/his/, talk to me about elves. What is the oldest mythological version of them on record? What did they originally signify? What scholars talk about them? What did Jung think about them? Was Tolkien's elves accurate to pagan lore?
>>17425107>the oldest mythological version of them on record?I think they are derived conceptually from the ancestors of the celts, which were a god race of people with spiritual power.
>>17425107The Danaan may very well have been greek dark age Achaean Greek wayward explorers and colonists.In the Illiad Achaeans are also called Danaans. The Tuatha De Danaan are also called the clan of Elada, Elada=Hellas in Greek. Lugh=ApolloDanu-DemeterTaranis=ZeusMacha=AthenaEriu=IrisBrigid=HestiaThough it might have been a just a conflation by Irish monks with the tribe of Dan from the Old Testament. Or a mishmash of the two with Irish ancestor worship which was passed down orally through songs.
They're the ascended ancestors of Aryan peoples.>okay but-No, that's literally it. "Elves" are the ancestors of Aryan peoples who were seen fit to dwell with the Gods. The specific word "Elves", cognate with Old Norse "Alfar", is the Germanic reflex of this. Modern Fantasy elves are many generations and iterations of misunderstanding derived from that, but similar concepts existed in other European religions. You know how people worshiped Achilles at shrines to him, made offerings to him, etc? The Asatruar of the time would interpet that as the Greeks thinking that he was an Elf (one of the Alfar). >but what about the forest stuff?The elves live in the forest and other hidden places because that's as far away from the Christian church as they could possibly be. Or, rather, the forests are where the Church has no power to tell you that elves aren't real.
>>17425465How do you explain similar concepts in other non-Aryan animist societies?
It's a germanic term. People always try to conflate them with Feyfolk and goblins because of christian, french medieval literature, which is just wrong and stupid.It's a relatively nebulous term in germanic paganism. When Snorri set up his dichotomy of light elves and dark elves in Gylfaginning, I think there is something to that. "Elf" towards the end of paganism came to essentially mean some kind of spirit that was probably good, They are contrasted with dark elves and dwarves, who are malicious spirits. Various charms we have found, like the Ribe Skull Fragment seem to suggest that this is how these terms were probably used by common folk.But then in the germanic poetic tradition, I think these terms took on a bit of a different meaning. Poems like Volundarkvitha where you have the protagonist who is clearly a human being referred to as an "elf" lead me to believe that, as the other anons have said, elf refers to a human ancestor who ascended to godhood after their death. Volundarkvitha is thus not read to say that Weyland the Smith is an elf from Finland, but that he is known posthumously as an Elf by those reciting his legend after he passed and become a deity associated with smithing."Elf," then, I think is essentially a nothing word that has all of its substance supplied via context. It's like the word ghost, or spirit, or entity, or being in that regard.
>>17425558I have no idea what an "animist" is supposed to be in the context so I'm just going to ignore that word.Things are the result of their parts, if you believe certain things you end up believing in other things. If you believe that the dead go on to dwell with the divine, you'll come up with something like an Elf. Even Abrahamics have this in the form of Saints, who in their maximal form are just flat out Gods unto themselves (see: animal sacrifice to St. George persisting into the 1600s), and in their minimal form have a special in with Yahweh that they can use to causal affect back down here in Midgard. As such, unless you hold to some very strange beliefs, you're going to come up with the idea of "elves". Naturally, these "elves" are going to live at the edges of society because that's where the power of clerical authority is the weakest. American Folk Protestantism has basically reinvented elves in the form of angels (which are what you become after death in this belief system).
Elves or Alfar were semi spiritual beings recorded in Norse mythology. Known to be beautiful and strong with magic, they are generally neutral, neither good or bad. They are literally called white as well.
>>17426081>Known to be beautiful and strong with magicNorse Alfar are much more closely associated with blacksmithing than beauty or magic, ChatGPT-sama
>>17425118This is the story tolkien copied for elves when he wrote his revised history of european legends in the context of the rings books, which became the basis for all modern depictions of elves.
>>17426493cute elf chick
>>17425107Why is this board so eurocentric?Why not talk about djinns, wendigos and other bipoc folklore stuff?
>>17427206Talk about what you like. This is the thread to discuss those things.
