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Why does the USA outsource so many jobs?

Every day, I traverse these empty streets, feeling the weight of a broken economy on my shoulders. It's not just the physical decay that's depressing; it's the constant reminder that we were abandoned by those who prioritized profit over people. This town is a testament to the devastating impact of outsourcing and the loss of American jobs. I hate it here because it represents a future that was stolen from us, leaving nothing but ruins and shattered lives.
how do you think US got those jobs in the first place? people who built the world are abandoning you
Just cause some 85 IQ nigger is born on this soil, he does not deserve to make 50k
or any money frankly speaking
because rich people make more money from that.
like it or not, the entire reason america is a nonwhite country is because rich people want cheaper labor so they imported people.
in 1870 they imported the chinks and you should remember how the chinks stole jobs from the Irish and got beaten for it. If one guy hires chinese labor he can sell cheaper metal than the guy who hires only whites forcing the guy who hires whites to hire chink labor.
>Why does the USA outsource so many jobs?
Do you even have to fucking ask? Bottom line.
The 1973 oil crisis was the end of the post war US economic boom, the rest of the world had rebuilt their production infrastructure and was hauling fucking ass, including a few nobody expected, like the japanese. The japs built shit to the nearly the same quality as the americans for half the fucking price and underbid everyone. Americans and Europeans went for japanese products instead of american. To compete, americans had to drop their prices and the only way they could do that was to move most if not all production to japan, china, taiwan and indionesia and just import their own shit instead.

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I think the greatest mistake made in the 20th century was dissolving the western labor movement entirely. By dissolving the political left they removed their traditional 'Other' and are now having trouble finding a place to put that energy into now that society is so diffuse. Before it was concrete with class lines, now it's become abstracted and ANYTHING could be considered quote unquote 'communism'. The CIA are communists, that banker is a communist, Oprah is a communist, the reason the world is so silly today because they're sticking to traditional rallying cries that just don't fit in the modern social ecosystem.
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>You have no classes
Well yeah I'm speaking about the west from a western perspective. There is without a doubt a class dynamic within north America but because north Americans aren't allowed to discuss it the entire concept becomes diffuse.
the point of communism is to kill successful people. to this end communism works.
The future of capitalism is a worldwide India.
The right need to wake up to the fact that capitalism will sacrifice all they hope to preserve in the name of profit.
I don't think this is so new:

>Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?
-- Marx and Engels, The Communist Manifesto

I think, historically, the U.S. was less bound by rigid class distinctions than countries across the pond (there was an exception to this though). I read one Marxist writer describe America as also, paradoxically, being able to turn the clock of history "backwards" in the sense that a peasant who was being proletarianized in Europe could come to America and become a land-owning farmer. This wasn't due to any magic but America was kind of a blank slate with a lot of land and resources, and the colonization process was done more or less from the beginning on a capitalist-style basis with English companies doing it, which was distinct from the French and Spanish models of colonialism. The French in North America didn't really do much with their territory, and went "native" a bit more, while the Spanish transplanted a kind of aristocracy and enslaved a huge number of people to work in their mines. The U.S. also had slavery though -- that is the exception -- and Marx was a strong supporter of the northern cause in the civil war.

In Europe, socialism was also bound up in building a strong state led by a worker's party that would intrude on the aristocracy, take their stuff, their land, redistribute it, and so on. Americans developed a political culture that was more individualistic.

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Is this what Scythians, Sarmatians, Parthians, and Seljuks looked like?
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Keep crying
hah knew from the getgo who you really were
how does it feel knowing you are in the second american century?
>how does it feel knowing you are in the second american century?
Does that guy look like paul mccartnu?

Could commoner become monk or join clergy in some form?
A French Bishop came from a peasant family. As did one of the Russian patriarchs.

Social mobility was relegated to eras of good harvest iirc. It was common but depends on the time.
Yes and no. Persons from all origins coul became friars. But in many cases the Church mostly supported with scholarships those with special talents, ie more artistics, pious, spiritual or smart than the average person. Actually this caused a lot of problems in Catholic Europe because many bad persons became religious just to get advantages.

