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These are all things that ancient and medieval lords valued. They practiced all sorts of martial arts (and accordingly kept fit) and were always willing to defend their honor in duels. Elites nowadays are sedentary, work 12 hours a day, eat crappy processed food, probably have never been in a fight, and shutter when someone insults them. When did this change occur and why?
No they're not, haha. You've never been around true elites. True elites eat the finest foods, play sports like Water Polo, waste time learning about meaningless philosophies and art styles, and get rich on foreign wars. Oh, you mean why aren't they on the front lines? Because they don't need to be anymore. Militaristic land ownership is no longer a necessary state of affairs for the elite, they can be businessmen now.
>"you vould kill in nature"
this IS nature, we just developed to a point we realised fruitlessly killing people is not a good idea
This is a very artificial world. The OP means that in a Hobbesian state of nature the clearly stronger and healthier person could dominate the weaker.
well the point would be that nobody wants to live in a hobbesian state of nature, because as Hobbe himself explain even the strong live in fear "in nature"
In nature the little dude would just shoot him with a poisoned arrow.
Why do large "men" seem to think they were dominant in hunter gatherer societies? They were killed far more often than small nimble males.
Yeah, but that doesn't change the dynamics shown in the picture. For a weak person to be arrogant and cruel to a strong person without consequences is insanity.
Wars are fought by robots now chud.

Humans are just there for QA and to press the button after all the work is done.

We don't need "martial culture" anymore.
yeah but i really dont see how that fits the narrative at all, you want a world where everything is shittier (for you too) just to act like a monkey? and as other anon said just because someone is big dosent mean he has the upper hand
No, it means people should show respect to others. It creates stress.
Not really. I think a good argument can be made that all humans would be better off living as hunter gatherers which we evolved around being for hundreds of thousands of years. The only issue is that the carrying capacity of hunter gatherers is low and resources needed to sustain them are high, hence causing war and conflict.
Huh? Prince Harry is a former RAF pilot who bombed a few dozen talibans and regularly hosted the Invictus Games, a sports competition for wounded veterans. And he looks like that.
Oops, wrong picture obviously, though that shows his brother is a military man too.
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no, if that was the case, the meme would look like this
Do you take a kid's insults seriously? No? Okay, now imagine if a dumbass kid was given control over your livelihood and you had to endure its childish nonsense and abuse. I think you'd flip.
You'd be killed very quickly in a hunter gatherer society
the meme dosent say that the manager is stupid, he's just annoying. a kid is both annoying and incompetent, the manager however has (supposedly) earned his place
I think you suffer from autism.
I don't
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Zuckerberg is the stereotypical söy-looking millennial nerd but he works out and does competitive MMA.
get your primitivism out of here you autistic fucktard
I'm not sure if managerial authority gives anyone the right to be disrespectful. If a stranger shouldn't treat you that way neither should they.
the current head of the house of Habsburg is a former paratrooper and his son is a decent motor-racing champion, he also married his eldest daughter to another motor-racing champion.
Yeah and they don't rule shit.
They're filthy rich blueblood elites even if they are not currently a ruling dynasty.
They're not the norm.
Insanity is killing or enslaving everyone who's weaker than you, not expecting to be killed or enslaved in turn by whoever is stronger than yourself. See Rousseau's critique of Grotius.
It is in fact the norm for european royals to enter military service and practice sports.
Gunpowder meant that war became more arbitrary. Henry VIII wanted to lead the charge at the Battle of the Spurs like the knights of old, for example, but if he died the English army would pack up and go home so he was advised against it. He continued to joust for fun, but as the decades rolled by decadence eventually set in.

