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Thirty-fourth edition

Previous Thread: >>7957383

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




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Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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Chloa sexo
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Imperial Harem RJ286695 is up on Steam
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Going to post this again:
Does anyone know of any guide for this game? What the stats mean, the optimal builds, important story decisions, that sort of thing. Looking this game up is a pain since nobody apparently knows about it nor does it have any documentation(or search engines are just garbage and hiding information about it, hard to tell)

Guide -

First, it should go without saying don't remove "unlearn-able" skills. They are always better.
Second, any cleared heroines make can new game plus easier. Randy requires you be an enhanced hero(NG+).
A good first/second clear is dating Desura, Mina Tougou and Mira.. because they are all friend ticket/random starters.
Third, the characters you dated/used the most are the endings. Saves will show the top 3 heroines on your save.
There are cases where you could max lets say... Mira and she doesn't appear, she might be bugged.
Fourth, Mint requires you to never get Lawerence and Christina. Linda is fine. Mint triggers on remaining day: 89.
To get the VERY first girl(Liara, end 23) you meet in the game you have to save/get Lawerence or Christina.
She triggers on remaining day:110. this is also the day you have to skip for mint.
You can also actually get sword lady on 150, by skipping to the day and having less than 8 people.
2 of her cg is her "not joining" in the castle.
Fifth, explore all nodes, before going to the different looking ones that looks like an exit/road out.
You can miss Rowling , Vanessa and others easily if you don't know what the exit looks like in each area.
It's more noted you can miss Siscarna, who can make your hero half demon.
And Fremya, who requires you to go to the house in the forest.
You can also miss Tiramis by not doing the sewers and finding the heart. she joins if you have it first on the next floor.
It is highly Recommended to go to the sewers and forest before everywhere else.
Last but not least, Rinshang requires any citizen. This can even be Iscar. The female citizen(woman) has a cg.

Mira's H scenes are the most annoying to get. use her in the prarie . I still don't know the triggers.
She is scene 34-35 and 38.
Move/item scaling:

Hp- Healing spray(doesn't scale, just 75 hp), hp items
Sp- Sp items, Assassinate(no idea why)
Atk- Power Attack, Pierce, Cut Off, Sword Wave, Overblade(idk why),Armor Break, Rage, Iron Judgement,Sword Dance,
Perfect Counter, Hero Flash, Earthquake(yep), Lightning Dash,Tsubamegashi
DEf- Counter Attack, Defense, Support, Holy Flag, Perfect Counter
agi- Perfect Counter, Tsubamegashi, Quick Attack, Flash, Sword Dance,Lightning Dash,Assassinate,Rage
int- Protection, Barrier, Magic Shoot, Tornado, Earthquake, Ice Fang, Bomb Alchemy, Holy Light,Energy Drain
luk- Assassinate. also raises crit chance, but not on the skills with it. Just passively.

Agi also increases the dodge/evade chance(the running icon) at the start of combat.
A 40+ agi character can literally never get hit, because if an enemy misses it only lowers it by 30.
They must have a dodge skill to upkeep the evade, such as the uncommon perfect counter.

Armor skills gives you a hp shield. the armor icon must be zero before you can take damage.
this only applies on skills that will hit you. so skills like protection and self def skills are 100% useable.

Using the build and skill list above a good build for my Fav char (Mina) would be:
Quick attack/ Perfect/Tsubamegaeshi and go all Agi.
The secondary stat can be Def and you can add counter attack/defense skill.
a good build for the hero would be Att and Def.
a good build for Jessica would be int and luk.
etc etc. Feel free to experiment and use other characters. Now that you know how most skills work.
Check your character passive skills so you know what they are good at in each region.
Mina is my fav heroine but Rowling can stun lock and do 5X dmg so..... have fun with it.

