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>Judaism and Jewish mythology is well sourced, can be traced back to the pre-Babylonian period
>the Greek Pantheon mythology also goes back many centuries and is well attested to
>Christianity grew out of Judaism with some Roman, Hellenic, and Persian influence
>fast forward to 2nd and 3rd century
>Gnostic text emerge with extremely convoluded mythology and never-before-seen characters like Sophia and Barbelo and Yaldabaoth etc.

Where did all this shit come from? Usually, religion and mythology can be traced back to earlier myths. But none of these Gnostic figures and their myths have any precedents in either Greek or Jewish mythology.

Did the Gnostics just come up with all of them in the 2nd century from out of nowhere? Or did they come from some pre-Christian mystery cults that kept their lore secret until the Gnostics adopted some of their beliefs?
>>Judaism and Jewish mythology is well sourced, can be traced back to the pre-Babylonian period

Not so fast. Plagiarisms written by Greeks don't count.

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Is it a modern trend for leftists to hate their country or has this always been the case throughout history?
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Sodom and Gommorah is not great
those are the 10% saying no
>if you really love your country, you can't criticize the regime, you can't be upset by your countrymen apathy, even if all of this is killing your country
>checkmate Georges Washington
>checkmate De Gaulles
>checkmate Castro, Mandela, Gandhi and co.
>last but not least, checkmate leftists in Trump runned US
Is love for your country such a foreign concept to leftist that they cannot make a coherent argument about it?
You are very confused. Modern leftists have absolutely nothing to do with liberalism.

Leftism in the current year is almost entire race based redistribution. Words such as "equity" (which obviously is the opposite of liberal equality to begin with) distract from the fact that all distribution fundamentally depends on handing over white wealth and opportunities (tax, university admissions, institutions etc.). to non-whites: the less European the better. Couple this two tier justice systems (no sentences for rapists and suspended senctences for murderers if they black, life in prison for Perry and granny who made an anti-establishment tweet). Then finally add in infinity illegal migrants and foreign aid.

Leftism does have nothing to do with socialism, communism etc. Those are completely dead ideas. The only use leftists had for them is for using the pre-programmed anti-Western rhetoric that the USSR developed in the 20th century. Especially with respect to weakening NATO by fabricating African grievances over colonialism.
Glad someone else noticed this too.

Just learned that Europeans and The West are considered as Edomites, descendants of Esau. How do European Christians feel that they are the antagonists of Israelites?
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Jesus never said jews are the children of the devil
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>Adam just quotes and repeats what the rabbis and synagogues already believe in. It's not his interpretation It's a group of Jewish rabbis interpretation, maybe it is even in the Talmud, I haven't checked because it's too big.
My point is that they didn’t believe it for the first 1000 years of Christianity. The Noahide autism is an innovation of medieval origin that doesn’t make sense unless you first assume worshiping Jesus isn’t idolatrous, and thus presume Christianity to be the correct religion. No traditionally religious jew does, therefore it is incoherent. Modern Jews who believe it are usually reinterpreting it to be positive rather than triumphalist, but the flaws in the reasoning remain. It’s also pragmatic. The absolute last thing shlomo bergstein wants is a mass wave of American evangelicals converting to judaism and ruining their little club.
Greco-Roman civilization being Edom cannot predate normalized Judean contact with at least Greece, and those books are centuries older than that normalized contact. That’s why Adam has to resort to saying the Old Testament was written far more recently than people believe. He is forced to adjust the historical timeline to make his interpretations make sense to himself.
>Adam is one guy and he doesn't believe he can take down Christianity because it's the worlds most practiced religion. He just seeks to expose what the bible actually says about other groups of people who aren't Israelites.
I don’t doubt that the jews, ancient and modern alike, dislike the gentiles to varying degrees. I do doubt that Adam knows what he’s talking about with respect to Christianity and biblical exegesis. He argues like the mirror universe version of a “just me and my Bible” evangelical. Basically every atheist who doesn’t study philosophy does, and it almost always leads to a bad line of argumentation and an assload of random presuppositions.
Nah, noahidism has its origins in Paul. He didn't have a label for it but that's exactly what he was doing, hence his ability to say circumcision wasn't necessary for gentiles. (Noahide laws don't require it.)
Well there we go.
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Are Russians the most Nordic looking Slavs? Perhaps it is the Finno-Ugric blood that gives it the Nordic appearance. Estonians and Finns are physically similar to Swedes.
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pretty sure he has started his own haplotype
Czechs and Slovenians are whiter in general.
They are swarthy
if you compare them with Belarusians, of course the Czechs are very brown.

