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Previous thread: >>8107039

This thread is for discussions about commissioning non-Western (primarily Japanese) artists through platforms such as Skeb, Pixiv, Fantia, and similar sites.
Feel free to ask questions and recommendations for specific kinks/fetishes.

>Skeb (requires a Twitter account)

>Skeb Button/Skebify
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skeb-button/onjegdbehgoamaiochjfnkokondpgoim (Chrome-based browsers only)
Displays on Twitter whether an artist is currently accepting requests.

>SkebUe - Memo Box
Allows you to write notes on an artist's Skeb page.

>Skeb Pricing Manager (created by anon)
Retrieves prices, deadlines, and completion rates for both open and closed artists. The price for closed artists will be the price when last open.
>It's not loading any data!
You need to manually navigate to the artist's Skeb page. Directly opening the page or refreshing won't work.

>Skeb Price Sorter
Allows you to sort artists by recommended price. Do not use on a large amount of artists at the same time or you will get timed out for too many requests.

>Pixiv Request
>Help! I can’t request R18/R18G because of my payment method!
Change your UI language to Japanese, and you should be able to.

>Fantia Commissions
These commissions are reserved for supporters, but artists may allow those in the free plan to request too.

Skeb/Pixiv Request/Commission Support General OP pastebin (use if making new thread): https://pastebin.com/3HVj7SgK
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I've been treating it as .007 as far as budgeting is concerned so this doesn't affect me
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The ass and thighs are nice, but the top half does feel a little off
OP here, the previous OP didn't have a pastebin so I made a new one. No idea how to make a pastebin link to itself and I didn't want to make an account, so it's less than ideal
for the fren anon who is finding me natural slightly sagging Asuka tiddies
little optional suggestion, but if you can't find a lot of Asuka artists, just artists who draw that general breast sizes I posted would be nice, thanks fren
wait…I’ve seen her before but can’t place
>didn't request at 1:163
>he was going to request?
>pump eet
Don't know if I like the sketch or the monochrome better, not too bad though.

https://skeb.jp/@morgan_zero02 for 6k. Thanks to the anon last thread for recommending them.

Collection - https://catbox.moe/c/dz3wu2

Monochrome -https://files.catbox.moe/t5zbyx.psd
Sketch - https://files.catbox.moe/dukzx3.psd

I didn't know how much I liked the idea of my vampire girl getting raped until I got art of it, very dangerous.
Open again, 5k nsfw
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Lmao, this artist really reported me to management when I asked if he will open Skeb up again. it's an alt twitter that happened to have a skeb account tied to it but no deliveries. So it was definitely that.
why didn't you dm from an unrelated account
i guess that means the answer is never
That is the unrelated account but it had a skeb account because I was trying to test out stuff during the hidden purge. No problem, I deleted it just now.
They're not "Asuka Artists" but they'll all draw secondaries as far as I know
all are under your max of 16k

Large breasts, faces are a bit wack
Has been used by the thread multiple times. I've got a request in progress, skeb is closed, pixiv reqs is open.
Not the most rendered or detailed, but seems to like saggy breasts.
https://skeb.jp/@takahashimyojin (Currently closed) (opens and closes FAST, have your request pre-written, ~9k)
https://skeb.jp/@oimanji/works/1041 (is capable, but you'll have to specify)
https://skeb.jp/@UNCATS2 very much likes breasts hanging
https://skeb.jp/@mzknk0 (linked earlier in this very thread!) Can do sagging on request

https://skeb.jp/@gator Michael's list here might be of some use as well
Azanami from PSO2
Damn im glad I recommended him to you. He's a great artist worth the business. I guess his demand increased if he is up to 6k now though.

