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America lost the civil war.
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Please say more. Interested (Obviously for wealthy financiers and industrialists, war is fantastic business opportunity).
Civil wars are definitionally inpossible
Away down south in the land of traitors,
Rattlesnakes and alligators,
Ride away, ride away, ride away, ride away.
Where cotton's king and men are chattels,
Union boys will win the battles,
Ride away, ride away, ride away, ride away.

We're marching down to Dixie,
Away, away,
Those Dixie boy must understand
That he Will Face the Wrath of Uncle Sam
Nah, civil wars are common, although only a few of them become famous: the Russian one, the English one, the American one, etc.

But in fact they happen all the time, in fact my country had a civil war so brief that hardly anyone remembers it. And sometimes they are outright censored out of history books
I thought they controlled the government and prevented blacks from succeeding?
what happened did they lose or are non-Whites successful in the US?

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Atheists destroyed America.
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This is a picture of the gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The people he is eating with are sinners in need of help. We are not suppose to look down on them, but lift then up. This works, only if they believe in God. If they reject God, their ascension changes to hubris, amd nemesis is born, and they will be turned back into a bundle of sticks, and cast into the fire. The door has been open. If you are in this picture, come to Jesus Christ, and accept the Lord, and he will save you from nemesis.
It's funny because American atheists consider Zionist jews to be "white supremacists" so all the criticism of Zionism basically gets thrown at Whites
Christian ethics entail whoever suffers the most as the most saintly, it's a death cult with a guy who got crucified for shit other people did at the top.
Atheists today dont matter.
not an argument
The church destroyed itself

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1836 = 2001 - The Alamo was their 9/11.
The Indian Wars and The Mexican American War were their Wars on Terrorism.
1843 = 2008 - The longest and deepest depression in the 19th century. It was a period of pronounced deflation and massive defaults on debt. The Cleveland Trust Company Index showed the economy spent 68 months below its trend, and only nine months above it, and declined 34.3% during this depression.
William Rockefeller Sr. was their Donald Trump. - Rockefeller was an American businessman, lumberman, herbalist, salesman, and con artist who went by the alias of Dr. William Levingston. He worked as a lumberman and then a traveling salesman who identified himself as a "botanic physician" and sold elixirs. He was known to buy and sell horses, and was also known at one point to have bought a barge-load of salt in Syracuse. Land speculation was another type of his business, and the selling of elixirs served to keep him with cash and aided in his scouting of land deals. He loaned money to farmers at twelve percent, but tried to lend to farmers who could not pay so as to foreclose and take the farms.
1855 = 2020 - A worldwide cholera pandemic claims countless lives.
Joe Biden = James Buchanan - Woefully inept president who was the second oldest president to be elected, but at the end of his presidency became the oldest president of all time in 1860.
Tensions reached a fever pitch in the 1850's as new political standards were formed, such as fights breaking out in the House of Representatives and the contested appointments of Speakers of the House. Does this mean that 2024 is 1860, which means that 2025 is 1861? Which, in turn, means Kamala Harris is our Abraham Lincoln?

Another option is that 2025 is 1941, but I haven't done the math on that one yet.

>Daddy, if Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve's only children, how did they make more babies? Did they make babies with their mother?
>Or with each other?
>Your mouth is hopin' for a soapin', boy. Now stop asking silly questions and go kill your brother.
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OG humans had longer lifespans and were overall more resilient gigachad and ripped as fuck able to survive in their own without civilization but repeated bottlenecks in population lead to post-deluvians who are basically what pugs are to wolfs
Presumably god created other people after Adam and Eve. An old chestnut of criticism towards biblical literalism is the bible suddenly speaking of Cain having a wife without any acknowledgment of where she came from, and Cain protesting God's curse saying that as a sojourner he will be attacked by other people. So God gives him the mark of Cain, which forbids others from laying a hand on him. Who are these others that Cain is so afraid of? The bible doesn't tell us, just that they apparently exist.
If you are a Christian, what about Acts 17:26
>From one he made all peoples to inhabit the whole earth
Meaning he's pretty much a second Adam, being everyone's grandfather?

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Best book showing how Jesus is just a fictional character is

Creating Christianity by Henry H Davis
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OP here, I forgot to mention I'm jewish btw
>Creating Christianity by Henry H Davis
Whose real name is Hyman Davidoff.
He's not a Jew, just a pseud.

could Hitler have won is he treated France like he treated Eastern Europe, and treated Eastern Europe like he treated France?
Idk but I can see why he was so tempted to play offensively on the eastern front. That sweet Russian flatland would have made slipping into Moscow easier than when I fucked your mother.
not saying not invade, just less antagonistic to the locals after invasion
>That sweet Russian flatland would have made slipping into Moscow easier than when I fucked your mother.

Yeah, except back then it was nothing but dirt roads that become mud in both spring and fall

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>the army on the left won
How do you fuck up this badly?
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The norm in the middle ages is meme sieges and skirmishes where 47 knights opportunistically raid a convoy numbering 200 or something.

