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>I am ONE thing but also THREE things (me, my wife's boyfriend's son, my favorite pigeon). You WILL refer to me as such. It is VIOLENCE against People of Me to suggest that my wife's boyfriend's son (also me) is NOT indeed me, or that I am one thing that can look like three things instead of three things that are also one thing (I do NOT care that makes NO SENSE). This is NOT up for debate. It is NOT your place to speak on this. SIT this one out and LISTEN to GOD voices, CHUD.

Seems Islam is the way...
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It was necessary to resolve the contradictions of early Christianity
>Jesus is God
>yet Jesus and the Father are clearly different people
>but we're not polytheists, no way!
Attributes are not persons, you Olympic retard.
>our made-up thing is slightly different
Oh, ok. I see it's brilliance now
>my favorite pigeon
Pigeons are based tho.
It was resolved by Marcion and the gnostics but they all were denounced. Why? No explanation besides all early cuckstians being 65 IQ.

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How often did autists achieve positions of power, historically speaking?
Are there any historical leaders you think were autistic?
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>Ten minutes to Fajr, three minutes to Fajr, one minute to Fajr
>Muhammad, were you watching us having sex?
>I don't know
Based shia bvll
For 1000 years the catholic church was a brotherhood of autists who roamed around looking for precocious men afflicted with the tism to come join them in a life of relative ease and comfort debating minor highly technical points while commoners slaved away and nobles killed each other. Same goes for all other priestly casts in other societies.
>The books were transported on 400 camels that moved in a row, without moving from their location relative to others, to maintain the alphabetical order of the volumes.
This seems logistically unlikely.
It never happened. Another kingdom was trying to poach him and he responded with I'll need hundreds of camels to move my books. He also died in 995.

I'm beginning to think that Pelagius may have been right about original sin, and that we have much more free will than commonly emphasized in most Christian sects. Yes, I know that Pelagianism is considered a "heresy" but I often find myself agreeing with much, but not all of it. Can someone explain to me why his view was considered inferior and heretical?
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I think they're actually upset by the false gospel that damns people to hell
I think they're actually upset by the true gospel that damns them to hell for sinning. They simply love their sin too much to accept something like that.
Do you sin?
This is the guy that convinced some youtuber to drop christianity and become a heathen

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Gonna study the history and customs of these niggas, what am I in for?
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Russian's Great Game policy ("Hey, we're just gonna claim this land with forts and you guys can be largely-nominal subjects of the Tsar")
Vs Soviets forcibly settling people and cutting down on the nomad lifestyle, as well as various deportations, like the time thousands of Koreans got dumped into buttfuck Kazakhstan
I like how you fat kids basically have no idea how many thousands of years pass between things you have associated with some random patch of dirt
Like in your heads it's just one big video game that flashes random factoids on the screen while you listen to the constant sound of pots and pans banging together.
OP here. Kyrgyzstan is fucking awesome. That is all.
Timur the lame is pretty kino.
If you ever need to insult a Turkic, call them a furry

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The good timeline.
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"King Cotton" was doomed, but only because Egypt was able to outcompete them, not because capitalists cared about the abolitionist cause.
>not because capitalists cared about the abolitionist cause.
Yes, that's why Britain maintained slavery until the early 1980s. You clearly know so much about this topic.
Capitalists run the market, not the state.
the most boring one as well
So true

Why did brothels go from ubiquitous to totally illegal? Could it be they paid an important role in society?
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you can’t even comprehend what I’m saying, and just keep repeating that the government should can something because you don’t like it.
It has nothing to do whether I like it or not. It has to do with the fact that it literally ruins lives and is destroying families. Children are being exposed to hardcore pornography and we shouldn't sit around acting like this is okay, like it wont fuck with young peoples heads and continue to ruin our future.

HIV killed the last remaining brothels in America.
why do you keep reiterating the problem, even though I have made it clear that my disagreement is with your proposed solution?
don’t bother answering, it’s a rhetorical question for you to ponder as I proceed to close the tab.
The start of the open crackdown on brothels and prostitution coincides with syphilis showing up in Europe. Someone noticed the correlation.

