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What was his problem?
>What was his problem?
He appears to be some kind of African.
but this is next level insane in the membrane
>Son of a witch doctor who killed his own brother as a sacrifice
>Mandated the death of everyone who wore glasses and banned the word "intellectual"
>Introduces the national motto, "There is no other God than Macias Nguema"
>His cult of personality invaded the Catholic church of Equatorial Guinea. Priests were ordered to thank him before mass, pictures of him were placed in churches, and at the Iglesia de San Fernando in Malabo there was a photo of him adorned with the phrase "God created Equatorial Guinea thanks to Macías."
>Killed the governor of the central bank and moved the money to his house (a hut in his ancestral village) where he hid the money under his bed.
>When he left the capital he turned off the electricity because he didn't feel it was necessary.
>On Christmas Eve 1975, he had his soldiers wear Santa Claus costumes and executed over a hundred political opponents at the national football stadium to the music of "Those were the days" by Mary Hopkins.
>Nobody under his regime got paid, his presidential guard had to resort to hunting and foraging to survive.
>Friends with North Korean dictator Kim Il-sung
>Said that Adolf Hitler was trying to liberate Africa from the colonialists, but he got confused and conquered Europe instead. Later declared himself a "Hitlerian-Marxist."
>Forced the entire population of Equatorial Guinea to undergo daily military training with wooden rifles.
>Burned all the boats and mined roads to prevent escape but in the process halted economic activity.
>Couldn't travel outside the country without special permission from him.
>For around four years, the country had no written press because according to Macias government, there has been no paper.
>Banned all Western medicine, claiming it to be "unAfrican"
>Banned all private education, deeming it "subversive"
>Abolished religion, shuttered churches to use as weapons caches, and jailed or expelled priests.
>Imposed a decree in 1974 which ordered priest to open with the following sermon "Nothing with Macias, everything for Macias, down with colonialism and ambitious"
>He assumed titles such as the “Great Maestro of Popular Education, Science, and Traditional Culture” and “The Only Miracle of Equatorial Guinea.”
>By the end of 1974, more than two-thirds of the members of the 1968 Assembly had “disappeared” and most of the senior civil servants were killed, imprisoned, or driven into exile.
>Built a wall around inner parts of the capital city Malabo, which included the Cathedral, his palace and a larger number of houses, whose owners were dislodged and had to find new houses outside the wall.
>Builds wall for his compound despite never living in the capital for over five years.
>During his trial, Macias claimed the wall was one of his "many" works for the benefit of the community.
>His death sentence had to be carried out by soldiers from Morocco because the Guinean soldiers were afraid of his magic powers.
>On Christmas Eve 1975, he had his soldiers wear Santa Claus costumes and executed over a hundred political opponents at the national football stadium to the music of "Those were the days" by Mary Hopkins.

epic joker move

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*destroys fundamentalist pseudoscientists 1500 years before they become popular*
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>Another lack of reading comprehension, I said 'Aristotelean physics AND not in a round world
Yes, however I didn't have the lack the intelligence to think that's even a meaningful statement. I realize you are completely historically illiterate, but saying "He believed in Aristotelian physics and a flat earth" is like saying "I believe in Einsteinian physics and a flat earth". Maybe if you had more self-control and less psychotic rage you could have done so much as googled Aristotelian physics instead of rushing to spew more idiocy.
>The ones who belive in a round Earth and in antipodes, both of which exist.
Well, someone's a regular genius.
>Too bad anyone who's ever commented Lactantius' rant about the antipodes understood it as him saying the world wasn't round.
I had no idea there was such an extensive history of writing commentaries on Lactantius, let alone that you were personally familiar with it. Even if that was the case this appeal to popularity would no more be an argument than it is right now when your entire familiarity with this is coming from the much smarter unbeliever you're attempting to plagiarize.
>The idea that the rains and snow can also take place in the Southern Emisphere is absurd to Lactantius, as well as that of people walking "upside down"
Yes it is. That's because Lactantius like everyone else in the world at his time doesn't know what gravity is. I don't think you do either, since you won't tell me what "down" means because you're scared of embarrassing yourself. What does "down" mean?
>Of course, Lactantius was proven to be the one who was completely wrong on this matter
As were they. I hope you aren't stupid enough to think the fact they happened to be right means they weren't wrong, since their lucky guess was based on a completely incorrect understanding of physics, which is why everything else in their model proved to be wrong
>if the Earth is round, then, according to Lactantius, the antipodes (lands which mirror our own, with snows, people, lakes, mountains etc.) must NECESSARY exist!
No, again, this is explicitly his opponents' reasoning, not his own. You may be a creature unrestrained by morals, but you're an idiot for lying about this right after I pointed it out. It's an example of them being just as wrong, since the idea of antipodes does not actually follow merely from the idea of a globe. As they had no conception of gravity, many people believed all the land and water on the earth was located on the "top" of the sphere, since any on the "sides" would "fall off". That is why he asks why objects on the antipodes (the other side of the world) wouldn't simply fall into the "lower heaven".
>hence if the existence of the antipodes is a NECESSARY condition for a round Earth to exist (according to Lactantius), then, again, according to Lactantius, a round Earth CANNOT exist.
Now quote the part where he actually said that. Oh wait
>you have to read the paragraph with some care
I'd be surprised if you read it at all. Makes one wonder why it would need to be read with care, since it would be more remarkable for Lactantius to be unaware that literally everyone else in the world believed it was round than for him to think it was flat. Really makes you think
>Atheists are criminals to be punished rather than interlocutors to be debated
Zamn, this was an interesting thread, thanks effortanon!
Great to see faggot OP blow another gasket into the stratosphere
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>this thread
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Why were christian theologians incapable of communicating the allegorical/metaphorical nature of the OT to subsequent followers?

