What's the relationship between libertarians and the Confederacy?
none, libertarians were a meme movement that arose 100 years later
>>17435654The confederacy was an aristocratic cash-crop oligarchy which specialized in replacing their White working class with African slaves in order to save money on wages. Libertarianism is a Jewish joke anti-ideology invented after WWII to trick autistic goyim into abandoning the fight for control of the state and leaving it to Jews. There is no relationship.
>>17435760>Libertarianism is a Jewish joke anti-ideology invented after WWII to trick autistic goyim into abandoning the fight for control of the state and leaving it to Jews. There is no relationship>>>/meds/anyway, a lot of self-identified libertarians are really just anarchists by another name
>>17435654The only libertarians that existed at the time were fringe left wing anarchists who’d bomb trains
>>17435760>Libertarianism is a Jewish joke anti-ideology invented after WWII to trick autistic goyim into abandoning the fight for control of the state and leaving it to Jews.This, but unironically>>17435769He's right though. Friedman and Mises were subversive Jews who created "muh market economy" to trick retards into letting Reagan and Thatcher de-unionize their workforce and destroy every gain the labor movement had gained in the last several centuries.
>>17435828I think it's more complex than that.The 1930's to 1960's is a period when the financial capital loses quite a lot of influence to bureaucrats(not just commies, but also dirigisme, new deal etc). The fledgling libertarians were critics of that process and contributed to its moderation between late 70's and mid 90's.The Tony Blairs of the 1950's would say everything you can think of can be done by the state, the Tony Blair we know is more of a "the private market can do things the state wants to and things it's not allowed to do more efficiently, we just have to make sure our buddies get the contract".Ofc. The current arrangement is more favourable to the finance kikes than managerialism was, but in the end the stimuli is what I've described.
>>17435836>and contributed to its moderation between late 70's and mid 90's.>its moderation>moderation>in the 70's and 90's>moderation
>>17435828>This, but unironicallyAll of the Jewish intellectuals who pushed libertarianism on the goyim were also fanatical zionists, supporting a socialist state which doesn't even allow private property
>>17435828>>17435836>>17435905>joosI don't get why we can't just call them what they are, "the rich". And don't go Agent Smith on me, appearing out of nowhere to correct the wrongthink that it isn't a specific ethnoreligious group fucking us over - but rather a specific socioeconomic class fucking us over. It makes zero sense to frame libertarianism as even remotely jewish. What part of judaism is uniquely more compatible, scriptural and philosophically upstream from, or even just leads to the presentation of such as a weapon against nonadherents of their ethnic faith, in relation to lolbertarianism?The reality is that libertarianism is not a "jewish ideology". It is bourgeoisie well-poisoning. It is rich people telling poor people that it's morally good to be assraped by the rich. It is rich people seeing everyone as GDP, as consoomers for product. This part is obvious to everyone and I would rather not let CIAniggers kill the funny small hat tribe as a scapegoat for their masters' wrongdoing.
>>17435984But there wasn't a single gentile involved in creating or propagating libertarian ideology, it's as Jewish as Talmud studies
>>17435995Except for Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, pretty much every actual lolbertarian. I don't even think any of the Chicago Boys who were of "jewish" origin actually were jewish by jewish standards. Do you really think Friedman avoided eating cheeseburgers all his life? Do you think Friedman seen the world as the result of the will of a single perfect consciousness? If he did, he probably wouldn't be a libertarian.Let me pose this question to you real quick, if these people were magically of a Protestant - lets go with Anglican/Presbyterian - background, would you even accept them as remotely part of your religious faith and see them any different?The answer is probably "no".
>>17435654English free trade.>>17435760No one was replacing Whites. Blacks were slave labor and a means of wealth generation in a traditional economy.Confederacy had a robust Jewish element I agree. They would have been ZOGGED earlier but at least they wouldn’t be ZOGGED and brown.
>>17436031>Ronald Reagan, Margaret ThatcherThese are just politicians in an an oligarchic democracy, irrelevant employees of Jewish finance capital, they aren't liberatarians because they have no opinions, if Jews told them to do communism they would switch on a dime.>Do you really think Friedman was JewishYes>if these people were magically of a Protestant They are Jews, and none of them support libertarianism for their own country, only for the goyim cattle that they are swindling
>>17436051Okay, so if the fucking President of the United States of America is just a puppet for greater powers, then why do we not absolve Friedman of his status? Fuck this shit, all of this is a retarded series of layered cope.>Oh well... um, these people that supported this ideology that aren't jewish... they're jewish slaves that'd do communism for the jews!Like what kind of crackhead counterpoint is this? A fucking hypothetical? A hypothetical that's retardedly unrealistic? A hypothetical that slowly makes less sense the more you realize how much the Reagan administration absolutely loathed communism, making it seem more and more like the source of the Reaganist and subsequent ideology is much more in-line with "Capitalist objectives" than vague "Jewish objective"?fuck off
>>17436042>No one was replacing Whites.If there weren't any blacks, the plantations would be much smaller, and staffed with expensive White laborers, and most of the surplus land would have gone to small White family farms. Blacks were no different than Mexicans or Indians today, they were imported to allow oligarchs to concentrate wealth at the expense of the White worker.
