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"Think fast" edition

>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)

>Koikatsu Repack RX 21
>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R10
KKS is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.
Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS

>KKS scene compatibility patch for KK
Get this: https://files.catbox.moe/uohdx3.zip and drop it in:

>HF Patch (Get this to update without waiting for the repack)
>KK: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK-HF_Patch/releases
>KKS: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KKS-HF_Patch/releases

>Sideloader Mods Pack

Cards are put in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male"

>/kkg/ Card Creator Pastebin

>Where do I upload to share my cards?
(Litter links can be accessed through internet archive)

>KKScene Mega

>Theme Stuff

>Koikatsu Resources Pastebin

>Koikatsu Guides Collection

>Modding Guides

>Thread Archive

>Previous Thread
it's like the "blackpink in your area", you just replace the blackpink with tv channels.

i guess i'll start the new thread with another repost, lol. the superhero theme might be deader than dead, but i still love my silly guys.
Golems can be raised from any material!
Does anyone know which mask/texture thing I can edit to make the skin visible/invisible wearing this vest? I know it can be done but I don't remember which one of the exportable pngs I need to edit
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I'm gonna try illgames's shitty new game hopefully some autistic people get involved and it becomes moddable
Beautiful textures
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i thought this would be like 10 panels but it ended up being like 50. my estimates are bad

i think i just understood why they are called the midnight watchers
love a good grass bush!
love a good mud bath ses in a pot
who ties people up with a garden hose?
i'm having an hard time to figure who got tied.
also, i'd like to hear what you think about their name (i do have a lore (?) reason for the group name)
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>too bad its bugnug
Well pastebin anon's got it out for ya then.
You couldn't even reach 300 images before the thread got archived with the retards and schizo posters spamming the shit out of it. This place is a lost cause, see you next week.
Ada Xi is a nice looking card
the desperate
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an appealing and stylish design
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why does IK do this?
based on how it appears to be notAA2/AA3, and the sheer autism AA2 modding was, I think it will.
Because Koi is gay. Open bonemod editor and mess with the spine rotations
i would love to contribute and make lots of cards and works but my computer can't handle kk sunshine, and kk party lags too much and my pc explode after a while, last time i smelled a burning smell coming out from the fan and it shut down instantly
you will fall into the same hole as the HC newfags and crying
that works, thank you.
still going on about how it will be horrible for modding eh faggot?
still ignoring roomgirl using the same engine and its plugins made by it?
Try again but with less ESL formatting, cunt.
>and crying
going to finish your thought, or did it end when your neurons did?
>ignored it, no counterargument, only brainless third-world babble
that's what I thought.
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faggot newfag, genocide when?
>ESL meltdown in progress
lol, lmao
chuuba posting
I want to this creature.
It is too late, the creature wanted to instead
she has a strange facial expression
Sometimes it's breakfast too
w-where do the wings go?
Like an IKEA flat-pack
That makes sense
They have an enable/disable button on stream, clearly
What's a character you feel you did really well on with the hair?
For me it's Lucia. She was my first attempt at creating a character without a proper fringe, and I feel like I did pretty damn well with making it work.
yea I made the toga recently cause her old traditional outfit I made before was pretty clunky and frankly shittier looking

the monster is a minotaur from rskoi and I also turned off its hair shader cause it was getting in the way a lot
Im going to knock up your OC and then leave you with the kid to raise.
If you can knock up an insane acid-clawed seven foot tall alien woman with chitinous skin, more power to you.
I wish her nose was a tiny bit longer, would enhance her features and make her seem more noble.
If you did this to Anna (the character), I would still love her and forgive her for cheating on me.
sounds like it's time for a new computer then.

And it seems like the bar is pretty low here, in spite of some of the quality posters. Like 80% of the last thread was the one schizo guy with the washed out images just replying to himself. Shit makes me feel so much better about my lazily thrown together scenes
did you do some new shading here?
it'd be nice to post stuff more often but i ont finish 99% of my stuff and right now my brain has dragged me off into the extra /d/ content mines again
Just fucked around with different lighting/shadow options. This is from the same set
I think you might accidentally be making cute boys, and that's pretty cool.
He has awoken, but has yet to be picked up or had his feet played with.
Punk Flower is so cool.
what is that log of shit she has on the back?
bruh all the male cards I use are just shamelessly stolen from I don't know where

unless you're trying to tell me the girls don't have big enough milkers
>Punk Flower is so cool.
Yes she is.
No I was being sincere, often anons who make cute girls also make cute boys and are sometimes surprised by it.
I think this it the lewdest thing I've seen with Flower, nice.
Punk Flower likes to have fun.
Haven't seen Witchanon in ages now. Witchanon is really really GOOD
>No I was being sincere, often anons who make cute girls also make cute boys and are sometimes surprised by it.
maybe, but I have a very vibes-based way of doing any design work, so it's hard for me to apply my methods consciously. I just kind of wing it and sometimes it turns out fine.

