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>start a cult
>the cult thinks you're god
>the cult allegedly martyr themselves for you
>the cult fails to preserve a single hard fact about your life other than an anonymous story written in a foreign land in a foreign language half a century later

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That's because atheists don't believe in the Jerusalem prophecy, although atheists are retarded because NT contain numerous prophecies about the last days and Armageddon anyways.
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Mark could have been written earlier.
Nah I'm ESL.
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The only God on the earth when Jesus "born " was Augustus
>says Jesus stuff doesn't add up
>makes up stuff about Jesus that doesn't add up
peculiar, init?

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Is focusing on scientifical advancements the next step for the human race?
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don't be mean dude
Or what? You're gonna do something horrifical to me?
Its not the next thing, its already the current thing, but obviously only a facet among the other things. The next big thing for science would be to leave the suffocating crutches of the governe
ment and become exclusively privately funded through patronage.
He's gonna write an angry song on his acoustical guitar
>Christianity is when you kill niggers and jews

>btfos tradcucks
>btfos highbrow elitists
>btfos oldfags
>reaches out to the youth
>reaches out to protestants
>reaches out to atheists
Is she the best thing to ever come out of the Church?
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Submit to the church. Doctrine is always changing and developing. What was true in the 1600s is not true now. Truth and doctrine is relative to what the church says.
Just posting this because I think it's funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4AB6H5hflA
Wait, how do you actually pronounce that thing's name?
It should be "loo-chay," but I don't think Hans knew or cared...
the church has always been about the helping the lost. its not your secret club.

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Idols of sand and stone crumble,,, Only Allah is unchanging, eternal.
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>Idols of sand and stone crumble,,, Only Allah is unchanging,

And yet they worship a literal cube, the very definition of idolatry.
what did westroons do?
they ceased their ''support'' to the Aghans after the Soviet withdrawal because that's all what they cared about, using the Afghans as pawns in their cold war
and in 1996 when Taliban came out victorious and contolled most of the country the westroons refused to recognize it as the legitmate Taliban government and instead they supported their enemies the Northern Alliance
Americans are backstabbing cunts this is their christian nature they deserved 9/11 and anyone who tries who rewrite history by claiming ''Le Mujahedeen betrayed the US"" deserved to die aids
America's true god is the almighty dollar. Communism was defeated, capitalism was dominant, and that's all that matters. If the Taliban wanted American support, they should have abandoned their religion and offered to let American corporations loot Afghanistan in exchange for kickbacks.
Blow it up if you hate it so much, oh wait you won't.
There is nothing to apologize about, the statues were hideous and deserved to be destroyed

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I just don't believe that like.. creation is six thousand years old. That's just not true. It is clearly much, much older possibly infinitely old. Like, was there even a day of creation, or is the universe immortal and infinitely old? That is not out of the question to me. What do you think, is it possible? Would have immense religious and spiritual implications.

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Grover Cleveland was an American politician and lawyer who was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States, the only president in American history (so far) to serve two non-consecutive terms in office.
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Seriously, why designate him as two separate Presidents and not just say
>He was the 22nd President, serving two non-consecutive terms
>so far
Cleveland and Van Buren are both fairly notable, even if obscure.
Ok William Harrison, 9th president that only lasted 32 days
We'd have to adjust the number for all presidents after him. Trump would be the 44th President instead of the 45th and 47th.
Okay, so? They're just numbers

