How would history change if melanism occurred in humans?
>>17441096We'd all still be cavemen.
>>17441096They would have eaten breakfast this morning.
Why did they do it?
>>17438342>Why did they do it?The world was quite literally ending.>>17438474>Who and do what?It's a picture of the "Triassic Cuddle".The fossilized remains of a large newt and a burrowing mammal-like creature were found huddled together in a burrow seeking refuge together against the Triassic-Jurassic Extinction event. They didn't make it tho - the burrow flooded and they died suffocated and crushed by mud. Stuff like this continues to happen today: lots of disparaged little animals (snakes, rats, rabbits, salamanders) seek shelter in the burrows of Gopher Tortoises during brush and forest fires across the United States. Animals have a habit of foregoing predator-prey relationships during what they view as an existential crisis.
>>17438556>Animals have a habit of foregoing predator-prey relationships during what they view as an existential crisis.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>17438558Reminds me of how whites, blacks and Mexicans came together to beat up Arabs after 9/11. The only time I've ever seen different racial groups coming together
>>17438342>>17438536>Pepe and Wojak is an ancestral memory dating back millions of years, literally imprinted into our genetic codeDeepest lore
Ok, but where do I start with actual pre-modern Indian history. Any books/ authors that are actually reliable and not just some hindutava/ nazi bullshit?
>>17439258Hate hindutva but likes pro muslim and pro christian authors?
>>17439258Pre-modern meaning what year cutoff?
>>17439258I like CKII so much, but I'm too bad at it and have never played outside of Europe.
>>17439258I've yet to play a CK2 or CK3 campaign in India.
How does it feel to be one?No worries or fear in any real sense?Must be liberating? You have peace with dying anytime?Or killing yourself anytime?I badly want to be an atheist sometimes, but are you guys more depressed?Are you afraid of death? How intense is it?Is it different?Personally, I only fear death cause I’m not ready, not sure whether I would go to heaven.To believe you could just die and cease to exist anytime must be freeing I believe, I’m envious I can’t ever have that.
>>17439751when i was a christian i used to suffer from OCD. depression, anxiety panic attacks, pain in chest, intrusive incessant thoughts, nightmares. now I don't have any of that. i do fear going to jail, getting drafted in a possible war, getting a bad disease, down to earth stuff.i did feel like a stone was lifted off my chest when i deconverted, but peace with death i don't think anybody has. especially when the hour will come, i imagine i'll shit my pants, I don't know of any way to supress instincts, and self preservation is one of the strongest is massively different. back then i was policing my own mind and trying to supress the intrusive thought (that might offend god). in christianity you can offend god just by thinking, and that gave me a full time chore of making sure i don't think too much about sinful things. problem was i can't really suppress thoughts away from my mind, all i could do is focus on something else (like say a prayer) to make the intrusive blasphemous thought go time while reading the bible i had a spontaneous thought "THAT'S BULLSHIT!" so i had to focus on reading to try to bloc it.when jesus said "my yoke is ligth" he was lying! this thing is not light at all. my life was a dreary living nightmare. in the back of my mind i was yearning if only there was a way out of this fucking pit in my mind. it was as if i were in jail and i couldn't tell anyone how i hate my life because you have to pretend you love god and want to obey him. i couldn't even admit how much i hated my life because i might offend th LORD my life was a pit of emptiness. jesus said "whoever doesn't hate his life cannot be my disciple" boy was he right about that one. relationship with god is like being a battered wife with stokholm syndrome: god makes you feel like shit perpetually but you have to pretend you love him. i used to look at birds and think how fortunate are they are that they don't experience existential crisis.
>>17439751What disquiets you? Fear of hek?
>>17440891Wow, we are the same.I’m definitely not an orthodox Christian.Like whenever I hear any gospel songs I just go “bullshit” too.And that part where you mentioned the yoke and all.I always thought I’d be this special strong Christian but I have been really disillusioned. Like the Joker said, one bad night, that was the straw.I don’t want to get argumentative but I still believe Christianity is true despite all that.I consider it an unfortunate cold truth.Gnosticism doesn’t work btw, the all powerful one cannot be exempt from the equation.One thing I can say is that God definitely isn’t all good, or all loving.
>>17441133And that might is right, the book of Job wasn’t very subtle about it.I used to have difficulties incorporating the denial of the fact with my worldview, cause it wasn’t true.Might indeed does make right.
It’s funny that God warns us of judging without knowledge but he is going to judge us, people without knowledge?
