The Roman Empire was evil.
>banned use of lip-syncing in media due to "negative cultural impact">tried to leave the UN>banished cats and dogs from the capital due to having an "unappealing odor", banned people from having more than one of both>banned the transfer of a right-hand-drive car to a left-hand-drive car and vice versa>wrote a book named "Ruhnama", was basically just him ranting about Islam and how great he is; made it the only book available in schools, made people use it instead of the Quran, and made it mandatory to memorize it to obtain any public office>renamed EVERY geographic feature in Turkmenistan after his favorite Turkmen leaders, poets, and heroes>made the second Sunday of August "Melon Day" after his favorite food>renamed the months and days of the week, including naming January after himself, April after his mom, and September after Ruhnama>replaced the word for "bread" with Gurbansoltan, his mother's name>built an ice skating rink in the capital, made use of it mandatory>banned tobacco for everyone except himself>banned opera, ballet, and orchestras due to being "too foreign">banned beards and long hair>made all doctors military conscripts>closed every hospital outside of the capital, saying that people could "just walk"Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>17514269He literally did everything right
>>17514269>wears a suit aping bongs like every tin pot retard>cries about cultural influenceYes he was a fucking brain dead spastic
>>17514406The modern suit descends from Turkic dress.
>>17514269I would definitely persecute and torture subversive dissidents to advance this man's agenda.
If I died without repenting and went to hell, then Can’t I just go to heaven just by repenting in hell?What happened to Adam and Eve who didn't repent nor believed in Jesus Christ because he wasn't born yet? Catholics said Adam and Eve are in purgatory. But Purgatory is in Hell. correct?Jesus went to hell, and then ascended to Earth and then ascended to heaven. How do you explain that?
>>17514429the tomb was empty, obviously, and he was seen thereafter in his kingdom. You in your modern heresy believe that heaven is not upon the earth and that his people do not form his body. such is why the body of God again sleeps in the current age
>>17514496For how absolutely retarded you are, this is actually true in a way
>>17514505>it thinks it wants validation from an animal who gets his "profound insights" from huffing the gas emitted from its own anusK
>>17514554you aren't me, the one he replied to. also you can kys now, thanks.
>>17514496I don't mean Jesus' resurrection, I mean the day of resurrection of everything else at the end.
r1a-z93 inability to close range beat white women means they’re forbidden from relations with white women. haplogroups that feel comfortable close range beating women are allowed access to white women as they can beat the satan out of them, however z93 is the definition of long range violence extremely faggy, and close range violence is absolute poison to them and instead of beating them worships white females in their predictable z93 eyes, instead of viewing them as humans who practice witchcraft and beating them, therefore white women witchcraft goes unchecked if a z93 is in charge, simply due to his refusal to beat her, (what about brown women or Asian women) brown women witches and asian women witches z93 magic can sufficiently contain without doing the unholy thing which is physical violence. however white women who practice witchcraft MUST be beaten, which their native men do, however z93 refuses to, which results in z93 men suddenly for no reason at all resorting to extreme violence and evil to impress the women, which he thinks is his own decision but is actually the result of a non beaten white woman practicing witchcraft on a z93, paired with a z93, who will never beat;dr R1a-z93 long range faggy magic and long range violence and innate z93 faggotry means they will never beat white women, resulting in extreme violence and savagery (directed at others), powered by the refusal of z93 to beat white women witchcraft out of them, which other haplogroups do but r1a-z93 will never do, as they would cease to be z93, resulting instead in extreme evil and savagery.gods understand and forbid r1a-z93 and white woman relations for world peace
idk what this autism is about but in andronovo culture burials of women it was more of a rule than an exception that they had suffered severe physical damage
>It is instructive how Luther's personal toleration lessened with time. In Exsurge Domine, Leo X listed one of his theological errors as his opposition to the burning of heretics. In "Open Letter to the Christian Nobility" (1520) he called for heretics to be vanquished with the pen rather than fire and the sword. In "On Secular Authority" (1522) Luther believed governments should not compel anyone to believe anything against their will. In an April 1524 letter to Elector Frederick, he advocated tolerance for those he disagreed with. In 1528 Luther advised not to use capital punishment on Anabaptists unless they were guilty of treason; otherwise they should merely be expelled. Two years later he called for blasphemers to merely be expelled rather than put to death. He had written in 1521 that he would not want violence used to defend the Gospel. In 1529 Luther opposed forcibly converting Catholic parishes to Protestantism. As late as 1531 he said "We cannot and should not force anyone into the faith.">But it was hard for a man as forceful and combative as Luther to be tolerant of others' opinions once his position had become more secure. A man who was sure he had God's word could not abide by its contradition. Intolerance was easiest where the Jews were concerned. Up to 1537 Luther said that they should not be penalized for keeping their own creed. "Since our fools, the popes, bishops, sophists, and monks, those coarse ass-heads, dealt with the Jews in such a manner that any Christian should prefer to be a Jew. Indeed, if I were a Jew and seen such idiots and dunderheads espousing Christianity, I would have chosen to become a hog rather than a Christian. I advise and beg everyone to deal kindly with the Jews and to instruct them in Scripture; in such case we can expect them to come over to us.
