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why did God send his sexiest angels to sodom
was he just feeling cheeky or something?

The Bible places Sodom and Gomorrah in the Dead Sea region, between modern-day Israel and Jordan.

Some suggest that the cities were destroyed by a natural disaster, such as an earthquake that triggered a landslide.
>men of Sodom raped sexy angels
Sodomites must have been very similar to prison gay and "it's for dominance" straight a,d bisexual men. And we gays get all the blame.
All heaven is unbelievably splendorous and beautiful.

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post bible verses that make apologists cope (more than usual at least)
>Genesis 6:6-7 "The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, 'I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created--and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground--for I regret that I have made them.'"
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>goalpost moving from Christ to one of the Apostles
>kvetching about Paul in particular
(you) do realize he was beheaded for his beliefs, right?
and he left a comfy pharisee doctor life (physician) to go become a vagrant preacher all over EastMed
Whatever you say about Saul of Tarsus, he was no liar
i'm pretty sure i can be forgiven for moving the goalpost on one occasion, when you yourself ignore almost the entirety of my arguments. but if you want an actual rebuttal against 'Jesus never told you or me to listen to false prophets', then here it is: so what. jesus makes alot of claims, none of them are substantiated. prayer doesn't work and miracles don't exist, these are facts of reality and it doesn't help in making jesus' claims any kind of plausible.
>(you) do realize [Paul] was beheaded for his beliefs
plenty of non-christians have met similar fates, your point? that doesn't mean anything, you can be a deceiver while being deceived. plus we have no idea if paul's vision really happened, it's all unsubstantiated claims and 'trust me bro's. if that's all you need to believe, then you should have no problem with muslims and mormons.
>he was beheaded for his beliefs
We dont know how he died.
You're gonna need him one day.
he's gonna have to make me need him, which he absolutely can and will do if he's the manipulative narcissist that you make him out to be.

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>I used to believe in God, Jesus, go to Church, read the Bible
>But then I realized that I love getting rammed in the ass by AIDS ridden faggots
>Therefore God isn't real
How do atheists not realize that this isn't a valid argument?
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No, I am not full of debate like you. Have fun burning.
You are talking about shit you have no clue about.
So change belief.
>But then I realized that I love getting rammed in the ass by AIDS ridden faggots
Wow man you totally steelmanned my arguments and now I'm convinced homosexuality is immoral, how could I not think about your incredibly relevant example sooner.
retarded comic artist doesn't even know there's two forearm bones

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When will the third temple be built?
No. they know they polluted their blood so badly they can not redeem covenant 1 and even if they hadn't, they also broke covenant 1 by not doing the religious practices required by covenant 1

they are the perpetual larpers larping till the buss wheels fall off

>For The New York Times, Richard Aldous commented: "All told, it must surely be the best single-volume biography of Churchill yet written."[35]

makes me wonder what are the best single volume biographies of other people. And what is the best multi volume biography of churchill?
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>what are the best single volume biographies of other people
I recommend Becoming Hitler by Thomas Weber
Churchill was fat and had an IQ of 115 max
I'm a big fan of Andrew Roberts Napoleon biography
even in the most flattering pic from the '40s he looks more than buzzed
Bismarck: A Life by Jonathan Steinberg
It's great, but I prefer Churchill's

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ITT, I'll post an Irish Republican Calendar, which shows photographs of IRA, mostly in Northern Ireland.

They're interesting because you can see dates marked as significant events from the Troubles; the fall of Stormont, Battle of St Matthews, etc. Feel free to ask about anything in the pictures, or about the Troubles in general.
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If you're going to pick random battles from history to articulate whatever fucktarded point you're making, perhaps don't choose one where the fact that Orange historians are notorious liars is displayed in the literal wikipedia battlebox.

C'mon, anon. Anti-Irish seethers used to at least put a bit of effort in. Dogwalking you fags every thread is getting boring. Endless /pol/slop
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>Ulster scots are the master race LARPers
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I suppose if some anons want to talk about Loyalism, we can!

As we all know, Loyalist Paramilitaries are generally credited with having "started" the Troubles. Opposed to the growing Northern Ireland Civil Rights movement and ever watchful for any resurgent IRA campaign, the first Loyalist terror campaigns began in the mid 1960s when the UVF "declared war on the IRA."