>>17435760Do you fags have a single thought in your mind that doesn't circle back to Jews?
>>17436056>Reagan administration absolutely loathed communismReagan is just a movie actor, he was a communism then he got an updated script and became a rapacious capitalist, there is nothing to him intellectually or ideologically, he was just there to keep the goyim engaged and entertained while the Jews destroy the White middle class, loot the country and turn it into Brazil 2.0 but with genocidal hyperzionism
>>17435984>I don't get why we can't just call them what they are, "the richThere was a time when the right wing wasn't cucked to modern day land barons. Hell, there was a time when being right wing implied you were ready to shoot such people to protect your own.
>>17436062As the planetary ruling class Jews are the only topic worth talking about
>>17436063>he was a communismsource?inb4 "guh cucked woke libtard asking me for a source">e was just there to keep the goyim engaged and entertained while the Jews destroy the White middle class, loot the country and turn it into Brazil 2.0 but with genocidal hyperzionismstop being a nigger and just say it's the rich trying to destroy humanity for a profit
>>17436067https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/how-ronald-reagan-tried-and-failed-to-join-the-communist-party-7b7734b412a3>the richHow do the rich benefit from burning all of America's global legitimacy by dedicating America to the survival of a genocidal desert statelet populated by deformed inbred goblins?
>>17435984>I don't get why we can't just call them what they are, "the rich".Because that a no-no word in America. You CAN be a Nazi. You CAN love Hitler. You CAN hate Jews. You CANNOT speak out against the wealthy as a general rule REGARDLESS of their ethnic background. You WILL be assassinated for not cucking to the likes of Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos.
If you study the constitution or american history for any amount of time eventually you arrive at the realization that anglo-american liberalism died with the confederacy and what's left is a bloated east coast banker husk full of random bits of immigrants
>>17436082>Paywalled article>Summary is "Reagan in the 1930s during the great depression tried and failed to join the champagne socialists of Hollywood"Just seems like another Bourgeoisie schmuck trying to save his skin in the hard times. NEXT>>17436092This, /pol/lacks ITT (not even going to shittalk you by default) please notice how much quicker talking about the "rich" gets you shut down compared to the "jews".Sure, they'll shut you down for being antisemetic... after months of complaints. When they finally do, they'll give you just enough voice to make a big fucking show about it, to make it seem like antisemitism is the greatest crime in america.In reality, millions of antisemetic stones go unturned every year. People fuck over jewish people because they're jewish over and over again in america, and people get away with it, because the fucked-over jews in question generally don't have the money to start making a stink about it, and their richer brothers don't see any stock in suing the shit out of a midwestern construction firm because they want to fire the jewish guy for being unable to work saturday. Same thing goes for white people, black people, hispanic people, etc. Everyone gets discriminated against, and unless you have the money, you can eat a bag of dicks in the eyes of the system.But you say the rich are the problem?You get cops called, shots fired, riot squads beating you to death.You aren't even given the chance to scream for help, they put you down quickly and quietly. See no evil, hear no evil.
>>17436120>But you say the rich are the problem?There's isn't a special government department dedicated to protecting the racial interests of people with big bank accounts. Jews form the plurality of rich and they are unified by a shared race and racial ideology, individualist goyim billionaires have about as much political power as a homeless hobo, they can be destroyed by the Jewish racial collective in an instant. If Musk said a single negative thing about Jewish influence his massive mossad child rape blackmail pile will go public, the IRS will suddenly find massive problems with his taxes, and the department of justice will suddenly discover his massive civil rights violations, then he would be suicided under mysterious circumstances.
>>17436120Rich Jews also fuck over poor Jews. The more you understand that class has always mattered more than race, the more the world falls into place.
>>17436427The are an incredibly cohesion socialist racial syndicate, poor Jews have an infinite number of racial charities to uplift them.
>>17436120you can complain about the rich under any government administration, there is no law against criticizing the rich, there is no group dedicated to combating anti-rich sentiments.Anti-Semitism will get you jailed in many countries and there are numerous groups dedicated to finding anti-semitism.If the leftist view of class war was accurate to reality leftists would be able to accurately predict world events, they can not do this, therefore they are wrong or at the very least less correct than those who use "world jew theory" to explain things.>>17436427but Rich jews will unite with poor jews to fuck over gentiles, which is why race matters at a more fundamental level.No one has ever said class doesnt matter, but to place class above ethnic group in the case of the jews who are extreme ethnic partisans is just outright denial of reality.
>>17436427And Bernie Madoff...lol.
>>17436427back in olden times the bougie Western European Jews used to despise the shtetlbillies of the east and considered them barely human
>>17436120Liberal politics and voting Democrat have long been a major part of the Jewish id in America. Voting Republican tends to make you into a Stepin Fetchit type in the minds of a lot of them so that's one way to put yourself outside the ken of the tribe.