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We're living through an era in which a significant number of anti-Abrahamics feel more culturally kin to their illiterate pagan ancestors of two or three millennia ago than they do their own Christian or Muslim ancestors of two or three centuries ago. Is there a historic precedent for this?
Do we know of any societies ever experiencing such a thing, and after 1500-2000 years of religious continuity to boot? I can't fathom how absurd it would seem for someone alive in Classical Athens or Rome to be daydreaming of the "halcyon days" of the Neolithic farmer. I don't know why, but it somehow seems even more absurd to imagine a tribesman from Britannia, Gaul, or Germania doing so.
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>missing the point
We aren’t capable of properly understanding how these cultures thought about the world though, are we? The origin of our governmental system comes from a Rome that flourished 1500 years after this was created, the origin of our philosophy comes from a Greece 1000 years removed from the artist’s birth, and the origin of our religion comes from an Israel who had barely begun to experience any real sort of Hellenization. Fuse all these things together and you get Christendom. We view everything through that lens whether we like it or not, and it makes properly understanding the mindset of ancient peoples rather difficult. Modern people being forced to use analogies about gang warfare to understand the honor culture in the Iliad is a prime example of this. We are simply too disconnected from these people to do anything but play pretend that we can actually understand how they thought about themselves. Yes, there is a very real universal experience in humanity, but culture, if thought about as a technology, is distinct from people to people. Only very simple technologies are truly universal. The control of fire, speech, farming or the wheel being nigh universals within human civilization doesn’t mean people didn’t view fire differently, speak different languages, farm different crops, or use have a variety of different uses for wheels that we either lost or never had.
Again, you'd be surprised how much continuity there is based on things like race and geography. So many aspects of european culture (I'm including america in "european culture") have been several millennia in the making.
You seem to be under the impression that tens of thousands of years of history and culture just stopped as soon as priests showed up in europe preaching about a jew on a stick. Like all of civilization immediately upended itself and started from complete tabula rasa. But that's just not the case.
>We aren’t capable of properly understanding how these cultures thought about the world though, are we?
Sure we can, it's laid out pretty clearly.

The primary purpose for killing animals was getting the meat. The reason that an animal had to be killed was to get the meat to eat with the Gods. At least in Europe, Jews do explicitly feed blood to Yahweh (hence why animals need to be exsanguinated in kashrut).
>Pagan worship revolved around sacrifice
Sounds like Roman propaganda to me. Was it part of some traditions? Propably, but does it revolve around it? Show me the evidence, chief
Pagan religion was the city law. Only the modern conception separates state and religion. Religions always bring with themselves a separation of good and evil, a morality. Before pagan beliefs there were tribal and even family religions.

Why was Arianism such a big deal?
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that's not what he said and you know it
Firstly, Arius wasn't a bishop, so him just going around teaching, and worse, winning over bishops to his side was a huge blow to the nascent Trinitarian movement which drew the truth of is positions from it's ability to levy state power against detractors. Worst of all, it was Eusebius, an Arian, who is supposed to have converted Constantine. Constantine was of course the arch-persecutor of Arians, so this was an enormous propaganda loss for the Trinitarians.

Secondly, Athanasius (the bishop of Alexandria) used persecution of his christological dissenters as an excuse to levy tyrannical measures against the people of Alexandria by controlling it's food supply. In short, he rang a gangster racket where getting food into the city required you to pay him. Athanasius was at first chastised for this by Arius, and later Eusebius (who was a very important bishop). Athanasius was one of the champions of Trinitarianism and used this conflict as an opportunity to remove a thorn from his racket's side.

Thirdly, the Christians in general never really made an attempt at converting the Goths, but the Byzantines did make a concentrated effort to create a sort of captive Gothic identity via Wulfilas using Arianism, so the conflict was heightened (possibly artifically) to provide legitimacy to this fake identity.
You claimed that the Bible doesn't teach the doctrine that Jesus is God.

I proved you wrong.
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Sure it does. I forsake myself all the time.
Can you expand on the political aspect?

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These Americans in your head rent free right now?
Proxy war in Ukraine
Proxy war I Palestine/Lebanon
Iran got bombed the other day
Proxy wars in Africa
India Pakistan constant tension
South China sea build up.

Either WW2 never ended or WW3 is happening. I know what you'll say though. It's cold conflict. These are the only options I see:
>>17240419 with this one, maybe in the future when India has population advantage high enough and a decent strong man to lead them, Adolf Vishnu basically.
This is not HISTORY.
This is the FUTURE.
You are a FAGGOT.
& humanities

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How do Christians cope with the fact that not only Yahweh and Jesus were Jewish, but also with the fact that Bible was written by Jews for Jews?

Also. What's up with Christians calling Yahweh loving when he absolutely loves to murder, genocide and pillage.



