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Thread for BBC related content
>What kind of content are we allowed to post?
Original art, edits, anime-styled game screenshots, and template sharing are allowed. Vanilla and NTR content are welcomed.

Guidelines to follow. PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING:
>Follow /h/ rules

>Raceplay content involving racist slurs, other races/ethnicity except the bull and girl, or hateful remarks on any race/ethnicity is NOT allowed (Black Male Property, Refugees Welcome, Snowbunny, and etc. tattoos are fine)

>Content and discussion mentioning BNWO, Black New World Order, and race/ethnicity statistics is NOT allowed

>Subtle edits are NOT allowed (Casual Wear edits that are very clear and obvious are fine)

>Discussing your thoughts on an image's content, waifus, or new ideas for content is welcomed HOWEVER;

>Cuckposting is NOT allowed (Cuckposting is defined as discussing yourself in a NTR scenario. Discussing in third person or posting first person POV content is NOT Cuckposting)

>When criticizing edits/screenshots, focus on aspects to improve rather than just leaving a hateful reply

>Respect people's taste. There are people here that likes Blacked/Queen Of Spades for different reasons (Interracial, Corruption, Humiliation, and etc.)

>We strongly do NOT encourage posting edits outside of this thread

>Do NOT reply to trolls. Report them and the BOTS and their post

>Create a new thread only when the current thread reaches page 10 and is in the bottom threads (Sort by Bump order)

Templates/Editing Tutorials:
/h/ approved templates zip now hosted on mega: https://mega.nz/folder/y3QlES4T#VP7nJWBysv3S0WGHpXIH1Q
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Request Anchor

-Request must follow guidelines
-DO NOT post the unedited image here
-Post link to the unedited image
-Reply to this post for requests
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238 KB PNG
Delivery Anchor

-Edit must follow guidelines
-Reply to this post and the requester
Requesting a Drawing and a AI request anchors
Requesting the sides to be extended to show more of the guys, please.
Preferably with a more bulky, muscular frame like below.

Doesn't need to be extended a large amount, just enough to show they're fit guys instead of fat.
Congrats on the new thread.
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Requesting 1-2 edits
Nothing beats Swamp Stamp where he's introduced mid rape.
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I wish Japanese hentai artists get pan African-pilled soon.
they keep putting the girls in American flag bikinis and what not,and i guess from their perspective,that's somehow a black symbol.but it really doesn't hit the spot
Personally, I wished they did more watermelon-print bikinis more.
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reposting this because I love it
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Nobody cares about these rules, as long as it isn't bnwo or has captions, you can post it here. OP can kill himself.

