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cute girls
huge tits
plap plap (get pregnant!)

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I love my stupid wife Kriemhild
god she is so hot
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maid game is my numero uno, but the new bunny game might change that
thanks for reposting, hadn't saved that one
most looking forward to huge chocolate cans and #3 with that ditzy ass smile
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bumping with some art
they're all so cute and soft
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There hasn't been any other information released about this new game? This picture is all I've ever seen.
yeah nothing new since then

>maid game is my numero uno
it was easily the best. best lineup of girls, and the moms elevate it to god tier.
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Historically from what I can recall, is they usually do their releases on Christmas or Golden Week. I’m finding it hard to believe they will do Christmas this year, unless they don’t market their products prior, and just stealth drop, which I doubt. If nothing drops this month which is seeming to being to case, then this upcoming title will have been the longest in development to date.

IMO each release has been a step up from the last, and hopefully continues to be the case. I just hope we actually get some animated paizuri scenes this time around, ironic really, considering how the game is portrayed. That being said, I’d say there is a good chance of getting some info and/or teaser’s at C105 at the end of the month.
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Thanks for the replies. I agree maid is definitely the best yet despite the lack of animated paizuri so I hope this bunny sequel just continues to build. What I'm most scared of potentially losing is the amount of mom content we got last time. I desparately hope they continue giving the moms as much content as they did in meido. I'd also like to see the dokodemo fellatio feature return. I know some people didn't care for it but I liked it. Maybe even expand it to dokodemo paizuri
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the animations in these games are art
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>>8339962 (OP)
>couldnt wait until the end of the year to make a new thread

use twitter you fucking niggers, they have another booth on c105
and if desperate enough their faggot writer often yaps nonstop about the next game
bruh who gets this angry over things this unimportant
no one on the planet gives even a single fuck lmao
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But anon I don't wanna use twitter and become an insufferable faggot like you.
Dyzenia my beloved
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It's finally time! Let's freaking go!!

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MILF Factory
Delicious titty meat
This should make 2025 wortwhile
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I love this bitch
Moms will be in the next work for sure, hope this time they give them breast pickup scenarios, it was a waste not giving them in hmaid
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Sex with Myun Myun

Im claiming that purple haired freaky bitch. She’s gonna empty my nuts all day.

If it's like this, I'm claiming that Karin-like one! I have a weakest for brown girl u

That aside, less that two weeks before their reveal, so who do you think these girls are base from? I already said on another thread Uzaki or Marina from Blue Archive for number 3, Asuna also from BA for number 6, Karin BA for number 10, maybe Ryza for 9 and long shot Hu Tao number 1? What do you guys think? ;)

(Also, maybe number 2, the main girl, is sister with number 4? :/ )
Yeah good choice. Can't resist that stupid horny smile.
>She’s gonna empty my nuts all day
She seems up for the task
For me, it's either 1 or 8
8 looks like Kazusa from BA, 9 might be Tomo-chan
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Uzaki expy would be great, mostly because it means we might get Uzaki mom expy too!

Oh, Tomo-chan is very possible! And Kazusa with her nekomimi ears would be great too!


Indeed :P
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the thing i hate about milk factory games is the girls get pregnant like five seconds before the game ends. imagine if they had the brains to have mc breed them about midway and then have mc continue fucking them as they start showing and getting bigger and bigger. you'd have a bunch of pregnant threesomes/foursomes, hell, you could have pregnant oyakodon even. fucking kino

and if you want that the only choice you have is miel/norn trash where the art is trash and the plots are retarded
we have the new formula to blame for that, SQUEEZ games werent fully "kinetic" either, but it for sure would have worked with their flag system, now that you can pick girls at will, who's h-scenes are detached while not really triggering any flags outside of just harem scenes either, so doing pregnancies mid game wouldnt really work without fucking up the script for the later scenarios, they could work on it for sure, bt considering the girls also dont visually grow in bust on their sprites i doubt they'd bother doing preggo sprites

i suppose what i'm complaining about comes down to the fact that these games are about impreg and not really pregnancy: they say 孕ませ everywhere but rarely ボテ腹 or 妊娠 or anything of that nature

