Two weeks more: the ideology
>>17424137History proved them right.
I wonder what all the old judeo-Bolsheviks that were killed by Stalin or Wotan would have thought about the Cold War and such, early Soviet history had so many interesting characters and after WW2 it's a whole different thing
interesting to see who breaks first, USA under social strife or China by collapsing birth rates. There are some theories the chinese ones are inflated and the reality is even worse.
>>17424137top lmao
>>17424137Can someone explain this to me.
>>17424137Ok, let's checkCommie russi:>shelter for people>non toxic food>employment>functional societiesCapitalist russia>swegage dueling homelese children that sell sex>drinking cologne and shampoo as alcohol>mass drunkness>krokodil>aids>mail brides>Mc DonaldsSo apparently, in the end, Communism won
>>17424147AI post? This thread is about communism not National Socialism
>>17424145Post flag over the Kremlin
>>17425016My vote is for Second American Civil War, followed immediately by a nuclear exchange with Russia and China like the ending of the Turner Diaries.>>17425226You forgot>sold navy to Pepsi
>>17425226>Commie russi>food
>>17424137>The West devotes all its resources and power to overthrow communist governments>Why doesn't communism work?
>>17427209Imagine a submarine engineer being a bitch about sea depth pressure.
>>17425256Post demographics in the US.
>>17427209>Oriental Commie despoties devotes all their resources and power to overthrow Western governments>lose
>>17425267Yes. But it will end with the white race being utterly exterminated followed by ten thousand years of peace.
>>17427896>Devotes all their resourcesLol, no.
>>17427209Communism if correct would work despite that. The fact it doesn't means that it's a failed ideology
>>17427978It did.Better living standards and economy.
>>17427991Obviously it didn't because the ussr and almost every other commie country collapsed. And you yourself were bitching about "western interference "
>>17428003>Saw massive improvement in every way that matters.>Collapsing more often that not just came down to the people handing over power without major violence(That only came afterwards when capitalism was implemented). Wow, the fucking horror. Not only did they improve the lives of the people, but when those people then, wrongly, believed they would be better off under capitalism they were allowed to change the system.Under capitalism they would have been starved and then shot.
Communism was the best and last shot to preserve traditional values of family and hard work
>>17428009>things just worked. That's why everyone stopped wanting communism and power was just handed over.How many layers of cope are you on
Who is responsible for this? Capitalism or Communism?
>>17428018Most people didn't, and still don't, know what they want. That was the biggest error of communism.
>>17428029If it worked they wouldn't want to change it
>>17424137I'm not a commie but the only reason capitalism has managed to get so far is because it keeps using subversion handpicked from other system to continually expand itself and keep artificial growth.The stock market crash in 1929, ww2, neoliberalism in the 80s, mass debt since the 2000s have all only amounted in increasing social tensions and wealth disparity [picrel]>>17428018>>17428119In reality, the lines between socialism and capitalism are more blurred than what you think. In both system you end up working for another person. Socialist's countries collapse in the 1990s is due to many more factors than simply>yeah bro I want the factory at which I work to be owned by some random guy who inherited it rather than the state man>>17428021Correlation =/= causation
>>17427468Post demographics in former Soviet states
>>17428021the World Bank continuously redefining "extreme poverty" to be more and more impossible to actually reach without just starving to death
>>17424137It's very common propaganda. The U.S does the same with its cottage industry of "China is over!1!" Geopol grifters.>>17428021God, I hate these obtuse abstract metrics projected onto history.Some wretch rotting in a calcutta slum has absolutely nothing to thank capitalism for. No matter what the abstraction may say.Hell, some nigger in 1700s Africa probably lived a better life under 2 abstraction dollars a day than his descendant, currently mouldering in a lagos slum earning three a day or something.
>>17428018>How many layers of co- excuse me, can you stop lurching behind those c- AUGH HELP HE'S SHOOTING ME OH GOD PLEASE I'M SORRY>...>why is it so hot? is that ronald reagan?