waistband and bra to say blacked
waistband and bra to say blacked
waistband to say blacked, spade on breast
waistband to say blacked, whatever tattoos you see fit
some of us enjoy "diet blacked" i.e. portraying it as less extreme and more acceptable in society makes it hotter
Requesting skin fix, make the guys darker please, some vines or subtle tat as well.
ratatatat74's girls are made for BBC. plz update her ring and necklace with a spade and give her a peaking QoS tat on one of her tits
I made this image with Honeyselect2 studio, bro.
where do you guys post/get new templates?
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Requesting the guy's attire to look more like Brock's, please.
Bonus if shirtless and only wearing pants, thanks.
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Any editor anons here?
I'm looking for an updated folder with templates for editing, the one from the OP it's pretty old and it's missing a lot of stuff.
Yeah, I am not a big fan of the whole "genocide" stuff desu
Great stuff HS2 anon! I love your content!
Thanks, If possible please refer me to any BBC tattoos for pregnant women.
She will want it after she lets her lover behind the door know she is pregnant.
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Requesting skin edit
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ya bro, I also make BBC pics.
The contrast between black and white is a beautiful thing.
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Requesting a skin edit
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I'm doing AI request of anything related to Ratatata and BBC
Nothing better than seeing a strong dommy character get broken in by BBC.
waistbands blacked
Anything with League girls and rimming?
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>Templates/Editing Tutorials:
>/h/ approved templates zip now hosted on mega: https://mega.nz/folder/y3QlES4T#VP7nJWBysv3S0WGHpXIH1Q
Thanks, I used several templates.
Not related to Ratatata, but can you make some pics with Tomoko Kuroki or Utena Hiiragi
spade vine tattoo on her thigh
Spade tattoo on her neck
QOS crotch tattoo
spade tattoo below her hidden eye and near her armpit
spade tattoo on her neck
QOS tattoo on her tit
Vine spade tattoo on her arm
Spade tattoo on her ankle
requesting skin edit for the guy
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I have worked on TLing another of ono elle's works. Anyone care to look over it before I copy over the changes to the diffs and upload it?
I am not willing to go over and redraw everything, so apologies for the speech bubbles.
I also decided to TL the SFX this time, but I've not removed the JP SFX and I'm not sure if it looks alright. Obviously redrawing the SFX would have been ideal, but again I am not willing to do that. Do you think the current solution of pasting EN SFX over JP SFX is OK? Or would just not TLing the SFX have been better?
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>OP isn't even black
Lmao based
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Nikke girls are literally BUILT FOR BBC, can't believe more edits aren't made for these PAWGs
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Requesting spade tats on the ass/chest of my fave proud slut anna williams because you know she gets blacked by marduk and armor king on the not-so-low down, I mean c'mon.
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Isn't your dick a little to small to enjoy Tomoko's pussy getting bashed by BBC?
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You know only black guys payed any attention to her, that's why she only fucks black cock.
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Does anyone have more extreme BNWO tattoos?
File: My girlfriend, Shizuku.png (3.07 MB, 1280x1856)
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slightly unrelated but if anyone has the redhead Ratatata AI images plz dump
Requesting edit for https://files.catbox.moe/vwiauz.jpeg
Something on the side boobs would be nice
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Holy based, was hoping someone would TL them
BLACKED Archive is great
Requesting a skin edit for the guy
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requesting a bikini edit pls
Does anyone have the blacked mod for Celesphonia?
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Requesting skin fix for all guys enjoying Asuka Langley. It's from Aseiuxs latest works (it's a set). Make all guys black please.
Use pic attached as an example of color (it's from the same artist)
Also there's 5th pic with Asuka being goth. Please fix colors on it too and edit the heart under her eye to a spade.
Requesting skin fix for some cuts of amon's works I made myself. Not that I hate Kaji, but I really want to see Asuka taking as many black dicks as humanly possible. Just make the guy black, please
Also these images, please do them with similar shade for the guy.
And the last one
Seconding this, Thanabis illustrations all need skin corrections.
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Requesting both guys to be black pls.
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anyone has any good needle marks .pngs? I don't think there are any in the resources zip
Dead fetish
Hot >_<
I hate how these two images alone make me hot
Tattoos on red and pink please
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Check this characterai queen of spades bot. Unfortunately cai shadowbans nsfw characters and the chat filter is strong

Here's the card version, infinitely better if you use powerful llms like claude or gpt4 through a frotend like sillytavern, but if you don't, you can at least use the site's AI, which is pretty bad but unlike characterai allows nsfw
Does anyone have an archive of Bella Spade's pixiv? They nuked their account a while back and all I can find are the chinese translations and a few random works.
Who's that one girl you wished had more blacked content, /h/?
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1.48 MB PNG
What are you talking about? Elaborate. When did someone made a mod for Celesphonia? I am interested too
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517 KB PNG
Nvm. I found it, here you have it:
Thanks for letting me aware of this anon, never heard of this before
Does anyone know any more Blacked mods for h-games besides Karryn's Prison? I would be really invested in this topic
I found recently this mod on F95Zone but haven't tried it though: https://f95zone.to/threads/actually-black-kirk-mod-for-v1-0-ntr-alchemy-before-i-knew-it-my-beloved-wife-and-best-friend-completed-the-human-transmutation-final-ero-turbo.185251/