if the games really were for people who would find the pregnant sprites hot (a conversation with a mother and daughter, both using their preggo sprites…imagine) then they would, but that's clearly not their audience. (i don't really get how you can be only into one of these things and not both but that's just me)
>(i don't really get how you can be only into one of these things and not both but that's just me)
Well, I like the fantasy of impregnating a bunch of hot and horny girls but find the appearance of a very pregnant woman to be slightly off-putting or at least not as sex, so I know I fall into the camp of people who like impregnation but not seeing the pregnancy itself.
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One more week guys!
I'd really enjoy a project where someone just grabs the milkfactory girls and puts them in a game like EraTohoTW or some similar romance focused grindfest. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and learn to mod that mess myself
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bit less than a week niggers
that's fair, i can see how that might happen

i should say that, like you, i don't like "very pregnant" states where the body looks unbalanced. i think a lot of people with a pregnancy fetish have an inflation thing going on: witness the constant fantasies about twins or triples, or straight up hyperpreg. i find that end of the spectrum off-putting. luckily milk factory pregnant ending cgs are pretty tasteful with the belly size (and the fat tits help with a sense of visual balance). that said, early to mid-term is also really cute...

for me every part of the whole process is really fucking hot, starting from impregnating a lovely subby girl (well, girls here), through to giving my now even more horny pregnant wives entirely too much attention, overstimulating them, taking care of them as they get increasingly irrational with their hormonal cravings, and ending in (as they say) "taking responsibility" and being a good father and having the wives beg me for more babies/compete among themselves for it

i dream of a game that is pretty much just this

desu there's a more primary problem for me with milk factory games (the reason i don't play them much), which is not something missing (pregnant cgs/sex scenes) but rather something actively offputting: the mcs are way too...switchy for me, classic indecisive harem protags getting some magical phone app or hypno thing or isekai breeding licence or whatever, randomly falling facefirst into some shy girl's tits while she kyaas and then looking for mommy to breastfeed them while calling them a big boy or whatever, not interested in/capable of actually lording it over a harem of wives and making them his breeding bitches. which, you know, many such japanese male-audience erotica, it's just a shame because visually milk factory games appeal to me a lot and i wish i enjoyed the gameplay
animated paizuri scenes PLEASE

that dark elf legs and thighs will kill me holy fuck
I mean, the games are about cute girls with huge tits and impregnating said girls. They deliver on that premise. Seeing the girls actually pregnant is like your trophy at the end. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind more pregnant scenes either, my point is just, it's a game about getting cute girls pregnant, not necessarily a game about pregnant sex.
shit I didn't even notice she had those sex fishnets
was looking at the giant tits
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>he self-inserts

>all those deleted while writing this reply
fucking KWAB
just more of a lurker, so i'm not used to replying and ended up making more than one post lol

yeah that's fair
i'd play them too because "cute girls with huge tits and impregnating said girls" appeals to me a lot in and of itself, but i've tried two of the games and unfortunately i'm the kind of retard who can't self-insert unless the mc acts in a more...relatable (to me) manner and milk factory mcs are *not* it. it's a shame, the art is so fucking hot (not just the pregnant ones). look at that wavy_mouth

i propose the next milk factory mc be a male lead straight out of a shoujo/josei manga, i.e. not meme-level johnny bravo gigachad, just calm and cool around the girls, fondling the girls' tits because he wants to not because he fell into them, with a sense of actual ownership over/responsibility for the women he's breeding, etc