Any characters you are interested in collabing with? I dont own any myself. Im just a dude that likes hentai so if a good idea strikes and I have the budget and urge chances are ill get something. Currently I have pending comms for Plant, Claw, and random Japanese OC that I like, with his permission of course. He requested a lot of good beast artists in the past so I ended up contacting him for a decent list even if I knew all but one of them
>fgo artist
>mentality I'll
Don't blame him anon he spent all his skeb money rolling for a servant and he still didn't get them
Pillow fight delivery
Requester, you're making me wanna revive a bunch of my old OCs again.
Once again asking older-man (think ristorante paradiso, not FUB) fuckers for artist recommendations.
Solo-male, yumeshit, literal fags, whatever, I have enough money to pay them to do whatever the fuck I want so please give me the rec.
Was just about to post this. Wasn't expecting any variants. Definitely like the piece they did for the other anon more but I did only pay like $25/4k yen for 6 characters so I can't complain about the qaulity too much. I do wish some of the pajamas weren't so...ugly and I'm surprised that they drew a new pair of pajamas for Liala entirely. Still, it's nice that they actually did design new clothes for everyone.
OR here, thank you so much, I see some I like!
About the one I have to specify, wym?
Also, how do I do Pixiv request with a american credit card? I remember someone saying something about the interface, how do I change that?
share the psds

and all of their pajamas are cute & fitting imo, I think this one is much better than previous anon's
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Request turned out well, turnaround was pretty quick too! Great artist, does stuff for cheap. Specializes mostly in idols and gloves.

To enable NSFW requests just change your language to Japanese in the user menu on the right. Just remember it won't auto-translate when it's set to Japanese so you'll have to do that yourself.
Hi anon, thanks for the recommendation again, turned out really good. I'm not sure about collabs, at the moment I've just been thinking about what I could make my vampire girl do next.
There's nothing really special about them but sure.
where's the second pic
Didn't know you were into bestiality.
Looking forward to more.
Anon these are all the psds. Just download and open all of them.
:> :> on the front page
I love this rabu raibu
two of them are the same file and the third is also the same file but with the thank you message toggled on, the second pic in the delivery isn't there
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>japanese people when they smell someone cogitating the possibility of breaking a rule
I'm dumb. I just noticed I posted one of the links twice by accident. Here's the last one.
pirate a newer copy of photoshop anon
Specify you want sagging breasts, as in
Specifically ask for for sagging breasts. Some. May no-go bodysuits
I'm glad I found one that is so based he went and redid a skeb request through twitter DMs with a different hairstyle and is going to send me uncensored stuff.