The one behind all the posts calling Nordic people Mongoloid is a Bolivian Castizo 15% Amerindian. Larp as an Iberian and Mediterranean being Latinx with Amerindian blood, it makes sense that all the posts made to divide Europeans are made by non-whites.
>>17440991I don't deny it.It's just that Amerindians are closer to Europeans than pure chinks, just historical Native Americans were much more noble people with the brutal phenotypes of the Cro-Magnons of the Upper Paleolithic.
>>17440987The Bolivian tranny after taking the DNA test does not believe in the results and is only guided by the phenotype.
>>17441036I would rather be 5% Native American than 5% Siberian Mongoloid (which I am).
>>17441052Amerindian blood is stronger than Siberian, look at the average castizx vs the average Sami.
>>17441132Picrelated is half Anglo and 75% European and is a total brownoid. Amerindian blood is dirtier.
Has anyone watched this guy's latest video?He makes the case that the people referred to as "Scythians" in ancient sources weren't just haphazardly confused with one another, but were called that way because they formed part of an Indo-European continuity and were recognised as such (by themselves and by outsiders). Jordanes, for example, didn't identify the Goths with the Scythians out of confusion or an attempt at chasing prestige, but because there was an ancestral bond the Goths were conscious of.Can any autists with more knowledge on the subject comment?
>>17436704guys ...fucker said here >>17427594>Hungarian is completely fabricated out of thin air. Their official language until the 19th century was Latin.I want to get the schizo to explain this shit to me. I've just finished reading the memoirs of a certain princeps Transsylvaniae in his original Hungarian and thus you should try to imagine my surprise when this guy claimed Hungarian is a recent conlang and that Hungarians including serfs and all spoke latin until 1838 when latin as an official language was abolished. it is true that latin was the official language of the kingdom from about 1000 until 1838, meaning that contracts and testaments and books of law were composed in latin, and that in consequence everybody (yes, including the serfs) knew *some* latin, but they spoke hungarian. the first complete written hungarian sentence - in fact the first direct attestation of any uralic language ever - comes from 1055, the first complete poem from 1190 or thereabouts, but from personal names we see hungarian in the tenth century taking over the place of whatever steppe turk dialect the conquerors of 896 spoke (like turk personal names with an ordinary meaning being translated to hungarian). besides, after the kingdom got split in three, the transylvanian part switched to hungarian as official language, and only the habsburg part kept to latin. so, what the fuck is this guy talking about?
Jeet-tier wewuzzing.
>>17429347Wasn't Thiazi an eagle jotunn
>>17439784To me it seems evident that the "Jotuns" refers to the horselords of the steppe as a concept, whereas the Aesir refers to the powerful moundbuilders of western europe and into the mediterranean with emphasis on Egypt, whereas the Vanir represents the domesticators of various beasts on the Anatolian peninsula.Loki being a personification of the "ultimate domesticator" being able to walk in and out of animal form whereas Odin is more of a moundbuilder-leaning/greco-coptic personification like how literally Thoth and Seshat is the inspiration for Odin and Gridr.
>US (and British and Canadian) lend-lease saved the Russians and won the warHold on buster! Let's look at a couple of other things.>Canada supplied 97% of Allied nickelLooks like Canada won the entire war.>Soviets sent Germany 1 million tons of oil from August 1939 to June 1941Damn, Soviets really did achieve all those German victories in the early years.I don't know who won anymore. Who was the greatest lend-lease we wuzzer?
Who was worse? The Gestapo or The Stasi?
>>17439419Yup its exactly the same shit. Cope with it.
>>17440506People generally respect their "own" spies who pull off impressive feats *abroad*.
>>17437770He should've kept fucking the general's daughter.
>>17437165>Russian Kompromat Chancellor, a full blown Nazi militia cell, and 10 Islamist terrorist attacks a day right now.Very based, imagine all the "happenings" occurring instead of a boring, slowing collapsing neoliberal German elite.
>>17435386>Americanid creature claps it's pawsThere's a reason east is the region of Germany still with any semblance of tradition, pride, and dignity. The west is a soulless hellhole with the highest rate of furries in the world and cheerleading the arrival of 10 million Africans.
If God isn't real, why do you go on living? What are you living for? >I just doWhat are you, an animal? You must be if you're satisfied with that answer. Come on, face reality. Answer me. What the fuck are you putting your faith in?
>>17438868This image unintentionally goes hard.