The item/equip drops are random. explorers increases chances.
You can likely to find only one ticket and a starter at frozen cave. but its possible to get like 5 tickets or none.
you can retreat 3 times before you fail an area section due to morale.
So it was the latter and the search engines prevented me from showing up results for F95. Interesting, altho kinda obvious I should have checked there first.
I really need to find a non-pozzed search engine, even Yandex seems to be effected now.
OP image is one of those games I want to like more than I do but it's such a slog for anything sexy to actually happen
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It’s a pretty bad game aside from the art being good. The gameplay and story are both pretty bad, and the pacing is glacial. Worst of all, the scenes aren’t really that good, and there are a lot of reused CGs. It’s actually one of the most disappointing games I’ve played in a long time.
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I swear I love this game so much I beat my meat to it so hard I literally dislocated my shoulder and had to go to the doctor I have a problem
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Hey Anons, got any good games with Evil women to romance?
write your query in japanese
I usually just search “f95 [game]” on google and it’ll come up with the f95 thread way more easily than actually using the search bar on f95 itself
I started playing SEQUEL Blight, my first time with this series, and man I've been missing out.

>Going on a fantasy adventure with several women, each of whom has a sexual relationship with you and knows that every other woman does too, but they all downplay it and act like they're not each happily taking your cock whenever they can get you alone
>They're also each a little embarrassed about their own cocklust and a little jealous whenever another woman is taking your cock, but because you're such a valuable resource, none of them can really do anything about it
I didn't know this was a dynamic I've been craving all this time.

That said, the difficulty is starting to increase. Bosses are pummeling me with status effects, and the status-resistant necklaces sold at the shop don't fucking work.
>boss has an attack that applies Insanity
>spend a bunch of money getting an Insanity-resistant necklace for every character, making sure to equip them all
>manage to take down the boss via sheer tenacity, but his Insanity attack successfully applied the debuff every single time he used it, meaning the necklaces did literally nothing

My party is as follows:
>Striker Rabi: Works well, hits hard, but tends to die a lot
>Acolyte (I think that's the name of the healer class?) Uula: Her healing is so strong that her weakest heal is always a full-cure, but she's so fucking slow that enemies always get a chance to attack again before she heals, meaning that if a character is low at the end of one turn, said character will probably die before Uula gets a heal off next turn
>Thaumaturge Nyx: Works well, but I feel like spending the points to learn ALL of the elemental spells would be kind of a waste, so I'm not sure what to do next with her
>Queen Tirma: Works well, hits hard, cross-classed the ability from Soldier that makes her more likely to get hit, so she functions well as a tank

I just got to the ice area. Is there a general guide for playing better?
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It's a great series.
>Is there a general guide for playing better?
My best tip is that the more you mix classes and their skills together, the easier the game will get. You can technically beat the game with the starter classes, but the unlockable classes are so much better,. Like Dark Lord, it's the fastest class in the game so it's perfect for sticking healing skills on (namely Cure-All 1 and Recover-all) to make your healer the fastest person in your party. Mechanic is amazing too for the Breaker Drill line of skills for your attackers and a field skill or two for your buffer. Even the crappiest unlockable class, Alchemist, has some of the best skills in the game with Analysis, Long Vigil and especially Wall Area.
Also a protip for your tank is to get Incite on them from the Valkyrie or Nightmare class, it's a core skill. I would also suggest getting Royal Bind from Queen on someone, it's basically the best skill in the game since it works on bosses too. Hell, Queen is basically the best general use class in the game since they have high ATK, SP and survivability. You can see the base stats for the classes here. https://leafgeometry.miraheze.org/wiki/SEQUEL_blight/Classes_%26_Skills
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>>>manage to take down the boss via sheer tenacity, but his Insanity attack successfully applied the debuff every single time he used it, meaning the necklaces did literally nothing
For this, grab the Alchemy skill from Alchemist, you'll be able to upgrade those crappy 50% status resistance accessories from the shop into 100% immunity accessories. Alchemy is a whole crafting window you access from your skills, it's worth grabbing on someone since it's only 1 skill point. It's important for crafting shit bombs too since you can't buy them in blight.
>you'll be able to upgrade those crappy 50% status resistance accessories from the shop into 100% immunity accessories
Except those don't fucking work either! After reading you comment, I got the Alchemy skill and made a bunch of Dark Dead Seals and equipped them to fight the Shinigami, and the Shinigami used a Life Sacrifice skill or whatever and instantly killed Tirma.
The reapers in the Sequel games don't use instant death, instead they just use attacks that deal 100% of your HP. So if you guard with Tirma, she'll just take 50% of her HP as damage. Honestly I don't remember instant death as a status being used that much, the most I remember is that one of the superbosses in Asylum uses it. There are probably more.
>don't use instant death, instead they just use attacks that deal 100% of your HP
Oh my God that's so stupid. I guess I'll just have her Guard every turn, and give her an item so that the reaper can't inflict her with Insanity.
You can pay attention to the turn order of the boss too, the bosses in the series pretty much always have a 6 or 7 turn rotation that they repeat.
So it turns out that he DOES have an instant-death move, called Dead Ends. It only did like 350-ish damage to each person, but it also randomly one-shot a person. Either way, he's dead, and now I have access to the Nightmare class. Looks like it's a type of magic tank? Neat.
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goty 2024
>Pieroge is finally out
Cool, but the honor of 2024 GOTY will belong to TakedaHiromitsuge.
cool gameplay, but i want more mother & sister H-scene. also only had 1 titsucking & 1 lactation scene makes me angry somehow. knowing piero usually add like 3-4 scene at least. maybe he will add it more in the future i guess.
Is Degrees of Lewdity the only open world hentai game that allows you to be raped?

