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thoughts on him?
Can't compete with the Aryan kike
Quite like him desu

Never heard of him desu
I like him. I mainly watch for the religion stuff though.
He is veiled nordisissyicst scum.
he's okay, I just don't care for the anti-christian larp.
why? This is what IE Studies is all about. Being anti-Christian is part of IE anon studies and community.
If I recall correctly, the only reason we know barely anything about Anglo Saxon lineage is because monks wrote them down.
I think his videos on ancient history are interesting and informative. I don’t think he’s hostile towards meds like some claim, but I don’t have the autism ti have a firm position on whatever 7th Rome study came out last week. I think his pagan larping is cringe. Overall, I like him.
Visceral dislike but not hatred but also visceral
He's fine and is "walking the walk", rather than just "talking the talk" by living in Scandi with a Scandi bride.

Doesn't shy away from DNA info, but still has an obvious Nord-bro vibe, but why not? The more we learn, the more interesting and impressive it becomes.

The most Cringey thing are his super shitty tattoos. He's got the elbow spider web shit and everything. I'm sure he regrets those these days and keeps them covered, but they're pretty bad :/

Great raspy, British voice that could land any American chick too. (not that anyone would want to)
>brown people hate him
Who cares?
Post his name at least, you can't expect to just post random people and expect people to give opinions.
He's a nordicist who deeply resent Mediterranean europeans out of an obvious complex of inferiority but he is too much of a coward to openly admit it so instead he peddles lies and falsehoods on their dna and history and let his low iq followers do the rest. Very dislikable person.
Based. One of the good ones.
Anti-Christian isn't a larp, it's the natural European state. Jews and Christfags have Israel and the USA to go back to.
I like his videos about religion. A shame that he seems to be more interested in genetic and acheolgical autism.
All these people are and more unironic nordicist who southern europeans, think the ancient greeks were nordic and hate Jesus as well.
I'm not Nordic, don't care about South Europeans and don't mind Jesus. Calm your tits.
His videos are interesting and well-researched
He is an unlikeable faggot.
>Great raspy, British voice that could land any American chick too.

His voice sounds like that of a homosexual. He kind of sounds a bit whiny too. I think he's a poof.
Will never make a video on ancient Greek genetics because it destroys his fantasies. Said Romans were "French-like" even though there is only a single sample that is and it's obviously mutted with Gauls.
Clearly hiding his receding nordcel chin with that bitch beard too
That's a poor excuse Joushuan fanboy. If it wasn't for Christian's, Anglo Saxon identity would not need books to remind them about who they are - they would simply continue a living tradition of preserving their culture in every day life. You might disagree, but all those non christian countries seem to show the opposite. Seethe harder
Based and Indo-European pilled.
He can be credited for slowly eliminating all the shill pagan cults and bringing people up to level on what is historically accurate practice - and what is not. This is very important because a lot of cults are just money schemes
I like Asha Logos better.
For me it's the opposite, I love his videos on genetics and archeology but don't care about the pagan larp
At least Tommy boy "walks the walk" to an extent; Asha logos is like the quintessential hotep paper pusher but nordic variation.
Literally autistic.
He recently expressed in an interview that he thinks medieval/pagan people were law-oriented, as in they only had an understanding of what was right and wrong from officially stated and written laws rather than tradition. He thinks they didn't have objective morality. He also made that horse rape video which he seems to believe is a real thing. Someone mentioned he had a jewish academic friend which is also not good. Overall I like some of the stuff he talks about, but I don't think he is genuine. Seems to be more of a profit oriented type that exploited an available niche. Also he does shoe reviews.
They're all paper pushers unless they do something notable. But nobody does anything anymore, its all talk. At least Asha Logos gives us a life-affirming, positive narrative.
I've done artwork for him. He's a nice chap. He's a bit blunt with people in comments who are of course less-informed than him on certain subjects, however, so could be more tactful, but he never misses the mark.
Having known him personally, he's not a grifter by any means. He doesn't have a great deal of money despite his well-to-do background.
If European Neo-paganists had their way the West would be completely India-tier by now.
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Based. One of the good ones.
Anti-Christian isn't a larp, it's the natural European state. Jews and Christfags have Israel and the USA to go back to.
But every Christian church in your country is already importing gazillions of pajeets, and Asatruar like Tommy are pretty open about not wanting nonwhites in their countries.
India-tier in what respect? As in importing brown people? Any reasonable reading of germanic pagan texts which reveal that that would be unacceptable.
India-tier in terms of just having a decentralized religion? Christianity has been largely decentralized for the last 500 years, is christianity "India-tier"?
Europe's ideology is mainly Enlightenment values, not Christian.
If it embraces Christianity again, it'll become Africa tier.
If you disagree, tell me what Christianity's 5 main ideological tenets are. If you're claiming "its just a faith", then it has no impact, anyway.
Bit of a fag when it comes to "muh germanic paganism" larp bullshit and anti-Christian stuff but I like his videos on neolithic peoples and cultures.
For me? It's the up and coming yootoober... Numen
2hr long content
sources in description
cringe LARPagan
Pre christian europe was largely india tier, and no Greeks and Romans weren't white.
>europeans record their own history
This shit is so disingenuous.
I liked him at first but I realized he's another nordicist we wuzzer. The disdain he has for anything south of Germany is Varg tier.
He'd be more credible if he didn't try to justify northern "civilizations"

History is not a participation award
Thomas lives in England thougheverbeit
That's interesting but bullshit. Let me explain you why. First templars exterminated by force our religion while seeking approval from the Papal states.
Than Jerusalem suddenly becomes the "thing". Nobility welcomes jews into their estates as a symbol or religious closeness to holy land. Term "court jew" was in place. Christian esoterism that derived from kabbalah enforces their awe, with heavy symbolism of pentagram, grails and other foreign crap.
The jews until this day are trying to not letdown their expectations and end up making very poor decision - because they are just people and the pressure they themselves have put on themselves os creating very bad consequences.
Because the jew have finally caught on that they would be asked from, they started diversifying our lands so they will feel more comfortable there after all of their fuck ups that just dont cease to happen. This is a he cause of mass migration of people easily more hateable than them. Result? We are slowly becoming that same india tier civilization you are talking about. And tribal spirituality (I wont call it religion at this point) is the way to go.
I Don't know who he is, lol!
What does it mean to "justify" a civilization?
>He thinks they didn't have objective morality.
If that's his point, then he's right. Their system of law - which is reflective of their system of morality - was based on kinship and social status and typically arranged through either fines or feuds (if fines failed).