>>17435828in reality it's not that complex. some Jews disliked the idea of a strong government because it could be used to oppress them like it was in the Russian Empire. others liked the idea of a strong government to protect their rights against mob rule. they became socialists.
Some of the worst stalkers Bob Dylan had were fellow Jews like A.J. Weberman. One thing you may not know is that Jews have no intrinsic concept of privacy or personal space; they believe any Jew has the right to meddle in another Jew's personal business. There was also that one famous Dylan groupie who got murdered by a serial killer.
>>17436422>There's isn't a special government department dedicated to protecting the racial interests of people with big bank accounts. At the very least?ALL OF THE POLICE!They were founded to beat the shit out of striking workers - not to "protect and serve". This is basic history, you idiot. So already invalid point - kys>>17436436>you can complain about the rich under any government administration, there is no law against criticizing the rich, there is no group dedicated to combating anti-rich sentiments.Not really lol, try bitching about rich people and business owners and your boss at work.>oh that doesn't countbut getting fired for saying "fuck kikes" does?>>17436449>LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFTlol
the Jews can't be that all powerful if they still can't get Leo Frank exonerated after all this time
>>17435654Confederacy is loved by incel naziboos, libertarianism is hated. The relationship exists in your pussy-deprived ego only.
>>17435760It's time to stop posting for today.
>>17436581One of the biggest southern orientated historians is an austrian economist
>>17436605Which one?
>>17436581>Confederacy is loved by incel naziboos,Why is that, anyway? I doubt the Nazis would take.kindly to an openly Jewish guy in government like the CSA had. Then there's the fact that the South never actually rejected democracy like fascists did.
>>17436629>Why is that, anyway?Fantasies about their superiority and "honor traditions" and dreams about subjugating the lesser beings. Both world-views are just some archaic slavery-based BS.
>>17436629Did any actual Nazis (not Neo-Nazis) express documented opinions on the American Civil War? I would assume not
>>17435867Neoliberalism moderated managerialism. It can be seen even in things like the difference between keynesians(managerials) and neo-keynesians(neoliberals).
the Confederacy was highly statist and had a command economy during the war.
>>17436754They barely had an economy beyond nigger ranches. Least disingenuous commie.
>>17436766>They barely had an economyDidn't he just say that it was a command economy. You stormfaggot retard?
>>17436620Pretty much the entire surviving Austrian economics branch in the US are Confederate apologists because they realize the modern statist status quo of immigrants soup and corruption started with the federalists
>>17436620>>17437208Rothbard was pro-Confederate IIRC
>>17435680Ron Paul ain't a Jew, bro.
>>17437446You don't think 150 IQ autists have deciphered American establishment propaganda by now? The Confederacy was right and adhered to the ideas of the founders more than the north. The north was the financial hub beholden to European banks that needed southern slavery to pay their speculative interest payments. Boston and NYC engaged in open borders biowarfare before it was cool in a desperate attempt to augment their populations to gain more representation. Them modern US education system was created because boston was filled with illiterate illegal Irish street urchins growing up to be pickpockets
>>17437530When Massachusetts created the American education system which was meant to brainwash Irish street urchins they also exclusively employed uneducated women as teachers so they didn't have to pay them as much. Which is why in American schools all teachers are female.It's funny going to American public school and hearing the women openly complain about not getting paid enough, as if they're not a glorified daycare
>>17435654Positive if you're a real libertarian>>17435769>anyway, a lot of self-identified libertarians are really just anarchists by another nameYou can be both at the same time (ancap)
>>17435782train and bombs and left wing politics weren't invented yet
>>17437439>Rothbard's colleague Joseph Stromberg notes that Rothbard made two exceptions to his general condemnation of war: "the American Revolution and the War for Southern Independence, as viewed from the Confederate side", referring to the American Civil War.[145] Rothbard condemned the "Northern war against slavery", saying it was inspired by "fanatical" religious faith and characterized by "a cheerful willingness to uproot institutions, to commit mayhem and mass murder, to plunder and loot and destroy, all in the name of high moral principle".[146][147][148] He celebrated Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and other prominent Confederates as heroes while denouncing Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and other Union leaders, who he said had "opened the Pandora's Box of genocide and the extermination of civilians".[149][150] Rothbard saw secession movements as a tool for undermining and disintegrating the state, according to historian Quinn Slobodian, who wrote that "Rothbard's life was marked by a search for signs of potential secession" and that "When he found them, he did his best to deepen them."[11]
>>17437465the South had 40 some jewish mayors.They werent in line with the American vision, you only say this because you have been miseducated and they retained their traditional economic model.
>>17440001Rothbard also supported parents selling their kids on the "free market" - literally a market for pedos to shop for victims. Rothbard was the jewiest jew to ever jew
>>17435760In a way they are similar, because both Confederate larping and Libertarianism are used as a safe edgy political outlet for Southern White men who can't or won't confront their actual political enemies with a serious ideology like National Socialism.