Decadence is a perennial problem. Romans seemed to have a solution, their patricians numbered a few 1000 forming a robust "community" to preserve their values rather than relying on a royal family. If tragedy struck it was not unusual for boys to be adopted by another patrician family that lacked young men where they would still be obligated to follow the cvrsvs honorvm and bring prestige and power to their new family.
that's still not the point of the meme, of course being mean is LE BAD but killing someone because "he's weaker than you" just dosent make any sense
Rousseau was a fag ngl
Medieval brutes kneeled before crowned children and manlets.
>this IS nature, we just developed to a point where society is dominated by a hegemon over violence who punishes anyone trying to usurp its monopoly.
In the past, individual might mattered because the strongest forces had limited reach. Nowadays in western society jurisdiction is almost universally enforced.
That is the point. Isn't it ridiculous that pathetic people are protected by the weight of the law when they act in such ways? Can't you see how absurd it is for some faggot to lord over you without having the balls or the muscles to do so? Are you so far separated from your human nature that you fail to see how authority is based on physical power?
>authority is based on physical power
what a retard, if the small guy is smarter he can outsmart the bigger guy, just like he does in the job market today. if he is manager maybe it's because he's simply more gifted and therefore even in a "natural" setting would've killed the big guy. we created the "law" to protect people who are actually important, and this goes to the benefit of the strong too
Anon, I... I'm floored. You win.
>Can't you see how absurd it is for some faggot to lord over you without having the balls or the muscles to do so?
>The Pope, a figured backed by the virtual strength of its omnipotent deity
Still sounds about right to me. I'd say Italian republics are a better counterexample.
Elites maintain power through demoralization: the stripping away of moral content from society.
These parasites would quickly lose power if they promoted martial culture, physical health and honor.
A cowardly, out-of-shape mass of slaves is easier to control.
Incidentally this is why Blacks and Latinos cause so much crime.
They come from cultures with those values: work is considered only fit for women and slaves to do.
The only worthwhile activities for a man to do are gang warfare, looting and collecting welfare, the modern equivalent of warring, raiding and collecting tribute from subjugated vassals that their warrior, king and pharaonic ancestors practiced.
Some tech basedboy in computer programming making 200k a year in California isn't an "elite".
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>The only worthwhile activities for a man to do are gang warfare, looting and collecting welfare
this is only viable as long as there are leftist cucks willing to pay for it all
You're talking about WASPs who are decoupled from the system. He's talking about Fink Jews and etc.
Strength isn't necessary to crunch numbers and psyop nigger cattle
I see it as the consequence of selecting too hard for a certain kind of individual. Those people see increasing the YoY profit of their company as the ultimate meaning of their life and source of utmost satisfaction. By contrast if you're going to become king or lord by birth right you don't have to undergo the same kind of environmental pressure.
The elites don't embody any of those traits, so they revile them. The Kissinger quote comes to mind.
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Lul, no they haven't. WASPs are even more engrained in the system and they actually like jews. They're literally the ones who put them in those positions in the first place
The fact that no one can agree on this inclines me to believe this is all just peasants trying to figure out what goes on in the castle
If hunter gatherer societies are better how come they get totally fucksd everything they encounter any society a little bit more advanced
>(and accordingly kept fit)
top lulz
This…kind of makes sense…
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Better for the individual’s sense of belonging, purpose, and psychological health. You can also say that they are better for an individual’s physical health. When farming was introduced there was a significant decline in human nutrition. Of course any advanced society will wipe out hunter gatherers if that’s their goal.
Jews, starting with Columbus
The French Revolution kicked off a process where the martial elite (nobility) was gradually replaced by the money making elite (bourgeoisie). There was a bunch of reasons for this but the primary reason was that money became the primary factor in winning wars rather than martial prowess due to the advancements of technology.
Rousseau is a weird idealist and Hobbes is more realistic.
But is a sneak attack made by a weaker man in the middle of the night that kills an unprepared but really stronger person a sign of strength or weakness?
That's "strength" if we count who lives and who die, who get rich out of it.
But if we add a "code of honor" it suddenly is not anymore, it becomes a sign of cowardice and weakness.

