There we're ANY change of Goebbels get away with just some years of prision? how great would be his attorney if someone could get away with it?
>>17080529At Nuremberg the only way you could avoid torture and execution is by confessing to all manner of absurd crimes, having confessions was very important to ZOG since it justified their unpopular involvement in the war. Goebbels was ideological and not just some apparatchik, it is unlikely that he would have cucked out even under torture, but he didn't take that chance.
>>17081162>Hitlers second bookAh yes "Hitler's second book". Right. The fact you can't even name it tells me you never read it except maybe to have seen a few quotes passed around. I am assuming you mean table talks, which wasn't published by Hitler. It was just a loose collection of papers which were taken by his enemies and published after ww2. They were proven to have been tampered with, so are basically worthless.
>>17081175It's literally called Hitlers Zweites Buch...
>>17081045So, how come that other nazi leaders like Himmler decided that the best approach is to send their children out of the way of fighting, and behold, their children lived?
>>17081175The only people who doubt the legitimacy of "hitlers second book" I have encountered also think it is jewish lies Hitler spoiled a fortune before becoming a neet
Can we have a comfy medieval soldiers thread?Post knights from your landsuntil 16th century or so>Rus knights (bogatyr)>14th-15th century
>>17076473baghdad and moorish al-andalus were peak comfort thoughuntil it was sacked by barbaric crusaders and mongols
>>17080576Ah, interesting. Thanks.
Suppose that his nephew wasn't the dumb cunt that he was in our timeline or something.
"Former Glory" is a lot to ask, the former empire peaked like 300 years earlier it was a completely different world. But yes he had a good plan and good tools to pull it off. The barbarians weren't moving around anymore in the West, they had settled down and become prone to games of politics. Justinian clearly understood that war was policy with additional means.But the plague fucked it all up
The west was thriving until this ugly loser got high off the stank fumes emanating from his whore of babylon wife's pussy and decided to bankrupt and destroy the east just to ruin the west. Fucking cretin. The Goths were running Italy and Spain perfectly fine and the Italian aristocracy were behind them 100%. Then these GREEK losers wewuzed too hard and threw shit all over everything, as usual.
>>17080545theodoric had a better shot, but justinian thwarted everything
>>17080997How much of a retard you have to be to risk something like that.>>17080588This.>>17080545Justinian's single successful Western campaign was against the Vandals.The war in Italy was an absolute shitshow that took way too long, way too much resources and it destroyed Italy.Justinian is pseud bait.
>>17080588>he should have destroyed the Sasanian Empire first and then reconquer the West.That's how you do it in attila total war but it wouldn't work in real life for the reasons that the Romans in a much better position couldn't do it to Parthia 400 years earlier. It was easy enough to march down the Euphrates and loot Ctesiphon but pushing on is a different game. There's not really a defensible border on the Zagros and pushing on to the Iranian interior would have been a nightmare given that was the Sassanid powerbase and the Romans would have been operating right at the end of their logistical tether.
St. Jerome didn't have a bath for forty years. Queen Isabella, of Spain, who supplied Columbus with the men and means that led to the "discovery" of America, was given a bath the day she was born, another on her wedding day and a third after death, when she was prepared for burial. A famous English prelate never bathed and never changed his clothes. New robes were put over the old ones which were allowed to rot and fall off. Wherever he went, worms, maggots and vermin fell from his robes. There are records of men being tired in court and accused if heresy or infidelity for having bathed.
>>17079260Est euro here. My grandparents lived in a small mountainous village, virtually unchanged in the past 500 years.Every night, be it summer or winter they would light up a fire in the stove and place two pots on it. One was with food and the other one was with water. By the time the food got eaten, the water in the other pot would be boiling. So they had a small metal basin, they would fill it halfway with boiling water and topped it with regular water. And they would wash their entire bodies , from the top of their heads to the toes . Every single night. You can't even go to bed covered in dust , sweat and the grime of the day. Evening washing was and still is a ritual in our parts. And I would bet a lot of money this was the case in all European history. Fuck these lying niggers .
>>17079265Ponder the boutique
I can't think of a single positive thing Christianity has done for Europe. If anything it's amazing how far Europeans came in spite of Christianity.
>>17080763>What if she's on her period, and it's full of floating slimy fibrous estrogenic clumps sourced from her uteral lining, and also has an overpoweting smell of fishy blood that makes your eyes water?You have no idea how enticing that sounds, I wish to no longer merely ponder the aroma and taste of such a divine nectar. I demand the pussy juice ichor right now
>>17081146............What if she comes back early, and whispers in your ear:>would you like some wings with that souce?