Longbowmen were effective at Crecy and Agincourt because they had hours to prepare, but if armored knights trained from infancy manage to get in and amidst them they're finished. Here a mindlessly aggressive charge is an advantage, to close the distance, maintain local numerical superiority, prevent the enemy getting into formation, cause the enemy to flee and finish the battle before they themselves are exhausted. In a duel knights will spar for several minutes, but here they can brook no delay, if they encounter a stray man-at-arms here they must close immediately before the 2 vs 1 becomes a 2 vs 8.
English longbowman > French Heavy Knights
Battle of Patay disagrees
>every single but the first
no, biggest example being that the third is very arguable (didn't take jerusalem but humiliated and disarmed saladin and ensured that the crusader states basically survived saladin's dynasty)
plus if you accept them as crusades (which those at the time very often did), the northern crusades and reconquista were highly successful
but in general, the middle eastern crusades were highly aggressive expeditions over massive distances into unfamiliar geography and political conditions with often unstable and shifting leadership and unusually restricted resources
it's only natural most would fail, the first mainly succeeded because the seljuq leaders had died and their empire splintered just before it and the crusaders then faced relatively little unified opposition

So i was watching the tasting history episode of viking funeral and he talked about the killing of a servant to die with her master and it got me thinking about these kings and emperors and whathaveyou and how they were all terified of death. These were conquerors and they killed thousands and thousands without blinking an eye. But when it came to their own mortality they were all scared shitless. Many of them didnt seem to be able to cope with death and was obsessed with immortality. And when death was near, it seems dying by themselves wasnt enough so others had to die with them too.
How do we allow these absolute cowards to rule over us?
Ps anyone who hasnt should watch that episode its really sad

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If youre white, youre not american.

Youre an invader
Sucking and living off a land that never was and never will be yours
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Whites were the original civilization of North and South Americas
feather indians came after.
Correct. We are Turtle Islanders. And you are foreigners to this Island. Fuck off to your own continent.
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>Germanoid talking shit about "civilizing" someone
>wAtcH yOUr tOnE
May I remind you who you really owe your "civilization" to.
Romans never conquered Germanics, but Germanics DID conquer and civilize Rome.

You live in Germanic civilization.
>Whites were the original civilization of North and South Americas
>feather indians came after.

Do you live in Utah?

When was the last time in history that the US and Russia got genuinely along?
You literally posted this thread because of this post, you stupid asshole.

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Kelly Clemensen vs. David Fitzgerald
It's funny how Christian apologists insist you don't question the scholarly consensus but they believe the Gospels were eyewitness accounts by a bunch of Jews following Jesus around and taking notes as he flies around in the sky talking to magic clouds.
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>What tv apologists are you referring to?
Fat is fit
Woke is sleep
Man is woman
DEI is not racist
Pride is virtuous
Lawfare is justice
Hard work is toxic
Truth is subjective
Facts are opinions
Police are enemies
Looters are victims
Liberal is more laws
Ivermectin is bleach

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You mean the Parthenon? Yes, the salvation of theos was concieved in Athens. Next question.
No you fucking retard, the argument is that secular academia is absolutely biased against Christianity and makes a whole bunch retarded faggot takes just to spite traditional Christian beliefs despite the evidence in favour of them being overwhelming, so the fact that even THEY acknowledge that denying Jesus existed is retarded says a LOT. I do have to say I find Richard Carrier hilarious however, because his entire backstory is that Jesus perfectly fits all of the prophecies for the Messiah in the OT that in order to maintain his retarded faggot communist gay, trans, whore and nigger supporting atheist religion, he had to invent mental gymnastics about how the Pauline Epistles especially Hebrews don't obviously talk about a human Jesus, even though the entire theological framework of St Paul is about Christ's founding a new, rejuvenated humanity that bears the image of His glorified flesh, the body that was raised through the glory of God, perfect and sublime in juxtaposition to the sinful nature of the descendants of Adam. Just such a fucking lolcow lmao -- somehow manages to be EVEN WORSE than Bart Ehrman at basic exegesis! Guess all the trans rights estrogen he took rotted his brains; by their fruits you shall know them, but Carrier rendered xerself infertile because the white race be evil and oppressin niggaz n sheeeeeeeiiiit.
Best book showing how Jesus is just a fictional character is

Creating Christianity by Henry H Davis
Sounds like a dumb book. Why would I want to read some random guys take on how reoccurring patterns are fake signs.

