>In Rom 4:18, Paul cites the “promise” to Abraham in LXX Gen 15:5, “so shall your seed be” (οὕτως ἔσται τὸ σπέρμα σου) in relation to what it means to “become the father of many nations” from Gen 17:5. Modern scholars have traditionally understood the relationship Paul sees between these two texts quantitatively, as promising a multitude of descendants made up of Jews and Gentiles. Conversely, some early Jewish interpreters of Gen 15:5 (and related texts such as Gen 22:17; 26:4) such as Philo, Sirach, and the author(s) of the Apocalypse of Abraham understood the promise qualita- tively, as speaking not only of multiplication but of transformation into the likeness of the stars and assumption of their power. Reading Paul’s use of Gen 15:5 in light of this qualitative interpretation places him within the context of already well-established deiication or angelomorphic traditions in early Judaism that see the destiny of Abraham’s seed as replacing the stars as the divine or angelic inheritors of the nations. his tradition may provide a more itting explanation of the relationship Paul sees between Gen 17:5 and 15:5 in the wider context of the argument of Rom 4. his reading could illuminate the relationship between a complex nexus of ideas that Paul sees implicit in the one promise to Abraham in Gen 15:5. he promise of becom- ing as the stars of heaven would encompass the inheritance of the cosmos, becoming a father of many nations, and the resurrection from the dead.tldr; Paul thought we can be resurrected as stars.
>According to Ephesians, those outside the church remain bound to the world and the archon (ruler) of the power of the air (2:2), the Jewish devil (6:11). Thus, while Christ currently inhabits the highest heavenly realm, the air (sublunar realm) remains under the control of a demonic archon. In chapter 6, the author warns the church to defend themselves not against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against principles, powers, “cosmic rulers” (kosmokratores) of darkness, and evil spirits in the heavenly realms. The cosmic rulers were, according to some contemporary writers, the planets who controlled the elements (Van Kooten, p. 192). Thus, Ephesians appears to distinguish between the realm of the air ruled by the devil, and the heavenly (supralunar) realms overseen by cosmic rulers, but both parts of the cosmos are characterized — for the time being — by corruption and opposition to God’s wisdom (much like in The Ascension of Isaiah). Ephesians also demonstrates how a Middle Platonist cosmology of multiple heavens, capricious planetary rulers, and a earthly sphere composed of corruptible elements and inhabited by demons could be combined with the Jewish concepts of God’s wisdom, the devil, distrust toward demons and spirits, and a heavenly saviour figure.
>Despite the differences between the Pauline and pseudo-Pauline letters, they and their rivals have a shared worldview that Lewis summarizes as follows:>Celestial beings populate the cosmos. These beings appear to exert some form of contingent control over a significant portion of the human race through three specific means. They control vice, they control human behavior, and finally, they control law. In the Pauline worldview, these beings act in direct opposition to Christ, whom they had crucified in their ignorance. Christ, however, emerged victorious from his confrontation with the powers. (Lewis, p. 67)
All wrong and Satanic. Repent OP and believe in the Lord Jesus. Go find a KJV only church.
>>17440885Fundamentalism is the dumbest thing on the planet.
>>17440063>google your quote since it sounds like bullshit (it is, this dude made it up, its nowhere but his blog)>leads to some dude's blog>his youtube avatar is literally the satanic snake from Genesis hanging from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, looking cutelmao. definitely inspired post anon.
>his ancestry was compatible with sephardic hurritage! well publish the paper soon!>Oh that paper? Were just never gonna release it jajajajajajaWill we ever get to see his actual dna results?
In this household Christopher Columbus is a hero!
>>17441093Is it?
>>17441093give it a rest apjeet. you spam this shit every day
If Jesus was literally God why did he need spell components?
>>17441221John 10:27-29Ephesians 1:13-14Ephesians 4:30Romans 8:1Romans 8:38-391 Peter 1:3-5John 5:24Philippians 1:6
>>17441218Hi Ralph
>>17441270I'm not him but I did read some of his books & corroborated with Freemason knowledge. It checks out. Christianity originally started as a legitimate claim for a pretender – of the house of David – to become king of the Jews, and the Sanhedrin cliques – of relatives made up of priestly & former monarchs – enjoyed Rome more than what the Parthians offered. The ultimate dispersions was with the pro-Roman factions and the pro-Parthian/monarhic factions. But Mary “Magdalene” Bethany, her sister, and Lazarus eventually traveled to South of France. Mary was already old or barren (Dan Brown's DaVinci Code is a bullcrap for exploiting a kernel of truth for a BS alternate history) & eventually died childless, Lazarus was initiated into Izas'/Izates' cult of self-mutilation (he chopped off his “family jewels” back home)But their sister married into the Frankish hordes' clan that would become the Merovingians.
