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Discuss all forms of NTS-themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc EXCEPT:
-Content/Discussions about IRL cuckolding / Larping. This thread is only intended for 2D NTS.
-Content/Discussions about straight NTR or NTS --> NTR. (This belongs in the NTR thread)
NTS with NTR elements is okay as long as it stays NTS.

Also: long discussions are okay but make sure your post has an NTS-related image.

NTS works/illustrations:
- https://anchira.to/?s=tag:%5Enetorase%24
- https://exhentai.org/tag/female:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/?f_search=female%3Anetorare%24+female%3Aswinging%24 (replace x with minus if you're a newfag)
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E5%AF%9D%E5%8F%96%E3%82%89%E3%81%9B

Popular NTS Artists: https://pastebin.com/KhVhhGMK
NTS Games: https://pastebin.com/Pw97kzWb
More NTS Games: https://f95zone.to/threads/complete-netorase-sharing-games-master-list.90458/
NTS Twine Novels: https://pastebin.com/gY3SPHbQ

Source: [KoK] Takagi-san Swinging/NTS Play
Previous Thread: >>8066686
reposting because
It's over and it has been over since before the bj chapter
I'm sure it's been said multiple times, but having Hinako actually be stolen from Yuichi in such a lazy way to go out and would be generic as fuck. All this buildup for it to go out like that would be sad to see.
But others are correct when they reference his past works and the fact that he literally has NTR in his name. He's also given himself a little bit of ground to stand on by making these final chapters more "connected" in a way to make the stealing seem somewhat consistent.
I believe were not gonna get a satisfying resolution either way
its probably gonna be "ill keep fucking goda even if you dont want me to(smug)" without ever telling us if she actually does it because she believes its what yuichi really wants or what she wants
my personal ending would probably be Hinako putting a stop to it because she cant bear to see Yuichi torment himself over and over again even though she would never betray him for real
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I really enjoyed Hatsujou Inflation (Mating Season Inflation). Guy learns how to put a girl in heat. Fucks his classmates and his sister. The route in question is Arisu, the Student Council President

While he's getting her deeper and deeper into bondage play he learns that her real desire is to be absolutely ruined and become a public plaything. So he ties her up in the bathroom and leaves her there all day. Once guys discover her ever guy in school fucks her until school closes. After that she becomes the secret pet/property of all the guys in school.

Fucking hell this was GLORIOUS. It's on the 500 yen summer sale on dlsite.
A better author would've done away with all of the dialogue where she confirms she got defeated by the cock and just played it straight. She enjoys the sex, and you can even keep the 3 month long fuck buddy session, and that's the only thing she can say about it. At the end, she breaks it off with Goda, thanks him for the sex and goes back to Yuichi saying she's satisfied and doesn't really wanna go further, and wants to reset their relationship and go back to teasing and exhibitionism. Then she'll have reclaiming sex with Yuichi and we get treated to the date montage in chapter 2.

Only afterwards she tells him "but who knows, the sex really was good and it's only a matter of time before I start looking for it again, maybe this time I'll get fucked by two guys? or three? maybe this time I'll actually break up with Yuichi? Having sex with Yuichi after knowing superior cock really is boring. Who knows, maybe I've been doing these things behind your back all along? Can you really be sure from now on? hm~" and then that's where the series ends.
>thanks him for the sex
the true end would be Hinako reporting him for raping her
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Takagi-chan, my beloved hotwife, bear my children...
The raped into submission plot of Chapter 2 was a really weird choice desu. I don't know if the author deliberately chose to frame it that way with Hinako immediately going "wait no stop" during the first insertion and then later when Goda started fucking her after she mentions feeling guilty for crossing the line. The way I see it, if it was a deliberate choice then it's setting up a fakeout for the viewer who thought Hinako lost to the cock. It does lend credence to some anons here who are theorizing that this is all some 4D chess plan. I will still have to stick to my original prediction last thread that this is actually over for Yuichi because of Hinako's off-camera dialogue saying that all possible scenarios would lead to her breaking up with Yuichi. I also believe in that other anon who said her answering Goda asking her to be his woman with "no" is because she's about to follow it up with "because I'm already yours".
>continuing to post a taken down link
If you love cuckshit so much that you do this, then go all the way and cuck yourself out of your existence.
I found a really great wife swapping VN where they swap partners for a whole week and play at being newlyweds. It ends in pure NTR though so I'm mad as hell.

