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Thirty-fifth edition

Previous Thread: >>8055665

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

Take all discussion of VNs to >>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng/
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Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
Reminder that you will never get the goods: >>8082736
I'm playing goblin walker (sidescroller where you rape and kidnap townspeople) and I'm just wondering if it ever gets good? the shitty cg's of raping the women gets boring after the twelfth time
>get 6 gorillion xp
>onl 100 counts because that's needed to level up
>anything else just vanishes into thin air
I'm not in the mood to grind
Oh no, a game I don't care about is being gatekeeped by a faggot.

i wasn't impressed by it either, felt like it might've ranked high on an old flash browser game site
can't think of any similar to rec though
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Sequel thirst is coming out mid-September
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eat shit
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i give up
Called it:
>You may now try to convince yourselves that you don't give a shit. Lord Little knows you'll fail to convince me.

Lol no.
NTA I don't play games with nonvirgin FeMCs so Fumika is a hard pass for me, but you sound like a tsundere
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>nonvirgin FeMCs
Nice try, retard. If you had any sense of shame at all you would kill yourself now.
Well okay, that's on me for believing some other anon about how Fumika was deflowered. I'll check the JP script later.
>sense of shame
For what? Being mistaken? Isn't that normal? I don't get it.
>Isn't that normal?
If you're subhuman, sure.
I'm an even bigger clown for replying to a clown. Have a good evening, sir.
And to you, subhuman who objectively deserves death.
From what I understand, Fumika has a Schrodinger's hymen kind of deal. There's one scene you can encounter when you return to her home that says she was getting fucked by a futa for years before the game even started, but if you never encounter said scene then she's a virgin unless you had her have sex before that point.
Thanks anon, that's what I was told too. If that's the case, then Fumika is undeniably a nonvirgin.
It's like in VNs, past lore established in one route should still be treated as canon in other routes unless otherwise stated. You not playing the route or encountering the said scene has no effect on what has already happened.
No-penetration runs of nonvirgins should not be called virgin runs. I wonder if the "virgin playthrough" text actually says 処女 in Japanese.
>If that's the case, then Fumika is undeniably a nonvirgin.
Sure, deny reality. Not like I expected more from a literal subhuman.
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post screenshots
>felt like it might've ranked high on an old flash browser game site
yeah exactly, it's a fun little game but it falls flat after a while
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finally got around to playing the finished castle of temptation and damn it's bleak, the generic castle and the mansion->haunted mansion were great and I enjoyed some of the /d/-ish content in the lab but the pile of naked corpses was very much not for me, plus i'm lukewarm on the nun aesthetic even at the best of times. anything else good in the zell23/poring/excessm strike zone come out in the past year or two? I played sadiubus which has good pixel art and the gameplay's not too much of a drag, but the presentation is a bit weak in terms of how formulaic the gameovers are
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Need walk through for pic related. How to get more exposure points?
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saw a guy post some stats about Nebel Geisterjäger, I love stats. I also saw the game has days that progress, I absolutely despise days that progress because that means a time limit = tedious.
does that game have a time limit like ''after x amount of days the summer vacation will end''?
for picrel, top right, the 3 . 27 is what I'm assuming the date (which I'm assuming progresses with a time limit)
does anyone have a link to the 18+ Soreyuke! Burunyan-man or mugoku no kuni no alicei
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Still no picrel...
And here I thought we had already hit rock bottom with "Rosenkreuzstilette".
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Bros... I gotta stop. I haven't been in this game as long as some of you, but for me, this is where I get off. I've seen the depths of my depravity now firsthand. Cumming 7 times in one night to one game, with no regard to hygiene. Load after load, becoming blanker and blanker. I met myself 5 hours later, empty and disgusting. What kills me most isn't even recognizing the height at which I fell, but how much further I knew I could go. I'm sick. And if I don't stop today, I won't. There's so much more to life than this, and I need to lose this to find it. Please hope for my rehabilitation.
is this a new one? I remember her looking a lot younger when i played that game years ago
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You are really close to enlightenment, anon. Don't give up just yet!
>7 times
Pathetic. I do 12 on good days.
anything else like monster girl club bifrost out there
ririka's brothel
>with monstergirls
monster black market