So, the couple of times I've activated a sex scene with a monster girl, she kills me post-coitus. Is there any downside to these deaths, or anything you get for never dying? I've been reloading a save every time I die for any reason.

Also, looking at the scene list in the memory book thing, there's one for giving Rabi the dildo once you've completed the Napping Rabi event, which I did. However, when I gave it to her, she rejected it. Are there hidden requirements for these things?
There’s no downside to getting those monster scenes, in fact you’ll have to get them since there’s usually a second scene at the same location, like for the murder maiden and snow woman.
Also you can only give certain gifts like the sexual ones when the girl’s favorability is high enough. Raising favorability in blight is pretty easy, either get gifts from the girl in the inn or farm lovely stones from the west plaza of Haven using Alchemist’s Long Vigil skill.
If anyone here enjoys streaming games like this and would let me watch add me on discord: bananashampoo.
games like monster girl club bifrost?
What's the meaning of the "important decision" in terms of making sure it's Rabi on the other side of the locked door? After you get kidnapped following finally killing Gemini for good.
The one you pick there is the one you’re locked into marrying in the postgame. Awake has the same kind of marriage lock near the end of the game, but thankfully colony and kludge don’t.
Marriage doesn’t really do a whole lot in these games though, it’s just a way of picking your favorite girl. You just get a bit of dialogue with them in blight in random spots around the world, and in awake onwards you get an extra mini-scene with whoever you pick.

This postgame is kicking my ass, though. I beat the spider in the ruins of the desert, but the first time I tried fighting one of the four dual-element superbosses, she almost one-shot my entire team. The only way I can tell to really strengthen my characters is to spam the Great Arena to get that armor with the high magic resist. I'm having to spam the level 1 one, though, because the Battle Chickener at the end of the level 2 one keeps spamming magic spells that hit like a truck.
You can should try doing the Palgadol chapter first. It’s basically built for right after you beat the main story. I have this copypaste of how to access it, it’s a little hidden
>Requires completion of Event 41 in Bewitching Flower Garden. To start the postgame chapter, read Chemica's request that she leaves on the sign outside of Rabi's house. After following the request and completing the story events of the Mansion Cellar's last floor, head to the plaza in western Haven and check the statue (it should have a blue arrow on it).
Well, I ended up grinding the Arena until I got the full High Kings set for every character and a couple of the weapons, but it wouldn't let me proceed further. Tried to do the third level of the tournament, it said I needed to kill a powerful guardian first, I killed the guardian in the basement of the desert ruins (strongest guardian I know of), and it still wouldn't let me. I suppose I could kill the level 2 tournament 10 times to get enough money to give to the shady guy in the corner, but eh, I'll follow the road you suggested first.
The guardian you have to kill for the level 3 arena is the one in Zikdalla. If you’re not there yet, go do the event for Lione that has the connecting spire or whatever it’s called. You have to talk to her again, pretty sure you have to do the saltjail events that were in the army HQ too
Someone once posted a guide here to remove negros from karyns prison, anyone have it?
r u a girl?
Anon... prison is in the name
Check the archives
Jesus Christ I wasted my time by not starting the Palgadol chapter immediately. Why does the game even bother having any other postgame stuff until then? Enemies are giving shitloads of XP, the equipment is as good as what the Great Arena had and is quickly getting better than it, and the story is interesting and fun. This is a much smoother ride than the grinding I was trying to do.
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The Palgadol part was from a big post-launch update, that's why it's so high quality. I still think it's weird that the game doesn't show you it though, instead it shoves the incarnation of mana fights in your face which you're not going to be able to beat until you're a way higher level.
Also Lilia's one of the better girls in the series. A shame she's only a big part in blight. Although she has some story parts off-screen in both awake and colony.
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this shit keeps crashing for me upon finishing the first mission, anyone else?
actually seems to be when I get the dialogue about being able to give massages after overwork, just crashes no matter what
i think you need to download the libraries mentioned in the game page. I forgot how it went for me but here is mentioned in blog (japanese).

