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How did America defeat racism?
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What did Ukraine blow up this time?
all their memes demonstrate is that leftytroons have no idea why normal people are against pedophilia
Because white Americans became more exposed to black Americans through TV and discovered that they lived lives not that dissimilar from white Americans despite the color of their skin. They saw pictures of white southerners yelling at little black school girls and thought that shit was retarded.

That’s not really the case anymore though. Blacks today are totally different culturally from white America. They really pissed away all the sympathy and goodwill that they had.

this poster has weak wrists
A 16 year old girl is a child

It is a well-documented historical fact that “third gender” social roles occupied by effeminate men for religious, cultural, and entertainment purposes existed in many human societies.
Historical precedent is no argument for something being correct. The Holocaust is a historical precedent for genocide. Does that make it right?
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more for me
troon post
>Who is behind this? Who could possibly say?
And from whence might they derive the moral legitimacy to do this, if not for countless centuries of mistreatment of fruity cakeboys?
This was never a question of what is and what isn't, it's a question of what is being lauded and not. There has been an attack on normal people.
Anglos, Celts, and Germanics everywhere in the transgender movement. Just stop being psychotic degenerates, OK?


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Should incitement to hatred be a crime?
Or would that trample on freedom of speech.
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I love "incitement to hatred" in combination with that image
Oh right
It's not important.
>I am Genocide
Why'd this game get demonized by the media again?

Was Indochine kino?
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Wake me up when the Vietnamese language/way of life is near extinction you pagpag larper

I second the book recommendation
>They are destroying my culture.
In which way?
Good. Abrahamism is superior over Indic jeet superstitions. Hail the Cross!

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If the Union were REALLY the good guys they would have,

>Deported all formerly enslaved nogs to Liberia, Haiti and other destinations, with enough money for them to purchase farm supplies to start themselves up in their new homeland, bringing the nog population down to below 4% in the modern day
>Only allowed black freemen from before the war, and a small number of black USCT that saw combat, the right to stay in America
>Banned all continental Catholic immigration; no Catholic Germans, no Catholic French, no Catholic Spaniards, no Catholic Italians, no Catholic Central Europeans
>Severely limited, but still allowed, German Protestant immigration
>Severely limited, but still allowed, Irish Catholic immigration
>Homestead Act limited to Protestants
Wrong pic, my bad, here you go.
can't tell the difference
There were no good guys in the ACW.
See https://desuarchive.org/his/thread/17051884/
Didn't Lincoln intend to send the blacks to Panama or something? And didn't Grant want to annex Saint Domingue to create a black state, but then he couldn't get congressional approval?
Why would you still allow Irish to immigrate but not French? That's dumb.

The Americans did THIS to the Japanese and they still didn't surrender
Why do retards nowadays pretend like the atomic bomb was le wrong?
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It's only a war crime if you lose, though
>The Naval high command fought and fought HARD to simply blockage Japan in 1945 until they simply gave up
So you're calling a food blockade a war crime but also saying that the Navy had "already won" by... Imposing a food blockade?
Blockade would have starved millions lol
THAT IS the reason why the Japanese surrendered. The Japanese made the decision to surrender unconditionally in June 1945.

>On 20 June the Emperor, on his own initiative, called the six members of the Supreme War Direction Council to a conference and said it was necessary to have a plan to close the war at once, as well as a plan to defend the home islands. The timing of the Potsdam Conference interfered with a plan to send Prince Konoye to Moscow as a special emissary with instructions from the cabinet to negotiate for peace on terms less than unconditional surrender, but with private instructions from the Emperor to secure peace at any price.

The truth is that neither the atomic bombs nor the Soviet invasion of Manchuria were necessary to bring about Japan's surrender.
>They did surrender
>Based on our investigation it was PROBSBLE that they MIGH HAVE surrendered by end of year

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Why is India and the middle east so good at creating religions?
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I've considered it. After a long period of philosophical speculation and religious experience, I've concluded they are true.
The fact that Hinduism is a somewhat geographically contained religion, and the fact that it has a caste system that most people consider unjust, doesn't make you think otherwise?

Even before industrialization and modernization, there have been Hindus fleeing their own religion en masse to other religions for thousands of years, especially those from disenfranchised castes and tribes.
>Is there a chromosome that can explain how the Mongols burst out onto the world scene, formed one of the largest land empires the world had ever seen, and cause nightmares for the Slavs, the Chinese and the Muslims for centuries, only to disappear into an irrelevant land locked state in the present?
Says who? Mongols emigrated across Eurasia. There's ethnic Mongols in China, southern Siberia, Southern Russia and in the form of Hazaras in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Several Turkic dynasties descended from the Mongol dynasty, and many lasted into the 1700s to 1900s. Within half a century the Mongol Empire stopped wielding power from Mongolia. It wielded it from Central Asia, China, the Pontic-Caspian Steppe, and West Asia.
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>The fact that Hinduism is a somewhat geographically contained religion

1 in 6 people worldwide are Hindus. I don't think you understand how absolutely massive India is, not just in size, but sheer human density. You've also got the Balinese, Vietnamese, Surinamese, Guyanese and Carribbean Hindus, as well as african and European Hindus through ISKCON and other proselytising organisations, so it's hardly geographically restricted. More than that, Buddhism outside India effectively became the means by which the rest of Asia became Indianised, as Mahayana and Vajrayana is basically Hinduism for non-Indians.

