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The allies should've forced all of Prussia into a commonwealth with Polska
why didnt they do this?
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WW2 was 80 years ago.
Get over it and live in the present.
Figure out a way to help Russia win the war
Why would you want Russia to win?
In reality Germanics conquered lands inhabited by proto-Slavs. It's pretty much confirmed now as cultures such as Trzciniec from Poland was genetically closer to Slavs than to any Germanics.
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>any slavs west of the dniper are colonist
any white in north america is a colonist
"and the game goes on"
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How come Muslims follow a religion made BY and FOR their race? That empowers their ethnic group while crosstrannies follow a loathsome homosexual rabbi who was a zionist and called gentile dogs, unkempt bushes meant only to serve jews who are the master race and whose salvation comes from them?

Is christianity the ultimate shabbos goys self-humilliating cult? I mean crosstrannies literally enslave themselves voluntarily to kike settlers to get YWHW blessings or something
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>How come Muslims follow a religion made BY and FOR their race?
They didn't. Islam was the ultimate woke globohomo movement of its time.
>everyone is forced to spend money for the poor
>everyone is forced to respect dhimmi monotheists
>the first mu'azzin, Bilal bin Rabah, was a black African and one of Muhammad's closest friends
>you're not allowed to conduct standard warfare (e.g. mutilating an enemy's body, killing his children or cutting down their trees to make sure they won't strike back eventually), you must be stupidly considerate to the people who are trying to kill you
7th century Islam was like all Liberal Twitter hashtags merged together. It was never created as an Arab supremacist religion.
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Most Muslims are Indonesians, you idiot.
You are a mexican mutt.

Islam is 100% Arab imperialism

>Arab names
>Pray in Arabic
>God only speaks in Arabic
>You have to recite Quran in Arabic otherwise it's "not real"
>Hajj is just blatant Arab paganism
>Arab dresses morphed (but still Arab)

Any sort of Hadith that says otherwise was clearly injected by the Persians once the converted en masse to Islam in the 8th/9th centuries.
the last time you made this thread I asked you what is the race of muslims, seeing how it is a religion. now you just started another clone of that thread and still won't answer. in fact, I assume you never return to these threads once you make them.

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what went wrong?
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Old Carthaginian nobles afraid of Hannibal getting too popular. And Hannibal being wary of besigeing cities, probably after what happened in Spain.
The Semite Man is no match for the Aryan Man (original Romans had strong steppes ancestry) in a war.
The Punic's semite cousins (the jews) learnt from their downfall and discovered that the best way to defeat the noble Aryan is to infiltrate and corrupt his society
>roman britons
Raped to death by Saxons.
Genocided by celtiberian mountain men
>spanish in benelux
losers who got kicked out by their own subjects
>huns and other steppenigs
The Pontic steppe was so thoroughly cleansed of turkic people by the Russians that it was one of the greatest demographic transformations in history. Face it, you are less human than me because your skin is the colour of shit. You were born to slave away for people who look like me.
>original Romans had strong steppes ancestry
they didn't, Italians today have more
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>Raped to death by Saxons

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How much EEF ancestry do Turks have, given that the EEF (or Anatolian Neolithic) were originally from Anatolia?
What is the rest of their ancient admixture (besides Central Asian)?
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> https://dailysabah.com/arts/ottoman-descendants-in-south-africa-get-turkish-citizenship/news

Fifteen South African descendants of Ottoman scholar Abu Bakr Efendi (Ebu Bekir Efendi), who was sent at the request of the British Empire to the Cape of Good Hope in 1862 to teach Islamic thought and culture to the Muslim community, became Turkish citizens with a presidential decree on [August 20, 2020] following their applications.

Abu Bakr Efendi was originally from the Ottoman Empire’s Shahrizor Eyalet, covering the area of present-day Iraqi Kurdistan.

In the 18th century, around 3 million Muslims were brought by the Dutch from the East Indies island of Java as prisoners [slaves] to South Africa.

The lack of a knowledgeable religious scholar [cleric] and the rise of superstitions triggered conflicts. When South Africa came under British rule, this situation alarmed the British administration.

To put an end to the conflicts, the British envoy in the Cape of Good Hope asked Britain's Queen Victoria to send an Islamic scholar to the Cape of Good Hope. Seeing the Ottomans as the leader of the Muslims at that time, Queen Victoria wrote a letter to Ottoman Sultan Abdülaziz and asked him to send a scholar to the Cape of Good Hope.

