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Why won't Atheists accept Christ?
Non-Christians don’t also for some weird shocking reason too, if you can believe that!
Buy why?
It's okay, Jesus. I'm accept you and am glad you're finally out of the closet.
An unbaptised 8 year old who is raped to death burns in hell while rapist goes to heaven if he repents, yes or no?
He's lame
Can't say, but the child is probably not saved and the rapist is probably saved.
Accept this crazy book, written by this crazy guy, at the request of his desert volcano god that is like totally everywhere but you can't see him. Also he'll torture you and murder your family if you disobey him.

Accept the crazy Jewish book, but now there's a new crazy guy in town, and guess what, he's actually the desert volcano god in human form. He's totally cool now though, I swear. See? It says it right here in this new book. What do you mean you don't like it!? You're going to suffer for eternity!

The crazy Jewish and Christian books are awesome, but the new crazy guy on the block says that there were a lot of mistakes in them, and that all you have to do is read this new book to learn the truth. Also you have to follow most of the laws in the Jewish book again, except now you get a bunch of child prostitutes as a reward.

So yes, the raped child burns forever and the rapist cooms forever. A religion for cucks and psychopaths.
>why don't atheists accept christ
Several reasons.
They grew up in and mostly still live in a technological society full of amazing things, i.e. the computer/phone you made your thread with, that can all be explained rationally and plausibly. They are also able to completely ignore most of that science and rationality stuff and live their lives just fine. Faith is nowadays just one of many intellectual concepts accessible to normal people.
They live in a time of unparallelled peace and security. Faraway wars in less developped places don't count, as atheist individuals are rarely affected by them in numbers that matter. "Great Powers" haven't been at war for close than 100 years. Christian detachement from politics is just one of many viewpoints now.
Food security is basically guaranteed (nobody cares if you can't afford daily bags of Cheetos and Oreos, EBT pays for staple foods). Reliance on church charity is just one of many viable survival strategies now.
Disease is far less deadly than ever before (nobody cares if your country doesn't have a functioning health system, get one). Faith healing is just one of many survival strategies now.
People are more politically free than ever before. Not being able to scream the N-word at the top of your lungs and attend literal neo-nazi rallies doesn't count, freedom of conscience exists and mind control devices are unfeasible for the foreseeable future. Hoping for a blissful afterlife is just one of many outlooks on life.

tl;dr Atheists think christianity is literally obsolete and a personal choice. Christfags are distracting them from living their life their way, especially with incessant preaching directed at them specifically.
>rapist cooms forever
Regeneration by the Holy Spirit would mean that the rapist no longer desires cooming. There is also no cooming in Heaven.
lack of positive evidencce, existence of negative evidence.
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He's an allegorical figure.
Because he never existed
You should be more historically literate to post here
I still don't get how any of this is supposed to work; does jesus detect if I think he exists and he was the son of god?
What does that even mean?

Post the Historical account that mentions Jesus. Not Christians, Jesus.
Christ coming out of the closet.
Islam is the truth
If Islam.
Christianity Isgoat.
Prolly cuz only Christians do. Not the
majority 6 billion population. Jesus is
Satan the Devil also, the Jew from hell.
they're afraid to
Whats so bad about Jesus that you murder people over a literal faery tale?
I mean it, accepting Jewsus must be something like a spiritual castration or death sentence, because There's no way in hell this thing is good for anyone the way it's been forced.
Were not the one threatened with hell
What would we be afraid of?
that pleasurable feeling when you forcibly hold a shit in
Not him but I have IBS so holding it in feels like I'm holding in Venus (the planet). That pressure. That burn.
But sometimes I have to, when I'm on the phone with a customer.
Why don't we have a /rel/ board?
Because we're gay guys with short, fat dicks.
All the schizos and tripfags would be stuck in their own containment zone, and we can't have that
i pity you