>>17440986Probably the same reason that the much younger Quran maintains that Allah created man from clay (Q.23.12).
The healing of the deaf and blind men by means of "spell components", such as spit, and mud, has to do with the egregores screening process of removing biases, by testing the skeptics ability to bravely hear an unfamiliar person out. The rejection of ideas, due to gutteral reactions, such as fear, and anger, and disgust, and hubris, are not traits selected by the egregore. Those that fail the test, continue to fail at hearing his voice.
It's really weird, the books written by Ninjas for Ninjas are the only pre-modern books in which I've read practical everyday tips and tricks for war.For example,>checking supposedly empty forts for birds on the walls to see if they're actually occupied>having one night patrol carry torches, while another patrol follows 100M behind who carry no lights, to catch spies trying to sneak pastThis is pretty weird to me. Anything written before the beginnings of industrialization (in any culture) seems to be quite macroscopic or philosophical for the upper class general or officer aspiring to be a general. Also weren't they supposed to be plebs? What were they doing reading and writing in the first place?
ITT: justified military actions of history
>>17441188>entire republics in open rebellion doing landgrabs>not a military action
>>17441193Yes? Picrel is a military action, lowering the flag and formally dissolving the Union is not
military? yesaction? yes
>>17440773The United States led coalition invasion of Afghanistan, and all previous military actions in the country, for the purpose of taking down Al-Qaeda, are one of the most justified military actions in history
>>17441335Its retarded how Iraq and Afghan aren't US territory now, its people subjugated.
So according to the historians here, the original Jews were really white Israelites. Jesus, who was white with blonde hair, said he came only for the lost sheep of Israel (the white Greeks). Paul said salvation came first to the Jews (whites) and then to the Greeks (lost whites) and mentions no other races. And this is why whites are called Saxons, because they are the sons of Isaac, Saac's sons. And Christianity is really about hating brown people (curse of Ham), which go to Hell, and saving whites so they can go to paradise.Is this true?
>>17440564Isnt Jesus desenfant of Judah?
>>17434199You cannot claim the cursed race of Ham is brown people and claim Israelites are white people at the same time, because the bible calls Egypt the land of ham and Moses was confused with an Egypt many times. So they must have looked alike. Nobody confuses a black man with a white man.So if ham is black then so is Israel and if Israel is not black then neither can ham.
>>17440649You forgot one important part of the Bible: Jacob (Israel) had 12 sons which are the forefathers of the 12 tribes of Israel. They all move into Egypt and live there during 200 years. During these years the descendants of the 12 sons of Jacob mixed with the locals who joined the Israelites and their abraham god cult.So the Israelites are basically egyptians who left Egypt. Egyptians are the descendants of Misraim who descent from Ham.There is no such thing as curse of Ham, only Canaan was cursed as an excuse to steal their land lately promised by God to Abraham.It's honestly not that hard to read this book, everything is in front of you.
>>17441016The Israelites were slaves and were separated from the Egyptians in their own ghetto. The Egyptians beat and oppressed them, they did not marry and mix much with them. Why would an Egyptian want to have slave children?
>>17441046Then how the fuck does the sons of the 12 brothers have done to reproduce? Israelites were not slaves when they came in Egypt where Joseph was already in a good position. Bible say they were reduced later into slavery. Also low caste egyptians are more likely to mixes with them. Again I am not talking from historic point of view but from biblical point of view.From a historic point of view there was never israelite slaves in Egypt and they were probably this kind of populations who invented a made-up lore later: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%BFApiruThought some said that Moses existed and was Tutmosis or Akhenaton and his cult of Aton. He guided Apirus out of egypt.
