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If, of all words of tongue and pen,
The saddest are, "It might have been,"
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>10 million malnourished, 5 foot tall Chinese peasant girls with no tits or ass.
They’d wipe out the local dog, cat, and pigeon population overnight
>Mao doing a "women amirite?" joke
>the ameribugger first instinct is to make cuckoldry fantasy

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>Insisting about sending millions of women to another country at the highest level diplomatic talks possible, while your country has known overpopulation issues, is just a "woman, amirite" joke
Imagine… millions and miillions more hapandas…
HOLY SEETHING ROASTIES, BATMAN. On a side note, seeing Vance marrying an Indian girl made me realize how many millions of good men American woman just threw away because they weren't 6'8 or something. Now all those men are marrying Asians or Latinas or Slavs or pretty much anyone besides White western girls.
>inb4 this study is about old women
it's not, it's about the age 20-40 year old demographic.

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Atheists spent centuries trying to dismantle religion only to create a one. Yes atheists are disproportionately "woke" and it's impossible to argue that wokeness isn't just a secular religion at this point. Maybe atheists should just admit that there is a reason why basically every human in history was religious and no amount of spaghetti monster memes can reprogram human nature.
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From a naturalist viewpoint, "Because god said so..." is just a mob by another name. Think about all the beliefs of all the different denominations of Christianity. The objectivity you claim for Christianity isn't so objective.
Correct, except the fact that that """mob""" is completely beyond reach and his rule cannot be challenged by any king, mob, or any governing body at all.
And since it cannot be challenged, then it is objective, unchanging, and cannot be contested by >muh peewings
That's the fact, Jack!
>what's morally right is what is adaptive

absolute waterbrain tier take

literally anything you do is fine so long as your genes propagate more than they would otherwise
by your estimation, evolution causing us to feel the need to rape or kill means it's actually GOOD to do these things, because they are adaptive in certain situations and result in increased genetic progeny

absolute lunacy, seek God
(Can't believe I quoted the wrong guy)
Correct, except the fact that that """mob""" is completely beyond reach and his rule cannot be challenged by any king, mob, or any governing body at all.
And since it cannot be challenged, then it is objective, unchanging, and cannot be contested by >muh peewings

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>Watching tiktok
>Some cringy fat (probably Jewish) dork basedboy looking "history" person in the same vein of John Green or Adam Conover pops
>Says "The British Empire got rich from drug dealing."
>I want to badly correct him, that the Jewish Sassoon family is responsible for the opium trade and that it Jews who got rich from it, not Brits.
>Next video, claims Al-Andulus was an Arab state and that Arabs lived all the way in the North of Spain, claims the pope payed Normans to attack Northern Spain but they ended up staying and dressing like Arabs.
>Wanted to correct him that most Moors are distinct from Arabs and could include any Muslim group including bebers, native Spaniards, black west africans etc. Also wanted to correct him that the population was "arab", that his so called "arabs" (really moors) were in fact colonist, and that the majority of Iberia was indigenous Spaniards not Muslim "Arabs"
It's all so tiring. Why is there such an audaicne for fake history drivel? Why can't people handle the truth?
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>Watching tiktok
Are you 12
>Noooo, you can't do lefty globalhomo-friendly historical revisionism you have to do "muh jooos" chudcore revisionism instead.
You deserve the post-modern hellscape you get. You people have become every bit as post-modern as the people you claim to despise. Everything is "deconstructing narratives," or "discourses of power." No wonder Nick Land is actually popular here.

You could have started with the Greeks and stayed with the Latins. Instead you choose IDpol and "Foucault was right, he just needed to be more right-wing!"
Tiktok is filled with viciously anti-white content in terms of history.
>Globohomocore vs chudcore revisionism
Well, I think we can have a more in-depth discussion. But everyone scrambles to erase Jewish power and influence whenever it makes the Jews look bad.
>You could have started with the Greeks and stayed with the Latins. Instead you choose IDpol and "Foucault was right, he just needed to be more right-wing!"
Maybe this worked up until the 00s, but it's not safe anymore to just "retreat" to implicitly White spaces. They are coming to DEIify it and tell you the Greeks and Latins were always Black Lesbians and if you disagree you are a racist, and there is nothing you can do about it.

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How do you cope with happy people existing? Humanities.

I’m going to post this every day until you remember it
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Is this the El Lame-O, where Santa Ana shat all over Davy Cronkett?

