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I mean he killed his slave masters entire family and many other random whites who had nothing to do with his enslavement. Yet today is regarded as one of the biggest American heroes that ever lived. I'm Arab but was taught the story of Turner and i was surprised later to find that he killed so many white civilians. Is it acceptable to kill random civilians in America in this way?
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I wish, they give us bad offerings
>Yet today is regarded as one of the biggest American heroes that ever lived.
Anon average people barely even know who he is, you want anti slavery hero go for John Brown.
>thread turns out to be a schizo muzzie thing where he denies regular schizo muzzie things
if it was bouddica, it'd be slandered by the entirety of /his/
>The Whites were complicit in the chattel slavery system and likely would have wanted to buy a nigger for themselves if they could.
>>muh innocents!
>They all support the enslavement of you and your race and killed far more than were killed by you.
Genuinely psychotic, third world tier logic. "I was wronged by people of this race therefore that gives me the right to do whatever I want to random people who are also of that race!"

Normal, mentally well-adjusted people do not think like this.

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Is there a single reason to be an atheist?
Besides appealing to ignorance.
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>So do you think everyone should be atheist?
Not necessarily. I think human behavior should be rooted in reality and tangible consequences our actions cause to others and ourselves, but personal beliefs about the fundamental nature of reality are up to every person. If you find comfort in your personal beliefs that's fine.
>If so then would that include people like me who see no way to rationally justify morality in atheism and therefore would have no care for human life if I were an atheist?
If the only reason you treat others well is because you're ordered to do so, then can you really call yourself a good person? Would your god call you a good person, if the only reason you act well is out of self-preservation and avoiding punishment of hell? Theists often tend to denigrate themselves when it comes to this topic, but I believe you would want to treat others well even if you didn't believe in a god.

Besides, I think it's impossible to justify "objective" morality in an atheistic and theistic worldview alike. Regardless of whether one is a theist or not, one ultimately ends up adopting morality based on their personal subjective beliefs and experiences. You see this with theists all the time: all the bad rules of their religions that they personally consider immoral or arbitrary tend to get excused as temporary measures only applying to a specific time, culture, place and people group, or as metaphors and the like, whereas the rules they themselves like are viewed as infallible unchanging word of god everyone should always follow. Regardless of the religion and denomination, it always ends up being about personal beliefs and preferences of the theist. They build the god they worship in their own image. Additionally, any morality a hypothetical god holds is ultimately its subjective preferences: the only difference between a human dictator and a divine dictator is that the latter is much more powerful and is better at enforcing its personal preferences.
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I fear we scared them away with those big words they don't understand, just as it was starting to get somewhat interesting. Looks like I am going back to shitposting
Yea I'm aware of all that, it's just arbitrary though and not convincing at all. If humans are just flesh automatons driven by mindless particle motions then they're no more valuable than some bacteria, just some primates who think a bit too highly of themselves.

>If the only reason you treat others well is because you're ordered to do so, then can you really call yourself a good person? Would your god call you a good person, if the only reason you act well is out of self-preservation and avoiding punishment of hell? Theists often tend to denigrate themselves when it comes to this topic, but I believe you would want to treat others well even if you didn't believe in a god.
No I only value people because Jesus showed humans have value. No I'm not good. I do not have a fear of hell, and I know this from times where I have left God, and it's in those times also humans seemed like pointless objects I had no reason to care for.
Our mind and intelligence lets us create concepts like justice and mercy and love into the universe, these exist because we choose to make it so
>If humans are just flesh automatons driven by mindless particle motions then they're no more valuable than some bacteria, just some primates who think a bit too highly of themselves.
Humans have value because humans value other humans. "Value" and "meaning" are inherently subjective judgements a willing agent makes on something, they're not objective features of reality passed down from somewhere else. I inherently value myself, my hobbies, my goals, my possessions and my loved ones, because doing so bring myself and hopefully others happiness, not because I'm ordered by someone else to value them.