Also, that just doesn't really appeal to me, so that's an extra hurdle for doing that.
She's so powerful.
Yeah he puts tentacles in cute girls too, he was a good friend.
And now he's dead
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whats your OCs favorite fruit
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Zaida will happily eat a dragonfruit like an apple.
Just take a bite out of it. The Azuri subspecies have bear-trap like teeth for piercing the flesh of tough fruits and prey.
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what's the monke doing...
btw, for awnser you question:
nimue - none. just throw her industrial quantities of sweets instead.
seraphina - grapes
siegfried - blackberries
gaspard - oranges
christianne - maraschino cherries (with liquor) (the closest thing i'm thinking as is the inside of the mon chéri chocolate bonbons. something similiar. just without the chocolate)

i'd post a new work, but said new work is that i ported seraphina's koi model in mmd and i made a pic of her in mmd. so... not koikatsu?
why there is a big banana?
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It's nice to see Ada mentioned the day I decide to lurk here. Thanks.
I have a commission of her coming up.

Been wondering if Akari anon ever saw the robot girl I made for him. Would like to know his thoughts. Not rice cooker enough mayhaps?
Kit - Pineapple
Milly - Orange
Flower - Lemon
Charlie & Yuki - Strawberry
Winter - Banana
Daisy & Coby - Apple
Uni - Peach
I love Ada, she’s the cutest. That’s a nice image of her, I hope you post her more in the future. I’m not Akarianon, but I did see that robot girl and she was very cute.
cute I would pat her, I'd pat her HARD
Em likes pineapple, but only when it's on a pizza and she's got a pepsi
Who gettin hosed?
I wanna put my hand in.
Usually the pov is from the dudes perspective...
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hopefully, that feel becomes do
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my cards are the scene itself
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You don't need to post every step of creation, dude
get fucked
fix yourself
before you vhix yourself
Looking at recent threads, I feel thankful knowing most of my time around here was vhix-free.
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also im not washed up, im a rising creator doing industrial revolution
Its not so fast if you're fighting a saturated market
We had ugly poster and that one fat posting schizo back in the COVID-katsu days.
shit im fighting
>realistic shader
>high noise design
>literally any 3d anime in existence
>porn with softcore porn (thirst trap)

only passion fuels you at this point and i could've said more
Ugly poster was not that bad all things considered. I don't remember the other one, so it must be from before my time.
if I make 15 minute sex scene of any fotm gacha compiled of other sex scenes i made
you know how i make animations, we'd be eating meal but i want my girls to get big

you literally cannot recognize if its gspose or my animation

it can't be industrial revolution if you take an oc from someone else
despite, im passionate and i do this for fun

i like digital art
those were better days
since my brain is kinda battling between posting here the mmd seraphina pic made with her ported koi model and not posting that... i'll repost again the married couple.
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just press the screenshot or timeline button like dude, problem starts because you seek validation before you get passionate

and when you get invalidated once, you get exposed that you do this for attention which basically the socially awkward mods of the discord server

shit is not art server, its a fellatio kingdom which makes it more fuckin' awkward because this is a porn game which digi-art capabilities but they chose to fellate
*with digi-art capabilities, rewriting what i post could be an issue sometimes
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too much text, can somebody that's not me post cute girls already.
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like if they wanna keep new users, thats not how you keep new users.
how did you get involved into 3d? disney etc etc anime? japanese culture? internet?
what made you stay? because it looks great right?

thats how you keep new users or more so, consumers because it looks great but studio is complicated
just as well, thats how we kept people 3 years ago and became a capital until things went to shit and we do content farming for gacha
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i guess another repost doesn't hurt.(there's in a cute girl.)
you know well why
What the actual fuck is this guy talking about
I don't understand what you're saying and I don't care, please just stop spamming every thread. If you're so concerned about your content creator career why don't you spend more time posting stuff to your Iwara or Pixiv or whatever? How is filling up /kkg/ with chara maker screenshots a productive use of your time?

I know replying to him probably doesn't help but ignoring him clearly isn't helping either. I don't understand how he isn't bored of this yet.
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reposting old 4koma cause its fucking hot again

export the body alpha mask and it should be yellow to show the skin at the collar

yea that happens to me too thought it'd be a quick 4koma joke ends up being 3 pages of a comic
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i clearly stated that im not concerned about my career and i do this because im passionate.
your behavioral patterns show more of a exceedingly hungry to be validated by mass which is opposite of my fuel

like, i'd laugh if you'd stop after a single invalidation because thats what you are and thats how the community has molded you because you see people around you talking instead of doing things for fun and every single work has to be better than everyone else yet you keep saying yourself that you do it because you like digital art contrary to what you show.