(audience boos)

well evidently i don't know how to finish all my thinking before i hit send

also that sprite in the corner with just the tops of the tits showing up is excellent. which game is this from

oh this has been on my wishlist forever but i've never gotten around to playing it. i think last time i tried to get it the nyaa.si torrent had no seeders lmao
thanks for the reminder
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>also that sprite in the corner with just the tops of the tits showing up is excellent. which game is this from

well, it's dyzenia, so it's from the maid game (the newest one)
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post underrated girls
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she's not tho lol, the only real problem with her alongside Akira and Lillia is that the game has THIS 2 beasts in it that just overshadow a good amount of the roster(and maybe Lecia too, im divided on her), it also doesnt help that the ones that come right after them are incredibly appealing too, like unless you have a thing for tanned tomboy elves and token lolis then of course Hinata wont be appealing to you with how plain she looks, but despite that she's still definitely a couple of levels above those two, the character is great and has amazing h-scenes but gets overshadowed by Nanako, Akira has nice h-scenes too but compared to Konoka&Rio she just cant compete, Lillia is probably the only somewhat lackluster one with how niche/fetish specific some of her scenes were, really theres no real "underrated character" just because a lot of people flock to specific ones, probably the only real "underrated" ones would be on Eromaho for one reason or another since i remember some people not liking Miao, Casinia and Mizore, and of course Kaguya was just fucked over but despite that she still has a lot of people that liked her
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>and if you want that the only choice you have is miel/norn trash where the art is trash and the plots are retarded
Imagine this shit taste lmao. Miel has great artists. One even is from the latest MF.
Also funny having an story critic of a brand as a MF fan.
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ofc every girl has her fans, I was just going by the poll numbers
for me Hinata is easily top 3 in the ero app game
Maya really is too powerful though, total final boss semen demon
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New main heroine leaked!
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you're weeks late to the party buddy
chad shopping bag
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I've fapped so much to these games, I could probably fill 3 and a half bathtubs with cum
which girl got the most love from you?
1 more day until the release of the site! Last chance to tell your guesses of who the girls are base of!
I just bought the succubus one and it's insanely hot and seemingly contains a lifetime's worth of fap fodder - but holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with this game.

Not only is the mc an unbearably insufferable retard, he has to use mind control magic for every single sex scene because the girls won't fuck him otherwise. I repeat: the guy you're playing as is such a massive faggot that even LITERAL SEX DEMONS won't touch him without being brainwashed to do so. How is it even possible to be such a loser?

It gives the whole thing a pretty rapey vibe, when all I want to do is get together with the cute girls and make a baby with them (and their moms). But no, I have to cheat my way into their pussies while the game glazes over the fucked up stuff I'm doing.

If you want to make a game where you create a harem of mind-controlled pregnant fucktoys, fine, but if you're going to do that, own it - don't pretend like I'm still a "good" guy despite it.
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Poor mascot-chan forgotten to mind.
remeber to ignore the schizo, he's literally done this for every game ever since they released in english
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Rip ex-main heroine.
Erased for being flat.
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I love oppai lolis and her voice is extremely cute
>I keep seeing the same criticisms about these games pop up, it must all be the work of the same person
Nice try. Literally never touched any of these games before this one, and I only bought it because I heard you could knock up the girls' mothers as well. Barely even been a week since I became interested in these.

But thanks for validating my thoughts that the target audience is a bunch of tards who'd rather die than acknowledge there's anything remotely wrong with their big titty porn games. Cope harder, loser.
milk factory plots are not exactly good either, to be clear

the classic miel art is low-quality in general, the expressions (the o-faces look like they smelled something bad) are terrible and the poses are extremely unimaginative most of the time. they really do not hold a candle to milk factory art lol
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The site is now up! Who's your favorite girl and why? For me it's the dark elf one. So sexy and hawt
V-cup !
We seems to have less big-tits loli than in the previous games.
Also, still waiting for a "kunoichi gakuen"-themed episode !
Drill tits is always best.
The correct answer is the mothers
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sex sex sex
Toki spotted
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Dark elf knight, oh yes.
does anybody know if there has been an effort to translate/port the content from the first game's remaster to english?NJR4V
fuck now
>chocolate skin
>hime cut
It's not even a contest.
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I thought she was missing an arm for a second
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almost forgot the seifuku
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They will be revealed later
Protag seems to be a teacher now I think.
In Bunny school at least.
we already updated the vndb entry, pretty much everything is there https://vndb.org/v54050/
get the fuck in losers
Their chara designs don't particularly click with me. Not as much as Maid at least. I like the blond elf.
I have seen a few negative reactions to the new cast and I think I can pinpoint a few reasons for that:
-The parody element is not as pronounced.
-Having exposure from the cast appearing in comiket.
-Pair the 2 above and you have many expectations that are not met (Like many expected the blonde and brown elf to be Asuna and Karin so disappointment it wasn't the case).
-The cast doesn't seem as diverse as previous games like it already has like 2 succubus and 2 vampires.
-No school uniform.
>There is a lack of hair color variation and in the bunny suits (Like only the elf wears fishnets or the Homunculi wears white, the rest have similarities with each other)
>We have not see the moms yet so it doesn't match favorably with maids.
>In the character section of the previous game we got to see different expressions of the characters which gave us an idea of their personality. Thats not the case in H-Bunny and in fact half the cast has a serious look.
On my end I look forward to the dark elf, the tomboy, the B-U cup succubus and shortstack.
Only play these games for the moms and oyakodon content.
The recent one is nice with full preggo moms and multiple moms harem scene.