yeah I got it working while away from the thread, thanks though
for me it only crash 3 times for one playthrough.
mostly happen if you had too many action on shortime.
I've finally beaten Karryn's Prison with a sex build on prisoner difficulty for pride of the empire title challenge run. Oddly very satisfying since apparently sex builds are not very good for prisoner difficulty according to online guides. Managing sight sensitivity and avoiding bukkake and creampies helps a lot on my run.

Is there any other h-game that can cater to my build autism?
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Can someone tell me how to get the remaining scenes please?
Kinda weird
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Thoughts on this game? I had read a bit of the Grassen's War series before finding out the author was using it to set up a game. I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far.
Finished it, I thought combat was more fun than I expected, it was funny how most levels were straightforward and the ones that weren't actually gave you a map.
Parrying is very strong and a necessary tool, I like how you have to juggle between your normal attack, charged attacks and Darkness skill attacks.

Game alas crashes a lot, especially in the later parts, dont really have anything special to suggest outside of.....try not to reload the checkpoint too quickly, if you can't move then restart the level.
Liked the animations, is nice to see both sprites and drawings, is upsetting that after chapter 3 you don't get any more scenes with the two, not to unlock and not in the main story, not even one at the end, I was hoping the massage would have some shake up but alas is only good for levelling up the relation, bouncing her bosoms doesn't even do anything more than what you do at the beginning.

I wish we got more animations, but at least what we got was very good, her body motions in game were quite mesmerizing and surprisingly fluid.
It isn't a porn game, it's a "trauma simulator", chud! And don't you dare play as a male character with female NPCs!
incredible but due to the fact that you have multiple character POVs with their stories, the overall game playthrough is rather short. Each character have their own combat systems and can cameo each other, which is refreshing.
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I enjoy that, and the fact that the female characters crossover into the men's stories that they otherwise wouldn't have crossed paths with. Fayes scene in the Ingo bandit hideout is my favorite so far.
I'm on the sequence for getting the Foil Pink, whatever that is. I've been told to talk to a "warehouse worker", but who would that be?
nvm figured it out
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Bear in mind the foil pink card isn't an item you can even get, the end of the quest just gives you access to the second set of stripper scenes for each girl.
I mean, I already got through it, so your heads-up is a little late.