>>17427206go make a thread about those retard
>>17427206>wendigosDon't native Americans beg people not to talk about them due to fears of the information attracting them? Wouldn't we be assholes by making threads about Wendigos?
>>17427206>why no you care about not white?why should anyone?
But why do they have pointy ears?
>>17428726Having sharp ears is another way of saying excellent ability to perceive sound.
>>17428738Is there any mythical significance to having that ability? Google search brings up the theory that it makes them animalistic / closer to nature. Neither explanation seems to be particularly satisfying to me.
>>17425107in the Poetic Edda which is Norse myth there is a story about an elf named Volund. Its called Volundarkvitha. Pretty brutal.
>>17428823Elves don't actually have pointy ears in norse mythology, that's a fantasy thing>>17429010>Pretty brutal.>steal from and abduct a dude who was depressed over his wife leaving him>haul him in front of the king>decide to make him a slave for the rest of his life>the queen shows up and says "hmmmm this elf actually might not like the fact that we're trying to enslave him for the rest of his life, king! Crazy, I know. Lets hamstring him and strand him on a tiny island forever so that he can't ever escape from being our slave."it was all deserved
>>17425107Irish folklore talks about some misterious people that were condemned to liven undergroundit could easily be interpreted as total.genocide, but there's something
>>17429405>condemned toI've never heard it that way, usually its that they either went into the earth or went to sleep. Both of those are just euphemisms for a population that forgets its identity. also connected to the legends about the sword which will be drawn forth from the stone, from the earth, reforged for the final battle to survive and triumph over evil. The correct interpretation being that the people wake up, remember who they are, and unite to destroy that which seeks their destruction.
>>17429422I don't recall, I read as they were conquered and genocided, and they are "the others", which matches the story of the brittish islands, native population displaced by steppe-ish derived migrationhowever, I find your take very fascinating and full of sovl, I want to believe
>>17429461A magical people with collective amnesia, the idea was copied many times into many works. Most people don't even know where the original ideas come from. Nothing new under the sun, just time passing enough for people to forget the origins.
>>17429482rome was a mistake
>>17429482>A magical people with collective amnesiaAre they supposed to not know themselves? I haven't read that elves themselves don't know who they are, just that they are connected with balance. Elves are spirits of ancestors that come out of burial mounds and enter the forests, where Celtic priests (druids) perform their ceremonies to commune with them. There is a loose connection with Siberian and Amerindian shamanism here, which is also a form of ancestral worship / balancing — shamans invoke spirits, often of dead ancestors, and usually to relieve karmic accumulation. The theme of reincarnation is at the base of all Eurasian hunter-gatherer societies, from what we know of them.
>>17429519nta, but what is there known of eurasian shamanism outside the mongolian one, sami? legit curiousabout druidism, I thought they were merely ritual conductors and doctors, not mediums at all, as in haven't seen that mentioned anywhere
>>17429519>Are they supposed to not know themselves?>>17429422>they either went into the earth or went to sleep. Both of those are just euphemisms for a population that forgets its identity
>>17425465>muh christians
>>17429529Not much, but I'm still studying this. Everything that ethnographers report on is ultimately hearsay, but it is interesting to me that tribes from different parts of the world have parallels at all (most of those parallels being fabrications, but sometimes it's a little uncanny — that there is shamanism at all across different continents, for example). I plan on reading books by Tim Ingold, Rane Willerslev, Mally Stelmaszyk, and Andrei Znamenski this year to explore this further. John Matthews has a book connecting Celtic paganism with Siberian and Amerindian shamanism, which I also want to read, but it could be bogus.From what I understand, we don't know anything about druids, even less than Siberian and Amerindian shamanism, since some of those tribes still exist today. The tribes of the druids are completely gone. We can only study language and take guesses via comparative mythology. For example, since the root word for elf means "white," we could take the guess that this is a reference to the paleness of the dead.
>>17429553good luck on your journey, that's something I wish I could do, but I just don't have the timetalking to alaskan and mongolian and amerindian shamans could reveal some connections I think
>>17425465Elves are just another type of Fey no different than Trolls, Gnomes, or Fairies. They are neither Angel nor Demon, but a left over of the heathen gods, during our darkness of ignorance, when we were Pagan. But now? We are much wiser thanks to the glorious light and wisdom, in our Faith in the One True God; that gifts us our salvation. His blessings allow us with our very hands to forge our weapons that can harm them back after centuries of being tormented by their whims. Silver maybe effective to the undead and their Fel allies, but Cold Iron, when processed through mortal hands is our weapon against our ancient foes that ruled the forests and cordoned us to our cities. The Elves will know the wrath of Mankind. They will know that we are the Sons of God and the masters of His Creation.