I have saved two pictures of what seems to be an edit from Yuka: Scattered Shards of the Yokai but I don't think there's more content about it beyond than these pictures and I have forgotten where did I get them
Also, I remember there was an anon who posted here once a blacked edit for Mischief War ~Little Island Legend~ years ago, he mentioned he was making a mod for it but I haven't heard any progress since then
If anybody has more info or a better place where to discuss this I would appreciate it, thanks
I just remembered there was an anon who claimed to be working on a blacked mod for Oba-sans Saga. Does anyone know more about it? I can't find the post where he said it
holy shit send the other edit pic of yuka.
if someone made a blacked mod of that game id literally never play anything else
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Here you have it:
I think I recall asking this years ago and being told that there was no mod, they were two standalone edits. But I wanted to double check, would like to be proved wrong, I'm with you anon

Also, I just remembered I have saved another picture of what it seems to be a QoS/blacked mod/update for Violated Heroine. Does anyone know more about it? I think I got it from a /hgg2d/ thread years ago too
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has anyone made an edit of this ratatatat74 comic?
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Here's to the Umamusume girls getting to enjoy African stud cock with a global release.
This came out well
to begin with I'm surprised ratat drew a white dude as the bull
It's far from the first time
Requesting the sides to be extended similar to this amount here:
And for the guy to be more tanned/dark like here:
Please and thank you.

Mainly wanting to use it as a background, so having it be more dynamic than in the middle of the image would be great.
these ones, don't have ai tards name tho
How the fuck do I install this patch? I grabbed some pre-patch chinese version of the game and tried installing the mod. I made sure I rewrite the system.json stuff to false, but now everytime I launch the game, I get a
>Loading Error
>Failed to load: img/system/IconSet.png
I’m not sure why I find it so erotic, but I do.
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An anon did an amazing job at this request, but I just have some tweaks i'd like done please.
Mainly just that her hand on the left side should be a similar orientation to the right side with her wrist, hand and fingers in more of an upwards direction.
And the guy's bicep and hips look a bit strange. I think the bicep's a bit too thick and his hips might need thickening or widening?
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Looking for pics of Nadeko getting blacked
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Here's the blacked picture from VH if anybody wants it. Does anyone has more information about this update/mod?

I found it a headache too.
I downloaded the game from this poster rather than from the frontpage because I couldn't be bothered to search and apply latest CNmod:
After doing so, I only had to follow Step 8 from the Readme.txt
To be honest, I don't know the differences between vanilla and CNmod, I think the mod should work without the CNmod
Let me know it if works for you
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Thank you so much! Yeah the mod works. I wonder just how much did the creator modded in. I wonder if they're still around.
I think I read him saying that he will release an update mid-Summer where he will add items and different lines of dialogue or so.
So far the mod is pretty simple, its mostly a black skin edit and some pictures edits. I guess its better than nothing. The modder is active in his twitter, Celesphonia modding discord server and "Blacked modding" discord server

So far there doesn't seem to be a high demand for blacked/skin-edit modding on H-games which I find a huge shame
requesting skin edit for the guy please!
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That's the face of someone who is going to give birth to a lot of dark-skinned babies, her Womb demands it.
Thanks bro.
I made a desktop wallpaper for you using the template BBC tattoo. enjoy.
Skin edit on the guy for both of these plz
Whats your honest and realistic prediction when terasu will drop the last chapter of the transfer student story? Or do you think he is afraid hes gonna lose a lot of interest and money if his most successful story is over and thats why he will never finish it?
Wasn't there some autistic faggot that threaten to dox terasu if he made another story with a black man as the bull?
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Requesting for tattoos. Would love to see her tits with tats
why is character ai so good and why dont they allow nsfw, such agony. all the models i have access to via google collabs just dont compare
someone has pandoras censor edits?
I'm never gonna be healed of my QoS addiction, am I? I know it's wrong but... it feels so fucking good. I can't stop it.
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Not DARK enough!
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Holy fuck that is hot
What's wrong with BNWO? tt stings good.
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Requesting skin fix on the guy of both these two pictures
Tattoos are also nice but not necessary
definitely noel vermillion
she's so cute and happy!
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Requesting the girl on the left to be made into Ino yamanaka and the right girl to be changed into Sakura Haruno, please.
Probably the best reference below:
As it was made by the same artist.
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Requesting a skin edit for male in these pictures
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Requesting her panties to be BLACKED branded and a QoS being revealed from the action.

