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Discuss all forms of NTS-themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc EXCEPT:
-Content/Discussions about IRL cuckolding / Larping. This thread is only intended for 2D NTS.
-Content/Discussions about straight NTR or NTS --> NTR. (This belongs in the NTR thread)
NTS with NTR elements is okay as long as it stays NTS.

Also: long discussions are okay but make sure your post has an NTS-related image.

NTS works/illustrations:
- https://anchira.to/?s=tag:%5Enetorase%24
- https://exhentai.org/tag/female:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/?f_search=female%3Anetorare%24+female%3Aswinging%24 (replace x with minus if you're a newfag)
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E5%AF%9D%E5%8F%96%E3%82%89%E3%81%9B

Popular NTS Artists: https://pastebin.com/KhVhhGMK
NTS Games: https://pastebin.com/Pw97kzWb
More NTS Games: https://f95zone.to/threads/complete-netorase-sharing-games-master-list.90458/
NTS Twine Novels: https://pastebin.com/gY3SPHbQ

Source: AIPotions
Previous Thread: >>8038937
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FUCK, this one is good. Artist name?
Otterbros, when can we expect a preview of the next chapter?

Also to the Anon effortposting in the exhentai comments; I kneel.
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https://exhentai.org/g/2434043/9623c7b135/ this one is really good.
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Um, okay.
The fanbox comments are equally unhinged kek. I'm pleasantly surprised at how many people got mad/disappointed at the chapter.
I have to be honest here, I still believe the author of Hiinako series made her 100% love just the mc but its obvious she likes sex with the other dude, i do not see hinako breaking up with the mc or just leaving with the bull or something like that but prob some sort of agreement like before of she fucks the dude and then just live her life with the mc
The author wrote himself into a corner and no matter what he tries now it's going to be disappointing and contrived.
I can't see a way out of the current state of the story that isn't a complete asspull or ruining the characters
>played straight as the NTS into NTR end
>boring, built up months of what looked like promising writing into just another dime a dozen ntrslop
>played as MC pulling a I forgive you or I accept this new arrangement
>author gets exposed as a hack who literally replays his own ending from a previous work
Let's hope for happy ending for our boy.

>Hinako gets with Gouda
>breaks up with Yuiichi
>she gets bored of Gouda after a while, sex is great but she misses Yuiichi on an emotional level
>Yuiichi meanwhile gets together with Hinakos sister and/or mom
>they tease him just right and he's enjoying himself to the fullest
>Hinako wants him back
>begs him to take her again
>he stop being a weak cuck for once and refuses
>series ends with Hinako breaking down in tears
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This is the most important panel of the 600+ pages in this chapter. Hinako explicitly verbalizes that being with Yuuichi used to be enough for her, but getting railed by Goda's beast basically shattered all that. The panel before this says that everything she did with him and the others didn't really give her sexual pleasure, and it's only now that she got truly fucked that *she herself* started feeling good about the cuckolding. This means there is no turning back now because she is now irredeemably lost to the cock. Chances of a redemption ending is 0% at this point and in fact we may even have an ending where Yuuichi sits on the cuck chair as he watches Hinako and maybe even her whole family and Yuichi's mom get knocked up by Goda.
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It's been fucking years...
and many more to come.
This is assumig that the author doesn't pull a full retard twist where Hinako knew she was being recorded, spelled out her intentions for Yuuichi to eventually to hear, and acted out the entire week.
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I'm gonna bet on the black horse and predict that it's actually going to be Goda who decided to stop after seeing Hinako's sadness in >>8067185 and he suggested they fake the messages for one last mindfuck for Yuuichi and then it's over. This was revealed to me in a dream.

OP, PLEASE stop subjecting us to your endless BBC obsession!!
he went blind
Will this ever get translated
He keeps reposting shit on Twitter and writing stuff, you're bullshitting. Nothing says he is fully blind now.
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Nothing like eating cum straight from a cunt.
I don't want to get cucked, by my peepee refuses to obey me.
I kinda wish that Hai! Kareshi-kun ni Hitokoto! had a proper translation, the one we have is kinda bad and weird, hope someone in the future does it or comissions it
does kagachi-sama have sph in it or is the protagonist just impotent
I'm in a deep depression over the fact that some of cuckster5000's legendary reddit posts aren't available even on the pullpush.io api

Just thought you would like to know.
>Kanojo wa Nerawareteiru just turned into straight up NTR