Funnily, though, I didn't realize that it was only the 2nd scene that was hidden behind completing that dialogue chain (or that there were 2nd scenes at all, per se). I gifted Rabi the string panties and taught her to dance, but it wouldn't let me view her scene, so I just assumed I needed the Foil Pink before viewing any of them. By the time I finished digging through bugs and shit to raise everyone's affection to 100 and taught them all to dance and whatnot, I had also completed the dialogue chain. I did think it was weird that they only mentioned how the place was reserved when viewing the 2nd scenes! I thought they were reserved the whole time. I guess the only qualification to view the initial scenes is that EVERYONE needs to know how to dance.
Yeah. I thought that was weird too. Blight has a lot of weird stuff like that, probably because it's just the first game so it has a bit of jank.
bunny black TWO (bonus points for actual gameplay)
Agree with anon, great art, but disapointing game : (
Wow , didnt kown this one, looks cool!
has anything like karryn's prison been released as of late? y'know, sex combat, corruption that actually matters and isn't just a stat/forced event, female protag, variety of enemies, knows it's a porn game therefore doesn't make you go through 10 hours of terrible gameplay just for a smidgen of nsfw...
Complete shot in the dark here but any one have those old maybe soft games. I got Pai Touch! and change! like a decade ago and need a nostalgia fap. Change is pretty easy to find but i havent fkund a safe download for Pai Touch
go to a-s. the links are dead but you can probably dm the OP to get the game
I got sick of Almakarma fucking destroying me, so a small amount of research pointed me toward the Chickener grinding spot in the Connected Spire, and now everybody's level 99 with 3 reincarnations and I was able to delete all of the Incarnations of Mana by just autobattling them. Get fucked, losers. Shugulana best girl, by the way.

So I then tried taking on The Mother of All Life, and things were going super well. Then, shortly after I got her below 50% health, she cast a buff on herself that made all of her abilities hit like Goddamn freight trains, one-shotting multiple of my characters via her team-wide attacks. What gives?
I'm just going to try Shit Bombs and see what happens.
Welp, she just never ended up casting the buff on herself at all. I just crushed her, rather easily. Oh well.
I've gotten all the events and scenes and whatnot, beaten the Mother of All Life, and married Rabi. I don't want to do whatever extra level of grinding or setup is required to take down the Being of Myth, as it doesn't even look like there's a good guide for that anywhere. Additionally, the game suggested exploring Vaeltria again now that I'm married, but I looked all over Haven, Aurum Base, Miruess HQ, and a handful of other locations, and I couldn't find a single extra scene of dialogue. I don't even know if there are extra dialogue scenes to find, so I'm not going to search every single map for them.

So, I guess that's it, then? I think I'm done. Unless someone DOES have a simple, clearly-written guide for taking down the Being of Myth (the one video I saw had characters with like 50% more health than mine, and some of their skills were green for some reason?), or a list of what changes there are post-marriage, I think I'm finished.
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https://gitgud.io/SEQUELGOD/sequel-bin has the marriage dialogue spots if you're interested. Along with a bunch of other tips.
I would honestly ignore Being of Myth, it's basically the hardest superboss in the series and there's a big grindwall before you can take it on. That grindwall being that you want to farm the incarnations of mana for as much of their equipment that you need, crafting stat waters along the way from their mana drops, and then going to NG+ for Terrifying difficulty to upgrade all that stuff to +1 in Zikdalla in the postgame. You can see what I'm talking about here,
You can do it without +1 equipment obviously, but you need a cheese strat like this. Or a really damn good strategy.
On another note, beating Mother of All Life on terrifying mode is how you get the gold Proof of Mastery, it's just a gold star with another CG to see like the silver one. And Being of Myth doesn't change with difficulty. But again, I wouldn't worry about either Being of Myth or terrifying mode, just go move on with the rest of the series and come back for them if you're interested.

>green skills
You can press S over skills in the skill menu to make them green, that means Autobattle won't use them
I found an online save editor for RPGMaker, and boosted all of my characters' stats and took down the Being of Myth. Still, I had to boost my characters' stats twice, as merely tripling them like I did at first wasn't nearly enough. So, I just set all of their base stats to 9999, and none of the Being of Myth's attacks were able to harm me anymore. Of course, the dying animation at the end still killed a party member, but I guess that's unavoidable. The following dialogue was quite underwhelming, but I appreciate that they didn't try to lock any major content behind such a superboss. This isn't Disgaea, the grinding isn't nearly that fun.

Going to all of the marriage spots was cute, but it's a little sad that that's all there is. Oh well.

