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Nordicism is based entirely on the fact that Greeks and Romans did not have words for proper brown hair and used words that literal mean yellow for any hair color lighter than black (greek xanthos and latin flavus respectively).

There are no other reasons for the emergence of Nordicism. Sculptures, paintings and genetic studies always show that Greeks and Romans were brown southern Europeans and even a bit darker on average than modern ones.

The whole ideology is based on a misinterpretation of two words, intentional or not.
Nordicism is retarded because even after the romans Italy has 1500 years of rich history and relevant achievements in many fields by people unmistakably not nordic looking

They are fighting a battle against meds they quite literally cannot win, dying on the most retarded of hills possible.
Instead of fighting the more dangerous immigrant menace, they autistically focus on this, for whatever reason
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Yes, there are even many non-nordic looking notable north Europeans.
Ok this seems like bait
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>the idea that native europeans, instead of brown skin mutts, are responsible for european civilizations is ridiculous
lol, lmfao even
What is a "native european"?
What is the "european civilization"?
Browns in southern europe are native europeans and their civilizations are european civilizations.
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>Browns in southern europe are native europeans
Lmao, I can imagine the trembling hand that wrote this cope greentext
>native europeans
Ancient Greek civilization originated in asia minor by people who were genetically closer to lebanese than to most europeans.
>brown skin mutts
Yes, many had brown skin under mediterranean sun.
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>you're mad
no you, lol
>brown skin under mediterranean sun
It is shocking how many brown/black people do not know about white people sun tanning.
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Cherry pick your bait pictures better, you left in lots of white people and that makes you seem incompetent.
Looks italian. Women are always paler than men.
>brown eyes
>brown hair
Nordicists consider her practically a nigger and she could easily be from tuscany or venice.
nord europeans do not tan though, they get sunburn and become red
All white people sunburn if they just lay out white completely untanned for too long. They have to ease into it and build up a tan over several weeks a little at a time.
Do you think Greeks don't tan and that this is supposed to be a gotcha?
I've never seen a Nordic man as tanned as the pic you posted. they get dark orange at best
I've almost never seen a Nordic man or woman with a good natural tan. I've seen good fake tans, I've seen partial sunburns or even extensive and deep, I've seen worker's tan a la summer edition, but never a good natural tan.
Except for a pair of siblings, who were mixed: Italian father, Swedish mother.
t. Greek
there are some blonde statues
We already know with certainty that Minoans and Myceneans were East Meds
There's some greeks in my town and they average out whiter than the scot-Irish/English descent majority
Sure, but they are minority, like blond Greeks and Italians are minority.
That's just straight up not true, unless you're ginger you will tan
Where do you live?
Italian and Spanish men are paler then their respective women, actually.
I've noticed this too.
A hilly area in the upper south
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nordics are similar to the "greys", they are "the help". non player characters that toil on behalf of external ambitions

these people have no foundational history or heritage so the elites have simply retconned them into narratives they dont belong in as a means of forced accommodation to give the forced impression the golem actually belongs
you're mexican
You are brown
They'll just say it was Lombard genes that made whatever Italian in question successful, if they're a terrone they'll say it's Normans. If you bring up the Renaissance they'll say Woltmann proved they were all Nordic and descended from Germanic aristocracy. They pretend like post-Roman Italy has no achievements at all. You can't win against these people. It's effectively a religion.
Its just because the percentage of notable italians is low compared to other Europeans. Its also why italy is shit compared to the countries surrounding it. Italy also has a really really bad government elected by their slightly more retarded population and it compounds the problems so its probably a lot worse than it should be to be fair.
because the old stock americans are mixed with blacks
Im ginger and can tan. But Nordics can tan darker than latinxers, I have personally witnessed this. They are a tawny people. Franklin knew.
>Its just because the percentage of notable italians is low compared to other Europeans
this is such a fucking cope
What's this meme about? Most of the classical culture in Europe like the Renaissance came from Italy. People like Da Vinci or Michaelangelo. Lots of classical music came from there too.
>It has been observed that females are found to have lighter skin pigmentation than males in some studied populations.[13] However, in light skinned populations, namely those of European descent, women have darker skin (and eyes) than men.[11][110]

>It is unknown why skin color is sexually dimorphic in some populations. White women may have darker skin than white men because the female sex hormone estrogen is known to increase skin pigmentation in lighter-skinned populations.[12] White women's skin is significantly darker than White men's, to the extent that White women have a much lower rate of skin cancer than White men.[12]

The Greeks had LOTS of words, including colors, which we know well.

Their gods were "fair-haired", "clear eyed", "white-armed", "ivory-shouldered" and "ruddy", especially the women, of course. They use these descriptors on every other page of "The Iliad", the "Odyssey", Homer and Hesiod.

