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Was Leningrad a genocide?
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>we have declared that our longstanding enemies have committed a crime against us just after recent events have caused them to decide to ally with another of our longstanding enemies
slamming that fabricate claim button
>but it's still the intellectually honest thing to admit when it happened to them.
Agreed. People should admit the truth even when its the crimes of the side they sympathize with. Most people are unfortunately completely incapable of this, but it is what everyone with genuine consciousness should strive towards, and call it out even when their own 'side' tries to deny, hide, or handwave it.
>I'm no lawyer so dunno if Leningrad would technically count as a genocide
It doesn't. A siege and a genocide are different things. And the Siege of Leningrad was just a siege, not a genocide.
>and if Finland would be guilty of it if it was one.
It usually depends on whether you lost or won. But it gets more complicated in situations like Finland in this case, but as Finland is now officially on the side of the dominant superpower, and the accuser is not a superpower and is considered the enemy by the dominant superpower, so Finland would not be guilty even if they had committed a genocide. But Russia of course knows this too and this ruling by the St Petersburg court is only really meant as a propaganda piece for their own people inside Russia, so what the outside world thinks of it is ultimately irrelevant to it.
>But from what I recall the aim of the Leningrad siege was to just starve out the entire population
That's the point of sieges, yes. Starve them until they surrender the fortification.
surprised /his/ still has some reasonable posters, lel
>It doesn't. A siege and a genocide are different things. And the Siege of Leningrad was just a siege, not a genocide.
>That's the point of sieges, yes. Starve them until they surrender the fortification.
From what I recall intent is a very important component in genocide. If you do something in order to eradicate a people or culture it is considered one. So terror bombing civilians for instance isn't a genocide by default unless you do it specifically to irradiate the people.
The same way genocide can be done without killing a single person, by forceful reeducation or by spreading a population throughout your land to assimilate them over time
It's not a fabrication if the crime was always there but kept aside in order to facilitate good relations.
>It doesn't. A siege and a genocide are different things. And the Siege of Leningrad was just a siege, not a genocide.
A siege might just be a method. Genocide isn't how you do it.

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What happened to women after the collapse of rome?
Women politically defeated Cato during his life. He wanted to keep the law that forbade them wearing luxury but they organised a protest which was successful. They gradually increased their power more and more and now we live in undisputed gynocracy
>We wuz patriarchal n shiet lol
None were really patriarchal
Virtue was called manliness now manliness is toxic and all virtue is feminine
Husband was head of the family and when there was divorce father got the children
Women couldn't vote they couldn't hold office. It was unimaginable for a woman to rule a state.
How would you want a state to look that you can call it patriarchal?
Roman wasn't patriarchal...

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What is life about, anons? I don't get it.
Chilling with your tribe
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women
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Probably some gay shit about love or acceptance or something.
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I was reading some comments from a leftist jeet but I see he's seething over islam like his right wing counter parts. Can any muslim respond to this?
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Why don’t you go back and ask them?
But he's right tho. Based jeet.
Since he's talking about bigotry, and the only prominent bigotry in Islam is against faggots and some critics could also try to argue against women...
You must be a faggot and a feminist.
It's time to leave Mehmet

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I'm an orthodox jew.
Ask me anything about judaism, the bible, talmud, or any jewish text.
Especially questions like these >>17071989

Last thread >>17055639
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Where do you think you are? Half of the threads on this board are autistic analysis of tiny differences between closely related ethnic groups. We can clearly see that modern Jews genetically have nothing to do with ancient Judeans, this isn't even a serious argument.

Just accept that you are a Black Hebrew Israelite style larper; does your religion really require that Slav-Italian Ashkenazim, Yemenite Bedouins and Moroccan Berbers all pretend to be the actual biblical Judeans? Do you expect the rest of the world to go along with your insane larp?

Modern Judaism is a multi-ethnic cultural movement that absurdly larps as a bronze age ethnic movement, while trying to exterminate the actual descendants of the ancient Judeans. Why don't you just concede that modern Judaism is a genocidal religious ideology and not a genuine ethnic group?
You're right about everything.

