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Discuss all forms of NTS-themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc EXCEPT:
-Content/Discussions about IRL cuckolding / Larping. This thread is only intended for 2D NTS.
-Content/Discussions about straight NTR or NTS --> NTR. (This belongs in the NTR thread)
NTS with NTR elements is okay as long as it stays NTS.

Also: long discussions are okay but make sure your post has an NTS-related image.

NTS works/illustrations:
- https://koharu.to/?s=tag:^netorase$
- https://hentainexus.com/?q=tag:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/tag/female:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/?f_search=female%3Anetorare%24+female%3Aswinging%24 (replace x with minus if you're a newfag)
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E5%AF%9D%E5%8F%96%E3%82%89%E3%81%9B

Popular NTS Artists: https://pastebin.com/KhVhhGMK
NTS Games: https://pastebin.com/Pw97kzWb
More NTS Games: https://f95zone.to/threads/complete-netorase-sharing-games-master-list.90458/
NTS Twine Novels: https://pastebin.com/gY3SPHbQ

Source: okpriko
Previous Thread: >>8088019
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There needs to be more mom NTS.
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so hot
Good thing there is no such thing.
Has there been no new netorase twine stories made at all outside of the same old inactive ones that have been shilled for years at this point?
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Tsubame slop anon here
Saw some people assume i gave up so i'm posting a quick update:I managed to write a satisfying story, panneling has been a pain in the ass to figure out, art generation is the actual easy part
I don't like namefagging in a general so i'll wait until i'm done with the first +/-6 pages since that leaves a nice stopping point, I'm finally happy with the story i wrote so it won't take too long either
nice update. Keep it up, dude.
when you upload it, don't add any tags. keep it off the search engine so you don't piss of terasu
Won't do a damn thing when i will link it to him the minute it goes up.
Why would you do that???

I guess I'm overestimating this thread after all, I'll wait until winter comiket if anons ITT can't handle it, if there hasn't been a Tsubame update at that point the series is probably just as dead as Hiroki's so who cares
I think we will get a preview of her in
this August, just like last year. Maybe in December on Comiket or something.
best genre
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I love cuckold reporting
agreed incest should stay in the incest board.
He's making a game?
Is this the NTS or interracial thread?
The guy who say you shouldn't care about the bull will keep posting that shit because it's his fetish sadly.
Boku no Kaa-san wa AV Joyuu has a netorase chapter
a son seeing his mom fucked or fucking doesn't make netorase no matter the attachment and it would be high time you guys stop adding to netorase what doesn't belong there.
Mom ntr is a subtype of ntr that is prevasive enough to have a foothold, and there's a few "netorase" types where the mom still loves and cares for the son despite being a slut. It's not conventional netorase but it would apply as a form of it and fits the general idea (ie someone that loves you and you love being a slut for your enioyment)
That's the stupidest thing I read since losing your keys is NTR because you're getting cucked by life.
I know you are retarded but there exists hentai of mothers being fucked and their sons jerking off to it as the mom abandons them. You know, like how a lot of proper ntr hentai goes, just with a mom instead of gf or wife. As far as I know there isn't any hentai of a guy jerking off to losing his keys.
And i repeat mysefl once again, none (0) of them are netorase the simple fact you keep calling NTR is also pretty telling, go grasp straws with other pedo and incestfags in the NTR thread.
True the one >>8112963 anon posted about a pornstar mom who jerks off her son to her porn and lets him watch her be fucked before having reclaimation sex totally isn't netorase. Everyone knows you're a retard who can't read so there's no need to keep showing it off
Do you have to cry every thread about it?
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>none of them are netorase
It's always amazing to me how someone can be so confidently wrong. Either that or he's a shitposting. Nonetheless, this work is the one and only true mom NTS. All the key-defining NTS elements are present, such as consented cheating sex, voyeuristic fapping, cuckold reporting, jealousy, reclamation sex and vanilla ending. This work also proves that the yandere archetype is the best for NTS. No matter how hard the couple pushes boundaries, they'll remain in love. Ah yes, unconditional love, another NTS element.
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1 week until the GOAT of NTS drops
One of the best nts to ntr indeed
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Nah bro its HARD NTR now.
not only you keep posting the same shitty example but it's also tagged NTS absolutely nowhere, get fucked and go back to the NTR thread.
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>i-it's not NTS because I say so!!!
There is a gazillion works not tagged as NTS, doesn't mean they aren't. But please, keep crying how you're headcanon is the only right one, we're all laughing at you.
and of course you're the authority on the subject, everyone literally every sites is wrong.
Seriously go seek professional help and get out of this thread it's not NTS in the slightest.
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I've already given you all the reasons
>>8113323 why it's fully NTS. It's not my problem you stick your head in the sand whenever you're proven wrong, lol. You can be in denial for however long you want though, the work isn't gonna become NTR no matter how much you seethe.
Also, since you're autistic about tags, it IS tagged netorase on exhentai, you absolute braindead retard.
only the english and of course it's a weak tag.
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>backtracking and coping
Your concession is accepted.
not backtracking and coping it just mean your point is meaningless and maybe it's even you who tagged it in the first place for all i know. You're coping way hard because you're were wrong all the time but it's ok they will still accept you in the NTR thread.
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>started blatantly trolling
Nah that tag was added a long time ago and approved, can you stop crying and apologize now? It's not gonna become NTR no matter how many tears you cry. I know I have mindbroken you but if you keep replying nonsense it'll be regarded as off-topic and derailing.
Notice how this retard keeps whining instead of posting content
The same content from the same book everyone could check if they wanted to serve no purpose and it's not like you are posting content either at least in this post...
My hot take is that mom NTR isn't NTR
It's obviously extremely NTR-adjacent, so the name is reasonable, but it's not really NTR in the same way that BSS isn't really NTR
what do you guys think about the My new GF VN? NTS or not?
The entire tag was added on exhentai only a short while ago so it's obviously only gradually starting to get applied to the appropriate galleries and some are still missing it.
That's because you don't understand what NTR means and think it's just a Japanese translation of "cuckolding".
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I'm starting to think that the anons who keep crying about how "X is NTR" is just a fetish roleplay. Think about it for a second, in many NTS works the protagonist regularly freaks out about how this is the time where his girlfriend/wife will finally leave him and how the protagonist shouldn't have let her go sleep with another man. He'll have a nervous breakdown over how his lover has been defeated by the cock, and how they're love was shallow.