Just that~
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Finally got photoshop, any tips? I wonder if I should lower the opacity and if there wasa way to make it take up the whole cheek?
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i'm tarded
How much blacked hentai online is AI generated? I was scrolling a bit today and I saw so much porn that looked very similar in style but by different artists.
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Can someone edit hands pls?
at this point? prolly like 60/40 split
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Anyone has pics of girls getting tattoed? I like those so much it's unreal
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Requesting the girl to look more like Rikka Takarada in both panels, please.
Thx for the edits!
Thx For edits!
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Requesting a skin edit for the male In these pictures

There are 19 pictures(overall) in these 2 zip files, I'll be thankful if anyone takes she time to do these edits.

Requesting a skin edit for the guys. Make them dark please.
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Requesting skin edit for these pictures please

Requesting a skin edit for the hands

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Requesting a skin edit for this
requesting spade edit on her crotch
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new actual QOS art
File: 4anon2.png (1.57 MB, 1792x1586)
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wrong pic
Thx for the edit, this is great!
Requesting a skin edit for the big jock guys

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Requesting a skin edit for the non black hands in these pictures please

Edit skin of all guys, please
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Requesting a skin edit for the guy receiving the blowjob plz

(And if you have the time could you give the other person ginger hair and gave have the same skin tone as the women in this picturehttps://files.catbox.moe/0uolpd.png)

Here are the frames for the gif, there are 24 frames
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Love seeing ryuko as a qos
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requesting spade tattoo on her tit
That's the good part of the BBC: It prevents lesbianism.
I wish more people would make Bulma edits.
Just seeing her face triggers me, she is mean for BBC.
because BBC makes it clear enough that women loves dicks, not pussies
Even with tags like 百合破坏 or レズのチン負け, you can still see yuricucks coping that the girls still love each other
But it's a different thing when there is BBC/QOS tag
They won't have any excuse
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The BA girls were made for BBC

skin fix, please
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Requesting spade tattoo on her neck
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Requesting uncensored and skin edits please and thank you.
You should generate Noel Vermillion in missionary position with her Black. If her legs could be behind her head that would be perfect.
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Hotaru, anata daisuke desu! (Masturbates in the corner)
based Loixacra
File: BlackedBitch.gif (3.91 MB, 536x695)
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3.91 MB GIF
why are you guys like this?
dont you have summer homework to be doing
enough projection, why are all of you like this?
Do I need to explain the reason for the existence of porno fantasy?
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Requesting a edit for the guy
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50 KB
Tifa is a bbc slut
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In the hood
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>Masturbation support while another girl gets fucked by the BBC
This is so hot
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This is hot as fuck. Some chad should post this over at /hsrg/
Just enjoy it here
This one set has the girl directly say “black men” in JP
No it's funny. I'll post it when I get the opportunity
anyone got the translation of this?
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Personally I like the simpler edits. Just made this.
no translation
It’s a small CG set (9 pics)
You can find them on the artist’s Pixiv or Twitter
Not an actual translation but the rough scenario based on MTL
>Your party has been afflicted with the Charm debuff. Clear the condition as soon as possible. If you fail to remove the debuff in the specified amount of turns the debuff will become permanent and the character may leave the party at random times for an unspecified amount of time.
>March and Firefly telling you that they were brainwashed by the black guy and asking you to rescue them
>In order to save them you have to hold back from cumming for 10 turns
>You're about to cum from their handjob and they tell you "It's okay if we belong to black men~ don't hold back"
>"Look, he's about to cum~ You've already squirted out three loads but it's only his first time"
>"Silver Wolf gets creampied
>"Look at how thick his load is, it's nothing like yours"
>"Any girl would fall for that kind of rough sex. We might fall in love before the charm becomes unremovable"
Again, not an actual translation but that's what I could gather from looking through the set
Pretty hot
The tattoo could've been more subtle but overall very decent attempt.
damn, that is indeed very hot.
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The fact that there's barely any hentai of Blanc being a snow bunny makes me depressed.
Unfortunately, NIKKE doesn't seem to trigger some sorts of reaction from BBC fans
You have to be at Honkai Impact level to have constant BBC fan creation. Though it was mostly because insecure chinks themselves thought they were cucked by black foreigners when global server got bunny skins
Anyone knows a good AI "artist" for worshipping stuff? I don't want the penetration just the looking at the dick surprised, licking and blowjobs
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Mizumizuni. I don't think he's ever drawn a pussy.
File: Blanc 6.png (2.21 MB, 1280x1856)
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It really is a shame. The girls are fantastic.
I can try and gen some
>hough it was mostly because insecure chinks themselves thought they were cucked by black foreigners when global server got bunny skins
Back when I took commissions for AI I was honestly surprised by how much of the Azur Lane and Genshin stuff was commissioned by Chinese people, like at least a third were using Chinese email addresses.
what character are you looking for?
File: blanc.jpg (660 KB, 1680x2139)
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More blanc please I love her