Hopefully this one will have more moms content.
This is their best cast so far, don't care about the moms.

What of say is exacly my problem to, lack of hair colors, lack of races, lack of costumes, etc. I not really feeling it for that cast, so the only thing that can save that game for me is the sex scene. I really hope there will be more fetishes this time, like more anal, more toys (one of the mom have a sex toy shop, so there's hope here), more naughty situation, etc.

And your 4 favs is the same as mine, except the homunculi instead of the tomboy, so good choice ;)
all of this are dumb moot points, specially the non-greentexted ones, this is a MilkFactory game get fucking used to that lol
>We have not see the moms yet so it doesn't match favorably with maids.
it took around a month and a poll before the moms were revealed, the same will probably happen here even if the moms arent directly related to the plot, we already saw Alice's mom and possibly Raela's on the trailer
>In the character section of the previous game we got to see different expressions of the characters which gave us an idea of their personality. Thats not the case
even without that, you still get a LITERAL description of how the characters are and their personalities, we literally know a lot about them already minus how they'll interact with each other(apart from Alice-Raela and Rafi-Giltia)
all in all, this is just dumb complaints people have and i wouldnt be surprised if its just one schizo on a cruzade against them, there's a single jap(?) on twitter doing it passively-aggressively and its hilarious how much of a faggot he is

It's also because based on the waiting time people expected new features or at least more CG's. Also for me personally i think the mc being a teacher is a L but let's see.
I'm looking at vndb. These protags are nameable? Is it a self insert thing? Nothing story heavy?
If a protag is nameable, that typically means to go ahead and self insert my bro.
Were Squeez protags even nameable?
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you'd know if you had played them, most of them had the option, im not gonna go looking wich did and didnt tho
Well I didn't play them. I only played the succubus Milk Factory game.
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Milk Factory fucked up.
This heroine is so far the most popular one and she has no Tapestry.

Squeez/Milk Factory all games (At least the harem ones) are nameable.
Its important to note that the games use the MC's surname. You can change the first name but its rarely used.
Its only until ero Succubus where they try to not use the surname as much a possible.
Generally speaking only the MC tends to use the name you used.
Only exception I remember is the second childhood friend game (The one with the boxer girl) in which you change the surname and instead the first name is used (Wonder if it was intentional or glitched).
Yes, their PR is bad, we've been berating them for like a decade because of these dumb decisions. It's hard to believe that they didn't realize that she was going to be the most popular one.
>is so far the most popular one
she literally only has 2 fanarts(about on par with Rafi), Meamea fucking mogs her lmao
she'll probably get a Valentine's card later

>for like a decade
false(i doubt you've even known them for that long), thats just niggers being nitpicky that we "didnt get enough moms" or "they should just make a milf game" and shit like that, people only really started berating them after their really poor handling of the comiket goodies
To be fair I think japanese are known to not like big girls (Hence even the character itself has a complex about it).

