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No futa
No AI-slop
No cuck shit
Others are welcome, but focus on the big three
Do you think reposting a thread immediately after the mods delete it for breaking rules is a smart move?
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SIKE! Fuck the big three, it's just big ME (Misato for Eternity)
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>for a minor spelling mistake
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Misato needs more scar.
>inb4 200 bestiality Eva fucks Asuka slop posts
>No futa
more tourists, where are you all coming from
Since when SLAMMO draws porn?
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you know that and you still ask for something to not be posted which isn't even allowed to be posted here??
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Why are you angry? Either way you shouldn't post futa so it's fine.
>Why are you angry?
because recently this board became infested by idiots who's never been here before and OP is clearly one
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People have been specifying no futa here for over 10 years
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I dont know, are Koikatsu images for these three are welcomed?

How about forced lesbianism?
Go through the archives. Point to a single thread which said that.

Thought so.
I'm in an insane asylum I swear
You know, a thread that's breaking the rules and which got removed before even the first reply doesn't really prove your point.
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Thank you for actually posting porn and not just bitching about semantics
I'd say it's okay as long as there's no mentions or depictions of cheating
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Most wholesome Asushin art
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welp, its not really cheating when its rape.
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I hate these. Not because it's rape, though the cringey dialogue certainly doesn't help, but because the rendering is so bad

Thanks for the criticism. I'll try to work on the rendering.
Oh, you're the actual artist? Shit, man. Sorry for being so harsh, I hope I didn't bring you down. If I may offer another suggestion, maybe make Rei and Asuka a little thicker...
big fan of this new artist, works great with NGE content.
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Dont be, bro. I actually find brutally honest criticism to be far more constructive than just some empty praise.

If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you mean by the rendering?
As best as I understood it, you meant the light and the coloring, but i'm wondering if it's something else entirely.

As for making them thicker, the thing is that I chose to use those models as a sort of homage to the person who made Misato's apartment.
That scene had their own models for Rei, Asuka and Misato and I choose to use them as a sort of a weird "thank you" for sharing that map.
Thing is that I've posted a chapter using them, and are already halfway through the second one so it would be kind of weird if a suddenly made them more thick.
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Why is teenage pussy so damn appealing, bros?
Whew. I'm glad you could see some genuineness in my rather harsh criticism, kek
>light and coloring
Yeah, I'd say that's it. When I brought up rendering, I meant it more as it looks like it hasn't finished rendering yet. There could be more detail on the texture, the motions, and like you said, the light and coloring.
>That scene had their own models
Personally, I think every female character would be significantly improved if they were significantly thicker, but if those are the models you're working with, I get it. Just throwing my opinions out there.
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such a great set.
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Any more from this artist?
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What a lucky guy
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the more likely outcome
>begone harlot, I'm saving the world
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any sauce on these two?
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If only 4chan had a built-in SauceNAO search function... If only...
You are talking to a troll. See >>8222352 He is bumping ALL threads in the board.
>bumped the thread one hour ago
>thread is back to page 10
it's the bump spammer, he bumps ALL threads, so whoever gets bumped first with be on the bottom of page 10
That's annoying
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That girl has a very active imagination
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Mi aporte
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Isn't she a pedo?
Sauce please.
Jesus Tapdancing Christ why do I want to fuck Asuka so fucking bad fuck she's not even fucking real. I can barely get it up for 3D women anymore but as soon as I see this 2D bitch hoeing around I've suddenly got Pavlov's fuckin boner

autism so bad I once saw a highschooler who looked remarkably like Asuka but instead of going full pedo awooga awooga I just felt a visceral disgust because she deigned to appear before me in the corporeal flesh
you just knew she was going to have a boring personality
Because she's hot?
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Felt, bro. She's a qt ginger with a nice ass, so there's that.
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Kinda weird that, for how popular the show and the characters are, there's not a lot of stand-out hentai for the series. Rare to find particularly good stuff.
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These next images aren't part of a particular set, I just loosely ordered them
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Futa belongs on /d/, fag. Normal people don't want to fuck a girl who has a penis.
Exactly, that's why someone who isn't a tourist wouldn't even think about putting that in the OP. It's redundant.

Is that futa Asuka?
Anyone find the artist yet?
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What happened?
Futa isn't allowed
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This is a classic, been stroking to it for 20+ years
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bumpu for rei
Did Pen Pen fuck her?
>No futa
Doesn't that belong on /d/ anyway?
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I’m trying to find a doujin where a pizza delivery guy comes into Rei’s apartment while she’s taking a shower and rapes her, does anybody know what it’s called?
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Happy Birthday, Asuka
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Highly trustworthy link
Amondetauro's Asuka stuff keeps getting better and better. If he keeps up the pace he'll dethrone OptionalTypo as the western artist with the best Asuka material. Still a ways to go yet, though.
this thread says no ai sloppa but i have good ai sloppa should i post?
if it's good it's not slop by definition
but it's never good
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Don't be a retard
Post it
kind of cute how she got jealous of Rei even though Shinji didn't even look at her.
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this guy always draws the most cock hungry asukas
Needs to do preggo stuff
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buttfang of the century
dog bless sadamoto
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She'd never call Rei by her name desu, I doubt the artist even watched the show.
yes, when we're having a threesome with a dick in her ass, we always use her last name because that's how she's called in public
Reminder that this is in character for her.
that's why i love my hotwife
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