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Was it wrong for whites to stamp out slavery, cannibalism and human sacrifice amongst the browns?
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>I'd be totally fine with Europe getting dominated by a superior alien civilization that would massively improve medicine, technology and overall quality of life, with the only downfall being the humiliation of getting civilized by a foreign race.
Isn't that kind of cucked? What if they started forcing whites into reservations?
>God would have been better served by their utter extermination from every corner of the earth.
By the ex-empirea currently committing the very acts he hates? I don't think he is fond of gay pride parades.
Nah he thinks he's so special that they'll spare him and let him somehow attain equal status with the insectoid overlords.
What average Hong Kong/Taiwanese guy do you see begging for the British to come back? Show me.
thanks anon for your answer.

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Obviously if you were a jew or other ethnic minority being exported to camps then you're not a fan of NSDAP run Germany.
That aside, what would be pain points for German citizens? There were obviously some upsides, economically, culturally. If I'm in a traditional German household in, say 1937, what are my complaints?
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Getting bombed by the combined force of RAF and USAF
Mostly that you cannot complain. No satire as an outlet, you gotta be real careful how you complain about how things are and who to.
Many careers hinge on sucking up to people in the party AND your boss. if you think diversity hires and promotions are bad, enjoy watching idiots get promoted above you because they clap louder at party speeches. Or spent your own free time with party bullshit instead of your hot tradwife.
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This is the big one. Even if you agreed with the main lines of Hitler’s political problem, the nature of totalitarian politics is as such that you will almost certainly encounter some issue with the execution and/or smaller details and end up powerless to resist them. Say that a local party boss is a complete fuckwit who ruins everything, but is master at asskissing his superior: what are you gonna do? Criticizing him is basically equivalent to walking on a minefield, as it will be considered a betrayal of the party, unless you’re also inside the power structure and thus in position to challenge it internally.

And there’s no fucking government that you would agree with 100% of time unless you’re the big man himself, so the lack of ability to criticize issues will become relevant sooner or later to everyone.
stop abusing the word "larp" please
im not disagreeing with you im saying learn more better words
it means nothing now, like "cringe" or "based"

Why did a Turkish/Ottoman symbol become the face of Islam instead of an actual Islamic symbol?
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>Muslims put the star of Venus/Inanna/Lucifer above their mosques.

Wtf I love Islam now.
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Unironically, it's because Arabs are some serious bottom bitches. Their hatred for the Turks stems from the fact that the Turks don't want to leash them up and boss them around like they have in the past.
> Saaaaar abandon murtadaturk and retvrn to islam saar
> SAAAAR i will destabilize Paris for you saar please put me on the inflatable rafts that don't sink saar
> Saaar... I respectfully avert my gaze to your bootiful women.. but please teach them to cover appropraitely saar..
What makes this situation funnier is that it will never revert back, since muslims see the Ottoman Empire as their greatest caliphate and their golden age.

>killed millions of europeans
>formed alliances with arabs, japanese, and indians
>stole swastika from persians
>hated other europeans more than africans

how was he a "based" white nationalist?
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>no european culture had it
Yes they did, it was a well known symbol the germanic tribes used all throughout the bronze age and the middle ages, it was etched on swords, runestones, combs, grave urns and other artifacts
I remember reading that Hitler held Native Americans in high regard (or at least had some respect for them), anyone know if this is true?
>I'm pretty sure declining birth rates are a feature of almost any developed nation
There are ways to counteract this. Hitler, even in those days, was aware of the problem. There were extensive plans and projects to limit german women's access to education and city-life. Desu, with a victorious germany that was allowed to expand into eastern europe, I think there'd be hundreds of milliions of them.
>only le germans
They were only really murderous and ruthless with slavs, which was regretable. Anyway, I'd prefer a german mildly treading on me over the kind of kicking and abuse that my race receives from niggers and jews nowadays.
>bronze age
Nope. Mostly Iron Age. It seem to spread with Urnfield. I actually don't think there are any NBA swastikas.
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He basically chimped out just because some Germans were living in different countries.

