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What went so fucking wrong Viking bros?
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>no mix raced med bvll rape baby
>800 AD
>Norsemen inhabit a poor backwater
>1200 AD
>conquer or colonize Normandy, the British isles, Sicily, Iceland, and russia
why skyrim doe
This is disingenuous, since a large portion of their trade was slaves and spoils sold to muslims, a trade that died out as the vikings adopted Christianity (Can't take Christian slaves as a Christian). Raiding becoming less viable as European states centralized and developed actual military power to the point where they were a genuine threat to the viking homelands and were able to defend themselves against raids was probably a larger factor than "comfiness".
Also since a lot of vikings settled down in territories like the British Isles and France conversion was necessary to engage with local politics.
It's funny because women had significantly more rights under pagan rule than under Christian rule in Scandinavia. The adoption of Christianity pretty immediately set women's right back a lot. Not because norse pagans were feminists, they were just pretty staunch believers in the "man's domain"/"women's domain" paradigm and the importance of lineage.

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What were they?
Did Hitler ever criticize the model and practices of private equity firms?

What about Gadaffi or Putin?
His criticism was solely focused on International forces (the implicit Anglo-American Empire) being able to enter deep into a country like Germany and taking control of it‘s resources and being able to influence politics and institutions inside the country. That is what he means, when he criticizes Capitalism or „International Finance“. He regarded the political system, which he called the Weimar Republic, as incapable of freeing itself from this power relationship. He didn’t have a problem with big Capitalist families like Krupp, whose ancestors even 500 years ago already worked in the arms industry, being recognized as the owners of their property, which they have accumulated over the centuries. So in an American sense he was for property rights. I don’t like that term, because it implies the government generously grants the people a right or privilege, while in reality people owned things long before the existence of governments in the modern sense. So it’s more accurate to say that they recognize he rightful property of people. He definitely would not be against the concept of a private equity firm. In fact many high-leading National Socialists used their power to start businesses and organizations. The SS was an organization with government power, but they also started many businesses. Like a business to create their ceremonial daggers and many others. It wasn‘t an inefficient, centralized system, but one where men of great ambition and vision had the freedom to shape the world according to their will. In that sense they were the closest thing in modern times to the Roman Republic, which also had a similar thing going on, where many Patricians had their own private Empires going on. One guy had many loyal Legions to his name and free reign over a province he governed, The other one had dozens of private client-kings in Asia. Others owned lots of property and farms in and around Rome.
No, he criticized "capitalism" because it satisfies the needs and wants of individual people (consumers) - and not the "nation" . He only allowed "private business" as long as it followed the orders of the state and fulfilled plans of central authority.
It still beats a full retard communism actually as it uses business professionals to fulfill his wants instead of just getting rid of them (which shuts down an economic productivity completely); but only slightly if actual well-being of the citizens is concerned.

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why are there christians who still purport to believe in eternal conscious torment for "theological" reasons when the bible explicitly affirms apokatastasis dozens of times and nearly every church father either affirmed or was silent on universalism
>Why are mystics vague
That's the point

Is he the most unjustly maligned president of all time?
no, that would be President Trump
I would agree if he didn’t give up the canal.
He was friends with Shah.
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What are you guys' thoughts on Christian Universalism?
I guess this is kind of a general thread but whatever.

Please keep this as civil and polite as possible!!!

For Context: Universalism is the idea that all people are reconciled back to God in heaven, and that all is made perfect again, usually via Hell as a purgatorial fire than an eternal one. It was espoused by some of the Church fathers, most famously Origen, Clement, and Gregory of Nyssa. There is an incredibly small group of "Primitive Baptist Universalists" that uphold that the punishment for sins takes place here on Earth. They're belief isn't the main focus here, but it is here for completeness.

Universalism has caught on with theologians over the years (such as David Bentley Hart and Robin Parry), due to it's logical solutions to things such as the problem of evil, it's historical basis, and having some scriptural basis within the original texts.

To Clarify:
- Universalism is NOT the religion known as "Unitarian Universalists"
- Universalism is NOT considered a *damnable* heresy (although whether or not it should be a heresy is debated)
- Universalism does NOT argue that all religions or lifestyles are right, or that sinning is ok. Christians are expected to strive to be as righteous as possible, with righteousness as it's own reward and less time in the purgatorial hell.
- Universalism is NOT usually anti-mission
- Universalists hold to trinitarian beliefs and conservative beliefs on other non-hell issues

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It seems like it would lend itself well with the idea of reincarnation. Reincarnation as retribution for past actions and sins until the reconciliation of your soul.