Into the trash it goes.
it's still NTS until the next chapter disproves it
Now THIS is what I call cope lmao
Mate the entire last chapter literally has her admit to cheating on cuck-kun and having sex without his knowledge or consent and completely losing to bull-kuns cock.
You should be castrated without anesthetics.
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any stuff like this where the wife goes on a trip with the other guy and the husband watches from a video or through the phone?

from this >>8067604
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What works have godlike NTS scenes but end up NTR but you nevertheless still go back to it to masturbate while using your headcanon to make it NTS anyway? I masturbate on all the textless versions of Kaya for example. Sexy whore slut gf...
>What works have godlike NTS scenes but end up NTR
You should go back to the NTR thread and ask there.
Nah I like to know the NTSbros opinion. I hate NTRnogs
>i masturbate to ntr
>i hate ntrnogs
netorifags are the worst, they're infinitely worse than NTRnogs.
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very severe lack of trap nts
>very severe lack of niche in this niche
It can be worst, they could reveal that the fuck videos were "AI generated" and they only added voices, so technically Hinako would have not had sex with him and they faked everything.
God I hope so. I want the most retarded attempt at backtracking possible. Let's see how stupid this can get.
if it makes you feel any better, you three are all the same NTRannies in my eyes
Can you ntsbros give me a couple works where the girl is super nerdy or uptight and not lewd at all, and the nts has to ramp up over time from small things like kissing or groping instead of fucking immediately? Would prefer an hgame but I'll take literally anything that sounds like what I said.
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Have you guys tried Netorase Phone yet? Pure kino.

this and great mosu's 2 ntr books are probably like on a top 5 for me ever, just love how this guy did the whole ushiwakamaru and shimakaze netorase.
i been waiting greatmosu to stop wholesome and return to ntr for years, in recent weeks he did mention he would make a ntr book again but doesn't seem like it will be a long one, at least it's better than nothing.
I'm not particularly fond of those phone sim games, especially since in NTS it means the reporting, reclaiming, and post-nts sex aspect is basically non-present. But, I did think this one is pretty decent overall.
>almost text only
strangely its kino and getting regular updates
Does anyone have an archive of Bella Spade's pixiv? They nuked their account a while back and all I can find are the chinese translations and a few random works.
I enjoyed this but it could use some work.

Instead of having direct time skips in text it should wait ~1 minute per ~hour or so, give the game a chance to pretend to be a phone. Maybe work to allow notifications while the game is not in focus?

The party was cool with multiple parties texting you, more things like that would be cool.
does anyone remember a medieval story where there's an inkeeeper and his wife gives a passing knight a massage and fucks him, and leaves with him on the morning?
That's either "Inn My Wife" or "Adelaide Inn"
A little too mid so far for me right now.
Beggars can't be choosers. We are a niche of a niche, and the NTR faggots attempt to bribe or harass every artist and developer who tries to give us NTS into making NTR instead. We take what we can get.
Here we go again. Just because i want more spice doesn't mean i want it to go NTR. Just wake me up when the humiliation choice does something.
>We take what we can get.
Hell no, if you want to lap out the same shit thrown on the floor again and again it's your problem but don't put you fucking dare say "we".
Less niche these days. There's more and more proper NTS content being made compared to how it used to be.
Why did you immediately assume he was talking about you?
that was peak NTRMan. Shame that he stopped doing any big ambitious stuff and all his newer stuff are just short meh stuff.

I guess he got burnt out.
>peak NTRMan
>still worse than the unfinished game it was based off of
exactly my thought, his original content is shit when he doesn't have any idea to steal.
Does anyone happen to have the updates Diisuke keeps posting to his fanbox of his Urumi NTS kino series? The previews seem really hot but only 1-5 are available on kemono. It's about the bull taking her anal virginity while her husband watches. Fanbox won't even take my money so that's not an option.
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アザらし on pixiv
Very brave of you to post NTS>NTR here
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this scene lives rent free in my mind
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havent posted here in months. What do we think of the massive presence of AI in cuckold anime art? I really dont mind at this point
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This series is pure NTR -> NTS brainwashing kino. By the end of it, MC is happily cleaning up the cum out of FMC's mouth and pussy. Just as he should be...
it's fine if you're really thirsty for new content i guess but i have yet to find an instance where AI art works better than original work. The pictures, the scenes and the story are usually as uninspired as their "creators".
I think that it actually allow to create more extreme type of cuckold content which usually lacked until few years ago, but for vanilla stuff is always better the hand drawn material
I'm not sure if it's more extreme on it's own right or if you if it's you could just generate bdsm content and put a nice netorase sticker on it.