To be fair Meamea had the advantage of an unique hearstyle. We didn't know Chika was tall or had a ponytail. She was mostly thought as a main heroine lookalike.
Reading twitter reactions I see more Chika love.
Lolis aren't that popular, the most popular one is in between Momina, Giltia, Alistine or Raphiel. My fav is Momina but we'll see in the polls.
>he has to use mind control magic for every single sex scene because the girls won't fuck him otherwise.
This was actually talked about a bit in the previous game with how that sort of thing functions. Basically, the "manipulation" only works if the girls actually wanted to have sex with the MC to begin with, but are normally too shy or modest to outright have sex with the protagonist for no reason - let alone in public spaces. And so, rather than it being mind control, it's more of a sort of inhibition removal. It's also the reason these MCs can't just have sex with any random girl, they have to be interested in him sexually foremost.
>And so, rather than it being mind control, it's more of a sort of inhibition removal
But that's the thing - by removing their inhibitions, you're stealing their ability to say "no" to whatever it is you do with them. Sure they don't become a complete puppet, but you're still actively influencing their decisions for your own benefit, and even if you wouldn't define it strictly as mind control you're still violating their autonomy which is the main thing. Something to bring up too is that after the magic wears off the tennis 3rd year realizes mc forced her into making out with him and gets PISSED to the point she basically tries to get the mc killed in retaliation, which shows that even if it's true that they want to bone you, that doesn't mean they appreciate you forcing them into it.

But that alone isn't an issue - mind controlling girls and turning them into sluts is hot - but the thing is... why??? The girls in this one being succubi is probably the single most justifiable reason for the cast to be a bunch of shameless sluts dying to jump on the mc's cock, but instead the mc has to brute force all the sexy stuff to happen. This is a rare case where all the lewd shenanigans happening so easily would be completely understandable, so why does the mc still have to rely on morally-questionable cheat magic to make it happen?

My beef with this game isn't that you use a book of magic to force yourselves into the girls' pants, but why did the devs go out of their way to make it so when they didn't need to? Using mind-control to build a harem is fine, but having the girls and their mothers approach you and beg for your cock completely of their own volition is way hotter, and this game would've been the perfect place for it.
>muh saimin(that isnt saimin)
kys schizo, everyone and their mother knows that the "ero skills" are just a "tool" for both parties to engage on intercourse, and its consensual in both cases, its funny you mentioned Rosa wanting to kill Sakiba when she literally becomes obedient and starts falling for him right after, because guess what? she was interested in him from the start, and so are pretty much all of the girls, the only case where you'd argue an MC went too far is in OG Eroappli where Majime unironically rapes some girls even if they dont midn the act post-coitus(wether they were aware or not), thats THE only arguable case for it, but not for MF games
>the "ero skills" are just a "tool" for both parties to engage on intercourse, and its consensual in both cases
It's extremely consensual, which is why the book always needs to be used and the mc can't just, you know... ask.
>she literally becomes obedient and starts falling for him right after
Yeah I've seen this kind of thing before where the guy forces himself on her until she likes it, I think it's called mindbreak? also
>she starts falling for him AFTER they have sex
lmao. Do you not see how you're shooting yourself in the foot with that one?
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Redhead twintail shorty for me.
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Alice is my favorite. Usually more into the mothers but holy fuck I cannot stop nutting to this bitch.
Except that they do appreciate it lol, they will say the opposite out of shame or tsundere behavior. I agree that it would be better without the magic but saying it's non consensual is too much, the mc basically conquer/dominate them but they want it from the start. I think the main reason for them to keep the magic stuff is that it's convenient for creating scenarios without plot.

The short haired red head girl Kalula is my fav of the group. Redheads are a fav of mine and the short hair style she sports looks really good. Her page on the site says she's an 'Ore-ko' (オレっ娘) which probably points to her being a tomboy which if it is the cast then that just makes her even more attractive. And on top of that she's got inverted nipples (陥没乳首).

After that is the twintails girl Meamea. Not normally into twintales as I find they compliment certain styles and this girls design is definitely one of those styles. Site says she's basically the little sister style and that she's an "onsen succubus". Thumbs up to both of those.

Third is blond elf girl Alice. Nice blond hair, green eyes and on top of that she's a cheery type girl (陽キャ ).