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Did people seriously die over this? Was there no way to compromise
>inb4 the schism was completely political in nature because I an atheist cant relate with it
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>We do not conceive of Him as an impersonal breath of air, for the majesty of the divine nature would be reduced to low estate if its Spirit were likened to our own breath. Rather, we conceive of Him as a substantial power found in its own individuating personality, proceeding from the Father, coming to rest in the Word and declaring Him, not separated from God in essence or from the Word with whom it is associated, having might, not dissipated away into non-existence, but distinctly subsistent like the Word-living, endowed with will, self-moving, active, at all times willing good, exercising His power for the prosecution of every design in accordance with His will, without beginning and without end. For the Word fell short of the Father in nothing, and the Spirit did not fall short of the Word in anything.
Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, Book I Chapter 7, by St John of Damascus
>We likewise believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and abides in the Son; who is adored and glorified together with the Father and the Son as consubstantial and co-eternal with Them; who is the true and authoritative Spirit of God and the source of wisdom and life and sanctification; who is God together with the Father and the Son and is so proclaimed; who is uncreated, complete, creative, almighty, all-working, all-powerful, infinite in power; who dominates all creation but is not dominated; who deifies but is not deified; who fills but is not filled; who is shared in but does not share; who sanctifies but is not sanctified; who, as receiving the intercessions of all, is the Intercessor; who is like the Father and the Son in all things; who proceeds from the Father and is communicated through the Son and is participated in by all creation; who through Himself creates and gives substance to all things and sanctifies and preserves them; who is distinctly subsistent and exists in His own Person indivisible and inseparable from the Father and the Son; who has all things whatsoever the Father and the Son have except the being unbegotten and the being begotten.
OF, Book I Chapter 8
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>and the

>And we do say that the Holy Ghost is of the Father and we call Him the Spirit of the Father. Neither do we say that the Spirit is from the Son, but we call Him the Spirit of the Son-'Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ,' says the divine Apostle, 'he is none of his.' We also confess that He was manifested and communicated to us through the Son, for 'He breathed,' it says, 'and he said to his disciples: Receive ye the Holy Ghost.' It is just like the rays and brightness coming from the sun, for the sun is the source of its rays and brightness and the brightness is communicated to us through the rays, and that it is which lights us and is enjoyed by us. Neither do we say that the Son is of the Spirit, nor, most certainly, from the Spirit.
OF, Book I Chapter 8

>The Father is well-spring and cause of Son and Holy Ghost-He is Father of the only Son and Emitter of the Holy Ghost. The Son is son, word, wisdom, power, image, radiance, and type of the Father, and He is from the Father. And the Holy Ghost is not a son of the Father, but He is the Spirit of the Father as proceeding from the Father. For, without the Spirit, there is no impulsion. And He is the Spirit of the Son, not as being from Him, but as proceeding through Him from the Father for the Father alone is Cause.
OF, Book I Chapter 12

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Yes. Catholics added the filioque os they fucked with christ our lord and saviour and God our heavenly father.

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Admixture modeling using Gambian as proxy indicates that West African ancestry is present across Hospital_da_Misericórdia_Islamic, Quinta_da_Boavista_Islamic, and its outlier individual (Fig.5C; Table S14). While the first two sites exhibit low levels of West African ancestry, the outlier individual shows approximately 40% (Fig.5C; Table S14)

And we also have a 100% Black Bantu from Islamic Sicily. Slowly but surely, the truth is coming out.
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These 2 comments >>17089374 >>17089330 were made by the same posters he's replying to himself, he's a berber
Yes southern europeans are diverse since they are MENA admixed that' what we're all saying already (hence why the jews you bring up resemble italians and other southern europeans)
berbers are racially mulattos, algeria and morocco are mulatto ethnostates, their population is literally 25% african genetically on average along the coast, even more so inland, you sound like an algerian mulatto yourself, you're probably just angry
kabyle alone surpass the numbers of arabs in france according to official french data, you look brown, we cannot tell you apart from arabs, you are genetically closer to eritreans than to swedes
Your sister must be fucking one for you to be this schizo.
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You have to admit the Yamna were MENA admixed too though. Literally half-Armenian mutts.
They were part chg not part armenian, which are a bronze age post yamnaya creation, berber quadroon, you are literally almost half African
Besides north euros are corded ware derived with very low chg
Shoo away berber, you will never be related to actual white people from northern europe

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Opinion on Seventh Day Adventism?
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Evangelicals are the most mentally ill.
Imagine claiming you're Christian but not supporting the Second Coming. You literally support the antichrist.
My mom is an adventist, let me tell you how it is without schizo bullshit.

They are obsessed with healthy living, stuff like being vegan, not drinking stuff like soda or coffee, they even have their own religious boy-scouts.
Politically, at least where i live, they mostly align towards the Libs
You're stretching it like a contortionist. You wrote it as they think those who attend worship on Sunday have the mark of the Beast. Completely divorced from the context of "after the Beast rules the world and uses the government to force everybody to do it". Think that's an important detail?
Ellen j white book steps to christ is a nice read.

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Can we get a /his/ penguin classics thread?

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Is this demonic? How do I know if an image is demonic? What happens when I post them?
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The one whose demonic is you
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
The very Hungry Hungry Caterpillar
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I tried

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