>>17429585Disagree, they are just a disparate strain of the people whom the Son called into his kingdom, still of God and wielders of the spirit.
>>17429585yes, we have jewish fairytales, jewish bankers, jewish media, and jewed world, way better now
>>17429553btw, what's ur take on mongolian shamans being literal schizos?
>>17429833Anti Christian people are either kikes or kike puppets
>>17429892you can love the west and hate jews and christjews, just a heads up
>>17429932Christianity built the west and it's culture. You can't hate one and not the other
>>17425107Elves are definitely a pan-human concept that can be found with little variation from the Philippines to Ireland. The original myth that later split up and evolved was probably created from early Cromagnon encounters with other hominids such as Neanderthals. And maybe it was total fabrication, such things can never be proven with certainty.The earliest historically attested elves come from Ancient China, where they were called "xian" (pronounced "shyan") and described as a race of immortals living on islands and mountaintops inaccessible to mortal men. Much of Chinese alchemy focused on preparing to be reincarnated as a xian. There's a theory that xian tales spread along the Silk Road and morphed into Middle Eastern tales of Jinns, and, later, into Roman tales of Genies (the latter two are definitely related). But this is hardly set in stone, because every culture seems to have its own elf legends to begin with, no borrowing required.The name "elf" is Germanic, and its etymology is controversial and unclear. Most researchers think that it's probably derived from a Proto-Indo-European root meaning "white", which is corroborated by the attestation in the Prose Edda, describing the light elves as "fairer than the Sun". It became the catch-all term for such creatures in comparative mythology because the discipline originated in America, not because of Tolkien.As with every mythological figure, what they signify varies wildly from myth to myth. There's no playbook that every ethnicity is forced to follow, that is pseudoscience par excellence. However, they do tend to stand for the ontological other, and their image is often projected onto legendary peoples of the past, be that distant ancestors or ancient vanquished foes.In terms of scholars, the one you need to read is Alaric Hall. His area of expertise is specifically the Anglo-Saxon elves (aelves) and their very complex evolution over time. Highly recommended if English is your first language.
>>17428726Oh that is very simple: because the Renaissance artists copied classical art. In spite of the current stereotypes, there was no agreed upon description of what the Satyrs looked like, except that they definitely had some animalistic features to tell them apart from humans. The image we know these days is that of a horned, tailed man with goat legs, but the ancients actually preferred the more elegant (not to mention far easier to sculpture) image of a man with animal (horse, goat) ears, as can be seen in this famous statue from Athens. In the Middle Ages, elves were conflated with a whole number of classical mythological creatures by the Germanic tribes, from nymphs to satyrs, due to their numerous shared characteristics. It appears that the horse-eared depictions of satyrs became the standard for depicting elves at some point, probably during Shakespeare's lifetime owing to the massive popularity of Midsummer Night's Dream. Fake elf ears for such characters as Oberon, Titania and Puck would be easy to manufacture and use. This specifically applies to England, as I don't think elves were commonly depicted with elf ears elsewhere prior to the XXth century.
>>17430066>Christianity built the west and it's culture.I'm so fucking sick of this matra.It's NOT true. West was already great centuries before christianity and would be also great without it.
>>17430531The consolidation of the white western european people into one relatively peaceful block was accomplished in the name of Christ as the calling in of his people into one body to rule the earth in his name. That is the power of racial christianity which propelled whites to global dominion before the shattering of the church due to the heresy of racial blindness which forsakes the mission of the Son to save from death and enshrine his people.
>>17430621Your western white people were lousy haired savages who had to be taught how to wipe their asses by the formerly pagan Mediterraneans who prospered well enough without Christianity and began to decline after it was introduced.
>>17430640brown dysgenic abomination fingers typed that post
>>17430621>The consolidation of the white western european people into one relatively peaceful block was accomplishedBy hitler and american money.
>>17430754No retard, that was before the schism which shattered the church into the prot/cath camps, after which the prots kept it alive into the 19th century when the true church finally died out in the american south.