>No I only value people because Jesus showed humans have value
I've seen this myopic argument many times. In your theistic worldview humans only have value because they have utility to a more powerful being, or they're created in its image - whether it's for some "plan" or having a social relationship - but like morality, there exists no non-circular way to justify value judgements. If a being requires something greater than it to give it value, then your god has no value either, unless something greater than god gives it value. Heaven has no value, unless it exists for some greater purpose, and it in turn has no value, unless it exists for some other purpose, and so on.

In the end it's the subjective value judgement of a human or a hypothetical god (both thinking agents, one is merely more powerful than the other) that gives things meaning and value.

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Were original DF27 Lusitani related and original L21 Pict related? Did they speak some proto-celtic branches?
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R1a lost in westen europe.
bell beaker is a horizon, not an ethnicity.
and we don't know their language
Ooga booga Basque-adjacent ones
they simply never lived in Western Europe, the first R1a invasion of the British Isles is associated with the Germanic expansion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UExxzJKkZsM
The Basques are very unique Neolithic aborigines in terms of their language.
all of them were subject to the founder effect by IE men.
we can say that Yamnaya is the horizon, Afanasievo and Andronovo too.
but in fact we will understand that Yamnaya and Afanasievo are very similar, and most likely spoke the same language, like Andronovo/Sintashta.

india is one country, why shouldn't west africa be one country?
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Always felt French West Africa had kino borders. It makes me feel like a version of the real Mali-Mali empire .
The caste system in India creates a specialised hierarchy that allows a nation as diverse as India to function without the multiple different caste subgroups killing each other over tribal inanity.

No such thing exists in Africa, which was why the colonial powers had to split it up with arbitrary borders because in one big West African nation, the Wolofs and the Yoruba would start duking it out for control, and then whoever wins would go Hotel Rwanda on literally every other Bantu one gene slightly removed from the main group.
Well there were technically various moments in history where most of the whole land area was united under one hegemonic power so it's not totally unreasonable to think it would work. West Africa is considerably different because it was never a united entity and is even religiously split between Christian and Muslim.
>colonial powers had to split it up with arbitrary borders
Never happened. The borders of Africa were defined based on who was already there and simultaneously who could militarily control it. Since colonization began as deals with local tribes ,Blacks indirectly had some input in the borders, too, although not deliberately.
Nigeria already has this, Sudan had it too until they finally broke in two along religious lines

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>Watching tiktok
>Some cringy fat (probably Jewish) dork basedboy looking "history" person in the same vein of John Green or Adam Conover pops
>Says "The British Empire got rich from drug dealing."
>I want to badly correct him, that the Jewish Sassoon family is responsible for the opium trade and that it Jews who got rich from it, not Brits.
>Next video, claims Al-Andulus was an Arab state and that Arabs lived all the way in the North of Spain, claims the pope payed Normans to attack Northern Spain but they ended up staying and dressing like Arabs.
>Wanted to correct him that most Moors are distinct from Arabs and could include any Muslim group including bebers, native Spaniards, black west africans etc. Also wanted to correct him that the population was "arab", that his so called "arabs" (really moors) were in fact colonist, and that the majority of Iberia was indigenous Spaniards not Muslim "Arabs"
It's all so tiring. Why is there such an audaicne for fake history drivel? Why can't people handle the truth?
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You know TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube shorts all recycle each other ? They are all the same content. TikTok oringates the most, however, and they get watered down to the other platforms.
Fuck off unc. I think I hear your nurse coming.
>Watching tiktok
Are you 12
>Noooo, you can't do lefty globalhomo-friendly historical revisionism you have to do "muh jooos" chudcore revisionism instead.
You deserve the post-modern hellscape you get. You people have become every bit as post-modern as the people you claim to despise. Everything is "deconstructing narratives," or "discourses of power." No wonder Nick Land is actually popular here.

You could have started with the Greeks and stayed with the Latins. Instead you choose IDpol and "Foucault was right, he just needed to be more right-wing!"
Tiktok is filled with viciously anti-white content in terms of history.