I guess this is mainly an atonement issue. Most people assert that if Jesus died for all people, than universalism is a possibility, with most people hoping for the redemption of all but accepting the possibility of eternal damnation (usually for a hopefully small amount of people). (the exception to this are those fundies who think that most people are going to hell for not being fundies and that the only salvation is through Independent Baptists, with God just ditching the "unlearned" or otherwise moral people I guess.)

Limited atonement people seem to reject universalism. There are some who hope that the elect are most people (just usually not all).
That's an interesting idea, I've never heard anyone espouse that as a hypothetical.

Reincarnation doesn't really work in traditional Christian thought, but a very cool idea nonetheless and would be a very cool idea of (a) "purgatory" action(s).
>That's an interesting idea, I've never heard anyone espouse that as a hypothetical.
Isn't that how it works in Buddhism with Karma?
It's pretty clearly the authentic teaching of christianity, taught from paul to the cappadocians onwards. The fact that it's still a prevailing sentiment in eastern orthodoxy, the closest receivers of the early church, is testament to this fact. Unfortunately it may take a couple centuries for the wider masses of christians plebs to realize they were wrong for so long and turned away from the message of gospel so early, but nonetheless they'll all submit to christ eventually.

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Fuck man... I just want them back
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Some aspects of their way of life might be beheld though the observation of the habits of modern populations living within the hills and valleys of Pakistan and the historical Khorasan area along with the rest of Central Asia.
*through the observation

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Is there any point in preserving the historical artifacts of inferior cultures?
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Should make for a more proveable way of demonstrating something's inferiority in any case.

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what alt right lunatics claim is some sort of satanic conspiracy is in reality a natural process of decay that happens in metropolitan empires;
competition grows so fierce that the elite can no longer trust itself and invites outsiders to break the dealock. An excellent example is the anarchy at samarra at the abbasid caliphate.

The caliph harun al rashid used a mass of turkish slave-soldiers to defeat his brother Al-Amín, and after having him executed he distrusted the arab nobility and kept an itinerary capital around khorasan. When he died, his son al-Mu'tasim did not return to baghdad but moved to the new city of samarra, where more and more turks filled in every post in the military and no longer did he have to compromise with his arab family. Then he died and his son al-Wathiq was murdered by his turkish guard so they could put a more servile puppet on the throne

Jews are simply christian europe's equivalent of turks. "Outsiders" elite figures trusted personally that have now taken power for themselves and their families and clans
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you said that's exactly what they're doing, so they're not a boogeyman, and must be killed
>not let the cycle begin at all
he didn't read Spengler
>what alt right lunatics
You're never going to get over it, are you? Take your meds you schizo freak.
>heh so jews really have seized power but it's perfectly natural
>no need to purge us, just let us remain in power
kill yourself
> the alt right
Buddy you're about a decade too late ya retard

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>Tucker Carlson points out that Australian cities are better and whiter than ALL American cities. American cities are dystopian. Streets with junkie shooting up or a hooker giving a blowjob. White women with STDs/STIs that cannot be cured. Fentanyl. homeless people and homeless encampments. no family values. every man for himself.
>White Australia Policy shouldn't have been abolished. Australian ethnic demography looks like this because of the White Australia Policy


What did he mean by this?
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you're right man it's probably just a coincidence. Don't think too hard
>they will in the next few years
The jeet invasion is already well under way there along with their negro counterparts who form the biological weapon of destruction for civilization wherever they infect.
We did. They became hellish for biological reasons.
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Get the fuck out of /his/ you retarded faggots.
My guess is that he is criticizing the Australian government and their elites about covid-19 policy, but that doesn't affect his view of the country at large.

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I've been told that the modern Democrat party switched platforms with Republicans. That doesn't make sense to me. Can somebody explain it to me? Is it even true?
It's a meme the modern day DNC invented to pretend the party had nothing to do with slavery or Jim Crow. Pay it no attention.
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I don't think they really switched platforms... in some ways both their platforms changed. Political parties have always been quite weak and loosey-goosey in the U.S. too -- by design. The Founding Fathers largely saw them as cancerous and the Constitution had nothing to say about them. From the perspective of many other countries, American political parties don't really exist. They developed anyways but their relationship to the state is still unclear. They're private organizations that have no membership lists, their platforms are largely built after their candidates are nominated, and the parties themselves have very little control over the nomination process.