>the fact that it has a caste system that most people consider unjust

People are fundamentally unequal, that's a fact, and no amount of resentment about that fact will change that. The caste system was a consequence of having so many psychologically and physically different people inhabit the same space. It's not perfect, but the alternatives are forcibly intermix everyone into mystery meat i.e. globohomo, or mass genocide. The caste system's actually very good at preserving a diversity of races and cultures.

>Even before industrialization and modernization, there have been Hindus fleeing their own religion en masse to other religions for thousands of years, especially those from disenfranchised castes and tribes.

India has been subject to various Islamic invasions for over a millennia, and several centuries of Christian rule. Even with that, the vast majority of the subcontinent, including Pakistan and Bangladesh, is majority Hindu and the percentage of Christians across the subcontinent is less than 2% given the total population, and this is largely restricted to Pakistan, and the North East of India which was largely inhabited by tribals who were never substantially influenced by Hinduism to begin.

Most Hindus who experienced Islam or Christianity rejected them, and those who did go over ended up forming new castes anyway. It's s built into India
Crossroads of civilizations where ideas and religions have converged for thousands of years leading to spiritual creativity and creation of new pantheons in response to ever changing societal structure brought on by things like agriculture, coinage, invasions and globalism.

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Muslims are the Only Monotheist

Consider the following:

>Jews- Henotheist believe in tribal God, names yawah against existing gods of other tribes
>Christians - polytheist believe Jesus is an attribution of God.
>Most Sunnis - believe Quran is literally uncreated and attribution of God, and magic stones
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Monotheism is false so why do you care which religion is more wrong vs others?
Ah, the greatest test being if you don't convert Islam you die?
And no, you're completely wrong about more Jews converting to Islam....
>Does it say that the son, father and spirit are god? In any single line
I showed entire passages showing that the son is God in the flesh and that the Spirit is God
>it’s a contradiction
No it’s not a contradiction for an infinite God to be 3 persons while being 1 being
What religion do you adhere to in the first place?
In this universe it is physically impossible for 3 persons to be one being
But outside who said it’s not?
I also showed you a single line in the OT that shows a multipersonal God
Muslims are polytheists according to islam's own definition of what polytheism is, which includes believing the words of men over Scripture, which muslims do on a daily basis.
>God abrogates parts of his eternal uncreated speech
is there any limit to muslims' retardation?

Post your favorite US President
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What did he do to make him your favorite? Is there anything specific he did that made you go "Yeah, this is the best leader America's had."? Not trying to start shit, I'm genuinely curious.
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Madison is my favorite, but the ones I think are the most interesting are jackson, wilson and nixon
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>favorite US President
It's hard for me to like a foreign politician based on their political work.
Cultural factors have a much larger impact on "liking" when I have neither gratitude nor grievances to consider.
Therefore pic related.
He's not my favorite, but I do think he's far better than anyone gives him credit for. I do consider him one of the best Presidents and he's certainly better than anyone who came after him, despite major flaws like ending the gold reserve, the Philadelphia Plan, and arguably the war on drugs (although I'd say that initiative becoming as much of a disaster as it was had more to do with Reagan). As for why, getting the US out of Vietnam and ending the draft alone would be enough for me to like him, but adding on to that:
>Nixon Doctrine pushing back on the idea of the US playing World Police for the first time in decades
>Calming relations with the Soviets while still keeping the country fervently anti-Communist
>The visit to China and building a relationship with the PRC
>Project Independence which would have made the US significantly more energy independent by 1980 and prevented another Oil crisis had it been completed
>ABM Treaty and SALT
>Eviscerated organized crime
greatest con man since muhammed

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Saturday hiss edition.
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Throw a stick, and the servile dog wheezes and pants and stumbles to bring it to you. Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because someone else wants something, so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice. The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his self importance. The cat, on the other hand, charms you into playing for its benefit when it wishes to be amused; making you rush about the room with a paper on a string when it feels like exercise, but refusing all your attempts to make it play when it is not in the humour. That is personality and individuality and self-respect -- the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own and not yours -- and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense.