>pixiv iwara
yes i do but im lazy to spam it because its the fun that counts and attention is just a bonus.
Its not my fault that my screenshots are much more aesthically pleasing if that concerns you

>you don't care
you thought you don't but you have thoughts ahead of what im thinking and never did in my life think that way

I just judge when im asked
shut the fuck up you nerd nobody even reads your word vomit
so yeah i just hang out here from time to time

its hard to believe that you guys are still groomed at that age.
you don't have to take someone else's personality because of digital trauma

you just make digital art because you love
sorry anon, didn't see >>8121588
kuro sexo
Foxowner, save us from this evil
oops talking isn't bad, i mean comparing your shit constantly.
I get internal thoughts and it should be kept that way unless asked but behavioral changes, passive aggresion out of nowhere, and anxiety is just way off

im always casual unless im attacked

wtf im not evil, ok im leaving haha
God I hope he means it
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im not evil still wtf
ok see you guys in other further time
ur mom
ok have a nice day
I'm now convinced that anon is either on the spectrum, or esl. Maybe both.
Life is too short to ponder about bad asses.
My personal favorites:
the one who makes the dog Egyptian girls (too many Egypt-aboos, Im forgetting names)
coloris anon at least makes some goddamn sense
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the girl i posted a few months ago.
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returned to say i mean breaking the mold, oh yeah
currently making shorts for next week
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you'll just have to wait and see anon!
well now i think i'm probably wrong, but i just put together that they were channels. the types of channels that have high ratings late at night maybe. what's the lore reason lol
this question was already axed before, i even made a comic when it was!
i remember this one!
>yea that happens to me too thought it'd be a quick 4koma joke ends up being 3 pages of a comic
this guy knows
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im not sure why i made this but you get to look at it too
also i discovered the reason why i could never get eye glows to work is because i am silly
>i could never get eye glows to work
after that simple v+ emmission mask guide, what were you doing before?
Bow that I'm getting more of a handle on what I want Coloris as a story to be, I'm looking forward to exploring the relationship between Pride and his dealer, the enigmatic Zaida.
Eh? What happened to prompt my crap being linked? I'm operating on 4 hours of sleep and being a little bit tipsy, so forgive me here.
Cute mouth, would finger.
*now that
Fuckin hell
she is groot
mega based
I love making juice out of it.
I don’t know what a taramind is, but do you… squeeze them?
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Glad someone appreciates them.
I want anna to make a webm of Anna getting headpatted...as that is my fetish.
Are heels supposed to show correctly in char maker?
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first scene in a while. :P
this gives of the sense of danger
Ive been appreciating your butts since the beginning Anna. I JELQ'd HARD to that big butt lifeguard from a million moons ago.
Tamarind can be eaten raw. It's a bit sour, sugary and very tart. If you want to juice it, I soak it in water.
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Ahhh it's HER!!!!
I dont care if the card isnt up to your new standards, Id love to see a basic face sitting scene with her if you have time.

>i guess i'll start the new thread
>the superhero theme might be deader than dead
thanks anon, god bless you
Don't do it.
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Please do the sneedful Anna. (and this is the lifeguard lady I was talking about)
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>If you want to juice it, I soak it in water
I... want to juice it... Mario's fruit...
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reproduction sex with anna's swimming girl
thanks anon, you don't know how much this means. i don't want to mention any names, but someone made the claim that becky has no ass today. i couldn't believe it at first. and i began to doubt myself and everything i know. but then i noticed you said this and now i realize that some people are just better informed about things than others. you truly are a connoisseur
One of his under rated cards. Can believe this card is 2 years old
what happened to foxowner? i miss him
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i was doing that, i just wasn't going over 1 on the emission slider so it just looked the same so i'd use colored shadows instead
mm, finger food
This shit looks like it's from 2015. If you really want Anna to do something with it, he will have to update it so it meets the "modern" standards.
Same person who moved modpacks and lost the long list of filters a while back. I found those back then, but now I've noticed that the custom map lights (your P-MODMAPs and all that) aren't there, either. Where could I find those to download? Any help is appreciated.
>>8122206 (Me)
Nevermind. Somehow, asking here seems to be the catalyst for finding them on my own with a bit more digging.
Which Anon is the
>Most Smartest
>Most retarded
>Most sexy
>Most funny
>Most creative
literally all me
where is
>most degenerate?
That would be CoolV
CoolV is pretty tame on that front honestly
Ah. I thought that I was missing one.
Not even fucking close.
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>One of his under rated cards.
One of the many... what even happened to this character? this was such a unique looking idea for a scene
mental illness =/= degeneracy
>literally the most basic, cookie cutter anime bitch
I mean the black and white manga style
It does look unique when compared to the vast majority of Koi cards that look like fucking clowns.
63 fucking posts in. shut the fuck up.
I wish the vast majority looked like clowns.
Fuck off.
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I mean it's true, that card and also the lifeguard one have one of the most basic design, not that his other cards have anything unique, he's only good at animating, but on level of OC he's pretty mediocre
post your work
>63 posts

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