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you'll rot in the ground there is no afterlife.
Even if you're right, this is just one of about twenty threads on /his/ right now that have nothing to do with history.
Can you prove it?
Well if you're right I guess I wouldn't have to worry about it lmao
What is even the purpose of these threads

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is it ideal to have perfectly even EEF/Steppe admixture? pic related
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Dude, N Italians have 38% Steppe in some cases
Because they are, they all come from Twitter and Discord.
Mhmmm I would love to suck on her pepperonis
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Probably a French/German/Englishmen
Basically a Farmer Mestizo. Farmer women are a godsend.
The best posters went to Twitter. Way more scientific information and historical information over there.

Current head of russian orthodox church is a litteral former KGB agent and tabacoo smuggler.

Where did it all go wrong ?
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>That the toll house is allegorical doesn't render it invalid.
Are the toll houses REAL like how Serephim Rose write, or is it just an allegory?
Stop doing the palamite dance around the topic, act like a man and confess your beliefs.
>If the toll house is about taking you to task on what you haven't repented for - then it has nothing to do with Gnosticism.
I forgive you for your ignorance.

>You have tertullian, justin martyr, irenaeus, and so on leading you up the same stairway to this idea.
No you don’t, you’re just ass pulling gnostic doctrine and retroactively trying to justify it as Christian.
Notice how you haven’t actually posted a single one of those church fathers quotes. Because deep down YOU know they didn’t believe this crap.
If a catholic said “oh yes well purgatory is confirmed by the apostolic church fathers because Justin, Irenaeus, and Clement of Alexandria, believed that, in general, the saved did not enter heaven until Judgment Day” there is NO WAY the Palamite church would accept that as a legitimate argument.
>You're petty

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>I heard a lot of propaganda from Western cunts decrying USSR anti-religion campaigns but Russians themselves had quite different take on it.
It's because the bishops drive benzies. Even in the poorest oblasti they wear gold and look down on the poor sick and needy. Read Lost Souls by Gogol it'll clear things up.
>According to some sources, the total number of Christian victims under the Soviet regime has been estimated to range around 12 to 20 million.[139][140] At least 106,300 Russian clergymen were executed between 1937 and 1941.[141]

This was a holocaust of more than 50 years.

Only God really knows how many Christians they killed, how many children were taken from their parents, how many churches were deliberately desecrated, how many were lobotomized or experimented upon by hack psychiatrists for their implaccable faith, or how many of their vile and inhuman collaborators and successors are still active around the world, wriggling their way like parasitic worms through influential institutions in education, media, and state to continue this work of pure genocidal hatred and destruction of culture.
any time you meet a communist, remind yourself they don't care at all about the hundred million piled corpses they use as a grandstand to spew their lies

in fact, there is a VERY good chance they actually celebrate it
>Do you know what a toll house is?
I’m SO GLAD you asked. The answer is no because not even the Palamites know.
They can’t figure out if it’s an allegorical description of peoples last thoughts as they die and it’s not a part of soteriology (see hierarch Lazar Puhalo), they can’t figure out if unironically real (see serephim rose), they can’t figure out if it’s not real at all and it’s heterodox, I’ve even see Palamites try and argue that Jesus died on the cross to “cleanse the air” while simultaneously believing that the toll houses are a legitimate thing which would make Christs death go from victory to status quo ante bellum

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Nobody really has any interest in African religions. There are tribal wudu religions in Africa which seem like an ancient continuation of Odinism. They aren't perceived as an archetype of ancient wisdom like Native American and Asian religions are. Some may say these religions are just shamanism and tribal memory; it's just proto-codified mythological history and has nothing to offer Westerners the same way that something like the Greco-Roman mysteries or Egyptian beliefs do. Maybe it really is racism behind it.