Abu Bakr also started to write books in Arabic and Dutch. Among them, the most important one was “Beyanü'd-din” (“The Exposition of the Religion”). As the oldest and the most comprehensive religious work written and published in the local language of the region, “Beyanü'd-din” attracted the attention of Orientalists and was translated into English by Mia Brandel-Syrier as “The Religious Duties of Islam as Taught and Explained by Abu Bakr Effendi.”

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It literally uses a "Turkic" model to prevent Turkish nuclear butthurt
Wasnt the interior of anatolia already really depopulated even before the turks arrived?
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I am from Trabzon, Y-DNA L-M22. Frankly, I was expecting my Y-DNA to come out J or G. Did the L-M22 (specifically the L-PH8 Pontic cluster) belong to the Kura-Araxes culture? There is not much information about this haplogroup.
The Arabs did depopulate it in the 700-800s but the population had somewhat recovered by the 1000s mostly but Seljuk rule over Konya forced some part of the population to leave for other parts of Byzantine Anatolia but still a large portion of the population remained

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Am I the only one who thinks so? Their intellectuals piggybacked off of 99% Greek stuff. They were essentially warlord niggers with good logistics. With the power they had, they should have done more.
This is the cursed timeline truely. Had Alexander not been poisoned by his treacherous Hellenic allies, he would have formed the GRECO-PERSIAN-ARABIAN-INDIAN-CHINESE empire and we would've been in space by 300 AA (AFTER ALEXANDER).
Well, the fact that it lasted for almost 2000 years is really remarkable
vgh...the globohomoslop empire....
Kinda, but not really.
I mean they still produced Juvenal, Virgil, Horace, Lucian, Livy...
But it's indeed interesting how much greek they took, to the point their native culture kinda got replaced

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The family tree of the Canaanite gods presents a complex spiritual framework that absorbed and influenced beliefs from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Arabia, and the Levant.
Let’s break down the primordial forces, divine hierarchy, consorts, and later religious adaptations.

>Primordial Forces – The Cosmic Foundations
At the top, we find the forces of chaos and creation:
* Tehom (תהום) – The primordial abyss, symbolic of chaotic waters (akin to Tiamat but distinct from Yam).
* Rahab (رَهَب) – Associated with destructive sea forces.
* * Abzu (أبزو) – The freshwater abyss, adopted from Mesopotamian tradition.
These represent the unformed cosmos, preceding divine intervention.

>Sky, Earth, and the First Pair
The cosmic duality emerges from chaos and order:
* Shamayim (שמים) – The sky god (Anu in Mesopotamia).
* Eretz (ארץ) – The earth goddess, representing fertility and terrestrial life.

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christ is king!
death to jews!
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Why was the worst possible, demon desert demon Yahweh chosen to be the ''elevated'' so by the jews? Is their taste THAT bad? Does it have to do with storms/natural disasters?
They got cucked by desert nibbas who brought the cult of Yahweism to them.

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So these are the superhuman Aryans that conquered the Roman empire.
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>Franks were similar to the Normans
Destroyers of Rome? >>17514174
Please stop seething about white people, I'm tired of spam.
BTW byzaboos belong on reddit.
They were jannying for Enrico Dandolo, an Italian man
Truth bomb
when did currycels start vicariously identifying with the romans anyway
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>no Frankish genetic samples released yet for some reason
Hmmm: https://www.eupedia.com/forum/threads/ydna-j2-found-in-merovingian-era-graves-in-the-netherlands.31121/

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In Roman society you would only legally be considered an adult at 25.
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so it's pedophilia when a 26 year old dates a 24 year old?
Dating didn't exist back then because dating implies (not extremely wealthy) women have autonomy to chose who they hook up with and people got together out of love, which the romans especially found a silly idea. Dating is a modern invention.

That being said I don't think the Romans had a very strong reaction to pedophilia as we do, that's a very modern western moral. Not saying they endorsed it but this is a word where children were still property of their parents who legally could kill them. If pedophilia is wrong, it's because someone was messing with another roman's family, not because of the innocence of children.
Should be older. I know late 20 year olds who still believe in liberal bullshit. 35 should be the bare minimum

Roman woman or girls married in their early teens. Sex with young slave boys wasn't as accepted in the Roman world as in the Greek world, but it wasn't a criminal offence.
Based. There's no reason to continue pretending an 18 year old magically has the cognitive functioning of someone near or past 30. Living truths like this are why the founders prohibited anyone under 35 from being president.

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The Roman Empire was evil.

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If I died without repenting and went to hell, then Can’t I just go to heaven just by repenting in hell?