Best ending would be Yuichi finding out she has been cheating from Goda. She begs him to forgive her and stay, but he leaves her. Ending is Goda having her, but him realizing that she would leave him in heartbeat if Yuichi would take her back.
Best ending would be Yuichi using her as cumdump getting her pregnant whenever he is in the mood, while she is married to Goda.
Narrative and dialogue are pretty important to me, and I wish more AI "artists" tried to do more than one-off images. I'm sure this is mostly because maintaining continuity across distinct images is still hard and that writing a story takes a non-zero amount of effort, but also I can't help but wonder how much of it is lack of demand because people have low standards
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nigger stole my idea, I'm already in the process of formatting that shit and now I can throw it away
>someone stole mah idea!!1
You have bull one making simulated interactive phone cheating sex for years and even games from japan with that concept already. Granted a lot are more NTR than NTS but still...
Nigger this shit has been done a million times. If you wanna get creative, add actual scenes of cuckold reporting between wife and cuck. Otherwise, it's the same trash everyone does.
>Or Yuichi can reject Hinako, which leads to a bunch of possible conclusions that I don't feel like going over right now.

I know you're reading this Coomerschizo and would appreciate it if you DO go over it in another blogpost
yeah, already played the Netorase Phone and it's quite shit compared to what I already have
>1girl AI slop images
>answers are yes, sarcastic yes, no and more info
>almost zero story outside of the main theme
>shit unrealistic dialogues
>fucking Unity engine for a text game
anyway thanks for letting me know about this, at least I know what to avoid in my project. still have to convince my gf to draw the nts images though, AI is soulless garbage
sarcastic? I feel the answers don't even matter which is my biggest problem with it. There are options that feel they should steer the game toward your preferences but they do nothing.
I didn't like how casual the MC was about telling his girlfriend he wouldn't be jealous at all about her sleeping around. In my view, jealousy is one of the key aspects of NTS.
this. you start the game and she's already wearing slutty costume and swallowing stranger cum 10 minutes in, there is almost no buildup. for me NTS is 80% teasing and mind games
I disagree that's probably the lesser problem there... there is a "little bit" option for that which is i think is "fine", i mean it's NTS and the mc was never going to say no unless there is a tongue-in-cheek end with and they lived happily ever after... and I rather the game get into the meat of the subject instead to take too much time dwelling around it in general.
I'm really just annoyed to the lack of choices despite the choices "existing".
The teasing part should be during the action anything before is rarely that interesting even for good writers.
I do find it strange the the GF's best friend is doing more teasing than the GF herself.
I think it's just how the dev preference, it didn't really shock me I knew it was coming the minute the contact info were added. Maybe it's because i chose the option to not flirt with girls i wasn't teased too much by them? it's one of the things i didn't really try.
That game is based. Fuck off with your dogs shit ideas.Mind games and jealousy translates to NTRash. Oh wait you fags are probably NTRash fags and should go back.
Fuck off, retard. You're swinging at windmills.
any anons in here who go to the gym and are over 180 cm?
cause my theory is that this fetish stems only from low self confidence
it stems primarily from porn addiction like any other kink
I'll just say it, we need more bicuck content guys sitting in the corner and jacking off is just way too pathetic
Honestly i just think the taboo from the kink is hot, it's not a question of insecurity but just a sexual game like any others.
Stern from preferring NTS over NTR too, it's kinky enough without being overly serious and hurting anyone.
For me NTR got boring. It was the exact same characters, plot, and dialogue EVERY single time.
NTS is not exactly better\ in that domain. There is only so much you can do with a single situation and it's variations. At the end of the day it's just having sex with someone else.
If you really about it netori's the same as NTS. The male protag is corrupting a girl for his sexual gratification. We should really be working together
We are at the point where your only options if you like NTS is:
>Japanese doujin with really good art but shit stories made by someone who only made it for money
>western game with 10/10 story but ether it uses ai art or the art looks like bored school kid doodle
>10/10 story
please elaborate with examples because most i played were pretty forgettable with one or two exceptions.
Also everyone is doing it for money, if it's not money it's for clout which essentially come back to the same thing.
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Girlfriend Tapes has one of the best stories ever. Riley is the greatest NTS heroine of all time.
That's a generic NTR game.
I don't get it, she gets raped by a group of boys/girls who like to rape people for fun, and she decides she's okay with getting raped and becomes an asshole to her boyfriend and threatens to break up unless he becomes her cuck toy?
there was that streamer who admitted to have a cuck fetish even though he has a girlfriend.
forgot who it was but i found out during an Asmongold stream.
It's NTR logic.
More often than not cucks are slaves to their wives. It makes more sense than faking as if you're some alpha chad pimping out his girl
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In another 2 years AI art is going to be so fucking good any asshole with a GPU will be able to create the equivalent of the Japanese NTS mangakas.
AI won't magically come up with anything that hasn't been done before. so for the so called magic i think you're getting way ahead of yourself there.
Stop the cap, that game is ass.
People hate AI for anything other than low effort porn and memes. This is what retard business bros don't get.
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Honestly both these. I wouldn't want this in real life. I just like NTS porn for the degeneracy without being too serious. Normal sexual situations in porn don't do anything for me anymore since I have been a coomer for so long.
I mean that's a good way to ease the main couple into it. If you have a "slutty friend" who's into it and encourages the two it's more believable than the gf instantly being a pro at teasing.
I still hope he comes back someday.
Remember that this is the guy who wrote that Harry Potter fanfic where he essentially just copypastes wikipedia articles to "own" the silly wizards who don't know SCIENCE™ and redditors somehow thought that was the smartest thing ever. He also made posts asking about a "diet pill" and preemptively told people to NOT tell him to exercise and watch what he eats, because that's apparently a myth and doesn't work. I'm not surprised at all that a pseud like him is sucking off what he perceives to be a cheat code that finally lets him bypass the hard work part.
Anything where the boyfriend sets limits to what she can do and she slowly breaks them all?
I am searching a NTS where the bull is also the mc's old bully (school/college/work/etc) but i find nothing. Did you know some work whit this plot ? It can be manga or game , it doesn't matter
New NTS work, girlfriend fucks four separate men as boyfriend watches a recording/in person, then ends with lovey-dovey sex between the two of them.
Twine novel "Muse" is the one you're looking for. GF is yandere, perfect heroine for NTS.
If I was him, I never would come back. He was asking for 1 dollar on his patreon, stopped billing when he didn't have an update for a given month, and provided updates for free on f95zone, and yet people still shit all over him for anything he would do.

