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Manchu werent nomads and Qing was good until after Qianlong's reign.
This is a ridiculous comparison. China has in a sense, lasted as a civilization, but it has gone through a huge number of empires, dynasties, and other governments. It certainly has not been the same China since Roman times. Once we take ethnicity into account it becomes an even more ridiculous comparison. I don't know all that much about Eastern history but many Chinese empires (Yuan, Liao, Jin, Qing) weren't exactly "Chinese" at all. Whatever that even means.
The Qing probably qualify as eventually Chinese, just as the English dynasties became nativized. Otherwise there hasn't been an English king of England since 1066.
>North Africans
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Lmao, retard.
Qin and Han both raped the Xiongnu. Han conquered Xiongnu and forced the ones who did not get enslaved to migrate west where their descendants become Huns and raped the Romans and the Germans. The Han dynasty invaded and conquered Xiongnu territory with its armies reaching central Asia and the Xiongnu were powerless against Han. Apart of the Xiongnu, most of the other barbarian tribes surrounding the Han Dynasty such as the Wuhuan, Qiang, Di, and various Central Asian states all submitted to the Han.
During the 16 Kingdoms period, generals like Ran Min, Huan Wen, and Liu Yu also conquered and killed many barbarian states. Ran Min most famously gave an order of total barbarian death and slaughtered millions.
The Tang dynasty conquered the Gokturks and also reached very far west into Central Asia. The Seljuks and other Turks who repeatedly raped the Byzantines are related to these Gokturks who were so easily raped by the Tang.
The Ming dynasty did not just overthrow the Mongols but also invaded Mongol territory, sacked Karakorum, slaughtered many tens of thousands of Mongols, chased them into Siberia, and forced many Mongol tribes to submit to the Ming. The Ming army had a large number of Mongols serving in it, all of them because they had been conquered by the Ming.
For most of history, China has defeated the steppe nomads often by invading steppe territories unlike the Romans who could never achieve the same success against the barbarians around them. You are a faggot and a retard.

You could use all the time you spend here in quiet contemplation instead.
As for me, I'm off and won't be back until after Easter.
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I suggest you start reading the bible front to back.
I should probably give up 4chan forever and get to my books
Made up crap. Literally never heard of this shit growing up.
Cultureless swine detected
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Nobody cares about your gay incel holidays. Christmas, Halloween, and Easter will always be king.

What did Marie Antoinette do to deserve getting beheaded?
The revolutionary left is about dysgenic freaks taking over and torturing all the normal people for being better than them. That goes double for the upper classes who are often the tallest and best looking (as opposed to a Robespierre type who was 5'2 with a pockmarked face). The actually ideology is just window dressing.

She was austrian.
She said let them eat cake

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Post some historical leaders you disagree with, but respect.
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Pic related. Best Chinese general of all time, horrible statesman.
agreed. I think Deng said somewhere that had Mao died in 1950 he would have been remembered as one of the greatest leaders in Chinese history.
Mao should be taught in schools as proof that just because you're an absolute genius in one thing doesn't mean you won't be an absolute retard at something else. His military skills were insane but by God if he wasn't an honest contender for worst statesman of the 20th Century, and given the record of that century that's impressively bad.
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It would be easy for a magic wizard that makes universes out of nothing to just not make Africa.
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because he doesnt exist
religion is a tool for the intelligent to convince the retarded to labor for them hoping there is something good waiting for them after all of their pain
God basically doesnt care about Africa, were it not for mentally ill whiteys Africans would only care about their ethnic pantheisms.
It's strange how hard conversions were pushed there despite how horrendously chuddy many missionaries were. Basically wanted to stat pad their conversion stats to make themselves look better lmao.
Why did he make something he doesn't care about?
It was a colonisation brainwashing tactic, Christians don't give a fuck about Africa, lol

How come historians still havent figured out that the Swastika was a symbol to represent this area of the world?
The first civilizations were born in the center of it.

Ever heard of pareidolia?

Calm the fuck down.
Yeah because they’d just make up that symbol out of nowhere retard

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What is the reason for this gigantic level of LARP, they are so culturally identical to Italians that most cities in France are indistinguishable from those in Italy, same example with the people (Picrel for example)

>b-but my carefully selected images of blonde or redheaded people

I could literally say the same thing about Spain, I could say that Spain is 100% German and put the image of a group of blonde people from the north and say "ha, you see, Spain is Visigothic"
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French are closer to spanish than italians

Theres an entire region, occitania which is practically spanish
Occitania is spanish, yes.

But Provence, the French Riviera, Savoy, Corsica and even the Lyon Region are closer to Italy.

In similar fashion, the Nord/French Flanders are similar to belgium, Alsace to Germany, Britanny to Wales and the Basque are their own thing.

In short, the french always were a nation of many ethinicities and this whole thread is stupid bait.
To be Nordic you have to have more steppe than farmer. Therefore the French are Mediterranean.
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There are two types of French: Nordic and Alpine-Mediterranean.
Meds are supposed to look like Greek statues.

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Why are atheists so mean?
Enjoy Hell.
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Quality fedora insults as per usual
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There are officially almost 45k Christian denominations.
No, I didn't say 45 (which would still be a lot), the number is 45,000: https://www.gordonconwell.edu/blog/christianity-is-fragmented-why/

What makes you think you picked the right one?
Why is God not just telling his followers which denomination is the right one?
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We read the scriptures to understand the nature of God.

If you take the fact that there exsists so many denominations of Christianity and use it as an argument against Christianity, It backfires on you.