What happened to Adam and Eve who didn't repent nor believed in Jesus Christ because he wasn't born yet? Catholics said Adam and Eve are in purgatory. But Purgatory is in Hell. correct?

Jesus went to hell, and then ascended to Earth and then ascended to heaven. How do you explain that?
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the tomb was empty, obviously, and he was seen thereafter in his kingdom. You in your modern heresy believe that heaven is not upon the earth and that his people do not form his body. such is why the body of God again sleeps in the current age
For how absolutely retarded you are, this is actually true in a way
>it thinks it wants validation from an animal who gets his "profound insights" from huffing the gas emitted from its own anus
you aren't me, the one he replied to. also you can kys now, thanks.
I don't mean Jesus' resurrection, I mean the day of resurrection of everything else at the end.

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r1a-z93 inability to close range beat white women means they’re forbidden from relations with white women.
haplogroups that feel comfortable close range beating women are allowed access to white women as they can beat the satan out of them, however z93 is the definition of long range violence extremely faggy, and close range violence is absolute poison to them and instead of beating them worships white females in their predictable z93 eyes, instead of viewing them as humans who practice witchcraft and beating them, therefore white women witchcraft goes unchecked if a z93 is in charge, simply due to his refusal to beat her, (what about brown women or Asian women) brown women witches and asian women witches z93 magic can sufficiently contain without doing the unholy thing which is physical violence. however white women who practice witchcraft MUST be beaten, which their native men do, however z93 refuses to, which results in z93 men suddenly for no reason at all resorting to extreme violence and evil to impress the women, which he thinks is his own decision but is actually the result of a non beaten white woman practicing witchcraft on a z93, paired with a z93, who will never beat them.

tl;dr R1a-z93 long range faggy magic and long range violence and innate z93 faggotry means they will never beat white women, resulting in extreme violence and savagery (directed at others), powered by the refusal of z93 to beat white women witchcraft out of them, which other haplogroups do but r1a-z93 will never do, as they would cease to be z93, resulting instead in extreme evil and savagery.
gods understand and forbid r1a-z93 and white woman relations for world peace
idk what this autism is about but in andronovo culture burials of women it was more of a rule than an exception that they had suffered severe physical damage

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>It is instructive how Luther's personal toleration lessened with time. In Exsurge Domine, Leo X listed one of his theological errors as his opposition to the burning of heretics. In "Open Letter to the Christian Nobility" (1520) he called for heretics to be vanquished with the pen rather than fire and the sword. In "On Secular Authority" (1522) Luther believed governments should not compel anyone to believe anything against their will. In an April 1524 letter to Elector Frederick, he advocated tolerance for those he disagreed with. In 1528 Luther advised not to use capital punishment on Anabaptists unless they were guilty of treason; otherwise they should merely be expelled. Two years later he called for blasphemers to merely be expelled rather than put to death. He had written in 1521 that he would not want violence used to defend the Gospel. In 1529 Luther opposed forcibly converting Catholic parishes to Protestantism. As late as 1531 he said "We cannot and should not force anyone into the faith."

>But it was hard for a man as forceful and combative as Luther to be tolerant of others' opinions once his position had become more secure. A man who was sure he had God's word could not abide by its contradition. Intolerance was easiest where the Jews were concerned. Up to 1537 Luther said that they should not be penalized for keeping their own creed. "Since our fools, the popes, bishops, sophists, and monks, those coarse ass-heads, dealt with the Jews in such a manner that any Christian should prefer to be a Jew. Indeed, if I were a Jew and seen such idiots and dunderheads espousing Christianity, I would have chosen to become a hog rather than a Christian. I advise and beg everyone to deal kindly with the Jews and to instruct them in Scripture; in such case we can expect them to come over to us.
>Luther probably sensed that Protestantism in a way was a return to Judaism in its rejection of monasticism and clerical celibacy, its emphasis on the Old Testament, the Prophets, and the Psalms, and its adoption (Luther himself excluded) of a more strict sexual ethic than what Catholicism allowed. He was let down when the Jews showed no inclination to convert to Protestantism and his hostility to usury turned him against Jewish moneylenders and finally against Jews in general. When Elector John expelled the Jews from Saxony in 1537, Luther rejected a Jewish appeal for his intercession. In his Table Talk he united Jews and papists as "ungodly wretches, two stockings made from one piece of cloth." In his final years he devolved into a calumny of anti-Semitic diatribes, denouncing the Jews as "a stiff-necked, unbelieving, proud, wicked, and abominable nation" and called for their schools and synagogues to be razed with fire.