>Stalin was not impressed with Mao Zedong when they met in late 1949. He allegedly remarked "What kind of a man is Mao? He seems to have some idea of revolution involving the peasants but not the workers. A caveman Marxism."[9]
>>17080782Marxism works with what it has. Mao only had peasants to work with. Lenin had workers. In America they have bourgeois kids and bums. Marxism works with what it has.
>>17080782oh I'm sorry, does history not fit your personal logic? Was there some hidden factor, or even two factors that escaped your consideration? If one man could comprehend everything, we'd stick with kings. Revolution is a metaphor for change, if you want to play God the thing to do is to kill millions upon millions of people, and pave the future with their skulls. That's what God and time ultimately do. Logical outcomes, ideology, small-minded political and propaganda platforms have no relation to this deep process.
>>17080793Except that1) When Khmer Rouge rule ended in 1979, more Cambodians were alive than in 1960 or in any year preceding that: The percentage of people older than 15 _increased_ after 4 years of Khmer Rouge rule, proving that the idea that adults were more likely to be killed (due to allegedly being less brainwashable) is a myth 3) To this day, Cambodia has a higher average IQ than her neighbours, see: The Khmer Republic that preceded Democratic Kampuchea was an awfully corrupt regime which had US aid as its main source of income (something like $1,000,000 per day at its peak) and would have collapsed as early as 1973 had American bombers not devastated the countryside (without any declaration of war). Life expectancy in Cambodia started going down in 1970, not in 1975: A solid 100,000 Cambodian civilians were killed by the Vietnamese invasion in December 1978 - January 1979 alone, per Clodfelter in "Warfare and Armed Conflicts" (2017)
>>17080793Yeah the khmer rouge is still a world record holder in my eyes. It would be like employing an army of 25 million rural hicks and autistic suburban fat kids to factory-farm chop the heads off 70 million doctors, scientists, bankers, lawyers, white collar workers and all their staff. Then while in operation, you proceed to have half the head-choppers chopped as well.And another 20 or 30 million would be thrown in some shithole prison and randomly tortured with amputations and hot pokers.Then you basically tell the world to go fuck themselves and live your your days in a comfortable house arrest scenario while proclaiming that it was all necessary.The sheer scale of this shit is awe-inspiring.
>>17081192You forgot the best part>have no industry because you completely destroyed it, deliberately, to try to turn city-dwellers into farmers, out of class-hate>without a heavy industry can't make weapons>have a chronic shortage of weapons, your enforcers have to ration bullets as you massacre your civilians>hey you know what would be really smart? Let's massacre chinese and vietnamese people, even though China and Vietnam are communist states and our only allies>okay now that we have pissed off our allies, let's invade them even though they are more powerful than us>oh shit, turns out you need bullets to fight a war and we lost 50% of our army in 2 weeks of fighting and our entire country was occupied
Why don't buddhists realize that suffering is just part of life and you just need to accept it? There's no point trying to escape it. If you think sitting alone in some monastery will get you free from all suffering, you'll just end up creating more suffering to yourself. A buddhist is like an angry teenager that doesn't want to accept some hard truths. It's like, imagine you had debt or something, and you just went: "I'll cancel all my debt by pretending it doesn't exist." It doesn't work that way. It sure works for some time, but eventually you will be kicked out of your house, you'll go to jail or your life will become hell in some other way. The only way to deal with it is to just pay it or beg for someone else to pay it. And in a similar manner, the only way to deal with suffering it to just go through it with pain and tears, there's no other solution. That's what any normal person would know but not the Buddhist, and the irony is that the average Buddhist is probably way more miserable than any average westener.
>>17080838Based take
>>17071725Ripped off from Neoplatonism.
>>17079888Trips of truth
>>17071149A Buddhist wouldn't even bother trying to conquer a challenge. They would just settle for laziness.
>>17080838Well if suffering prevents one from becoming a spoiled brat, or in other words it makes one mature, then the Buddha who understood suffering to its full extent and overcame it all must have been the most mature of all don't you think? Haha. But really I've never heard someone say I've had enough happiness, or someone say I want to suffer more. Even the people that enjoy self destructive behavior are doing it to find release, no one actually enjoys suffering. I hope I'm not coming off as too contrary to you, just offering you a different perspective for your consideration.>>17080934Laziness is criticized by the Buddha, and says that wealth escapes a lazy layman for example. Also right effort is a factor of the Noble Eightfold Path, the effort being directed at benefitial aspects of life from which one, and those around, can benefit rather than at selfish goals.
Do you guys believe it's morally good to want to be morally good because you want to be superior to evil people?
>>17079406Pride is not morally good.
>>17079406The only people who are morally good are hermits. Unfortunately people who are morally evil will always hunt you down and make you choose between two competing evils.