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Was the US government's response to the Innsmouth incident justified?
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>Lovecraft goes snorkeling
>Sees this
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>Eight Marines killed
>Another ten put in the insane asylum for the shit they saw
>Torpedoes launched into an offshore reef and depth charges dropped on top of it to boot
I don't know what they thought they were getting into but they fucked those fishy bastards up.
>the Program destroys evidence of the unnatural and keeps it out of the hands of people
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh wow you actually believe the MJ-12 fucks changed their tune just because they grew a spine against the grays?
This anon knows too much

Time for a 9mm retirement plan, pal
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>yfw schizos think you got whacked by Prescott Bush and not because you and Bonny Eiffel-towered the wrong Mob bosses personal whore
FUCK mods delete this plz

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How come the brown hair of Roman sculptures and Frescos is supposedly evidence of the Romans not being white Europeans when brown hair is completely absent in non-European populations?
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I'm gonna reply one last time before moving away from this thread. Your hair color doesn't determine your ethnic group ESPECIALLY amongst Caucasian groups. There's blacked hair Euros, browned haired Syrians, Blonde Afghans, etc. It is true that some hair colours are more prevalent in certain regions, but again like what >>16894721 said amongst Caucasian groups hair colour is not an ethnic indicator. Facial features are the deciding factor for that. Anyone who unironically believes that blonde hair or brown hair or whatever is a European trait is a complete retard on genetics.
>browned haired Syrians, Blonde Afghans
Again, these are negligible. Do you think dwarfism amongst these groups is equivalent to the pygmies?

And your website you linked doesn't help your point. it shows that blond and brown hair (when accounting for conflation of "Dark brown" and "light brown") are predominantly European traits that separates them from the rest of the world which have black hair.
>Again, these are negligible.
Blonde hair is actually pretty common in Afghans. They're true steppeniggas.
The obsession with romans being white or not is fucking retarded
No it isn’t, it’s actually the most important thing, to preserve your culture and ancestors.

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>No Muslim anti-art laws to stop artistic Renaissance as in the Balkans
>Even Greece has El Greco despite Islam
How so?
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This image purposely forget mainland greek philosopher.
> Plato
> Aeschylus
>Meds claim to be superior
>all med countries are shitholes
I always wondered how they explain this, is it just cognitive dissonance?

This but Nordcuckland and their sky high rates of rape, theft, murder, alcoholism, depression, etc and terrible food.

Decolonization of Africa and Fall or Rome were the same thing.
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Unlike NIGGERS whites actually build new buildings, those abandoned buildings you post are abandoned because new ones were constructed. In the case of NIGGERS though they just don't know how to maintain buildings so they decided to abandon them entirely and go back to the jungle to live together with their brothers and sisters the chimpanzee.
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>Abandoned hotel in Italy
>Why dont the niggers tear down

Go ask the Americans they have a shit ton of old infrastructure they don't use that's just sitting there to rot.
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I have seen once beautiful, now broken down buildings all across the US and Europe.

Pic related is filled with dead animals, junkie's needles, and trash and has been out of use for half a century despite constant promises to "redevelop" it.
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Blacks can maintain buildings. Rwanda breaks your theory.

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at there richest the mughals were the richest and most powerful empire

so how did the maratha empier turn the tide from a handful of cities to an empire that was almost surpassed the mughals?
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Wait so is India poor because the bongs looted it, or is india as rich as it is now because the bongs built it up? Your claims range from being helpless children to the britishers, to being the wealthiest place of all time and you merely let the bongs rule over you. Make up your low iq mind
The British could have looted everything in India and salted the earth while they were at it and India would still come back to be on top of the world because that's how we roll.

Fact of the matter is that Britain expended men, money, time and bullets to make India a province of its empire, and Gandhi went LOL, nope, and sent them home empty handed, without even a war.
Then why arent you on top despite no looting then? And cope, the bongs only used a handful of men to pacify 300,000,000 jeets with ease
Son, we've bought out London. Tata Steel runs the steel industry in the UK and told the unions to get bent when they put 2800 out to pasture. 26 Indians are in the UK parliament, one was just PM. The US Dem candidate is half Indian, the Republican VP is married to an Indian, with a Hindu son.

Don't you get it? It's an Indian world now. India isn't a mere country anymore, but a civilisation that has gone global. Canada is practically an Indian colony, and places like Suriname, Trinidad and Mauritius are little Indias in everything but name.

You needed an army to subdue India. We didn't even need that to subdue the West.
Imagine bragging that your people flee to the west and then get rich. These rich then say fuck off to India and support government policies that limits economic outreach to india. Pajeets literally have the same "I got mine" mentality that blacks have here too. But sarrrr wow so cool, you're number 1 now wowww India super power 3020

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Is /his/ a pro-Saladin board or a pro-Assassins board?
I'm pro-Richard

Is this mf trustworthy? I been seen lots of scammy things like he sells courses, books and even merch.
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I personally don't think he's a fraud. From what I've heard from him, it's really nothing that I haven't heard before to be honest. I think what makes him different is that he's captured the attention of the Anglosphere, mainly because he speaks English well.
I've seen some YouTube videos with him, but I never looked into it much to see if he's doing anything scammy on the side. My impression at the moment (subject to change) is that he's no different than the average person who fails to think critically with rigorous judgment. Not quite schizophrenic but vulnerable to superstition and believing claims without evidence. So I would expect him to occasionally give Joe Rogan-tier advice.