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Does the Christian God just get a kick out of not helping faggots stop being gay when they pray to him in their anguish? Not all of them are proud, many wish they were different and pray for assistance. But it falls on deaf ears.
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it's almost as if you're stumbling on the realization that organized religion might be some sort of easily disprovable scam
some people suffer temptation for overeating, gambling, drugs, we all have temptations i guess
Necessary scam*
>What do you think the highest mind looks like, what does perfect logic look like to you?
Not something as mindless and petty as "hurr durr I'm gonna punish homosexuals because...because i just want to ok?"
>ITT "bible thumpers" too low IQ to realize the Bible condemns anal sex specifically and not homosexuality
keep hardening your hearts, dear pharisees

is YHWH the ancient deity of Israelites a dragon? any books that explains what is happening?
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Satan was certainly a dragon.
Genesis 3:14
>So the LORD God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, You are cursed more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you shall go, And you shall eat dust All the days of your life.
Wasn't crawling on his belly until after the curse

Revelation 12:9
>And tthe great dragon was thrown down, uthat ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, vthe deceiver of the whole world—whe was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Spells it out even more.
well everyone agrees that dragon jesus the trickster sure did fool the world
>Jesus is Lucifer from Isaiah
>Hell falls into the Lake of Fire, the LoF is the main god itself
>Yhwh is actually not uttered in the original texts
>Yhwh would be based on Jove anyways
>There's not so much in the way of Serpentine imagery associated with YHVH
The most obvious is Moses turning his staff into a snake.

It's a bit more roundabout but there's also:
>Listen carefully: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves
Christians believe that God is a triune being consisting of Jesus, Yahweh and the Holy Spirit. A white dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit and Jesus is the "Lamb of God" (lambs are sheep) which leaves Yahweh as "the serpent" in this passage if you continue drawing comparisons between the animals Jesus compares his followers to and the aspects of the trinity (the wolves are the Romans/aryan Koryos wolf warriors)
Believe it or not, but there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that specifically calls the Jews or the tribe of Judah God’s chosen people. This misconception comes from the fact that the Jews of today have declared themselves to be Israel and not the house of Judah, as the Scriptures rightfully call them.


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>zero influence on continental Germanic
>zero influence on Old English
>neglectable influence on Ibero Romance and Old French
how does that make sense?
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Celts peaked too early. The pan european empire before Rome. From Ireland to Anatolia. Portugal to Ukraine.

Only to be pincer maneuvered by Caesar one of the greatest men of all time and Germanics who were coming into their own and still dominate the world to this day.

Also Scots, Irish, Welsh dominated the British Empire's military so they sort of had a renaissance later on.
>>zero influence on Old English
In terms of loanwords sure (although it is possible there were plenty of loanwords in common spoken old English that just weren't recorded in books since they weren't seen as "proper")
However English has sentance structure and some sounds more similar to Welsh than German. It also has old words conguated in a way that would be normal in a celtic language but unknown in Germanic ones.
Though as I understand there is still some debate, and I'm not a linguist or aware of the finer points
do support is inherently germanic
All of Britain spoke Gaelic then but Cumbria and Wales


The oldest tales about the origin of the Irish race
Julius Caesar's works
The placenames of Scotland, Wales, and Ireland
Late Iron Age archaeology of Britain

If Irish are weak subhumans, then how could they rape fierce Picts and create modern Scotts?
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Don’t forget, they got HUGUENOT’D during early modern times. And PADDIED during Victorian times. So they are all EU centric and EU dregs that lost their indie-vidiualism
It’s not inaccurate. British Isles 500 AD. If by inaccurate you mean that we don’t have in depth records from that era stipulating down to a 1 foot margin of error exactly where one political boundary ends and one begins down to property lines, then yea. The same would be true for any map of the Roman Empire you’ve ever seen because the concept of an exact border in the sense we think of them now down to a literal line in the ground did not exist. Rivers were offen used as borders but if settlements expanded to the other side then inevitably again the exact border between Roman and barbarian territory becomes impossible to draw. This is as accurate a map humanity will ever get to Britain in 500 AD in the sense we think of borders today for the rest of human history
It has to be within 100 years of Rome's evacuation of Britannia
>The DalRiatans conquered Scotland
>How do I know this?
>1000 years ago a man from former Dalriata (now Norway) wrote a book seething at the Scottish king about oppressing the Columban Church claiming 200 years ago all his ancestors killed all his king's ancestors

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What is it going to be? When? I think it might end up being neo-paganism.
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So miracles are always just "tricks"?
The Gospels are just lying?
How about Mormonism? I could see Mormonism becoming the most widespread religion throughout most of the Americas.
This is definitely a religion in practice, and I think 'pseudo-religions' should be counted as much as real religions (Marxism would also fall under this). However, I'm not sure the Second Religiousness could be 'wokeness' because it's clearly inorganic and promoted by the business class. If it stopped being promoted by them, it would quickly become fringe.
It has already happened with evangelicalism and “tradcath” for Christianity, Wahhabism and general fundamentalist revival for Islam, child sacrifice for Judaism, increased cow worship for Hinduism, dude weedism for Buddhism, etc.
Mormonism is extremely unpopular among millennials and zoomers. I grew up with a lot of Mormon kids (not in Utah or Idaho) and virtually none of them still attend church or they go to nondenominational churches now.
That's sad to hear. I respect the Mormons a good deal.

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