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Why exactly was the Song of Solomon considered important enough to the Biblical Canon to have been included in not only Catholic/Orthodox Bibles but Protestant as well? Of all the fucking books they could've included in the core biblican canon, why a random erotic poem? Why isn't this considered Deuterocanonical or Apocrypha?
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>To this day it's the one book of the Bible I haven't read.
Its literally 3 fucking pages, its like the shortest book there
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Cause Solomon is revered as "The Philosopher King" par excellence, thus his works are worth preserving.
Then why isn't the Book of Wisdom considered Canon?
It's in my Ignatious Bible. I'm assuming you're protestant?
Its part of the Deuterocanonical books which is considered apocrypha. Not canon, but something that some denominations include anyways

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You know, the 1940s detective in the suit and tie and the overcoat who would pull a notebook out of his blazer pocket and suck on a cigar. Now days cops look roided up or fat and their uniform is militarized. Cops back then didn't even have bulletproof vests?
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Pic is all NYPD does. They sit around looking at their phones in their squad cars and shoot the shit with other cops. Then they expect six figure salaries, pensions, and expect not to have to put their lives on the line.
I always thought police leather jackets were /fa/ as fuck. Which departments were they issued to? Are they still a thing?
>why don't cops
probably the same reason people in general don't dress that way anymore
if you look at pics from the 70s-80s detectives are dressed in the fashions of that era and always have porno 'staches.
>They wear jeans, t-shirts, muscle-fit under armour tops etc
Maybe in the town of Redneckistan, Kentucky they do. As others in the thread have said, they dress like the local population.

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/his/ memes?
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What's up with Shardana? Where is that helmet from?
Just a reminder that this is a fake quote, from the 1960s if I remember right.
KYS retard. You "got the image limit" because you are responsible for 50% of the spam this board sees on a daily basis, if not more.
Weird depiction of a Sea Peoples helmet.
Horned helmets with some central orb or ball, appear to have been common to at least some Sea Peoples tribes

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are imperial eunuchs an often repeated feature of late decadent empires? we see them in chinese empires, ottoman, eastern roman empire, not so much in eastern roman empire but you had the cult of Cybele that went in that direction and things like Elagabalus. are there other examples? what's their function and why do they appear in decadent empires?
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they may be eunuchs around all the time, but they only take over-sized relevance and capture the bureaucratic institutions in late empires, no?
alongside with women
Imperial China always had eunuchs. But there is one feature of the late Han dynasty worth noting - eunuch cliques holding real power over weak emperors. Maybe that's what you're thinking of.
They're common in large autocratic empires as a form of primitive bureaucracy. Has nothing to do with "decadence". If an autocratic ruler surrounds himself with noble advisors it's within their eventual interests to plot against him in the interests of their own dynasties. A eunuch will never plot to overthrow the emperor to seize power himself because he's disfigured, seen as less than a man and can't sire offspring.
With a system of palace eunuchs an emperor doesn't have to assign important government roles to prominent members of noble families which leads to factionalism, regionalism and civil war.

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How can muslims claim some macho might makes right attitude when they got obliterated by a bunch of pagan horsefuckers? The arab islamic world literally never recovered from the mongol invasions.

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why did frogs, bong and hebrews freakout over the nationalization of seuz canal? all of its revenue and assets rightfully belong to the egyptian people.
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It was built by a French company with French and Egyptian money, the latter of which was borrowed from Britain and later defaulted on
Egypt was for all intents and purposes independent at this point, but symbolically acknowledged Ottoman sovereignty. Said Pasha was ethnically Albanian and had inherited his position ultimately from Muhammad Ali.
Why did the US betray the brits and frenchoids if the US really was the big bad racist imperialist capitalist boogeyman commies say they are?
>jimmy carter gives away panama canal
>NGOs turn the military bases there into facilities to organize illegal immigration into the US
the Suez canal was made by an ALBANIAN

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How does one discern real history from fake history?
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You can't
The points that lead your inference to have the least absurb results given the data at hand
If I disagree with it, then it's fake
Archaeological evidence, considering whether it matches up with the broader context, different accounts, and examining the perspectives of primary and secondary sources

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>Start to read the greeks
>And then Zeus raped or fucked this guy wife, for the 20th time
>And then Heracles fucked the 50 daughters of this king
>And then Zeus forced Venus to have sex with some dude as punishment

> Pir Sultan Abdal (born Haydar) is an important religious figure in Alevism of Turkmen origin, who is thought to have been born in the village of Banaz in present-day Sivas Province, Turkey. He is considered legendary among his followers. His life is reconstructed from folkloric sources, especially religious poems which are believed to have been composed by himself and transmitted by ashiks.
> During the Ottoman–Persian Wars, he supported religious heterodoxy and the political subversion of Anatolia which got him hanged
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Except for the Fatimid caliphate and al Hakim
They literally chose the craziest nigga to be their representation of god
>They both believe that a man is the representative of god
What a vague and useless criteria
Was it a magic sword like Alexander
Depends who you ask, alevi was also used an umbrella term by the ottomans.
In general turkish speaking alevis sometimes see themselves more as a different branch of muslims, Haji Bektash is also more important with them while kurmanji/zaza alevis glorify Pir Sultan Abdal (the guy in OPs picture) for his criticism and death against the Ottoman empire who persecuted alevis.
Turkish alevis are more influenced by old tutkic and Sufi religious traces while kurmanji/zaza have more zoroastrian and mithraic elements. Both groups adopted some Sufi and Shia some Sufi and Shia customs like the glorifying of Ali, but that's about it we don't go to the mosque and instead have cem which also is something completely else, we don't fast during Ramadan, we don't have to go to Mekka, we don't believe in the Koran etc.
Are Alevis and Alawites the same thing?
If you don’t believe in the Koran do you have you own book

What’s Mithraism. I keep hearing people say it’s the religion Iranians had before Zoroastrianism but not one ever explains what it was like

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What do you think?
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In terms of Nordicness, they're closer to Germanic countries ; Paris is Nordic
But blond people are rare in france
France is the rape baby product of Celts, Latins, Nordics, and Germanics. The women are kinda hot though.
they're closer to germs
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There are no scientific evidence of the Aryan Invasion Theory. No excavations of ancient corpses proving that there was a population of huWhite males with European features during that time era (1500 BC). Also, no signs of the Indus Valley Civilization being ransacked and signs of war. The spread of the R1a is simply explained by populations expanding and reproducing. This haplogroup is also found isolated in Africa which does not make sense.