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Does /his/ think there is anything beyond the physical universe? Or is the physical world the only world? To me, the only real tangible thing we can point to that potentially posits the existence of "something more" is consciousness itself. Regardless whether free will exists or not, the fact that you are not just some biological automaton machine but are actually a "thing" that experiences things doesn't seem to have any explanation in the material world, but beyond that I can't really think of anything else. The seeming "order" of the universe can be considered as well but who knows what the fuck that actually means.
I have no idea and I am sceptical of all positive assertions for or against the matter
the "physical universe" you speak of is just an idea we use to explain our phenomenological experiences

that alone disproves materialism
Guys like Rene Guenon and Evola talk about the world of Being which is counter to presocratic philosophers notions of the world being in Flux.

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The numbers in the East, seem a bit exaggerated. The Russians lie all the time. Like about Katyn. Never have heard of them.

Also, where is the 6 million?
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Thank you for paying such close attention to this issue. A report has been made.
Hitler was actually jewish and the holocaust was a necessary sacrifice for israel to be created
the jews were also cool with the death camps they played soccer and baked cookies in between killings
>t. jewish
You know who else was Jewish? Jesus.
Why is there so little attention being paid to the mental health of their leader? If he were crazy, he would have been easy to whack.
Most of the eastern deaths weren’t from Nazis massacring people but rather

>soviets enacting a scorched earth policy with infrastructure as they retreated
>nazis confiscating all soviet crops and whatever else was useful, leaving citizens to either starve to death or be killed for resisting
>nazis razing settlements for the specific purpose of trying to slow the retreating soviet forces and trying to bait them into engaging in battle

Only real difference between the Soviets and Nazis is that the Nazis actually did want to depopulate that region for settlement. Soviets just didn’t really care if millions died so they could salvage their army, slow Germany down and still win later. People were just economic units to them after all. Who cares if a couple million starve or are burned in barns. Same reason Soviets didn’t find holodomor a big deal. Not active malice. Just apathy to humanity.

Nazis would have put a bullet in every slav if it wasn’t for the fact bullets were a valuable resource they didn’t want to waste

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>the world is shit, because a family of retards couldn't just talk to each other, but instead had to chimp out and sacrifice millions, paving the way to fascism and communism and every single evil haunting the world today
Franz Josef and the Archduke are more to blame for setting that structure up. Despite their intent.
Retard take lmfao
>paving the way to fascism and communism and every single evil haunting the world today
Did it ever occur to you that this was on purpose?

It's kinda bizarre they were majority Protestant nominally speaking and yet still fought with Protestant Britain and Protestant America

A Protestant could say he was fighting the New World Order besides trad Caths and Muslims it's weird
>"Imma just go ahead and reduce the foreign policy decisions that led to WW1 to prots vs caths and ask why majority-prot countries fought each other"
least retarded cathspic
Don’t misunderstand what it means to be Protestant; that’s why it’s a HEGEMONY, not a unity, it’s fragmented. In any case, fascist parties do not aim to build projects identified as right-wing socialism; in other words, they don't try to construct a revolution from above to prevent a revolution from below. What they want to do, instead, is a transversal revolution from top to bottom and from bottom to top, which establishes a new order, the order of fascism in Italy, or of the racist Aryan National Socialism in Germany. But this new order, though revolutionary in relation to the old regime, is still to the right of politically defined left-wing ideologies because it doesn't seek to build canonical political nations or universalist projects. Instead, they pursue particularistic projects, which either view the state as an end in itself, like Mussolini's famous phrase, "Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state" or projects that use the state as a means to articulate a large, racist imperial network the exact thing we have today: A capitalist, cosmopolitan, secularized, individualistic, and postmodern Anglo-Germanic Protestant HEGEMONY.
Catholic states also fought each other all the time in the middle ages. Religion doesn't matter when faced with geopolitical realities.
Religious wars died with the rise of nationalism and the formation of nation-states.
WW1-era Germany was fascist?