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The ones who came to the Northeast from Ellis Island wore signs like picrel whereas ones in the South were pro slavery and pro child labor.
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Goyim won them Israel and keep it safe under threat of total annihilation. They are sheep
The Arabs like to believe that too. They're also wrong. They can't admit that sort of weakness because it means Islam is wrong.
Why don't they call Israel the great satan then? Seems the arabs see further than the jews
The Jews that immigrated to America in the period roughly 1750-1850 were generally Sephardics who had integrated quite thoroughly into Western European countries, such as Italy, Spain, Germany, England, France, etc. These kept the Old World values of those countries, the same as the non-Jewish immigrants to the New World. The Jews that arrived in the second wave of immigration from about 1860-1920 were generally Ashkenazim from Eastern Europe - Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, etc. - who had an entirely different secular worldview as well as a separate interpretation of Jewish scripture. There was about as much in common between these two groups - and about as much love lost - between Irish Catholics and WASPs.
Southern Jews of the antebellum era (and well into the early modern era before NY/NJ Jews flooded South Florida in the 60s-80s) were almost all Sephardic Jews from the Netherlands/UK. They were also generally more well-off, having the means to move to the US not to do wage labor but to own property in an area where they had greater freedom to do that.

"Ellis Island Jews" were almost exclusively Ashkenazi Jews from central/eastern Europe, with rapidly increasing amounts from the Russian Empire due to the wave of pogroms that only accelerated after Alexander II's assassination. They were poor, now-landless peasants and city dwellers, of course they were attracted to causes that benefited them. There is also a sharp class/ethnic divide at the time between "old stock" Jews of primarily Dutch/British Sephardic origin in the South, and German Ashkenazi origin in the north, and the newly arrived austro-hungarian, russian and romanian jews.

Despite the implications, "Old Stock" here does not mean having spent a long time in the US, but simply the class differences and social networks that these Jews fell in. For example, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire emerged out of labor disputes between the owners (who were immigrant German Ashkenazi) and the predominantly immigrant Austro-Hungarian/Russian Ashkenazi workforce.

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What would have happened if the spanish armada of king felipe II had succesfully entered england, would they have been colonized and returned to the catholic faith?

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AD 492
Petty municipal officer Hu Zhaoling loses his left shoe
2 million perish

AD 774
Farmer Yao Gonggong forgets a bag of carrots home and fails to sell them on the market
5.3 million dead

AD 1008
A gust of wind blows Xue Hanwen's drawing out the window
7.8 million won't live to see the next summer

AD 1193
Scribe Lao Weiwei trips over a rock and momentarily loses balance
23 million starve
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Basically, the reasons that the death estimates are so high can be explained by the fact that almost all of the data are bad. There is an enormous scope for just making shit up.

TLDR: OP is a retardednigger
>20.000 civilians eaten
>strategic Tang victory
Anon, the events that happened are not any better.
The figure was made up by pinkoids.
I prefer Aztec war stories:
>King Cockeotl chooses his 34th wife's son as the heir
>King Dicsux, father of Cockteotl's 23rd wife, gets angry
>An army of 33 man dressed as central-mexican crimsom anteaters (an animal symbol of manly war) walks a staggering distance of 5km
>They massacre the whole city state of Popoexixi, with casualties getting in the house of the 200.
>They take the survivors: an old man, 2 children and a dog to be sacrificed at the top of the great pyramid of the goddess Sexbunda
>Great harvests in the following year
>AD 1850
>Village schoolteacher Hong Xiuquan claims he is the elder brother of Jesus Christ
>25 million people die

Yeah he took the crown from the pope and the old man had to pretend he knew ahead of time

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>Oh my, oh my, what have I done?
>There's something very wrong! There's something very wrong!