>Luther probably sensed that Protestantism in a way was a return to Judaism in its rejection of monasticism and clerical celibacy, its emphasis on the Old Testament, the Prophets, and the Psalms, and its adoption (Luther himself excluded) of a more strict sexual ethic than what Catholicism allowed. He was let down when the Jews showed no inclination to convert to Protestantism and his hostility to usury turned him against Jewish moneylenders and finally against Jews in general. When Elector John expelled the Jews from Saxony in 1537, Luther rejected a Jewish appeal for his intercession. In his Table Talk he united Jews and papists as "ungodly wretches, two stockings made from one piece of cloth." In his final years he devolved into a calumny of anti-Semitic diatribes, denouncing the Jews as "a stiff-necked, unbelieving, proud, wicked, and abominable nation" and called for their schools and synagogues to be razed with fire.>"And let anyone who can throw sulphur and pitch upon them; if one could throw hellfire at them, even better. And this must be done for the honor of our Lord and of Christianity so that God will know that we are Christians. Let their houses be broken apart and destroyed. Let their prayer books and Talmuds be taken from them and their whole Bible too. Let their rabbis be forbidden on penalty of death to preach anymore. Let the streets and roads be closed against them. Let them be forbidden to practice usury and let all their money and their treasures of gold and silver be taken away from them and put somewhere safe. And if all this is still not enough, let them be driven like mad dogs from the land."
>Luther should have never gotten old. As early as 1522 he was out-pope-ing the Popes. "I do not acknowledge," he wrote, "that my doctrine can be judged by anyone, even the angels. He who does not receive my doctrine cannot be saved." By 1529 he was making a few careful distinctions. "No one should be compelled to profess the faith, but no one should be allowed to injure it. Let our opponents give their objections and hear our replies. If they should be converted, all well and good, if not they may hold their tongues and believe as they will. So as to avoid trouble we should not, if possible, suffer contrary teachings in the same state. Even unbelievers should be compelled to obey the Ten Commandments, attend church, and outwardly conform.">He now agreed with the Catholic Church that men needed definite rules and dogmas. The Church in its early centuries was divided and weakened by the vast number of Christian sects until finally forming a unified creed and suppressing dissidents, so now Luther, dismayed by the explosion of quarreling sects, began moving towards dogmatism. "All men now presume to criticize the Gospel. Almost every old doting fool or prating sophist must now be a doctor of divinity." Hurt by Catholic charges that he unleashed a Pandora's Box of anarchic creeds and morals, he agreed with the Church that some social order was necessary. From where should this authority come? Rome believed the Church itself should be the ultimate arbiter of Scripture and that its doctrines and interpretations would necessarily evolve with the changing times. No, said Luther, only the Bible was the word of God.
Why are western Christians so obsessed with systematizing theology?
Why did the space race just... stop after the Moon landing in 1969? Both the URSS and the U.S. were hellbent on one-upping each other in it. And, okay, sure, let's assume the Sowiets ran out of money for their space missions. Why didn't Ammerica continue exploring the move to "own da Sowiets" more? Wouldn't establishing a permanent or at least a temporary moon colony designate the U.S. win decisively? Plus space exploration could've been good to have a military-strategic one-up again the Sowiet in the Cold War.