That is until she comes back to him and proves that their love is real and she would never fall for the cock. It's a part of the game for some anons. They need to convince themselves that they're actually being betrayed, and that the love isn't real only for the person doing the betrayal to reassure them that they'll always be with them.
except in this case it's not, it's not even present in the Japanese version at all, it's literally a faggot who think mom getting banged is NTS when there is no other relationship beside the family one and on top of it it's probably an english only fag who mistagged
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The English versions are the ones that get properly tagged and checked by the moderation, nobody gives a shit about the Japanese ones, retard. How much more are you gonna seethe and cope? If it has a guy enjoying getting cucked by his mom who is in love with him, then it's NTS.
>properly checked by moderation
I'm not sure if you're ignorant or retarded but at this point it's probably both.
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>ad hominem
Now I get it, you're a cuck who loves humiliation. Losing this argument was your plan all along.
I'm telling you >>8114061
These anons love the loss of power. They enjoy the humiliation followed by the comfort.
Literally look up the definition of term on ex.
It's literally just a misstag from some ignorant fag like you who claim all and everything is NTR and don't even know the difference between NTS or NTR.
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Yeah, it's fun humiliating a cuck in denial. I wonder if I should give him another (You) saying he's still wrong, he might cum to that, lol.
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Why is this thing even called netorase? The girl doesn't give a shit about the MC right from the start, she just throws him a pity video once in a while.
Because the writer is dumb
Because the writer self-inserts as the bull.
I like the work, but it is obvious (and it might've been mentioned somewhere) that the writer self-inserts as the bull. I think it's a great erotica story, but without the proper buildup of the MC and the sword princess having a healthy relationship, it definitely feels NTR. We only ever get told that they were together in the beginning and then throughout, she just shows more and more that she's falling for the dragonblood guy. We never really get her POV and the MC has to constantly imagine the reason she does the things she does is because she knows he gets off to it.
Stop discussing netori here retards
Any story where MC gives his gf/cf, or his female family members to satisfy a bunch of virgin losers.
It would be so hot.
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I love the idea of having a cute and naive girlfriend being slowly convinced into doing lewd acts with pervert virgin otakus. At first she's awkwardly showing off her body to serve as fap material and at the end she's a full blown virgin hunter. When doing such acts she would feel embarrassed, guilty, confused but ultimately be overcome during moments like that.
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>same shitty example
Got ya covered.
>Here some properly tagged netorare content to prove it belong in the netorase thread
Pretty retarded ngl but thanks for proving my point now you can go back to your shithole.
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Why are you still crying, until you apologize we gonna keep posting it. Mom NTS not gonna become NTR because you dislike it.
Dude, there is an entire route where he sells his mother to the kids in his class. Did you not read the review?
Nothing in that sentence is netorase. I know it's difficult to comprehend for you but relationship is not the same as incest.
God there was a perfect NTS work I found where at the end the bull asks the girl if they wanted to leave the cuck get together and the girl flat out rejects him with disgust. But I can't fuckin find it again.
Netorase Club
ah you mean the one with 70 pages of hardcore ntr and the girl is like 'teehee jk' on the last page? hmmmmm
The fact that insecure cucks like yourself still seethe over the ending just confirms NTS club is the GOAT
Fucking hell, thats it, thank you
This is my favourite hentai.
Dude is fucking his mother, turns her over to the kids in his class for fun, not NTS.

