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Siberia. I'm not Latin Americans though.
>Siberia. I'm not Latin Americans though.
No, you actually think you're Roman OP.
You are Latino American shitskin anon haha.
>germanic tribes moving into britain in the 500's immediately change their culture the moment they get out of the ships
Nope, I'm from south western eurasia.
English today are Britons/Anglos mestizos, roughly, with some french
You're not Roman shitskin Mexican OP lol.

Joseph Stalin in a previous life.
>allies with swedes and turks

Why did the russians lose the Soviet-Afghan war?
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>Germans conquered the land by force. Jews lawfully immigrated fleeing force used against them.
LOL, whatever you do don't look into the countless conflicts and insurgencies Zionist militias waged against both Palestinians and the British. The only difference between what Germany did and what Israel's doing now is that the Jews went about it in a much smarter way by thinking long-term and cultivating as many allies as possible instead of repelling them.
>I wouldn't care about any of those groups moving into any of those places, they have as much a right to it as anybody else does to live in those states.
K then, according to you Russia's claims over Ukraine and China's over Taiwan are totally fine then and you have zero standing to bitch about them doing anything. It's their ancestral homelands after all.
>Then you would know Israel is the best return on investment we've ever had in the Middle East.
If Israel never existed the entire Middle East would be under our thumb or at least neutral because all the Hashemite and other monarchies would still be in power. There wouldn't have been an Arab Cold War or maybe even a War on Terror at all.
NTA and I agree that at this point Israel is too established if a state to just remove, but can you at least agree with the idea that creating a Jewish state on Arab lands that late into the 20th century was an idiotic idea? This is one thing I don’t understand about (non Jewish) Israel defenders. I feel like so much conflict could’ve been avoided if you just gave them Kaliningrad or Prussia or anywhere else.
>Inb4 “Islamist” accusations
Arab leaders like Nasser in Egypt were largely secular and progressive. The losses in Israel caused a huge wave of Islamic revivalism and is part of the reason the Middle East is so shit right now. As another anon mentioned there’s no real reason why all those states in the Middle East shouldn’t be friendly with the west aside from Israel. Even the most conservative gulf monarchies are buddies with America so just imagine how a secular Levant would be.

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Historically speaking are ulstermen/ulster scots the most powerful race on earth?
>Hardy pioneers, born of a sturdy race, trained to adversity, when brought face to face with dangers of a new life in a hostile country, soon developed that steady, energetic, and powerful character which has made the name of Ulster respected all over the world.
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Ulster scots conquered an entire continent and are the only reason why america exists today as a nation
The irish have produced practically nothing and the presidents descended from them are universally shit while ulstermen produced the greatest presidents along with frontiersmen, soldiers and indian fighters
>From Scotland came many, and from England not a few, yet all of them generally the scum of both nations, who from debt, or breaking the law or fleeing from justice, or seeking shelter.
>On all hands Atheism increased, and disregard of God, iniquity abounded, with contentious fighting, murder, adultery
Yet you got defeated by the "scum of both nations"
The irish historically were noted for being genteel, effete and noble, seeing the british as rough and uncultured
Ulster scots were rambunctious fighters while the irish were killing people for public flatulence
We are all one race: the human race.
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You should stop calling them Ulstermen. They're not the natives of Ulster and the term Ulsterman just means someone from the province of Ulster and most people in Ulster are Irish Catholics and nearly half the province is in the Republic of Ireland.
>The irish historically were noted for being genteel, effete and noble

>the irish were killing people for public flatulence

By fuck there's some retards on /his/

When there are thousands of kuffar dead in some bombing or kidnapping somewhere all Muslims either support it (if they are extremist ISIS types) or they just flat out ignore it and never mention it. Muslims will never condemn or even comment on three thousand Christians slaughtered in Nigeria or some remote tribe butchered in the mountains of Afghanistan. All Muslims will just simply ignore it, or they will even reprimand any other Muslim who does dare to mention it

'akhi these are kuffar, that bombing was in their filthy temple of shirk where other than Allah was worshipped, it's not allowed to mourn them bro'

'i'm suppose to cry over some xtian pagans being killed? come on bro, less christians in da world is a good thing bruh'

and yet despite this ALL Muslims demand that non-Muslims grieve over dead children in Palestine and that they make mention of it, promote it, broadcast it, send it to human rights organizations, etc. Muslims will attempt to guilt-trip and gaslight non-Muslims into paying attention to all the dead kids and all the victims and they will accuse Christians, Jews (and others who ignore it) or being heartless scum.