Simply put, it never happened. There is evidence of Aryans moving out of India and into Europe though as archaic Europeans had brown skinned.

South Indians (AASI) have ancient Iranian (Aryan) hunter gatherers as well (Iran_N), but this migration took place way before the Rig Veda were written.
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and this "new" model is based on the premise that the supposedly white people (bmac) were very barbaric compared to the IV and needed several migrations at the Germanic level in Rome to achieve something, in any model, it was insignificant.
happened but both are wrong.
It was something very small and it ended quickly. It was something at the level of the Scythian kingdom in India or even the Dutch conquest in northeastern Brazil.
Either way, it's irrelevant.
they were assimilated like the catacomb cultures in Greece.
You both lost, nordic and dravidia-iran_N
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you just need to think something simple;
Would people like this (related photo) be able to do everything this theory says? Are pastors nomads capable of this? Yes. you already know the answer. and I didn't mention how it doesn't make sense for chariot invasion with the mountainous terrain the theory is used... lol.
>It was something very small and it ended quickly

Coping mechanism since no ancient corpse of the huWhite male in ancient India. lel
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Steppeniggaryans called Aryans never existed, picrel in center shows the basal races phenotypes and the steppeniggaryans don't look basal.

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I have never heard a single good argument for not believing in God, if the evidence is tied either way.
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Man is the image of God. Some part of part of our essence is a kernel of some part of his.

Also, Godel's ontological argument leads to monotheism (one God). Hence, an uncaused causer anyways. See the paper:


Section: Main Findings, part 9.


>Hence, an uncaused causer anyways.

If God is all powerful, he can create anything and destroy anything in creation (the physical world).

PBS SPACETIME did a video on the simulation hypothesis and showed a possible way someone could simulate a universe. This is hard to do for humans (it requires a blackhole the size of a country), but if God is all powerful, this is trivial for God. And since there is one being like this, there is one creator.

I’m looking at a picture of the Milky Way which your religion did not even know about or understand at even a child’s level. You would have a point if the Bible talked about galaxies in detail and what a galaxy is, but it didn’t because it was written by superstitious ancient people making shit up
>which your religion did not even know about
If it is lower church protestantism, yes.

Otherwise, Catholics and Protestants created universities. Catholics often used astronomy to make their churches look nicer and allow sunlight to be in the perfect spots for aesthetic purposes. The Julian calender was reformed for liturgical reasons. Catholics invented scholasticism. So, the earliest sciences that were developed (astronomy) was by the church and her institutions for the purposes of liturgy. So this is wrong.


Also, the evidence isn't tied. Fucking your grandma is clearly part of the ineffable plan

Thoughts on martyrdom?
FREE PALESTINE *lights himself on fire*

It's how heroes leave us for the next
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To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause is the most noble action a Christian can take.
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Holiness in pure, may they rest in the arms of God forevermore.
For me this type of suffered death is very sad

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How exactly does killing a bunch of illiterate peasants in an eastern euro mud village supposed to harm banking families in NewYork?
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why didnt the british, supposedly controlled by jews, just form israel? why would have opposed them?
Other countries are deceived or connived into doing things, but when events don't go the zionist's way then they just start doing terrorist stuff like the 1946 bombings led by the mafioso-like leaders of the Zionist movement. Bombings in Egypt and the USS Liberty are more examples of terror and deception being used.

They also stole nuclear technology as well, and still do all kinds of shady immoral stuff today that revolves around lying and abusing peoples' trust to benefit themselves, including media nepotism and so forth. They are a sinister underground cult or crime family that does manipulate people, but they're not omnipotent or in control of everything. The reason I'm here talking about it is that I think it would be possible to expose them to scrutiny if enough people grew aware of the danger, similar to how the mafia was eventually taken out of southern Italy with the Maxi Trials. It would have to be a much bigger event than even that in order to fully deal with this, though.

For starters, I would suggest to investigate everything the ADL has been doing (aka B'nai Brith), because they are one of the front organizations.
The movement's been picking up speed anyways. If you told somebody 30 years ago that they'd get Harvey Weinstein or Bryan Singer they'd call you crazy. The truth is that the internationalist Jews are on their way out.
Because antisemites think Jews are a hivemind or some shit
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>christianity splits up into dozens to hundreds of competing denominations, each are more or less exclusivist to each other
Why did the Christian God allow this to happen to his religion?

Imagine if you were a loincloth-wearing jungle man with limited contact with civilization, and your only version of the Gospel came from American cultists who treat the KJV Bible like Muslims do the Arabic Quran
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>intensely evil.
Criminals always think the law is evil.
Rebels always think discipline is oppression.
why do you people come to Christian threads to announce your hatred of Christ?
>99.9% of the sects of my religion are jewish subversion, we are the sole exception -Every sect
>each are more or less exclusivist to each other
Not really, especially not for Protestants.

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