Take murder, as a very simple example. In Christianity, "thou shalt not kill" is the core foundation of the law as it relates to murder. But look at the Lex Frisionum (a codex of pre-Christian Frisian laws):

>If a noble man kills a noble man, he pays 80 solidi; of this compensation, two parts belong to the heirs of the victim, and a third to his next of kin.
>And if he denies, to have killed him, he swears it with 11 men of the same rank.
>If a noble man kills a freeman, he pays 53 solidi and 1 denarius; and if he denies, he swears with 7 oath-helpers.
>If a noble man kills a serf, he pays 27 solidi minus 1 denarius to his lord, and [of this] to the victim's kin 9 solidi minus one third denarius; and if he denies, he excuses himself with three oath-helpers.
>If a freeman kills a noble man, he pays 80 solidi; or if he denies he swears with 17.
>If he kills a freeman, he pays 53 solidi plus 1 denarius; and if he denies he swears with eleven oath-helpers.
>If he kills a serf, he pays 27 solidi minus 1 denarius to his lord, and [of that] to the victim's kin 9 solidi minus one third denarius; and if he denies, he swears with five oath-helpers.
>If a serf kills a noble man, he pays also 80 solidi; or if he denies, he excuses himself with thirty-five oath-helpers of his own rank.
>If he kills a freeman, he pays 53 solidi and 1 denarius; and if he denies, he swears with 23 oath-helpers.
>If he kills a serf, he pays 27 solidi minus 1 denarius to his lord, and [of this] to the victim's kin 9 solidi minus one third of a denarius; and if he denies, he swears twelve-fold.
>Between [the rivers] Vlie and Zwin the wergeld of a noble man is 100 solidi, of a freeman 50, of a serf 25, a solidus [being] 3 denarii new money.
>Between [the rivers] Lauwers and Weser the wergeld of the noble man is 106 solidi and 2 denarii, of the freeman 53 solidi and 1 denarius, of the serf 26 and a half solidi and a half tremisse.
>If any man, be it a noble man or freeman or serf or even slave, kills the slave of another, he pays according to how it is valued, and the lord swears with his [single] oath that this was the right price.
>If, however, one of these persons denies to have committed the homicide, he must excuse himself with larger or smaller oaths, according to the price of the killed slave.
>Between [the rivers] Lauwers and Weser [the slave] has his own fine.
>If a slave kills a noble man or a freeman or a serf while his lord does not know about it, his lord swears that he did not order this, whatever the rank of the victim, and he pays his fine twice single for the slave.
>Or, if the slave says that he acted on his lord's orders, and the lord does not deny this, he pays, as if he had killed him with his own hand, whether he be a noble man or a freeman or a serf.
>And if the slave denies to have committed this, his lord swears for him.
>If it was a noble man, who was killed, and a noble man to whom the slave belonged, he [the owner] swears with three oath-helpers.
>If it was a freeman, who was killed, [the lord] swears two parts of the afore mentioned oath with two: a noble and a free man.
>etc. etc.
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He makes medjeets seethe. That's based enough in my book.
>If a noble man, by [evil] cunning, instigates another man to killing, and the killer flees the country, the instigator pays one third of the wergeld.
>If, however, the killer does not flee, the instigator does not pay anything, but he will only suffer the enmity of the victim's kin, until somehow he regains their friendship.
>If, however, [the instigator] is accused and denies, he swears with three oath-helpers if the killer ran; but if the killer is in the country, the instigator does not swear anything, but only suffers the enmity of the victim's kin, until somehow he can return into their grace.

The ban on killing also comes with these exceptions (where it is legal to kill):

>The duellist, who is killed in combat; and the adulterer and he who is caught in a ditch, through which he is undermining the house of another; and he who attempts to set fire to the house of another, who has the torch in his hand, while the flames reach the roof or wall of the house; he who demolishes a shrine; and the child expelled from the womb that is strangled [or: killed without nutrition] by the mother
>And if any woman does so, than she pays her wergeld to the king; and if she denies, than she swears with 5.

And some additions:

>If someone sets fire to the house of another, he pays him his house, and everything in it that was burnt, twofold.
>If, however, by the flames he forces the lord of the house to come out and then he kills him, he pays nine fold for him, whatever his rank was, whether it be noble or free or serf. This regulation has been issued by the king.
built for bbc
>thoughts on him?
You're a shitskin autistic fed that's paid to shit on whites and ban any detractors for months on 4chan whilst pretending you're all about open conversation?
Wow, never heard that one before...(sarcasm).
>If someone kills his father, he loses the heritage that would be his due.
>If someone kills his brother, he pays for him to his closest heirs if he had a son or daughter, or, if he did not, he pays his father or his mother or his brother or also his sister; if there is none of these persons, he pays for him to the king.
>If anyone kills a married woman, he pays for her according to her status, similar to what he would have to pay for a man of the same status.

There is only one situation where capital punishment might be imposed for murder:

>If anyone breaks into a shrine and steals sacred items from there, he shall be taken to the sea, and on the sand, which will be covered by the flood, his ears will be cleft, and he will be castrated and sacrified to the god, whose temple he dishonoured.
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Stupid skitskin...
Anon you do know that the Anglo-Saxons were literate before Christianitu came along, right?
Laws can be reflective of morality, but its stupid to completely ignore everything else. Applying moral relativism to ancient societies is a very very modern trend, but it really doesn't make sense. Honor as a concept hasn't changed fundamentally. You wouldn't think ten thousand years ago, that if you beat an opponent who couldn't defend themselves that you are now tough and strong. You wouldn't think its more fair to rape or murder someone outside your tribe, than someone from your own. You realize, if you can use your brain, that reaching a level of desperation at that point is not only pathetic but does the opposite of proving your strength or correctness. A child could reach this conclusion on their own, but the assertion here is that these incredibly intelligent people who conquered most of the planet could not grasp such a basic concept and instead had something more akin to semitic legalism.
what do you mean veiled ?
Again, inida-tier in what way?
Is this just your way of saying that you don't like pagan europe?
Germanics have good IQs and have always exhibited strong moral tendencies, even before the advent of christianity. There's no reason to believe that the harsh upbringing of germanics was anything but a transitionary phase.
"Though shall not kill" is not a law it's an ideal. Christian's killed more than they farted. You listed consequences for murder in pre-Christian era, so what happened after it? Did everyone stop killing? I dont know if you've noticed but people still can pay off to escape justice nowadays. Does it mean they are pagans...?
>Pre christian europe was largely india tier, and no Greeks and Romans weren't white.
Greeks and Italians are white...
The world's oldest wheel doesn't come from Africa, India, China or the middle east...

