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So, let's say God is all-powerful. That means he can do anything he wants. But then why didn't he prevent Hitler from killing six million Jews? Why didn't he stop 9/11? Why doesn't he just smite all the people who are currently oppressing the Christians?
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>oh yeah well if god is really all powerful then why doesn't he adhere to my personal theory of objective morality which all of a sudden i believe exists?
A tale that began when the fist caveman tripped and hit his head on a rock, and will continue until all forms of brain damage are cured.
Mount Saint Helens is an example of real-time and modern observed geology that demonstrated catastrophism (rather than uniformitarianism, which was invented for evolution iirc and is required by it)
Creationism is a heresy invented by Satanists to promote incest, pedophillia, and hatred of God.
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I'm the super duper everything
Why would he?

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Protestants are correct that Christianity is fundamentally a libertarian religion. The core tenants are basically that forcing your will over others is an abomination and you should never allow anyone else to enforce their will over you either through taking your resources or telling you what to do (turn the other cheek isn’t about not defending yourself but not seeking revenge). The only way Christianity allows for the enforcement of will is through social shunning and ostracism. The main reason Catholic and orthodox theocracy is gaining traction is because people are power hungry in the face of declining belief not because it actually aligns with Christian theology.
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>Protestants are correct that Christianity is fundamentally a libertarian religion
Taxation is theft. Now render into Caesar.
what are coups and revolutions then?
Paul was a glownigger actually.
And Jesus wasn't a God (duh) but a guy who tried to gradually improve the shitshow without getting himself killed _too fast_.
The Kingdom of Heaven is an Absolute Monarchy

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>This is the person telling you the ERE was illegitimate on /his/

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What did the teutonic knights do to piss off so many people in the modern era? Some people even on the right wing view them with more contempt than the nazis are as a organization.
Is it a slavic thing or did they do something really heinous that I am not aware of?
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The Teutonic Knights, running out of people to piss off, finally decided to piss off the Catholic Church and begome Prodesdand.
Contrary to what your mom told you; you didn't get bullied at school because they were jealous of you.
buy an add faggot
Low man on the totem pole was the most important.
go back to posting your shitty art on reddit fag

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There, I won WW2.

But no, Italy and Japan had to be fucking retards and drag Africa and America into this as if fighting vast Russia wasn't enough.

Axis? More like retardxis.
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>give the shitty chinese land to the russians as a peace offering

You can't give land you don't control dumbass.

The Soviet Union ALREADY occupied Xinjiang in 1937 with pro Soviet warlord Sheng Shicai. Soviet Union already controlled outer Mongolia

China forced Japan into war with the US by defeating Japan at Kunlun pass and West Suiyuan in 1940 >>16825939 >>16815964

Japan would be forced to invade either Southeast Asia or Soviets due to their inability to conquer China.
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Do not of poke mighty bear
/his'torically speaking, Russia was always the most vulnerable against herself - all the countless revolutions are a testament to that.
If history truely repeats itself, there will be another revolution - among the population, or the military.
If the west keeps pushing, this scenario is not so unlikely as it sounds.
>roosevelt and his disgusting kike clique pushed america into to it
I think this aspect needs more attention.
I wonder, to what extent did the jews control/influence the highest American decision making during WWII?
How did he personally feel about the nazis?

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Protestants, how do you explain all the times when Our Lady appeared to people?
For example: Lourdes, La Salette, Fatima, Zeitoun.
She correctly predicted historical events, no less, and converted many throughout history.
We have more evidence of these apparitions than of Christ's resurrection. Even skeptics witnessed the Miracle of the Sun, for example.
>it's voices man, demons
If so, why do these 'demons' tell people to obey Jesus? How could we know that it was really Jesus who appeared to Saul, etc.
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>Don't ever quote the Bible in anything except Latin.
The cat's outta the bag, it doesn't matter now. But you must read the Bible with the CCC right next to it.
It does, but people are ignorant.
>The cat's outta the bag, it doesn't matter now.
Funny that. Things could matter so much it justified the torture and execution of thousands; but, a little time passes, and it doesn't matter at all any more.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever?
It doesn't really matter to people like you I suppose.
>Things could matter so much it justified the torture and execution of thousands;
When pr*testantism coud still be stopped, now it's too late and we can only work towards ending it (fortunantely it's dying on it's own)
>ut, a little time passes
centuries, you mean.
>and it doesn't matter at all any more.
It "it doesn't matter" not in the sense that "it's fine" just that there's nothing we can do to reverse it anymore.
>>hails Mary 10x more than God in the "rosary"
The Holy Name of Jesus is contained within every Hail Mary. And Jesus is God, the Son.
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It's the annunciation of our Lord too. Basic knowledge of scripture or language makes this obvious

