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If Jesus was literally God why did he need spell components?
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Because He is also human.
The teachings of Yahweh are perfect.
They renew the soul.
The testimony of Yahweh is dependable.
It makes gullible people wise.
The instructions of Yahweh are correct.
They make the heart rejoice.
The command of Yahweh is radiant.
It makes the eyes shine.
The fear of Yahweh is pure.
It endures forever.
The decisions of Yahweh are true.
They are completely fair.
They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold.
They are sweeter than honey, even the drippings from a honeycomb.
As your servant I am warned by them.
There is a great reward in following them.

Who can notice every mistake?
Forgive my hidden faults.
Keep me from sinning.
Do not let anyone gain control over me.
Then I will be blameless,
and I will be free from any great offense.

May the words from my mouth and the thoughts from my heart
be acceptable to you, O Yahweh, my rock and my Go’el.

Psalm 19
Why did he need spell components though?
Because he was an apocalyptic prophet and faith healer, not a god or messiah.
Assuming he was a real person, for which we have no hard evidence.
I gave your sister some hard evidence last night.
Before marriage? Enjoy hell
I'm already saved. No sin can separate me from Christ once I have given my life to Him.


Izas/Izates Manu VI of Adiabene.
Bar Kamsa.
Baalshamin, Baal Shamaim/Shamem.
“Alexander [the Great]” mosaic at Huqoq.
70 CE, not 33 AD.

Enjoy, all of you.
The biggest secret finally unveiled... for both Christians (aka.pro-Judaic monarchists) and rabbinical Jews (aka. pro-Roman republicanists).
>Thinks you're always saved
uh oh sounds like heresy to me.
John 10:27-29
Ephesians 1:13-14
Ephesians 4:30
Romans 8:1
Romans 8:38-39
1 Peter 1:3-5
John 5:24
Philippians 1:6
Hi Ralph

I'm not him but I did read some of his books & corroborated with Freemason knowledge.

It checks out.

Christianity originally started as a legitimate claim for a pretender – of the house of David – to become king of the Jews, and the Sanhedrin cliques – of relatives made up of priestly & former monarchs – enjoyed Rome more than what the Parthians offered.

The ultimate dispersions was with the pro-Roman factions and the pro-Parthian/monarhic factions.

But Mary “Magdalene” Bethany, her sister, and Lazarus eventually traveled to South of France.
Mary was already old or barren (Dan Brown's DaVinci Code is a bullcrap for exploiting a kernel of truth for a BS alternate history) & eventually died childless, Lazarus was initiated into Izas'/Izates' cult of self-mutilation (he chopped off his “family jewels” back home)
But their sister married into the Frankish hordes' clan that would become the Merovingians.
Probably the same reason that the much younger Quran maintains that Allah created man from clay (Q.23.12).
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The healing of the deaf and blind men by means of "spell components", such as spit, and mud, has to do with the egregores screening process of removing biases, by testing the skeptics ability to bravely hear an unfamiliar person out. The rejection of ideas, due to gutteral reactions, such as fear, and anger, and disgust, and hubris, are not traits selected by the egregore. Those that fail the test, continue to fail at hearing his voice.

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