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A beautiful garden of lilies is best watered with cum.

Pastebin: rentryDOTco/249zu

Previous thread: >>7936025
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Okay that #1 yuri enjoyer trophy is hot as hell
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コミックゼロス #112 誰にも負けない私だけの王子様 by えこひいき
Princely, tall dyke with huge tits losing to dick. Author's considering a sequel or a different POV so we might have more or a series in the future.
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Also, Nicoby's Succubus doujin has been ripped
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Holy fuck
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is it translated already?
>Turns into a faceless girl the moment she goes full cuck mode
Some things never change.
Fakku translated it
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Can someone translate this to English?
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I fucking love yuri and also rezusupesu /bisexual gokkun videos.
My wildest fantasy is for there to be a yuri manga that is exactly everything you'd expect from a proper yuri story, but the girls are also sluts who can't stop sucking dick and love kissing with lots of cum in their mouths.
I think right girl is telling left girl to hurry up and switch with her, and she replies to wait a little longer.
Note that these are not Yuru Yuri characters despite the Namori artstyle.
The term yuribait gets thrown around a bunch, but a yuri story where everything seems cute and fluffy at first but then in chapter 5 they start sucking dick together would be really hot.
And then the story just continues as usual, but all the important plot beats (confession, first kiss, etc) are marked by dicks and cum. Would be a perfect balance of opposing forces.
Right? There really needs to be more of that in LGD, an acknowledgement of the dudes as yuribros whose loyalty to yuri is rewarded by getting to dick their favourite couples. Makes it more immersive.
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Offtopic but does anybody here know which fonts Fakku were using for this page?
It's really just a symbiotic relationship. We support our favorite couples and cheer them on while defending them from homophobia. In return, we get to nut inside dyke pussy every now and then. Everyone wins!
屋根が高い on pixiv has a really hot Bang Dream story about a boy who supports the bandori pairings and gets rewarded by every single one by letting him cum inside them.
We really need more stories like that, about yuribros who love yuri so much that they impregnate yuri couples and turn them into his harem (all for their own good of course).
Damn, can I get a pastebin of that story? Sounds amazing.
So far there's only been one part, the plan for the series was described in a post about recently taken commissions, so we don't see the actual harem end yet.
I sometimes wonder about a manga about a genuine polygamous throuple where the girls live both their Yuri romance and the love triangle
She got so angry about being ignored for her love that she is trying something new
Romance with boys is lame, it would only work if the girls keep the boy as a living dildo.
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>wixoss aired 10 years ago
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Source has birth and breastfeeding versions of these (and FelPet versions too).
This is similar, dude supports black hair girls love for her female childhood friend and when black haired girls love is not returned , she falls in love with him
Cute little detail how Suletta and Miorine's babies have each other's hair, which means they are in fact their children, conceived via futuristic IPS cells. Chisato and Takina don't have that because they live in the modern world but they make up for it by breastfeeding each other's babies, which is cute in its own way.
Kinda surprising that the artist put that attention to detail when he doesn't seem to be a yurifag
Kinda cute. Chisato should really nurse both though with her gigantic boobs...
Of course, would be a big waste for her milkers not to be put to good use, she was born with those milkjugs for a reason.
That and paizuri. Honestly anyone who supported LycoReco and bought the BDs/merch should get one free titfuck. It's just good customer service.
Her tits are definitely paizuri ready!
This, but with every yuri series. After such an investment it's just common sense that devoted yuribros would have the right to a paizuri from their favourite boob dykes.
Ruko got a super ass this year btw (she always had good tights but now we see her full power)
Tbh Milk production isn't directly related to boob size
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>lowres, artifact-filled streaming screenshot
It is in hentailand.
I don't have much better. It's a trailer
But I like seeing flat chest woman produce Milk
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I'm surprised that all the Lycoris Recoil stuff here is with random guys instead the main villain guy considering how the threads on /a/ usually go.
Majima shipping is pretty much nonexistent outside of /a/, it's spammed by antiyuri schizos to shit on yuri (and by this point it's obviously just one schizo left). No one else really cares about him enough to make him fuck Chisato in favour of random criminals.
Yeah basically what the other anon said. It's so obviously the work of one or two obsessed posters that it feels weird to sexualize.
There is any case of a case where the guy is more popular than the yuri couple?
I know is super unlikely (the type of people willing to watch a yuri/ yuribait show aren't shipping guys with girls), but it had happened?
No, not really, at least not in any series that can be considered remotely yuri.
Also, it wouldn't hurt to polish your English skills before posting.
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It's also similar to the hair color of their male owners, so not necessarily IPS kids.
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It isn't, not in the slightest.
Owners is kinda cringe not gonna lie
I fucking hate that these sexy-ass dykes are vtubers of all things. They have so much amazing yuri and porn and I can't enjoy any of it because I don't know shit about them.

captcha: 2AGAY
So...start watching? Same as any other series.
Watch what? Virtual puppets making some shitty let's play?
Well yeah. It's kinda weird you'd complain about not knowing much about them if you have no interest in finding out.
Because I want some narrative, I'm not interested this pseudo-reality content. It's an absolute waste of good designs.
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Old Saki stuff.
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The paizuri industry is still mailing Ritz thank-you letters for the fucking enormous titties she draws...
Indeed. I hope she never stops.
Yuri is just a prelude to the cathartic experience of giving in to a penis.



Cant seem to find any websites to read...
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neither of these girls is a lesbian
They might as well be.
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Average yuritard: "Actually they're lesbians despite all the scenes showing them attracted to males"

1000 IQ Yuri master: "Actually they're lesbians and this makes the porn of them even hotter"
I feel like most yurifags here are pretty jumpy around series where the girls are into guys.