I dunno man. Sounds like your definition of NTS is incorrect.
I want a sequel so bad.
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Tried to make her do the same pose from THAT Tsubame panel, best i could do without a LoRa on a short notice
Did the author go fully blind?
>the blank 100 neurons stare
this is why aisloppa will never deliver. nice tits though
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>this is why aisloppa will never deliver
Are you sure about that anon?
Just got done dicking around with this, and I can only half ass recommend it. I mean it's one of the few Atelier Sakura games to not use the nts as an excuse to justify the mc being a cuck (as in you have to be okay with your wife/gf being a cheating slut even after you force it out of her, or you'll get a bad end) and the nts stays nts with a happy end. You can even exclusively fuck her and succeed in satisfying, but fucking hell. It must kill japs to not write "the cuck" in ntr/nts stories. It took half a month for this fucker to hold his gf's hand ONCE, it took a month for him to fuck her TWICE. This girl has had trains ran on her faster than this cuck mc took to hold her hand. Even the "fuck buddy" ending has the mc be the upmost cuck he can be by sitting out after only fucking her once, while everyone else is running a train on her.
doesn't sound very netorase if there is no excitement from it, the guy is just accepting his girlfriend is a nympho slut but doesn't get off it.
I don't know about that VN in particular, but that's a persistent issue I have with h games that have 'sharing' content.
My litmus test for whether I find an NTS work truly satisfying is whether I can believe that, if the couple decided to stop the NTS out of the blue, they would still be happy together
Terasu deserves it for being a lazy fucking artist
I realize only when you point it out that I do the same thing.
>if the couple decided to stop the NTS out of the blue, they would still be happy together
The most interesting NTS stories to me stretch how depraved and humiliating the sex and sexual dynamics can get... but also convincingly show that the romance elements are undeterred by it. Make me think that the microdick boyfriend is going to cum handsfree for the rest of his life, but then make me believe that there's zero chance that the girlfriend will ever have anyone else's baby but his.
It's what makes Sadao's Netorase Club "great" but something like Marina 1 "good" if you ask me. Both stories show that if the guys ever dropped their cuck fetish, they'd still be in faithful relationships with their SOs. But the contrast between NTS Club's sex scenes and its ending is so much more intense.
The problem also rises when you're not sure if they are happy or not in most cases it's easy to tell but in some cases like the VN above it's more mitigated because the husband just come to the realization his wife just can't help it and he will just have to accept it. Is it happiness, is it unhappiness? it's really murky because the situation wouldn't exist and it's certainly not something the husband wanted in the first place.
Honestly think a NTS club AI doujin would be a better project than a Tsubame was since Terasu will eventually finish it while we might never get NTS club 2.
Honestly think a NTS club AI doujin would be a better project
I agree but there are 3 problems, no one has made a model; his artstyle is super hard to mimic (for me, not the AI) and he has like 10 panels on every page which increases the scope by a lot, his usage of close-ups also doesn't help since i'll have to do the heavy lifting on those
Once I'm better at drawing I'll try asking Sadao directly about it, he might be blind but he isn't mute kek