Roman patricians had the power of life and death over his whole enlarged family.
>These are all things that ancient and medieval lords valued.
They were Aryans living in a Christian society dominated by Anglo-European culture and mythology. The system is now run by non-Aryan non-Christians who hate Anglo-European culture and mythology.
>we created the "law" to protect people who are actually important
Who is this "we" that placed a parasitic financial, speculative, immigrationist and messianic caste or proxenets and drug sellers in power to drag us all against our will into a WW3?
Is it we the people? Why don't we ask them directly?
The rulers of old who needed liquidity for their constant wars.
it is actually "we" the people, because if it wasnt, the rules would be different. stop pretending humanity is not whole, there are no jews or aliens controlling us, if we're in this situation we only have ourselves to blame
>they can be businessmen now
The type of men who were militaristic land owners in the past are not the businessmen ruling over us now
What does the head of the House of Bonaparte do right now?
>the means of production have changed BOI, furthermore even if nobles fought, of course, in wars they always did with the smallest possibility of dying possible.
The Spanish nobility were the opposite. Many of the nobles actually were in the military or succeeded in battles against the Moors.
greened accidentally like an idiot
If we go back a thousand years, if you were the average lord, say a knight in Northern France owning a manor, you could expect to probably die in agony in some ditch at a relatively young age. Even if you were more higher on the ladder, there was always a militaristic aspect, if a lord wasn't at war you could expect to find him in his forests hunting.
Now kiss.
Because the elites of today are not the elites of yesterday. Our societies are ruled by the bourgeoisie/Vaishyas. Past societies were ruled by some priesthood/Brahmins alongside the aristocracy/Kshatriyas. They have fundamentally different mentalities and values.
>humanity is whole
>There are no jews
Why are communists like you always trying to hide the jews who initiated this idea?
it's not my problem if you believe the jews are the rulers are genetically superior, im quite sorry for inferiority complex
>That's "strength" if we count who lives and who die, who get rich out of it.
That is literally the only metric in might-makes-right. Honor doesn't factor into it at all, that's a gigantic cope by people who want to retain some kind of dominance in war but without interacting with the reality of it. You either abide by covenant to not kill each other, or you don't get to complain when you, the brick shithouse, get bodied by some manlet with a punji trap smeared with shit.
You can't complain either when someone bigger than you chimps out at you because of the hostile environment you created in the workplace.
>be jew
>be weird religious ilk but do your own thing mangling baby dicks, weirder shit has happened in human society - like human sacrifice, which you claim to have violently genocided (which is a pretty cool origin story if you ask me)
>eventually get conquered a couple hundred times
>split up like scooby doo
>retain religion
>really enjoy yapping about religious shit, create book of thousands of people over hundreds of years yapping over effectively religious case law, based on the old testament, call it the Talmud
>due to studious nature and difference in religious laws as the ruling christians, be a perfect fit to do white collar shiet
>doctors, lawyers, etc,
>including finance people, be subject to getting kicked out because goyim couldn't pay back the debts they literally agreed to pay you back for
>anglos invent machinery, start industrial revolution
>french invent secularism, law and order and shiet
>america just so happens to start a nation based on secularism too, and with anglo working culutre, oh my!
>eventually do that finance shit but now PROTECTED by the (VERY BELOVED, AND OBJECTIVELY GOOD) White Renaissance-developed Rule of Law and all that shit, so you can no longer get b& from a country because someone had to loan money from you (they literally could've just fucking taxed you like they do now)
>get rich because business is now able to boom

>be jew but refused to do white collar shiet, now stuck being a broke motherfucker with white people in shitholes like russia
>in great poverty
>shit is cacadookie
>be more privy to speaking out because everyone hates you as-is, and you generally don't have a social position like most people (like being an incel, or straight white broke male in modern capitalist society, just not having much privilege being freely thrown at you) so you can talk shit

they really just kinda fell into their position to be desu
>who you could kill in nature
Ya, im sure killing the local warlords scrawny priest or messenger would end well for mr strong grug.
Your middle manager isnt Really the one mistreating you, he is merely an extension of the local sovereign, who is backed by (for one reason or another) a bunch of armed and trained soldier.
Might makes right is only true when you understand might to include things like intelligence and the ability to sway people to your side
>In nature
Again missing the point.
>in nature
underrated bait
Chimps use tools
Chimps also have dominance hierarchies
This is all a product of thr Victory of bourgeoisie. The traditional aristocracy were already wealthy and for all intents and purposes would always be, as such they competed amongst themselves not on wealth, but with glory, prestige, intellectual, and such. Conquest, artistry, and politicking were the pursuits of the nobility.