there was another one but i forgot
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Can anyone ID this game? I think it's /h/ material.
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Plant Girl Frontier
pimp sim is a cuck test
let that sink in
>not edging for 3 days straight so your dick just explodes and you go into a coma
youre gonna make it bro
>choose your name
Swift justice, thanks
I mostly liked it for the training/management aspect and how it drips sex scene cgis that allows you to edge to it for hours
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worst action platformer i've played, excellent visual art
>devil legion
10second loading screens before and after every battle are killing me, dropped
>dream buster alice
expected early work, got early work
Has Sisters: Last Day of Summer recently uncensored scenes ripped yet?
there is a game i can not seem to remember. it plays like a typical 2d side scroller but your first boss is a alarune and the next is like a doppelganger. i can not remember this game for the life of me.
What is the best 2D hentai game?
Name him "Nigga"
how do I sex her and the big tiddy wolf bitch?
Anons, are there any good netorase games? None of those weak cuckold shit, just wholesome netorase, like >>8104154 where you prostitute your girls. Not necessarily a pimp simulator, just good netorase. Already tried both in >>8104273.
Any good hentai games with meta progression? Like, the game is hard but you can keep failing and hoard perks/currency and then progress, or games where you can pick different choices in NG+ that weren't available before?
Think of cookie clicker where you first grind away to farm a handful of cookies and then with prestige and achievements unlocked you jump forward leaps and bounds when you reset.
[spoiler]sorry for the shitty comparison[/spoiler]
[spoiler]cookie clicker hentai wen[/spoiler]
>[spoiler]cookie clicker hentai wen[/spoiler]
Magical Girl Clicker
>[spoiler]cookie clicker hentai wen[/spoiler]
Monster Girl Clicker
good is maybe not the right word for them, but the games by RG21978. In particular I've only played RJ386658 and RJ01222955 but it's very focused on running through the dungeon to get gold and loot to buy upgrades for the dungeon to get longer and better runs etc.
if you're up for a tiny simple game
monotool's nekobato
less than 5mb, probably an hour or so of play
personal old favorite from 2015, but it's a bitch to play without a mouse
Is Nymphomania Pristess worth playing?
There are too many.
It is but the art is shit and story line is very confusing with less to no information on the quests.
And the game is not even on version 1 after being on 2 years of development. idk if developer is lazy or just fishing for money through patreon.
But it is playable.
Is the 0.65 meant to be bugged (femc keeps bringing up a blank dialog every time I exit the pause menu and I have to start her sex menu to get out), or did I fuck up by importing a save from the MV 5 build
I have also experienced some blank dialog boxes.
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Anyone know of any other games where girls venture into dungeons and usually have their clothes ripped off, traps that make them cum and get equipped with cursed items and such? Been going through Touka's Shirikodama using a shitty MT (but better than nothing) and really enjoying it and would love to play more like it. I already finished Brave Hero Iruru before this.
Check out Nightmare Knight. It's the only one I can remember right now.
I finished Tratritle and it was nice, anything more like that?
>how do I sex her
Keep progressing
>and the big tiddy wolf bitch
Jerk off in front of her every day until you trigger some dialogue. The same goes for some other npcs.
What gaem
Monochrome Imouto
Any good text/"hyperlink" based h-games?
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>noticed zell23's old devblog has been down, so archive.today'd every page of his new blog
should i archive individual articles, with comments, too?
can't see succ.affec wip devblogs, seems paywalled
have a 2016 fanart of his of a recently anon tl'd work
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Need games of girls getting stretched by ugly monsters and machines
So essentially your image, but with Marx and Engels?
Idk who they are, but sure
Read a fucking book.
Recommend me a hentai game and maybe I will
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Did anyone else stop receiving new product emails? I tried changing the settings and received some promotional emails and I still receive updates as you can see in the image.
I hope it hurts.
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Been playing Custom Reido V again.

