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File: Hell.png (159 KB, 360x225)
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Will Hell Be Physically Painful?
Le inmaterial punishment for inmaterial beings, luckily there's also an inmaterial reward
For you
I'm a good person.
Doesn't matter. Salvation is by grace through faith, not works.
How is that not evil. Your God is evil if He works that way.
what does it mean
Evil lower case god
No (you) for me
You don't get to decide what morality is.
God has elected a small remnant of mankind from before the foundation of the world to be saved while the rest are condemned to hell. If gospel preaching brings any joy to your soul, you may be among the elect and those who are the elect will be lead by the Holy Spirit to repentance.
Hell is just a sickening and stupid idea and I'm seething. It's dumb and causes tremendous suffering. A loving God would reincarnate souls to give them chances to learn and grow. Not everyone has that ability in their 1 life on the planet. They're kids from fucked up places who do fucked up things and die before being able to learn and grow. Evil idea savored by sadists and narcissists.
Was getting predestined to hell part of your plan?
Evil idea savored by sadists and narcissists.
I take it you reckon you're among the elect. Will see how this works for you.
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>Will Hell Be
that's the real question you should be asking yourself, and not shitting up the board with your retardation
The authors of the New Testament, some of whom lived up to 100 years after Jesus, going off non-Godly memory and contradicting one another, got to decide what morality is.
Every word of the New Testament comes directly from God.
Or it comes directly from people awed by Jesus, non-God men who had no notion at all of how the world physically works, no real notion of non-propagandist history, no notion of biology or psychology. This would make more sense to me and the majority of humans who weren't born to devout Christian families. It's on believers to convince us. Convenient for you though if we're already predestined to be tortured for eternity.
There's no convincing. You already know God exists but suppress this truth because you love your sin.
I think you're being lazy.
Thomistic apologetics deny biblical truth about God and the nature of human unbelief. So we can put that aside. Your capacity to reason is entirely dependent on your presupposition that God in fact does exist. You must borrow from the Christian worldview to make any rational claim.
Don't put that aside. Thomistic apologetic deny biblical truth about God. Explain. Fully capable of recognizing the deep Christian roots in most western academic subjects. Not convinced a creator is at the root of rational claim-making either, explain this too. Power to deduce truths about our natural physical world evolved due to natural selection. Which is a brute fact about the nature of life in our unfathomably large world that might consist of other worlds with different physical laws.
Its not true. The day of judgement would be pointless if God was not planning on judging your works.
That makes much more sense. Potential for moral honing here vs giving up on 99% of humanity.
Thomists act as if the professed unbeliever and Christian (which most of them aren't anyway) can reason together in some neutral, rational ground which doesn't exist. It's plain Bible truth that man rejects God out of a hateful, wicked condition that cannot be reasoned out of. Anything you know comes from the God who created and sustains all the universe. You have no objective basis for making any claim without presupposing God. Without God, you have no certainty of anything, even your own existence.
God will judge the works of the non-elect but the elect are redeemed through Christ Jesus and operate under a covenant of grace.
You've not explained why this is true >>17440815 and this isn't >>17440841 and, I'm going to attack you unfairly possibly here, you're doubling down on what appears to me to be unexamined covert narcissism >>17440897 here. The version of God you're worshiping is, within my idea of a Christian framework, a tyrant and shockingly unpleasant humanity hater.
It doesn't matter what you think. God is sovereign. God determines the right. The New Testament is the best preserved textual corpus in all of antiquity but facts like that mean nothing if a person has an unregenerate heart that loves darkness over light.
What denomination do you belong to?
1689 Baptist

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