Is the CG for beating the Mother of All Life on Terrifying difficulty a unique one? On standard difficulty, it was just the bath CG again.
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It's just the uncensored bath CG. I can just post it here. You get to see Nyx and Tirma nipples
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Thank god hakika got better at drawing nipples eventually.
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Tried to play this game because it's damn SEXY (twintails are damn hot) and I very much loved Escape from Fortress Lugohm, but the very rapid and mechanical movement unironically gives me a headache. Wish the dev went for a more of a 2D thing
Just download a full save and view the gallery. Worth your time since Ren is fucking hot. Aisha is hot too, but Ren is on another level.
I thought it was pretty neat. Some routes can be pretty obscure but it's short enough to wear replaying is actually more interesting than annoying and it's neat to see where and how things overlap. Watching a heroine of one route become your slave in another.
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I actually like the first person dungeon crawl of this. You should be getting used to it fairly quick. I'd really love to see a follow up to explore the world and character more. Ren is 100/10
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Nobody mentioned Silver Bullet?
Its one of the best action-rpg games to come out this year.
Is the NTR a massive part of it? Or is it just a slut simulator game in disguise just like most NTR feMC games are?
I love that playing certain events is what triggers the female characters to appear in certain routes. Like, getting captured in one of the girls' routes means that they can show up in the generals dungeons during his route, for example.
Yeah, there's a real incentive to go back and replay things in different orders and it's never a huge time sink to do it.
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>games with strong female characters who have reasonably small breasts getting humiliated and raped (and preferrably have twintails)
+10 for evil woman also
Sad this is so rare.
played this until 6 AM and had a shit day afterwards. I get it
Give me some good Battle-Fuck games with male protags. Monmusu school is the only one thats doing it for me rn
still one of the best h rpgs ever imo
Succubus Affection
Succubus Academia
Incubus Quest
Any good sandbox games? I'm looking for something like Mad Island or HHS+
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Favorite route/character? Slaver chad Ingo is mine.
I feel like the strategy general characters are interesting on paper but I always felt like I ended up not making the most of the content.
Looking for games with heavy cunnilingus focus or content

So little out there...
Hey all, maintainer of the defloration/virgin rape masterlist here. I haven't added in anything from the last time I got feedback a few threads ago (will get to them in a week or so), but I was able to finish working on a bunch of tools that would make maintaining the list much easier for me.
I was able to add stuff to the backlog sheet which now has 849 entries (may or may not have virgin rape, so you could use it to discover games): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13AHUSfSpNVeyl3i8caEm9qFb26aZ5yEaZrdcy0Msr14/edit?pli=1&gid=1658765003#gid=1658765003
I was bored and decided to play one of these porn games with gameplay focus, VenusBlood Frontier in particular.
But for some reason people barely talk about hardest part of the game, the first run. And after reading every guide I could find, I still can't build a team that works well together.
Even with forward guard defenders and treasure hunters things feel unwieldy and awkward. I know that I can give my units slayer bonus against specific enemies to makes combat smoother, but I don't have resources to remake my army every chapter.
Imouto life Fantasy DLC released

This game is & bit harder than what I thought it'd be, but it's enjoyable tentacle fun
Those kind of games require effort to make so nope.
are there more games that give you the freedom to do whatever you want like LonaRPG?
Degrees of Lewdity
I remember playing two particular games a while ago, but I can't remember them. Does anyone know what they were called?
One of them was about a woman that gets more powerful if she is fighting naked or something like that.
The other one was about a woman that had something to do with fertility.
link to the game?
Wow you could not be any more vague if you tried.
I know that it is vague, but I don't remember much about those games.
The former has the final boss attack a parade at the start of the game. The ending has a lewd statue of the naked woman be revealed.
I don't remember much about the latter.
Is there any games that use the Oho voice (vulgar moans tag)? Its hard to find anything using that tag since its not used on boorus
coomer bros
what is the best hentai game you've ever played
Any news about the DLC?
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Playing Tentacle Invasion now, and the art is delightful.

Anyone have recommendations for similar games, or anything parasite-focused?
can think of RJ01110777
still, why you cant use the tag? all you need to do is check for games with that tag

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I loved Encode Encore! RJ01032161

Wonder if y'all have any recommendations for other games that you feel are similar, especially in content or pacing.