Do you know anything about the history of any other technology?
I'm guessing not.
You are nothing more than a stupid shitskin or fed after all.
Yep, in practical reality "though shalt not kill" only applies to other Christians.
Even then if you kill or rape another Christian all you need to do is pray to god for your sins and "boom" your Christian criminal record has been wiped clean and you will go straight to heaven again. That's how it's actually interpreted and practiced. Christians themselves will happily point to all the moments in the New and Old Testament that homicide, slavery etc are justified because God condoned it or forgave them.
So basically they are jews...except jews see them as the "voluntery" slaves (ironically they even call themselves that) of Maschiach. This is fucked up. And as a pagan, I do believe that Elohim exists, but I also see that Christians are willfully sacrifice their souls to a North African entity and that shot scares me. If they didnt know, all of our native top gods were all loving and all caring so it is not a question of having war gods vs peaceful Jewish god. This is manipulation on a planetary level.
Brother, if your kike friends from the middle east didn't infest europe with their resentful left-wing religion of the poorfags who hate successful and strong people, we wouldn't be facing an issue of Europeans not having recorded history of their pre-christian ancestors, because there would've been a continuation and natural evolution of our views throughout history.
>yes a black guy raped that white girl, but at least he gave her a lift back home, so it's ok!
>>yes a black guy raped that white girl, but at least he gave her a lift back home, so it's ok!
it's more like
>I may have lit your entire house on fire, but I brought you a glass of water to try and put it out, so I'm actually the good guy in all of this.
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Psychopathy and Narcissism both arising from an inferiority complex about being I1 while British (rape baby).
He is right about Medbugs and MENA mutts being eternal larpers trying to claim things that arent theirs and overplaying their achievements.

Greece? Rome? Who's your Hitler? Who's your Von Braun? Who's your Walt Disney? Who's your Neil Armstrong?

How many objects did Rome or Arabia send to the moon?
You’ll never be white, Tony.
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>Who's your Hitler?
the guy who destroyed his country? lol
>Seems to be more of a profit oriented type that exploited an available niche
how lmao. You're probably a christcuck
Le dark triad typically stems from a superiority complex rather than the reverse. Tom doesn't strike me as having either desu, just a good WASPy lad. I wish I had some of the opportunities he had. Getting paid to stand for pictures and having time and resources to study whatever I want would be a dream. I wouldn't have wasted it on studying paganism, I would fight ZOG, all of academia and the financial system directly.
>rather than the reverse
>I don't know the first thing about superiority/inferiority complex
>While a superiority complex involves exaggerated beliefs about one's abilities or achievements, an inferiority complex is the opposite
You must be referring to something after "the first thing"
>I cooka da pizza!
>fails to greentext
You talk like that and say that
>history began in 1600
A retvrn to Christianity would be mostly great if it was paired with some kind of technological regression and a decline of economies of scale. Otherwise you will just be getting 1 billion brown "people" in all Western countries. One would think the fact that most of these NGOs bringing them in being Catholic and Evangelical rather than Jewish would take some wind out of groyptard sails but they double down on the most retarded concepts, like a Catholic monarchy "fixing" this.
It’s funny how you literally just admitted that Christianity is a weak religion, which is going to cause a suicide by empathy for the West and therefore needs to be tempered by the equivalent of retardation pills in terms of technology, which makes us so retarded that we are incapable of suicide.
I think Christianity is weak. It's not funny. It's tragic
>which makes us so retarded that we are incapable of suicide
No. It is suicide, it's just going to be a long, drawn out affair unless we are able to revoke women's suffrage and commit resources to remigration. The problem is thinking that there is a religious solution to this at all. The west chose Plato over Lucretius and now you and I get to *live* the consequences of this.
>It’s funny how you literally just admitted that Christianity is a weak religion
Which is even funnier considering jews and their lapdogs blame Christianity for modern colonialism, forced conversion of indigenous populations, iconoclasm, blood libel, and pearl-clutching puritanism. Its become schrodinger's religion: too weak to be effectual, yet an international ideological genocidal institution.
Isn't that kind of the point? Like, everything about Trinitarian Christianity has, from day one, been about paralyzing people by giving them conflicting nonsense. It prohibits people from forming competing power centers as they're too wrapped up in internal conflict to cohere around anything. Christianity is the "core" of supposedly White Nationalist movements, but those same movements will happily jettison the White Nationalism to accomodate nonwhites, but also Christian organizations are at the forefront of importing nonwhites to White countries, but it's done in the name of them (hopefully) converting to Christianity and adopting White norms. The entire thing is completely confused and schizophrenic, by design.
STJ got mindbroken by browns, every single prediction he's made has been wrong, even the republic era romans he was hoping would be close to his snowmonkey "people" turned out to be brown
It's missing the ethnic cleansing of browns prominent in pre-modern Christianity.
>STJ got mindbroken by browns, every single prediction he's made has been wrong, even the republic era romans he was hoping would be close to his snowmonkey "people" turned out to be brown
shitskin Mexican OP got mindbroken by being invaded by the Spanish and now thinks he is Spanish lol.
No, the Romans weren't black Africans lol.
Also Chimpanzees have brown eyes and fur just like you lol.
You're so embarrassing to listen too.
You're like a passive-aggressive woman gossiping about a girl they don't like because they're more intelligent and attractive than they are.
>It's missing the ethnic cleansing of browns prominent in pre-modern Christianity.
Christianity has never had any opposition to browns lol.
Christianity HAS opposed pagans, muslims and to an extent Jews.
That's it.
The church has always married off whites to non-whites.
All Christianity cares about is converting more people to Christianity.
There is zero ethnic component aside from worshipping Jews lol.
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You mean the stuff that Christian churches have been condemning from day one?
no! children of god! i asked an AI to give me racist theology! children of god! you cant just look at history, an AI told me so!
Nobody can tell if that's a legit quote because it isn't sourced and is obviously a translation into English.
>no! children of god! i asked an AI to give me racist theology! children of god! you cant just look at history, an AI told me so!
Your reply is so stupid that it probably was written by an AI lol.
The people are criticizing Christianity for not caring about whites.
It's a bit of a stretch to call self-preservation racism.
Especially when it was Christianity that made Europe more expansionist than even the peak of the Roman empire.
>no really guys the religion that considers importing the entire population of somalia into ireland to be its top priority is actually all about genocide and white supremacy because chatgpt told me so
Go outside and actually talk to a Christian instead of just sitting in discord grooming echo chambers.
>Go outside and actually talk to a Christian instead of just sitting in discord grooming echo chambers.
Lol, Discord is full of Christians which is why you bring it up out of nowhere...
Maybe you should actually read your own bible and learn about the history of Christianity?
Maybe you should explain why the Pope kisses the feet of refugees?
Not only do YOU never see the sunlight, but you're insane enough to think that people don't know what's in the bible despite it being the most printed book in the history of mankind.
In fact the more you know about Christianity the less likely you are to stay Christian.
Christians remain Christians for the same reasons communists remain communists.
Historical illiteracy, and their reluctance to even read their own religious texts.
romans werent nordics or germanics or celts :D
keep seething white boy :D
>Post his name at least, you can't expect to just post random people and expect people to give opinions.
Lol, you haven't worked that this is an autistic brown Christian who always starts these threads and pretends to be different people agreeing with himself.
He's basically autistically stimming as he talks to himself.
He doesn't need to explain who the person in the picture is because he himself already knows lol.
>romans werent nordics or germanics or celts :D
Romans weren't Black Africans....
In fact they were Italians.
Italy shares a border with....Austria
>keep seething white boy :D
The black child said something?
Wow, you're so desperate to post an emoji but you can't because this isn't twitter lol.
>get technological and economic regression
>western countries RETVRN to based catholic monarchies
>get conquered in short notice by China, or any other country that don't regress in technology for muh jesus sake
Yep, with Christianity you will always get
Technological stagnation and brown people lol.
Always both at the same time.
no one said they were black africans either you retarded white boy, romans weren't snow monkeys like you :D
keep seething :D
This guy makes a career out of reading pdf articles and has no acreditation.
>no one said they were black africans either you retarded white boy
You've literally been saying that the entire time stupid black baby lol.
>romans weren't snow monkeys like you :D
Romans weren't Africans...
Also It snows in Italy lol. Every heard of the alps?
Also chimpanzees always have brown hair and eyes like you.
Chimpanzees live in Africa like you.
Africans literally got HIV from eating and fucking chimpanzees...
Like what else there to even say?
>keep seething :D
Wow, a favorite tranny word. Not even old-school rappers are gay enough to use that word. 50 Cent would call you a faggot to your face.
>This guy makes a career out of reading pdf articles and has no acreditation.
Oh right. So you're the 4chan autistic with no accreditation who attempts to read pdf articles you don't understand whilst you accuse someone with an MA in Medieval and Renaissance studies of being just like you?
Sorry, bro. The t.v. told me Christians are fascists and want to kill all minorities, also control women's bodies. Also, my local rabbi told me Jesus is anti-semitic. They tried to colonise Muslim lands too.
>MA in Medieval and Renaissance studies
All his videos are about everything but the renaissance though.
Reminder that Survive the LARP has no education on history or genetics. He majored in some gay shit like theatre or something. Indeed, he's nothing but a clown performing in front of an audience.
>"this guy has a degree in [thing he talks about constantly] and also [other, tertiary thing]"
>Well clearly that degree isn't doing him any good as he never talks about [other, tertiary thing]!
I have no idea what you guys are arguing about but this is such a hilariously jewish post
Isn't it more jewish to say that having a dgree in a vaguely related field gives a justification to act as an authority in other fields?
Keep coping. He's just another alt-right grifter.
>having a dgree in a vaguely related field gives a justification to act as an authority in other fields?
What are the other fields? STJ only does gay archaeogenetics shit that I actively tune out, and analysis of germanic paganism, the latter of which would fall squarely into his wheelhouse.
Medieval studies would cover warfare, the end of paganism and replacement with Christianity, archeogenetics because a lot of Europes genetic profile changed then and not before the fall of Rome.
Instead almost all his videos happen to be about nothing but before the medieval era.
Imagine getting a degree in phyiscs so you end up making a alchemy channel on YouTube using pdfs of old book scans and abandon any job prospects your degree had.
That is what STJ is doing.
Even if he has a degree his actual subject matter comes from nothing more than free time and hobbies.
>This is what IE Studies is all about. Being anti-Christian is part of IE anon studies and community.
How? That's like saying studying Napoleon is intrinsically anti-English. It doesn't make any sense.
I don't fully understand what that anon is talking about, but a lot of my experience in learning about germanic paganism has involved me wrestling with claims of potential christian revisionism in order to discover authentic nuggets of prechristian lore. That's what my mind goes to, though I could certainly be wrong.
Sorry bro. The majority of Christians in the world are fucking black Africans.
Literally nobody has ever called them fascists.
For obvious reasons.
Holy shit are you a mentally ill fruitcake.
Your whole fucking religion was literally founded by a rabbi. Jesus himself.
This is why Christians lie about everything all the time. Because their religion was literally created and authored by fucking Jews that hate them lol.
You're so unbelievably stupid.
It's just sad.
why does STJ hate near easterners / afroasiatics so much?
>I don't fully understand what that anon is talking about, but a lot of my experience in learning about germanic paganism has involved me wrestling with claims of potential christian revisionism in order to discover authentic nuggets of pre-Christian lore. That's what my mind goes to, though I could certainly be wrong.

