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I asked this on /pol/ but it went nowhere.
What is the future of religion? I feel like most people have grown apathetic towards it, and society has become permeated by a general feeling of religion being incompatible with modern day science. Yet i feel that man yearns for some form of religion, as is evident by the fact that many political and social movements become pseudo-religious in their forms. On a practical level, religions will also become more prominent again as religious people simply reproduce more. What will religion then look like in the future?

Pic related, theyre God's favorite animals.
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>Now science and religion never had a conflict with each other that atheist-tards make it seem
While the new atheist movement exaggerated it, i think sayinh no conflict ever existed is also downplaying it. Even heliocentrism caused controversy in its time.

I do wonder about that, what would that even be?
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>Pic related, theyre God's favorite animals.
I disagree
>What is the future of religion?
Depending on who wins in the next few hundred years (could be next year , could be the next 50).
Dark Side (current satanic cults pretending to be modern religions)
or the White Side, the side of Love and Light.

If the white side wins. We will gain more power over cultists, science will be a lot more prominent, we will return to our more real history and more real technologies that satanic cultists of the Vatican are trying to hide.
>and they are trying to hide alot
>your power level - that you near gods on this planet
>actual real medicine
>free energy technologies
>actual history
>your access to the informational Truth field.
>and a whole lot more
There is 100% going to be a new, retarded religion that will be founded in the next 5-10 years and will centre around AI worship.

You can already see it developing in a prototype form among Silicon Valley techbros and their followers. There were leaks about OpenAI researchers conducting religious chants about "AGI".

What will be interesting to see is how the traditional religions respond to this. So far there's been an embarrassing trend of religious conservatives associating themselves with the techbro types, whether it be in formal arrangements eg. JD Vance the tradcath Republican VP nominee who is funded by Peter Thiel, or informally eg. Christian soccer moms on Facebook sharing grotesque AI-generated images of Jesus. But when techfags start openly worshipping machines as gods then I would expect you'll start to see Christians and Muslims rejecting this behavior and labelling AI and the tech industry as "satanic".
Amish retention rates have actually been increasing and rumspringa was never a practice were they just let their children interact with “english” society. Its actually becoming an increasingly uncommon part of their culture

Say eisenhower convinced the CIA not to do any more U-2 flights, and the 1960 paris summit proceeded normally. was there any realistic possibility that the berlin issue and the cold war in general could have been solved decades earlier? could the USSR still exist to this day?
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Yeah, with 7.5m resolution pictures; it's basically useless for figuring out what a facility is at that point.
they ended up relying solely on the corona satellite after the u-2 shootdown anyways. they could've done that in the first place instead of as a reaction
I really wish I was alive around that time to see the rapid advancement of technology.
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You might be, depending on where AI goes. We went from Deep Dream/GAN style transfer to some really advanced and diverse models in the span of 7 or 8 years
that's trivial bullshit though, I'd rather see the development of jet engines and the space race.

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God chose to create a universe where evil could exist, when He had the infinite power and ability to create one where it didn't. For the record, I believe in and worship God.
God is probably not omnipotent but is still omnibenevolent. Therefore he requires our help in helping ourselves.
What do you think of the argument that evil is the absence of God?
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Evil exists because free will exists. Free will is a godly gift that allows one to do evil, and many religions including christianity teach it was never intended for people to possess and is the reason the world required divine intervention for salvation. On the flip side though, the gift of the spirit is what separates God's people from the earth and makes them capable of ruling the earth with dominion over all of God's creation to glorify the God of all righteousness.
Evil is a tangible thing that exists. When a serial killer goes out into the real world and murders people, that is evil. That is an act which is being actively inflicted on others, not a lack of something.

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Did Arabs really pushed arabic into North Africans?
Moors have noo history and no culture, also reject their afrosemite roots and try to larp as iberians and italians
Yes. North Africans were either speaking Latin or indigenous languages like Egyptian or Tamazight and looked something like Augustine, who was a berber
Araps actually bleached the Berbers, average Moroccan was 40% black ssa during the time of the Romans, but the Arabs bleached them soo hard that the average nafri has between 10-40% Arab dna that is 99% west Eurasian
>Did Arabs really pushed arabic into Arabs?
Arab Ummayads were the rulling class and Caliphs of al-Andalus, the same way Phoenicians were the rulling class of NA Carthage