Any VN titles out there with a similar theme that don't turn to absolute shit?
I've come to think about it, and NTS to NTR is probably the most realistic route. I mean women want protection and I don't see a woman staying with a guy that's just inferior. I think that's why so many old fucks are into this. The guy is financially well off, or the woman can't really afford to leave the guy at that point
its actually extremely unrealistic because we know women seek relationships more for the emotional part and not the physical, because no big dicked ikemen is gonna be better at sex than the guy she actually loves using a hitachiwand
also, almost no NTR work is about the girl leaving because NTRman has more money, its almost always losing to the cock
the true realism for NTS into NTR would be the girl fucking her ex or past crush and (re)igniting some love and passion, thats probably how most of them go awry irl
>because no big dicked ikemen is gonna be better at sex than the guy she actually loves using a hitachiwand
women cannot fully love the way men do, they see everyone as disposable
but then wouldnt that mean NTRman is even more disposable cause theres thousands of guys out there who would fuck her as good or even better
Yes, but NTR stories are not about NTRman getting cucked it's about cuckman having the misfortune of NTRman finding his girlfriend or wife.
>because we know women seek relationships more for the emotional part and not the physical,
who told you that, your mom?
>even though she would never betray him for real

But she already did
t.I don't know any women other than my mom
Not really my thing unless the protagonist is explicitly in a relationship with her.
I don't think there. Wife swapping is already niche, long-term wife swapping is downright rare.
Explain how
if youre gonna say
>she swallowed godas cum despite yuichi saying not to
consider that Hinako does what she thinks Yuichi would like, if she didnt, this would literally never have gone beyond teasing since he protested even the art club model thing, he only said okay after Hinako said that he must want it since he doesnt say no clearly enough
Dang that sucks. Thank you for the reply. One day maybe.
>explain how
You might want to start reading the latest few chapters, champ
great input, might aswell have not clicked on submit though, wouldve saved you some energy
>Hinako does what she thinks Yuichi would like
Fucking behind his back for three months, stating she's going to break up with him if he ever finds out?

Bro is there another series with a protagonist named Yuichi and a fem mc named Hinako you might be talking about? Because it clearly isn't a doujin from NNT you have in mind
Literally explained by her in the previous chapter, she did things with Goda behind his back, like the rimming, because she could tease him with it later
She was also talking about how Goda ruined her plans to tease Yuichi by uploading what they did, implying she knows its gonna happen again so she has to change up her approach

I get we all have different definitions about NTS but this work has FROM THE START been about Hinako pretending to betray
But she's not pretending anymore. She doesn't involve Yuichi at all. Rember, she has stopped the NTS play period and doesn't even have sex with Yuichi anymore. For three months. She intends to break up with Yuichi because she, in her own fucking words, betrayed him and keeps on betraying him.