How did this war against the IRA go?
Well, the total number of Republican Paramilitary members they killed in the Troubles was 41. They also killed 31 Nationalist/Republican Politicians, lawyers, or members of Nationalist/Republican Parties.

They killed 14 members of the British Security Forces. They killed 718 civilians, 63 of whom were Protestant. So, in summary, Loyalists killed more Protestant Civilians than they did members of Republican Paramilitaries.

They also killed 56 fellow Loyalist Paramilitary members, mostly due to feuds, typically over drugs or personal power dynamics in Loyalist gangs. In these feuds, 2 Protestant civilians were killed. There are another 61 civilian deaths for mixed reasons (punishment attacks, robberies, catholic journalists, unknown motive, etc). Loyalist Paramilitaries rarely claimed responsibility for attacks, making it quite difficult to pin down who killed who. But one thing's for sure - if an IRA man died, it probably wasn't a Loyalist who did it.
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Many bouts of Loyalist violence against civilians occured after one of two things;
>an IRA attack, on anything
Often hoping to "retaliate", Loyalists would head out after news arrived of anyone dying at the hands of the IRA. However, without any real direction, they usually just headed into a Catholic area and shot someone.
>Political let-down
Any time things seemed to be pointing toward a settlement between Unionism/Nationalism (or the British Government and the IRA), they headed out.

In the mid 1970s the negotiations between the IRA and the British Government began having collapsed years prior. On Feburary 10th, the IRA agreed to a truce and ceased all attacks on Security Forces. While the Truce only lasted until the 17th, may Loyalists feared that the writing was on the wall.

Their strategy was simple; do something grim, provoke a reaction. This was a common act of collusion between British Security Forces and Loyalists; the RUC, UDR, and British Army all did it. So..
>July 31st
>Loyalists shoot five members of the Miama Showband, a hugely popular caberet band
>Among the killers were two serving UDR soldiers
>They belonged to the Glenanne Gang, a group of Loyalist militants including members of the RUC and UDR.

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In the time since this thread has been posted, another act of British Collusion has been revealed.

Clifford McKeown, a member of the Loyalist Volunteer Force for the murder of Catholic taximan Michael McGoldrick in 1996, was in fact acting as an agent for Special Branch. But why kill McGoldrick?

Well, this was 1996; the Drumcreee Standoff was in full swing. The Orange Order wanted to march through a mostly Catholic area. The Catholic residents opposed this, as they felt the march (often accompanied by Loyalist Paramilitaries and the RUC) was supremacist in nature and usually brought violence with it. They asked for it to be rerouted. This caused widespread Loyalist outrage, as well as the killing of a lawyer representing the Catholic residents.

The leader of the UVF's Mid-Ulster Brigade, Billy Wright, was so angered by Drumcree that he decided to break the ceasefire the UVF had declared in 1994. He came up with a plan;
>Kidnap 3 priests
>Threaten to execute them unless the Orange Order was allowed to march
Instead, his supporters gave him McGoldrick as a "birthday present"-they called a taxi and lured him out to the countryside, where they shot him in the head 5 times. The UVF ended up standing down Billy Wright, who broke away to found the Loyalist Volunteer Force-beginning a feud between the two groups.

There we have it; the man who did it was a British Intelligence Asset.

Why is it that atheists can only spread their vile ideology through a computing machine via the internet? Rarely do you see these people congregating in the real world, making a difference in people's lives. No, instead they seem to prefer wasting their lives away on sites like reddit, posting nonsensical memes while stroking their beards. No friends, no family, and probably not even a job to go to.
Just countless hours being wasted on tomfoolery
Why do they do things this way, historically speaking?
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Don't post satanic cartoons. You will burn in magic lava!
This is blasphemy.
We usually just call them retard brownoids and do not approach them much like you wouldn't approach a wild anim... wait, christkeks actually believe approaching wild animals with the jew book in their hands will actually save them. Kek. There's visual evidence.
uh oh christsisters
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Unlike you, we face the problem head-on rather than be a coward and let it fester and grow

Every martyr who died ends up making his name shine even brighter. And what joy it is to participate in that.

