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Do you ever notice atheists avoiding saying "Christ"?

I mean, they supposedly don't believe in God at all and think it's all a fairytale but they'll go out of their way to say weird things like "sky daddy" or "chrimbus" or "THE jesus". It's like the word Christ itself has some sort of power over them.
Actually my experience is the opposite. They use the term a lot more in an insulting way.
Christ means Messiah. Messiah means Anointed One. Every Isrselite King has been called a Messiah in the bible because they were all Anointed with holy oil.

Christ is not a special name of God. It's just a Greek word for a Hebrew term.
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Yes and I regularly call them out over it
They spend their days raging at their own strawman for God, but not one of them could ever look at Christ and say that he is wrong in something or anything at all
I just don't call him that because it's not his name, it's a title used by his followers which I am not one of
The majority of western so-called atheists are just people rebelling against their parents' Christianity, without growing spiritually at all.
My parents are atheists and the same likely applies for the majority here
>Do you ever notice the new bullshit I just made up to promote my cult of lies?
No, I regularly call you christkikes
>people rebelling against their parents' Christianity
that's because their double IQ boomer parents used the religion as a vindictive punishment device like a cudgel rather than one to help their children grow and mature spiritually.

american christian boomers did more damage to christianity than any group of atheists.
You will always be a Mexican
Christcucks are absolutely deranged
because he was a jew and in hebrew his title is moshiach. cristos is a greek word and the church uses a greek word to distance themselves from jews because christianity has more in common with greco-roman pagans and platonism than with jews. if jesuscels wanted to be closer to the original they would say moshiach, but that reminds them that they are not the original abrahamists and only colonised goys

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