holding your shit in is awesome
Because a small rootless international clique known collectively as jannies does not want the people to have peace
What's their incentive?
Absolutely. Chickenshits.
Fucking cowards.
Accept Christ as what? A historical figure? A wizard? A deity?
You show sympathy, but not empathy. I don't know what I'm supposed to be afraid of.
that pleasurable feeling when you forcibly hold a shit in
Perhaps because they do not believe there is satisfactory evidence for the existence of any god. And there are many supernatural claims in the Bible that are not supported by any book except the Bible itself.
Drive engagement, sell ads.
So money, power, and pussy?
He was a bretty cool guy but it seems clear to me that the gospel authors added a lot of legend and rumors to the story. In the earliest one, Mark, there's just an empty tomb and nobody sees Jesus again. Skip forward 20-30 years to John and suddenly the apostles personally witnessed him ascending to Heaven. Not to mention other crazy stuff like Matthew talking about how a bunch of corpses came back to life and started wandering around the city but somehow the other 3 authors completely forgot about that part. It's probably a similar situation to King Arthur, where people made up all kinds of stories and legends and then it turned out he was actually just some random Welsh chieftain.
I'm afraid I will lose my Satanic superpowers
Accepting Jesus will allow you to orgasm from your asshole.
Like I said, I unironically don't know how it's supposed to be pleasurable.
i am not a biologist
>(colorblind anon): What would be be afraid of?
>(You): yellow
yellow exists regardless if that hypothetical dumbass cannot see it
If you tell me there is a guy named steve living in Australia and he really loves and supports me then it doesn't really matter if I never felt his support because he doesn't exist or because he lives on the other side of the globe
>There is also no cooming in Heaven.
Huge if true
Why do you think marriage ends at death anon?
Can he really be blamed for not understanding what he is said to find scary about god, if god is presented in such an incoherent way, tho?
>Why won't Atheists accept Christ?
Why do shitskins continuously proselytize on 4chan and promote white hate on 4chan at the same time?
Why should they?
Because Christ will give you a handjob in the afterlife. It's in the bible somewhere.
I don't think it's true that there is a Christ
How do I go about accepting Christ?
Why in the absolute fuck would you want to accept Christ if you don't think he exists?
You're another Christian pretending to be non-Christian interested in this stupid Christ-tard thread.
Shut it OP.
Are you coming on to me?
The God of the Old Testament is cruel, petty, jealous, and evil.
I'm not insulting him. Those are all descriptors he uses for himself in the Old Testament.
Now why would I want to worship a God like that?
And I'm supposed to believe some wise man, who preached peace and sharing resources was the same guy as that Old Testament God?
And then he claims he'll return again within the lifetime of his first disciples, but it never happens? So his promise failed?
And so then his followers had to reinterpret that part as not being literal and hurriedly write down their teachings before they all died of old age?

Cmon, give me a break.
Only being raised in such a belief system since birth or a severe mental break could make you accept such things.
As the Bible says in John 8:32, ye shall know the truth[1], and the truth shall make you free[2].

[1] In this context, knowing the truth is defined as blindly accepting everything the clergy tells you without ever so much as entertaining the possibility that any element of the dogma could be false.
[2] In this context, freedom is understood as freedom to do what the clergy wants you to do. By knowing the truth[1], you assume eternal duty to always agree with everything the clergy tells you and do everything the clergy wants you to do and will never do anything the clergy doesn't want you to do.
they would have to stop sinning (most atheists can't stop having gay sex)
That's just your pea, mortal brain not being able to grasp all of His greatness, and the limitations of language itself. We don't have the capacity to truly comprehend Him, just as a mongoose cannot gasp the concept of its own existence, or even something physical like a computer.
That's why faith is important.
Hold up guys... God just telepathically sent me a new revelation... He says you all... gotta.. gotta.... suck my balls and eat my ass to get into Heaven... He says it's now the only way to cleanse your sins
Yeah maybe you have a pea brain but if God can't explain what he actually meant to say he sounds pretty retarded.
Makes sense given he lost to a bunch of tribes people with bronze chariots.
God would really prevent His children access to the Kingdom of Heaven simply because of gex?
Why can't you stop thinking about homosexuals
The bible is a product of man, and men have limited ability to comprehend existence. It's like a one year old child trying to understand rocket science, but infinity so.
>God is real.
>My proof? None.
>You would be too stupid to understand the proof so I don't need to present any.
Amazing Christian logic strikes again....
You'll come around in due time.
No I won't. I'm gay. I want the gex.
lmao check out on the death of peregrinus by lucian
it's a good thing that Jesus is alive and well and present almost everywhere
it's not because of the gex, but the love of the gex
I don't trust Jews.
What if the Jew had a fat straight cock?
Well as I implied, I haven't really felt his presence in my life
That probably means you're gay? Jesus doesn't want to see that kind of thing or get AIDS.
Yeah, you tell him, anon! One day, Christians will find that one amazing proof that can convert any atheist!