As for you, there is nothing that awaits a life of cowardice

Just kidding
What I am offering is the alternative to this type of thinking.
At this point in time I am a human on the internet typing to my future self,
Here goes everything:

Your faith in god is irrelevant feels so strong and unappreciative of Linkin Park's vision musically because hey, if you genuinely hate Linkin Park, I have some applications to the local Walmart for (meow) like you. You are hopeless,
You, future self, are not. So why believe in God? Easy, well, actually...How best to put this, how can I, the genuine best atheist in the world, best serve the almighty?
Thats not the question you should ask, for The Almighty Prime Mover TAPM gave you free will. So we could spend all day arguing why something came out of nothing, aka Big Bang theory, or we could spend all day arguing why nothing came out of nothing, modern day depressive Eeyore™ style why-botherism, atheism and nihilism,

No matter where you are, whether its cramped up in the worst car seat between two mobidly obese "leaders of the people" types, or sprawled naked in your 777 dollar golden silk robe hand stitched by the natives of Nepal, I want you to breathe, but not just breathe, breathe and ask yourself this: "Who deserves this breath?" for it is a koan with no answer. Namaste. Enjoy your blessed day, Please be kind, fellow Anonymous.

Remember, if you're in the backseat in a Florida Rehab bus wanting to kill yourself, just look up and thank god, because one day, you'll thank him on your highest high as you remember your lowest low. God bless.

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Is Stoicism the best philosophy for an anxious millennial whom never had a father figure growing up?
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>him never had
Sounds wrong, doesn't it? Saying "whom never had" is just as wrong. Stoicism isn't going to save you by the way, only Jesus will save you.
It barely worked for Aurelius, in fact it probably made it worse.
To whoms't'dve this may concern, this anon may be a faggot
No. Go buy some funkopops or watch the lotr trilogy. Works for me.
What kind of funkopops? I like cowboys

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>Yes, Jesus is Jewish.
>Yes, Jesus is the Messiah
>Yes, He was called Rabbi.
>No, He is not a white man with blonde hair and blue eyes.
>Yes, one true God is the God of the Jews (as well as the rest of the world)
>Yes, the Jews are God's chosen people, although that just means that He has higher standards and expectations for them and doesn't overlook their shortcomings like He does with the rest of the nation.
>No, the Jews are not superior to the Gentiles and they never were, we are under the New covenant, so the division between Jews and Gentiles is no more, now the division is between Christians and non-Christians.
>Yes, God will reject all of the Jews who refuse to accept Jesus along with the heathen gentiles.
You may now proceed to seethe uncontrollably.
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>So there is still a division between Jews and Gentiles
Wrong, as the OP said, the division now is between Christians and non-Christians, Jews that don't accept Jesus as the Messiah are damned.
So Jews aren't God's chosen people.
What do you think being "God's chosen people" means?
See, inside a Christian mind, there is not much thought going on. But what little they can think, they believe if their hallucinations said God said 1+1=3, they would believe it in blind faith. This is the same logic being applied to those mutually exclusive statements.
God granted humans free will. The Israelites could choose either to follow the Mosaic Law or to lose His approval and their status as His chosen nation (see Deuteronomy 30:19,20).
Jesus began His preaching ministry with the Jews and only later turned to the Gentiles after being rejected.

The Bible is full of examples of changes in plans due to the behavior of God’s servants.

From what I understand, God is omniscient, but He does not interfere with or look ahead at the future we choose.
Or maybe Dōgen was right, and the truth lies in not getting angry and staring at a wall for decades.

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>kills everybody who wears glasses
>wears glasses himself
what gives?
he was just implementing eugenic
bet the eyesight in cambodia is phenomenal
know your enemy
>anon discovers absolute rulers have no reason to follow their own rules

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Is he single-handedly to blame?
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no in the sense of there were many other factors for the congo turning into a giga shitshow, but his rule over it certainly did not help
You mean that ironically right? Was having an affair with a 16 year old french girl, 49 years her senior doing "nothing wrong"?
it was a different time
kek, subtle OP, very subtle
I thought what did he was bad but then I got to know Congolese people and stopped caring

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Let's say a mid-level noble, like a duke, wanted to institute a law in his fief which contradicted Catholic doctrine. Let's imagine it's something like Prima Nocta (which wasn't a real thing, I know), which violates the sanctity of marriage via adultery.