Some of these fuckers won't even tell you what a color vs greyscale pic cost difference is. Then you find someone like above and it's an amazing feeling.
I like the newer girls much better. Low twins and side tail girl are made to be dicked.
Artist reuploaded but I legitimately don't see any changes/can't tell what was changed. Going to bed so someone remind me to drop the psd tomorrow.
too many traps on the front page
Looks like the artist forgot laila's mole in the first image on the original upload, can't find anything else though
rabu raibu?
>indie English vtuber donated 68k USD to charity
imagine all the skeb you could request
wow thats like 3 asanagis
Well look through the ocs
>sent to the 24 hour slammer for the first time, even though I hadn't used any wording I've never used in prior requests
I fucking hate DeepL.
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More oni and fox by https://skeb.jp/@minorudonguri , as a followup to the previous piece by them.
It was delivered on the last day and Hijiri has some anatomical errors around her torso, but it's cute and was cheap, so I'm pretty easy to please. The hookah bar in the background is also a nice touch.
Never enough girls in exotic dancer outfits
Gay, get something erotic next time faggot
artist for tentacle seedbed stuff? maybe comic.
Hpe much of a serdbed?
"Maximum" goes into /d/ tier body assimilation, anon
Normal "girl with tentacles and meat wall background", "girl trapped IN meatwall", pregnant with tentacles, egg insertion, tentacle birthing, etc
I'm happy to see Laila in this it's too cute
I'm aware. I enjoy it all.
Could you post the one with the mole anon?
I've seen the pricing manager display fluctuate lately even though the artist hasn't opened. Is it detecting them changing their settings or is it just on the fritz?
minorudonguri can be a bit off with anatomy but is great for backgrounds and getting the mood right, really like this one
There's one artist I request degenerate shit from but I feel like he or she doesn't actually enjoy doing it. Despite that he accepts every single time and has done so for the last 3 years.
any recommendations for shortstacks
nsfw or sfw is okay
I've seen some ptr tags that imply it, does anyone else here put comma from themselves and others into hydrus?
I use hydrus to manage all my images. I also use deep danbooru and the hydrus API to automatically tag things.
No I will not give you tech support for this particularly autistic piece of software.
Ehe. I thought as much, although if any anon was looking into it it's not much more difficult than reading the fucking manual
it's a shame booru.org forbids loli or I'd set up a skeb booru
Do it for the non loli stuff at least. Sounds like a great resource
Just host a booty yourself. Danbooru is open source and on GitHub. That's what all the fallen does
my autism wouldn't let me exclude things due to wanting a proper place for people to search for things thanks to the erper fucking up search.
admittedly I am not smart enough
It's better to have "everything but loli" over the completely barren wasteland we have to suffer through now anon
Nah, fuck off
appeal of furina from genshin
got hidden and unhidden after a bit
artist went with the least(?) lewd option, but I'm still decently happy. Will probably ask for a sequel at some point.
Based Disgaea generics requester
Love me some flat valkyrie action
Do you have any more DIsgaea requests?
Finding artists who can do the style well is a bit of a hassle, but I got this like, a year or two back from franberyl
if you've got any suggestions I'd appreciate 'em, anon
Afraid I don't have any recommendations.
Thanks for sharing that request too.
Oc circlejerkers don't even have the decency to archive or recommend
Most people recommend the artists they get good requests from and a lot have their own galleries.
Source is your ass on this one
Anyone would like to recommend NSFW artists whose prices are around 5000/6000 yen? I got rejected by one (who is probably too busy, had Skeb requests open but his Pixiv ones are closed) and I'm trying to find someone else.
long oni is long
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This can't actually be 500y. What's the catch?
>Its a bait price he only takes really high price offers or the request is interesting enough to him (or both)
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which oc would best fit this outfit
he does a lot of copypaste animations so there's a lot of time he saves there. I got mine for 500. Good luck getting anything outside of magia record characters though.
Any (two holding open the labia and one on the clit)
I got one for 7000 yen
I think the race for rank 1 pioneer is long over
Jesus, I didn't know it was almost a 35 request gap now. They were head to head before.
hard not to win when you request random stuff like https://skeb.jp/@a_a_a_a___a__a_/works/1
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>I reserved an artist and they opened 40 minutes later
The purple one
Sure but it's still 99% of their OCs though
I missed an opening and I'm seething.
What the fuck I need a link to this artist
anyone know any good artists for foreskin focused content? preferably lolis as well
Is it really just that one screenshot that made everyone fall in lust with that femboy?
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why and when did I reserve this artist...
am I supposed to send in a real life picture of myself eating
this artist popped up on the front page just now
>tfw another artist whose art you saved draws gross shit
secondary characters need to poop
I like versions where the girl flies off like a fart rocket
a bit of a artist dilemma here, do i choose
A : fast and more facial expressions, but expensive a new pose for him so no guarantee it will look good or the artist will understand,
B : cheaper, knowledgeable of the pose im thinking of, but slower and no guaranteed different facial expression
column B
find references for everything, A
Suzumi opportunity:
Do you need to be swatted every time you are tempted to order more?
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artist-san no! you can't do that to the umas
Need this but with rice shower and suzuka
Can you see how much someone has paid for their skeb/request? I'm always considering paying more because the yen is so weak but I don't know if some artists even take offense to that.
Nope, ask the artist (lol) or the client
>ask the artist
>[Skeb] You violated our contract and policy
That's why I put the "lol" there even though skeb "says" it's fine
whoops you're right
Artist name?
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My dear pregnancy lovers, please shill your favourite preggo artist

