have their booth shops online.
Anyone have recommendations on selling old doujins? I've got some from 00s and 10s I want to unload. Used to be able to sell them on eBay without issue back in the day, but now it's an iffy way to get your account banned. Or do you just trash them?
The nanao Yukiji doujin isn't anywhere on ex or sukebe
Nice. What's that dark elf doujin?

Awesome. I bought the second to last lower left pekomama book at C104. What's the name of the event?

Sauce on the Albedo doujin?

Regura-sensei my beloved... Any chance you have her rare spider doujin she made years ago?

Love Blue Mage's Satoko works. Own them all myself.
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My latest haul (1/2)
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On a different subject, does anyone here have good storage recommendations?
I've been considering ordering boxes through Amazon Japan, but I'm not sure whether or not those would be more optimal than alternatives that can be found within the EU.
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It's a tank. Just a compilation of his magazine releases.
I wanna get those kyouka books so bad. Fellow MILF enjoyer.
I see
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I bought it cause it includes this chapter that I really fucking liked. I wish it had been the focus of the tank but eh, I'll take a Yukiji MILF book anytime.
nope don't have the spider doujin
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OP here, just got my order for 121 doujins. sorted through em so i'll show eventually. but here's some scans of stuff i couldnt find online, pretty sure i have more but ill get to that.

Do you all just learn japanese to find and understand the websites where you buy the doujins?
of course, it barely takes a decade
some websites have an english page like mandarake and suruga-ya
just use google translate suggested by Chrome or whatever browser you are using, you will eventually know by heart where is the stuff you are looking for, even on the japanese website
No, I just right click and then translate page.
>tfw already 33 and two years into studying
I'm gonna make it bros... eventually
No I am learning moon for 1. I don't trust English "localizers"/"translators" 2. To jack off day-1 for doujins and eroge releases. 3. To be able to read the VN's companies don't have the balls to translate.
ive had a couple up on mercari. while i haven't had much luck in selling, havent had any trouble from the website about taking it down either
how much did it cost? was shipping expensive? 121 doujins is a lot
Please give us more. I seriously thought nobody would deliver that Pokemon book.
what's the one in the bottom left corner
here's hoping kawaisaw revisits Melony, I wish I could find the daki they made of her, i'm sure it's fantastic.
the doujins themselves were a little under $800, shipping bout $230. went a bit excessive, some i regret getting but vast majority were favorites. i'd sell some here if it were viable.
*correction, Bonten, not Kawaisaw
Jeeez. i'd love to have that kinda cash to burn on hentai.
thanks anon
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Of the 120 doujins you posted, I have 14 of the same, those from Yoshiron, Yuzuki N Dash, Ootsuka Kotora, Sugaishi, Ohtomo Takuji and some others.

Here is one of my recents Mandarake order.
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ichinimoye's covers for his incest series, could you scan those?
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Sorry, I dont have a scanner
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFswgHEMMYg [Embed]
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Not a bad spread. Your collection has similar taste to my own, very wide net on display here.
Damn, I need to go to USA or Japan, I would buy so many of those lol
Tamagoro Lolis are fucking fire.
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Here's my small contribution. Sorry for the bad quality
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Why do they all look Chinese?
I wish he'd return sometime......
To draw lolis you mean, he's back to doing doing hentai for a couple months now.
Holy shit is this real? is it a new work from the king himself? I had no idea.
We are so back bros
it's the real deal, we just need another Little Bitch Planet and we're golden.
Absolutely. My body has never been more ready.
Since asking is free, I'd also love for more of his pokekino.
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He is the BEST at doing creampies, it's like a visual NUT. His Lolis are not exception to the rule either.
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There's not many doujins that come to mind where the climax page properly conveys why it feels so good to nut, but he nails it almost every time. And I have to stress that both his alola doujins are amazing at this as well.
I think I may have to marathon his previous works to commemorate this occasion.
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Everything I got posted above, for what's not posted online yet, pretty sure its the Emma and Miriel doujins
Nice Numahana and MR Way
What's that Prison School one?
OLTLO GOAT and that Peperon Doujin was the first one I ever bought.
Was that you who bought 120 books and delivered the two milf paper scans?
What paper scans?
>the last 7 pics
but I have to say that I'm not feeling Erect Sawaru's latest series (Mama Mansion) as much as I did his previous ones, I'm debating on whether or not I should get them
and I have to check his latest blue archive work because the previous two were brilliant
Ctrl f "catbox"
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Some legendary artifacts from a trip 5 years ago
you should get your meds above all else because being mentally retarded (you're r*ddit typing) isn't healthy
>Copy of Blooming in a Prison
No need to flop your dick on the table jesus lol.
Not bad, Not bad. If the thread is still up by the time I dig through my piles I will post a few pics of my own.
i love the first one but not too huge on the milfs from 2 or 3
I fucking love peperon, they draw delicious MILFs and mostly do mother x son incest too.
yep, haven't had a chance to take em all out till today, though thursday'll be my next time to scan
love nico robin dearly, just waiting on getting a copy of untimely flowering
The Mio one isn't uploaded online, I have it too.
Thank you for the scans. Do you need help finding what hasn't been scanned?
i have most of the stuff ive bought downloaded from nhentai or hitomi.la, but like anon above mentioned, the Mio Xenoblade one I know isnt yet, the Emma from Nikke, and some of the Miriel fire emblem ones aren't
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about but kys or something
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stop signing your posts
>FEI maidoll enjoyer
>orc loving vanilla erofu enjoyer
Based as FUCK
based. wada wau my beloved
I was in a foreigner in a big city, and they're never going to see again. I even asked them to help me find where they kept their COMIC LO.
I think your web formatting is broken.
stop being mentally ill
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Here's an update on my collection. I don't want to flood the thread with 20 pictures, so here's a video :D
I just want to say thank you the the thread and anons who posted collections of seika jogakuin- series. I don't know how I've missed out on this lovely series until now, but I am very happy to have found it. Thanks again.
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you first
>being this mindbroken
Someone's fucking autistic holy shit.
>thinks we csn't see you're samefagging if you attack yourself
>thinks every archived post you don't like is from one person
>defends cancerous newfags
>calls everyone mindbroken and autistic
can you guys go fuck somewhere else, i'm trying to jack off
keep yapping bro, don't forget your happy pills
keep projecting, cancer
Are you finally done?
both you and the other schizo need to kill yourselves instead of being trannies
kill yourself, resident schizo
Cool. Anything else?
you're replying to a redditor. they are extremely mentally ill. an easy way to tell is their retarded obsession of replying to everything because they think they "win" the "internet argument".
genuinely sad post, reddit-kun

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