(I have this mod installed)
Requesting the purple dude's in this picture
To be black please
Any AI expert here who knows what prompts to use to get pics like Mirham's, Axiah's, etc?
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sure, I'll post a collection in a bit, just gotta go through and add some tattoos to them all.
Request board is elsewhere
The cope for this set is hilarious
the girls straight up said "黒人" (black men) but there are people coping that the one fucking Silver Wolf isn't one
We're is the new request board, I didn't see it.
Please do skin fixes for these tekuho works
Do you have invites to those cords?
It's literally request
But I did use the request anchor, you can see so yourself.

You said the request board is elsewhere so I assumed you meant it's on another thread or something.
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Here's the Blanc set
also where did you get the blacked mod?
not him but this looks great!
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here you go!!
Messing around in NAI and decided to see if I could slap a tat in and I did. There's that I guess.
does anyone have the tat edit of this comic? i remember seeing it on twitter but forgot to save


first edit ive done, hope its ok
Here's the tutorial for the mod and the characters:

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Can anyone share an updated folder with templates for editing please?
Nicole is so fucking hot with bbc
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She's so BBC coded it's insane
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Pine...my firecracker is gonna prematurely pop on the floor...
Request board. Board.

ESL pls
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Requesting pubic hair removal
I wish I could request this in a normal request board, but no one takes blacked requests in those places
You can and they actually do
I'm a 100% sure that if I post this request in a normal edit thread I'll get told to fuck off and there's even less chance of me getting the edit than here
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Requesting skin color fix
some tattoos on both of the girls
forgot to reply to the post
A few months ago.
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do you have a page or something with all your stuff?
I mainly make and post images for this thread on 4ch.
I don't have my own page because I only make images fairly infrequently,
and I don't have a social networking account. I hope to see you here again.
Have there been any updates or teaser pics for terasus transfer student story?
not even a mega with all your stuff in it at least? I just asked cause I wanted to grab it collated in one place instead of having to manually go through the past threads going back three or more years
Good, fuck off and go there
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>portraying it as less extreme and more acceptable in society makes it hotter
This. As opposed to being some grand conspiracy to make you less racist and/or a sissy, it's so much hotter when it's just hot girls having a widespread preference that excludes you. That, and stuff like this >>8047529 is way nicer to look at than the gratuitous tattoo edits.
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I really think OP should at least remove the "no cuckposting" rule
/blacked/ on trash has been nearly unusable for months and /ntr/ is kinda a hit or miss for anons to play into blackedposting. I just want to cuckpost in peace without anons driving the conversation away from blacked
Pornographic images between humans, not beasts, do not belong on /d/.
oh and archive search is down atm
I really think no one asked
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Requesting QOS tattoos on this, please!
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here you go
Stop feeding the beggars
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It encourages more begging

R u retarded
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There were request anchor posts long before I started posting here. It's a well-established part of the thread. I'm not sure why you suddenly have a hate boner for it.
Thanks for the edit
I made a fun little thing.
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Requesting skin edit for the guy, pls
It looks good but why is she a ritual monster?
Ur afaggot
Special summon with watermelon and fried chicken
I can't remember exactly why since I made the first few cards months ago. I think it was the idea black men performing a cum tribute on the girls hence Bukkake counters. That and I just really like how ritual cards look.
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Holy that's a nice render she is so thick, is it from a pack?
It's just cause ur gay
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she really is
Anyone know what artist mix mirham uses?
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120605258 does anyone know how to get this style?
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Requesting QOS crotch tattoo

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