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Why did conservatives, right wingers and traditionalists fell in love with Israel
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The only MENA immigrants Americans have to worry about are the ones with the long noses. There are like 6 million Muslims in the US. What do you think they're going to do, take over Washington DC on camelback and proclaim a caliphate? Jews could very easily push this country into another bullshit war in the mideast.
Yeah, I understand that, but if you've tuned into conservative media, it's all "campus crazies" as the new from Soros mind warfare against the Judeo-Christian western viewpoint and way of life.
>Judeo-Christian western viewpoint
>'The Jews are better than us, you need to accept that'

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>since the days of the Iraq war

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The rise of technology is typically seen as an almost universal good.

However, far into the future when people study our era I think it will be seen as more of a mixed bag. The war waged on the spiritual aspect of humanity is tantamount to a genocide. Not of people of course, but of their souls. When you look back into history at the peoples of the past, you'd be hard pressed to find a single group who didn't hold some sort of spiritual belief. But in our modern era even the poorest and most destitute have a wealth of options in terms of escapism to completely block out any need or want for spirituality. Regardless of your personal views on the topic of spirituality, you have to admit that it's probably not good for the species long term to be walking down such a path. I mean, this is uncharted territory. No one has ever lived through what we're living through right now. Typically, scenarios like this end very very badly.
Christcucks like you seem to understand the symptoms of the issue, but you're all too intellectually lazy to pin down the real issues.
Please, enlighten us. I welcome all points of view.
>The war waged on the spiritual aspect of humanity is tantamount to a genocide. Not of people of course, but of their souls
Why? Are our souls being genocided because we now understand why thunderstorms occur instead of attributing it to a god, or what are you referring to?
>Regardless of your personal views on the topic of spirituality, you have to admit that it's probably not good for the species long term to be walking down such a path
Is the term animacide taken yet?

God is omniscient, i.e has infallible, comprehensive knowledge of everything.

God is eternal and possessed this knowledge prior to the creation of the world.

As an example, God possessed the knowledge that at a certain time , Cain will slay Abel.

Man cannot change the past. Man can also not change God and his knowledge given the immutability of God.

Therefore, if God infallibly knew that Cain would slay Abel prior to his doing it, then it follows that it was absolutely preordained to occur in spite of Cain or Abel. It could not been otherwise given God knowing it to occur.
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'compatibilism' is a retarded cope.
>man still makes the choices
what choices? he has no choice, his decision is predetermined.
Jesus said that all the blood of the prophets, from righteous Abel to Zechariah, will be charged against that generation. Jesus taught that the prophets spoke until John the Baptist, and then the Kingdom of Heaven has been revealed, and everyone is forcing their way into it. Jesus said that all the prophets will be in the kingdom of heaven with the patriarchs. He said that those who give their lives in this age to serve Him will inherit the kingdom.

Basically, this world is a test, and if you obey righteously and speak the truth, you will be persecuted and possibly killed. Your reward for this is eternal life, inheritance in the kingdom of heaven, eternal rewards, and even up to thrones.

When Abel died, God has him covered with much more in eternity than he ever could have enjoyed in this life

Jesus said we should sell our possessions and give to the poor and follow Him in order to gain the kingdom
Choice, in the ordinary sense of the word. Like people use it every day. (despite determinism being true)
people have no idea about the sense they use the word in everyday speech. that's why the myth of free will survives, because it sure as hell does not stand up to scrutiny. the most often used sense is that of argument from internal experience: "I am aware of my own mental processes leading up to a choice being made" is the most widespread one, closely followed by "I don't know what other people will do next, therefore choice".
>then it logically must occur.
putting the cart before the horse
He knows it because it will occur because you will make that decision. Your free will is real, but your understanding of it is limited to you existing within spacetime. God doesn't exist within our confined spacetime conception, which is where all "paradoxes" around God arise from. This is why most religions just say "God is incomprehensible" and move on. We literally are unable to comprehend it and if we try, in some cases, we'll end up drawing the wrong conclusions

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Is it Genetics? Environment? Culture? Competition? Family structure?
You can't talk about this stuff in school, (unless in the context of: "the European societies stole from the less advanced societies and that's how they became so technologically advanced" (I am not joking about that BTW)),
I really want to know.
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Lol’d at Southern French being 4 Tiers down from Northern French, and looking like jews. Whoever made this is clueless.
Wh*Ts smell like dogs tho
They didn't it's just a dumb /Pol/tard, why would you take anything one of these cretina says seriously?
native americans should have their own tier with mesoamerica at the very top
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What a shit thread
Almost a symbol of how bad this board is

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You need a Cuban next to the american
are there US missiles in taiwan?
Straw man thread
why would there be american missiles in taiwan?
retarded bunker tranny thread

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I'll start, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation or Amtrak's obsessively constantly changing paint jobs.