Italy and Croats were Catholic.

Why do we pretend Belgium is a real country? What history does it have? Its just France.
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Your picrel has a pretty amazing story. SOme pro-paradox mapfag literally gamed himself the entire congo.
You have no argument.
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I am a proud map gazer.
I think most people on this board are
>tsundere much?
there is a big difference between maritime germanics (anglos, dutch, calvinists) and continental celto-germanics (franks, catholics)

What are the historical reasons why anglos are so ugly/weird looking compared to other Europeans? Southern Europe absolutley mogs them, you can even grab a stinky Pierre in Paris and he'd mog angloids. Some Scandinavians look kind of Asian but there are tall ones who absolutley mog angloids. Even Americans due to the mixture of their anglo stock with other Europeans (Germans, Poles, Italians, Norway) are on average way more handsome. Then you have to factor in that kiwis and Aussies aren't as ugly either but are mostly anglo. Don't even get me started on angloid women, who manage to make their men look better and dating down when you see an anglo couple. Is it inbreeding? Toxins? Why has this been historically the case?
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The most handsome man in the world, Henry Cavill, is an Englishman.


Remember when Med nationalists used to spam pics of swarthy British models like David Gandy and Nick Bateman as examples of Meds being more attractive than Germanics? We have the best looking people in the world. Jason Statham, Tom Hardy, and Kit Harrington as well. All Anglo-Saxon actors worshiped by women all over the world.

Dark haired swarthy Anglo-Saxons mog Meds with these features.
Tom Hardy is ugly AF. Cavill is handsome though.
Can Yaman on the left is Turkish.
Who are the other two?
All the beautiful upper class Anglos died in the world wars. English boys used to have a reputation for being the most beautiful in the world, so much so that the Pope decided to evangelise England. WTF happened
>The most handsome man in the world
according to who?
>Remember when Med nationalists used to spam pics of swarthy British models like David Gandy and Nick Bateman as examples of Meds being more attractive than Germanics?
I don't. What the fuck is a med nationalist even?
>We have the best looking people in the world. Jason Statham, Tom Hardy, and Kit Harrington as well
Some celebrities being good looking doesn't change the fact that the average anglo look like a dysgenic shit

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>brazilians have a race czar council, an anti-varg collective, just to deny benefits to thirdies who are too white adjacent
>they use 18th century concepts such as cranial measurements to determine race
>however they do not use eye or hair color
why don't they use eye or hair color?
out of respect for the blind and bald

A dog walked into a tavern and said, "I cant see a thing. I'll open this one."
>Ancient people really had good senses of humor
It had to have been a language pun right?
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>A dog walked into a tavern and said, "I cant see a thing. I'll open this one."
good one op
Well a dog would only be what knee high? So what things would there be in a Sumerian tavern knee high? Was it cracking open peoples' crotches?

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Why did this make Ataturk seethe so hard? Its just a hat.
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It looks cool
Its a greek hat
he wasn't wrong tho
wtf i love ataturk now
It was like that so it wouldn't fall off while hitting your head on the ground while praying.

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The fact that the Nazi government even tolerated this man immediately dispels any "clean SS" myth
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I never even heard of the "clean SS" myth.
>he rounded up all the defenseless civilians and shot them in the back of the head while twirling his mustache and then he raped the children to death and burned the kittens and puppies before stealing the livestock, riding away laughing with a babies head on a pike
Imagine believing such blatant bullshit.
>clean SS
who are you quoting
he was sent to command a brigade of kikes, faggots, gypsies, and wrongthinkers against a barbaric asiatic horde, which isn't much better

That doesn't explain anything. All his crimes were supposed to be committed before the war weren't they? So why was a serial killer child rapist in a cell in NAZI FUCKING GERMANY when he'd have faced the rope in Britain or the chair in the USA?


Stormfaggots have reached the stage where they're claiming Nazis believed in rehabilitation as part of their judicial system.

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What is the argument against simply bullying a consequentialist relentlessly until they decide the consequences of believing in consequentialism causes more suffering than any perceived benefit?
Because it is wrong, deontologically, to bully
Because that guy could be me and I have violent thoughts and don't really care much for consequences other than you dying and your parents crying.

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