>She was also talking about how Goda ruined her plans to tease Yuichi by uploading what they did
Are you speedreading or just looking at the pretty pictures?
>she fucks around with Goda for a week while Yuichi is sick
>Yuichi gets back to school
>Hinako doesn't tease, doesn't mention anything at all
>a few days pass
>Yuichi confronts her
>she looks legit shocked
>"y-yeah glad you mention it Yuichi I was trying to tease you tee-hee"
>would be generic as fuck.
I don't know why people say this as if it would be a surprise from this author. Hinako is a bit more stretched out than his usual stuff, but he hasn't been especially imaginative or groundbreaking in his earlier works.
Hinako does what she wants. What she wanted for a while was to tease Yuichi. Now, she wants pleasurable sex even at the cost of the relationship with Yuichi. Dangling a breakup in Goda's face while not admitting to wanting to end things with him puts her as a more selfish person. Is she doing this for Yuichi? Is she protecting him from heartbreak? Nah, she just wants to have the happy little life of a loving boyfriend and a sex friend that can deliver. That's all I can parse from the last 3-4 chapters.
Just realized Goda-kun is doing judo competitively. They even talk about it in the latest chapter. Why bring it up again if it's not relevant to the upcoming plot?

This shit is going off the deep end. Yuichi is going to get his ass kicked when he mans up and confronts them both. I can see the masocuck writing on the wall. Hinako getting fucked infront of a beat down Yuichi.
>that's why so many old fucks are into this. The guy is financially well off, or the woman can't really afford to leave the guy at that point
- women sexually peak at 50, men at 20
- the man has probably already experienced everything in his 30s-40s and he's simply burn out on actual sex
- by the time the woman wants to fuck all day, her man is already partially impotent and has better things to do
- it's a way to see your wife in a new light after 20 years of boring sex
in young people it's of course a completely different thing, a porn addiction which just fries your brain and makes you want to turn your gf into your personal pornstar
How many more chapters do you reckon Tami's gonna give us? He did say Sex-arc is gonna take several months
>women sexually peak at 50
Anons, whats your strat for NTS->NTR works, just stop reading? Because for me they break me even more than regular NTR
>Explain how
You retarded nigger she was cheating for three months, didn't have sex with Yuuichi anymore and explicitly said that there is no potential outcome for this where she doesn't break up with him anymore. You can't cope with "b-but she was PROBABLY thinking that Yuuichi would like it anyway!" when there hasn't been anything indicating this from her side and what we've seen from Yuuichi is anything but enjoying.
I like both NTS and NTR so I will still finish reading, but I don't like it when something starts off as NTS and then pulls a bait and switch into NTR, so I will be disappointed and most likely will not return to the work afterwards, only finishing for completion's sake.
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ENTER the only man able to save Hinako
Yeah, it's a bit situational. She's his "pet" before and technically his "pet" after, it's just that he shares his pet with the whole school. Take it as you will, but if he'd wanted, he could have kept her for himself and instead decided sharing her out was the best way of giving her what she wanted.
Guys, I really love NTS/cuck stuff, but blacked shit is ruining it for me. What do?
Interracial is hot until it gets to the BNWO shit
>What do?
avoid blacked and race play
>girlfriend went to the beach with her sister
>was wearing a sexy bikini that showed off her butt pretty well
>reported to me how wet she got when noticed men staring at her butt
>bent over as if she were picking up something while in the field of view of some guys
>told me she did it for her own pleasure and to see how cute my reactions would be
>when she bent over right in front of me at home I noticed how the bikini almost doesn't completely cover her anus

She's not into netorase but I learned she likes the idea of exhibitionism and now we're trying out a few things. I've been fapping so hard to some of her stories.
Well said
>was wearing a sexy bikini that showed off her butt pretty well
your girlfriend or the sister?
>the Hiroki route
This was the appeal of Hinako to me desu

The girl flaunting herself to other dudes
My girlfriend!