I am horny and desperate making a preggo commission before the JPY reaches 150
Thats such a minor change I would've never noticed on my own.
Yeah, I liked artist-san's last art of her. Which is why it's disappointing they didn't stick with the pajamas they drew her in last time. Thanks for recommending the aritst.
Of course. Here you go.
I am afraid of requesting SFW only artists in case they look at my skeb page and be disgusted by the degeneracy
I mean rank 1 request master requests some pretty degenerate stuff
I remember the:
>female knight executing shotas
I hope artist-san never has to see the disgusting things I've done with the characters he designed.
What's the weirdest thing people in these threads have requested?
we had someone request a girl getting her hair shaved and he got recognized by the main jp client
I think it's the beastiality personally
furry and porn from a gacha that gets no art.
>a gacha that gets no art.
makes more sense then requesting art for a gacha that's still popular
Anon's own mom.
Also piss isn't that strange, but 10,000 piss requests of the same literally who character is pretty weird.
Yea, but it was a raid shadow legends tier of gacha shit. Great design in a below average game.
which game? PGR? alchemy stars?
Li Dailin from Eternal Return
>she sees your dick
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Need an OC to use for this artist. Any suggestions?
NTR oni
>Shiba with a big buff onee-san with her face cropped out
I laughed
this but with yotsuba
Anon was either talking about somebody else or is just plain confused.
Eternal Return isn't a gacha and Li Dailin is fairly popular within its fandom.
Suzumibro in this very thread would more accurately fit that description if he requested her more than a single time.
I meant to reply to the piss post
>mask sequel
You could use shiba mom
speaking of anon requesting weird shit
she's just part of the science team
cute ninja butt
>no update on twitter, fantia, and misskey for 3 months or so
>no new drawings on skeb
>skeb still open instead of closed
do you anons take the plunge, or think the artist is either dead or busy and move on to another artist?
if theyre less than 10k i wait a week then cancel
do it
Like Yotsuba anon's OC?
Open, 8k nsfw
original caracter man noticed the artist who a bunch of anons requested
he requested them before
wonder if request masters forget that they've requested an artist before
>put anon in prison
>"His smut rampage is finally over!"
>120, 180 day deliveries slowly progressing like a ticking timebomb
anyone have high quality hair artists with open advice
Shortstacks or are these bottom heavy?
An OC with a strong personality so it's more satisfying to see her tamed.

Anyone get anything from this guy before? Im going here on a recommendation from some japanese guy ive been messaging because he saw his past work, but thanks to skeb making 90% of the stuff private, and the fact his twitter hasnt been active since 2022 im kinda worried. I like what I do see tho
realized how terrible I spaced this out. generally im just trying to get a 3 page beast idea and wanna know if I should look elsewhere or risk it on this guy. It looks like he gets it done if he does accept
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>artist finished my request
>just got to work
Look forward to me sharing in 8 hours when I get home
Gotta get yourself on the Do Not Service list like the people who self-ban themselves from casinos
Just a heads up that this artist opened up. They do a pretty good job.
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Finally got around to getting something from https://skeb.jp/@yanagifish
Base price for 6 pages feels really nice. Normally Satella's not really the type to smile like in that first panel but the rest is so great I don't really mind, can just see it as her being especially excited for her necromancy that night.
Any translators around?
nice spread pussy
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is she OK
She's undead she'll be fine
My OCs superpower?
*flicks cigarette into paperbin*
They're immune to dick...heh...
Oh, how much did you pay? Just the 23k, or that x6?
"base price for 6", so they paid 2x base and got 12
The price is for multiple pages so you get a full doujin for the 26k Keep in mind they do more or less pages depending on the amount of characters though going by their pixiv terms.
I mean 23k, I'm dumb
What science is she doing by having sex or crushing things with her giant butt?
So his blue hair girl shrinks and becomes a dog girl? Sounds like she should get shiba'd. Maybe they can be in a hamster cage together lol.
Fuck off shiba
Not the pairing that anyone wanted, but the one we got. I still find it funny.
Also, I have pondered about an sequel, but eh.
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rushed last minute delivery unfortunately
Still fappable
Thanks anon
It looks they're fucking an emancipated zombie
Looking forward to an emaciated/emancipated deepl mixup as good as the ravished/ravaged one
Still hot, shame about the rush
emancipated (from life)
Nice oni
do the anons who collab with the 2ch oni client share the files with them
I think you should do that for any collab
dragon oc (forma humano)
Based granny fucker
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Big red flags sprouting up
I should really cancel
But I really want this idea...
But I should just try to find another artist
But it's hard to find artists with the total skillset required...
I'll think about it over lunch...
precure girl as a centaur
big red flag
Has DeepL been terrible for anyone else lately?
TRPG is based though
yeah it's been pretty shitty, I've been triple checking through google and bing recently as a result, everything has to be worded in a very specific way to not get mangled up summin fierce
>big red flags
>attached post is entirely run of the mill, especially for a parent
Link me the artist. Give unto me their name. I shall make a request.
Childless loser neet artists are clinically proven to draw the hottest hentais though
but anon, the issue other anon is having isn't a lack of quality
so your clinic is full of hucksters and fraudsters
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how to read this
I think Top to bottom, left to right so "はよねろ" I guess
Translate it Esu
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Esu can't post at the moment but translation was done, local necromancer can't beat the cock.
The beast within me cannot be contained I will request ryona.