>>17514409The Soviets were actually extremely active with further space missions after the moon landing. America to a great extent as well, but the public were largely satisfied with the propaganda victory of the moon landing and interest had declined compared to the height of the 1960s. Main landmarks after the moon were probes to Venus (Soviets), probes to Mars (American, though the American missions were largely a reaction to the Soviets crashing a probe into it), manned orbital stations (Soviet), The Soyuz, the Space Shuttle and Mir. Really the space race lasted about as long as the Soviet Union itself, though by the Gorbachev era the atmosphere had largely already started transitioning from Cold War space competition to globohomo space cooperation, which defines the last 30-40 years of space exploration before jeets and chinks decided it’s an attractive and viable nationalist coping tool while American and Russian relations totally collapsed and America decided to privatise space anyway.
The space race "stopped" because there was no way the Russians could top putting boots on the moon. They nevertheless tried by having a series of permanently manned space stations throughout the 70s, which included military space stations. The US also began working on their own space stations but at that point there was no longer a space race, just two nations trying desperately to make space a fruitfull venture. The US at the end of the day was able to do this by privatizing space through the telecoms industry before contracting private space ventures to carry out their civillian missions for them. Also the main reason Apollo ended was because there was already 6 successful landings by 1972 and Congress just didn't really see the point in doing it a 7th time when they were just going to spend billions of dollars to dick around on a cold off-world desert for 2-3 days before heading back home, so instead the Apollo Applications Program was started which eventually lead to the first civillian airplane autopiloting systems.
There also was followup plans for succeeding military moon missions but they would not have been handled by NASA since NASA is strictly a civillian agency. It would've been handled by the Air Force, later the Airforce Space Command and what we now know today as the US Space Force. It never left concept however, because the mission had quickly pivoted to orbital defense, which included logistical, coms, and spy satellites and ICBM guidance systems. Also the Strategic Defense Initiative to defend other satellites in orbit from potential bad actors, which is still an ongoing project. NASA went another direction, starting with Skylab and moving onto the Space Shuttle program as well as the New Frontiers program and Mars Exploration Program among others
What is the most evil regime in recorded history?
>>17511171This is where the actual discussion starts, thank me later.
>>17510297Rent free
>>17510664Nah Pol Pot had a few good ideas
>>17513123People lie and exaggerate about Trump all the time. I guess he doesn't exist. Idiot.
>>17510295Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Stalin, Obama
Can the planet run out of salt
>>17514794no fucking way ese
what kind of muslim are you?! abhorred the monstrous cruelty of the accomplices of the Antichrist,[11] and they heard the pitiful cries of Christians that were arising to God—Christians in the adjoining province who suddenly had been taken captive. Without consideration of class, fortune, sex, or age, they indiscriminately destroyed them all by various forms of torture. The leaders, along with their dinner guests and other lotus eaters,[12] fed on their corpses as though they were bread, leaving nothing for the vultures except bones. And it is a wonder, but the famished and gluttonous vultures, who abounded above in great numbers, did not deign to feed upon the remains. The old and deformed women they gave to the cannibals[13] (as they are known world-wide) as food, as if it were a daily ration. They did not eat the beautiful women [immediately]. Rather they suffocated them under a mass of rapists as they cried out and wailed. They raped virgins until they died, and then their breasts were cut off, which they kept for their leaders as delicacies, and they feasted on their virginal bodies in a more splendid manner.'s_Account_of_a_Mongol_Attack_on_Austria_Fact_or_Fiction
>>17511149My great grandfather was among the occupying troops in Vienna, I wonder if I have any Austrian cousins.