Who do you guys think needs to self flagellate now? I say Joe Biden
the west is too overwhelmed with it's own ego.

it can't imagine being dutiful, subservient and humble.

piousness is dead in the west.

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>everyone on this board using history to score points for their country/race/ethnicity like its a football game
Its all so tiring
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Nazi scum...
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That's what makes it fun though
I have no problem admitting my countries history is so boring even afrocentrists won't touch it. I just want to learn about other nations and enjoy their stories.
Sorry, can't hear you over how great NY is

>even afrocentrists won't touch it
Jfc... what is it?
I am a hapa and I don't care about the history of either of my parent's groups nor my own country

Was he the first BBC addict?
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cool thread man
Nasty bitch
disgusting garbage.
unscrupulous prostitute, a shit should be killed

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>be born
>half of your brothers/sisters are bastards of the warlo... i mean the landlord
>Maybe you are a bastard
>90% chances you die before come of age
>you live in a battered cabin sharing the room with your animals and family
>your parents fuck there
>you work your whole life in painful and exhausting jobs
>terrible food, the lord constantly eat meat while you you have to settle for vegetables, porridge and moldy bread
>you don't have a bathroom, you bathe once a month in the cold water of the river
>At least you have a lot of free time due festivities and agrarian cycles
>You must go to mass every Sunday, otherwise you will be an outcast and the inquisition will destroy you
>you could never study so you are easily scammed
>you marry
>get Ius Primae Nocted
>Half of your kids are bastards of the landlord, who from time to time requires your wife or daughters in his castle to do "housework"

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Uh, sorry chud, but peasants were literally on vacation 24/7
Fabolous how indians still live like this
Thank god china civilized them with their tech
Oh wow it's just like game of thrones
Why not become the warlord or craftsman or inquistioner? I guess if you cant in your own fantasy youd have no hope..

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>His secret recording with Mannerheim and recording for his party members in the Loewenbrau cellar clearly show that Barbarossa was a not a long planned attack but a reluctant defensive operation.

>Somehow mainstream historians don't accept this fact

Why is that? Honestly why, the proof is out there.
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So they went to war so USSR wouldn’t snag Romania? Ummm couldn’t the German war machine have relied on traded oil from USSR if they were on good terms with each other? And then source it from Norway later down the line?
It was an act of desperation.
Here, I have solved it for you.
And allow them to grow even stronger so that in 44 they would have a huge military 100 km away from Berlin ready to finish what they started in 1920?
>couldn’t the German war machine have relied on traded oil from USSR
Just let the other country have a total monopoly on all the oil in your vicinity bro! What could go wrong?
>source it from Norway later down the line?
They did. There’s no other reason why Stalin ordered the Red Army to mobilize at the German/Soviet border in Poland. Also, later it was revealed that the Soviets were taking advantage of the Germany vs Western Front war and that they were waiting on the opportunity to conquer them both when they both were exhausted. It was called ‘Operation Groza’.

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I love dogs. ITT let's post things related to mankind's relationship with his best animal companion, the dog. How have our two species interacted throughout the ages?
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sorry to hear that, cats as pets cause nothing but heartache and mischief, lesson learned

fun fact: muslims love cats and think they're clean animals because they lick themselves while dogs are "haram"
Why does the mosaic spell «romanus» as «RO•MA•NVS•»?
Were they in the habit of separating syllables?
Wiktionary has «rōmānus» which highlights long vowels /roːˈmaː.nus/, [roːˈmäːnʊs̠]. It almost looks like the separation dot is emphasizing the long vowels but that fails to explain «-NVS•»
I always thought it was kinda cool in medieval par force hunting, hunters would chase down their prey, usually a stag.

They did it by using dogs, with different dog breeds serving different roles. You had the scent dogs like bloodhounds for tracking, and the leaner faster dogs for actual take downs of the prey. Nobles would ride along the dogs because it basically simulated commanding a small military force, a group of unwielding/undisciplined/but loyal soldiers. These huntings packs would be positioned through a forest and communicate via hunting horn to coordinate to attack the prey.