This is ethical posting.
>hysterical pleas
>no sources save for a single blogger
>samefaggotry to defend a baseless position
>how you doing fellow autists?
I accept your concession. While you're at it, why don't you produce another meaningless wall of text and reply to yourself again?
Which religion claims to be and ethnic group?
Nowhere in a jewish texts is this claim made.
I don't know why people repeat this like it's some novel "gotchya, you don't even have the same genes as people from the area!"
>You don't think is sick that God commands you to kill everyone except for virgins?!?!
>Hey, why are your genes so diluted?!?
This board is constantly arguing about the minuscule genetic differences between Slavs, Germanics and Celts, yet you come into our space and expect us to accept that the vastly different races of Polish Jews, Iranian Jews, Yemenite Jews and Moroccan Jews are not only one unified race, but also the literal genetic ancient Judeans? And you also expect us to accept and support your genocidal territorial claims based on this larp? Are you insane?

> nazi germany's economy was like a le house of cards - they ran on hekkin debt; that's why Hitler HAD to start WWII

> Nazi Germany's Debt-to-GDP ratio: 40.43% (38 bn. RM / 94 bn. RM)

Meanwhile 2023:
> FRG : 64.28%
> USA : 122.15%
> China : 83.64%
> Japan : 263.90%
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>and in far more substantial numbers than the PzKw III and IV in 1939.

Meant to rephrase this part. My mistake. The mark III and IV outnumbered the Czech designs but the Czech designs were in such substantial number that it bolstered the number of tanks with real firepower by 50% of its original force.
Nearly 75% of the German armor in 1939 were panzer 1 and Panzer 2, barely meant for combat service.
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> backbone of the Wehrmacht armored firepower came from Czech tanks [...] panzer 3 was still in relative small numbers and the panzer 4 had a very soft caliber at the time

except that the Panzer IVs gun actually had more penetration than the 38(t) (which in turn had more than the 35(t))
also: pic related

> Wehrmacht also armed itself with Czech rifles
nigga, who cares.

you claimed that germans invaded Czechoslovakia because they had no working industrial sector themselves and that Hitler had to buy most of germany's weapons
and now you're talking about what?
200 tanks and less than 400k rifles

> Tatra 111 truck was the backbone of the German motorization
what does this have to do with any of the stuff we've been talking about; is this shit AI? The Tatra 111 was developed in 1942 and until 1960 less than 34k were produced, meanwhile germans produced more than 100k Opel Blitz trucks
The Panzer IV Ausf A model in 1939 was only equipted with the 75 mm howitzer gun which didnt have good armor penetration capabilities and wasnt designed to be that, it was a high-explosive howitzer meant for soft entrenched positions. The Czech 37 mm barrel on the Lt vz 38t was however designed for armor penetration

The PzKw 38t had a muzzle velocity of 750 m/s and could penetrate 41 mm (at a 30° angle) at 600 m and 27 mm at 1 km.
The PzKw IV had a muzzle velocity of 325 m/s and could penetrate 38 mm at a 60° angle at range of 500 m.
These statistics are from the online tank museum

Irregardless, no matter how much we would differentiate this, the point still remains that the Czech tanks greatly increased Wehrmacht firepower in 1939

>who cares
More weapons

>you claimed that germans invaded Czechoslovakia because they had no working industrial sector themselves and that Hitler had to buy most of germany's weapons
and now you're talking about what?
I am literally not that anon. I wrote the two posts with attached Hitler / Chamberlain pics respectively and it should be a clear distininction that I am a different anon.

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> Seeing how 70-80% of the German armored armaments in 1939 was barely fit for armored combat
The Panzer II was decent enough in 1939 considering that the Polish armoured force consisted mostly of Tankettes

even in 1940 the Panzer II wasn't completely useless, after all it had a radio unlike many French tanks. Furthermore, the French deployed hundreds of Renault FTs or cavalry tanks (like the AMR 35) which were also poorly armoured and often armed with nothing but a machine gun
Anglos have been infested by the merchant mindset for too long and literally can't imagine people take actions with profit motives anymore.

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Is Star Wars crypto-aryan mythology?
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Somehow you fucked every single one of these up and missed that Endor is from the Witch of Endor story.

0/10, you're shit at pseudery.
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>missed that Endor
negro nothing of what I mentioned is about endor as far as Star Wars is concerned,- as this temple was on Ahch-To.
Darth Vaders grave WAS on Endor however,- which funnily enough ties into how Tolkien described Sauron and Galadriel meeting.
(spoiler alert,- the meeting of Luke and Rey is in Tolkiens universe described as Sauron and Galadriel)
It's a bit scuffed as far as real world equivalence goes because in Star Wars, Luke is explicitly the spoof of Jesus,- whereas in LOTR Sauron/Halbrand is a spoof of the Messiah lineage (Skywalker lineage as a single walking re-surrecting entity, basically being the bible protagonist lineage)
here, churn your noggin on another meme.
Why would you want mythology for manchildren when you already have real mythology
mythology is just politics and philosophy for manchildren. literally just ancient capeshit that got reguegitated over campfires and then worshipped by protectors of the "holy canon".