>>17426105Seemingly it depends on which elf. Ljos or dokk.
>>17430860as I explained in >>17425579 the distinction Snorri makes between light and dark elves seems to be tapping into authentic folk beliefs regarding light (good) and dark (evil) spirits, but I think he gets the terminology wrong (by which I mean that he is making terms up). We see from things like the Ribe skull fragment and Alvissmal that dark spirits are referred to as dwarves (or, more typically, as trolls or thurs).However, a poetic elf is not the same thing as a common parlance elf (nor a poetic dwarf a common parlance dwarf, etc.). Weyland the Smith is a poetic elf. Thus the association of elves with smithing is moreso an association of POETIC elves with smithing. And poetic elves don't have any light or dark distinction, as they are simply humans who posthumously ascended to godhood.
>>17430621>posts a Judaist Japanese man as he types all thisThe stupidity of incels never fails to astonish
>>17430153>This specifically applies to England, as I don't think elves were commonly depicted with elf ears elsewhere prior to the XXth century.No, but the Scandinavian huldufólk (which are separate from the álfar, but derived from the same mythological source) often had animal parts as well, such as hooves or tails. I wonder if those are also derived from satyrs.
>>17430810Europe was never united before EU.
>>17430987They were united in Christ, which dissuaded much internal violence that otherwise would have torn them apart. Their shared belief in their collective identity as the body of Christ allowed them to turn their attentions to the wider world, and so they did, colonizing and subjugating all of the world they could grasp.
>>17430621>>17430995All grand unification is a lie, just like God. Nature's way is the way of the tribe.
>>17431003The old church didn't destroy the bloodlines of God, it united the tribes into a common cause, their eternal preservation and dominion over the earth.
>>17425593https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lomisa_churchAperently animal sacrifice is still happening to saint George in Georgia.
>>17430987Europe is not united after EU, either.
>>17431005>it united the tribes into a common causeBy they're very nature, tribes do not have a "common cause," so this is akin to destruction.
>>17431025you're arguing with the schizo who says that white people are the flesh of jewsus or whatever and posts that one picture of the white chick on a zebra. He is extremely mentally ill, and is probably the brazilian tranny who talks to himself a lot by spam quoting excerpts on comparative mythology that he got from wikipedia.
>>17431054You sound like the mentally ill one...
>>17431025>tribes do not have a "common cause,"They do, their self preservation and dominion over the earth as one body united. Bound together by their immutable connection marking them all as from the Father of all divinity. The same sigh which has always been the sign of such things.And it doesn't matter if you deny it, because it happened, it is a matter of historical record that the unification of his people into a body for their dominion and preservation occurred. Then the schism, and the heresies, and etc., etc., and today his body awaits its next resurrection.
>>17431072Their self-preservation is precisely why they don't have a common cause, dimwit.
>>17431067>>17431072>dominion over the earth as one body united. Bound together by their immutable connection marking them all as from the Father of all divinity.you were saying?
>>17431005>The old church didn't destroy the bloodlines of GodNo it didn't. >their eternal preservation and dominion over the earth.Every extant Christian denomination holds that the importation of Somalis to Europe and America is a good thing and a moral necessity.
>>17431072Aren't you the guy who asked ChatGPT to make him theology? The one who talks about how communion is actually about eating negro babies or whatever?
>>17431076The only threat to the eternal life of the people that the son of God sought to unite was the war between their bloodlines, and the external dark which ever seeks their collective destruction. Both of which are defeated through the application of the sword which was brought by the Son to his people for their salvation and the protection of their kingdom which he established.
>>17431080You're right, he's batshit.
>>17431081You have erroneously conflated christianity with the heretical noahidism of the modern age, a forgivable mistake.
>>17431082When prompted, chat gpt will reconstruct the basic tenants of christianity from the presupposition that the fall literally occurred. But that is just a cute trick which testifies to the veracity of the events. As for communion, it is the flesh and blood of God that should be consumed according to Christ, and that has nothing to do with juice and crackers. Negro babies are not relevant in any theology.
>>17431080>youNot me. I'm just laughing my ass off at your crazy rant about a "brazilian tranny". Is he in the room with us? Where is the picture of a girl on a zebra? Is it in the room? What about the comparative mythology spam?