Afroyim v. Rusk (1967) saw the Supreme Court rule that the government cannot involuntarily remove someone's US citizenship. The plaintiff was a Jewish man named Beys Afroyim, who was born Ephraim Bernstein in the Russian Empire in 1893 and emigrated to the United States when he was 19. Bernstein trained to be an artist and acquired US citizenship in 1926; among his works were portraits of George Bernard Shaw, Theodore Dreiser, and Arnold Schoenberg. He moved to Israel with his wife and former artistic student shortly after its foundation in 1948 and changed his name to the Hebrew Beys Afroyim.Afroyim and his wife separated in 1960 and he went back to the US only to find that his citizenship was revoked as he'd voted in the 1951 Israeli general elections; the Nationality Act of 1940 made him considered legally an agent of a foreign government by participating in its political processes. He protested that he didn't actually vote in the the '51 elections and only went to a polling place in Tel-Aviv to make artistic sketches of voters lined up at the ballot box. This appeal was rejected, so he filed suit in US District Court in New York City. The appeal included an admission that he did in fact vote in Israel but that the Nationality Act violated the 5th and 14th Amendments. The district judge rejected Afroyim's appeal on the grounds that he'd not only violated the Nationality Act but that it was upheld by the Supreme Court in Perez v. Brownell (1958).
He appealed to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals. The court upheld the district court ruling 3-0, noting that the district judge's opinion on the case was well-written and scholarly. One judge questioned the validity of Perez and thought Afroyim might get a different result if he'd worded his appeal differently, but reluctantly voted along with his two colleagues. Afroyim then appealed to the Supreme Court on the grounds that the Constitution granted no such power to Congress to strip anyone of his US citizenship.ACLU chairman and former INS general counsel Edward Ennis presented the oral arguments in the case. He backed up Afroyim's claim that the Constitution didn't allow the government to revoke anyone's citizenship and also denounced the reasoning used in Perez. He argued that persons with US citizenship had participated in the Saarland plebiscite in 1935 without raising any eyebrows. Current INS general counsel Charles Gordon presented the oral arguments for the government. Although experienced in immigration law, Gordon fumbled the ball when he let it slip that Afroyim had also voted in the 1955 and '59 Israeli general elections, neither brought up in the written briefs for the case.Afroyim nonetheless officially only acknowledged voting in 1951, which was also only three years into Israel's statehood when the infant nation as yet lacked a nationality law and voter eligibility had been based on residence instead of citizenship. He did acquire Israeli citizenship later on and voted in subsequent elections but his attorneys sidestepped this matter and focused only on whether or not voting in another country's election could result in the loss of US citizenship.
The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favor of Afroyim. Justice Black wrote the majority opinion for the case which was simple--there was no statutory authority in the Constitution to involuntarily remove a person's citizenship and repudiating Perez. To allow Congress such a power was arbitrary and tyrannous and had the potential to be used as a political weapon against anyone the government disliked. Justice Harlan wrote the dissenting opinion, taking the "Congress can do anything not expressly prohibited to it" viewpoint and argued that the Constitution never said the government can't strip someone of their citizenship, that Perez was correctly decided, and anyone who participated in the political process of a foreign government could have their citizenship revoked if doing so harmed US interests.The later Rogers v. Belle (1971) case saw the Court make the distinction between those granted citizenship via the citizenship clause of the Constitution and those granted citizenship via an immigration statute, however the statute in question was repealed in 1978.Beys Afroyim, having won his case, spent the remainder of his life dividing his time between Staten Island and Safed, Israel. He died in New York City on May 19, 1984.
>>17440847>Afroyim v. Rusk (1967) saw the Supreme Court rule that the government cannot involuntarily remove someone's US citizenship. The plaintiff was a Jewish man named Beys Afroyim, who was born Ephraim Bernstein in the Russian Empire in 1893 and emigrated to the United States when he was 19. Bernstein trained to be an artist and acquired US citizenship in 1926; among his works were portraits of George Bernard Shaw, Theodore Dreiser, and Arnold Schoenberg. He moved to Israel with his wife and former artistic student shortly after its foundation in 1948 and changed his name to the Hebrew Beys Afroyim.>Afroyim and his wife separated in 1960 and he went back to the US only to find that his citizenship was revoked as he'd voted in the 1951 Israeli general elections; the Nationality Act of 1940 made him considered legally an agent of a foreign government by participating in its political processes.why would you even post this thread, OP? absolutely nothing good is going to come out of it.