Because Abrahamics AND leftists are pathological liars?
That's nothing new to anyone's ears.
For example The claim that a guy called St Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland when snakes never existed in Ireland in the first place. Also there was never a person called "St Patrick" who existed anyway.
The church combined together a few true and made up stories from multiple early Christian proselytizers into one fictional person.
Christians, Jews and Muslims are pathological liars who will do anything at any cost to achieve their evil ends.
>why does STJ hate near easterners / afroasiatics so much?
Why do Newr Easteners / afroasiatics hate STJ so much and create an infinite number of mentally ill forever unemployed threads about him on fucking 4chan?
>Hitler was in the RAF
Opposite, Narcissists either hate themselves or see themselves as divine and depending on how they feel during the day will oscillate betwain the feeling. In the case of Rowsell he hates himself for being a rapebaby.
He gives me the psycho-tingle and I am never wrong.
>Reminder that Survive the LARP has no education on history or genetics. He majored in some gay shit like theatre or something. Indeed, he's nothing but a clown performing in front of an audience.
Reminder that shitskin christ-tard anon has no education what so ever on anything and starts an infinite number of threads on 4chan to talk to himself like a schizophrenic retard lol.
>Opposite, Narcissists either hate themselves or see themselves as divine and depending on how they feel during the day will oscillate betwain the feeling. In the case of Rowsell he hates himself for being a rapebaby.
>He gives me the psycho-tingle and I am never wrong.
Another autistic shitskin with zero social skills proselytizing Christianity on 4chan accuses others of narcissism...
Can't make this shit up haha wtf.
The eyes chico, they never lie.
>I wish I had some of the opportunities he had. Getting paid to stand for pictures and having time and resources to study whatever I want would be a dream. I wouldn't have wasted it on studying paganism, I would fight ZOG, all of academia and the financial system directly.
So you would "fight zog" by promoting a religion founded by literal Jews lol.
Holy shit are you lost and stupid.
One must become a Jew to fight the Jew.
>One must become a Jew to fight the Jew.
That's like saying you must become a heroin addict to stop other people from abusing heroin lol.
Nepotism, crime and social engineering aren't by any means exclusive to Jews.
You have plenty of whites to learn the dark arts from
File deleted.
Nothing about what he says in studies of proto-Indo european research is really historical or backed up by hard archeological data. Indo-european studies is a debunked and archaic field of study in archeology and anthropology. Trying to fit everything about indo-european descended languages and religion in a single narrative is ahistorical and confirmation bias. Current day archeologists don't lump every clay pottery discovery into one huge narrative, they look at how those peoples interacted with the neighboring cultures and what cultural diffusion existed. By the way we are talking about thousands of years of history of basically tribal societies and some genetic data, which tell us nothing about the history of those peoples.

What he does like most youtubers can be labeled as "pseudo-science" or at best "pop-history". Pic related is how Yamnaya looked like btw lmao, basically like mountain Kurds.
Shitskin christian OP is still samefagging and talking to himself when he himself has never stepped foot in a university lol.
Like I agree with you in a sense.
IE theory is mostly bullshit but it is the mainstream academic opinion right now.
So I don't know why you're talking about him being "unqualified" when he's literally repeating the mainstream academic opinions. And is actually qualified.