Any day now...
(g)A(y)theists claim to like evidence, but get all bent out of shape when you mention men can't get pregnant.
Strange that.
Can God get a man pregnant?
Because they don't want to accept the status quo of the society they live in that will justify their suffering in said such society
I don't know, ask him.
Then how do you know "men can't get pregnant"?
Because atheists watch gay and tranny porn but pretend they don't. They know this angers God, and pretend he doesn't exist too.
Because language is a social construct and I doubt the average person believes men can get pregnant.
>Because atheists watch gay and tranny porn but pretend they don't. They know this angers God, and pretend he doesn't exist too.
Lol, so Nick Fuentes basically hahahaa....
Wow are Christians stupid.
>Because language is a social construct
The very concept of social constructs invalidates itself because it claims it is nothing more than a social construct and doesn't describe objective reality.
>I doubt the average person believes men can get pregnant.
You literally think that only Christians understand men can't get pregnant because they worship a 2000 year old dead Jew that hates them lol.
Like you actually needed a sky daddy to tell you that men can't get pregnant and gay sex is bad.
You literally think you would be a child rapist if it wasn't for god to tell you it's bad.
The average person believes the Sun orbits the Earth, but sure.
>The average person believes the Sun orbits the Earth, but sure.
that realization didn't come from Christianity lol.
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I can't really speak for atheists but it's hard to believe in a dude being the Son of God when the only real accounts of such things we have are individuals within his circle. You're effectively asking me to believe that this guy is God in much the same vein that Aum Shinrikyo members would ask me to believe that Shoko Asahara is the true prophet of spirituality and God, or that the Branch Davidians would ask people to believe that Koresh is the Lamb; "Just trust me bro".
>The very concept of social constructs invalidates itself because it claims it is nothing more than a social construct and doesn't describe objective reality
Language is a social construct because language is shapes and sounds we give meaning to.
Language is used to communicate phenomena, and phenomena exists regardless if language does. That's how multiple languages exist.
But social constructivists claim that objective reality doesn't exist. Because everything is a social construct lol.
You're an idiot.
You have absolutely no idea what constructivism is.
We simply cant, once an atheist, always an atheist. I tried myself, you cant believe in anything anymore
>You have absolutely no idea what constructivism is.
Said the guy that has no idea what it is lol.
Every single time those people come across an idea or objective fact they don't like, it suddenly becomes a social construct.
However that never magically happens to any of their own cherished ideas.
You really are just operating at the level of an annoying child cheating in a card game with friends by making extra rules that only apply when it suits them lol.
Nta but you've completely outed yourself as not knowing what constructivism is, constructivists absolutely understand that their own ideas are in and of themselves social constructs, they have to be because they only exist within a social setting. All the info you've gotten about the concept has been from SJW owned compilations on Rumble or something.
>Nta but you've completely outed yourself as not knowing what constructivism is
Said the guy that doesn't know what it is lol.
>constructivists absolutely understand that their own ideas are in and of themselves social constructs
No they don't...
They wouldn't push those ideas if they actually thought that.
You're so stupid lol.
>they have to be because they only exist within a social setting.
They have to NOT call their own own ideas social constructs, otherwise they would have to dispose of them as being worthless and untrue.
>All the info you've gotten about the concept has been from SJW owned compilations on Rumble or something.
Lol, It's literally a leftist/progressivist self-contradicting academic idea that isn't supposed to even make sense.
You're nothing more than a useful idiot.
Social constructivism contradicts itself regardless of who endorses it.
Whether that be the early György Lukács or your standard progressive modern academics.
No, but seriously, how are you supposed to accept Christ when you don't think it's true that there is a Christ?
This should answer the question.
Thanks for proving me right.
>Thanks for proving me right.
That's not a valid argument you idiot lol.
So that's what you do when called out for your shit?
You just say "thanks for proving me right".
No explanation, nothing. Because you have no actual argument.
How embarrassing.
>So that's what you do when called out for your shit?
I refute allegations with arguments. I don't lose my shit and threaten with eternal torture or name-drop TDS and pretend that's a win.
>I refute allegations with arguments
Lol, no. You say stupid dismissive meaningless shit like "thanks for proving me right" with zero analysis or explanation.
>I don't lose my shit and threaten with eternal torture or name-drop TDS and pretend that's a win.
Declaring yourself a winner by saying "thanks for proving me right"
Just reveals yourself to be a stupid child who just defaults to that whenever you're called out for your bullshit.
You're so stupid. And this makes you look so bad.
You have lost your shit anon. You've refuse to even backup anything your saying.
>social constructivists claim that objective reality doesn't exist lol
I'm not making the claim that objective reality doesn't exist lol. Wikipedia's definition of, "social construct," is: "Any category or thing that is made real by convention or collective agreement."
Language is a social construct because because words have no meaning outside of (typically subconscious, as words tend to be intuitive) collective agreement. As an English speaker, you know what "cat" is. But you don't know what "黄色的" is. Words are just shapes and sounds we give meaning to, both of the aforementioned examples are used to label phenomenon.
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"Just believe" is unironically the answer
For the same reason I don't accept Zeus, or Krishna, or Thor, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or...
I think that guy might be baiting. His posts unnecessarily link the same post with every greentext quote.
As atheist, you're spot-on. It's difficult to believe that there was a man who
>was a god, actually
>yes, he pissed and crapped and vomited and got nocturnal emissions and died, he's still a god
>who never sinned (not even once, even though we only have glimpse of his 30yo life)
>fulfilled some ancient prophecies and his own promises he... seemingly didn't
>was also rejected by the most of his own people
>for some reason, chose not to intervene in his resurrected god form while his original church was being completely wiped out in the Siege of Jerusalem, leaving behind only some gentile grifters/schizos elsewhere in the Empire, who didn't have the original writings and who also competed against the church of Jerusalem, this church which consisted of people that actually were those few of his people that believed in him, and whom he himself prioritized in life over gentiles (whatever their vision was has been lost in history)
>I'm not making the claim that objective reality doesn't exist l
>I think that guy might be baiting. His posts unnecessarily link the same post with every greentext quote.
Giving context to your replies with quotes is "unnecessary"?
I guess you're one of those autistic people who think everyone else can just magically read your mind so you always half explain everything.
How stupid.
your pedohomo pastor needs you on the discoord asap for another tranny dilation session, go back, subhuman
Atheists don't exist. Take meds anon.
based schizo
shhh it's that time again, your priest had a bit of the blood of christ again, time to butter your critbussy
I'm not claiming everything is a social construct. I'm claiming language is a social construct. Just like how, for example, the value of money is a social construct.
In reality, language is nothing more than shapes and sounds. Human beings apply the meaning to these shapes and sounds.
>Giving context to your replies with quotes is "unnecessary"
In this post (>>17203538) you(?) unnecessarily link the same post with every greentext quote.
Introducing: The christian thought process dissected.