The problem with the tag, is that none of the games with the tag actually contain it which is why im looking for a verified collection of site
its god damn great, at some point i just enjoyed it more for the gameplay loop that the lewds alone
multiple characters pov's and the fact that the playthroughs influence each other are amazing, dont see that too often
i had to look up one quest, because i was completely lost on it, the second (the unicorn horn quest) i looked up out of laziness, if you pay attention to the text and know your map you can finish it without a guide
some lewds are much better than others, there is obviously some repetition as there are a lot of them, but its not boring imo

its the female adventurer Fay for me
i ground her enough to the point i could beat everyone barehanded and naked
the first time i managed to cheese the Inn gangrape like that i was quite surprised, but also happy that the devs gave that as an option

the female strategist unlocks more options with completed sidequests, its more rewarding as a gameplay than the dude, but the dude obviously has more lewds
Finally managed to set up IPFS and started hosting it from my own computer.
I wonder if the links will be automatically updated when OP updates the bin.
Fay is so ridiculously strong when you level her up. Kind of makes her scenes more satisfying to watch, honestly.
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Pic related.
Best H games ever created.
>remembers winter memories came out
>it's on the IPFS
>proceeds to spend 4 hours with it

i really don't know why i didn't buy this the moment it came out. i haven't been this hype playing a sequel in years -- they did everything right, and i've only just started.
This isn't a bad game but they also made it a proper top down shooter which is pretty hard to play while horny
It's cool but too obscure with some quests. Is there an English guide?
yeah, she is turbo OP
when i was getting bored far into the endgame, i would go around every battlefield and solo all the generals
im waiting for winter to play through it
I am trying to remember the name of a game, it was Night of Revenge clone, female MC too but with white hair and nun-like outfit.
It was still under development last time I played.
Thanks anon
I'm surprised to not find RJ01004084 on the untranslated list, here it is:
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RJ071772 - Romance of Fantasy v1.55-ENG .7z
The retrogoat was translated and none of you tasteless faggots ever mentioned it. You don't even know what you are missing out on.
(not a fag95 link because the translator said not to post that one)
Nice. Thanks for the heads up.
It had the perfect level of difficulty for me. I like a little bit of desperation in that sort of game. Plus the gameplay wasn't bad for the relatively short length.
I finally remembered the first one. It's called Run Eros.
Where do I start with Sequel?
The first one.
Play order is blight -> awake -> colony -> ASYLUM (spinoff) -> kludge -> L.Depth (spinoff) -> INNOCENT RULES (spinoff).
How the hell do you guys sort your games?
I could've sworn I saw someone post an image a long time ago where he had this whole steam like platform that had all his games sorted by genre, with thumbnails, or something
Just sort it by RJ so you immediately know which games are soulless
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So I just did a patch for Fumifan that fixes both game and translation problems:
>replaced full-width versions of characters and symbols with normal ASCII ones (【 => [, 】 => ], 0 => 0, 1 => 1, etc)
>translated item description items left untranslated because apparently editing JSON files via text editor was too difficult
>overhauled HUD number display by modifying the font files and making the code render into the previous number. It's not perfect, but much better than the original rendering
>fixed teleports in the ruined village that would lead the player back to being surrounded by the villagers despite Urgon having been destroyed already
>fixed teleports in the Orc forest that would skip the river map that needed to be frozen in order to continue
>fixed the bathhouse scene in which one teleport was left untranslated and the mother was called "母" rather than "Mother"
>fixed untranslated text with Narika and her cake
>fixed some of the more confusing text in the Demon Lord's diary as well as removed the honorifics ("-sama")
>overhauled weapon stat display
>shop stacks now move by units of 100 rather than 10
>added Life Up 5's and Attack Up 5's for 2M a pop in the Dali shop
>fixed Extreme Saw - the weapon actually works now
>upped the drop rate of Tractins for Alphas and Betas from 0.5% to 200% because they are ridiculously hard to come by. To offset the levels gained by items Alphas and Betas EXP dropped [240K => 160K, 268K => 178K EXP]
>cut effect delays by 75%, removed log delays, upped animations speed to 300% when boosted, removed the 50 frames delay before victory screen, and cut *all* fading animations by 75%