The Ancients were quite clear that white/bright/light was cognate with "Divinity" and the "Spiritual", not unlike a White "spirit" animal today.
Italy, specially North Italy, far more than holds it's own against the other big 3 countries of Germany, Britain, and France, whilst blowing anyone else out, when it comes to cultural and intellectual accomplishments and impact.
In fact, I remembering using Charles Murray's human accomplishment database, and Italy had the 2nd most super-notable people (index over 50) only after Germany (3rd was France, 4th was Britain). And that's not including Rome or political/military figures like Napoleon.
God that's so cringe-y to read
>Thus, classical Greece was a fusion, both cultural and racial, of these two types of whites. Some city-states, such as Thebes and Sparta, were predominantly Nordic. Others, such as Athens, were predominantly Mediterranean, and still others were mixtures of the two.
We have genetic data. They were typical East Meds closest to modern South Italians and Greeks. European but not Nordic (taking that to mean Northern-European)
And also before any autist mentions it here North Italy = Northern + Central Italy
That’s Anglo / island Celtic.
Germans, Dutch and Scandis tan hard.
Never seen German summer tourists? My wife always calls her brother cappuccino because he’s brown with white (yellow) on top on summer.
Slavs basically turn into indians
Why does anyone consider Abruzzo South Italy? The South begins in Campania and in the Naples area.
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Only Athena was light eyed goddess, others were bown haired. Most untanned med women are still "ruddy" and "white armed".

About hair color words:
Kuanos = bluish-black
Chrysee = blond
Pyrrhus = red
Polios/leukos = gray/light blond
Melanos = black/dark brown
Xanthos = anything lighter than melanos

There is no other words for hair.
English translators equated xanthos with chrusokomas and deprived the Greeks of brown hair in written sources. Pic is the only exception I remember when xanthos was translated as brown.
>others were bown haired
Brown eyed*
Central Italy is genetically and linguistically closer to southern Italians than to northerns
Name the cultural and intellectual accomplishments of northern Italy
>Mfw genetically Southern European
>Mfw also pale and blonde
>Mfw nordicists hate me because Im southern
>Mfw medicists insult nordics for their light features
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Same reason California is not a part of the American South, those are not a strictly geographical description.
Abruzzi was part of the Kingdom of Naples/of the two Sicilies so it's considered part of the Mezzogiorno.
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Unrelated to what I said and pic rel
Nordicism is just a spook that haunts the fantasy world of brown people. It isn't a thing. Just cope
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>Name the cultural and intellectual accomplishments of northern Italy
Those who deny the cultural, economic and scientific accomplishments of italy are ignorants
And not ignorants in one discipline, to hold such an opinion one needs to be ignorant on EVERY discipline as italians contributed to all of them

Scientifically we have Fermi, Amaldi, Volta, Fibonacci, Galileo, Marconi, Meucci, Vallisneri, Eustachi etc etc (names go on)
Musically we have Vivaldi, Verdi, Rossini, hell the very names in writing music follow italian words
Architecturally and artistically I hope I don't need to be specific
Literature wise, we have Dante, Ariosto, D'annunzio, Eco, Levi...

General culture and institutions? First european modern banks, first european modern universities, strongest republicanism presence in europe before the french revolution, seat of the holy see in rome, which decided european politics for houndreds of years.
Even last century the creation of fascists cements political relevancy in all of the west.

As previously stated, people who underestimate Italy's influence post rome manage to be ignorant in every single discipline at once, it's actually incredible as it requires a level of poor education and stupidity that one might think it was given to them on purpose, as a joke, by a cruel god.
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>The South begins in Campania and in the Naples area
The south begins south of the Po river, terun
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>Fibonacci, Galileo, Meucci, Eustachi, Rossini, Dante, D'Annunzio
None of those are Northern Italians, I accept your concession.
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these are their birth places
If you read the post chain, you will see the debate was about Italy in general >>17196083
>Its just because the percentage of notable italians is low
Is a statement of utter ignorance no matter how you look at it
Meds don't have issues with other meds, whether pale or swarthy, blond or dark haired.
Nordicism is based entirely on the fact that there are a lot of genuine retards who believe nobody in southern europe is blonde, which is particularly hilarious because typically those same people consider anything lighter than chestnut brown as blonde to justify their own group not having to be counted as 90% nigger haired.
Which also means you're a nordicist retard, op. There were blond romans and greek in antiquity, just like there are blond italians and greeks today.
>Nordicism is based entirely on the fact that there are a lot of genuine retards who believe nobody in southern europe is blonde
What? No, it's the opposite. It's med supremacists who think that everyone outside of Scandinavia is brown.

