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Please give a serious answer; why did Hitler hate jews?
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right after world war 1 when a bunch of jews was very important in the failed communist attempts to overthrow the state and white emigres blamed the russian revolution on jews. He might have held virulent antisemitic views before this but those were never expressed in letters or writings and he had no problems getting along with the jews in his regiment including his own Lituent Hugo Gutmann.
I need to know what it says
Because the human brain is an error prone pattern recognition machine. Monkey sees 'unusual' thing, monkey makes inference about thing. Very useful for a Pleistocene monkey man, very unhelpful for a civilized human being. All interpersonal bigotry and prejucdices boil down to some moron seeing 2-3 members of minority X doing despicable thing Y, and then their dumb ape brain taking this as proof positive that minority X is the CAUSE of Y. It's a cognitive bias that we're prone to.
you can use the AI-jews for this these days
banking, media, these two alone controll politics with ease. it's not that complicated
>There were like several hundred jews involved in the leadership of communist revolutions in Europe after WW1!
>Therefore Europe's 9 million Jews are the CAUSE of communism!
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i don't really get it
you have to ask yourself, eventhough rothschilds might have supported communism economically, it was to counter the tzar that was giving them a hard time in world control through banking
then ask yourself were they commies, would they have given up their palaces, treasures banking and influence... for the common working man? hahahahahaha
Because they have destroyed every host society they've ever inhabited.
Jews believe that non jews exist to be exploited maliciously, and their religion exists to justify their actions taken in line with that belief.

That is why jews have been persecuted continuously for the last two thousand years, Hitler being nothing special in that respect.
Because they are a malevolent ethnic mafia that seized their country in order to economically and socially exploit it for their own racial interests, basically all the same stuff they are doing in America and the west today. These short speech clips should answer most of your question:

Hitler on democracy and capitalism:
Goebbels on Jews:
Hitler on Palestine:
Hitler on why they hate Germany:
Hitler on art and culture:
Hitler on race:
Hitler on the meaning of Europe:
Hitler's war for all mankind:
Brainlet board. Adolf Hitler was the biggest piece of Zionist shit to ever exist. He's responsible for deaths of millions of ethnic white Europeans and creation of Israel.
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He is the N.A.Z.I (non aryan zionist impostor).
Based. Keep spreading the truth brother. Everyone needs to wake up (even ignorant Jews) to the truth before it's too late.
Because he was influenced by nationalist ideology. Jews in general weren't liked in Europe.

Honestly, that sounds fake. It's contradicted by his writings. He consistently compares Jews to parasites or bacteria. It's clearly biological hatred. Also, Nazis blamed them for both communism and capitalism.

Jews are a funny bunch, when convenient they will associate antisemitism with Hitler to demonize their detractors, but when pressed they'll claim Hitler was their own pawn. I can see how both schemes of lies can be used to their advantage, but I don't think they realize their webs of lies are obvious fabrications.
You're dumb. It's just 4chan shitposting. You don't need to be a Jew to shit on Hitler and your kind. You're generally annoying and historically illiterate.

This kind of slop is the only thing you can post. Brainwashed monkeys.
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Thanks for all the replies.
I'm watching these rn, very informative
You should read actual books. Right now you're watching pure trashy propaganda.
people who share hitlers beliefs about jews tend to also believe his own bullshit claims about being antisemitic years before world war 1
>several hundred German political leaders and generals prosecute a war
>therefore 10 million Germans need to die via firebombing, genocide, and a war of annihilation
>10 million Germans
It's 1.5 million tops, and most of them during the flight and expulsion. Less than 500,000 died from allied bombings. Germans killed more in pretty much every eastern country or Soviet Republic they occupied.
Your analogy is somewhat false given the evidence we have for the german public's popular support for the war before and during it, not to mention the millions of germans who actively participated in fighting it. A better analogy would be the reprisals and categorical expulsions against ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc because some of them collaborated with the Nazis. But also yes it is in fact unreasonable to say that German civilians deserved to die because of the war crimes of the German military.
Coz jooz on average have higher iq than corean ware spunk trophies and if you can’t beat them kill ‘em
Hitler had little education and very unsophisticated, peasant beliefs about the world. Also France was the only country outside Germany/Austria he ever visited in his life.
Did Hitler ever perform a state visit to any other country?
no he left the actual work of running the state to his subordinates. he was stationed in France during his WW1 service and visited Paris after it was captured in 1940 but other than that he never traveled outside Germany.
I'm reading this anon's articles rn >>17440087
He literally explains it in Mein Kampf. It's actually kind of funny because his "redpilling" journey is so similar to the modern day kind of thing you see on /pol/ every day. Basically at first he mostly just hated slavs and gypsies and such as well as social democrats/communists and thought dedicated antisemites were retard schizos and Jews were a mostly inoffensive and well-integrated minority not worth worrying about. Then he "did the research" for himself and found out Jews were running all the SocDem and commie news papers he hated and how many of them were involved in that kind of politics and turned hard on the Jews.
German Jews as a whole were conservative politically, well-assimilated, and there were nearly no Hassidics in Germany unlike the shtetlbillies to the east who were like ISIS members.
You should read Kershaw's book rather than this slop.
Bismarck once said that "moneyed Jewery" was not to be feared, revolutionary Jewery was for moneyed Jews had no reason to tear down a system they benefited from.
Here's an amusing AI reading of Hitler's redpill story from main kampf using the English transformation of his loud speech voice:

That didn't work out so well
Because he kept getting BTFO'd in his discussions with them. He said so himself.
The weimar republic and that government making child prostitution incredibly rampant is part of it. Bankers like we have in America, another. Germany went super woke between ww1 and 2, and the people who caused it were all sentenced to death. Go figure
The question was about Jews tho.
Imagine that in the USA there is a communist revolution in New York and the leaders are Woody Allen, Bob Dylan, Jerry Seinfeld, Allan Greenspan and Kissinger. They form the Soviet republic of New York and being killing people and nationalizing all private property.

The same happens in Florida and California, once again, every leader is a Jew.
After a few weeks and a few thousand deaths those revolutions are defeated. But now, after events like those, how succeptible do you think the average American would be to antisemitic ideas? I think they would believe every antisemitic conspiracy, many would support deporting all Jews or worse. Jews would probably have to flee from their lives.

What happened in the Holocaust is the above scenario colliding German autism and their obsession for efficiency. Nobody took Hitler (or antisemites like him) seriously, before the German revolution of 1918-19, the Bavarian Socialist Republic, and the Communist Revolution of Hungary. After those 3 events, antisemitism became much more popular and every antisemitic conspiracy became believable.
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So why Hitler didn't join the freikorps if he hated the communists so much? Something fishy here.

>how succeptible do you think the average American would be to antisemitic ideas
There's a problem with this comparison. Germans weren't particularly anti-semitic after those revolutions. NSDPAD wasn't a popular party, communist KPD was actually more popular.
meaning, what exactly?
Moneyed Jewry funded the Bolsheviks and has been deconstructing Europe altogether
Germans funded the Bolsheviks which allowed them to defeat Russia.
Germans did not "fund" the Bolsheviks
He spent 25 years obliterating communists.
>Germans weren't particularly anti-semitic after those revolutions.
Hitler didn't start out hating jews either, he just started out hating communists after the 1918 civil war, but then he got into politics and noticed that all of the communist leaders were jews.

Hitler was fairly open-minded at the time and thought "that's rather odd but surely it can't be all of them", so he went around the country talking to jewish leaders but he could never convince any of them to oppose the communists, so then he started thinking "well, maybe it is all of them".

After that he started physically removing the communists and all of the newspapers accused him of antisemitism, which was very odd because he wasn't targeting jews specifically, so then he started thinking "huh, I guess it is all of them".
They did. Lenin was literally paid by Germany. He was basically their spy.
Why did so many moneyed Jews supported the Bolsheviks?
Lenin was not "paid" by Germany
Hitler didn't actually view communism as a serious ideology, he just viewed it as a tool of Jewish international capital to liquidate the traditional elite and social structures of a nation in order to prepare it for transfer into the hands of Jewish international finance capital, which is actually what communism turned out to be.
>He spent 25 years obliterating communists.
By why didn't he join the Freikorps?

You just post his fantasy version of what actually happened written in Mein Kampf.

>After that he started physically removing the communists and all of the newspapers accused him of antisemitism
Yeah, makes me wonder why. When he started removing those communists?

By the way, ever heard about something called NSDAP program? It was proclaimed in 1920.

>None but members of the nation may be citizens of the state. None but those of German blood, whatever their creed, may be members of the nation. No Jew, therefore, may be a member of the nation.
Thoughts? Was it a mistake? Did he just mean communists?
>which is actually what communism turned out to be
Whoa, that's interesting. Please elaborate on this.
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Socialist concepts were developed in Germany, then Jews like Marx hijacked the concept for their own ends, in order to use the impoverished and poorly educated working classes to destroy the traditional elite power networks, social structures and cultures of their host societies in order to prepare those nations for market commodification. Russia is a good example of this, they had a strong traditional elite and none of their assets were liquid, they were mostly held by hereditary privilege. The USSR wiped out this elite then peacefully transferred their assets to Jewish gangster oligarchs.

Here are a few recordings from the audiobook of "In His Own Words", a collection of Hitler's speeches, which address some of these points:

Chapter 1: "Why are we antisemites?", delivered at the Hofbrauhaus festsaal, Munich, August 13th, 1920

Chapter 2: "Freedom or slavery", delivered at the Bürgerbräukeller, Munich, July 28th, 1922
>The USSR wiped out this elite then peacefully transferred their assets to Jewish gangster oligarchs.
I'm sure you can prove it happened. Post names of those Soviet Jewish oligarchs from 1920s and 1930s.
Also, don't bother posting Hitler speeches, I don't care. Post some facts. Names, dates, numbers, this kind of thing.
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But the Russian imperial assets were transferred in the 1990's, until then they were held in safe keeping by Jewish apparatchiks and their retarded goyim peasant servants
But you said that communism was established to transfer those assets to Jewish oligarchs. Was it all planned? Did the Jews also plan their own demise in the purges?

