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What are your thoughts on Cliffe Knechtle?
>Clearly appears to have read the whole Bible (which is more than most pastors)
>Has clearly studied Christianity on an academic level
>Understands denominational variances and their individual inconsistencies
>Supposedly has spoken with Bart Erhman on multiple occasions
>Has studied other religions and can adequately dismantle Islam, Mormonism, and Hinduism among others with accurate knowledge of their theologies
>Understands canonization of the Bible and the origins of early Christian theology
>Backpedals whenever faced with the possible errancy of the Bible
>Constantly special pleads for Christianity over other similar religions
>Continual claims the execution of the apostles is evidence of the resurrection
>Yet acknowledges almost every religion has martyrs and likely knows we have no real evidence that the apostles were executed save maybe 1 or 2.
>Still considers this evidence, but doesn’t consider martyrdom in other religions to be evidence
>Continually regurgitates baby’s first theological arguments as if they’re new ideas and not settled debates from 1,200 years ago
>Makes metaphysical arguments in favor of a divine creator as uses that as evidence for Christianity being true
>Rejects that these same arguments could be used for any other religion or no religion at all

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>me and bro when
He just likes talking about Jesus. Cliff talks the way he talks and says what he says mostly because he is addressing the layman and college atheists (retards). That's the most of it. I've seen a few videos of him squirming away from more complicated metaphysics or theology, and I'm confident if he ever went toe to toe with some sort of Buddhist or Hindu or even another Christian who had their theology and metaphysics in order he would be thoroughly embarrassed.

related photo is basically a (supposed?) data collector, and according to their graphs
>Women promoted the conversion of Pagans to Christianity they also promoted the conversion of the Arian Barbarians to Catholicism.
>the majority of the Roman Catholic aristocracy were women
>and that women had a strong influence on the conversion of pagans
>and argues that paganism is a more patriarchal and masculine religion than Catholicism.
he shows this by showing that Catholics consider women and their mothers more than pagans based on burials and tributes and so on.
I hope there aren't any larpagan memes or anything like that. let's be mature my friends
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They wouldnt have converted if they didnt already revere and value the women in their lives.
Its not that Catholicism is feminine as much as it is that Catholicism was spread to people who respected women by women.

These women werent whores or liars btw, they were wise and intelligent clan-mothers who beat the shit out of whores and witches.
>was spread to people who respected women by women.
What's the difference?
>they were wise and intelligent clan-mothers who beat the shit out of whores and witches.
we call this matrifocal
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>These women werent whores or liars btw
>*why it is echoed

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How did Japan end up losing its major influence on electronics/tech in to the turn of 21st century?

No notable Japanese smart phones

No notable Japanese social media /tech company

Other then Sony a legacy from 80s and golden age of Japanese electronics era how did Japan fall in the ranks and become over shadowed by China and South Korea ?
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Both of these look like Egyptians. Jesus FUCKING CHRIST do you faggots never tire of this debate? Have you people NEVER met a single Egyptian in your fucking lives? They're a mixed bag! Yes, black Egyptians exist (e.g. Anwar Sadat), but yes 'white' Egyptians also exist! (Rami Malek). THEY'RE NOT HOMOGENOUS IN PHENOTYPE GOD DAMN IT GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS PEOPLE EGYPTIANS VARY IN LOOKS
>mass produced gachas in stolen art style
in the same way, white countries are being copied by browns whose diaspora are ruining them. it doesn't make them superior.
Sad weeb cope.

>mass produced gachas in stolen art style
So you know jackshit about the history of anime or manga.

>white countries are being copied by browns whose diaspora are ruining them.
Still on top. Most structural problems aren't due to the diaspora contrary to political commentators.
so you have absolutely no argument against it kek. china didn't invent any of that they just copy. that's all they're good for.
>Still on top.
but hardly on top on manufacturing, it's just the wealth that remains
Please gatekeep faggot.
>The quality of the art there is just much higher
It's pretty easy when you do0n't draw in ugly western style

So not actual cp then, it's just that you know so much about cp and search for cp so often you know what it looks like.

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Why the love for odd numbers ?

Isn’t even more divine since symmetry is a sign of beauty and even is symmetrical in nature
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>odd numbers are my favorite!
Is Allah an autistic 10 year old boy?
>Is Allah an autistic 10 year old boy?
That's actually a surprisingly accurate metaphor.
Whats Allahs favorite color?

Old Arabic doesn't have [written] vowels.
If it has vowels, then now you know better.

Vowels and performative punctuations/diacritics are an indication the quran and hadiths were invented in the 9th-11th centuries, after they copied the writing system method of introducing vowels.

This is a discussion mohammedans definitely aren't ready for it.

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How long do swastikas go back and what did they represent before Hitler took it over and why is it so hard to find information on them from the past?
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The swastika was the oldest symbol associated with wotan/odin. Nazism was a cult of wotan
here is the hakenkreuz hitler saw every day in lambach abbey, where he was a choir boy
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same applies to Odin's folk.