>>17431095That's a yes lmfao
>>17431099No, it is not making a theology, it is verification of the only true theology.
>>17431103not him you replied to, but I am not whoever posted those.
>>17431103So many deleted posts...
>>17429892says the jew worshipper
>>17429400yes it was.
>>17430066he doesnt fathom how much the pagans changed "christian" culture.
elves are saami, saami literally dress like santa's elves and herd reindeertolkien's "aryan" elves are him mixing elves with angels and japanese anime elves are them conflating these elves with their erstwhile ally's notion of "aryans"
>>17430995>They were united in ChristNope, they weren't. Catholic church had power in medieval europe but it wasn't powerful enough to consider europe united.
>>17432047They were united in christ, which doesn't require the head of the catholic church to exist. Their belief in their collective identity as the body of God upon the earth is what united them.
>>17430531>I'm so fucking sick of this matra.seethe because its true
>>17432080Europe was never united. All throughout its history there have been wars, duels, cultural critiques, rap battles and the like. Why? Because, again, all grand unification in the Platonic and Judaic sense is a lie.
>>17429598>>17429585Disagree on both counts, they are neither a disparate strain nor a wicked leftover of savage times. They are those worthy druid orders of the pagan who knew not christ for his distance to him but still acted for good in absence of his knowledge. And therefore upon death, not being able to join him kingdom they had set for them an isle between Wales and Ireland in which they could live without want and conduct themselves upon the material world, but still not within the splendid realm.
>>17430531Exactly, it should be "in spite of christianity".
>>17432123>rap battlesmoron
>>17431528Aktchyually Sami peoples see elves (called Tchuds in their languages) as stock fairy tale villains.
>>17432123You may deny it to your dying breath but they were united in the belief in their collective identity as the living body of God upon the earth, that is the fundamental crux of Christian belief.
>>17432172Get a sense of humor, faggot.>>17432202They never were and studying history proves it. You're on /his/, go do that.
>>17432214>studying history proves itIt proves I am correct, and that you are wrong. But feel free to continue to "study history" so you may someday not be a moron.
>>17432220>screenshot of google>studying historylol
>>17432223If you are so ignorant that a simple google search proves how full of shit you are then you need to reconsider how educated you really are about history.
>>17432202That's only in the christian history books. And of course they report that because they killed all the niggas that didn't believe/didn't give a fuck.
>>17432229>they killed all the niggasYes, and that was a good thing which Jesus surely would have approved.
>>17432232He wouldn't. That's why they made up witchcraft as an excuse.
>>17432227Google can't disprove what I'm saying. You need to actually study history, for years, as in read books, study art, and analyze different perspectives in history. It's extremely obvious that Europe as a whole was never united at any point in time.
>>17432237>I define united in ways that only support my incorrect conclusions.
>>17432201>elves (called Tchuds>mfw it's actually true
>>17432234what does witchcraft have to do with niggers?
>>17432256ask yakub
>>17432251If they weren't culturally, politically, or even religiously united at any point, then what the fuck are you talking about, retard?
>>17432259They were united in their belief that they were the living body of God upon the earth, that is the fundamental crux of Christian belief.
>>17432257Yakub is a fake story made up in the 1930s by pic related to trick retarded negros into giving him their money.
>>17432267>that is the fundamental crux of Christian beliefSure, but "Christian belief" comes with a whole lot of other garbage that has nothing to do with various other religions, i.e. the Bible. Plus, this crux is older than Christianity. So why call it Christian? Why should we even care about Christianity? Why do we need Christian churches?
>>17433625>this crux is older than ChristianityYes, because Christianity is the resurrection of the Truth.
>>17433633So why call it, or care about, Christianity?
I feel so bad for the people who tried to talk about elfs only to get hit by the christcuck schizo
>>17433728>brown elf
>>17433740The only acceptable elf
>>17433757Defeats the point of it being an elf if you make it one of the shit people.
>>17433761Don't worry, she's not American
>>17433625You're arguing with someone who thinks that communion involves eating negro babies because he asked ChatGPT to give him racist theology, anon.
>>17433782neither of those things is true, and black elfs are gross.