How to behave like a true christian.

1. Find a book that is one sentence long about gnosticism.
2. Read and destroy it.
3. If the book said: "Water is wet", try to associate gnostics to trannies and pretend they believed in "Water is dry".

Same energy for other "Rivals".
bc they are retardeds
>I'm not claiming everything is a social construct.
Yes you are...
Go to sleep moron.
>Yes you are
Then explain how I'm making the claim that everything is a social construct.
Here's something to say: your religion, after 2000 years of theologians honing their skills, culminated by producing you. You're the best of the best Christianity could produce after all this time, and you're a knuckle-dragging retard all-cap seething the nanosecond people call out your P R O J E C T I N G.

Is this consistent with a true religion? Atheists have their doubts.
You want to play that game?
If I say, "All Africans are losers"
Explain how I'm claiming all Congolese are losers?
>Here's something to say: your religion, after 2000 years of theologians honing their skills, culminated by producing you
I'm not Christian you fucking retard.
You are once again not saying anything.
"Social construct" is the leftist version of the Christian "categorical error".
Just a simple childish way of dismissing any idea without ever addressing anything that's ever said.

Person(1) - "We should focus more on heart health than skin cancer when treating Indian patients because ethnic Indians have the highest Heart attack rates in the world"
Leftist - "That's a social construct."