There really is something to Qigong though. I know from firsthand experience, but just because I understand that much doesn't mean I believe silly things like those martial arts masters who pretend to send people flying with with Qi. (I don't think the guy in the OP does either, does he?)
He probably knows his Qigong well and its effects on the body. There are certain areas of knowledge where it's worth listening either to him or to another Qigong practitioner because they have experience.
If you can get someone to teach you how to perform the involuntary movements some Qigong practitioners perform, it's worthwhile.
Talking about Qigong, do you know where I can learn that? Any good links perhaps?
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>Does he require that people purchase courses and books in order to attain "hidden knowledge"
That's how I feel about Transcendental Meditation. Some few inductees "leak" the secret every so often that TM is just repeating the same mantra in your head over and over while you're in a good headspace, and seven billion angry initiates show up to shout them down with NO, TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION MUST BE PRACTICED WITH A LICENSED GURU YOU'RE GIVING HIM BAD ADVICE AND HE'LL BE OCCUPIED BY THE SPIRIT DEMONS NOW
No trigram lack of spirit

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What’s the moral argument in favor of the death penalty?
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>atrocities are by definition unjustified
We're really at the level of "why do bad thing to stop bad people"? Really? What is it with you blank slatists?
>justice should ultimately be in the interest of the good of everyone, reformation is in the best interest of the criminal, dying isn't
Promoting the good of everyone involves removing things which don't meet the standards for being a person. Some humans simply cannot be reformed, please get this through your head. Of the few that can, it's really not worth it when you could just remove them anyway.
>just because we do doesn't mean we should
I'm just saying, you seem rather comfortable with giving the government power to lock away rulebreakers for eternity. Why do your concerns about abuse of authority regarding the death penalty not apply here? Not concerned that you could be tossed in a cell for the rest of your days?
>why do you think safety outweighs people's right to live?
Safety and cohesion outweigh the lives of individuals who harm the societal fabric. Yes, we should obviously try to minimize the amount of people put to death for crimes they did not commit, but even a million innocents put to death is worth it if animals don't get to run loose.
>they're a far more human way of keeping those people from doing harm than just offing them
Why? Why waste taxpayer money on them? Why not remove them, get rid of the threat they pose, and reduce the burden on the rest of society all at once instead of this tortured process of keeping some murderrapist in a cell for 50 years, only to have him reoffend when he leaves, or die five years later? It's a waste.
Out of curiosity, how would you feel about brain reprogramming? I feel it's the only alternative I'd support for violent criminals as a replacement for the death penalty, if it ever comes about.
it's clear that there are a lot of major underlying philosophical issues here that I'm simply not going to be able to convince you of so discussing the details isn't really going to get us anywhere. I do not believe it's the case that some people aren't human. if you think that me stating the violent criminals are human is some sort of high praise then you have far too high an opinion of humanity, you and I are just as capable of all the heinous acts you would condemn someone to death for as the people who actually do them.
People often don't consider inaction to be a direct and deliberate evil these days, but that's because we live in particularly spoiled luxury and haven't often had to consider how fragile our lives are. The moral argument for the death penalty is simple - if you have a duty to protect the public from murder, theft and other crimes, and you are convinced that the person you are punishing will kill again, then refusing to kill that offender presents a choice of inaction that may kill one, or perhaps many, other innocent people and you have a moral imperative to kill the offender.

Usually the argument against is life imprisonment, but that doesn't prevent the person from killing other people in prison (who may eventually be rehabilitated and returned to society as functioning citizens) nor does it keep that person from sucking up decades of tax dollars that could be used to, say, feed the hungry for example.
>nor does it keep that person from sucking up decades of tax dollars that could be used to, say, feed the hungry for example
At least in the US, the cost of dealing with appeals etc. outstrips the cost of imprisoning someone for life. Really it's an issue of whether you're willing to execute a not insignificant number of people in order to have the death penalty work as it did historically.
>execute a not insignificant number of people
Innocent people, I mean.

>were exclusively white ethnostates
>had anti-degeneracy laws
>were intolerant of homosexuality
>strongly anti-israel
>zero unemployment
>maintained cultural traditions and heritage while they were degraded in the capitalist west
>imported zero immigrants

Why do right-wingers hate the Eastern Bloc states again?

It's clear that 1989 represented the total victory of globohomo against the last defenders of tradition in Europe.
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>Yugoslavia was a state exclusively for South Slavs
So now you're telling me South Slavs are one people? Lmao
*ethnicities* plural
It was a country for the native south-Slavic ethnicities of the 6 constitute republics. Defined as Slovenes, Croatians, Bosnians, Serbians, Montenegrins, and Macedonians. What is so hard to understand about that?
Bulgaria was a separate country. There were also non Slavic minorities, most of them Albanians but also some Hungarians. The "Yugoslav" designation was just nationality, as an identify it was homo sovieticus tier that obviously never caught on
i aint got a problem with them but bulgaria, albania and hungary are some of the most retarded countries to exist
What about Albanians?

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