Also there is a huge aspect of historical larping and white nationalist agenda among types like him. This guy who talks like a lily wristed British aristocrat wants us to convince us that he has anything in common with these basically Conan the barbarian types. We are talking about a brutal era of rape and murder and ISIS tier barbarity and somehow we the people of today have to find that admirable. At least people like Bronze age pervert use it to justify their coke fueled homosexual lust for big muscly men that are like Homeric heroes.

Well newsflash: if you were born in that era, those big muscly men weren't like how you imagine them. They were stocky angry manletts, half starved rapists and slavers. They would have killed you, your family,burned down your home and grabbed your stuff. They had no notion of tribal solidarity but were basically warbands of like minded rapists and killers. Imagine Blood Meridian in the Bronze Age:

>Also there is a huge aspect of historical larping and white nationalist agenda among types like him
Lol, you're the OP still talking to yourself.
He isn't larping. He's fully aware that violence was the norm thousands of years ago.
The "we waz kangz" people on the other hand
(Black African nationalists) have absolutely no fucking idea.
You're an angry shitskin Christian who thinks they are Spanish lol.
How long are you going to continue talking to yourself OP?
How long are you going to continue agreeing with yourself about things that don't prove your point or make any fucking sense?

Please present to me, how indo-european studies are mainstream opinion. Since Gimbutas was basically debunked, archeologists and anthropologists are looking at diffusion model for the spread of indo-european language.

Also its super conspicuous how so much focus is on neolithic and bronze age Europe from which we have basically miniscule data and not on the bronze age near east. Where we have Hittites, the Mittani, Medes and other indo-eropean speaking anatolians and they all point to ethnically mixed and but divided tribal kingdoms that became city states. Compared to the isolated villages and hill forts of Europe and the surface level impact on bronze age Greece, if anything one should study the Asia Minor, Caucasus and near east bronze age history of indo-european expansion for historical cues.
>. At least people like Bronze age pervert use it to justify their coke fueled homosexual lust for big muscly men that are like Homeric heroes.
Lol, less than 0.1% percent of Hellenistic pottery shards depict homosexual actions.
You're a mentally ill freak just talking to themselves on 4chan haha.

I am not the OP, I just came into this thread. Are you butthurt I debunked your favorite youtuber? lmao dumbass schizo.

Alexander the Great was getting buttfucked by Hephaistion and Bagoas was his favorite boytoy. Everyone was doing it, even more so royalty and nobles.
>Please present to me, how indo-european studies are mainstream opinion.

Please tell me when Indo-Europeanism is rejected as a cultural and linguistic "historical" classification system lol.
>Since Gimbutas was basically debunked

Literally nobody quotes Marija Gimbutas lol.
You're bringing up a completely irrelevant person.

>Also its super conspicuous how so much focus is on neolithic and bronze age Europe from which we have basically miniscule data and not on the bronze age near east.
Lol, dude. You're something else. You're from another planet. You are like an expert as saying the opposite of reality.
A true mentally insane fruitcake lol.
>Alexander the Great was getting buttfucked by Hephaistion and Bagoas was his favorite boytoy. Everyone was doing it, even more so royalty and nobles.
Lol, literally no source says Alexander the great ever fucked another man haha.
Holy shit are you messed up in the head.
>I am not the OP, I just came into this thread. Are you butthurt I debunked your favorite youtuber? lmao dumbass schizo.
You are the OP and you always start these stupid shitskin threads where you endlessly agree with yourself because almost nobody else ever does.
It's sad, pathetic and mentally ill.
You've started this exact same thread like 15 times already on 4chan.
Give it a break and get a job you fucking goblin lol.
Oliver Stone's Alexander the Great, based on Robin Lane Fox's book, says otherwise.
>Oliver Stone
That's a fucking drama movie you idiot lol.
Not at all a historical primary source document.
Holy shit, just how stupid are you haha.

>Please tell me when Indo-Europeanism is rejected as a cultural and linguistic "historical" classification system lol.

You just said it, its a linguistic classification system , not a historical model or even cultural grouping for archeologists or anthropologists to use. The current re-popularizing of it is for paleogentic positivism to be used in archeology like how positivist nerds look at scientific "discoveries" with glee while basedfacing. There is nothing historical about it, history requires sources and hard data to make positive claims about anything, we just have speculation. Indo-European as ancient cultural studies is peak pseudo-science.

>You are like an expert as saying the opposite of reality

Please tell me what is the reality, when indo europeans spread first into the Caucasus, near east and Asia Minor according to all available data.
How stupid are YOU? I just listed the secondary source book by Robin Lane Fox. This world class academic most certainly has credentials that you don't, so quit yapping.
Be reasonable, how else I'm gonna fuel the barbarian larp and dunk on meds since shitposting on bame will land me in jail?

Post data, or forever remain in silence. There is no such thing as "Indo-Europeans" as a unified cultural group and you said it yourself its a giant LARP
How can pre-civilizational languages spread across such a broad area without being a form of cultural diffusion? What benefits were provided by speaking PIE?
>You just said it, its a linguistic classification system , not a historical model or even cultural grouping for archeologists or anthropologists to use.
Despite the fact that they all use it...
It is the mainstream opinion right now.
>Please tell me what is the reality, when indo europeans spread first into the Caucasus, near east and Asia Minor according to all available data.
The reality is that the middle east is far better archeologically studied than Europe and that's mostly for religious reasons. Many wealthy christians and Jews are obsessed with trying to find the remains of Sodom or ancient Canaanite dwellings etc.
Everything pagan or prechristian in Europe was rejected almost completely until the 60's and now it's all being rejected again in the 2000's due to the elites wanting to replace Europeans with Africans. Like Sweden was literally caught melting down Viking artifacts.
>How stupid are YOU? I just listed the secondary source book by Robin Lane Fox. This world class academic most certainly has credentials that you don't, so quit yapping.
You listed a fucking drama movie you idiot.
And what about the fucking book?
What is he quoting?
Plutarch, Diodorus?
Holy shit are you stupid.
>Robin Lane Fox
>Basically, Fox fully subscribes to the theory that Alexander and Hephaestion were (more or less) lifelong lovers. Their affair began while they were pupils of Aristotle at Mieza, if not earlier, and ended only after Hephaestion's death.
>In Fox's own words:
>"Hephaestion was the one whom Alexander loved, and for the rest of their lives their relationship remaine as intimate as it is now irrecoverable: Alexander was only defeated once, the Cynic philosophers said long after his death, and that was by Hephaestion's thighs" (Alexander the Great, pg. 56).
The famous line Fox references, of an Alexander being "ruled by Hephaestion's thighs" comes from a collection of letters, written during Roman times, purporting to quote Diogenes of Sinope, a contemporary of Alexander. However, the authenticity of these letters have been questioned by modern scholars. The context and questionable authorship of the letter make its historical value tenuous.
I actually agree with you that PIE is mostly a myth. The only reason I'm disagreeing with you is because You're accusing somebody of being unacademic when they are literally repeating the most academic possible opinion possible due to the fact that THEY ARE academically trained.
It's a strange confusing thing to say.
What evidence do you have to disprove Alexander's homosexuality? Your feelings? Funny how you can trust the scholars on so many topics, but not this one.

ok , then I misunderstood you, I see what you mean now.
>What evidence do you have to disprove Alexander's homosexuality?
You haven't proven his homosexuality?
>Your feelings?
Your LGBTQ feelings lol?
>Funny how you can trust the scholars on so many topics, but not this one.
Lol, you just shat in your own mouth. That's what you're literally doing right now.

