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WWII in a single picture
WW2 was a war between Soviet Russia and Germany first rest of the world second. The entire objective was to conquer and colonize Russia and defeat every country standing in the way of that goal was a secondary objective
In what way were the Nazis removing Jews in America? Not only did the Nazis not remove them from America, America accumulated European Jews as they fled the Nazis. The Nazis considered Americans a mongrelized race with a Jewified culture.

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How do Marxists (modern and historical) who support the Soviet Union justify its blatant imperialist actions against the people and nations of Eastern Europe?
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I wish the Marxists were more honest (or less retarded), at least on anonymous forums. Ethnic cleansing and the brutal occupation of foreign nations or dystopic police state and totalitarianism was, at the end of the day, put in place to protect and further the world-influence of the "only worker's state". This can be viewed from realpolitik and teleological perspectives but instead we get lazy low-energy denials. Or are they not ready for these sorts of discussions?
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>Imperialism is when capitalism
Soviets caused the people they occupied to become poorer, the British left the nogs 10 times wealthier and left intact political systems for them that persist to this day
They had it coming (aside from Finland)
They deserved Eastern Europe because they won

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Can we have a thread on political philosophy? I've been reading anti-globalist conspiracy websites from the 90s on archive.org and a lot of them seem to think it comes down to Individualism vs. Collectivism. Do you agree with this? But then why are group interests inherently bad? Is white nationalism inherently evil because it's not individualistic?
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The final pill is Individualized globalism. Collectionism when it comes to the greater good/God's will, but individualism for basically everything else. Community, nations and race are all made up and autistic to care about.

The only exception is family, but even that gets messy fast when you try to pin point what exactly constitutes a family (adopted mothers, family-friends and distant cousins) or if you should even follow it (Just because someone birth you, doesn't mean you suddenly owe them everything.) Your best bet is just to call the people who helped to raise you or you helped to raise family.

In short: Collectivism is usually only moral when everyone is included. Individualism is only moral when it's used without caring about the things around you.
Any society inevitably relies on a collectivist thinking because any society that survives for long has to view itself as an organic entity in its own right with the individuals within it as cells in that wider organism.

Individualists are correct that individuals should be allowed the freedom to flourish, but not when it damages the wider collective, unless the collective has become so rotten and diseased that it's destruction would be a boon to the world.
Individualism is good when people stand up for themselves against NPCs.

Individualism is bad when people become purely self-interested nihilist sociopaths.

Collectivism is good when people cooperate and work together and come up with a decent set of morals and rules that solve collective problems.

Collectivism is bad when it results in creepy cult like behavior like cancelling someone who thinks we should have a ceasefire in the Ukraine or men can't be women, it is why you have r*dditors screeching at you for being a "bigot" for what are completely reasonable views.
The only way to defeat and abolish bolshevism once for all also requires abolishing any and all ideas of community, society, groups or shared/mutual responsibilities. Only through perfect individualism can a man be truly free.

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The krauts really didn't have any shame when they cried about the Treaty of Versailles being too harsh on them.
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>France was neutral when Germany invaded.
They were allied to Russia, the country that had just started to mobilize their troops to their border with the Central Powers, you fucking retard.
And whats your point? Did you even read his post? He was autistingly sperging about the French being animals, so I autisticly sperged that objectively, it was the Germans who declared war on a neutral France, a neutral Russia and a neutral Belgium, while Austria declared war on a neutral Serbia.

I'ts bad optics for someone claiming to be high n mighty.
Yeah I did and I don't agree with his steppe ancestry autism, but you're still wrong. Serbia wasn't neutral, Russia wasn't neutral, and France wasn't neutral.
You are correct, but it's not going to stop me from using that retort whenever I reply to something like that.
>Bringing haplogroups into this

Why did he do it, /his/?
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HE didn't, SHE did.

The historical Yakub was a woman.
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>Yakub's story
Is fictional like Harry Potter and written a few decades ago by a jewish scam artist to rip off retarded black people before he disappeared to south america with all their money.
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Yakub's story is just as likely to be true as Jesus Christ's story. If you can't into religious mythology and its underlying value, you're probably a Godless wh*te and there's no helping you to understand it.
The underlying message is that whites are a selectively bred masterrace what the fuck ar you on about
Fard was right, black people really are stupid.

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Medieval depictions of seals by people who never saw them
>what they look like? they are sea dogs man, just draw what that sounds like

>name your country "below Russia"
>it's to the left of Russia
Why are Slavs so retarded?
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Wait unitl anglos find out about belo-Croatia and belo-Serbia.
I know OP is b8ing, but what side of the world is "white" supposed to be? It seems like there is no consistency at all with using colors for the 4 directions.
Map orientation is actually a super interesting topic.
Ancient Egyptian maps were actually oriented with South at the top, since the Nile was super important to them and flows South to North
well actually it's in between Russia
A thread died for this

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Was Alan Watts based?
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it means his answer to your original question is "no" because alan watts is a new-ager, and new age spirituality is limp-wristed. being based means being assertive despite unpopularity.
>Yeah he was right about everything
the question of whether you are racist or fascist is separate from the question of whether you're right to be so
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He was based for introducing Buddhism to Americans.
It's not his fault corpos appropriated it and turned it into a cringe health/productivity cult.