Person(2) - "If god created the universe, who created god?"
Christian - "You're not allowed to ask that question because it is a categorical error".
Claiming that language is a social construct doesn't mean I'm claiming everything is a construct. Explain specifically what you mean.
Isa nabi was a man
>Claiming that language is a social construct doesn't mean I'm claiming everything is a construct.
Yes it does...
And that's exacly how the term is routinely used too.
To dismiss any idea the leftist doesn't like because all ideas are described with language.
>Explain specifically what you mean.
Explain to me why square blocks fit in square holes?
>Yes it does…
But, how? Language isn't everything.
Language is used to communicate phenomena, and phenomena exists regardless if any language does. Language doesn't make phenomena exist, language exists because phenomena exists.
That's just a social construct anon.
You're just describing social norms that aren't reality.
>But, how? Language isn't everything.
all ideas are described with language.
So you can dismiss anything with "social construct".
Holy shit are you stupid.
>To dismiss any idea the leftist doesn't like because all ideas are described with language
It's not possible to have a debate with a bad faith actor. Doesn't matter if they're left-wing or right-wing. Though I get exposed more to bad-faith leftists, anecdotally speaking.
I feel like you're being bad-faith now. Just because bad-faith leftists abuse the term "social construct" doesn't mean it's not a thing.
>It's not possible to have a debate with a bad faith actor.
You don't actually believe that because you're still talking to me.
You know I'm right.
>I feel like you're being bad-faith now.
No anon. You've just been called out for your idiocy and psychopathy.
You can AND DO dismiss anything you don't like as a "social construct" because all ideas are described with language and you consider language a social construct.
How many times are you going to contradict yourself moron?
How many times are you going act stupid with repetition to get a different result?
How stupid are you?
How long are you going to continue with this rubbish for?
>all ideas are described with language
But those ideas exist regardless of language. Language is used to communicate ideas and other phenomena.
>So you can dismiss anything with "social construct"
Both "cat" and "貓" are both used to label a phenomenon. The phenomenon exists regardless of these labels.
>But those ideas exist regardless of language.
Nope, they don't because they were described in language leftist moron.
Eat your own faulty logic.
>Both "cat" and "貓" are both used to label a phenomenon.
No, they are nothing more than social constructs.
A cat doesn't magically puff into existence when I say the word "cat".
Also "cat" is short for "catalogue".
Standard leftist logic idiot anon.
>all ideas are described with language and you consider language a social construct
What do you think "social construct" means?
Bit too culty for my taste
>What do you think "social construct" means?
What do you think -
>"asking the same already answered question 1000 times because you have no valid argument"

>they don't because they were described in language
So a thing exists and was described in a language?
That means the idea and the language things exist separately. Meaning a phenomenon (idea) was communicated with language.
Why won't Christ just accept me as I am first?
>So a thing exists and was described in a language?
A cat doesn't magically puff into existence because you said the word "cat".
Either does a hardware store catalogue.
or the stimulant drug, Khat.
Or the construction vehicle company called Caterpillar Inc also known as CAT.
>That means the idea and the language things exist separately
So you can dismiss any idea or objective fact anyone has as a social construct that isn't actually describing a real thing.
Even though it actually is.
Because all ideas are described with language.
How many times are you going to say the exact same stupid contradicting things and receive the exact same reply moron leftist anon?
How stupid are you?
How long are you going to mindlessly drone on for like an autistic robot?
>Because all ideas are described with language.
which language do animals use to describe dangers to their survival?
not even all the theists accept him, start there
What evidence is there of Christ's divinity?

>some book says he performed miracles!

Does that mean Romeo and Juliet were real people?
>Does that mean Romeo and Juliet were real people?
Yes, Othello was a bvll with a big veiny juicy black cock too, and he was specifically the bvll of Shakespeare himself.
Hm interesting, I made a normal post that a normal person would write, and you posted some fucked up sex fetish crap

What's wrong with you? What's your mental illness?
What do you mean? I'm not Shakespeare, I didn't write anything about Othello.
I mean what mental illness do you have? You probably have several judging by what you're posting on this site
I'm not aware of any other than high IQ, I end up posting something too complicated for retards of internet and then get hated for it which provides overall negative experience in social interactions due to me simply being superior to others in one irrelevant metric that I have completely no control over.
>making random shit up
lol christians can't debate for shite
Why won't Christ accept me and my natural skepticism?
>>making random shit up
>lol christians can't debate for shite
Lol, well done for once again saying absolutely nothing, not refuting anything or even giving a single point with evidence.
You are Dunning Kruger personified.

>which language do animals use to describe dangers to their survival?
Non-human animals don't have any true language...
>I'm not aware of any other than high IQ
Aha, you need a super high IQ to post cucked bbc porn in /trash/ every day of the week like an alien robot from out of space.
You need extra high IQ to remain unemployed due to crippling autism...
Aha, yeah anon. I TOTALLY believe you!
>Non-human animals don't have any true language...
So? They still comprehend concept of danger. They can even communicate and tell you to fuck off, you as a human. They aren't outright agressive for no reason.
you need super high IQ to not get mad when someone posts it
>They aren't outright agressive for no reason.
Lol, are you serious.
Or are you actually that stupid?