>>17513439>This was definitely real but uh no evidence at all exists for itUwu
>>17507888all the rapes mongols did were justified
This thread was made by a 'man' who's skin is the colour of shit
>>17514424it's actually some chinese dude from singapore so it would be more like piss than shit Dahlak islands and the African dynasty of Yemena complete history of a cosmopolitan archipelago in the red sea (4th-19th century)ISAAC SAMUELFEB 05, 2023141At the height of the middle ages, a small group of islands in the red sea near the Eritrean coast featured prominently in the navigational instructions of merchant ships plying the ocean routes connecting Fatimid Egypt to the Indian ocean world.Now known for pearl fishing and scuba diving, the Dahlak archipelago was once home to a cosmopolitan community hailing from the African mainland and places as far as the Caspian sea. The islands were the seat of a local kingdom that played a significant role in the regional politics of Ethiopia, Egypt and the Arabian peninsula, and it served as the base for the emergence of an African Mamluk dynasty which ruled southwestern Yemen for over a century.This article outlines the history of the Dahlak islands, and the Najahid dynasty of Yemen.Map showing the location of Dahlak in the red sea and indian ocean world1
>>17506747>>17506765You're reposting the same shit, Chink. Didn't see the image in it the first time.
>>17505944I honestly wonder how close many top tier historians were this close to becoming like chink spammer
>>17506765I'm not even in Eurasia.
>>17508382>Kwarezmian refugee armyThey participated in Ain Jalut where the Muslims crushed the Mongol army that raped China
"In Hermetic Qabalah, the Tree of Life is often depicted as a diagram composed of ten interconnected spheres (called sephiroth) and 22 connecting paths, which together form a pattern resembling a tree."(1)-------11-------(2)(1)-------12-------(3)(1)-------13-------(6)(2)-------14-------(3)(2)-------16-------(4) should be 15(2)-------15-------(6) should be 16(3)-------18-------(5) should be 17(3)-------17-------(6) should be 18(4)-------19-------(5)(4)-------20-------(6)(4)-------21-------(7)(5)-------22-------(6)(5)-------23-------(8)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>17512704Da'ath (Darling).
>>17512715"In Kabbalah, Da'at or Da'ath is the location (the mystical state) where all ten sefirot in the Tree of Life are united as one."
>>17513634I mean da'ath Darling, she makes videos and probably you can ask her or she has one on the issue
>>17511865it's a stylized depiction of the tetractys. there isn't a particular way you have to draw it.
>>17513660>you can ask heri'm not going to contact herbut she's welcome to post ITT>I mean da'ath Darling, she makes videos [...] or she has one on the issuei don't want to Google her from, or on, this deviceplus as long as images, like the one in the first post, are online, why should i?
Why are nazis so hypocritical?
>>17514561That's not what happened. Eva was in love with Hitler, not the other way around. He took her in after she attempted suicide due to her unrequited love.
>>17514683>grooming a depressed teenager is okay
>>17514561Well some people call Nazis trannies so the logic still works out...
>>17514737The word "fascist" and the word "faggot" both have the same exact origin. I'm starting to notice a pattern here...
>>17514561She was 17 when they first met, a few months before she turned 18. She didn't become his lover until 2-3 years later, so there was definitely nothing strange about it, unless you think a 23-year age difference is weird. Personally, I don't care about age differences as long as the woman is sexually mature.Hitler truly loved Braun and his love for her only grew stronger during the war. He was faithful to her until the end and never slept with other women. Unlike Hitler, Stalin was a real degenerate and sex pest.
I'm not a Muslim but does anyone else think the Hajj looks fun? Genuinely seems like the closest thing to an old timey adventure you could have in the modern world. I'm genuinely considering pretending to be a Muslim just so I can do it.
>>17508961>seems like the closest thing to an old timey adventure you could have in the modern world.There are Catholic and Muslim pilgrimages you can go on that are far more interesting IMO.
>>17512506>bulldozed graves of Muhammad's companionsThat's crazy. I didn't know know this.
>>17514245Very few people seem to know or care about this stuff. Saudi-Arabia is destroying islamic historical sites all over the country. More evidence that they literally follow the same ideology as ISIS.
>>17508961looks like a toilet bowl to me
>>17510748>IMG_1537.jpgsaudi retards allowing the scums of the earth to put their feet in muslim only landsaudie royal family should be burned alive and killed and hunted to the last of themespacialy for bringing the americans to the middle eastcant wait for the usa vs china warthan we will fix the middle east and get rid of all shiites, jews and so called "goverments"