This was smashed by the victory of the unscrupulous merchant and new money class. Being that they're life had changed ao radically due to money, the money had become an idol of theirs. It was their life and what measured their worth.

Their lives looking for ways to debase themselves in pursuit of money, why would it be surprising they'd organize a nation they control in the same manner.
They absolutely are. Generational wealth is a thing and land generates wealth. Some of old money business familes can be traced back to land owners who acquired it by military force.
This. Feels good to be high IQ and live in an intellectual meritocracy
Okay, mouth off to a nigger in the hood.
Because after the first complex societies emerged, the Strong Men who ruled people in nature realized they need Smart Men to do the job of running the societal apparatus.
Millennia has passed, and now we live in a society ruled by the Smart Men, who realized they could outsmart the Strong Men by convincing them to help creating a system that puts the Smart in the power.
Nobody needs to be strong anymore to achieve power, but everyone needs to be smart.
The Middle Ages is direct evidence that systems like this inevitably fail. The wealth and infrastructure of the Roman Empire was taken by barbarians. In the end, the strong will inherit the earth.
>live in an intellectual meritocracy
you don't
Martial prowess is the least important human trait
What country do you live in?
Not an argument
I'm pretty sure you know exactly what I'm going to say which makes it even funnier.
I accept your concession
In what European language?
no, he simply has a stronger "tribe" than you. even in a hg society you'd have to tolerate some manlet if the rest of the tribe liked him
Every mythology has gods killing giants from Norse to Greek to Hebrew. Most likely is ancestral memory of manlets killing all the lanklets.
Because the Elite that valued these things were overthrown, murdered, exiled, disempowered and shamed between the French Revolution and the Second World War, which marked the death of the last of the warrior elites in the West. These things don’t happen, because of trends and forces, but because the very people, who had these values were replaced.

And just like our Elite was replaced, now the lower and middle classes get replaced too.
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Modern Nobles and elites are taller than their ancient counterparts
The Windsors were manlets until modern times with William, Harry, Andrew being over 6ft
what happens when the weak person stabs the strong person in his sleep?
Strong Elmer Fudd vibes.
It's weird the think that adesanya only weighs ~30 pounds more than volkanovski.
Adesanya cuts from ~200 pounds down to 185, Volk cuts from 170 down to 145
He looks like he'd weigh more than 30 pounds
The weak person gets conquered by another tribe where thr weak and strong men decided to work together.nta
Because it's not useful anymore
You are neither strong nor intelligent, your seethe is pathetic
Says the pussy too scared to show how safe he is in a meritocracy. You can only abuse the strong in a slave state.
Elementary school understanding of the fall of the roman empire.
Also said Barbarians often admired, copied and inserted themselves into the structures of Rome.
Nope. Where's the Empire at?
Elites favor these things still but intelligence and obedience produce more benefits for society and them. The importance of manual labor and capability in combat has been diminished by tools and honor is not worth intensively cultivating in the populace as long as you can effectively threaten with punishment, another thing made possible by tools and social agreements. Health and capability in combat will always be valued in general as these are connected to value as a mate.

Honor has always been more a luxury than an important characteristic.
The WASPs were more competent than the current batch of fags. No group who wheels into power is ever going to care about the common folk
>When did this change occur and why?
It occurred when humanity reach a certain level of civilization. War has many externalities, and, not to mince words, a shitload of suffering and horror. You too are a hypocrite since you would never willingly subject yourself, your children no less, to that. That's the why.
Unironically in the Catholic Church, but I am not the anon you are replying to and I otherwise agree with your points

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