>So? They still comprehend concept of danger. They can even communicate and tell you to fuck off, you as a human.
which isn't language...
Which has absolutely nothing to do with social constructivism lol.
I'd entertain your retardation if you didn't make this rookie mistake.
>you need super high IQ to not get mad when someone posts it
Nope, you need a super low IQ to love it.
Typically crippling homosexual autism.
Do you know what the word "mad" even means?
I'm guessing not.
>I'd entertain your retardation if you didn't make this rookie mistake.
Oh right, apparently reddit invented the line space lol.
You brought up reddit out of literally nowhere you redditor. Holy shit.
I am personally neutral about it. I don't love it, in fact I use it against midwits who claim that Shakespeare is a good writer when he's just a BBC cuck fanfic writing Anglo.
Yes, there's no reason for wasting vertical space.
>I am personally neutral about it. I don't love it
Bullshit. It's you weird forever online homosexual autistic leftist fetish.
Kill yourself moron.
>Yes, there's no reason for wasting vertical space.
No, you're severely autistic and stupid.
You are astonishingly stupid anon.
you seem to be very mad for no reason at all
>you seem to be very mad for no reason at all
Lol, you have no idea just how insane you are anon.
You are just like the fucking furries or pedos in /trash/ that post abhorrently evil and disgusting guro/loli/bbc shit and consider or negative reactions "overreactions".
You would probably fuck a child and say to your victim - "why are you getting mad for no reason".
You are an autistic psychopath.
You basically aren't even human.
All I did was point out that Shakespeare wrote about his life in more than one of his works, with concrete example.
>All I did was point out that Shakespeare wrote about his life in more than one of his works, with concrete example.
All you did was post BBC fetish crap you autistic tranny retard.
>Can't say
you had 2000 years to figure it out
I see you mentioned Shakespeare but didn't read any of his works... Othello is a black man in a book called "Othello". Maybe you should try being less of a nigger before you post on a board where people actually are educated.
>I see you mentioned Shakespeare but didn't read any of his works... Othello is a black man
No he's not you autistic mentally ill bbc fetishist tranny.
He's a fucking moor, so an arab.
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>christcuck makes so much shit up now he name-drops psychological effects that don't exist
I see you're more educated in black dick classification more than I am, sorry for misjudging your ability to learn.
>>christcuck makes so much shit up now he name-drops psychological effects that don't exist
Wow, you still don't have a single valid argument anon and you still aren't backing up anything you're saying once again with a single source.
Wow. You really are suffering from the Dunning Kruger effect.
Source is a bear growled at me but didn't maul me to death.
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>now he only uses the psychological effect that doesn't exist to make his "arguments"
>I see you're more educated in black dick classification more than I am, sorry for misjudging your ability to learn.
You've literally brought up black dicks out of nowhere. They aren't in Othello.
You're a severely autistic leftist tranny with a BBC fetish and obviously no job because you're mentally disabled.
Literally too stupid to realize just how stupid you are.
If I was really obsessed I wouldn't be talking about Shakespeare's work, I'd be writing my own cuck fanfics like he did.
>Source is a bear growled at me but didn't maul me to death.
Wow, so you're an idiot. Well done anon.
>>now he only uses the psychological effect that doesn't exist to make his "arguments"
That isn't a study quote...
you're literally too stupid to ever quote anything.
Your very actions prove that it does in fact exist.
>If I was really obsessed I wouldn't be talking about Shakespeare's work, I'd be writing my own cuck fanfics like he did.
You're so obsessed that you literally bring up BBC fetish shit when talking about fucking Shakespeare.
That's about as obsessed, stupid and mentally ill as you can possibly get you fucking tranny.
If I was an idiot like you, I'd have growled back and wouldn't be here to tell you that that bear could articulate how butthurt it is about me being on its property better than you can articulate your warped thoughts, get professional help, psycho.
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christcucks and their subjective reality baka
That's just a social construct anon. You're idea is invalid. Too bad.
Bears don't have a language.
You don't even know what language is.
Wow are you stupid.
>subjective reality
my subjective reality is that christcucks are retarded schizos and I believe we all should respect eachother's beliefs, especially that of mine
>christcucks and their subjective reality baka
Wow, you yet again don't post a single source or study.
You once again say I'm a Christian when I've literally said they are just as bad as people like you.
threat to kill is factually the only means of communication that really matters in nature, humans are the only ones who cucked itself out of it by making it illegal
>I believe we all should respect eachother's beliefs
That's also a stupid belief in its own right lol.
>threat to kill is factually the only means of communication that really matters in nature, humans are the only ones who cucked itself out of it by making it illegal
It's not illegal to threaten the life of a random white dude you idiot.
It isn't illegal at all.
So don't screech about me not respecting the fact that you chose to be a mentally ill schizo, because I am not obligated to.
It is illegal in mine, I sued several people for it for no other reason than I can. It's really funny to ruin other people's lives when I didn't actually feel threatened at all and could easily kill them if they tried something funny.
stfu loser. You're a weak idiot who contradicts themselves leftist scum.
You're just stupid.
That's it.
You're stupid.
Your "social construct" contradicts itself and is nothing more than a childish argument ender to stop people from talking about things you don't like.
That's it.
And you're stupid enough to fall for it.
You are stupid now and you will die stupid.
>being this mad over a social construct
Hey christcuck, let me tell you something.
1. You're the inferior subhuman cockroach that started this whole shtick claiming social constructs mean it doesn't exist, and you have yet to provide any source. How about you make the first step if you want a good-faith conversation instead of getting made fun of by grownups, you knuckle-dragging dipshit?
2. Because of my infinite atheist wisdom and kindness, here's a little undeserved spoonfeeding for you since you can't be fucked to double check if the Dunning-Kruger effect exists (not that it's gonna make you admit you're wrong since, like all christcucks, you believe in subjective reality): https://theconversation.com/debunking-the-dunning-kruger-effect-the-least-skilled-people-know-how-much-they-dont-know-but-everyone-thinks-they-are-better-than-average-195527
>I sued several people for it for no other reason than I can
You're a welfare parasite with severe autism who never leaves their unit...
>It's really funny to ruin other people's lives when I didn't actually feel threatened at all and could easily kill them if they tried something funny.
It's really funny to listen to autistics like you who constantly make up stories that they think other people actually believe. Sad really.
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>christcuck talking about making up stories being a bad thing
oh boy
>You're the inferior subhuman cockroach that started this whole shtick claiming social constructs mean it doesn't exist
No, that was actually the original authors of the very concept who use it in that way.
Lol. You are so stupid. Quoting the article -