Found some posts that mentioned that you could edit the events in this game, but didn't find any instructions on how to do so. Anyone familiar with the game and know how to do this?
what if the reason femc is popular is because devs don't want to get visited by cops for making a grape sim?
Just tried dream buster alice, holy shit I hope the creator learned what invincibility frames are in their later works.
I got up to level 5, and I ain't getting any farther.
i don't get it
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2 levels further before i gave up
only found it because of the artist for succubus affection, thought it was his game but nope
>read:i gave up at lvl 3
>Defloration rape masterlist
Posting since I had time to add a bunch of games recently to the confirmed sheet.
Anyone else into games with virgin rape?
That's because the Biden impersonators who are into Nier porn are so coom-brained that they don't even know what Nier is about, or who Marx and Engels (gargantuan autonomous robots) are. Anyone who went through the B route of Automata would know that, unless they're so neurologically compromised that one would have to shoot them into the heart in order to kill them, seeing as they somehow managed to survive up to this point without a functioning brain.
Anyone got the second demo?
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>Nier porn
I'm even more confused now.
He makes a niche reference from a game and then acts retarded because nobody gets it. He is probably autistic or something, they have the problem with understanding that other people have their own minds and don't magically share the knowledge.
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Kagura just released a VN called angel tear.
I never heard of it until last night but apparently it's a famous title.
I normally wouldn't pick up something like this so quick, except one look at the vndb page tells me that this game was practically made for me.
>implying coombrains like you have minds
Who updates the bin and why hasn't he done so in 2 months?
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be patient
You want me to seed?
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Yes let's share this moment
Very well, it's done.
any recs for feet hgames?
wtf do you do in mad island. Having trouble figuring out stuff. I found a post about knocking out natives and putting them in a cage, that's about it. I've been just basically going and collecting logs and fiber and I got a basic native house and leaf bed with a wood workbench.
Any erogaki focused games like "Ijimekko ni Okasareru Boku no Ane" and "erogaki ni hamaru Kanojo"?
I hate to just be like "any recs?" but I'm trying really hard to not recycle my favorite games because I don't want them to lose their luster.
I'm an absolutely unhinged heathen who almost exclusively plays nukige like Summer/Winter Memories. I've played through the vast majority of Japanese 2D nukige games, and I'm really struggling to find new ones so I don't just crack open the good stuff to get off.