Why was Presbyterianism so successful in Korea compared to other denominations of Christianity?
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Because, and this might be hard for your nigger sludge called a brain to comprehend, sometimes people just believe a religion when they hear about it.
Native Korean folk religions and confusianism weren't popular religions in the same way that christianity or islam is. Rather than being trying to evangelize people or convert them with the promise of salvation and freedom, they existed mostly as a reflection of the cultural status quo of Korea as a sinosphere kingdom, seeking to reinforce the existing social order and harmony
After WW2 and the Korean War however, said sinophere and confusian world completely collapsed and so, these religions didn't connect anymore with the people in Korea, as they represented something that no longer had value to them, and so, Christianity became popular because it was seen as more modern religion that didn't have to play the old confusian social mores, and was more relevant with the growing cultural contact with the US
Ten quadtrillion American "missionaries"(cultists and glowing freaks) paradropped into the country and spent absurd amounts of money to indoctrinate the uneducated local population to their death cult.
Koreans are the ultimate cucklords of this fucking world.
Then I must be more intelligent then them cause I wouldn't adhere to religious belief that would call for nipping my foreskin.

>"spanish people are not whites, only germanics are white"
>meanwhile a random spanish girl in Japan:
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This, also dna plots doesnt equal purity. A person with 75% Swedish and 25% black dna would plot by Italians for example.
She looks disgusting
Being white has no merit. Iberians would be wise to steer clear of those politics.
>Even if they do, it’s not reflected in where British celts plot compared to other NW Europeans.

data isn't high resolution enough. Study i sent shows very specific population studies and their haplo markers and their derivation. Anglos and almost all remnant populations on the isles are thoroughly mixed.
>She looks disgusting
the greasy chud says from behind a keyboard on an anonymized internet forum lmao faggot

ive been getting intro heraldic coat of arms and its history and i wanted your opinions on how it originates and if theres a connection between the jews and Europeans who use the symbol of the lion,i know at some point many "Israelites" migrated form the middle east to up north in Europe but alot of the memes get confusing
>comes to schizo board for answers
you can't make this shit up! hahaha
Most european symbols are isrealite in origin. Sometimes they correlate to the specific isrealite tribe but its been a long time since the migration to Europe so its pretty much random
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>Most european symbols are isrealite in origin
Other way around. The tribes are Europeans who invaded as the Sea Peoples.

What Made Nazi Germany Uniquely evil?.
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Killing about 40 million people in a war they started.
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It's not. It's only considered so in the kike-controlled West but not in the rest of the world.
Nothing really. But they are needed as an original sin for the progressive faith that rules the West. Even in WW1 the Allies were trying to impose progressivism on humanity.
reading his book taught me everything I needed to know about those retards
anyone who is sympathetic to Nazis is a baboon nigger that reserves to be shot
This is getting very old. Here are the posts with links and/or images that substantiate gas poisoning in particular:

And here are more posts covering evidence for other aspects of the Holocaust:

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>open quran
>chapter 18
>sun sets in a puddle
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Didnt the joos also claim alexander believed in their god
orthodox Muslims take the Quran literally though. It's why Muslims, just like Mormons, think God has a body (lmao)
God literally walks with adam, noah and Jacob tho
Its crazy how much of a mess the Quran is, forget ideology, historically speaking it's falsifiable.

Also this, it literally takes from other sources, rewrites some things and acts like its all new. Imagine if someone writes a story that says "I went to ride my red bike and then ate strawberry ice cream" then someone comes along and writes "i went to ride my orange bike and then ate blueberry ice cream, totally new story by the way, first time someone telling it"
Muslims are just Christians that go hardcore on everything.

Christians: well, most of the fantastical stuff in the bible is just metaphorical, there are no 'pillars of the earth' below ground or anything
Muslims: Everything the Quran says is literal. There are pillars down there.

Christians: yeah, the bible was written by man but inspired by god, so they were communicating the general idea of it and it's up to us to interpret what he was trying to say through them.
Muslims: The Quran is the literal spoken word of god transcribed onto the page. The Quran, the book itself, has always existed, before the universe itself.

Strongest argument against God?
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>You're saying that if God intends to create imperfection then imperfection somehow becomes perfect via intent.
I explicitly said you're working with two different concepts of "perfection"
>create an infinite amount of evil and ugliness and God would still be perfect
So long as that was it's intent.
>All that does is make God's goodness and perfection meaningless.
I never asserted goodness, and your subsequent assertion of meanginglessness does not follow.

I can sense a few a prioris at work here. What you can say is that such notions are generally incomprehensible for a human being, and you are very well correct. You, the finite and material being that you are, can scarcely understand all the components of a cloud and how they aggregate into macroscopic behaviors. And yet understanding each and every particle that makes up a cloud, and each action each particle takes for the duration of its lifetime is an infinitesimal component of every single microstate in the entire universe considered across its entire lifetime (which very well may be non-finite) The idea of performing a supertask which would allow you to account for an infinite sequence of events is itself unfathomable to your tiny little monkey brain.

