>So Baal's prophets shouted louder. They cut themselves with swords and knives, as their customs taught them to do. Soon, there was blood all over themshias explain yourselves
>>17438630why are shias so schizo?
>>17438630the less abrahamic a religion the better it is. What makes shias cooler than their counterparts are the pagan influences in their religion
>>17438630All religions do this BDSM shit. Jesus was flogged and scourged while wearing a sexy, little Speedo for being a sick bloodletting, baccich pedo himself. Go look at the "Mystery Villa" in Pompeii, same thing. Whips, chains, subs, doms, etc.....It's all just Show Biz. Hell, even the Hindpoos have a similar ceremony where they put massive needles through their bodies, without ever bleeding. Weird shit.
>>17438630that has to stingI couldn't do that
>>17438693>the less abrahamic a religion the better it is.Found the cow-worshiper
>>17438776It's almost like theology and political systems that encourage self-sacrifice (abrahamics and communism) actually despise man and lead to individual suffering wherever they go
Never trust a religion that says youre a worthless bitch that should suffer. It creates bitchmade slavefolk.
>>17438693this is also why eastern catholics are the best catholics. the latin-rite is basically nu-protestantism.
>>17438630Iranians banned tatbir btw, It's still practiced in Afghanistan or Bangladesh.
>>17438693that is a very saarish post
>>17440066>>17439017abrahamic religions at their core are about how no fun is allowed. the ones that lean away from this is because they're influenced by the pagan past