What are the favorite nukiges around here?
>What are the favorite nukiges around here?
I'm too lazy to make a 3x3 but it would look somewhat like this:
teaching feeling
living with sister fantasy
encode encore
dohna dohna
one room
dungeon with girl
succubus connect
what was the hgame scene was like back in the day?
Not very different.
> actually pretty relevant to nier lore, replicants are coombrains and gestalts are minds…until the replicant coombrains develop minds
> the porn? sorry I don’t want shadowlord and nier getting it on with devola and popola, that shits traumatic
>I don’t want shadowlord and nier getting it on with devola and popola
It's no hongfire.
like everything, less retarded thirdworlders.
Any idea if picrel's animation is exclusive to the steam release or does the dlsite version have it as well?
>MTL is fine. Also save please.
you know that shit had like 2 OVAs right?
I did after looking at its vndb page.
I wasn't kidding, I never heard of it until now.
Even for as much as I fap, there are things that slip by me.
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Dumb question but any good hentai games right now that I can play with my wife? I wanna a discreet hentai game to play with her hat hastgentle femdom It can even have feminization but no cuck shit. it gotta be a good game that I also get "surprised it turned out to be a hentai out of nowhere" but that keep us playing because it has a good story or is interesting enough. I kinda wanna get her into it but have no idea how so had that stupid idea
weird question but what are some hentai games that have an option to censor things so you can post it to youtube?
demon roots
how do you explain rance then
Thanks for reminding me never to bother with women.
Guys I fucking love h-games, but sometimes it feels like I'm losing my mind.
Just play some visual novel like Utawarerumono I guess. I played it without knowing it has sex scenes and it surprised me at the time because I've never played anything lewd before. I don't remember if it has what you are looking for but visual novels in general would be the best for your purpose I think, especially these ones which aren't just porn.
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haha what
it isn't her fault I just don't know how to bring it up
thanks anon I'll give it a shot. Since I dive that much on h games I've no idea how to find the one focusing on gentle femdom and stuff like that
what games do you reccomand that has capture mechanics, brainwashing and slavery
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SEQUEL games.
>like hgame
>look up fanart
>barely anything
any sidescroller with a male protag that gets raped?
already played succubus affection, forest of the blue skin, that one that starts with ero, and repure aria.
I think the dev of Parade Buster made at least one game like that.
i don't get fobs
yume-sama? thank you.
Demons Roots
what would a [hgame dev insights and advice series] be like?
>like game
>check out ost
>read comments
>"hey it's the song from skibidi"
>it's a freebgm
Fuck, looking from the catalogue the thought George R.R. Martin was standing behind her.
Play a lot of h-games before developing one yourself.
The Agnietta. You're welcome
>concerning boob physics
>how much NTR does your game need?
>You should be able to masturbate to your own game and here is why
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I'm bricked wtf
Oh ok you push rocks with S. but now I can't equip light sandals to avoid traps so I'm locked in the forest
Bought Wings of Seduction on a whim, and it's pretty enjoyable with a variety of waifus.
>When should you put GoR?
>The psychology of clothing
>Can a mom ntr her son?
>quality of life update on a shit game with shit art
now go on and jerk off to your "superiority"
How would you know that if you didn't play it?
Checkmate, atheists.
I guess I'm blind now.
Trying to run sequel awake on my phone using Joiplay, getting this error message. Any fix?
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finally, after all the blue balling of harvest moons and rune factories
check if the file is there
It's not, and all the filenames are in English anyway. Anyone recognize the hiragana? I wonder if I could just copy a random tileset.
>and all the filenames are in English anyway.
download the version in the bin
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Anyone got this game?
Literally all the links on a-s are working
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My bad, searched the wrong thing. Can't find it too.
Yeah I've been looking all over the place since the release
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The bin is in the dire need of an update.
Wtf are you even talking about man. I just want to fap to 2Bs fat ass
You're about to ruin your mariage bro
The world has already gone mad, might as well get comfy at home and enjoy yourself
I honestly don't know how someone can get married without knowing what their partner is into. I know some people save sex until marriage but you could at the very least discuss what you'd be willing to try with an open mind or something. Surprising her with your femdom + feminization fetish isn't likely to go down well at all.
is dlsite having problems right now? i bought points but i get "Payment manager failed" every time i try to checkout
yea same, probably don't expect it to be fixed until morning in japan.
is there a list of like must play, or at least good, h-games. there's so much to filter on the bin/f95
I was able to buy something with points again now.
And that's why people call you coom-brain.
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The quintessential hgg2d game list
>Violated Heroine
>Black Souls 1 and 2
>SEQUEL blight, awake, colony, ASYLUM, kludge, and L.Depth
>Fumika Fantasy
>Thug Hero Party
>Night of Revenge
>Depravity of a Lewd Vampire
>Pronant Symphony
>MY]R, A New Game, The Mercenary's Adventure
>Taima Miko Yuugi
>Ambrosia, and Celesphonia
>Liz of the Tower
>Naedoko Demon's Ground, and Nightmare Girls
>Summer Memories, and Winter Memories
>Ayura Crisis, and Eris Dysnomia
>Setalia the Demon Realm, and Seal of Lutellaria
>Vitamin Quest 1&2
>Fallen Makina
>Kunoichi Botan
>Core Awaken The Yuka
>Succubus Affection
>War Demon Kirsten
>Demons Roots
>Monstrous Horror Show
>Goblin Conqueror
>Mage Kanade’s Futanari Dungeon Quest
>Pray Game
>Erina and the City of Machines
Does anyone have RJ166173? Doesnt need to be tled jap is fine. Idk if there are any places to get it without spending money
>go away, 'batin!
all links I found are dead. the gallery is in the panda
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>pays for hgames
bless your soul
sometimes i feel bad for devs, of games i enjoyed, who disappear and wonder if a parasitic ghost like me could've kept that wheel spinning in some butterfly effect way
>archiving hdevlogs
now i'm wondering, is there lost media in hgames? not including never evers
So what? Let me enjoy atleast 1 thing in this dreadful world you cunt
Any games that let you play as (FMC) a maid?
>two short scenes with variations per girl
Well that was kinda disappointing... I wish this kind of games would go more for depth than breadth. Just give me like 5 girls but with more content. Still the game was good enough for a one day of edging.
Like Comiket stuff from PC-88 & PC-98 days? I'm sure that you could find some info if you scour Japanese sites.
Dungeon & Maid RJ162431
There are several in the bin, too.
I like that dungeon of erotic masters the art is a bit weird but it gets me for some reason
absolute obedience crisis. its wholesome, short and funny
good list buddy, but I would include Kodoku the Successor, Moral Sword of Asagi and War Disorder
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Has there been any news on Succubus Affection 2? I've not heard or seen much of anything about it, aside from some sprites that were shown off forever ago.
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Any other games like picrel?

I fucking love whoring my girls out, especially since in picrel you can build them up, take their virginty and THEN whore them out.

Doesn't necessary need to be monster girls.
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Still in development. There's a post every month about progress.
There's a ton of brothel management games
Brothel king is my favorite, lots of custom image packs to download
picked up
>2020 succubus affection best girl poll
>automata > golem
u fukken wot m8.flv
someone tell me how that robot doll spider thing is better than gold bikini armor amazon titty monster

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