Used wayback machine

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I love friendship!
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Man I mean not to diss on what people like too hard but these actively anti-yuri stories have never done it for me. Isn't the whole point of this fetish the yummy interplay between orientation and physical needs? Cute yuri couples getting fucked together when they feel the urge? I just don't get conversion stuff I guess, might as well just look at regular straight hentai then.
>might as well just look at regular straight hentai
Nah, it's not the same at all.
But if the yuri aspect is only relevant at the start of the story and the girls become regular sluts after a bit of dick, isn't that basically the same as any other hentai?
The girl thinking about how she only likes girls while getting fucked is hot, and even better if the other girl at first catches them unexpectedly and has a breakdown crying. That whole process is the hot part, if the story continues to the point it's just everyone fucking happily then yeah it gets boring from then on.
Same here. LGD should compliment yuri, not deny it. One of its best aspects is having girls consider themselves lesbians (not even bisexual) because they have girlfriends even if they take dick regularly.
It adds that little touch of degeneracy that elevates it above regular porn. Conversion is lame because it does away with that, it just turns girls into boring old hetsluts.
>Cute yuri couples getting fucked together when they feel the urge?
For me if the "lesbian" consents there is no point.
They need to be raped/blackmailed/tricked/etc (with possible corruption at the end).
Otherwise it might as well be called "bisexuals getting dicked" and then it doesn't make sense to be in this thread.
Oh blackmail and trickery are fun too. Really any setup where they're not just indistinguishable from straight girls after a bit.
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Who are they?
Mari and Kaori from Sasakoi (beta couple).
>屋根が高い on pixiv has a really hot Bang Dream story about a boy who supports the bandori pairings and gets rewarded by every single one by letting him cum inside them.
Peak fanfic
Always knew all-girl yuribait shows were made for LGD
Yuri has been my smut of choice for over a decade. Sometimes I lurk in these threads because it feels taboo but nothing's ever quite done it for me so I just go back to /u/. Maybe one day I'll see something that flips that switch in my brain. >>8076470 came kind of close.
You like the idea that yuri fans are secretly just pervs who feel entitled to the girls' bodies?
I was just like you one time. I used to avoid LGD because most of it was antiyuri shit, but discovering a community of fellow yurifags who enjoyed it changed my mind. Fapping to it was a revolutionary experience because of the taboo and asocciated guilt, so it felt just like fapping behind your parent's backs when you're younger.
I still fap mostly to yuri so that LGD doesn't become too common, and that way it still hits differently.
A little. More like the couple being nice enough to do it.

>I used to avoid LGD because most of it was antiyuri shit
That's mostly my feelings. What changed your mind?
>A little. More like the couple being nice enough to do it.

Oh, like the couples happily rewarding loyal fans with sex? Kinda cute.
>What changed your mind?
Like I said, the community behind it (the late LGDbooru and these threads). LGD made by yurihaters is one thing, and a very different one is LGD made by yurifans doing it for the kink.
Knowing that I'm not the only one made me feel at ease it, and I got access to so much content that I would have never knew otherwise (like the aforementioned Roof stories, or Isis' captions and 3D).
>Roof stories, or Isis' captions
Can I find these in the pastebin?
I was sure that Isis stuff was there, but I guess that was an old version of the paste. There was also another anon who made captions whose name I can't remember.
Anyway, this is Isis' pixiv (doesn't have the stuff I mentioned): https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1322652/artworks

And these are Roof's stories (machine translation is surprisingly good for reading them compared to a few years ago):
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There's another Roof series with a similar theme, about a yuribro who gets dragged inside the worlds of his favourite yuri series and all the couples throw themselves over him. He can't overcome the temptation and ends up fucking them all, knowing that he's not tearing them apart but uniting them by impregnating them.
This one is also completed, and with a decent number of characters from various series:
I often fantasise about there being an imageboard where yuri and LGD are posted side by side, as if LGD was just another form of yuri.
It would be similar to the idea of the ideal group some anon mentioned last thread, a place where you have to be a yurifag if you want to participate. EightchandotSE is the only place I know that would be good for it, but hardly anyone knows about it.
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Started reading this:
>Both Shimamura and Adachi are probably virgins, but since their virginity loss is supposed to happen on a hot spring trip, which is a bonus for the DVD,
What? For real or is the translation crap?
This fetish is bad. It's destructive and consuming it reaps your soul. If I could press a button that would wipe out all artists who have been involved in producing this fetish I would do it in a second.
Depression porn is what it is.
It's in the context of the story, not real life.
I'm sorry, but right and I've said it. You're letting your dick consume your soul, insyead of engaging in the noble struggle against your base destructive desires.
If anything that typo makes it more real.
I actually agree, it's like deliberately manipulating your 'wait this is wrong' impulse by showing lesbian couples with men. Prolonged exposure just erodes that sensibility altogether. I'd quit if I could but I'm kinda too addicted to stop.
I never had a "this is wrong" impulse for something that isn't wrong.
>There was also another anon who made captions whose name I can't remember.
>catbox moe/c/79ub7t
LesbianCaligula probably? They also wrote all those stories ages ago too.
See that's actually precisely what I'm talking about: to regular people, the idea of lesbians being fucked by men is abhorrent and horrible. Orientation is one of those red lines that define a person and shouldn't be played with. But to you, it's normal and fine. Because your brain's been rotted by this stuff.
No, I've always thought this way. Women have a hole for making babies.
Oh so you're just some weird misogynist creep. Says a lot about the fetish that this is the kinda person who enjoys it most.
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Imagine replying to shitposting moralfags.
That's the one! Thanks.
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Source? Or is it AIslop?
AI ×9
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