Do Japanese bullies "operate" more or less the same as the ones in Ameriburg? Is it realistic for a senior there to beat up a freshman for disrespect for example?
thread OCs competing in the sex Olympics
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Finally home, fully uploaded. One of the most depraved things ive requested and it will get worse when I do another request from him. Enjoy.
yanagifish or another artist?
Yanagifish. Since it involved beast it was a bit more expensive at 50k instead of what would be 30k but well worth that price tag
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me after I have one too many screwdrivers heheh
Reia and Nora work. Ended up being free from a name I seen thrown around. They ended up doing a g36c for me in the past too. Im glad to see Nora's street clothes get put to great use here, and Reia looks very good too.

Artist and g36c work in question https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/110159492
>2 large manga and 2 collabs today alone
the fuck? are artists actually drawing this week?
maybe finishing everything before comiket
That would make sense
>not a commission
Fuck off. This is the commission thread, not the post your OCs thread
Those casual clothes are so damn cute, torn between them and her nun outfit
Look, we already ignore the /h/ part of the thread. We ignore the commission part of the thread and then it really is a useless fucking thread
formerly chuck's
>Doesn't even have requests open
I have to agree, fuck off
They aren't sending their best
>this is what the thread has devolved into
>oc circlejerk post with zero way to commission the artist if you wanted to
Anon people post artists they got deliveries from that are closed all the time.
They don't have requests enabled at all
Some works on his page literally say commission though
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>westernshit /d/ drawfag
Are you lost anon?
hell if I know I just went here on an anon's suggestion and it worked out. dont know shit about drawthreads
So it's not a commission, the artist is western, and they don't even take commissions via the sites in the OP. Seems pretty off topic to me
This is pretty much the OC thread. If you don't like it, you can leave. We are the only ones that contribute here so you can give him some leeway
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>This is pretty much the OC thread. If you don't like it, you can leave. We are the only ones that contribute here so you can give him some leeway
>don't even take commissions via the sites in the OP
pixiv is the only place they take dms and do commissions. I'd give him a pass
>We are the only ones that contribute here so you can give him some leeway
terrible bait when there is a manga with like 4 different secondary characters not even 30 posts above yours
Sorry, I meant we're the only ones that contribute GOOD art here. I forget that secondaries love their chicken scratch bad anatomy "cheapies"
Who the fuck even are those characters they might as well be oc desu
Now this feels like bait, everyone loves cheapies
This has to be a psyop nobody is this retarded
No, I'm fucking tired of poorfags crying when good art is posted because the artist isn't 3k. Just like last thread. And no, some fucking fridge drawing with markers are not "SOVL", it's just bad art
babe get the camera the skeb thread anons are fighting again
Bob Ariannafag and Esu since he gives out free translations are the only people I can call based in this thread. More than anybody else they would be the first to recommend an artist when asked and dont go out of their way to hide shit
The best posters are the anon ones that just post an artist with something like "Xk yen big asses"
which one makes anon seethe more:
>oc only
>nsfw ng
Posting artists that don't use skeb or pixiv requests
only animationGODS should have authority here. 95% of this thread doesn't get them because they're too poor lol
For me personally, the only thing on that list I care about is fate, because its nothing but complete garbage propped up by retards
The last one because this is /h/ and I want to request porn
Link one (1) post of someone complaining about high prices in response to a commissioned artwork posted.
I don’t care if an artist’s twitter is full of gachaslop as long as their complete rate is 100%
>Use crosspost feature because I dont wanna overspend
>Send both artists the request
>Artist that got canceled due to crosspost wants me to resend
All the crybaby third world poorfag replies to this post
You sure those are poorfags and not just elitists? I see bitching in almost every thread because art posted doesn’t meet some unwritten standard.
first delivery from salpin
>artist organizes panels left to right for an english speaking commissioner
such kindheartedness
Okay how the fuck do you upload albums to catbox, guys?
Register/Login -> User Area -> Manage Albums
Fucking ocfag cancer
I request OCs, secondaries, and would like you to suck my fucking dick. Post something useful or shut your trap before I cork it with my balls
>dont go out of their way to hide shit
Esu doesn't go out of his way, though.
His stuff is already hidden. He's not making additional steps (going out of your way)
It's actually time for a thread split these threads would just be better separated
Secondary thread was tried and died immediately
I thought he cropped that jd yuka collab
I tried to split them between nsfw and sfw and a certain group of people had a meltdown
This time split them between cocksucking homos like futa requesters and straight people.
This weekend I'll get a delivery.
Futa is straight thoughbeit
Anyone asking for a thread split because idiots shitpost the thread are exhibiting tranny behavior
Why even ask for a split? Just make a new one, if it dies, then shut up and let it be.
speaking of futa here's the other maho ako futa I got from https://skeb.jp/@mnwyen_04 that skeb janny hid
holy shit anon this is top tier, thank you
Damn that's nice, fuck that little yellow bitch she needed this
>Wanted to request a feminine dude ploughing my OC
>Fucked up my wording and didn't notice
>Got /ss/ instead
Whoops. Not the worst outcome overall, thoughbeit
>don't post it
>be faggot
>feminine dude
do you mean a trap
Sorry I'm playing Marvel overwatch slop and forgot