Alexander the great is well known to have had three wives. Parysatis II, Stateira and Roxana.
John Lennon had a wife too. Are you seriously implying that a king wouldn't fulfill his duty to produce heirs?
>John Lennon had a wife too
John Lennon wasn't gay lol.
He fathered two children.
>Are you seriously implying that a king wouldn't fulfill his duty to produce heirs?
He had a child you fucking retard

Holy shit. Do you know anything at all about history?
How fucking moronic are you?
You're so confidently stupid too.
You really are a character from idiocracy.
Don't take the bait, he's not serious.
Shut the fuck up.
Yes, I know quite a bit, probably more than YOU. You haven't even read Dr. Fox's work, but oh you just know SO much.
You know absolutely nothing.
You've proven that in this chat.
Well done idiot.
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>forced a public conversation about implications of ancient genetic findings
>popularised Indo-European studies
>major influence on resurgent Heathen religion worldwide
>defends British people from subversive troons and browns on twitter
>at the centre of resistance to the woke American scheme to ban Anglo-Saxon
>harassed by British intelligence
>called a terrorist by fed-adjacent deep state org Hope not Hate
>banned from entering USA by homeland security
>never apologises for anything
>Leftoids, jeets, crusaderlarping mexicans and troons all hate him with extreme passion

This man is based.
They weren't Mexican. STJ was right that the Republic was founded by native Italians and this made brown people LARPing as Romans seethe
His dissertation was on pagan horse sacrifices you dumb troon mutt
All this seethe about Tom is coming almost exclusively from jeets because of his aryan invasion video.

he's also anti southern european
I don't have any problem with this btw, I just have a problem with people denying the obvious
How's he anti southern europeans, he just argue that southern european male lineage got replaced by indo-european males in the bronze age. He has nothing against southern europeans.
>he's also anti southern european
He has half-siblings whose mother is Italian
His med half-siblings mog him making him even more resentful
>mog him
In what sense?
The way he interprets data is extremely Britian-centric, when a culture/language gets to britain he focuses on the genetics of those people and then pin-points the origin of the culture on where those people came from, which almost always means he denies the origin of southern European cultures to northern Europe.

Two examples being:
-Denying that the Bell Beaker culture originated in Iberia (despite it literally originating there archeologically) because the Bell Beakers who invaded Britain were genetically Corded Ware.
This it the same logical equivalent of saying that "because Neil Armstrong was of Irish descent, that means that Americans come from Ireland"

-His entire analysis and definition and analysos of the Celts is related to the Pritani (Celtic Britons), which indirectly denies the existance of every other Celtic speaking population which had a different origin, such as for example the Irish (whom he claims are only 5-15% celtic or something, which only makes sense when you understand his definition of Celtic literally means Pritani-only)
>Promoted for years the idea of a nordic ancient Greece and Rome before backing down in front of the overwhelming evidence
>claim that Iberian-clustering Italics were French in a pathetic attempt to make them appear more Nordic
>promote the false narrative of the weak brown eef and the strong viking looking steppe/beaker warrior
>is pagan and anti christian therefore anti Mediterranean per essence
>promote the false narrative that Tacitus secretly idolized the germanics when 99% of his writing he speak of them like a 19th century Briton would speak of niggers
>Frequently post memes about the Germanic conquest of Roman territories with Romans depicted as troonjaks, while ignoring that Romans largely dominated Germanics militarily until the 3rd century and that most of these Germanic kingdoms ended up being dreadfully unsuccessful, along with setting back europe several centuries behind.
etc. He's a nordic chauvinist and anti med subversive rat and I don't know how can people still ignore it. He's just less honest and autistic than Varg but hardly think any lesser than he.
I have northern french relatives which btw I love very much and I'm still anti northern european, not an argument
>>Promoted for years the idea of a nordic ancient Greece and Rome before backing down in front of the overwhelming evidence

Are they still on his channel or he deleted them?
He's pro european, which includes meds, you seething hindu raperat.
>He's a nordic chauvinist and anti med subversive rat
Maybe you can't handle the banter.
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>I have northern french relatives which btw I love very much and I'm still anti northern european, not an argument
no it's not banter and btw if meds did the same thing you guys would have a meltdown
shut up schizo
dunno, the romans french thing is still on his blog though
I per chance I had niggers relatives, thankfully I don't, I would still love them because they're your family and you can't do much about it but this won't stop me from considering niggers largely as subhumans.
He never promoted the idea of a 'Nordic Greece', he highlighted the fact that the proto-Indo-Europeans were from the Eurasian Steppe, more genetically like modern North Europeans than Southern Europeans, and that their language and religion shaped the cultures of every land from Iron Age Britain to the Indian subcontinent, including Rome, Greece and Iran.
Basically he called them mestizos? lol
/his/ in a nutshell
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>more genetically like modern North Europeans than Southern Europeans
this, the distance between corded ware and modern northern euros is comparable to the distance between the latter and modern southern euros.
Read the post again, retard
the post that destroyed /his/ forever
>the post that destroyed /his/ forever
OP is talking to himself with shit that doesn't make any sense forever.
>I will own a possible schizo spammer by becoming a schizo spammer myself
Maybe, there's something just unlikable about him to me at least. Detectable levels of sinister narcissism and fashionableness coupled with straightforward old fashioned English class elitism. I think he's vulgar. He's vulgar. No homo. Seems innately pre-ww2 fascistic and belongs to an unnamed Italian Roman caste spiritually. Maybe I'm wrong about all of this and just don't like his face.
Jesus Christ I can actually go and see real life Romans in the Dodecanese
there is no actual source regarding his sexuality whatsoever. the one reference to sex in all contemporary works about him refer to him turning down two male concubines sent by a Persian delegation.
I am White and my perspective on this personality type is from Reading Dostoyevsky's Note from the Underground.
Sometimes Whites forget that within our race exist the unread and ignorant.
>Maybe, there's something just unlikable about him to me at least.
Yep you're a shitskin.
>I am White and my perspective on this personality type is from Reading Dostoyevsky's Note from the Underground.
Lol, are you serious?
You're that insane?
>Sometimes Whites forget that within our race exist the unread and ignorant.
Aha, you're obviously a shitskin.
>Seems innately pre-ww2 fascistic
Lol, pure nonsensical shitskin gibberish wtf...
>schizo spammer by becoming a schizo spammer myself
Lol, you don't even know what schizophrenia is or means.
Holy fuck OP are you mentally ill.
Your insanity is exhausting to listen and reply to.
You're literally fucking stupid.
Where was anything said about promoting religion? By not wasting time with myopic pagan studies I could focus on genetics and technology.
Well that's more in the scenario of a global decline.
i dont hate him, he's been proven wrong several time though
You do hate him, you are a shitskin, and he hasn't been proven wrong by you on 4chan lol.
>Where was anything said about promoting religion? By not wasting time with myopic pagan studies I could focus on genetics and technology.
Lol, no normal, sane person actual says that.
You're clearly a Christian that doesn't give a shit about genetics.
Saying you don't care about paganism or archeological history and just Genetics is like saying you love hunting Elk but never eat meat lol.
You can only possibly be a Christian or Muslim of brown origin to say something like that.
he's been proven wrong by genetic sampling and aDNA analysis. I am not a "shitskin" I am Italian. No idea why you're seething
He is making 4chan Nazi stuff become pop culture so he is based. Heil Hitler, glory to the Aryan race.
>I am not a "shitskin" I am Italian.
>he's been proven wrong by genetic sampling and aDNA analysis. I am not a "shitskin" I am Italian. No idea why you're seething
You've repeatedly said he's wrong without actually proving he's wrong and yes, you are clearly an upset shitskin.
>He is making 4chan Nazi stuff become pop culture so he is based. Heil Hitler, glory to the Aryan race.
No, he isn't making 4chan Nazi stuff either.
Holy fuck. The commenters in this thread are insane.
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Tries to put on the airs of a detached academic but like all neopagan larpers he devolves into a schizophrenic esoterist when his obviously untrue beliefs are challenged or proven to be false. See his cope video on Eostre.
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Less shitskin than Spajeets.
Someone's got to break it to you. You're too sinister and retarded to be allowed opinions, I'm sorry. This is a warning.