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If I’m going to believe in fantasy, why would I choose a middle-eastern fantasy over a European one?
because we need to fuck niggers
that's the foundational principle of post roman society
Its kinda like the Legend of the sleeping Barbarossa

When did you realize Jehovah's Witnesses were the true religion?
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Looks like a Warhammer 40k book
Wow, you're old
>Jehovas Wittneses
Heretics ,not even Christian anymore
Many dictionaries define "Christian" as someone who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or who follows the religion based on his life and teachings.

Jehovah's Witnesses do believe in Jesus and follow his teachings.
They believe that Jesus is extremely important...in fact he is the second most important person in the universe next to God Himself!

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I'm replaying it now and while it *feels* historically accurate for the most part, some things still feel a bit off and like they're influenced too much by modern expectations/values (e.g., almost all members of the gang being progressive and tolerant, barely any actual racism or sexism shown to named characters, not able to attack or antagonise injuns, not allowed to engage with prostitutes, etc.)
I absolutely love the game but I'm curious what the positives/negatives are of it from a historical accuracy perspective. I am not a redditor that pretends it's perfect.
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Isn't there the KKK in it? While accurate as to the racism of the time, the KKK had basically ceased to exist by that point thanks to Grant stamping it out, and it not really having much of a purpose since its objective was to end Reconstruction (the economic crisis of the 70s did that for them, making Yanks lose interest in it)
They are anarchist leftist outlaws, it’s a major plot point of the game that you would have to have a mushed brain to not see. That’s what Dutch’s gang is.
The characters aren't that inaccurate, stop seething about muh sjws for five minutes. Dutch is literally just a Boston Anarchist, a sub-ideology of anarchism that originated in New England, stop crying about how he treats minorities okay for five seconds seriously.
heh totally checks out
So its accurate then.

If a dedicated person can destroy two nation what can a dedicated persob do that is good?
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It’s a bit chuddy, cmon bud. Especially the player base. I love that game too, but it’s the truth.
Maybe I’m a retard but I never understood what the fuck was happening in that dlc. I just looted everything and killed that guy like this anon >>16593763
>the NCR and the Legion ( the "Bear" and the "Bull")
seriously, why was this nigga so allergic to proper names?
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>Ulysses comes from a tribe subjugated by the Legion
>Despite that works as a Legion spy for a while, but eventually deserts
>One day stumbles upon a small, well functioning community in a canyon between California and Mojave
>He is charmed by the community so much that it rebuilds his faith in the possibility of finding home and creating a decent life despite the world's fucked up state.
>One day however when he returned there the only thing he found were the irradiated ruins of the community and the canyon transformed into what is now The Divide, which completely broke him mentally
>He investigated and found out that (as one of their assignments before the events of New Vegas) the Courier (as in, NV protagonist) has been passing through the community and left a package there
>It turned out that this package contained some device that activated old military installations in the canyon and detonated some of the nukes stored there
>The Courier was long gone before it happened and had no idea what he was even delivering there, quickly forgetting the random ass town, but Ulysses got himself convinced that Courier delivered the thing on purpose and was some ultimate antagonist sowing reckless destruction. He vowed to destroy a community the Courier holds dear to teach him a lesson and exact vengeance
>He tracked the Courier, spied on him for a while (traces of that can be found in the main game) and then lured him to the Divide to fulfill his plan
That's the gist of it, but yeah, he is pretty much a schizo with a few interesting insights
He was originally supposed to appear in the main game and have a larger, different role there

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Why is this guy praised by the Brit’s?
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>loses entire navy and hundreds of thousands of british men fighting the Germans
>literally didn't make a single dent in them, the Soviets and Americans did all the war winning
>goes bankrupt and loses all colonies, effectively losing global power status and becoming a USA puppet state

Why are the British so pathetic?
>the state of the former Axis
Germany is a vassal of NATO. Japan can't run their economy without being propped up by burgerbux. Shitaly loves off of EU gibs.
>the state of the former Allies
Yeah bro being hegemon of the western world totally sucks. Lmao
Maybe arabs shouldnt have colonized Israel and cry now
You will never be a Woman tho
They formed some alliances with natives. The real difference is their agenda was overt, and the vast majority of the natives understood this is how geopolitics work, and waited until the time was right, and it came after WW2 when the Europeans lost their ability to project power.