>>17438782>People lie sometimes therefore it's fine for me to spout bullshitWhat a disgusting person.
>>17438787I like how you know that you're lying, which is why you're just coping about how I won't believe any evidence. Don't you guys brag all the time about how atheist scientists get converted by looking into miracles? I guess that was just another lie.
>>17438954Sperg bros, I kneel.
Atheist answers to this topic always sound so wishy washy and vague, as if they try not to ever think too hard about it.
Summarized by the amalgamation of EE and WE.
>>17440270It is. There is not a single P* outside of one west Eurasian Siberian. There is also a single K* and it’s in a West Eurasian Siberian as well.>according to family treeLook at the coverage. It’s not P, it’s R2.Kostenki’s C1 is also found in SundAbos.You are in denial because the implication is that White people (who look like me) have been having sex with people who looked like you for a very long time.>>17440275These aren’t even basal, the oldest non-basal clades are still in Siberians like Nivkhs.
>>17440205>>17440241Now the anti-Nordic bronwnoid is pro nigger zoomali. A borrealized Finn is still more human than any horn nigger.
>>17441032amateur fake and false, just stop posting ffs
>For instance, the Maya civilization maintained written records, which were often destroyed by Christian Europeans such as Diego de Landa, who viewed them as paganWhy are Christcucks like this?
>>17440868The spaniard has always had a chip on his shoulder due to his previous Brutal conquest at the Hands of thr Moor
>>17440868How can conquerors be cucks, do you even know the meaning of the word. Also they sacrificed and ate people. Their records are validly deleted from the face of the earth. God dictated worse things for idolater human sacrificing nations in the OT, so in comparison they got a merciful fate.
>>17440975>burns several thousand fellow European Christians alive after locking them up in a church
>>17441018You see cannibalism is also a thing among dutch, they ate their prime minister once
>>17441037Catholicucks commit cannibalism every single Sunday according to their own lore (reminder that according to Catholicuck theology the bread and wine is NOT a metaphor)
What did the Mongolians think about the gays?
>>17438568I love the way he draws girls. They always look cute and sly.
>>17438568I like it when he draws cartoon girls more, I feel like it fits his style better. Kind of based that he likes history girls so much though, I think you're just gay.
>>17438568>Artist has unique style as opposed to yet another Animestyle copy paste NPC>Anons seethe
>>17438670>Joan of Arc is Jewish and Evil now according to Chuds you losers are full time cry babies >>17438766Are you tripping bro?
>>17439891Cute. Would totally watch them make out and have sex
China was once poorer than most african countriesWhat did china do right?
By being slaves to white pipo, if whites allowed chinamen in America, America would’ve been redeemed.
>>17439297Socialism with Chinese characteristics
>>17439297>What did china do right?socialism with Chinese characteristics guided by two of the greatest thinkers of all time, Deng Xiaoping a Xi Jinping
>>17439297Do realize a ton of those African states had their economies bloated by shipping out minerals or had a ton fought the wealth siphoned through the supply chain and elite/minority capture, they weren't exactly "real" for the lack of a better word. China is also way way way more populated so GDP and per capita stats are fucked in terms of 1:1 comparisons . If you picked Chinese stats by specific regions and specific cities, you'd see a more useful contrast between rural China and urban China stats that also can be better compared to global ones>>17439385China was a mess back then so that point isn't really solid. Not to mention the nasty stereotypes it had as seen in the shit Albert Einstein used to employ.>>17439592>So in the end the african countries tried but failed pretty much every time.Recent gains have been working decently. Kenya had protests that went well, several elections over the past few years went off without much controversy.
>>17440997Yeah some African countries have been getting their shit together recently, mostly in the Horn and East Africa but a handful in West Africa too.
Aryas of the world unite!! (Northern Indians, Russians, Europeans) rediscover your heritageGive up those semitic faiths of yours!!!All hail Aryāvarta!
>>17440981Well, this is the difference between medieval (real) Christians and modern sinners and perverts.that's what I'm talking about
>>17440998So real Christians are the ones which directly go against the bible and Jesus, rape nuns, and constantly tell the priesthood to stfu, while fake Christians are the ones who do all the opposite.
>>17441005if they rape and rob non-Christians, then this does not contradict the Bible.
>>17441019>nuns aren't christianLatinx logic.
>>17441022The Crusades concerned mainly Muslim lands, idiot.
Who applied the criminal code during the old ritsuryo legal system? Professional judges or executive branch officers?