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I never signed any social contract.
OK I will continue to govern you anyway.
What I don't want to be governed by you.
The state will continue to exist regardless of whether you individually consent to it.
Based individual freedom enjoyer

Cringe elitist seeking dominion over man
you're supposed to take care of him mr monarch
but now I realize it is moral to undermine the state
What if I don't want to be part of it.
You are incapable of doing anything to alter this situation.
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You are incapable of doing anything to alter this situ.. NOOOO NOT THE HECKIN' GEORGE FLOYD MURALARINO
You do not live in Afghanistan and are not part of the Taliban.
How do you know that.
I can take a leaf from their book. If goat herders can overthrow their government, I can certainly undermine the government.
The Taliban defeated a weak, corrupt regime which collapsed immediately upon the removal of foreign troops. It had previously been in power for four years and waged an insurgency for two decades. You post on 4chan.
>fuck you I don't recognize the government I'll do whatever I want!
I love how all these individualistic "rebels" can do is be edgy on the internet. You will follow the law and pay your taxes because otherwise you'll get fucked by force and you know it. End of story. Enjoy larping as a tough guy though.
>believing anything you see on shitter
And the biggest retard of the year award goes to...
Foreign troops were defeated because of said 20 year insurgency.

>You post on 4chan.
Yeah, we're not perfect, but we can see through glowy psyops.
Is not a glowy psy op

Anon is describing society your parents thinking you must take out the trash governs over, since you are a kid and they just order you, until you are an adult and feel responsible b4 they are to old and can't do it themselves
If you're actually retarded enough to try, rather than posturing like a dickless faggot on a Somalian Basketweaving Enthusiasts forum online, then be sure to livestream what happens when the police kick your door down at 2am.
You implicitly do everyday by agreeing to social norms and conventions, and by adhering to the law.
When you decide to not brutally murder your neighbor because he's playing loud music, and instead resort to calling the cops and amicably knocking on his door, you're "signing the social contract"; you're going above the individual and recognizing the collective (and its inherent power over you).

Might makes right. It's moral for you to go against the State if your desires are so. After all, it can be rational from the individual's point of view to decide he wants to live alone and doesn't need the state.
But in that case it's also "right" for the state to condemn you and imprison you using violence.
>no one does anything
So you agree everyone should be allowed to kill you on sight without getting punished for it?
Have you ever done anything more significant with your life than post Internet Tough Guy rants? If your answer is 'yes' post details.
Why would I post details? You clearly don’t have the people’s best interests at heart and you want to protect the elite
says the man whose posturing is clearly designed to make any opposition top the elite look pathetic and ridiculous - in service to your globalist master. Nobody's taking the bait, fed.
Oh, and I also accept your concession that you've completely wasted the one and only life you will ever have.
For any individual person though, protecting the elite (or at least not harming them) *is* in their (individual) best interest however, even if it helps others. Should people act on behalf of their own best interests, or their social groups best interests?
Social groups best interest is sometimes taking down those who are acting I. Their own self interests. You think the elites living lavish lives in your tax dollars have the groups best interests in mind? Nope they don’t.
Valuing the group's welfare over your own is noble, but 99% of people don't want to spend the rest of their life in a prison cell. There's a reason you don't see CEOs or politicians getting bumped off every day
>99% of people don't want to spend the rest of their life in a prison cell. There's a reason you don't see CEOs or politicians getting bumped off every day
That is just because they have power and people like you maintaining their power. people kill others all the fucking time, thousands of people are willing to kill and go to prison for it.
The are two areas in the Sahara that aren't claimed by any state. Go live there.
modern humans are more dependent on the state than ever
it's thoroughly over
>point out how bad some things are here
Wow bro just move to the middle of the desert if you don’t like it!

I bet fags like you in the Middle Ages were saying don’t like feudalism? Bro just move to x place.
>>Wow bro just move to the middle of the desert if you don’t like it!
Thoe are the only spots in the world that don't have any claim on them by any state. Blame the world for it, not me.

>I bet fags like you
"Fags" like me don't act like entitled little princesses.
Smarmy cunt
>When you decide to not brutally murder your neighbor because he's playing loud music, and instead resort to calling the cops and amicably knocking on his door, you're "signing the social contract"
No I'm not.
Why should I have to pay taxes if I were to cut myself from things like heating, water and electricity and police protection.
Why isn't that so ?
You sign the social contract when you reach your teen years and decide to behave with civility instead of being a criminal
>You sign the social contract when you reach your teen years and decide to behave with civility instead of being a criminal
No I don't.
Because I'm not signing anything.
I've never been told the terms and conditions of the contract nor asked if I agree to them.
Why does anybody else owe your narcissistic ass anything? Aren't you grateful that everyone who wanted to punch you in the face after a few seconds of listening to you speak restrained themselves due to the contract that we all - including you - continue to sign every day by not remaining in a country and continuing to abide by its laws?
Not believing in the social contract is niggerish, and libertarianism is just another version of the 1619 Project.
You make tacit commitments to social contract because you use their air, water, property laws, and various elements of their institutions. What usually, happens to leave it is the state does something that goes aganist human rights. If it were to make you a slave or force you to adopt a certain religion for example.
moral people are dead. You & I are the descendants of those who chose life over principles, and are ruled accordingly.
>Why does anybody else owe your narcissistic ass anything?
I don't think anyone owes me anything. And I don't owe anyone anything either.
>- including you - continue to sign every day
I haven't singed anything.
I'd be fine with a contract if I could actually see a tangible contract and all the terms and conditions of it.
And actually have a chance to sign it with my name.
I've never seen such a document.
Not really. There was no just no will to continue nor to use extreme force.
Then leave.
You were born in a nation with a social security number and a birth certificate. Your parents consented for you. You can leave any time you want.
Don't care + didn't ask + ratio + descendant of peasants + kings are gods
No human is an island. Just as you never signed a contract to be your Parents' child, you did not with the State. Yet you will remain of a child of both.

Your kind of rhetoric is useless and only popular among angsty children.
Ok fine, you get your way.

Now the next day comes Bob the Despoiler, also a free sovereign citizen, but he happend to form a posse around himself and has declared himself the scourge of God. He now demands you to sign his social contract or to become part of his skull throne.

What do you do?

People are afraid of being fined or their heart rate skyrockets if a police car shouts at them to pull over, and you're here.

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