The Dalai Lama is like the Buddhist version of the pope. Just some pagan bullshit that got tacked on by a once great empire. Just replace the Latins with the Himalayans.
>>17440561Actually it does pop out in other traditions of Buddhism, some Vajrayana and some not. An example is described in the Mahāparinibbāna, Sutta, with the Buddha. In Far East Asian Buddhism, including esoteric Shingon and Tendai but also Pure Land and Chan you also have it. It is connected to the the concept of Shijie (尸解). Sometimes it is certain lights based upon practice.
>>17440586you can get blue eyes from aging????
Any good books on the chuddier aspects of Buddhism?
>>17441313I look like this and have thoughts like this.
This is the female version of the Unknown Soldier?
>>17440995No, because there's nobody there to beat the shit out of you if you get close to it.
>>17440995>The unknown women who was raped and readily assimilated into the conquerors society as litteralt all other men of her tribe were brutally executedTrillions of women....
>>17440995Ladies if you want me to fuck you, I'm fine with that. Just be honest and don't be subliminal about it.
>>17440995The way the quote is used by skanks today has nothing to do with the original intent of Laurel Thatcher Ulrich.
>>17441143It's all about aesthetics, it wouldn't matter even if the quote was used correctly
Would've avoided WW1?
>>17438925Delayed at most, WWI got slowly build though decades. The balance of power was completely broken in Europe, countries were afraid of someone and losing their position, everybody was more than willing to beat each other up and nobody to cooperate. This sort of thing only gets fixed with blood spill.What could have been completely avoided is WW2.
>>17438939ban every subhuman retard that posts this shitwhy don't you READ A FUCKING BOOK ABOUT HISTORY INSTEAD OF BEGGING TO BE SPOONFEDyou, specifically, are the cancer that's been making out with the corpse of /his/
>>17438925He was aware that a new war was on the horizon, France was butthurt and Britain wasn't keen on a rival growing stronger. Bismarck wasn't keen on a war, but he prepared for it. It would likely still have happened, but he might have succeeded at isolating France and remaining allied with Russia, thereby preventing what Germans back then knew would be disastrous: a war on two fronts. With Bismarck on the stage for longer, WW1 would have been a very different thing. I doubt he would have culled France and Britain enough to be okay with Germany, and he also had inner-German ambitions (colonial) to battle, obviously ... but he would have built a different situation
>>17439072>What could have been completely avoided is WW2.Not if you let the Soviet Union form.
Let us post and talk about interesting historical women.
>>17441077She'd castrate you.
>>17441232Don't threaten me with a good time.
>>17441144What a stunning argument. Well thought out, well sourced, and well written.
>>17441234Slowly. Very slowly.
One of the biggest academic debates ever, and honestly it just comes off as "le based Pagan vs le cringe Christcuck" or "le based Med vs le cringe Nordocuck." My stance here is a "yes, but..."For starters I do consider the period up to 1066 ad objectively the real dark age, and there are valid arguments regarding literacy, living standards, size of cities and military, etc. compared to antiquity until the Renaissance. Some people might blame the barbarians or Christianity (for me I mainly blame the Romans), but I don't have any prejudice, it's just how history happened. I also accept that even in this dark age a lot of light happened. Important technological innovations like the spectacles, windmills, universities, hospitals, firearms, and a lot more to list. Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals also were impressive, and the music notation that we know of emerged.
>>17440272i mean, a hungarian physician from the 19th century was scoffed at and forced and beaten a mental institution for merely suggesting washing hands
>>17438717The Dark Ages refers to the early Middle Ages, not all of it. And what happened during those centuries? We almost never hear of them. This was also the period when Rome became the Byzantine Empire, or in other words, a Middle Eastern shithole.>it just comes off as "le based Pagan vs le cringe Christcuck"There's good reason for that. Christian missionaries are annoying, arrogant morons today, and no doubt were back then too. All of the Abrahamic religions have annoying followers. They're terrible religions.
>>17441213but why is paganism scrutinized? how come christians slandered the nordic pagans as human sacrificers?
It kinda depends on how you define "The Dark Ages" though. A lot of times people don't use "Dark Ages" and "Medieval/Middle Ages" as synonyms. In this case the Dark Ages refers to a particular era of Late Antiquity and the Early Medieval periods before Charlemagne where Western Europe very much did undergo a period of economic collapse, severe population decline, a breakdown of centralized authority, plummeting literacy levels, violent migrations, and other assorted bad times. The problem is using the term to refer to the entirety of the Middle Ages instead of just a specific part.