If God does interact with creation, and did divinely reveal a book to creation, then this revelation is going to be the most perverted. I can use your logic against you.
>What makes you think you picked the right one?
>Why is God not just telling his followers which denomination is the right one?
My personal beliefs on the matter is that we get too caught up in the minutia of the faith and a lot of the differences don't actually matter. I do think straight up heresies are obviously a no go and the teachings of some denominations would make you more likely to succeed as a Christian though.
These shitty surveys count every independent cowboy baptist church or south american cult with 10 members as their own denomination, it's retarded.
>The Church Fathers were inspired by the Holy Spirit
If they taught works salvation, then they weren't inspired by the Holy Spirit. No, they were not. Trad Larping isn't a solid basis for spirituality, only the Bible is (King Jame Version). Enjoy Hell.
1. You missed the point. Good job.
2. Wall of text much?
3. You worship an old faggot who wears a dress
4. Enjoy Hell

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Many fanatics of Greek mythology, particularly the feminist and LGBT kind you find from Tumblr or stan Twitter, will put Hades to a pedestal as the least "problematic" male figure. All debates about judging ancient figures with modern morals and the corruption of the term "problematic" by gen z lefties aside, didn't Hades also abduct and rape Persephone in the myths? Or is it okay when a sassy emo guy does it? Does Disney or Rick Riordan's modern portrayal of Hades help perpetuate this?
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He made Persephone queen of the underworld and lets her return to her mother for half of the year. It's the kind of Twilight-esque dark romance story women love
It's more of a whiplash effect from Hollywood making Hades the villain god in 90% of films.
Hades was unironically portrayed as a good guy in mythology, he only abducted Persephone because of how fucking lonely he was in the underworld.
He's only really portrayed the way he is in media because of his modern association with the Abrahamic interpretation of Lucifer sharing some characteristics with him
Just so we're clear, Persephone willingly went to go live with Hades, it's only an "abduction" because Hades didn't ask Demeter for permission first.
I haven't seen anyone glamorize him but would rather point out how he isn't like the devil or satan in Christian mythology. And he isn't, he isn't some evil conniving deity, he was always depicted as uncaring. He was less of a petty dick than Zeus and Poseidon could be in the myths.

Average classical liberals
You know it ends with you being beheaded? Right?
What makes you say that?
Jacobins were radicals not classical liberals
Report this anon to the Committee of Public Safety

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Is it an actual ideology, or a phenomenon? And exonym or endonym?
And who counts as a "capitalist?"
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90% America owns a car, a fridge, has electricity, nice food, lives in comfort, etc.

Yes. The disparity of wealth isn't a real issue. The issue is whether real bottom line is being pulled up or not. ~6+ billion people in the world now has computers, which are more powerful than the super computers of the 90s, in their pockets that can give them the entire knowledge of the world in their hands for free. That teaches all the skills necessary to compete against 90% of the people in the world.

What fundamentally matters is that the floor is getting higher and higher, the ceiling doesn't matter to the prosperity or the suffering of the bottom. The ceiling is just how high the country has potential. The floor is what the real effects are. The floor isn't perfect, but its higher than 90% of the world.
I actually wanted to make the same thread. Aristotle outlines in his politics states which are de facto capitalist, yet some "academics" claim Capitalism popped up during Adam Smith's time.
It depends on how you define socialism.
>What is capitalism
An economic system based around free markets with only limited state intervention in economic affairs. Feudalism is not capitalism because it was an economic system based around personal loyalty and one's ansestory. The Warsaw pact countries, as well as the US, UK and Germany during WW2 were not capitalist because their economies were planned by state authroites with only very limited market exchange.
It's a complex system like a machine. What drives the system is the pursuit of profit. No profit, no production or trade. This is what makes it different from barter. Barter exchanges things of equal value. If capitalism involved only exchanging things of equal value, with neither party coming out ahead, nobody would make any profit and there would be no capitalist system. There's always been trade, but never has there been a whole self-perpetuating world system driven entirely by profit as the organizing principle, with workers subsumed and made dependent on it as wage-laborers. In the past, trade for profit was a marginal part of the overall human economy, amounting to a "carrying trade", buy cheap where something's abundant and sell high where it's scarce. Most work/economic activity was just loose collections of villages producing food to feed themself. The competitive drive for profit in capitalism also unleashed a race to increase productivity/efficiency through machines which has led to industrialization.

>you're a chad anglo officer with the east india trading company and indian nobles are lining up to offer their high-caste, light-skin daughters to you.

What do?
The only women are Indian, what the hell did you expect?

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Why do they have such a complex towards Turkey? Is it because they're insecure that they have as much claim to Greco-Roman heritage as them?
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>European Greeks do hate Turks
I haven't seen it. They are of course weary about Turks encroaching on their territorial claims in the Aegean but they don't do the whole "Turkified Greeks"/"Asiatic Invaders" song and dance.
Because the Turks permanently set back civilization in MENA and almost did so in Southern Europe. The turks are not a "mediterranean" people, they are barbaric colonizers from Central Asia, in a just world they would be sent back to Central Asia.
Some roach made this. Nobody cares about Turkey
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You aren't even human, you are a depigmented Australoid.
>more than any of the red countries in OPs image except Cyprus and Armenia
Did you forget to read that part? The only other Europeans who really seethes about Turks would be the Serbs, but when they say Turks they usually mean Muslim Albanians and Bosniaks so I don't think it should count. And it's not just about the territorial waters, they naturally care about the same issues that Cypriots and ex-Anatolians care about, just to a lesser extent.

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Literally what the fuck do you do?
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>[slurping intensifies]
The Byzantines didn't go poor until Constantinople got sacked. Even when they lost Anatolia prior to Alexios reconquest they were ungodly rich.
God wants you dead, Jew.
historically, every single antisemitic ruler met with disaster. God hates those who hate his chosen people. Don't blame me i'm just noticing.
>historically, every single antisemitic ruler met with disaster

That's not only not true, but not attested in the OT.

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