>>17428143There is no such thing as capitalism. There's only market economy and people choosing their approach to it
>>17428162>some nigger in 1700s Africa probably lived a better life under 2 abstraction dollars a day>probably
>>17425226The only redeeming feature of communism is that it causes economic stagnation and poverty which slows the progress of degeneracy.
>>17428194>all these 'socialist" states>in 1938Ugh, anon...
>>17427209>you can't just work against your enemies!Why? The Soviets infiltrated the US as well yet it still stands. Gg no re.
>>17428143>Socialist countries' collapse in the 1990s is due to many more factorsYes, for example not wanting to live in an oppressive totalitarian regime where the government would blow your brains out if you said something they didn't like
>>17428198was that supposed to be a "gotcha!" moment
>>17428192I was not alive in 1700s Africa not confirm, Anonymous.It can be supposed.
>>17428298You aren't even in the current Africa to be completely fair
>>17428360Well I sure as hell have a much more complete picture of what living in the Lagos slums is like.
>>17427209>which implies that the Ruzzzoids did not was control a third of the world>which implies that they did not use sabotage, invasion, subversion and war against the nations of the free world
>>17428584Do you really?
>>17428586That does not seem quite like a third of the world to me, honestly.Plus, this map is dishonest. Including Albania, Cambodia and Yugoslavia along with all the African meme states they could get away with.>>17428591Yes, albeit not a experiential one.I guess it's also what you value most. But by my estimation unreliable electricity is not much of an improvement from pre-modern Nigerian conditions.
>>17428619>what you value mostI value the access to the basic medicine and education. Of course it depends on the region we're talking about
>>17428586This map does not take into account the territory controlled by subversive groups financed by the USSR throughout the Third World, such as in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Peru or Algeria.
>>17428021Good thing that 800 millions of those people are in the people republic of China.Thanks for proving the point
>>17425226>Commie good, russia man good, no kill :D>Anglo man bad, much opression, much kill :(
>>17429606It wasn't proving a point.I was just asking if capitalism or communism was responsible
>>17428194How do commies respond to this pic?
>>17428021Economic Liberalism
>>17431052They don't
>>17428194> slows the progress of degeneracy.Alcoholism is degeneracy. And it was a plague under commies.
>>17434963Check stats (alcohol comsumption under USSR) or get a brain (if you think alcoholism is not degenerate).
>>17427209I don't get why socialists think they should get special treatment on the geopolitical state and not have enemy nations try to harm them. I mean for peat sake other socialist nations tried to undermine each other, why are they complaining about foreign interference, this is geopolitics 101.
>>17424145That capitalism would crush socialism in a fair fight?
>>17435017Honestly, if all those socialist countries had just banded together into one massive Soviet Union, capitalist countries wouldn’t stand a chance against them. Like, why didn’t China, Cuba, the USSR, and the rest just unite? They really dropped the ball by giving up on the whole world revolution thing.
>>17425226Commie russi>worst nuclear disaster recorded>drained the aral sea>mass starvationalso>non toxic foodmy brother soviet pesticide was as bad if not worse than anything in the west.
>>17435067> drained the aral seaIt was global warming and capitalists are to blame.
>>17425226lmao communist russia was a shithole. most people lived in literal broom closets with their ovens turned perpetually on because they had no central heating. oranges were considered luxury items for the inner party. pathetic tankies
>>17435118> ovens turned perpetually on because they had no central heating.I'm from Moscow and we still did that in 2000s, perhaps people do that to this very day in lesser cities.
>>17424137Star ducks is a good call
>>17435311>tfw no sleepy bbw NazBol girlfriend
>>17425016>theories*speculationlearn the difference, underage zoomie
>>17427896KEK that’s Abe?
>>17427468That's not the argument you want to make when trying to side with the soviet's, retard.