I imagine the clergy would be rather upset about it, but how much power did they have to challenge those kinds of immoral edicts?

I lack belief in naturalism. Is there any naturalist here who can meet the burden of proof for their position?
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Oh easy, all the points you raised are wrong because I said so. I'm only going by your own standards for evidence anon.
Going by your own standards for evidence, it's super easy to dismiss anything I don't like out of personal incredulity because critical thinking is hard. If pressed for evidence I can just give you this .png file that someone very important made (trust me bro) that just reaffirms my own assertions. You can then attempt to refute me but my circular logic will ultimately prevail.
>What point has been raised that I've refused to dialogue on?
"The image you posted is inaccurate and not necesarilly reflective of an intelligent creator"
>"But they are aesthetic and coronas aren't the sun because I can't see them"
"The Earth is likely older than 6,000 years based on radiocarbon dating of buried isotopes within various sediment layers"
>"Those were created from a global flood because it says right here in this book"
"I am skeptical of this books credibility because it makes outlandish claims that are demonstrably false"
>"The book shouldn't be taken literally unless I want to take it literally for the sake of my own personal argments"
Gonna keep moving the goalpost champ? You think doing this for 300 posts is going to not make you look like an idiot?
Psssst, gravity is a constant..
The fact you're here now at just the right time as an observer witnesing an event concerning bodies of mass doesn't mean said bodies of mass behaving as they are now will be behaving the same in in the future nor the past.

You're right here at the right time. And if you wern't you'd never know.
don't joke around too much. daemons exist
>Anon how hard is something that's molten?
It's harder than air and birds don't fly in it, that's for sure. "Molten" refers to the process of metalworking, the root of the word at matter. Ancient mirrors were made of beaten metal. The name "shamayim" simply identifies it with its vastness. No matter how naive the ancients were, they knew there was a difference between the firmament/dome/shell, sphere of the heavens which is apparently quite far away and presents a physical barrier to the waters beyond; and where our heads live when we are standing upright. Why would they refer to them by related terms? Maybe because they were full of shit and didn't know what they were talking about, and didn't think they were going to have to answer for interplanetary probes or parallax calculations at the time they were cribbing Mesopotamian cosmology into their fabricated genealogy/land claims.

It's an incoherent and plainly incorrect view of the structure of the universe that, viewed charitably, appears to be as much poetic as it is the product of limited knowledge and observations. Better to just live with that than to try and mangle Scripture with your modern conceits and lies about what words meant when they were written.

What can you tell me about these ancient people? Their history, culture, genetic, etc
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Dude just move a 20 minute drive eastward. If Cardiff started somehow not speaking English you'd still have England (plus the Anglosphere). If Gwynedd continues to speak less Welsh the Welsh are fucked.
My grandfather literally got rapped over the knuckles by the teacher for speaking Welsh to his classmates.
You don't seem to be understanding at all. Little England beyond Wales is not Monmouthshire, it's a cultural region on the western side of Wales in south Pembrokeshire and Gower. They've spoken english there for centuries since the french forced refugees from belgium to live there. At the moment most of the place names there are English, it used to have its own dialect but that's mostly replaced with the modern welsh accent which is strongly influenced by the welsh language.

But yeah most English speaking places are on the border, and they could just go eastward. However both sides of the border contains aggressive nationalists, the only places where they're free from that that are close to Wales are the south west or Liverpool and that's still a great distance. Are you american btw? What may be a twenty minute drive for you is more like a forty minute drive in UK, you often end up on narrow lanes or just generally bad traffic because none of the roads were ever designed for modern use.

You're basically telling people to go to another country because the elite of theirs is disenfranchising them while pretending to be protecting their culture. There are a lot of people who just want to get on with it and not have to have everything made difficult just to please a small percent of the population.
That's probably a lie but it's quite well documented that welsh parents encouraged the welsh not as they considered speaking welsh to be a bad habit and wanted better opportunities for their children. It was never institutionalized by the English government. The not was never widespread, welsh declined as an effect of modernization.
They are a romanian legion that got recruited to england where they mixed with the britons of Anglesey.
The welsh dragon is a stylized scythian horse-wolf invented IN england to memorize their mixed heritage from a gothic/scythian/celtic migratory hired army at the edge of rome.
Basically Mandalorians.

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