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This book was written, printed, and aimed at children.
The fact that Christians have to keep repeating "God is just" over and over again when discussing Hell is a tell. Kinda like how Muslims mindlessly repeat "Islam is a religion of peace" every time there's a terrorist attack or stabbing.
Man, the description of this on Amazon is terrifying.
there was no Disney in the 19th century. you ever read the original unexpurgated Grimm's Fairy Tales?

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It all started with the Uralics and Turkics BTFOing the Indo-Europeans out of Finland and Central Asia. Then Eastern Europe proceeded to get raped by 300 different Asiatic ethnicities that are too many to list.
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>Chinese man turns Nigerians into Khoisan.
The Asian genes are the only genes that can buckbreak nigga genes, so naturally they would want to spread them all over the world starting with snowniggas.
>Turkics BTFOing the Indo-Europeans out of Finland and Central Asia
They BTFO'd Eurasian mutts
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I would have no idea pic related existed if not for /pol/cels mentioning. Turkrainians have been so buck broken by Turkics that they literally have Turkic culture, but they just happen to speak IE.
>they literally have Turkic culture
They didn’t.
They're the same shit as Bulgarians. Both are IE speaking Turkoids.

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>Every major character has been raped

Why are atheisr obssesed with rape?
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I think he meant to say atheist. Berserk's only portrayal of religion is negative.
Lol it portrays folk religion/paganism in a positive light. Just not child-fucking abrahamic type religion
Can you summarize the situation for an adult?
>Miura was a le based pagan
You're an idiot.
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>Miura was a le based pagan
No one said that, jew demon

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Was muhammed a homosexual? We all know he was a pedophile but did he rape little boys too?
Arabs (and Turks) will fuck pretty much anything that moves as long as they're active instead of passive.
They don't have our idea of heterosexuality, in this they resemble Ancient Rome
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There are even worse hadiths.
>Muhammad the pedofag prophet
He said in Jannah Muslims will get bacha bazi eternal boy "servants" to bring them wine. If Muslims wished clothes, cars, horses etc...would servants or genies bring them too or would they just appear to them? Why would Muhammad mention beautiful beardless boy servants if he himself hasn't been one or used one.

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"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not.
Both are equally terrifying."
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gonna watch steins; gate again.
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If aliens are real then they must be pretty chill or they would've killed us all by now, for purely machiavellian/darwinistic reasons i.e. nothin personnel. So, not very scary.
Chances are, though, life doesn't exist anywhere but Earth, which, in the traditional sense, is horrifying. Redditors are subhuman though; the way they think "we must shepherd the earth or humanity will go extinct," parroting the talking points of the elite, when that very* elite keeps picrel in store ready to unleash on the world.
They aren't mutually exclusive you tard.
>If aliens are real then they must be pretty chill or they would've killed us all by now,
Maybe we're being quietly contained https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoo_hypothesis
Like a planet-sized version of North Sentinel Island.

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>Same species
Nah. Just nah. No argument needed. Just nah.
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because "species" is an arbitrary term with too many exceptions to mean anything.
the most accurate term to use when understanding different kinds of living creatures would be "kind"
Scientists hate it though because its biblical
No one replies to him anyways lol
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>Human vs non-Human
Das rite.
Whether Neanderthals should be considered a different species is still up for debate even today. All I know is that nature doesn't care about our arbitrary rules and categories.
lol /thread. You prove your own point and the only fallacious pseud response is "w-well species doesn't really mean anything anyway!!" Hilarious. We're all just goy sapiens

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>look into the history of some illogical law (loitering, vagrancy, theft etc)
>find that it was created as an excuse to harrass/jail/expel black people from town
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probably, any hunter gatherer group would likely be very close knit and communal
>le proto-communist hunter-gatherers
t. Tulsa Tranny
it's technically their property anyway since this country was largely built on exploiting black labor
Before 1965 White people had property rights and freedom of association, so they could just legally exclude Congoids from their territory. After ZOG made freedom of association illegal, many communities tried to delay their destruction by Congoids through tendentious legal workarounds that mostly failed.

these are all ridiculously easy

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