Was it dumb for him to try and rework his ending, causing a large delay prior to him giving up? Yes. But the hate he got on that forum for not pumping out content like a AAA studio was ridiculous. For fucks sake, he was just one guy making a game for fun and was asking for a paltry sum to keep himself motivated.
I don't know anything about the dev and haven't played the game, but F95 is a massive pile of shit so I'm inclined to believe you.
The reclamation sex scene at the end was amazing. Thanks for sharing this
I have a game I would like to work involving this. Basically you are a cuck who has to help your witch wife to cook magical potions where the ingredients are semen, body hairs etc from humanoid monsters, all through sex. The main goal is this, but to expand a bit you have to manage a shop who sells these potions. The challenges involve travelling to certain regions where you have to "protect your wife" until you get to the area of research, baiting the monsters and fucking them in certain ways to complete the "material/acquisition". I don't want anything violent, so if you do it "wrong" the creature just finishes in a way it won't work, or get bored and leave. You also have to equip your wife with certain items, scents and costume/clothing to increase the odds of success.
shut up, retard
sorry bro some jp dude basically came up with your idea 12 years ago and even did a remake recently RJ01022411
I'm 190 and spent 15 years as a personal trainer. I've personally done everything imaginable, so the only thing really left is NTS. I think the key factor to all of this is porn addiction as the other anon said. I've been exposed to porn since I was 7, so the idea of other men gaping my wife is arousing
I'm trying to reach the ultimate NTS state. I have some inquiries for my fellow anons.