> since Terasu will eventually finish it
That's the main reason i started, the story will remain NTS, even if i have to do it myself
I plan to make an OC work before doing Tsubame because if I'm going to wait on an update from that guy we might be here forever (remember Hiroki?)
>It's what makes Sadao's Netorase Club "great"
>one (1) (uno) fucking page of teehe i still love you
>after 70 pages of hard, unfiltered ntr
>omg its the greatest!!!
jesus christ
Can't believe there are people so dumb they think every pages the wife or SO get fucked by someone other than husband and this one isn't in the frame, it's NTR content.
It's the note that the story ends on so it sticks even if it's just a page. The epilogue isn't just "teehee I still love you" but a private look into the GF's true feelings. The MC isn't watching so she has no reason to act, so her disgust at a romance with anyone else is all real.
It makes it easy to believe that, if the MC decides he's had enough, the GF would happily stay in a monogamous relationship with him.
Obviously more pages could've been good. Apparently the story is less than half of the size it was planned to be. But what's there gets the point across.
You did not read the doujin.
How many times are you guys gonna get baited by him?
isnt that nts in a nutshell? if not, what on earth are you even looking for then?
Cuckold reporting, sloppy seconds, femdom teasing, reassurance/jealousy sex, unconditional love, corruption but loyal etc.
Are you fucking stupid? We had like three reportings, we had her reporting while he rested on her lap sucking her huge tit while she gave him a handjob and reported, you're fucking stupid, completely drooling retard and you're ruining this threads. Get out.
It's nts, it's just very vanilla nts. You don't need reporting or the cuck to get off on his gf/wife cheating to make it nts.

>VN above it's more mitigated because the husband just come to the realization his wife just can't help it and he will just have to accept it.
That's not what happens.
>Bf learns that the girl he's into is loose
>Still loves her and ask her out anyways
>They hit a brief rut because she sexually frustrated
>Bf decides that if it's for her happiness then she can have sex with other men in addition to having sex with him
>Fastfoward to the end where she lamenting that she's a dirty girl and the bf deserves better
>He rebuffs this by kissing her and telling her that he still loves her just like he did when they first met
>She tells him she loves him and they finish the route off by having sex
Like I said before. It's a very vanilla nts. And it even falls into a lot of people criterias in this thread.
>Is she loyal
100%. Nothing is getting in between them
>Can they drop the cuck play
Yes. In the exclusive ending it shows that he can satisfy her on his own, and she has no problem having sex with just him.
>Cuckold reporting
3 separate scenes, excluding both the the "live" reporting scene during the threesome and the text messages between them put over a sex scene
> sloppy seconds
He literally licks the last dude's cum out her pussy
>femdom teasing
She is a sub
>reassurance/jealousy sex
That's half the douijin? Are you fucking speedreading a hentai kek?
> unconditional love
Even during the cucking scenes almost all of the dialogue is from her interactions with her BF instead
>corruption but loyal
The entire point of the work is corruption, hell Sadao talking about doing some ryona next

Sometimes i wonder if people like you are actually sapient or not, you're as blind as Sadao is kek
still sound kinda light but anyway doesn't really matter Atelier sakura stopped being interesting a while ago, even marina honestly is kinda mid looking back, their next work is supposedly netorase but I bet I will still be kinda disappointed because they deliver slop like a fucking checklist every month, there is no passion in their work.
Nobody likes sloppy seconds in the sense of licking the guys cum out of their girl. That's less cuck shit and more straight sissy and gay shit, which while the overlap you won't find many people enjoying that here. Sloppy seconds is more just having sex with the girl after she's been dicked down. Netorase Club is good tho aside from that
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Thoughts on NTR to NTS?
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>Thoughts on Stockholm syndrome?
What the fuck is the difference between NTR and NTS?
And then you have this retard.

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