You'd think for a company that is a chronically underfunded and underappreciated as Amtrak, they would be relatively frugal with things like paint jobs, just pick one that works and stick with it. But no, in their five-decade existence, they've changed paint schemes SIX times, soon to be going on a seventh with the introduction of new locomotives.
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take your antipsychotics anon, this is a friendly reminder
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The E44, which is still preserved in the PA state Railroad museum. It had the nickname of the brick and was loud as sin
>with the introduction of new locomotives
>Hadn't there been natives living there for several thousand years by that point?
Did they make any maps?
The chinese had ships that could make the journey by then but what would their incentive be?

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Why have Christians on 4chan stopped arguing over whether or not God exists, God is Yahweh and that Rabbi Yeshuah is his son/Yahweh himself, but have instead switched to arguing over the supposed social utility of a population believing so?
>why have the strawmen in my head all collectively decided to do this and not have any agency???
there are way too many threads on here like this too be honest

can /his/ explain to me, a non american why the confederates were "bad" or any worse than the founding fathers of america?
> in 1776 slave owning, traitorous aristocrats secede from their home nation and decide to create their own nation
>this is seen as good, is celebrated, and is seen as a truimph for freedom and democracy
>in 1861 slave owning, traitorous aristocrats secede from their home nation and decide to create their own nation
>this is seen as the worst thing ever
Why is it like this?
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>Half of them were descended from aristocrats and lords The other half descended from hearty yeoman stock who became aristocrats through trading slaves
Most of them bullshit, only the elite. Do you base a person being "descended from aristocrats and lords" based on their surname? If so, it's wrong. People had their surnames to LARPing their prestige, not because they were royal descendants (something similar happened here in Brazil: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silva). Being a rich slave owner as well as being bourgeois does not make you an aristocrat, but an oligarch.
>Disproves the myth that slaves were oppressed
I said many, not all, you functionally illiterate. If southern slavery was good for all of them, the Underground Railroad wouldn't exist. It is logical that these slaves who were seen as family members were domestic servants rather than the plantation workers who were the majority.
>if white southerners are mullattos then why do they cluster and collate almost exactly with englishmen?
Why do you compare them to Englishmen when the British Empire had already abolished Slavery when the Civil War happened? You know that if the USA were still their colony, that would have made white southerners more mulatto than they are today.
>no proof for this
Lowndes County, Mississippi (1860):
>Total population: 25,176
>White population: 8,045
>Enslaved population: 17,000

Beaufort County, South Carolina (1860):
>Total population: 38,805

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>The South relied on the North
that's not what a colony means, but oddly enough you shitposting retards arrived at sort of the right conclusion. The south was an economic colony of the north. The north tariffed their importation of industry to keep them from competing

after the war the north took them over and embezzled hundreds of millions building railroads into the middle of nowhere to try and maximize their cotton output
Wilkinson County, Mississippi (1860):
>Total population: 16,910
>White population: 3,137
>Enslaved population: 13,516

Brazoria County, Texas (1860):
>Total population: 8,167
>White population: 1,918
>Enslaved population: 6,160

Jefferson County, Mississippi (1860):
>Total population: 17,279
>White population: 3,271
>Enslaved population: 13,037

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Maybe your somewhat right, but it doesn't mean you should say that
They literally did not pay tax. This is fully a thing Southerners invented after the civil war was over. The southern states didn't even believe this during the actual conflict.

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What if this were Europe in the Middle Ages?
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That clean border between Italian Al-Andalus and the Papal States is unlikely. The Papal states would likely ask around in northern Europe for knights to create various crusader marches to protect Rome from invasion.
Europe would be so far ahead if this were the case. Al-Andalus would be a neo-West Roman Empire and a united Germany that early on would become a superpower much much quicker.
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>Al-Andalus would be a neo-West Roman Empire a
Sn inbreed backward arab shithole
Did medieval europeans really have the ideological motivation to create genuine nation states back then? This would completely shift our timeline earlier by hundreds of years

What are they drinking? Camel piss?

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