Is being married something that makes the NTS even harder and better than just lovers/boyfriend-girfriend? What things or acts make NTS really brutal, thus more exciting?
I wouldn't trust anyone's self-diagnosis of why they look at this
>i self-insert
>it's because it's degrading to watch the woman fuck a subhuman
My only relationship was with a married woman, but I also watched degenerate shit before fucking her
One week until this thread becomes Hinako waiting room and blogposting again
>Porn addiction as the reason
Same as me. I was exposed to porn when I was 5 and I've been jerking off almost daily before I even knew what ejaculation was. Then during the pandemic I stumbled on Marina's Cuckolding Report and the rest is a wrap.
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What's the consensus on pic related is it NTS?
Remember kids if some femme fatale tried to turn you into her cuckpuppet this is the only correct response
I wish you'd stop peddling this nonsense. The game ends before the MC even gets into a possible relationship with Riley. Virtually right after this scene. There is no NTS whatsoever, therefore she does not count in the slightest.
Only if you're dumb enough to think the likes of Neutral Actor are NTS. Exact same thing. The whore doesn't love him or even care about him at all. It's not NTS.
sauce? cant find it
just got rid of my 350gb henti folder. good riddiance mofos
neutral actor was playing on the dynamic it's consensual -> but not really -> but i was just pretending until the end. Yes, it ended up being NTR but at least the build up was hot and better than some of the most liked NTS work you can find in here sadly.
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It’s from Boy’s Abyss. Can’t remember the chapter number
Neutral Actor wasn't NTS by any stretch of the imagination. There was no "dynamic" in that story. It was NTR from beginning till end and any other conclusion is delusional and outright braindead.
The title is right there, retard-kun. Not to mention easily findable with Google reverse.
I feel like a lot of works these days are starting to lean hard into femdom and cock cage stuff. I'm not really into that at all and it makes me sad.
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Anyone know what this NT00 thing is about? Is he compiling the Yumi series into a sellable package and this is the cover?
I forgot the title please help:
Friend asks if he can ask his blonde stepsister out, he allows him to expect him to be rejected, he show back up 30 minutes later and they're fucking.
The title says "netorase punishment game" so I guess it's just a mini story or something.
>>answers are yes, sarcastic yes, no and more info
if it works for todd howard it works here too
The dev is using an Unity plug-in that makes it easy to track responses (because i got the exact same one from a humble bundle kek)
It's just him being lazy
Yeah, Yandere are perfect for NTS.
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This one's good
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Yeah this one's pretty good. The bit at the end where she's talking about love mid gang bang was a good addition.
Wait, what was it based off? Please respond AIEEEEEEE
Can someone reccomend me some NTR -> NTS kino? I need some more of that specific genre badly. Any work (Doujin, OVA, game, etc) is fine. Bonus points for femdom or humiliation.

The best NTS game ive played so far this year is western. Called "holding hands" on fag95. Its not finished because lol weg but there's more than enough content for a handful of cooms and I'd reccomend it to anyone who reads this. Just make sure you have the guide while playing because there's like 4 NTR routes and 4 NTS routes and it's very easy to end up on the wrong one. Also each route has 99% different sex scenes so play multiple times.
inn my wife
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For those that liked this game, there is a very similar game out called NTR Phone. Despite the name, at least one of the four LIs is netorase, possibly more (hard to tell because it's early in development).
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NTR --> NTS stories can't be categorized as NTS. The wife already cheated and broke her hubby's trust. She'll do it easily again after she manipulates and stockholms him into a cuck. Go ask the NTRniggers instead in the other thread. You know, where you belong.
I can't deal with post-nut clarity when jerking to nts... especially after a long session
I don't feel anything anymore. It's over
I'm probably gonna feel the same way later today. Haven't fapped in days and planning to edge to the most erotic NTS illustrations in existence. Really dont wanna think about the post-nut after shooting ropes of euphoria...
I feel like I should stop, but then I remember I will never practice it IRL so I don't mind it afterwards.
Preview soon, otterbros
just don't cum, ez
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I always want my nts to turn into ntr, but when it does I'm always sad. Hopefully I never get a wife.
You dont have to worry about that, lol.
>post nut clarity
No such thing. You are just a low T faggot.
Two guys on a bed with a woman between then.
The guy below tries to take a peak at the other guy's muscular chest over the unsuspecting girl's shoulder. The guy above, noticing this, slightly changes his pose to allow a better view. They are both having an intense non-verbal communication through a relatively thin layer of meat.
This picture is NTS in a nutshell.
how we feelin otterbros?
Thanks for the projection, little Timmy. But now it's time for your medications.
There is an unusual amount of Blacked Marin NTR porn
Is it because of her fingernails?
Marin is just a popular choice in NTR/NTS because she's a gyaru and well-known character. Black bulls are simply common in NTR/NTS in general. There's nothing else to it.
Yeah black bulls are just popular. Wish there were more normal white bulls. The roided out black bull does nothing for me.
There is one blackedfag who keeps commissioning it with a couple of characters so it skews the amounts.
How about stop being a filthy homo caring about male appearances?
I don't care about the bull as long as the cuck's dick get wet as well, if he's just a cuck prop in the corner watching then it's garbage and on the same level as NTR.
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Seconded. Same with all those douchebag gyaru-oh bulls and ugly bastards. They are all awful. I'd much rather have a handsome, friendly bull or a cute, shy bull (Yuma from Indecent Wife Hana is a great example). I want a bull I wouldn't mind fluffing.
Man, I forgot this trash existed.
him having a tiny dick killed my interest in this vn, i'm waiting for the other guys content to this day.
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I disagree. Mia's route is pretty much just straight NTR. The situation with Riley, however, is MUCH more complicated.