Holy fucking kino
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What are you talking about?
LaVey-Church-Of-Satan [At least, According to Aquino and the ToS's account of events, Before LaVey became a fame whore] and all of its various derivatives like Temple-Of-Set and Joy-Of-Satan are literally NeoPagan in the same vein as Crowley, They reference Mesopotamian and Egyptian Paganism everywhere in stuff they write/wrote.

Their whole 'gotcha' in arguments is literally pointing out that all the popular demon names like Lucifer, Satan, Lilith, Beelzebub, Mammon, Astarte, Ishtar, Moloch, The [albeit, Likely a medieval Christian invention] Goetic spirits and so forth are just a bundle of Egyptian, Phoenician and Cuneiform-Society [Sumer/Assyria/Babylon/Yazidi/Persian] Pagan gods who are called evil by Jews and then by extension Christians and Muzzies.

>why would they lie about their rival admitting he was completely wrong and was going to the magic lava forever? What would they have to gain?
Varg's going the same place as him
No I don't think a kike like LaVey would have gone to Valhalla
That's not true.
Reminder that he called his philosophy Satanism specifically to fuck with you guys. Not specifically you people, but your type of people, uptight christcuck and larper types.
No they don't. LaVeyan satanists don't worship Satan it's just edgy objectivism. Now, to save you the typing: Yes, Objectivism was created by a Russian Jew and is comically Jewish as an ideology, that's not the point. Mind you, the thing still depends on christianity, so in that sense it is basically parasitic as an ideology.
Even the name gives you a hint to this, given that it's named like this to piss christcuck moralizer types off.

Was there any sort of international reaction to the ethnic cleansing if Königsberg as it happened? What was the Soviet justification? And so modern communists still think this was ok? They always talk about “settler colonialism,” does this count?
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Königsberg castle survived to a degree, that is before the Soviets demolished it
>germans use the existence of large german minorities as a casus belli to invade a bunch of different countries and start ww2
>wtf why are they kicking all the germans out of their territory!?!?!?!

gee I wonder!
Weak bait
One of my great grandparents on my fathers side fled from Konigsberg to Western Germany where he met my great grandmother. These were times that were never really brought up and if, only briefly with a general sense of deep regret and despair. Besides Old people I have never seen anyone but Internet autists and a couple niche Historians talk about the forced exile of the Germans of the East.
Grandma's stepmother and her family were all from Konigsberg and Memel, stepmother moved over in 27 and her parents sometime in the 30s. None of them ever complained once about it according to my grandma, although she didn't meet them until the 1950s.

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How exactly ethnic Greeks started larping as Romans?
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larp? greeks had every right to claim roman civilization, unlike those germanic or slavic barbarians

they were controlled by Rome for 1500 years
Romans started it with their whole We Wuz Trojans thing.
The perfidious Greek finds a way.
Daily reminder that the 1204 Sack of Constantinople was not just justified but truly glorious. Do it again Enrico Dandolo.

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What are some good resources to learn about the Thule Society of the 1910-1920s?

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Why is he portrayed in popular media as having been Asiatic when he was Hungarian?
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>Most of the ancient descriptions of the Huns stress their strange appearance from a Roman perspective. These descriptions typically caricature the Huns as monsters.[37] Jordanes stresses that the Huns were short of stature, had tanned skin and round and shapeless heads.[38] Various writers mention that the Huns had small eyes and flat noses.[39] The Roman writer Priscus gives the following eyewitness description of Attila: "Short of stature, with a broad chest and a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with grey; and he had a flat nose and tanned skin, showing evidence of his origin."[40]
>romans who were butthurt make their enemies look bad
>meanwhile they wrote of theodoric, the guy who's kin would eventually sack rome, in a positive light

It's safe to say you can take the accounts of Shitalians with a large rock of salt.
I think about that theory that the Huns are the descendants of the Xiongnu that the Chinese had trouble with. Those were a steppe people who vanished into the west around 00sBC.
Show it?
he's a Tartar, mostly white with some Asian women in there

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