>>17080765Why do you believe wanting to be superior to evil people automatically makes one evil? Pride in the christian definition, if that's what you're referring to, means doing your own will instead of god's will. I believe the christian god is a lying alien who wants servants because space is a hostile jungle where beings enslave other beings. In this context, submission to god's will is a trick or Nietzsche's "slave morality" where yahweh is the master. Fuck yahweh, that lying alien. And if jesus is related to him and wants the world to serve his father, fuck him too. I'm not serving anybody except at gunpoint (ex: taxes). But I digress. My point is that the concept of "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" touted by Aliestar Crowley is exactly the rule the lying alien yahweh follows, so if he can do it I can do it. Pride is made up.
>>17079406I'm already significantly more virtuous than them and "evil people" are completely delusional for believing that their behavioral preferences in any way align with a normal person's.
>>17081142>Pride in the christian definition, if that's what you're referring to, means free will.OK inhuman NPC.
Free trade is capitalism and protectionism is socialism.Is it true that free trade is actually a bad thing since right wingers for the past 200 years have always argued that free trade is bad and you should use anything that foreigners produce?America shut down Japan in the 90s by imposing tariffs right? does protectionism improve your country or hurt it? so far it seems that it improves it because America has always used it as a tool to nuke Japan.
>>17080479It also means you have to buy their overpriced slop, but in the mean time the only way to get better stuff would be improve the capabilities of your nation to produce that stuff. Free trade just results in regression where you lose the ability to even produce overpriced slop in the first place, meaning you are completely incapable of ever making a better version of that thing.You can sort of think it like this. The Earth doesn't trade with Mars. The Earth has a perfect protection regime and the earth does fine, nay the Earth is always capable of producing the best version of things because there in internal earth competition. Protectionism replicates that but you ensure the best version of the thing is always within your borders. "Protectionism" might lead to stagnation where you perpetually produce slop, but the same would be true for earth, and yet most things are improving. The difference is largely if you have a monopoly environment or not. If you have decent internal competition then protectionism can result in internal improvement, but if you have an internal monopoly then protectionism just protects that monopoly, but then this is not a case of protectionism being bad but of monopoly being bad, but if you have a global monopoly you will just have global stagnation. Thus arguably keeping a lot of "bubble" economies to prevent global monopolies might be good for innovation long term as while they might not be competing with each other, one bubble economy might eventually rise to improve itself in ways a singular global monopoly likely won't as even if all the various countries are a monopoly, at least with multiple monopolies there is a chance one of them improves by accident.
>>17080449“Free Trade” only benefits the Wall Street elites, it’s a race to the bottom by cutting wages, benefits and living standards for 99% of the population, all so a handful of corporate parasites can get solid gold toilets for their yachts.
>>17081137This is vacuously true in the 21st century because "free trade" assumes a central bank and a reserve currency. Try trading in local money and see how soon your economy will get raped by one or more government agencies.
>>17080449Incredible that lessons brought forqard by classical economists still havent been grasped by the general public.Mutual free trade benefits both partners. If a government is acting unfairly towards your country's goods then you should tariff them back until they relent. But if the agreement is mutual and in good faith free trade is good.
>>17081197>If something is good then it's good but if something is bad then it's badI mean why even post is that's the extent of your post
>still no architecture board
>>17078937The fact that they slammed the brakes on this, and then went all in brutalism is a tragedy.
Gothic Renaissance Italy
>>17075825>architecture board Is not needed, there would be plenty of room here on /hist/ if the off topic religious spam was sent to /x/ where it belongs.
Why are mediocre and boring Middle Ages kingdoms like England given more attention than kino and esoteric Middle Ages kingdoms like Hungary?
For me it's medieval Georgia, Cilician Armenia, Denmark and Novgorod
>>17079391>Otto II never defeated the Hungariansdidn't make them vassals>Henry IV never invaded Hungary to put his claimant onto the thronewasn't a vassal, went to war with the HRE a few years later and won>Henry III never made Peter acknowledge him as his lordgot thrown out after 2 pathetic yearsNot even mentioning the zillion failed invasions of hungary by the germans in the 11th century after which they gave up entirely and never tried again. is your 250 years of """""""official vassaldom"""""""? Oh yeah, it doesn't exist, it's a fanfic you made up.
>>17075551> Kino and esoteric Hungary As an expert in Hungarian history, let me enlighten you. Out of 12 ruling dynasties in Hungary, 10 were foreign. During those periods Hungary was nothing else by a glorified province . The last Scion of the Arpad dynasty was so disgusted by the Hungarians he claimed Cuman ancestry solely, and moved in a yurt with his Cuman wife and her kin. > Muh 1000 years kingdom KeK again. For 150 years Hungary was a Turkish province called Budyn Eyalet and for approx 300 years they were a mere Austrian backward province. Don't forget that after Mohacs , Budapest went from having a Turkish majority to a German majority. Only after 1880 did Budapest become a Hungarian city. How can you claim continuity when your capital had a foreign majority for 400 year or so?The second Hungary became truly independent was in 1918, when left to their own Magyar devices they managed to lose every single battle they fought and lost 66% of their territory in a couple of months. Literally the most pathetic and pitiful event in the past 100 years of European History.