Riley and MC are childhood friends who developed feelings for each other when they reached adolescence. MC was always too shy to confess to Riley, and was taking so long that she was about to take the initiative and confess to HIM when another dude asked her out. Riley was so impressed by his boldness that she accepted, and when you voiced no objection to her dating she decided that you must not have liked her after all, so she ended up giving her virginity away to some rando. She discovered that she really liked sex, so she became the town bike.

Now, years later, an older and wiser Riley realizes that you were in love with her back then, but unfortunately you have since gotten together with Mia. When Mia shows signs of straying, Riley realizes that this is her opportunity to get together with you, and subtly enables Mia's cheating. At the same time, she begins cuckflirting with and training you, reconnecting with MC and laying the groundwork for her confession once you inevitably find out about Mia's betrayal.

If you play the Riley routes, it's clear as day that MC never got over her, and the story becomes about rediscovering your love for Riley. There is a very strong BSS vibe; the MC could have totally deflowered Riley if he had just manned up and confessed, but he didn't.

Much like the Mia route, the Riley route has both an exclusive ending where you become monogamous with Riley and a cuckold ending where you agree to let Riley cheat on you. The difference is that Riley is completely up front about the fact that she is a slut and spends the whole game flirting with you using her promiscuity, sending you pictures of the guys she is fucking and helping you discover your NTS fetish as well as admit your feelings for her. The scene where she confesses while she is full of another dude's cum is one of the best in NTS history.
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Yuichi's actual POV 2 days from now.
It's all commissioned by one guy
It's mostly AI taking over.
Doesn't matter, still the "work" of a single person.
Nah, I've seen a lot of AI/KK creators spamming marin NTS/NTR. The one guy commissioning actual illustrations is more crazy about Takagi-san.
Can Hinakofags make their own thread or fuck off to the NTR general. It's annoying whenever they spam their essays here.
Hinako is NTS
Yes, and Santa is real too
for me its like something I'll never have so I like it, i've had 0 thoughts about this fetish with my gf and exes for me its just something to look at sometimes a month when I jerk off, kinda like SPH, my penis isnt below average so this fetish is also something I'll never have and its the reason I find it interesting
>my penis isn't below average
Based. Big dicked cucks that do this fetish out of free will instead of compulsion are based.
For me, it's the opposite. It's refreshing that the other guy's dick isn't comically larger than the husband's and instead he makes up for it in other ways (stamina, hardness, enthusiasm, etc). Definitely one of my favorite NTS games, I just wish the dev wasn't such a milking faggot and finished it already.
Tell me, how many cuckold reporting scenes does this game have. Actual scenes, not bullshit text only
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It's just way too hot seeing a squishy white wife being devoured by a monster black cock while still being totally in love with her hubby...
is it? it's turning into NTR
chat am I what he said?
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this dude perfected his craft
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Looks like AI
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Hmm nyo
This guy's art is good, but most of his stuff is NTR or NTS>NTR and his raceplay is usually way, way too racist for me to ignore it.
Yeah, I think I'm more okay with really hardcore blacked stuff than most, but I still wish he released textless versions of his art
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I see I found another gigachad coping NTR artworks are NTS in the textless versions. Cheers!
you'd hate to see what real Hotwives scream (at the Bulls demands!) lol
Well thankfully the real life stuff doesn't belong in this thread then.
NTR doesn't bother me that much, but I recognize that "NTS>NTR" is not really NTS for most NTS fans.
It's BNWO stuff that really makes me cringe.
>It's BNWO stuff that really makes me cringe.
It's such a shame that the blackedtrannies can't take the hint and just have to spam their shit in every community.
>but I still wish he released textless versions of his art
Yeah basically same. The fact that all his dudes are all walking stereotypes visually is still a bit annoying, but it would be miles better without the cringe inducing dialogue he has the characters spout.
Tomorrow we get new Yumi.
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Having a loving gf who will make your maso cuck dick extremely happy by having lots of consented cheating sex and later on showing it to you while squeezing your dick dry with her cheating holes...
I like that in this one the MC can actually express his thoughts
me and my wife have started tentively a cuckolding relationship.
this board (and swinger forums) was my start into this fetish, and my wife of 6 years is very very willing to indulge, just wanting yal to know that you helped fully convert a married couple lol.

