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The Kao no Nai Tsuki/Moonlight Lady VN appears to be getting a remake. Hopes, fears, expectations?
Long as it's Carnelian.
I’m curious to see if the anime will be remade too.
not in a million years
What happened to her?
She is working on it with her current artstyle.

Here is Suzuna
And Azuma Io for the moment.
And he is the most changed of the cast it seems

I guess nothing, she is also working on a BL game and have other game projects
Here are pics from the time the game originally came out as a reference.
And Azuma
I really hope they add in/keep the yuri elements.
Same, the yuri scenes are the reason I keep going back to the series. I couldn’t give less of a fuck about Koichi.
Kill yourself
No need for the hostility
This anime has best soundtracks of all hentais. It's too good wtf, even close to yuki kajiura and kawai kenji lol
The ending theme alone is amazing. I can’t help but be reminded of “Kiss by a Rose” from Seal though when the song starts.
If the anime gets a reboot I hope they include this.
They have a crowdfunding page.
There’s also a link to what may become the main site for the game that features a snippet of the main theme.
I agree.
They're apparently adding in a bunch of sim elements to the VN portion of the game (which makes sense, the original is over 20 years old and would be way too simple for modern VN tastes). I got Carnelian's Tomomi daki that she made a while back, so I'm confident that she'll do best girl justice in the sex scenes. And they'll likely keep Io's bi scenes with both Tomomi and Koichi. I dunno, I just hope it still has the juice. I've never gotten to play the original VN, just the hentai, but the hentai has mood that really is what makes it so memorable and hot even though there aren't even that many cumshots in the hentai. It's a very subtle, powerful eroticism we don't really get anymore. And Carnelian really was on her A-game with the other stuff, because the Moonlight Lady hentai was on par with the YamiBo and Touka Gettan anime (in raw animation quality).

I hope they nail it, man. Not much reason to believe they won't, but I just want Best Girl to get the treatment (sex scenes) she deserves.
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One of the last VNs she did (that I know of) was PARA-SOL. Then the March 11 earthquake/tsunami happened which upended her life a little, so she pulled back from the industry while focusing on her own personal stuff. I think she just needed some time to get her groove back. She's made a ton of awesome dakis in the meantime, even made two artbooks compiling all of her daki art..
Yeah, the earthquake was also responsible for the closure of studio ROOT, though they mentioned the studio came back with some of the old team along with some new blood.
Makes you wonder if they will EVER take a go at Front Innocent.
>add in
were those anime originals?
From your lips to God's ears, but considering how much money Urushihara must've lost on that studio going under I'd call it a long shot. I'll eat my words if it happens, though, because we live in Hell World and anything can happen in Hell World.
NTA, but I’m pretty sure the yuri scenes were all anime exclusive. There’s a lot of stuff from the game the anime doesn’t have though.
>considering how much money Urushihara must've lost on that studio going under
That's the sad part. That said, the long shot comes, at least from my point of view, from the fact that the industry has -regressed- since then rather than the lack of cash.
Cool cover. What's the in-game art like?
We can’t really say for sure yet, as there isn’t much art aside from some background setpieces. This might give an approximate idea of what the characters will be like ingame. In other news, the game managed to reach its 20 million yen target.
They should yuri scenes in the new VA as well.

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