The modern-day equivalent of "elves" or ascended people, would be those called "saints" by Christianity
>>17433808No comparison
>>17432201humans see other slightly different humans as fairy tale villains, so that figures, it is literally the aeldari calling the drukhari black
>>17429585>christcuck thinks his submission to jews is actually enlightenmentRevolting
>>17434300Yeah but Jesus said Jews is all the white people. Ironically, white people are also elves for the same reasons he said that.
>>17433740There were two types of elves, white and brownThe brown elves were the best smiths and craftsmen, while the white elves... were really good at partying with Freya, I guess
>>17434599Non white elves is an oxymoron.
>>17434601Non-white elves are Norse mythology.
>>17434613Referring to the three tribes of white god people, the reds, blondes, and raven haired ones you erroneously are conflating with negros.
>>17434616pic related
>>17434616No, I am referring to the elves who are called "blacker than tar" by Odin
>>17434621as stated, referring to the dramatically dark hair.
>>17434599>>17434601The elves weren't any skin color. They were "white" because they were ghosts (pale and translucent, like light) or "dark" because they lived underground (a.k.a. dwarves)
>>17434631>They were "white" because they were ghostsYes that is a common way of describing whites, that they are dead, of the other world, because of their skin and also that ties to their association with the spirit of which they are possessed that animates them.
>>17434631It is well-established that the Norse saw black people at the Byzantine court, and they were exotic and mysterious enough for them to inspire elves.
>>17434646No it isn't you lying sack of dog shit.
>>17434631Lmao light elves are never ever called huayte. They're called FAIR.
>>17434645>that is a common way of describing whites, that they are deadI've never heard of this, but the elves were not describing white people, they were describing the ghosts of dead ancestors. The light elves were ancestors who left their burials, while the dark elves were ancestors who stayed in them.>>17434646Norse mythology is much older than Byzantium, and was originally not Norse, or Greek. These myths go back much further and they are about ancestral worship and community.
>>17434650>They're called FAIRFair is literally a synonym for white.
>>17434648>the black minority of Constantinople is reflected in many sources>the Norse served as the emperor's personal guard>somehow never saw black peopleWhat did the whitecel mean by this?
>>17434652>Norse mythology is much older than Byzantium, and was originally not Norse, or Greek.However, it was not recorded back then, and the first reference to light and dark elves actually comes AFTER Byzantium>>17434654No it's not
>>17434656The negro was then a beast of burden dragged up out of the wilds of southern africa for the purpose of being a slave, nothing more and not related to elves in the slightest.
>>17434658>No it's notdumbfuck esl thirdie, you need to go back
>>17434661The negro was, for the Eastern Romans, primarily a merchant selling exotic goods, and while black slaves existed, they were exotic and rare
>>17434667Disillusion nogroid, you are not important and your people were never important.
>>17434666But they're never called fair-skinned, whitecel-kun
>>17434669Important enough to inspire your pointy eared hos
>>17434670Because you don't need to specify "skinned" calling someone fair in appearance is calling them white.
>>17434673Not at all, it can mean a whole lot of things, but mostly it just means beautiful
>>17434672Lying sack of dogshit.
>>17434675>but mostly it just means beautifulYes, you retarded shit, white is synonymous with beauty and always has been. Fair just emphasizes the beauty of being white. Learn english you moronic monkey brained shitter.
>>17434658>However, it was not recorded back then, and the first reference to light and dark elves actually comes AFTER ByzantiumIt's very obviously referring to ancestry and tradition. The etymology root of the word "sorcery" is Latin sors (“fate”), Proto-Indo-European *ser- (“to bind”).
>>17434683I'm not sure how "sorcery" is related to elves?
>>17434688You don't know how magic and elves are related, anon?
>>17434691No. Sounds like new age gibberish.
>>17434699Read about Seiðr
>>17425107>>17425118They derive from their name.They are "Elbes", aka, the natives of the ice age Elbe river back when it flowed like picrel.Norse myth is based on their own history, because it IS mythologic history, and not just fictional myth.
>>17425107Elves are the angels who stood aside during the War in Heaven. While they weren't imprisoned in Hell for their treachery, for their abandonment of duty they were deprived of wings and forever cast down to Earth. They are the sons of God who copulated with the daughters of men, and the Nephilim are half-elves.
>>17435803>angelsthat word derives from "angarrhos" which means "mounted courier" which simply means "messenger".Illiteracy is the fastest way towards idiocy and falsehoods.There is a very good reason why only upper priests were even allowed to learn to read hieroglyphics in Egypt, because lazy retards would read things wrong and continue on falsehoods.