>>17080663>Out of 12 ruling dynasties in Hungary, 10 were foreign. During those periods Hungary was nothing else by a glorified provincehuh, maybe they're not so different from the anglais after all
>>17080663>being so terminally obsessed you regularly write butthurt essays about hungaryevery time
>Letter from Johanna Schopenhauer to her son Arthur Schopenhauer, dated 6 November 1807.>You are not an evil human; you are not without intellect and education; you have everything that could make you a credit to human society. Moreover, I am acquainted with your heart and know that few are better, but you are nevertheless irritating and unbearable, and I consider it most difficult to live with you.>All of your good qualities become obscured by your super-cleverness and are made useless to the world merely because of your rage at wanting to know everything better than others; of wanting to improve and master what you cannot command. With this you embitter the people around you, since no one wants to be improved or enlightened in such a forceful way, least of all by such an insignificant individual as you still are; no one can tolerate being reproved by you, who also still show so many weaknesses yourself, least of all in your adverse manner, which in oracular tones, proclaims this is so and so, without ever supposing an objection.>If you were less like you, you would only be ridiculous, but thus as you are, you are highly annoying.
> controversaryWhat Hitler did was an act of self-defense.Anglos and commies conspired to destroy and subjugate German people, that was the real reason behind WW2.Also, Holocaust never happened and was made up by the Soviets. That's the reason why Putin would never declassify the WW2 archives because it was all made up and never happened.
>>170781141. Don't be a hysterical bitch. The Polish Republic had it coming2. Everything that happened after 1918 you illiterate retard. You think some shit got signed and all the bots moved behind their good boy borders? Shut the fuck up.
>>17079772>VGHLEDAR is ACK>it's over
>>17078175that why they switched sides and fought germs at the end
>>17078244that is mostly becasue of massive losses they suffered in 2nd ww and in collapse of 90'
>>17078101>Anglos and commies conspired to destroy and subjugate German people, that was the real reason behind WW2.Why didn't they destroy Germany in 1918 when they had impunity?
Saturday hiss edition.
Harold Godwinson should've won, I'm so pissed.
>>17076977An Anglo-Saxon ran England past 1100 would be a backwater shithole lmao
>>17077012>Also kinda ironic that you are seething about Normans while writing in anglo-Norman.Weird take, modern English is certainly not similar to the language William spoke
>>17081017the anglo won>"My son," said the Norman Baron, "I am dying, and you will be heir>To all the broad acres in England that William gave me for share>When he conquered the Saxon at Hastings, and a nice little handful it is.>But before you go over to rule it I want you to understand this:–>"The Saxon is not like us Normans. His manners are not so polite.>But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right.>When he stands like an ox in the furrow – with his sullen set eyes on your own,>And grumbles, 'This isn't fair dealing,' my son, leave the Saxon alone.>"You can horsewhip your Gascony archers, or torture your Picardy spears;>But don't try that game on the Saxon; you'll have the whole brood round your ears.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>17077012Jewish anti anglo cope, harold had every disatvantage except having the high ground and still almost won william was a retard who got lucky
>>17078389Two danish tribes unifying is mutts now thats like calling swedes mutts because geates and goths united and formed sweden
please hear me out, im no neo nazi.i just read about Adolf's life in wikipedia and discovered very interesting facts:he never hated jews personally, he actually had quite a few jewish friends throughout his life.yes, is often spoke about "the damn jews ruin economy" and even refused to serve in the austrian army because he claimed the empire is too infested with jews.but these were only mentioned during conversations, he wasn't vocal about it and didn't speak about genocide.according to the historian Thomas Webber hitler's early antisemitism was just echoing opinions of other peopel at the fact, he only started directly engaging with it when he was tasked with spreading anti communist propaganda in the munich Sturmabteilung, and found that people listen to him most when he simplifies germany's problem to just "us vs them"and considering that racial theories already existed about 100 years before hitler's rise to power, it is safe to assume hitler used it to become popular and less about actually hating jews.what further supports this idea is that when nazi ideals became law, hitler made a LOT of exception for jews he personally knew.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Ever heard of this thing called capital letters, little zoomer?
>>17081050>is there an alternate universe where hitler becomes popular thx to a good ideaology?I think he could convince people for any ideology if he tried
>>17081064yes. and i conciously chose to rebel against the damn oppressove capitals
>>17081050Hitler stated again and again that he didn't hate jews or want to incite violence against jews, but he wanted to dismantle jewish political power in Europe because it was harmful to Europeans. That was his stance based on speeches given throughout the 20s.