I do like the others with what looks to be the 'main girl' fourth but it's these three that have my attention.
Who cares anyways?
So long as they love it in the end and MC takes responsibility, its a good harem story.
Though >>8381651 is right. The good thing about it is to warp the common sense of the setting to allow sec. Like Fi, Miu, Elize, pretty much the entire Maid cast love the protag and wouldn't say no to sex with him he still uses magic anyways.
Just pre-ordered to get the short-stack tapestry was pretty hard to pick between her and the white haired, but short-stacked prevailed.
There's a reason they're failsuccubi, so badly that they're all virgins before the MC even gets to them.
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Meamea being an expy of Blue Archive's Iroha is cute, but I'd actually love it if they had done Iroha's actual hair instead of just her bangs + twintails.
no bonus for amiami or amazon jp this time?
I want to buy but the shop page lacks a lot of the usual stuff.
>Except that they do appreciate it lol, they will say the opposite out of shame or tsundere behavior
Yeah Japanese has a cultural thing about girls saying no without actually meaning it, but here it's definitely to help fulfill some more darker kinks while dodging the accompanying guilt that usually comes them. "They say no, but they don't really mean it; the book just brings out the desires they're too shy to act on; they want it so it's okay to force them into it, they're married but monogamy isn't a thing etc. etc. etc." It's very transparent.
>I think the main reason for them to keep the magic stuff is that it's convenient for creating scenarios without plot
Yeah exactly, it's to make things as convenient as possible. "We COULD have the mc get to know them and romance them the usual way... but let's just skip all that so we can hurry up and shove our cock into them like the cumdumpsters they are."

Not saying that isn't hot, but if I'm building a harem I'd like to actually be able to get to know them. Being able to freely treat the girls as cocksleeves is nice, but not having an alternative is disappointing. Especially when it's allegedly NOT supposed to be a closeted sleazy rape harem and the mc actually loves them.

So long as they love it in the end and MC takes responsibility, its a good harem story
Feel that's more just a standard harem story.

But if you make a cast of girls a specific species and then remove the defining trait of that species, they're basically just a bunch of regular girls... might as well be a bunch of girls wearing succubus cosplay for all the difference it makes.
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Holy shit you're right. No wonder I chose her (>>8381478). Iroha is my favorite student too. I love twintails too but I definitely would've preferred her original super fluffy hair.
>Iroha is my favorite student too
kys Farfie
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You've got the wrong guy anon. Unfortunate that Iroha has been stained by that name.
If they are inspired visually by her design I do hope they also play with her seductive playful personality. I feel like it would make for good setup material.
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is there a way to make this game show both JP and EN text at the same time?
or a quick switch between them, I want the story stuff to be in english and the sex scenes in japanese
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It's very interesting how this time half of the heroines are not smiling on the poster.
In previous game we would get 2 at most with a not smiling face, but this time, 5 of them look like a kuudere by just the poster.
>>8339962 (OP)
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To be fair thats not the art you will see on the main screen.
But as mentioned >>8379729 they dont have expressions on the character section.
But the tapestries do show some.