>>17435827And it's a direct translation of the original Hebrew "malak", which also means messenger... are you having a stroke?
>>17435833Nephilim comes from Niflheim, because when Noatun that previously also was Alfheim/Elohim sank, it became shrouded in mists and its inhabitants fled as desperate and deranged warriors, which is why the migrants of the fallen elohim/alvheim is given bad connotations.It is based on real history. The danger lies in pretending like it all happened in a closed basement in some cave in Hebron as opposed to literally across europe like all other myth corroborates.Being isolationist when it comes to myth is to perform social suicide, because you'll end up outing yourself as an idiotic narcissistic retard who doesn't give a rats ass about proofs if it doesn't serve an ego.
>>17435964Yep, stroke
>>17434599this is retarded headcanon that you probably developed from wikipedia. Light and dark elves are spirits, good and malevolent, respectively.The elves who are good at blacksmithing are not spirits at all. They're humans who became minor gods.
>>17434613Snorri Sturluson (a christian) said that dark elves (malevolent spirits) had pitch black skin. But he's wrong, and we know he's wrong, because when a malevolent spirits appears in the authentic, actually pagan prechristian norse poem Alvissmal, it's described as being pale.
>>17436246Every Christian denomination believes that Snorri was a Pagan and is burning in hell for eternity due to professing the wrong Christological formula. Anyways, he doesn't say that the Dokkalfar have dark skin. They're either the ancestors of White people (as >>17425465 pointed out), or are some other kind of being entirely and as such applying human racial categories to them is absurd.
>>17436267>Every Christian denomination believes that Snorri was a Pagan and is burning in hell for eternity due to professing the wrong Christological formulachristfaggots are retarded, more news at 11>Anyways, he doesn't say that the Dokkalfar have dark skinyes he literally does>The Light-Elves are fairer to look upon than the sun, but the Dark-Elves are blacker than pitch>They're either the ancestors of White peoplefuck off with this anti-mythicism shit. My ancestors encountered the supernatural on the fringes of civilization, and they called it by various names, Black Elf (not dark elf, this is a term Snorri made up), Dwarf, and Troll being chief amongst them. Not everything is an allegory for mundane history.
>>17436295>Not everything is an allegory for mundane history.It's not an allegory, this IS Asatru, anon. The dead who are chosen by the Gods to dwell with them go on to become Alfar, which is the Old Norse cognate of "Elves". That's just the Poetic Edda, if you don't like it then that's too bad.
>>17436326>It's not an allegory, this IS Asatru, anon. The dead who are chosen by the Gods to dwell with them go on to become Alfaryou still don't understand the differentiation between poetic elves and common parlance elves, even though I've explained it like half a dozen times in this thread.Elf is a nebulous term. It does not have one particularized definition.In our poetic sources, an elf is a human who became a god after their death, such as with Helgi Hundingsbana. An elf in common parlance (for pagans) is a spirit. It basically means gremlin, or bogeyman. Weyland the Smith and Helgi Hundingsbana and the evil dwarfess mentioned in the Ribe skull fragment cannot possibly be related entities in any way, even though they are both dwarves/elves.But to say that "all elves are X" is to essentially force legendary human heroes and curse-bearing demons into the same family.
>>17436348>you still don't understand the differentiation between poetic elves and common parlance elvesI literally explained it here >>17425465, anon. You're just repeating what I already said, but poorlier.
>>17435803Elf does not etymologically relate to angel, so where are you getting this from?
>>17435761Interesting, could you elaborate?
>>17425107Elves and fairies and dwarves are ancient memories of the time when homo sapiens sapiens coexisted with other hominids.
>>17429553Yeah it's crazy... kind of seems like shamanism, along with being shared across the planet with similar elements such as drums, may be a sort of evolved religion, like maybe our true religion from before we started the newer stuff.
>>17436367Only schizos attempt to derive history from etymology. I'm getting this from Gervase of Tilbury.
>>17437115How do you know what some statesman says is accurate? Especially someone religious and therefore with skin in the game in terms of owning history.
>>17437179But things that a statesman from Iceland said are taken at face value?