"There are three reasons Dunning and Kruger’s analysis is misleading.
The worst test-takers would also overestimate their performance the most because they are simply the furthest from getting a perfect score. Additionally, the least skilled people, like most people, assume they are better than average."

yeah, that's not at all debunking the Dunning Kruger effect lol.

Also once again Christians are just as stupid as you and I'm not a Christian. Christians use the same semantic bullshit as the left.
I'm not him so I can actually answer: social constructs aren't real because humans create them to maintain order in their society that they believe is necessary and it in fact doesn't exist beyond that wish for feeling of safety that can be implemented in multitude of ways.
Unfortunately, sometimes it is implemented very poorly, see: religion.
>>christcuck talking about making up stories being a bad thing
>oh boy
Dude is samefagging himself like a schizo and still thinks the guy who shat on Christians is a Christian becuase he isn't a leftist either lol.
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Ever wondered what could happen if heaven and hell were to fuse? More of a /x/ question but I'll ask here anyways.
Why would I need to samefag? I'm not a christcuck. Christcucks can argue on one single bible verse for hours and never agree on its meaning, meanwhile atheists can agree on basic logic very fast. For you to find agreement with another christian in same thread is practically impossible, but for me, it happens all the time.
It would be called Earth, poorfags would suffer, while rich would do whatever they want.
nothing? They both already reside in the same universe under the same god.
God literally controls Heaven and Hell.
it would be a realm where only extremes exist, agonizing torment and ecstatic bliss would be everywhere with nothing in-between
so it would be 4chan discussion threads?
>Why would I need to samefag?
Why are you?
>I'm not a christcuck.
>Christcucks can argue on one single bible verse for hours and never agree on its meaning
No shit sherlock.
>For you to find agreement with another christian in same thread is practically impossible, but for me, it happens all the time.
I'm not a Christian and you're a fucking delusional weird moron mate.
>I'm not a Christian
then stop acting like one
Better question is what if angels and demons were to fuse.
Imagine if these angel-demon hybrids, as a result of being half angelic and half demonic, could choose whether to be good or evil, much like humans, wouldn't that be profound? It'd be like they just gained freewill.
They'd be defective and weak humanoids, someone would call them Human.
>then stop acting like one
Once again you're a weird fucking delusional moron who has no idea what the fuck is going on.
Me disagreeing with you on your lefty shit doesn't magically make me a christian.
Anon, humans aren't angelic nor demonic, they're their own thing on Earth.
That's what Lucifer is.
A fallen Angel.
There's nothing profound about it.
You're just a stupid daydreaming autist.
Indeed, they're instead halves of the worst parts of both.
I didn't post any lefty shit and hallucinating it is common among christards who sometimes forget that they aren't on /pol/.
>I didn't post any lefty shit
Lol, You're a joke anon.
>and hallucinating it is common among christards
It's common amongst Christards, leftards and trannytards like yourself.
>I didn't post any lefty shit
defending social constructivism is about as fucking leftwing as you can possibly get fruitcake.
all of you had your head hit against a wall when your mothers accidentally dropped your head during infancy and that's why you're currently acting with this level of autism
try not to samefag yourself if you're going to accuse me of being something you hallucinated
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Hi again, christcuck.