Medieval period had a whole meta for hunting dogs, whether they should have a long tail or no tail, and for what purpose: tracking, chasing, retrieving, etc... after reading it I couldn't stop thinking that these medieval noble fucks had League of Legends meta arguments for what the best dog breed is for which role.
I don't like dogs. They're loud and smelly.
White women thread?

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>Their men young and old I took prisoners. Of some I cut off their feet and hands; of others I cut off the ears noses and lips; of the young men's ears I made a heap; of the old men's heads I made a minaret. I exposed their heads as a trophy in front of their city. The male children and the female children I burned in flames; the city I destroyed, and consumed with fire.

What was his problem?
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>Ashurnasirpal II
Is there any Semitic tribe that's no evil or deceptive, they are literally the spawns of Indo-Europeans and daevas or fallen angels.
autistic germanoid cries at the masculine brutality of semitic people
dude probably had small penis and was bullied tho, maybe manlet even by MENA standarts too
Did it work though?
>Ashurbanipal III goes on a warpath annihilating other semites
>supposedly this is because of his semitic culture

Something smells fishy here.

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>Amendment X
>The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Does this mean a state could become a dictatorship as long as it adhered to the laws of the constitution?
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Isn't that what happened with Huey Long in Louisiana?
>But the 14th amendment fixed that oversight

Counter. In United States v. Cruikshank it was found that some provisions of the BoR only applied to the Federal government.
>Article. IV. Section. 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
No. Dictatorships are not allowed. Republics only.
>some provisions of the BoR only applied to the Federal government.
that's how it originally worked. The BoR applied only to the federal government. Congress couldn't take away your guns, but the state senate could and did, as with Jim Crow.
After the passage of the 14th amendment, the SCOTUS slowly came around to the idea of incorporating some elements of the BoR against states. To this day, the whole thing hasn't been fully incorporated.
post 14A, but pre-incorporation doctrine. It has in effect been overturned even if it has not happened formally.

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How true is the "'Italian-Celtic" hypothesis? It seems to me, at the very least, very unlikely.
basically based on characteristics shared by these two branches and no other, although if you get to the common discussion there is controversy about the causes of these similarities.
They are generally innovations, probably developed after the dissolution of the Proto-Indo-European language, not evidence of an ancient Italo-Celtic branch.
And of course, genetically I don't need to say anything.... how senseless that makes it. Proto-Italics and Proto-Celts were already far apart
Where's the Glottolog? Lol
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irrelevant. such characteristics are not linked to steppe ancestry
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the same discussion again retarded? read beyond abstract. you lost, again.
Is it Emily??
you argue so badly that you don't understand the other idiot's arguments
kill yourself
Lol the reap depshits pathetic snowhoteps too DUMB to understand that IE=nordic aristocracy muhh
Simply because people genotypically akin in North europe with more steppe lol
So.. it's fake?

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>tfw no Mezoamerican Roman Empire
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What could they have done to prevent the breakdown?
Push less toward urbanization and adopt a system similar to Latin coloniae or the Inka mitmaqs in order to cement the cultural make-up of the region. Mesoamerican were autistic about centralizing their populations in their city-states and leaving tons of lands empty around them. Also, the agricultural techniques necessary to sustain their "megacity projects" wouldn't exist until the Mayapan Confederation developed hybrid-pisciculture several centuries later.
Thanks Anon.
They didn't really need one, Mesoamerica was always culturally homogenous due to the Olmecs in the preclassic, Teotihuacan in the classic and the central mexican merchants/warriors/adventurers who took over everything in the late classic/early postclassic, and were slowly becoming an even more closely tied together civilization under the Aztecs. I don't think Roman-style empires were even possible for them, which is why they only ever had tributary hegemonies (besides the Purepecha, but they were very strange in other ways), if that's what you mean.
>inb4 never existed
They probably didn't, or rather they weren't an empire, I subscribe to the belief that most things attributed to the Toltecs like Chichen Itza were actually the work of various groups of people migrating from central mexico rather than a single empire like that of Teotihuacan or Tenochtitlan

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the english (white t-shirts) and german football teams perform the hitler salute to the german national anthem
Saluting your euro bros and then they go and bomb you a couple of years later. The nerve.
It was the Roman salute and it was destigmitized before the Jews took control over media and academia.

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