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Ricky Lee Green and his wife Sharon committed a brutal string of mutilation murders in the Fort Worth, Texas area in the mid-1980s, the tragic end result of a childhood from Hell. Green was a native of Fort Worth and was born in the central Texas city on December 27, 1960. His father Bill was a sadist who enjoyed torturing his five children on a regular basis. Ricky's brother Perry claimed that their father administered electric shocks, punched them in the stomach, or held their heads under water until they almost drowned. When Ricky was 6, Bill told him to run for it as he fired at him with a BB gun. He was hit with most of the shots as his father sarcastically told him to run faster next time. Bill told his son he was worthless and would never amount to anything. Ricky's grandfather also repeatedly molested him.

Green lost an eye at some point in his childhood when he ran into barbed wire and had to get a prosthetic glass eyeball. He quit school in the 8th grade and got a job as a radiator repairman. In February 1984 he got married to a woman named Mary Francis but the honeymoon ended in only two months when Green began suspecting his wife was cheating on him. One night when he was drunk Mary came home and he got out a knife and raped her. Afterwards she grabbed her stuff, left the house, and never came back. A few weeks later he met Sharon Dollar, a known junkie, and she soon moved in with him. One evening during sex Sharon poked Ricky's penis with a sewing needle and drew blood, which she then drank.
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>Sharon got a knife and stabbed her. Ricky then smashed in Montana's head with a hammer, and Sharon asked if she could try it too. With the hapless hitchhiker dead, the two stared at her bloodied body and wondered what to do next. Ricky then fondled his wife's breasts and the two had a hot, steamy lovemaking session next to the corpse.
there are Goth chicks who fantasize about this scenario.
OP can you do a thread about Shanda Sharer?
>Sharon Green was convicted of being an accomplice to murder and received 10 years of probation
This is like the 4th time I've heard of women being deeply involved in multiple serial killings/abductions/torture and getting relatively light punishment, sometimes not even jail time. It's fucking unreal.
if they're white women. if it was a black woman instant electric chair.

Which phenotype does this resemble and where is it most common
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Stay on /int/ you jailbaity boy
Stay here and tell us where we can see your bussy. Unless you're actual jb
Balkan mystery meat, it's found in Italy too, mostly the central region. Girls look cute at times with this phenotype but the men are total uggos
Don’t goth people and Asians LARP as this phenotype with makeup and fashion?
presumably somebody ryan knows. I don't know what phenotype that is but i'm guessing Ryan is a pale nerdy wristlet with acne

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>As a term, "British Isles" is a geographical name and not a political unit. In Ireland, the term is controversial, and there are objections to its usage. The Government of Ireland does not officially recognise the term,[20] and its embassy in London discourages its use.[21] "Britain and Ireland" is used as an alternative description,[19][22][23] and "Atlantic Archipelago" has also seen limited use in academia.[24][25][26][27] In official documents created jointly by Ireland and the United Kingdom, such as the Good Friday Agreement, the term "these islands" is used

I am not Irish or British so maybe I don’t understand. But why are Irish so upset about the geographical phrase British isles?

It’d be like Mexico being upset the continent is called North America because the USA has America in its name and historically invaded Mexico

At the very least if you’re gonna refuse to use the phrase that’s longest lasting, most well known and actually sounds good. Come up with a better name than “North Atlantic archipelago” or “these isles” or “Britain and ireland”. That last one is even more retarded considering there are a bunch of islands in the British isles that are not Britain or Ireland. Like the jersey islands. Isle of Man, Wight etc

sad that Ireland is too insecure to accept a normal phrase. Like saying British isles is deadnaming them lmao
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The obvious solution to all these anti-Irish posts is to formally accuse the enemies of Hibernia of having participated in the Holocaust
They'd accuse us of worse if they could so I don't see why we can't remind them of their scuppering of the Blood for Goods offer
That was me, not him
I can’t tell any of these swamp people apart no matter what shithole island they come from
There are no swamps in Britain and Ireland
Yeah there's bogs instead. It's why Irish used to be called bog trotters in America

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>The most popular Fetishes amongst Women

>50 cis women were asked about what sexual fetishes they had which were added to a list of fetishes alongside a description of the fetish. Then 500 cis women ticked boxes on what fetishes they had. Cis female scientists were used as women tend to lie to male scientists about their sexuality

>The following are the top fetishes amongst women, how many women have it and the description of the fetish:

>1. Financial Domination 98% "I get turned on when I take money from men or men buy me gifts."