It's really hot, I get really jealous while having the hardest boners.
A gotcha ending would be nice otherwise it's slop. Followed by Hella reclaim and aftercare.
Idk seems like women's reasons tend to lean more materialistic. Hot guy or money. I've seen very few relationships that seem to be based on sincere emotions and not utility.
Hit sexual peak at 20, menopause at 50. Where is your brain?
Does you gf have big boobs/ass?
Juicy ass, small perky titties with yummy nipples. She's very short too.
Big boobs are really hot in a bikini, but her tits are perfect for when she's wearing something loose.
Did KOK say anything about this being the final installment? It reads that way, but I'm hoping there's more down the line.
I hope when Nishikata pulls out that vibe he finds out Hamaguchi filled her up with cum
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>what do
You start enjoying blacked NTS stuff! Only children cry about skin color
You're not allowed to larp here, read the rules next time
Seemed popular enough, so he should do a part 2.
Takagi and NTS go together too well for there to be such little content.
>Did KOK say anything about this being the final installment?
Judo is the least ass-kicking martial art there is. It's 100% defensive and harmless
>100% defensive
That'd be karate.
Karate has punches, not defensive. Judo only has throws and grapples and running away
Sure, the throw doesn't hurt, but the floor will
You do realise that after the sex arc, it's going to be the full cuckold arc.
Vibrator against cuck dick, making out with loyal hotwife and cumming to her cheating porn.
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Marrying a cheating whore and turning her into a loyal hotwife
>purification that leads to NTS becuase you alone could never satisfy her sex drive
fund it
this isn't a fantasy, this is how every fucking 18 year old Thot ends up by 35, unless she's just a drug addict or complete trash.

with my wife, I never had to even ask why she knows how to rapid fire slam her index finger into my prostate while deep throating me, I knew implicitly she was a little slutty ho in her teens, which she readily confirmed, and I told her basically I loved it and she should embrace it in the bed.
Thoughts on NTS where the cuck is physically present in the room during the sessions?
How about the borderline threesome setup with the girl kissing or jacking off the cuck while she's being railed?

Imo it's too gay and awkward. I prefer videos only, or at most peeking through the door.
Threesome NTS is the best. Getting furiously masturbated by your wife as she gets her brains fucked out while verbally teasing/humiliating you is heaven.
As long as the cuck doesn't get fucked or sucks cock it's straight for me.
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Drinking cheating-induced squirt must taste better than any 5 star meal on the planet...
Guess it depends on whether you want it to be about you getting teased/denied or her getting dicked
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I prefer when the husband is in the room. I always found it sort of weird how that kind of NTS is so rare in comparison to the others. I kind of get it, a lot of people get off on the NTR fantasies of her getting stolen, but NTS for me is about keeping the control while seeing her engage in it. Seeing her being embarrassed directly and talking and eye contact is the hottest imo.

This sort of goes hand in hand with I don't get why so many people like reports without video. For me SEEING it is the best part. If she's just telling you then that's not very satisfying.
It's simple. Some people get more excited by their imagination running wild and some prefer watch the whole thing. There is really not much to understand, it's like explaining why someone prefer this flavor over the one you love the most.
It's either watching the cheating live or watching the video of it together with the wife. Anything else isn't hot enough.
Like i said it's preferences,personally I think it's pretty hot to hear the wife getting at it on a phone conversation before any report or recording.
Problem with anything that isn't watching (with the wife) is that the cuck gets too much NTR angst. And I don't like that feeling, I just want to see my wife blissfully cheat without betraying me
Watching a video doesn't mean she doesn't do it behind your back or the video itself is showing everything either. Gotta have a little faith or the fetish is simple not for you in the first place.
>watching the video of it together with the wife.
this one is my favorite.
Basically>>8089269. Most hot girls have gotten fucked by multiple men throughout their lives. They've gotten attention their entire lives, so how could they not? They're people too.
My best friend left his cute innocent gf of 5 years for a sexy instagram slut who now wants to marry and settle down. He was the only man his exgf had even been with, but now he says he is in sexual heaven with his new ex-slut gf. She will do anything and everything for him, and look sexy as hell doing it. She's convinced him to knock her up, so they are trying for a baby right now. Ironically, she seems to actually love him and thinks he is the most wholesome and loving man in the world.
Not the anon you replied to but I guess I'll forever be a child, then. Unless you post handome black men.
I don't really see how being physically present for your girl getting dicked down is any more homosexual than watching her get dicked down through a screen.
stop looking at dicks fag

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