There's some things I'd love to do if I got access to a time machine in any capacity, for example
>Go back in time and blast Achilles Last Stand during the most brutal 10 minutes of the Trojan War
>Go back in time and blast the trap music remix of the battle of new orleans song
>Go back in time and find great great great grandfather, show him technology and maps, explain shit to him with my knowledge in history and medicine and shit, have him teach me how to shoot a gun or something as we make our way to Salt Lake City, potentially accidentally cause his conversion into Mormonism describing today as the biblical end times with wormwood being plastic, and R6W6R6 being referred to his actual name
>Go back in time and party with either Antonius or Elagabalus (now without the fear of HIV!)
>Go back in time and just visit Thebes
>Go back in time and bring guitar/harmonica and play it for people to the best of my ability
>Go back in time to the day of the yamnaya and try my best to communicate to them what their children, myself included, are destined for
>Go back in time and see solomon's temple
would be pretty cool, how about you anons?
Seeing what the fuck the Minoans were up to would be nice. And no, not because "hurrr dey have boobies hurrr".
that too, honestly discovering ancient mysteries isn't really my thing though; I want the world to unwravel as the world shall
>go to Rome
>buy gf
>go back home

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>People just post on /his/ without being able to name 15 French kings
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Even knowing who they are
Philip I, Philip II, Louis IX, Louis XI, Louis XII, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Charles V, Charles VI, Charles VII, Charles VIII, Francis I
Non-Capetian kings don't count.
That's a rapper, stupid.
>Karolvs Magnvs was a German
He was an octawallon Belgian, dumbass.
>You have to know who they are dude…
they died hundreds of years ago...how can anon possibly know them?
Faggot le Pretentious
Faggot le Pretentious II
Faggot le Pretentious III
And so on, you get the bit.

so Christians brilliant new apologetic is to insist there’s no evidence for Alexander the Great
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That's always been the cope. Carrier's book on the subject is brilliant, as contemptible as the man's politics are to me personally
Need Jesus zombie skin on cod
Why is he coming from the east? Shot tier painting
Who gives a shit about his politics? Theres an autist on /pol/ who spergs out and screeches
>he’s a communist!!!!!!
every time pic related comes up, as if it matters

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Big fish eat small fish; small fish eat shrimps
Fr fr
Give this man an estate and enough gold to sustain him for the rest of his life.
Chinese Sayings are something else

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>60% of women admitted ti having rape fantasies
>50 shades of gray
Is there such a thing as rape?
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just because you have rape fantasies dosent mean you want to be raped by anyone, idiot
it's not hard at all to understand. If you've ever impulsively thought "i really wish ________" but didn't really mean it, you'll understand easily

>a man wanting to be spanked by a sexy lady for money
>is NOT the same as some niggers beating him up on the subway and taking his rolex
top is more of a douchebag and has ulterior motives
bottom is more genuine on his compliments and trying to build his confidence

It's similar to wanting to kill someone in a particular gruesome way, for whatever justified reason – while not being able, capable, nor wanting to do so.

It's cognitive dissonance mixed with intrusive thoughts.
That is it.

Think of the opposite of “out of sight, out of mind”.
Or wanting to die but incapable to hold your breath or stop inhaling air.

>the blowjob example was terrible

To you.

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>Someone once remarked to Stevenson, who had a reputation as a "pointhead" intellectual aloof from Main Street, "But Governor, you've got all of America's best and brightest behind you." He replied "I can't win with only the best and brightest!"
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Different time, Ike was a national hero who stood above partisan politics. He mostly let Nixon do the dirty work in the trenches. Also New England didn't really become a solidly Democrat region until the 90s.
Realistically was there any stopping eisenhower? He was a war hero and ttruman was immensly unpopular by 52, what could the democrats even do
After 20 years it was inevitable. Truman was also never that popular since he was an accidental president and widely seen as a pawn of the Teddy Pendergast machine in St. Louis.
Much like Trump it had to be an outsider guy riding in on a white horse to save the Republican Party because the established names (the guys like Robert Taft, etc) weren't electable and lacked crossover appeal.
he won in '48 because he campaigned hard in the Midwest (his backyard) and got the vote out there but he wasn't that popular with the urban ethnic industrial workers that comprised FDR's coalition and they mostly stayed home so Dewey dominated the Northeast

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Post pictures of this underrated style of architecture. Revivals are also allowed here.

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Really though, why follow social norms, laws, morality instead of being a ubermensch if you had no backlash for what you did?
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this. sadly it seems like the majority of 4chan lacks a concept of empathy
The solution to OP is that you'd be dead.
If I was all powerful I'd honestly just seclude myself. I'd help people because it was good, for a price however, but knowing that I could never face any consequences for my actions and that I could resist all evil against me means that I could live a quiet and peaceful life with the people I love free from any and all hostile and coercive powers. My goal would be to gain wisdom to guide others to knowledge of the Good, but I myself wouldn't hold their hands.
Don't make me tap the sign.

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Why did Indo-Europeans spread homosexuality where ever they went?
same reason lesser races did. homosexuals exist.

> one of Mo’s personal enemies said “I have not seen any people who love anyone the way the Companions of Muhammad love Muhammad.“

Yeah that… speaks for itself
>that one surah where Allah reveals to Mohammed (PBUH) that people shouldnt cum in his prophets mouth without warning as it is upsetting and ruins the mood
Joseph Smith and Lafayette Hubbard had their slavish admirers too. I might also name generals, statesmen...

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