>No, that was actually the original authors of the very concept who use it in that way.

>yeah, that's not at all debunking the Dunning Kruger effect lol.
It does, you retarded bonehead.
>try not to samefag yourself if you're going to accuse me of being something you hallucinated
They're both obviously me anon ok?
If I was samefagging I would deny that they're both me.
Do you know what samefagging even is anon?
what you just did
>It does, you retarded bonehead.
No it doesn't you bonehead.

>Hi again, christcuck
Lol, defending social constructivism makes you far left but it definitely doesn't make me Christian.

Lol, the retard is making noises again!!!

"According to the social constructionist view, capitalism is not an inherent or natural economic system but rather a socially constructed concept that emerged and evolved over time"

"Social constructionism posits that reality is not an objective truth but rather a product of social interactions and interpretations."


"The theory of social constructionism posits that much of what individuals perceive as 'reality' is actually the outcome of a dynamic process of construction influenced by social conventions and structures."

>what you just did
I didn't deny that they are both me anon.
I thought of something new to post after I had already posted.
You don't even know what samefagging means lol.
Holy shit are you stupid.
>The term can serve somewhat different functions in each field; however, the foundation of this theoretical framework suggests various facets of social reality—such as concepts, beliefs, norms, and values—are formed through continuous interactions and negotiations among society's members, rather than empirical observation of physical reality.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand you proved yourself wrong. Another crushing defeat for Christianity!
>Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand you proved yourself wrong. Another crushing defeat for Christianity!
No, that proves YOU wrong Dunning Kruger retard lol.
According to social constructivism you only see an apple because society told your eyes to see an apple.
Super stupid stuff that up there with the worst Christian delusions.
It isn't a coincidence that Feminism came out of Christianity and Communism borrowed many ideas from Christianity.
Which one?
>According to social constructivism you only see an apple because society told your eyes to see an apple.
That's not what the quote says, you absolute knucklehead. Christian delusions have no limits holy shit.
I'm more of an agnostic, but it's because Jesus claimed to be the god of the Old Testament, a character for which I have little fondness.
>According to social constructivism you only see an apple because society told your eyes to see an apple
An accurate example of what "social construct" means is the value of money. The value of money is a social construct because the physical item itself is near worthless due to just being a paper rectangle.
that's usually the motivation to accept jesus
what a retarded question, you could ask something like that more wisely, byt you chose to sound like a fucking retard. Why won´t you accept Allah as the only god? why dont you convert to Judaism? why arent you an orthodox Catholic? why arent you a Protestant? see? there is a lot of complexity behind spirituality, you fucking simplistic faggot.
this is the kind of logic that makes christianity a fucking stupid religion, you can accept Jesus Christ, is alright, if people really behave like that nigga said we would have a better worlds, but no, a lot of christians just make impossible mental gymnastics to explain atrocities like that, only a stupid religion need you to do that.
yes, afraid of wasting their lives with stupid rules and behaving like fucking cucks.
>anon, i fucked another dude because God told me so
>God want us not to fuck because we are impure
>Anon, i cant sleep because i feel opression on our house, lets pray at 2:00 fucking am
this is fucking true
your words are empty as fuck, get your shit together, christfag
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If you're not gonna be nice to me, I'm not gonna be nice to you.
Life became a whole lot scarier when I became Saved. Contending with the eternal and infinite and being with such a Being is scary just on the basis of that all powerful mystery
Must be rough
Not as rough as getting shit on your thumb after wiping your ass

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