So why is there a double standard here? when dead Christian (or other non-Muslim) kids are bombed to bits Muslims either laugh at it or plainly ignore it, so why can't non-Muslims ignore dead Muslim kids then?
Fuck Pisslam
Islam is arabic supremacy. America should nuke the middle east.
I don't think I've read a single line in this OP that's accurate.
Like you could have made a similar argument while being factual but instead you chose to be schizo.
Schizo Bulgarian, that is.
Han Chinese incel known as Chinkspammer made this thread

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Did women in the past paint their toenails?
That's a very niche question, anon.
<adopting demeanour of a psychotherapist>Would you like to tell me your feelings about painted toe nails?

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America lost the civil war.
if the confederacy was so good they shouldn’t have lost then.
The civil war is really the first official internal dispute among the freemasons. The next one was WW2. They are both fabricated, since the 2 parties are actually the same.
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Please say more. Interested (Obviously for wealthy financiers and industrialists, war is fantastic business opportunity).
Civil wars are definitionally inpossible

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Why don't indians have any historical stereotypes like other races? The idea of them being unhygenic rapists and scammers seems to be a thing from the past 30 years.
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I think the perception of them being unhygienic is older, even though it wasn't memed up like today. I recently read Mishima's Temple of Dawn and the book goes to great lengths to describe how utterly filthy and diseased even the holiest of places are.
Another Indian stereotype that has existed for a long time is the weird pagan fanaticism. In the colonial era you had the story of the juggernaut allegedly killing and maiming believers without anyone caring, and just recently there was that puke-covered hobo that jeets started worshipping as a guru.
What's that?

>just recently there was that puke-covered hobo that jeets started worshipping as a guru.
The hell.
Like >>17088525 said, they rarely left for Europe or the Americas until the mid to late 20th century. Hence, they had little to no reputation (either positive or negative) in the West. What little stereotypes there were came in the form of exotic eastern sages and gurus worshipping foreign gods.
>What's that?
A huge wagon with a Hindu idol on it that is pulled through the streets during some Indian festival. There have been various European accounts claiming that worshippers regularly ended up crushed by the wagon during the procession, either by accident or willingly as some form of human sacrifice.
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>What's that?

What historical period did you dislike as a younger person but now grows on you as you age? For me, it's the Civil War. I think it is because I have visited so many of the sites now.
Ancient Rome.
>the Civil War
Which one?
Union: Racist Roundheads
Confederates: Even More Racist Cavaliers

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What era of warfare was the most kino and why was it the pike and shot era?
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man it must've been fun slaughtering the tercios when they became ineffective
Where's Viggo?
And when will we see the ultra-kino third era of pikes?
Never happened. Even when they went out of touch they were just evenly matched. France would have lost the 30 year war if it wasn't for the rebellion in Portugal + Catalonia.

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"the Presentation of Christ at the Synagogue" at the Rothenberg Cathedral, Germany
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Muh foreskin
Nowadays it's a choice back in the day circumcision prevented the spread of STDs by inevitable fornication.
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Filthy Euros
It did not
We really are just cattle, huh? Clipped, tagged, marked.

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Is it just me or do Jews seem to be the most advanced race?
>is it just me
No, it's you, Jews and Israel-loving Christian boomers
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Is that what they call parasitism, espionage and nepotism?
they noticed some important stuff in the early stage of the history, which is to appreciate wisdom and studying, while other humans had only fostered philosophies like just wooga booga praying gods to let things go well somehow.
I have no idea about the superiority of Jews as a race, but their belief had been from centuries to several thousand years ahead of other humanity since its dawn to 20th century.
>they noticed some important stuff in the early stage of the history, which is to appreciate wisdom and studying, while other humans had only fostered philosophies like just wooga booga praying gods to let things go well somehow.

Nonsense. Ancient Greece was, as of 500 BCE, considerably more philosophy-friendly and anthropocentric than Judeopalestisrael

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What was her body count?
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cmon OP. you know the numbers are in the triple digits. at least.
You just know he watched.
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>What is yours, Oprocopeius?
>not wifing up the most prolific anal whore
it's like you hate fun
>You just know he watched.

She watched, too.

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Is there a reason why Slavic women look cute but Slavic men look dysgenic? Does it have something to do with Slavic men being used as farming equipment like groids and Slavic women being used as sex slaves for the Chads that ruled over them maybe?
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i would, but where you can pay for her/get her contact?
>You people are such retarded performative faggot LARPers lmao.
>nazi racial science tho, MUH STONKS POTENTIAL CALIBRE
>giving $1.5k to a glorified whore who is evidently planning to retire at 35
Shame on you
>Also Hitler gave orders to kill ugly slavic women during WW2 and to marry the pretty ones
He didn't, but he should have.

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