I know you are, but what am I?

lmao the level of discourse on this shitty board, this guys fanbase are autistic retards like you who stumbled on to him after eupedia and /pol/. What are you trying to prove beyond the larp?
>Someone's got to break it to you. You're too sinister and retarded to be allowed opinions, I'm sorry. This is a warning.
Lol, you threaten to silence people when they call out your bullshit?
Another upset shitskin that yet again doesn't go into any specifics about anything because they have no actual argument.
What about Eostre? Why was his take wrong? How is he even a neopagan "larper".
You guys always start these threads where you just reply to yourself in confirmation without actually elaborating on anything.
Super stupid.
>I know you are, but what am I?
You're stupid.
>lmao the level of discourse on this shitty board, this guys fanbase are autistic retards like you who stumbled on to him after eupedia and /pol/. What are you trying to prove beyond the larp?
You have never provided a single shred of anything you've ever said...
most based for making joomers shit themselves in rage
precisely, you forgot jews btw, which are the string movers of the clueless golems
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no one likes manlet iberians, blonde girl would date a black over you and that;s a fact
What's a joomer?
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Soon STJ will go full denialist over all the new genetic evidence and claim Joos are manipulating and hiding the real Nordic samples.
Bottom line is he's no Thulean Perspective. He's got whiner in him and is comparably retarded to Varg but hides behind his paleogenomics knowledge and fancy production. Cowardly. I would crush him like a bug.
He rightly calls out thirdie chauvinists. And CHGay larpers. Some Mediterraneans getting upset about it says more about them than him
>hasnt read Dostoyevsky
>doesnt know the "English" have a complex about their "complicated" ancestry
>claims well read Whites are actually brown
Hello, Nigel.
>and is comparably retarded to Varg but hides behind his paleogenomics knowledge and fancy production
yes that's exactly this
>consider meds to be thirdies
so you admit he's anti med then? :)
And it's normal for people to get upset when a faggot is manipulating your history to fit his narrative
>Spain was no more Roman than Britain
-STJ the the we wuzzing whigger.
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unreal coping snowmonkey LOL
he got BTFO'd by aDNA and gene analysis. Dumb faggot wants to attach himself to Greeks and Romans when his snowmonkey "people" had nothing to do with them
a jew that is jewing, this board is full to the brim with them
>so romans and greeks have literal aryan dna and language becaus ehhh uhhh Oy gevalt!
They were ethnic southern europeans, meanwhile north euros were scraping by in mudhuts

>You're stupid.

You are replying to different people and assuming they are the same poster. Bo you are legitimately schizophrenic, go see a psychtherapist and stop samefagging this thread by posting nordicist misinformation bait all the time. Now go away, annoying asshole.
>the Irish (whom he claims are only 5-15% celtic or something
where did he say this?
nothing new under the sun, seethe jew
>muh jews
he didn't say anything wrong sorry
you're jewish
cry about it
I lmao @ gassing you jews
He's based
Lol, wtf is with autistic retards like you always hearing screaming voices in your heads whenever you see capital letters. Unreal.
You're just a PSYCHOPATH. That can only silence people because you never have a valid argument.
Amazing Mexican cuckold retardation anon.
More shitskins talking about hitter all the fucking time. WOW, what a surprise.
>>hasnt read Dostoyevsky
>>doesnt know the "English" have a complex about their "complicated" ancestry
>>claims well read Whites are actually brown
>Hello, Nigel.
You're obviously namedropping Dostoyevsky to make yourself sound smart you autistic psychopath. And no, you obviously aren't white.
>he got BTFO'd by aDNA and gene analysis.
You've said that to yourself OP like 15 times in this fucking thread. And not once actually proven it. You're bizarre. Why do you get so much enjoyment out of endlessly talking to yourself?
>You are replying to different people and assuming they are the same poster.
Becuase 50% of the posts ARE by the same poster. The OP. You guys did this weird insane samefagging self-talk before the ip counter was removed and now it's the norm. Sad, stupid, insane and pathetic.
He was briefly involved in the now proscribed National Action natsoc LARP group around 2014 before he became famous on jewtube. Hence why he typically doesn’t live in the UK anymore. Remember some of his mates were dealing cocaine to generation identity members when he gave a speech at one of their events at 2019 where he was a secret guest speaker. (Since now taken down from YouTube)

Does a good job at digesting academic archaeogenetic research for normies but typically does give biased takes like exaggerating the “germanicness” of modern English.
>He was briefly involved in the now proscribed National Action natsoc LARP group around 2014 before he became famous on jewtube. Hence why he typically doesn’t live in the UK anymore. Remember some of his mates were dealing cocaine to generation identity members when he gave a speech at one of their events at 2019 where he was a secret guest speaker. (Since now taken down from YouTube)
prove it, jew
It’s common knowledge faggot. He’s been involved in British dissident right scene since late 00s.
prove it, jew
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So that's why he's a degenerate full of tattoos.
I don’t have to it’s already publicly available knowledge. Not my problem if you’re retarded to find it out by yourself.
>claims shit
>proves nothing
as expected, jew
>is a faggot
>also probably a shitskin
Yeah he was active in London skinhead scene for a while.
>Yet another collage of unsourced images with the obvious inclusion of non-communists as communists and non-neo-nazis as nazis ( furries visiting a WW2 Museum doesn't magically make them neonazis ). Also the complete absense of modern communist antifa in the comparison...
>more pilpul claims
go munch on some foreskins, jew, your baseless pilpul has no power here, dilate
>Manages to repeat the Julius Ceasar and Marcus Tullius misquotes yet again.