Joking aside, are you seriously implying that the communists from 1917 planned the collapse of the Soviet Union 70 years later just to transfer imperial goods to the oligarchs? And you people want to be taken seriously?
It's really weird how zionists are now trying to pull the "hitler was always a communist" card, given how hard he want against communists.
>Did the Jews also plan their own demise in the purges?
Only a few of the more unrestrained Jews were purged by Stalin, he remained loyal to the Jews and was the first leader to recognize the genocidal Jewish ethnostate. Slavic power in the USSR did increase somewhat after Stalin's death, but the fundamental logic of the Soviet state did not change.
>Joking aside, are you seriously implying that the communists from 1917 planned the collapse of the Soviet Union 70 years later just to transfer imperial goods to the oligarchs?
Yes, in the sense that communism was never intended to build anything, only to destroy, clear the way for commoditization and peacefully collapse. The only question was when Jews would decide to reap their harvest.
Stalin killed a lot of communists too tbqh.
was that before or after Stalin closed down hundreds of synagogues, shot Orthodox Jews by the thousands, and arrested a Jewish man his daughter had a crush on? on top of making a Jewish oblast in a remote frozen region of Siberia and giving them a flag with a gay pride rainbow on it?
You are so mad.
>was that before or after Stalin closed down hundreds of synagogues, shot Orthodox Jews by the thousands
that was the communist liberal Jews butchering the poor religious Jews whom they hated and considered troglyodites. there's a lot of Jew-on-Jew hate you don't know about.
>on top of making a Jewish oblast in a remote frozen region of Siberia and giving them a flag with a gay pride rainbow on it?

that's funny 'cos Hitler actually hated the old social order in Germany and considered it backwards
They sent in in an armored train car to Russia, dude.
Facilitating transit is not "paying"
German Jews were mostly acculturated and conservative.
if that was really true then Jews would be the master race and have the right to enslave us. /pol/ doesn't think things through too well, do they?
no, they're immoral cowards
>This of course applies to blacks to an even larger degree but this is of no concern to Jews since they are no threat to begin with
This has gotta be the best one. If a bunch of feral nogs were coming at you with a machete, tell me how non-threatening it is.
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>If parasites overtake your body, they have every right to kill you
Stfu moshe
they're not actually that bright anyway if you ever interacted with one. most are intellectual mids.
Schopenhauer is not really a good source for anything because that was back before it was demonstrated through archaeology that the Exodus didn't really happen, and also that modern Jews aren't the same people as ancient Israelites just a bunch of Italians who formed a Scientology-tier cult in the late Roman era.
lol it is ironic how little self-awareness /pol/ has that they actually do make Jews out to be the master race
>why aren't goyim framing their struggle through the master race ideology we made up out of thin air?
Because we actually have access to real National Socialist ideological material and it clearly characterizes National Socialism as a national liberation ideology against a clique of psychotic genocidal capitalist oligarchs
>Because we actually have access to real National Socialist ideological material and it clearly characterizes National Socialism as a national liberation ideology against a clique of psychotic genocidal capitalist oligarchs

Then why are its biggest exponents always Chud Anon and other such brown people? I'd estimate that the # of brown Naziboos outnumbers white ones 8-1.
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The same criticism of jews exists outside context of their own incriminating fables lol. In all likelihood they were the Hyksos usurpers that were kicked out, it's the exact same m.o.
>we wuzzing
Low iq confirmed

>how little self-awareness
Jews aren't very smart at all. They're only somewhat competent at text-heavy fields like law and of course the entertainment business (where they can be good at writing a song or a movie script) and they have poor problem-solving skills and crystalline intelligence. Also they're physically clumsy and very un-athletic plus prone to lots of genetic diseases. You can take advantage by overcharging them for repair services and other such items because they're not smart enough to change a flat tire or replace a light bulb.
>you are brown or something
Total Non-sequitur
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If you're the type of human that shits in the Ganges river, survives by stealing drugs, subverts nations etc but have also been cursed by God to recognize your own nature, then you will inevitably idolize a higher state of existence.
>why is jewish media programing in all relevant white countries designed to make white people communist retards?
It's a mystery
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He was denied his Khazar Milk Gf
If you read Mein Kampf he just equates "Jew" and "Slav" as one and the same.
Russia pre-revolution was a backwards feudal shithole where 90% of the population were peasants.
>and noticed that all of the communist leaders were jews

Germany nonetheless did have quite a few socialists who were not Jews; a large chunk of those emigrated to the US after 1848. That said it would be folly to claim socialism as an exclusively Jewish belief; it was simply the general trend the world was moving in at that time, towards centralized, managed economies.
>communist leaders were jews
anti-communist leaders; business leaders, intellectual leaders and entertainment leaders had an "over-representation" of Jews too. Maybe because they didn't spend the last thousand of years under the static, martial, feudal system of exploitation with its dysgenic effect on BOTH peasants and their rulers.
oh, I almost forgotten - they are suspected to be among the leaders of the whole industrial and anti-feudal revolution as well.
hadrian kicking all of the jews out of judea was a bad idea in retrospect.

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