>>17441220>but why is paganism scrutinized?Because the Abrahamic religions turn people into megalomaniacs. This is because they're derived from the Greeks, who themselves were megalomaniacs. The Greek word for barbarian meant "not Greek." Paganism, similarly, refers to anyone not Jewish, Christian, or Muslim. These religions don't respect the other.
Now the dust has settled. How do Nazies and Jews feel?, that it has been proven that Slavs are the most closely related to the ancient Aryans, especially the Lithuanians, and that Arabs are the most closely related to the ancient Semites, particularly the Hejazi Arabs.
>>17437962well, jews will be seething for one
>>17437962Can you link any sources for this? More specifically the Lithuanian part
>>17438117bad boys
>>17439711It's based on the old meme propagated by Marija Gimbutas that Lithuanian is the most conservative Indo-European language, both phonologically and grammatically. Then again, according to 4tranners, Tajik saaaars are actually the closest living relatives to the ancient Sogdians, and in turn to the Yamnaya people.Nobody's ever proven anything about Proto-Indo-European or about the language spoken by the Yamnaya people btw
If you were East Asian or brown (Mexican, Indian, Arab, etc.) what fountain were you supposed to use?
>>17440040That act specifically didn't apply to Mexicans anyways, but I will contend that they created a category for southern Europeans.
>>17438807hispanics weren't white in my state ever and had to use colored doors. spics that didn't got beaten up and thrown out
>>17440040>Not true, the feds made mexicans their own race in the 1930s to ban them from immigrating then made them white again during WW2 so they could be brought in as agricultural laborwhat the "feds" do didn't matter, they weren't white by state codes who enforced the laws. They continued not being white until the Federal government banned states from separating people like that.
>>17438504They really don't
>>17440033puerto ricans basically don't exist to americans even though they completely ruined places like new jersey
/his/, talk to me about elves. What is the oldest mythological version of them on record? What did they originally signify? What scholars talk about them? What did Jung think about them? Was Tolkien's elves accurate to pagan lore?
>>17425415the Dan/Danaan are specifically the greek colony of Adana, which moved into egypt along with their Luwian allies which eventually became the Levitics.
>>17438097The part about Nietzsche at the end seemed shoehorned in, otherwise an interesting read. Thanks for sharing.
>>17437747What do you make of the Christian witch trials across Europe like Scotland and Scandinavia in which elves and magic became associated with the devil? It seems to me like elves were an intrinsic part of European pagan mythologies and related to tradition and lineage, and Christianity subverted all of it and made pagan traditions seem demonic and corrupt.
>>17441127I think it proves a complete and utter failure of the narcissistic patriarchic Roman Church and its "protestant" offshoots of including the feminine psychological heritage of Europe into its newfound "truth" in scripture.The witchtrials serves as a testament to just how detrimental and insane a complete subordination to the powers of literalism and autistic aspergers can be to the fields of medicine and psychology.I think a good analogy for this in the present can be seen with how the psyches of Elon Musk and Donald Trump is maxxed out on masculine traits to the point where an average joe from the street would have a hard time relating and truly understanding their POV due to not sharing the chemical composition of the highly hormonal masculine brains and how their logic system is built.When an entire society that is built from the ground up on masculinity and literalism comes into conflict with a society that is based on medicine and femininity,- misunderstandings of genocidal magnitude is bound to happen for the same reason why our immune system has an inherent response to unknown substances.the witchtrials "wasn't their fault" on grounds of them biologically not having the means or wills to understand the rivalling lifeform.This is quite literally what "aliens" is. until we find a way to integrate with logic what medicine truly is into the literalist worldview that we today know as "science",- medicine will forever be alienated by the narcissistic literalist church.so in normiespeech;The church at the times of the witchtrials was sperging out like Elon and refused to accept that females function from a fundamentally different valuesystem that is more or less chemistry and medicine, whereas the ROMAN church funtion from a literalist kind of "digital" form.tldr;Basically Galileo and the rise of heliocentrism,- but for medicine,- where the narcissistic biblethumper horde refused to accept medicine as a rivalling field of truth and information.