>There were blond romans and greek in antiquity, just like there are blond italians and greeks today.
Yeah, because they descend from Nordic people who settled there thousands of years ago.
>It's med supremacists who think that everyone outside of Scandinavia is brown.
>the blond italians and greeks are just nordics
Jesus christ nigger, can't you even pace your contradictions in separate posts?
>it's actually incredible as it requires a level of poor education and stupidity
you don't understand. it's not ineducation, it's straight up ignorance and cultish worship of nordics.
Why do Mediterranean anons seethe so hard at the fact that they are considered White and European by the majority of the world? Didier Ngubu considers you as just another dirty yt coloniser
No one said this, no one ever implied this.
You are just mad that genuinely blond med people exist without being AKSHUALLY scandis or germanic or w/e or recent admixture from them (like one med one scandi parent)
Who here has problem with being phentypically white? You guys are seeing ghosts and dragons on windmill shadows
Nobody says there were no blond Greeks and Romans. Sulla was blue eyed blond, for example. But they were a minority, as they are now. Most ancients, who are considered to be blond, like Augustus, Alexander, Berenice 2, plenty of mythological figures, actually had brownish hair. Greeks and Romans considered anything lighter than black/dark brown to be "blond", since they used the same words for brown and blond hair. It makes some sense though, brown hair is very rare outside of Europe.
>Nobody says there were no blond Greeks and Romans
But they do say those romans and greeks were actually nordic descended, which is functionally the same claim
>But they were a minority, as they are now
As they've always been everywhere. Unless you're anglo and pretend any hair color lighter than pitch black is blonde.
yes, blonde hair in italians isn't because of normans.

fucking idiot
>no one was blond down south before normans
Do you guys really believe that?
What typically happens is nordicists go "hurr fucking durr you meds aren't white", southern euros refuse to beg for acceptance to the club, and foiled nordicists get butthurt and complain southern euros hate whiteness.
The only true native Europeans are the Basque.
>deprived the Greeks of brown hair in written sources

Ah yes, the Great Victorian anti-brunette conspiracy of 1872, ffs. We have plenty of art with blonde characters and Zeus favorite piece of bussy was good ol' blonde Ganymede. There's even the famous vase of him with his hoop and head full of curly blonde hair.

Being blonde/ginger has always been desirable and "other worldly", just look at uncontacted tribes when they literally see their first White Man, they can't believe they're real and only tentatively touch them as if attempting to touch god himself. The Romans would bleach their hair and/or dye it red to mimic "barbarians", even the Vikings would lighten their already light hair and all the sagas praise lightness/whiteness, as well.

Most Greeks were boring borwnoids, but their "special", "elite", "divine" and "beautiful" characters were always "fairer" than the average person, which makes sense from a strictly narrative/character design perspective where you need the "special" people to look "special". Being pale is also indicative of being "High Class" and free of the burdens of manual labor with the other "rednecks" around you.

I know it sucks not to be White, but you never were and you never will be, so just admire from a far and pray to Lord Krishna to be rezzed as a true Gringo. (Pajeets literally worship Whites too, of course)
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>Ah yes, the Great Victorian anti-brunette conspiracy of 1872
Probably not intentionally.

I didn't say there were no blondes. Those described as chrusokomas/chrusopon, such as Apollo, Artemis, Sulla, were blond. Those who were described as xanthos we don't know for sure, most likely closer to brown in most cases.
>Being pale is also indicative of being "High Class"
Men appreciated bronze skin.
>comparing a cosmopolitan and well versed in ways of the world culture (the Greeks) with random african bushniggers
>"Greeks were white btw. And by white I mean nordic kangz actually"
Kek, retard. Many writers (Greeks and Romans) attributed those characters to generic enemies/tenuous allies without never exalting them for that. Xenophon quotes Agesilaus as deriding the Persian commanders for being pale weak and effeminate. Something being relative noteworthy doesn't mean it was exalted either.
>The Romans would bleach their hair and/or dye it red to mimic "barbarians"
Almost likes the great romans were not blondes after all huh?
Also white people tan and do sunbaths to look browner, looking exotic is attractive no matter where you go, it's not an exclusively white thing
There are probably more today due to the germongoloid invasions in Italy and the slav(e) migrations into Greece.
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Blonde meds have always existed, it's the retarded nordoid filth who try to LARP as ancient meds and steal their accomplishments with their trash racial theories. Pic related, med blonde vs nordgoloid blonde
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Pale mongoloids LARPing as their med betters even after getting BTFO by ancient art, descriptions, and genetics (science) will never not be funny to me.
>Also white people tan and do sunbaths to look browner, looking exotic is attractive no matter where you go
I wonder what's worse health wisebetween white bitches roasting themselves in a sunbed or painting their face orange and brown bitches slathering themselves in bleaching pomades to look whiter. In either case it's peak human stupidity.
Nordgoloids worship Mediterraneans.
>source: pajeet on instagram
There is literally 0 genetic proof of this
i've never been shit on by chinese people for being italian. Only whites do that.

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