When you speak of things, you do so from a subjective manner and you speak to your needs and wants as a corporeal hairless ape. You can say of a chair that it is imperfect, but what you're really saying is that it invokes some inability to meet your monkey-desires in some capacity. Whether because it is ugly, or it is uncomfortable, or anything of that nature. This is an entirely different dimension (and far more limited) from the notion of that chair's actual perfection. Your dissatisfaction is part of a larger picture which is inaccessible to you. The problems you have with it are of a subjective nature. Someone else can find it comfortable, beautiful, etc. Your judgements are not independent from your mind.

(to be cont.)
To say that the chair is imperfect in the same sense that we say god is a perfect being, would indicate that the chair does not fit the grand vision for the universe. Our issues and tribulations are of an entirely different nature than this domain. The evils you suffer, your disgust you experience, the dissatisfaction you have towards the apparent value-judgements you make about material things. These are all of your mind, which is but an incomprehensibly small part of an incomprehensibly large picture. Your perceptions are totally inadequate to bridge the gap between the two.

This is ultimately where Abrahamic religions themselves fall apart. They underplay the incomprehensibility aspect and assert a more down-to-earth personal elevation of your subjective perspectives. This itself leads to misleading ideas that the foulness of the world is an objective foulness. They are, after all, earthly institutions run by men, and they seek power as any other institution does. That means collecting followers, so introducing this palateability of percievable, objective goodness in alignment with man's naive perceptions is one of their highest objectives. Telling you that the horrors and suffering you experience are ultimately part of some grander vision doesn't inspire followers. They assert objective truths that bridge the gap with subjective truths. All this does in the end is mislead.
>I explicitly said you're working with two different concepts of "perfection"
No, you attempted to introduce a second definition of perfection to resolve the contradiction I outlined.

I see you taking two different strategies at the same time here:
1) God is neither good nor perfect, and concepts of perfection and good and evil are subjective human value judgements and not real.
2) Imperfections that exist in the universe are in fact not imperfect in the grand scheme of things according to God.

But these contradict. If God cannot be said to be good or perfect since value judgements cannot be objective, then there is no reason to assert any greater plan to the universe that resolves its imperfection, since "greater" and "resolves" is again a subjective human value judgement that can't apply to God.

Theists need to be Platonic realists otherwise the rationale for theism collapses. Belief in God becomes belief in an utterly arbitrary entity that explains nothing and adds nothing to the universe.
Against the Abrahamic God? The Bible being full of easily disprovable lies.
God in general? I don't see any reason in particular to believe in one, giving non supernatural reasons.
Atheists/wrongdoers really dislikes me. But fuck them. And everybody who looks like them.

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Isn't it time to admit that consciousness most likely came from God? It's a simple intuitive solution to the problem and the alternative makes no sense.
>random chemicals gooping around near hydrothermal vents somehow caused an experiencer, an "I am", to magically emerge from nothing
This is supposed to be the rational point of view? Lol.
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I enjoy these inane responses, I wonder if they're intentionally dishonest or just low IQ.
The existence of a prime mover/first cause doesn't validate any earthly religion.
It's tempting to accept simple, intuitive solutions, especially those involving a divine spark, but let's not dismiss emergent complexity so quickly. Imagine this: the universe itself is a vast, dynamic interplay of energy and matter, with life as a profound dance of self-organizing systems. From the chaotic swirl of chemicals, through countless iterations and eons, consciousness could emerge as a natural extension of this. We often overlook the staggering timescales and the intricate layers of evolution. What seems improbable over years becomes inevitable over billions of years. Consider that what we call 'consciousness' might not be an abrupt miracle but a spectrum, with primitive awareness slowly, gradually giving rise to the 'I am' we experience today.

Our current understanding of consciousness is akin to a frog pondering the internet—limited by perspective. The mystery doesn't invalidate the rational inquiry but rather invites us to expand our definitions and consider the possibilities that lie beyond our immediate grasp. As for divine explanations, they hold a certain poetic resonance, yet they too are stories woven by our minds to make sense of the unknown.
There has to be a God, and the Christian God is the only valid, plausible explanation for a God. Therefore, Christianity is true.

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What if God gets tired of existing and wants to kill himself but cannot do it because he is immortal
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Could anything truly be as perfect as nothingness?
To create anything is to generate a totality which thereby implies limitation. For God to achieve a state of true boundless infinity, it must necessarily commit holy suicide/sacracide.
existence that doesn't bore, yes.
all the benefits of nothingness, but with agency.
that might be true if you were limited by time, which god isn't.

the unity of creation and creator is already here. that's why trinitarians believe in "the begetter, the begotten, and that which proceeds" existing coeternally.
Even without time to create anything is to create something and something implies a totality. God's primeval character (Ain) is therefore necessarily no-thing. Why wouldn't God desire to return to that state?

