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Why are these people obsessed with trying to define white using genetics and not phenotypes?
VGH… el MEDBVLL master race
>judge things by how they look rather than by how they are
Must like being deceived and pozzed.
"whiteness" as it exists today in its most commonly used definition is based on appearance rather than genes
Not him but, hasn't it always been about a person's skin appearing white? Any attempt to define white according to national boundaries is categorically incompatable with the concept.
i.e. racemaxxing
Yeah pretty much that's why retards chimping out on whether or not south italians are functionally white is pure autism.
No, only the English are white. It is amply known that the Irish are chiefly tawny for example.
I suspect that brownoid or Jewish rat claws typed this >>17440136 post because nobody else lies about the subject.
Begone swarthoid.
>d&c rat pretending to be white
Lol, you people are a miserable lot of intolerable scum. No wonder Jesus called you spawn of the devil.
>Christianity is when you kill niggers and Jews
Latinxs only care about phenotype. They will call a castizxs and menagroids white.
>French person and Chinese person have the same complexion
"Dooood!! They're the same! You can't tell which is which!!!"
>Two siblings have a slightly different complexion
why so you keep false flagging and making these garbage posts. it's brownoids that deny genetics now because it actually proved us right and you wrong, it proved that you're not white
OP is 100% a non white falseflagger piece of shit. He also LARPs as a German and as an American on /int/, and goes as far as to lie that he’s White. He doesn’t even just ignore the claims he’s not White, he LIES that he IS.
He has been coalposting about these same topics for over an year now.
He’s so fucking stupid he doesn’t realize the only “Whites” who agree with him are other browns obviously larping as White.

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