One way to think about this (although it's an oversimplification) is to think of American politics as less about parties, as tribal coalitions. Like, liberal northern whites (many of them of German and Scandinavian descent) and southern blacks which was the old Republican Party. If you look at Gretchen Whitmer for example, her name is Anglicized from the German Wittmeyer. That coalition is basically the Democrats now. Okay, Trump is of German ancestry as well, but you'll also see a lot of Italian names in the Republican Party like Giuliani and DeSantis, like an alliance between Scots-Irish whites in the south and Catholic "ethnic" whites in the north.
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>During the Gilded Age, the Democratic Party had begun to separate into two groups. The conservative northern "Bourbon Democrats", along with some allies in the South, sought to limit the size and power of the federal government. Another group of Democrats, drawing its membership largely from the agrarian movements of the South and West, favored greater federal intervention to help farmers, regulate railroads, and limit the power of large corporations.[30] Bryan became affiliated with the latter group and advocated for the free coinage of silver ("free silver") and the establishment of a progressive federal income tax. That endeared him to many reformers, but Bryan's call for free silver cost him the support of Morton and some other conservative Nebraska Democrats.[31] Free silver advocates were opposed by banks and bondholders who feared the effects of inflation.[32]
No. The economics of slavery are identical to illegal immigration so the working class whites who hate competeing with cheap imported labour and are in support of protective tariffs to promote industry have been voting for the exact same party since the inception of the Republican Party. There was even the Xenophobic Know Nothings who formed a part off their coalition although the party was embarassed about them even in 1860 so the support was on the down low.

What they are trying to acheive by saying the parties switched is argue that the Republicans were "unracist" but then became the "racists" by "courting the racists" but the truth is the Republicans were always "racist" in their own unique way and nothing changed in that regard.

Part of the reason for doing this is if "le racists" all switched over to the Republicans that means the Democrats are not le racists anymore, but this is based on a fundamental misunderstanding that "racism" is a singular idea where a bunch of people fester together spreading the racism, but the reality is that both parties were racist in fundamentally different ways and at most you could say is that the Democrats have gone to great lengths to purge the particular kind of racist that used to vote for Democrats, and you could argue those Democrat voting racists now vote Republican making the Republicans doubly racist, but even if that is the case Trump is NOT an expression of the Democrat kind of racism because his supporters are firmly racists of the Republican variety.

If there are two groups of racists now occupying the Republican party, the Democrat racists and the Republican racists, this alliance is unnaturally as a racist House Divided cannot stand and a political party cannot live on racism alone. The racism could only have ever be ancillary to a larger platform and cannot be platform by itself. The two groups of racists even if they shared a party must fight one another for dominance as they are incompatible.

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What’s your opinion on Joseph Stalin what do you think he was a bad guy or not?
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Ehhh he was definitely a tyrant and a paranoid psycho, but he definitely achieved a lot. That and his actions killed a lot of Commies
Za rodinu!
i am not a commie but it is always fun to see a man who comes from literally nothing become the face of the youngest superpower in the world.
good leader
>he never genocided anyone
Even if you don't think the Holodomor was intentional and targeted (which is a legit debate in academia and based on what I know I don't think it was) why wouldn't the ethnic operations count? You don't have to physically exterminate a group for it to count as genocide as long as you're trying to buckbreak them hard enough that they stop existing as a people. Which he did to Volga Germans, Chechens and Russian Greeks.

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The Old Testament is superior to the New Testament from a literary standpoint. The Old Testament has Genesis, Exodus, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Proverbs, Job, just to name a few. Absolute timeless religious classics that have transcended multiple cultures.
The New Testament literally has the Gospels which is the same story retold like 5 times. The only redeeming story of the NT is Revelations, which is the only story of similar caliber to the stories of the OT and wraps the Bible up nicely into a consistent narrarative with a beginning and end. The rest of the NT is literally just the Book of Mormon; 2nd Century AD edition.
>worthless jewish slop is better than worthless jewish slop sequel
Stop worshiping jews you retarded golem.
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That's an interesting comment anon, too bad I just don't give a shit

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Why did countries decriminalise suicide but keep assisted suicide illegal?

>sure you can kill yourself
>Whaaaat? You want someone to help you to ensure it actually works and you aren’t left a crippled vegetable? That’s heckin wrong!
Most people who attempt suicide but fail never try it again so making suicide easy and reliable will result in a ton more death.
>Most people who attempt suicide but fail never try it again

No shit. Hard to try suicide again if you’re paralysed or a vegetable

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How a society of free Men would be?
society is by definition not free

Why is this relatable

I feel like abisag is my own hand
sex is overated

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