Most of them blame goes to the Brits, mostly Churchil and (((The Focus))).

But leading the whole continent to conflict for Danzig is also not the brightest idea.

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Say, what would the universe look like, what would the world look like. if it was created by something with undeniably malevolent intent?
Exactly the same as it looks now
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It would look like it was necessary for greater lifeforms to exploit and devour smaller lifeforms, just to absorb enough energy to continue to exist.


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>AI slop
You have to go back.
How and why did this fag ruin Western thought for 1500 years?
He said very convenient things for those in power.
Jerome was kind of nuts but in a good way, and went against both the establishment and Augustine. Jerome barely* made himself convenient for the establishment, so they put up with him.
Jovinian, however, was clearly inconvenient. I wish his stuff wasn't all burned. If only for posterity, considering he wasn't anything like a Gnostic, or something.

Why did most Germans reject Hitler in 1932?
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At that time not much was known about what had gone on behind the scene during the war, obviously many were even oblivious to what had happened on the scene given the popularity of the stab in the back myth.
If there are more than two parties involved in an election, 33% is no peanuts.

The current ruling party in Britain got 33% of the popular vote
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I don't think he was either very popular or hated
Hindenburg wasn't responsible for the war btw, he was retired when the war broke out and called back to service
he probably was responsible for prolonging/not trying to end the war though
Watching interwar German films, It seems like his son Crown prince Wilhelm III was still very muched loved in Germany and was received positively by the crowds when he arrived home for a visit.
They knew not what they were doing. But then they realized he was the Saviour and became redeemed.

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Can someone with a deeper knowledge of British and Russian history enlighten me?

Why did homosexuality turn the British into a highly effective fighting force, yet is not doing the same for

Many key British figures in both world wars were homosexuals such as TE Lawrence and Alan Turing. Winston Churchill himself declared that the traditions of the Royal Navy, the force responsible for Britain's global power projection, and the force responsible for maintaining the empire for centuries, were "rum, sodomy, and the lash."(drunken homosexual BDSM)

Yet for some reason dedovshchina does did not appear to be have the same impact in Imperial Russia, the Soviet Union, or modern Russia.
Dedovschina doesn't predate the Soviet Union, The Soviets steamrolled the Nazis and the Russians are now steamrolling the hohols
The “rum, sodomy, and the lash” statement from Churchill was, like a lot of what he said, nonsense and false.
Meanwhile, in the Articles of War...
>28. If any person in the fleet shall commit the unnatural and detestable sin of buggery and sodomy with man or beast, he shall be punished with death by the sentence of a court martial.
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Yasuke was not a "Samurai" or a "Black man" but was first and foremost a man of God. he came to Japan to spread the word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and should ever be venerated for his saintly mission. He would be horrified to see what has become of his legacy, twisted by racial idolaters on either side.

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Now, I'm not going to say that 'Hitler was right' or some nonsence like that. Infact, I'd argue that Hitler's defeat was actually good for mainland Europe, and that the Nazi regime was utterly monstrous and Britain had a good reason to fight Hitler. HOWEVER, I do firmly believe that if Britain did not fight Hitler in 1939, OR even made peace with Hitler in 1940, modern day Britain would be significantly more powerful and better off than if they did fight Hitler.

Now, to counter some arguments

>If Britain didn't stop Hitler, Hitler would have built a huge navy and possibly attacked Britain
I believe this argument is a load of rubbish. Hitler was a sneak, that is true, but his interests were firmly East, and by going East, he would simply wouldn't have had the time nor the power to commit to a fight with Britain for the forseeable decades. A war against the Soviet Union was inevitable. That was his plan. Hitler had virtually nothing to gain in an extremely random and costly invasion of Britain, and everything to lose. TLDR: The evidence of Hitler wanting to conquer Britain at any point other than when they were at war is virtually nonexistent and purely propaganda.