>>17437248No statesman, historian, or individual in particular should be taken at face value. Etymology is an attempt to discover the meaning of something at the level of the whole tribe, or multiple tribes. It may not be perfectly accurate either, but it certainly seems like a more reliable approach at developing a broad, collective understanding of something.
>>17437269Etymology is an attempt by conspiratorial schizophrenics obsessed with the idea that everyone is lying to them (about elves of all things, no less) to uncover the secret truth hidden by the Jews or whatever group they're obsessed over
>>17437287That's a whole lot of projection there that doesn't really elucidate why the perspective of a single individual is more scientifically valid than studying languages and their historical uses.
>>17436237It's really sad how much copium people would guzzle to deny the well-attested existence of dark elves.>>17436267He was so much of a Christian that there's a theory that he made up light elves to correspond to historically attested dark elves to reconcile the old folklore with Christianity and its dualism of angels and demons.
>>17437403On the contrary, you are a disillusion brownoid faggot trying to insert your filthy mud people into the legends of whites and their fair elves.
>>17437403>deny the well-attested existence of dark elves.by well-attested you mean they are mentioned once in Gylfaginning> that there's a theory that he made up light elves to correspond to historically attested dark elves to reconcile the old folklore with Christianity and its dualism of angels and demons.sounds like a dogshit, retarded theory made up by other people who also get all of their information regarding norse paganism from wikipedia.Snorri pulled the idea of angel-like lives straight out of Dvergatal in Voluspa.
>>17437466>angel-like livesangel-like elves*
>>17437412If you insist that elves were ancestral to hwypipo, you must also accept that elves were brown.>>17437466You seem obsessed with wikipedia, smells like a pretty glaring projection to me.
>>17437516As stated, you are a delusional faggot trying (and failing) to insert your filthy mud people where they never belonged.
>>17425107Tolkien's elves are characterized as people from the finnish version of hyperborea, Pohjola. A great deal of LotR is based on Kalevala.
>>17437534You didn't even read the Kalevala. Pohjola is where the Finnish Baba Yaga comes from and her legion of monsters.
>>17437540It's literally an island of wizards who sing whoever they don't like into rocks
>>17437516>You seem obsessed with wikipediaI'm bringing it up because I know that wikipedia makes a huge deal about dark elves and svarthalfarheimar in some of its pages on norse mythology, whereas the original source material itself almost never even brings it up. In the few times evil spirits or "dvergar" show up, it's suggested that they're pale, not black like Snorri says.So when I see people obsessing over total non-entities in norse paganism, I think it's reasonable to assume that they're doing that because they get all of their info from a source that demonstrably obsesses over that same non-entity.It's like how teachers can figure out who's cheating on their tests when students all copy a wrong answer from a dumb kid because they all get the question wrong in a very idiosyncratic way.
>>17436367sad little schizos, unaware of just how schizophrenic their mainstream takes on mythology is - does have no interest in etymology because it serves a much better proof of cultural and religious migrations than their mutated & biased textual sources could ever hope to reveal.>>17436376for context, the term "Hebrew" derives from the early southwestern european root for river "ebr" which is the southern root related to the northern root "elb".the "hebrews" knew of the elves/elohim because they came from the EEF population that moved counterclockwise through europe before moving south again into mauretania.the hebrews proper were the peoples of Oannes/iberian megalithic culture that merged with EEF before arriving in egypt."Israel" were the anatolian Luwian population that married into this "hebrew" population of egypt because they were both mixed mediterranean-eurasian steppe populations in egypt that looked and acted more like eachother than the natives.when a new dynasty wanted to delegitimize their position in the western nile delta, this mixed people fled into the lands of Cohen where the modern "jew" married with the hebrew-levitics and made the tribe of Judah more semitic than it ever had been to the point of eventually becoming majority local semitic.northern israel was mainly a mutt nation of luwian-hebrewEEF and local intermixing, and was in conflict with Judah because it was more semitic than them and thus also had a different culture.the anthropology of all this is very straightforward and provable, but the moment a single politically or identity-focused opposition hear these things they will treat it like a political manner and introduce all the shitflinging and slander associated with politics and religion.
>>17437747>western nile deltaeastern delta, sorry typo.
>>17437545Lmao noPlease read the Kalevala, it's good.
>>17425107"Elf" is a traditional Japanese folklore creature called "erufu", which translates as "erotic wife"