That aside its kind of funny to read a few stuff from the Comiket.
Like apparently MF fuckee up the event again and scalpers fucked many people who were on the line.
Many realizing that Derauea and Akagi are women.
Apparently there were like 70 people getting to Derauea signing vs the like 20 for Rio.
There were some cosplayers for the new girls but no images of them.
Also kinda cute how there are some fans who want to get into art due to MF.
Anyways update of the site on thursday right?
Nevermind. These cosplayers are terrible. Dont cosplay eroge characters if you are afraid to show skin.
>apparently MF fuckee up the event again and scalpers fucked many people who were on the line
its a bit more in-depth than that, and its also funny how despite all the discussion you somehow only processed THAT little regarding the drama
>Many realizing that Derauea and Akagi are women
this is near a decade old news by this fucking point
>There were some cosplayers for the new girls but no images of them.
false, MF even directly retweeted about them, also
>fans who "want to get into art" due to MF
anitera has been drawing for years now https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/35736735 and he didnt even start with MF
>updates on thursday
kys newfag
To be fair, cosplaying these characters is dooming yourself to failure on its very premise. No real human can fill out the costumes like an anime babe can.
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>Many realizing that Derauea and Akagi are women
bless all women who love drawing cute girls getting plapped
God, that girl was too beautiful to be left as a side heroine. She should have been one of the main girls, even if she's more sexually interested in Yukari than Kazuma.
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>bunny girl game by MF
>no pekora and pekomama
my new years resolution is for everyone else to stop dropping the ball
Love how Laelda is the most choco MF dark elf girl not counting An An (Qun Qun mom).
Really hope that pink haired brown girl isnt her mom. I want Laelda mom to be sexy looking. Hope that one is a tan.
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Naomin is such a gorgeous, cute brown girl, it's crazy her tits seem small by today's standards
I hope so too but taking a look at maid game, I noticed that all heroines share the same eye color with their mom, so the pink haired girl could either be raphi's or lealda's mom
What I remember the most of her is how they didnt leave the scene where she is,supposedly, made to confess her feelings for MC as the last scene. It was nice to see the tsundere melt down but then the last scene is she being super tsun like usual.
Also yeah even Catherine gets mogged by many of the following games girls.
Biggest girl being 137cm so far is finally a step forward after they've pussied around 130 +/- 3 for 4 games in a row, still wish she were 140+
still have moms
Also the first with a Black Hair.
I find it so funny that japanese media loves doing blacks with white hair so much, when in reality almost every black person has black hair.
>involving fucking niggers for some reason
not every character with a spec of melanin on them is fucking black you fucking faggot, and the reason they have grey/white hair is because it is THE tone that contrasts the best with their skin tone, blonde also looks decent(on some gyarus) but its artificial as shit and doesnt count and it certainly didnt help MyunMyun at all at being at the bottom of the polls(stupid fake ass bitch)
>not every character with a spec of melanin on them is fucking black you fucking faggot
I'm not american, I don't treat colors as a race, so when I say Black person I mean whatever darker color is their skin characteristic, sorry.
>the reason they have grey/white hair is because it is THE tone that contrasts the best with their skin tone
That's obvious, I didn't ask that.
I'm just pointing something that happens way too often even in non-fantasy media.
And it's not like white hair is really the best, I think black hair is wonderful such as it is on Laelda.
>I think black hair is wonderful such as it is on Laelda
of course he picked the most fuckass boring hair colour, you're probably a fucking euro, kys
Who the fuck reads "black hair" and thinks it means the race and not just the color of the hair? Ironic that you accuse anyone else of being obsessed with race.
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whoopsie, looks like someone's got a case of the mondays ;-)
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No update yesterday?
I swear I read they promised an update on the 10th.
There was one but happened very late.
I like that the heroines have more clothes variation if pic is anything to go by.
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Also Asuna mom.
So chances Laelda's mom is Karin.
Moms will most likely have the bulk of parodies.
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today*, updates are allways on fridays at 6pm JST, its only the title/website reveals that are on off-days
>very late
barely 50 minutes late, some Heapps updates took even longer than that, one even took close to 3 hours
>clothing variation
nigger, thats just a fuckass hat lol, she's probably gonna use it for like 2 gags and thats it, Sophia had her pet on her in maybe 1 scene and that was it lol
not every character is a copy of something you retarded mongoloid, saying she's Asuna is as much as a stretch as your gaping asshole you retarded niggerfaggot
you must be 18 to post here
I'm ready to be disappointed by the critical lack of paizuri scenes.
Yup. If they atleast added breast scenarios for the moms that would do.
its weird every game has like 1 animated paizuri scene
you'd think it would be every girl
>not every character is a copy of something
It absolutely is. Its no longer 1-1 like Ero apps/mahou but it's still there.
Many people are, I think Houkibou hates them.
All 22 comiket drama CDs ripped: https://mega.nz/folder/wzlVSZiA#A-oUEeqnqnB4-b4v42BZEQ
Keeps being best girl.
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full milfge WHEN
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>All 22 comiket drama CDs ripped
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>bumping when we werent even on page 8 and theres an update in around 8 hours
Wonder when we will get a sizeable update.
either next week or the one right after, popularity poll ends feb 2nd, next week could be moms and the week after would most likely be the mom's poll, after that it'll be crumbs in terms of updates until they add the in-game screenshots of the prologue
As expected Moemina is number 1.
The fact she is big and that she has no tapestry means she was going to get a big following. Kinda dumb of Milk Factory to not predict she would be a hit.
Surprising to see drill Oujou so low. Guess its the result of a rather uninspiring design and more or less being Makina 2.0.
Didn't expect Carla to score so high. I thought japs were moving away from tomboys but glad she is liked.
Meamea in third place is within expectations given the reception to that failed sword blue archive red head girl.
Kinda interesting how popular Alice is. That dragon girl from eromahou and Elise from erosuccubus are basically the same archetype but I guess her saggy breasts and more gyaru type personality scored her points.
Honestly the most surprising thing is the succubus tsundere is so low after how popular Takami ended up being.
Maybe Alice friendship with Laelda is helping her with that decent 6th spot given dark elf heroines tend to do badly (Godbless the archetype seems to be a given regardless of reception).
We will see how it changes on the second round.
>Kinda dumb of Milk Factory to not predict she would be a hit
thats most likely the reason why they didnt give her one in the first place, top3 gets featured in merch this time as confirmed by them, and she's MF's first V-cup too, it was waaaaay too fucking obvious that she was going to sweep this and idk why youre thinking otherwise(and its literally the only reason why she's winning too lol, without her V-cups she'd've probably done similar to how Eibel did in Hmaid's poll),
Karla is just an oldfashioned tomboy unlike say, Akira from Heapps, she's also basically just Red haired Catherine(at first glance) too so i imagine that's also helping her, Raelda is probably that high thanks to retards still thinking she's based off Karin and because she's another retarded knight like Kriemhild(confirmed by houkibou, he also commented on Alice being there to support her, fucker is probably rigging the poll lol), Alice just looks decent and cute, nowehere near deserving of top 2 for sure but i guess japs are just hardwired into liking ALICE(in Worderland)
Meamea just has a really good design in general(for the lolis that is) that doesnt look too childish like previous girls nor too bratty like Dyze, and the fact that shes "imouto coded" is probably one of the big factors helping her too
And im not even gonna comment on the rest, this polls have allways been arbitrary as shit, you can argue that "Felicia and Meenya are that low because of their uninspired and repetitive archetype" but fucking Runa is literally just Rio again mixed with some Mako yet shes somehow above 3 other girls lol
I like Giltia the least in terms of design, her body is disproportional too small waist/hips for the huge milkers