>What would have happened
Germany would have gone to war with the Soviet Union if it was given free reign. Possibly in 1940. Who is to say it would even prevail? If Germany loses, then the exact same situation in 1945 occurs, this time without a SINGLE British loss. Britain would essentially get a free victory without suffering the catastrophic economic damage that the war with germany did.

>What if Germany beats the Soviet Union
Then Germany rules over an extremely ethnically divided mass of Eastern Europe. They would probably continue their invasions and remain an extremely fractured and broken society. This is why my argument is that Europe would indeed be better off with Hitler being defeated, but not Britain.
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It's a dumb point given Germany was waging a bombing and U-boat campaign to force Britain into submission even while it had millions of men fighting the USSR in the east.
By all accounts, the danger of British submission had passed when germany was embroiled in the East, and besides, like I said, Germany had no interest in assaulting Britain as it would be a complete waste of time and resources when they are already trying to pacify tens of millions of people.
>with hindsight, we know that Hitler had no interest in conquering the UK
We actually dont know what Hitlers intentions would have been if his plans were fullfilled. because he never got that far.

Hitlers original ambitions was not even to conquer Poland, Just make it subservient to Germany. He went from potiential ally to mortal enemy in the span of less than a year because the Poles simply told him no one time.
Dude, I hate to tell you this, but The Empire was dying long before the war started. The problem was that Britain treated the conquered people too well; if we had ruled The Empire the same way that the Romans, the Assyrians, The Spanish (or any of the other great, failed, ancient empires) did then it might still - potentially - be 'not quite dead yet' today. But, by 1939, in the world we actually live in - Britain had a choice between being a second rate power in a German dominated world, or a second rate power in an American dominated world. Granted, being a second rate power in an American world kinda sucks; but being a second rate power in a German world would be horrific shit you wouldn't wish on a Frenchman in comparison.
>tl;dr - it sucks, and civilisation has been dying for a while now, but it was the less shitty option.
There were no good options after ww1 really. The outcome of WW2 was bad, but it was the least bad one.

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I just discovered femboys are an intrinsic part of Ottoman history and culture. They were called Köçek. Is this permissable in Islam? How devout were the Ottomans?
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Too many Thomas Jefferson threads. It was time to add a novel thread about esoteric history
>I think that's Angele_mrh
Its not. The guy OP posted is a turkish femboy, not tranny
Who is he in particular?
Kys, you're even more disgusting.
maybe among seething schizophrenic permavirgin pasty pink incels they are known, but most of the world just registers them as "BROWN!" and leaves them alone.

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How many people belive they are actually their actually their persona

>the Jews convince SPAM politicians to kill honest good people SPAM

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Why the fuck would they wreck the ship filled with the slaves they'd sell on the black/grey market? Christ the welfare and shitposting rotted your brain
Because it’s a pirate fight retard, are you implying the slave owners would shoot their own ship? In fact I don’t even know what your argument was.
if you spend any prolonged time on a ship you'll realise how bad it actually is
>implying the slave ships wouldn't be surrounded by a protective band of ironclads
We're talking about Spanish treasure armada sailing from the Carribean-tier levels of warfare here people get with the fucking picture

>pirates and privateers would willingly spend months at a time sailing all the way to the Indian Ocean
>hurrrr boat life suck durrrr
Are you retarded? Why are you on a history board if you don't know the first goddamn thing about it?

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What are YOU doing to take back the mainline churches?
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He converted to Christianity. He's no longer a Jew.
He still worships Molech like the rest of his kin
OPs talking about taking over mainline churches not the vatican
I'm reminding them they worship a jew raised by a cuck
Racial anti-semitism is un-Christian. If a Jew converts to Christianity then he ceases being a Jew, it's as simple as that. Everybody before the 19th/20th centuries would have agreed with this. Same for Jews who convert to any other religion eg. Islam.

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