Sortof but also just a cute dude in general. My mistake was I said "Cute boy" and didn't even stop to think
>Wait this might mean "Cute Boy" as in younger shota-type boy, instead of "Girly looking faggot"
I mean who are you
I'm Anonymous
The last time I read left-to-right hentai manga it was such a mindfuck I had trouble fapping to it
I hate these posts most of all
I hope you continue to be mad at trivial things.
Which one?
All I know is he always hides NSFW and doesn't request artists that post stuff publicly which is enough to say he goes out of his way to hide thingt
I mostly meant it for the former 2, I just like Esu for manga translations desu. His whore is ok but no porn of her is lame
Should we all post contact info with every delivery so you don't get frightened and confused?
Because you tried to split the threads in the worst possible way. Secondaryfags get sfw at times too, the only person that split would have pleased is the anon who pisses himself any time he sees nsfw ng. A true oc/secondary split was never tried.
What a weird choice to have Zeit breed Estelle. It was a great manga until then. Kiseki doesn't get enough love but I don't wanna see beast shit
that did happen yes
How do you say "praise kink" in Japingas
pulaisu kinku
Can i use the art i commission to make acrylic stands for personal use, or is that seen as a like a misuse of the art?
how the fuck are they gonna know unless you flaunt it around
i want to flaunt it around
hail pingu
put that you're gonna make merch with in the request text
>artist is a cheapie
>send in double his recommended for a two image req
>suddenly gets an influx of requests alongside me
>bumps his price up by a few thousand yen, so that my double is now just 2000yen over recommended
>leaves me hanging for so long his AVERAGE has gone from 20 to nearly 30 days (day 40 for me)
he got the taste of the good cream after accepting my request and will let mine expire, won't he? well, i hope the non-100% completion rate will fuck him in the ass so hard he'll pack shop
these hoe's ain't loyal (to gaijin randos who instantly develop parasocial relations with them that they are unaware of)
I think he did it for beast ntr

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