>"And let anyone who can throw sulphur and pitch upon them; if one could throw hellfire at them, even better. And this must be done for the honor of our Lord and of Christianity so that God will know that we are Christians. Let their houses be broken apart and destroyed. Let their prayer books and Talmuds be taken from them and their whole Bible too. Let their rabbis be forbidden on penalty of death to preach anymore. Let the streets and roads be closed against them. Let them be forbidden to practice usury and let all their money and their treasures of gold and silver be taken away from them and put somewhere safe. And if all this is still not enough, let them be driven like mad dogs from the land."
>Luther should have never gotten old. As early as 1522 he was out-pope-ing the Popes. "I do not acknowledge," he wrote, "that my doctrine can be judged by anyone, even the angels. He who does not receive my doctrine cannot be saved." By 1529 he was making a few careful distinctions. "No one should be compelled to profess the faith, but no one should be allowed to injure it. Let our opponents give their objections and hear our replies. If they should be converted, all well and good, if not they may hold their tongues and believe as they will. So as to avoid trouble we should not, if possible, suffer contrary teachings in the same state. Even unbelievers should be compelled to obey the Ten Commandments, attend church, and outwardly conform."

>He now agreed with the Catholic Church that men needed definite rules and dogmas. The Church in its early centuries was divided and weakened by the vast number of Christian sects until finally forming a unified creed and suppressing dissidents, so now Luther, dismayed by the explosion of quarreling sects, began moving towards dogmatism. "All men now presume to criticize the Gospel. Almost every old doting fool or prating sophist must now be a doctor of divinity." Hurt by Catholic charges that he unleashed a Pandora's Box of anarchic creeds and morals, he agreed with the Church that some social order was necessary. From where should this authority come? Rome believed the Church itself should be the ultimate arbiter of Scripture and that its doctrines and interpretations would necessarily evolve with the changing times. No, said Luther, only the Bible was the word of God.

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Why are western Christians so obsessed with systematizing theology?

Why did the space race just... stop after the Moon landing in 1969? Both the URSS and the U.S. were hellbent on one-upping each other in it. And, okay, sure, let's assume the Sowiets ran out of money for their space missions. Why didn't Ammerica continue exploring the move to "own da Sowiets" more? Wouldn't establishing a permanent or at least a temporary moon colony designate the U.S. win decisively? Plus space exploration could've been good to have a military-strategic one-up again the Sowiet in the Cold War.
The Soviets were actually extremely active with further space missions after the moon landing. America to a great extent as well, but the public were largely satisfied with the propaganda victory of the moon landing and interest had declined compared to the height of the 1960s. Main landmarks after the moon were probes to Venus (Soviets), probes to Mars (American, though the American missions were largely a reaction to the Soviets crashing a probe into it), manned orbital stations (Soviet), The Soyuz, the Space Shuttle and Mir. Really the space race lasted about as long as the Soviet Union itself, though by the Gorbachev era the atmosphere had largely already started transitioning from Cold War space competition to globohomo space cooperation, which defines the last 30-40 years of space exploration before jeets and chinks decided it’s an attractive and viable nationalist coping tool while American and Russian relations totally collapsed and America decided to privatise space anyway.
The space race "stopped" because there was no way the Russians could top putting boots on the moon. They nevertheless tried by having a series of permanently manned space stations throughout the 70s, which included military space stations. The US also began working on their own space stations but at that point there was no longer a space race, just two nations trying desperately to make space a fruitfull venture. The US at the end of the day was able to do this by privatizing space through the telecoms industry before contracting private space ventures to carry out their civillian missions for them. Also the main reason Apollo ended was because there was already 6 successful landings by 1972 and Congress just didn't really see the point in doing it a 7th time when they were just going to spend billions of dollars to dick around on a cold off-world desert for 2-3 days before heading back home, so instead the Apollo Applications Program was started which eventually lead to the first civillian airplane autopiloting systems.
There also was followup plans for succeeding military moon missions but they would not have been handled by NASA since NASA is strictly a civillian agency. It would've been handled by the Air Force, later the Airforce Space Command and what we now know today as the US Space Force. It never left concept however, because the mission had quickly pivoted to orbital defense, which included logistical, coms, and spy satellites and ICBM guidance systems. Also the Strategic Defense Initiative to defend other satellites in orbit from potential bad actors, which is still an ongoing project.
NASA went another direction, starting with Skylab and moving onto the Space Shuttle program as well as the New Frontiers program and Mars Exploration Program among others

Can the planet run out of salt
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no fucking way ese

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