Is that denial or something else? I see Christians online and in real life attributing characteristics that were never mentioned in the Bible and purposefully ignore evil acts of Yahweh. Is that a brainrot?
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i've gotten the scoop from Israeli anons on /int/ before. they hate American Jews for the most part and regard them as deluded pro-Pali lefties since they live in NYC or something and don't know what it's like living next door to Hamas. also most of the hot women there are Mizhrais and Ashkenazi girls are ugly and fish-faced.
The discussion has winded far outside of the initial scope, that's usually what happens in discussions. Touch grass and meet people incel.
They are Jews who looked at Jewish behaviour and decided it was bad. I don't understand why people have so much trouble understanding this.
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What historical factors caused these countries to become hated?
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All of China's neighbors hate it. All of Russia's neighbors hate it. Meanwhile the USA has friends all across the world, including next to those countries.
>Bharat oniy at number 10
Kek, not anymore saars
wow now not wanting to be poor means you like someone? What a retard
Vietnam fought 1 war vs us, they have been fighting china for well over a thousand years, and their last war was vs china not us. Also they won the war vs us so no reason to be buttmad.
In order of importance:
>Geopolitical relevance
Basically "they hate us 'cause they ain't us". Swinging ones' big dick of economic, military, or even soft power across regions and the global, which will inevitable cause backlash and butthurt among the lesser nations which get caught in their net. Examples include the US (obviously), Russia, China, and to a lesser extent, Iran. Former colonial empires that have since had the sun set on them also can be counted for added historical butthurt.
>Ancient hatreds
Pretty much self-explanatory. Serbs vs Croats, Armenians vs Azeris. Most are too small-scale draw much attention aside from other mountain primitives, but the sheer size and smell of countries like India and Pakistan transcend this restriction. Another example where this may apply is Israel, but its concomitant actions and behaviors in this regard, especially as of late, also adds it to the last category, which is...
>General scumfuckery
Again, rather self-explanatory. Whether genuine or misperceived, the global popular perception of a nation composed of sleezeball swindlers, perverted freaks, obnoxious faggots, genocidaire psychopaths, or all-of-the-above (as in the case of Israel) does naturally contribute to the hatred a country receives, yet it's importance is mitigated insomuch as the aforementioned two are not in play.

First of all, the catacomb COPE must die. They are not the steppe source for Greeks and similar, there is no material evidence, much less archaeological.
see that some Yamnaya went to the Balkans to give rise to Vučedol and perhaps Ezero, but these are not ancestors of the Balkans and never spread to the Balkans. The site of ""Catacomb"" in western Balkans is Smeeni.
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z2103 is literally illyrian/albanian. you are serb trash spreading lies as usual
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Obviously, Balkanoids and Greeks are ANATOLIAN BVLLS, not EHG chinks.
>Yes E-V13 were illyrianized from R1b conquerors.
It's hard to say. The Anatolian may be Sredni, earlier than the Yamnaya. Apparently we will see some steppe I2 in some western Anatolian samples.
J2 appears to be significant in Illyrians. I think most Paleo-Balkan languages come from Yamnaya/Catacomb, but it may be more complex than that.

Why did the Germans chimp out so badly in the 30s and 40s and started antagonizing everyone they could?

They were already economically superior. All they had to do was wait until they overtake other countries financially (kind of like America did). Why the chimpout? And why attacking fucking Russia even though they already had Europe in the bag?
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For centuries the French and British have undermined them. They lashed out.
God abuses me because he's a retarded sadist there's nothing I can do to make him stop. He's the one who should "repent" for abusing me
They had to invade or their economy would collapse as all those rearmament bills would never be paid

The Soviets were purging their own officers. They weren’t invading shit anytime soon.
>The Soviets were purging their own officers. They weren’t invading shit anytime soon.
Don't tell the Finns that

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Would it work as a haunted house?
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You know, I've had pretty serious cancer and spent a few weeks in the cancer ward getting inpatient chemo. This was a place where hundreds, if not thousands of people had died over the years, often in excruciating pain, afraid, surrounded by distressed loved ones. Several patients in nearby rooms died while I was there. Most rooms, including my own, were single-patient with ensuite bathrooms, so during the night I'd be the only one in a dark hospital room where at least a few dozen people had died in slow, agonizing ways.

Why didn't I notice anything unusual then? There were no apparitions, shadows, noises, items moved or thrown, bad dreams, nothing. Was my bad breath putting off the restless souls from appearing to me?
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>has cancer
>still wastes his remaining mortal coil on 4chan
I got better. Some minor organ damage (let's just say I won't be a viable organ donor anymore), but no more cancer.
Regular reminder that she was betrayed by another Jew to save himself and the book proving it was pulled from the shelves and pulped within a week of its release.

Too many visitors

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