And I'm never ever gonna upload it because you silly fucks still provide the game via magnets rather than downloads, and I would rather have an army of rabid rats gnaw my face off than accommodation your failures.
You may now try to convince yourselves that you don't give a shit. Lord Little knows you'll fail to convince me.
Fantasy vanilla pure love harem romance childhood friend princess monstergirls etc.
Rape is minimal, like 5 scenes in the entire game.
ULMF has a useful thread, but the turbofag mods locked it.
Forgot the most important one: Male MC

Fuck off.
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And if not?
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Oh, and just in case someone has no idea what the "binding contract" was supposed to be ... I swear to god, if you told me that the original translator was one of you incompetent buffoons I'd believe it.
There are barely like 10 games worthy of your time and energy (to coom). You can sort them in your head.
Translation help required.
I am trying to translate Hentai Quest. But only certain texts are being translated.
What am I doing wrong?
How, do you think, does the translation work in the first place?
>inb4 I have no idea because I'm a nincompoop
So you don't know?
That's okay. Thanks for the bump.
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Have fun never figuring it out, then.
>How, do you think, does the translation work in the first place?
>>inb4 I have no idea because I'm a nincompoop
So how is this supposed to help me with the translation?
If you understand the process you also understand why it fails when it fails.
I understand the process, that is how I managed to translated those texts in English.
But I did not understand why some other texts are not translated and I cannot find those untranslated text anywhere else in the game folder.
And hence why I am asking for help.
So will you help me or not? (If you really know how)
>I cannot find those untranslated text anywhere else in the game folder
And how would you search for them? My guess, based on the mojibake you've got going in your window title, would suggest you're searching in the wrong encoding. You should instead search for text that is correctly translated.
Encoding is not an issue. I have already fixed it. You have no idea about translation and how it works.
But good for you, you wasted my time. Congratulation. You "trolled" me.
>You have no idea about translation and how it works.
And yet, somehow, I'm more successful at it than you. Curious.
>Been playing for 3 hours still no real sex scene outside that maid half BJ.
I gave it a try, not really a fan. You can see all the CGs and there really aren't any scenes beyond a fixed 3 or 4 per heroine. Not sure if you can change the MC's class later but I went for magic, now MC is annoyingly weak. Not really a fan of vanilla RPG maker VX with no music and max volume sound effects so I can't even listen to my normal music. The plot wasn't anything special either, and battles are glacial. I've seen western games with better art.

Not sure what's great about it, but it gives a really rough first impression and I probably won't go back to it.
The title of your window has mojibake in it, so I'll just assume your install of the game is fucked and you need to turn on japanese locale first and unzip it again
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already fixed it as I said above
The game is in RPG Maker VX Ace right? I've heard RPGMaker Trans is good for that and better than Translator++. Worst comes to worst, you can open it up in the editor and translate stuff that way.
In terms of visual presentation I actually like the older XP/VX style in terms of sprites. The newer ones feel too small. But the game is just so slow with nothing going on between beats. And the sex is too far between. I'm at the part where you can start taking side quests and they're so slow to get to them and finish them and I did two and I just don't want to play anymore.

I do want to give some props for when a developer tries to have some meat on their game beyond rushing things. There's an opposite extreme too. But my motivation is just shot to shit.
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>The newer ones feel too small.
Your feeling is wrong then.
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whats so special about this one, anon?
That looks horrible. I like a big chunky naked sprite with tits.
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who gives a fuck
also you sit alone at lunch
Called it:
>You may now try to convince yourselves that you don't give a shit.
huh noted
Are there any more h-games out there with animated silhouette scenes like soraue games and escape room ntr?
Every time I download an older RPG maker I'm always surprised how small it is file size wise despite often having just as much if not more content than newer ones.
> /hgg/ on /h/
> /hgg/ on /vg/
/vg/ is sfw
I tried Translator++. It didn't open properly on Linux. The app itself I mean.
i can post boobies on /h/
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ok cool
MV games ship the RTP with the game. It's basically 400 MB of bloat.
I concur.
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Thanks to the engine itself.

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