>It may well be argued that the Renaissance wouldn't have happened without Jews and their translation work. As more and more Jews moved from the Middle East into Europe and gradually forgot how to speak Arabic, it became desirable to translate Arabic works, often written by Jews, into Hebrew. So Joseph Kimchi at Narbonne translated the philosopher Bahya's Guide To The Duties of the Heart. Kimchi was the father of brilliant sons but even more important as translators were the progeny of Judah ben Saul ibn Tibbon (1120-90). He like Kimchi moved from Spain to France and although he was one of the great doctors of his time also found time to translate into Hebrew the Judeo-Arabic works of Saadia Gaon, Ibn Gabirol, and Jehuda Halevi. His son Samuel (1150-1232) translated Maimonides's Guide to the Perplexed. Samuel's son Moses ibn Tibbon translated from Arabic Euclid's Elements, Avicenna's smaller Canon, al-Razi's Antidotary, three works of Maimonides, and Averroes' shorter commentaries on Aristotle.

>Samuel's grandson Jacob ibn Tibbon, besides leading the fight for Maimonides in Montpellier and becoming a noted astronomer, translated several Arabic treatises into Hebrew and some into Latin. Samuel's daughter married the still more famous scholar Jacob Anatoli, who was born in Marseilles in about 1194. Jacob was invited by Frederick II to teach Hebrew at the University of Naples and translated into Hebrew the larger commentaries of Averroes, profoundly affecting Jewish philosophy. A like stimulus was given to Hebrew medicine through the translation of al-Razi's Kitab al-Mansuri by the doctor and philosopher Shem Tob at Marseilles.
>Many Hebrew translations from Arabic were rendered into Latin so that a Hebrew version of Avenzoar's Taysir, or Aid to Health, was turned into Latin at Padua in 1280. In the early 13th century a Jew translated the entire Old Testament literally into Latin. The devious routes of cultural migration are exemplified by the Fables of Bidpai which were translated into English from a Spanish translation of a Latin translation of a Hebrew translation of an Arabic translation of a Pahlavi translation of the supposed original Sanskrit.

>Many translators who converted Arabic texts to Latin were Jews who knew Arabic, Hebrew, and Spanish, sometimes Latin. The busiest of these was a converso John of Spain whose Arabic patronymic ibn Daude was remodeled by the Schoolmen into Avendeath. John translated a veritable library of Arabic and Jewish works by Avicenna, al-Ghazali, al-Farabi, and al-Khwarizmi; through this last work he introduced the Indian-Arabic numerals to the West.
>but what have the jews ever done for us?
that was all Sephardic Jews from the Mediterranean and Middle East, Ashkenazis were intellectually worthless for the most part
Common Jew W
Jews and Muslims declined intellectually starting in the 13th century just as the Christian world was really starting to blossom.

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Why did the USA need to rely on nazi scientists to build their rockets for them while Russia did it all by themselves?
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Is there any evidence for that?
Officially they were sent back after a few years.
Then again for instance the identity of Sergei Korolev wasn't even known until he died so I could actually imagine that he was just made up.
That's because they stopped holding them hostage, ofcourse no one would willingly live in Russia
Grottrup's team delivered its last design in 1949:

>Unknown to the German team, their approach was evaluated against Korolev's R-3 on 7 December 1949 - and their design was found to be superior. Neither ended up in production, but the design concepts of the G-4 led directly to Korolev's R-7 ICBM (essentially a cluster of G-4's or R-3A's) and the N1 superbooster. Notable unique features of these rockets borrowed from the G-4 work included conical rocket body forms, 'sharp point' warheads or payload shrouds, forward positioning of the oxygen tanks, and elimination of aerodynamic surfaces.

But on wikipedia the R-7 is credited to Korolev only for whatever reason.
The G-4 isn't even mentioned anywhere in the article.
OP, rockets is an ancient tech that we as humans already invented a number of times here on Earth.
The other way around.
Everybody stole from everybody actually.
Russians got some ancient texts that Hitler and some kikes were trying to steal, and they stole it.
Hitler and Anenerbe was sending groups to Tibet for that reason. During 1917 Red color revolution they destroyed a bunch of Russian technologies and killed a bunch of scientists and stole massive number of books.
So they knew that some remained in high mountains, such as Altai and Tibet.
I'll be looking at the edits, this might be funny

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WWII in a single picture
WW2 was a war between Soviet Russia and Germany first rest of the world second. The entire objective was to conquer and colonize Russia and defeat every country standing in the way of that goal was a secondary objective
In what way were the Nazis removing Jews in America? Not only did the Nazis not remove them from America, America accumulated European Jews as they fled the Nazis. The Nazis considered Americans a mongrelized race with a Jewified culture.

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