I knew it was going to work when my wife, while jacking me off, sneered in a very seductive way, that she was going to fuck like a rabbit and I was going to just have to watch/get pictures/hear about it from her.
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Cool larp bro. Pics or it didn't happen.
it.. hasn't happened yet? we have a bull coming in like 2 weeks.
Sounds lame if she's not doing it only for you. Fucking other dudes for her own pleasure Sounds peak cringe it should be an act on total selflessness on her part.
peak cringe would be being selfish and not taking pleasure in her getting pleasure in the fantasy.
There's a reason that anon is married and not you you whiny robot lover
Why would you marry a stinky living girl when you can literally use an ai 2d waifu who will love you unconditionally, cook for you and cheat on command? Lmao
I love this, do you have more?
I am out. Ignoring all NTS threads with BBC from now on.
One less poster that use to post good stories and links.
Congratulations BBS lover you won!
Mods will ban you for saying that 'mods will ban you if you don't love BBS.'
Literally only BBS loving is allowed here.
its relevant to netorare and netorase tho
she is a high libido women and I can only go like 2 rounds and have a 6.2 inch dick, she was fine with just being with me, but the prospect of unfettered sex with big cocked men excited her, and it excited her even more knowing I wanted to see it and endorsed it.

she's doing it for both of us, mainly she was overjoyed I had no desire ever to cheat on her, and this turn in the relationship cemented that.
Good riddance, and don't come back! It's still NTS even if there's melanin but you're too thick-headed to understand.
The artist is called Once. It's a commission from an anon.
>The artist is called Once. It's a commission from an anon.
Do they have a twitter/pixiv or something?
Well new Hinako tease and looks like the cuck gets a front row seat of the fucking now. Author probably just ignored the 2 months of cheating.
Good for you, Anon! Just make sure you communicate your feels clearly and be open to hearing her out when she voices hers.
If she didn't actually want to do it then it would just be a source of guilt and tension between them as a couple. It's much healthier for both parties to be getting something out of the arrangement.
we talked for weeks about it, then watched real amateur swinger porn, then hotwife porn, she was completely enthralled by it, mainly Brooke Blaze videos

she doesn't care about doing specific things like interracial, she just wants to fuck Older men with big cocks, and has since forever, and I basically greenlight her big fantasies, so likely she'll be fucking this Older Bull she's talking to.

I made it clear to her, that eventually I wanted to be present, and she was fine with it, so my only stipulation is done, this shit took years in the making but here we are, Wife is going to slut out, all her little quips and remarks now are how she can't wait to fuck hard, or she'd pinch my cockhead through my trousers and tell me nasty things about what I'm going to witness her do, and she can tell I have no qualms so she's getting bolder.
she will leave you in a few months. enjoy her while you still can, anon
at least this chapter looks like it's in person instead of just video

What makes you think the author ignored the 3 months of cheating?
buddy we've been married 6 years, and known each other for 10.

she wants big cocks, not another man to take care of her.
cuckflirting is peak romance
Retards here have never actually been with a woman before so don't take anything they say seriously.
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I love jacking it to nts/ntr but man when I imagine my imaginary wife getting railed by another guy it just makes me sad. But also one of my greatest fantasies is opening up pornhub and seeing my ex-gf(petite asian) surrounded by bbc(she thinks black guys are gross). Being an nts/ntr enjoyer fucking sucks.
prediction: mc confronts her. she confesses what they did and how she started doing it for him and lied when shit got serious to protect his feelings. mc cries but likes it. hinako says she will get fucked in front of him to show that she hasnt really fallen for him. shocker she gets dicked down and gets defeated by cock in front of him. mc goes uugh x50 and says he will accept her being a cum dump. cry hug. curtain close. fin

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