>2. Loving Myself 97% "I romantically love myself, I get turned on by how I look and act."

>3. Feminist Cuckolding 85% "I want to sleep with other men when I have a partner but the men I sleep with are beneath me and serve me sexually they are not degrading me."

>4. Teasing 78% "I want to flirt with men I won't have sex with so I feel sexy and they give me attention."

>5. Queen and her Knight 63% "I want to date a successful masculine man who treats me like I am better than him and worships me as a queen."

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They're part of Europe and their society is the same as those of whites. Everything about them is white and I'm not gonna pretend that it isn't on some retarded note about their ancestry or their brown skin. Whites welcome them as equals.
I think the dog thing is that they just want to be fucked hard and without regard...the way a dog would fuck they just don't understand themselves enough to know that. IOT they want to be pounded good and hard and not have some dude asking how they feel or if it feels good or any of that other faggotry.
Bad book
What kind of midwit lumps Turks and Germans together as the same group?
the first one tells me you made all this shit up in your head even if some have merit.

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Old people in india get nostalgic about how blissful british india was. You could walk for kilometers on footpaths in major cities, next to roads that had minimal traffic. Everywhere you could see green fields below clear blue skies. It would be difficult to find a single piece of trash anywhere in a city
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The fuck yall thought decolonization meant? Essays? Pooping in designated locations with plumbing?
The first good golems are Evangelical Americans. Then Brits. Then Basketball Americans. Then the rest of Western Europe.

Africans are behind Indians who are behind Chinese in the championship of "golems who went rogue". Full support, saar, memes aside, India recognises and provides aid to Palestine, none of the Indian upper classes have married into Jews and political corruption is so normal that it's impossible to blackmail them.

Indians are even more endogamous than Jews, and man to man, Gujaratis alone outjew Jews. The current scenario is a circulation of elites where Jews, degenerated and high on their beliefs of superiority to the goyim, are being displaced by Indians.
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Would never work, now if the bongs implemented mass sterilization and promoted gibs to pajeetas who took British semen and raised the bastards themselves, you could see an alternate india where they all look like Persians and Syrians instead of the things they look like now

I played a Victoria 2 game where I larped this scenario as an independant East India Company that would limit jeets to 1 child and allow pajeetas to get welfare if they produced 3 half breed children with prime Euro stock, mostly the Anglo ruling elite
All this time, the huw*te man was worried about the """Hebraic menace""" while the Indian man has been fighting steadfastly for millennia against the true ancestors and masters of the Israeli people - those malefactors who have held the Levantines in their grasp like puppets since the dawn of humanity and degenerated 1.4 billion people without blinking an eye - the Gujjew.
The British population was 10 million, The Indian population was at least 150 million, it's a pipe dream and that's not even getting into the other stuff you mentioned
Why doesn't it? I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

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If he's real why doesn't he show himself? Why am I forced to believe in Jewish mythology?
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Atheists really do be standing there with eyes closed telling us you can't see
So everyone who claims to see something is right, and everyone who claims not to see it is wrong?

Everyone who has hallucinations is seeing real things, then?
>Billions of people have been hallucinating for millennia
that's what my pastor said before he slipped it in
Jesus did show Himself to the following people:
>11 Apostles
>70-72 other disciples
>Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Martha, Joanna, Salome, and Susanna
Jesus will come for the final judgment.

>Why am I forced to believe in Jewish mythology?
You don't have to convert to Rabbinic Judaism OP.

That's is Rabbinic Judaism anon.

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