>Loves nature
>Hates technology and what its doing to humanity and the world
>Claims to be blowing up people for the good of the world
>Blows up random people at colleges and attempts to blow up passenger jets

Why didn't he just actually go after people actively harming the planet like oil companies, plastic manufacturers, mining and logging companies etc. Sounds like he was justifying his hatred of people under the guise of environmental protection.
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I'm married with kids.
begone satan
seems more like a tranny women don't type like that energetically
It probably is bait but there's Vera Zasulich, one of the first modern terrorists
You will not slander Uncle Ted

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No, I believe there is a regularlife, this existence is an abberation.
Because Christ rose from the dead.
It's a cope because the alternative (consciousness death) is too grim.
to me, spending infinite years either in the cloud choir prison or the mega torture rape prison is equally, infinitely more grim, death should just be the final rest
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Ghostmaxxers are history. Throughout the ages, it is ghostmaxxing men that drive the tide of fate. This ghostmaxxed comment that I am typing now will reach dozens, if not hundreds, if not thousands of people.
The ones at the top are ghosts. They are human beings hiding behind countless need-to-know clearances and nobody knows who they even are.

You were built in the image of the creator, and what that means is that you too were gifted with the power of the Holy GHOST, by birthright. The power of the Holy Ghost lies in adventure. Though waging or taking neetbux from governments and shitposting is easier, GHOSTMAXXING is the greatest power in this universe. It trumps all. So use your power that was given to you and fulfill your destiny.

If you do nothing, you and everyone you love will slowly die, or worse they will become literal NPC's caught in the jewish panopticon.
IF you take action, this can be prevented.
The more time you spend playing video games, shitposting here or watching kike films instead of taking action, the more time this evil has to spread.

It's time to exit the digital jew panopticon and leave behind your old life stranded in the chain of time, so take action anon.

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I know she is a bit of a meme, so we have forgotten the real person, but I re-read her writings and I can’t stop crying. It rekindled my unbridled love for her yet again. She was so bright but was cut down so soon. I identify pretty strongly with her.

One thing is that I forgot the whiny jewish character of her writings at times. She still identifies strongly as a Jew and comes off as kinda whiny. But given the context it might be forgiven .
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>identifying with humanity as a whole and moving past ethno-nationalism would be a stronger position.
>ceases to exist as those with the "weaker" position replace and forget you
I guess the W stands for winner...
> It's difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart. It's utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos, suffering and death. I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquility will return once more. In the meantime, I must hold on to my ideals. Perhaps the day will come when I'll be able to realize them!

Anne literally keeps me going in times of need. Thank you.
>I know she is a bit of a meme

You've come to the right place pal
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This you?

This is what they took from you

I know it may sound to some like a silly question but i was thinking the other day about how people in the UK durring the war dug bomb cellars and shit and it occured to me that plenty of castles in england and scotland along with germany and austria for the axis later in the war could probably have served as decent bomb shelters to house large amounts of troops in.
Obviously the fortications were by those days ancient but in the era of air bombardment kinda feels like its better then alot of the alternatives had at that time.
Anyone ever think of it int he 1940s??
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>Were Castles Ever Used in WWII?
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Yeah, Castle Wolfenstein
Fortress of Brest.

Not to mention also that the bay to Leningrad was loaded with forts.
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The network of tunnels beneath Dover Castle served as a barracks for soldiers during the Napoleonic Wars, became a headquarters and hospital during the Second World War, and were equipped to serve as a Regional Seat of Government in the 1960s in the event of nuclear war.


Why did mythicism fail?
Because it was retarded.

I'm not Catholic, and I don't really have any problems with you, quite the contrary, I know the history of the church and I know how it basically founded and saved western civilization.
But there are several things that seem to me to be eternally debated. one of them is the issue of “church doctors.”
Can women be doctors or not? related photo is one side of this debate. It has always seemed to me that women have had more authority and elevation in Catholicism than in other religions. and please, let's have a serious discussion without memes, without insults and without any kind of juvenile nonsense.
thanks for reading
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John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, was the first within his movement to authorize a woman to preach. In 1761, he granted a license to preach to Sarah Crosby.[9]
Oxymoron. Catholics should be meek.
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But picrel is pretty cool
bump itttt

I still like the Vikings even though they murdered all of these innocent people including muh ancestors from Germany and Britain
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Shouldn't have been standing there.
I think you are coping hard and constructing your own head narrative.

The Vikings lost the second siege of Paris, then they were captured (very dishonourable), then they were hired as mercenaries in service to Charles instead of being executed.

>Also a bit pedantic
More like mental gymnastics. Rollo was a Dane.
I have read gregorys ten books before because someone came with the same claim, he was unable to point to the line and I was unable to find it where gregory speaks of Clovis being bribed by the church to convert
They were the Somali pirates of their time
>because they were retarded
They had an advanced idea of identity that they could sail across the northern sea and kill some random peasants in Ireland due to the hostility of christianity but had no idea that Christianity could convert their own aristocrats over to its own ideas?

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