>>8426559 Raelda is one of my fav giving her dumb knight archetype is such a waste, btw now i'm curious what your top 5 is ?
>without her V-cups she'd've probably done similar to how Eibel did in Hmaid's poll
I really hope one day they'll make a game where the "main girl" is the one with the biggest tits
>no milfge
I sleep
huge saggers
she's fucking hot
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Anyone know what happened to the discord server? Not accepting invites apparently
i can't even check the channels lmao, looks like the admin went full schizo again
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Just jerked it to succubus
Honestly, they kinda dropped the ball with the girls in this game. The minor characters are way better
will there be lots of milf in the new game?
Look how close they are to her navel. These are without any doubt SAGGY TITS
This site is scanning all the c104 tapestries, couldnt find uncenssored versions before
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>doujin republic
unironically kill yourself, those are not scans at all, the quality is fucking dogshit with weird pixelations and blurrs all over for no reason, its literally just pics taken with a phone and run through some fuckass filter to make them look better(probably taken straight from twitter or the discord)
better pictures were already taken by lots of people too already and some even compiled them on the discord like how this guy did for the moms
this is literally the best you'll get unless someone goes out of their way to actually scan them
you fucking retard
There's 1 thing for sure - their spines are probably made of titanium to withstand the gravity of their "assets", so to speak.
I assume that they exist on planets with lower gravity
>all these reasonings as opposed to understanding people simply liking 2D blondes with tits
Fuck's wrong with your autisms

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