"I have answered your letter brought by Paccius: now for the rest. From my brother's letter I gather surprising indications of Caesar's affection for me, and they have been confirmed by a very cordial letter from Caesar himself. The result of the British war is a source of anxiety. For it is ascertained that the approaches to the island are protected by astonishing masses of cliff. Moreover, it is now known that there isn't a pennyweight of silver in that island, nor any hope of booty except from slaves, among whom I don't suppose you can expect any instructed in literature or music."

Uses a Jeremy Kyle collage which is like using a furry fandom collage as a representation of America..

Still hasn't provided a single source of evidence for STJ being a member of National Action Natsoc.

Also why was it taken to seriously and shut down if it was just a "larp" group?

You're extremely stupid OP lol.
Tattoos are...
A longstanding European tradition going back thousands of years.
So's drinking...
Rabbis mutilating and giving blowjobs to babies however is just a Jewish thing.
What are you anon?
He makes the joomers shit their diapers in seething rage. That's all you need to know about him. Just check this thread. q;^)
Oh wait, the otha thang you need to know 'bout him is that HE SUCKED MED DICKS and probably NIGGA DICKS IN PARIS. It's over.
>HE USED TO SUCK DICK AS A MODEL. It's the only thing you need to know about him. Oh wait, the other thing is that he's a haplo I1 WHG cuck who sucks R1 Negrito dick.
Another claim without a source lol.
The shitskins today are going bananas on 4chan lol.
>Oh wait, the otha thang you need to know 'bout him is that HE SUCKED MED DICKS and probably NIGGA DICKS IN PARIS. It's over.
Oh right? how many times are you going to make up stories about white men sucking your dick 4chan freak lol?
Copes and seethes about South Slavs because he got slapped hard by one during a Pagan Festival in Poland in 2018/2019, so he made a video about Slavs where he lied that South Slavs aren't genetically Slavic but "Greek Farmer-like".
Chad upper class bong of Norman descent grifting on the lower class plebs
Don't forget the part where he snitched the majority of the veterans off to get off easy, not to mention that he siphoned the data of his Patreon subscribers to the intelligence services.
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>Don't forget the part where he snitched the majority of the veterans off to get off easy, not to mention that he siphoned the data of his Patreon subscribers to the intelligence services.

>Copes and seethes about South Slavs because he got slapped hard by one during a Pagan Festival in Poland in 2018/2019, so he made a video about Slavs where he lied that South Slavs aren't genetically Slavic but "Greek Farmer-like".

>Chad upper class bong of Norman descent grifting on the lower class plebs

he also did racist parkour, he went to the inmigrant neighbourghoods and jumped around the walls and roofs while saying the n word, absolutely barbaric, I saw it with my own eyes
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>calls this guy a shitskin and a beta
Mate, Svetovid is many things, but he's not a shitskin or a beta.
He literally has a Norman surname and descend from the Roussel family from Normandy that came with William the Conqueror


>The name Rowsell reached England in the great wave of migration following the Norman Conquest of 1066. The Rowsell family lived in Dorset. Their name, however, is a reference to Roussel, Normandy, the family's place of residence prior to the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.
Dude I haven't been here since 2019. How are you man? I remember you
>Dude I haven't been here since 2019
there's even more joomers now
>History is not a participation award
Northern civilization won history though lmao
All I remember from 2019 is a bunch of funny haplosperg posting and memes. Was fun. I remember Svetovid from that time.
There's no Northern Civilization unless you consider the emancipation of Kikes, ZOG globalism, and debt-based economies as "Northern Civilization".

I'm quite good, you?
I'm good. I feel old now. Are you still a translator or something like that?
Glad to hear it, and yes, AI hasn't gutted my field (yet).
Nice. Yeah things have changed since 2019 man, AI and Covid and all that shit. You remember all the weirdos who used to post here? There was that Australian guy, some Finnish guy and so on. 4chan seems to be dying so I decided to come for a trip to memory lane. Board seems pretty dead too.
>He literally has a Norman surname and descend from the Roussel family from Normandy that came with William the Conqueror
That doesn't at all prove the claim of him -
>grifting on the lower class plebs

>Mate, Svetovid is many things, but he's not a shitskin or a beta.
He's a shitskin and that photo has no link, source or anything just like 95% of the shit shitskins have posted in this stupid fucking thread.

>Was fun. I remember Svetovid from that time.
Who in the fuck is Svetavoid?
Oh right. Nobody.
>There's no Northern Civilization unless
You read about northern European stone monuments and giant timber dwellings.
Like -
As an example.
>Glad to hear it, and yes, AI hasn't gutted my field (yet).
Lol, AI is completely irrelevant to everything.
How in the absolute fuck would it even remotely influence your job?
Do you even have a job?
>All I remember from 2019 is a bunch of funny haplosperg posting and memes. Was fun. I remember Svetovid from that time.
The world WAS truly better before the COVID.

I do miss the Australian -a true comedy goldmine.
The world on the whole, definitely. I only became comfy after it though because I was still a student when Covid broke out. I used to make those I1 and I2 chad memes on here, you remember them at all? Any idea what happened to that Australian guy btw?
Indeed, I do remember you and the memes, and that Australian just disappeared, allegedly found himself a woman that SOMEHOW managed to overlook his long list of inadequacies.
Haha damn that's good to hear even if a bit unexpected. Anyway I'm not staying long, I don't want to get back into my old shitposting habits. I wasted way too much time on that stuff. Take care bro
>Haha damn that's good to hear even if a bit unexpected. Anyway I'm not staying long, I don't want to get back into my old shitposting habits. I wasted way too much time on that stuff. Take care bro
oh right, don't want to waste time posting here yet here you are.
You're so full of shit.
You can call it a relapse after almost 5 years
>The world WAS truly better before the COVID.
No it wasn't you idiot.

>You can call it a relapse after almost 5 years
Or you're just an autistic pathological liar that never ever tells the truth about anything and psychopathically copies other people like a robot because you never have any original thoughts or humor of your own.
Stfu anon.
Lmfao ok
>Lmfao ok
It's not funny. You are evil. And you need to die. There is absolutely no reason for you even existing.
I am Oðinn. Visit a psychiatrist and listen carefully to his advice, this is your mission.
That was actually funny.
Stupid, but funny.

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