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>no refutation
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Maybe they expected people who have a scholarly interest in reading medieval Arabic manuscripts on natural sciences to be able to read Arabic

not to say it's unreasonable to wish there were translations available, but to get all pissy and blamey about your own illiteracy in one of the world's most widely spoken languages is sort of gay
Perhaps you're right
>>You never defined success. Plus, most historians regard them as legitimate civilizations. You having a difference of opinion as a minority makes it an irrelevant one.
Don't you see the double standard in this. Two thousands years ago, Northern Europeans used to live like this, in such primitive buildings, yet, they were considered backwards and primitive, while the Africans lived like this two/three hundreds years ago and people spaz over them about how good of a civilization they built and how they were "actually" more advanced than stopid Euros

Have you guys noticed the standards, the European race is being subjected to?!
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>very sophisticated medical knowledge
>people spaz over them about how good of a civilization they built and how they were "actually" more advanced than stopid Euros
NTA but Who says these things?

Nsibidi is a better example

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>be Frenchmen Pierre Ibervile
>the guy who started building forts to claim Louisiana and the Mississippi for France
>circa. 1706
>just got done raping Nevis and St. Kitts in the Carribean
>about to meet up with my boys in Spanish Florida and attack Charlestown, USA
>got an army of privateers and some newly acquired 3,000 negro slaves to do it
>even Boston is shitting their pants at the thought of my sailing North because I'm just that much of a menace
>sail into Havana
>yellow fever is all the rage there right now
>catch it and die
>no French & Spanish raid on colonial Charleston, probably with success
>no further French gains further up the coast
>no French influence on the Chesapeake
VGH... what could have been

What's so enjoyable about a war?
It's basically 99.999% hiking and random /out/ shit. Men with normal amounts of t like being outside and hanging with the bros, wouldnt expect a nerd to get it
You get to kill people legally. So cool.

I mean like, literally fucking anything at all? A kingdom? A permanent settlement? Like, inventions? Natives had Aztecs, Inca, Iroquois Confederacy, and Nomads who were sort of lime the Turks and Mongols. What the fuck do Aborginals have?

Most people think the Australoid race has no achievements at all because of them, people don’t know Dravidians are Australoid. They have achievements. Why don’t Abbos, and their other Australoid Cousins such as the Papuans and Torres Strait Islanders have any achievements.

Not only that, but why did they live so savagely and primitively? The constant wars and raids, and then retribution, and then retribution for that retribution. Not making basic discoveries, cannibalism and infanticide, seemingly no concept of sexual selection. What the fuck? I don’t mean any of this is a racist way, either. Have they just been doing fucking nothing for 60,000 years?
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>t. butthurt fat mutt also 100% wrong

Are the Bradshaw paintings aboriginal or something else? Were they made by long gone African settlers who also brought the boab trees to Northern Australia?
Yep so im right
they are honorary aryan in my book, specially for sniffing petrol and littering beer cans in the woods
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They're....an interesting people.

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Christian history is filled with violence, intolerance, war, elitism, cultural destruction, and all sorts of wrongdoings. Which is really shocking considering that Jesus was the complete opposite of these things. He was a simple carpenter who preached peace, unity, love, and forgiveness. He hung out with “degenerates of society” like beggars and prostitutes to show that everyone should be treated with love and care. Most of the gospels is Jesus decrying the Pharisee clergy for their corruption and he himself was executed on grounds of heresy. And a lot of Early Christians followed Jesus example and they gave up their wealth, established charities, refused military service, and some were even vegetarian. On paper Christianity sounds really good, but unfortunately it ended up being one of the most brutal and bigoted religions to engulf this world.
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Dude the revision needs to be halted
If the existing clergy was lying, are you suggesting he had an obligation to lie?
>All the people in the New Testament are Jewish though!
t. Clearly hasnt read the New Testament
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Genuine question, has anyone on this board actually read the New Testament? Jesus wasn't some crusader waving a sword around screaming DEUS VULT!!!! He said to turn the other cheek, to bless those who persecute you, to love your enemies, to look at the speck in your own eye. Jesus saw what the clergy was doing and called them out saying they were serpents, hypocrites and what not.
Advertising by the Creator Devil Satan's promotions.
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Would Yasuke really have worn dreadlocks? How historically accurate is this?
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He was a westernized gentleman and a Christian
Locs have been a thing in africa for centuries so likely if he had let his hair grow out yes, theyd likely wouldn’t be super long because that requires intense hair upkeep
Negroes will never belong to western civilization.
Maybe you meant, niggerified or something?
What’s with people (western liberals) obsessing over an East African who was the Japanese equivalent of a court dwarf?
Because social media algorithm rewards Japanese culture, social media algorithm rewards “black voices”. Combine for maximized updoot dopamine.

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imagine a group of godly beings sitting around a table made of clouds watching abraham through an orb and one goes "hey hey wouldnt it be funny if i told this retard to mutilate his penis? do you think he'd go through with it?", they snicker like schoolgirls then decide to do it

cut to an old jewish guy ambling around a mountaintop aimlessly, then he hears "aaaabrahaaaaaaaaaam..." a deep voice sounds out in his mind "mutilaaaate your cooooooooock..."

it doesnt take him longer than two seconds, he finds a big rock and lifts it overhead, giving a loud yell "PRAISE YAHWEHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" as he smashes his cock into smithereens
>thread uses AI image
>is also a dogshit thread
Every single time
mutilated penis lmao
OP is of the ascended kind, because he emphatizes with creation, christcuck could never
i am glad someone understands
this is THE highest quality thread on the board currently
this one event caused men to mutilate their penises for three thousand years, firmly believing god has that much care for their reproductive organ's skin hoodie

no matter which way you look at it you will always arrive at the conclusion that this is a big joke being played on us

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