Any sort of mass migration to Europe either from the Middle East or Africa or South Asia would not have happened without colonialism.
>>17439853the only thing to blame of European nations is beliving themselves truly the protagonists of history by going after empty ideologies as marxism, liberalism, etc., forgeting about culture, religion, race and gens.Around 100 years in which European nations gave up their geopolitical, military and political supremacy just to virtue signal and try to build once again failed utopies.And the greatest mistake was accepting the US as one of theirs when the US is actively an anti-european nation.
>>17439853In the sense that "colonialism = boats, trains, planes" then sure
>>17439864>failed utopies.Weird way to describe majority of best places to live in on earth
>>17439853Sources? Proofs? Arguments?
>>17439853Yes it would the they wouldn’t even be second world let alone first world without Europeans. Also muh colonialism is evil but I’m going to live and pay taxes to White people because I hate them lmfao. The world deserves a massive cleansing.
>>17439885>>17439886Why would they want to move to another continent when they were content to live the way they had for a millennia.The thing that drives migration from Africa and Arabia are conflicts that have been caused by European meddling in the region turning them into conflict zones when previously they were actually functioning societies.
>>17439895Migration has always happened, difference now is that technology has massively increased the distance you can travelMain migrant groups in Europe are not from conflict zones anyway, ie Indians, Nigerians in the UK, Moroccans and Turks in Netherlands
>>17439897>technology has massively increased the distance you can travelAnd Europeans gave that technology to brownies for free. What the fuck were you thinking?
Why was colonialism a bad thing for those countries colonised? All of those countries are were dirt poor when Europeans first visited and are much richer and more developed now with 30+ year higher life expectancy and 90% less child mortality . So if anything colonised countries should be thanking Europe for colonising them rather than seeking revenge with irrational illwill and resentment.The only exception is the americas since they got mostly wiped out by by accident due to diseases from Europeans.But asian and african countries have no grounds to complain.It would be as irrational as Britons having hatred and wanting revenge against Italy for being colonised by them when Italians improved their country.
>>17439853migration happens because richfags want cheap workforce, it has nothing to do with muh colonialism
>>17439906Why do Europeans NEED to uplift primitive people?
>>17439906They were doing fine before. They could have adopted the technology they wanted form the outside world and developed at their own pace, instead of it being a sudden and forceful process that abrupter their traditional way of life.
>>17439963Their traditional way of life was barbaric and cruel. Free your slaves, stop human sacrificing and stop eating dogs.
You should be grateful to Jews for introducing multiculturalism into your nations.>but it's not goodYes it is, you're just primitive and don't know how good it is yet.
Why are browns so pathetic that their countries are unlivable shitholes
>>17439997India is a superpower though.nobody ever said it was unlivable
>>17439965I don’t really have a problem with that
>>17439853That does not follow logically. This is yet another low quality trolling bait thread made by brownoid scumbags to try to justify their existence in white peoples' places.
>>17439897>Indians, Nigerians in the UK, Moroccans and Turks in NetherlandsAll of these are from the former colonized countriesUK colonized all of Desi and India then they get migrants from former colonies, same as to France with Sahelians and Algerians, Spain with Moroccans and Latinxs, Italy with SSAfricans...
>>17440117>All of these are from the former colonized countriesTurkey was a colonising power though.
>>17439895>The thing that drives migration from Africa and Arabia are conflicts that have been caused by European meddling in the regionLiar. 2024 fatalities.Btw there would hundreds of states in africa and indian subcontinent if europeans didn't colonise those places and there would be hundreds of conflicts.