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I honestly should embrace this style, and give up gamedev and focus 100% on a minecraft style.
how much work does this save you really?
that model took a day to animate from scratch.
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I forgot to add this, kek.
Go back
just make them less shiny and add a pixelize shader over the whole screen, maybe desaturate the colors a bit or tweak them and boom kino

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Is there a better software to do stuff like pic-related yet? Surely with all that AI talk, there's at least one software that automatically breaks up the parts, creates the meshes or at least rigs the assets.
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>aaaaah oh my god this is sooooo hard
endless discussion
>oh wait no its easy. heres proof
What program did you use to make this? I would like to try this out
He used ai for the image, Photoshop for the assets and Maya for the rig.
You can use blender too, this shit is not so complicated, it takes a bit of time to make all the assets.
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The other anon is right. photoshop, maya, and a source image. IDK if it was made with AI. I dont know where it came from.
You should. You should do it right now. It's easy. And then post what you made

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Post anything Gunt related or of a Guntish nature

>I want to use the Gunt model

Gunt's model should be here:
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hey friends, any new gunt featurings cookin?
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Captured using lidar from a jet.

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Watching tutorials can also be really comfy as background entertainment when working on projects
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This! So much this! I'm surprised that it took so long for someone to recommend the best 3d donut tutorialist out there!

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>mfw i sculpt for three hours without checking the profile

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The only way to truly create retro CGI is by using period accurate hardware and software, anything else is forced soul from coping zoomers.
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So. True.
he's cute either way
He's looking for a boyfriend (or girlfriend) if you're interested.
nahh man...fuck this troon.
this is a Cris board.

it's so over bros
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janny removed my doom thread
i'm pissed
Then why you scrape anime doodles if it's not necessary?
Ai is theft and you are larping as an artist.
So it's worthless like this image. This shit is completely wrong and impractical.

The fuck is anyone gonna do with a fucking jpg that tells you how to do shit wrong?
>the fundamental flaws in generative AI will eventually go away because... look they just will okay!
>the fundamental flaws
Which are?

Learning to 3d model has always been my creative end game as a graphic designer, but like everything other form of visual art, I feel like once I get good it won't matter because it'll all be automated by AI. This has already happened with my 2D illustrations, with people thinking it's AI (pic rel) even though I spent a day meticulously drawing it.

Should I try 3d modelling or have I just missed the boat at this point?
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These are losers that never would make it in general. It's pretty much useless to engage and they're lost causes in the scheme of things cause they are first rate failures. They just have excuses more than actual motivation. They're the first ones to give up rather than adapt.
>some consider to be non-automatable
grong it is indeed automatable, the question is if the mega rich would fall for it
>Is there even any point in posting here? Cris?
5 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKiZPf4TZQs

last year: https://youtu.be/Cr7S7fcYArI?t=9
>doing things based on what other people think and not for yourself
>implying that because AI can make something better than you (it can't) and getting upset and talking about quitting is any different to seeing a person who can make something better than you (they can) and getting upset and talking about quitting

Unironically NGMI mentality.

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basically stuff like beyond the minds eye
ive been watching a lot of 90s 3d demo videos lately and i just love it, but im having a hard time finding similar stuff
please post them here if you find any
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>actually caring about reddit enough to be derogatory
looks like you're the only new one.
>unironically believing pepe-posting-/pol/tards makes up the entire population.
why is this stuff so comfy? I was born in 1998 and most of this stuff is before my time, but every time I watch this stuff it just makes me feel alright
Stay on plebbit faggots.

Would it be easy to make and render these kinds of vaporwave graphics on a MacBook Pro M1? I dont want to bother with expensive PCs and graphics cards and I also hate windows.
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I’ve actually been really interested in this. I’ve downloaded for Mac but not sure how to install it on mac
I presume you've downloaded the source code or an ancient OS X binary that can't run on Apple Silicon. Here's the compiling instructions: https://github.com/POV-Ray/povray/blob/3.7-stable/unix/README.md
Though I'd suggest that you install it through MacPorts instead. https://ports.macports.org/port/povray/
Keep in mind it's a command line tool.
Can some one make a general to contain thses people
Sorry, only very few selected people can make threads.
If you know what you're doing you can shit these out in any modern software

What projects have you been working on lately?

Unreal Engine 5.1 new features video:

Building Unreal Engine from source:

Learn Unreal Engine:


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I wouldn't recommend the beta water plugin.
I'm a bit confused, or maybe just illiterate.
Sounds like Multi-User is in a very beta stage and many beta plugins are questionable. No landscape editing? Skip! (or find an application for the rest of your tools for M-U).

Ignoring that, you can set up multiple layers (called levels), which enables you to each pick and choose a level to edit (and preferably lock-out other users from editing). My team used Subversion/SVN, which was just connected to a repository at my school. We all had pretty distinct jobs so there wasn't that much overlap, so it was easy to divide work this way. But if there's multiple environment artists or designers working on very similar things, I wouldn't know how professionals go about it in Unreal (maybe they merge entire levels in the end?).

Our solution was just take turns on a level if the organization of our levels worked out that way. I had responsibility for water, so I asked an environment artist if they were planning on editing the "landscape_level" tonight, if not, I check it out and get to work. However, this level was distinctly for the water + landscape mesh--no other assets, so team members could freely throw in trees, buildings, etc. on their own, assigned levels without worrying about impacting anyone else.
Any good courses on making good UI in unreal? Most youtube tutorials give the impression of lazy quick UI that almost every early access Unreal Engine game has. I want to learn to make cool stylized ui/ux
No idea but here's something sick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjUcGWLhYRI
The FSR 3 plugin has been updated to FSR 3.1 and now works with UE 5.4!


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How do I find ambitious people that sculpt or model? Preferably even a friend group
The best would be one with connections
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no. I'm a perverted edgelord that would prefer a server where I don't have to be worried about getting booted
So. is /3/ kings the only one?
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/3/chuds is the only real one.

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Lets see how you're using AI to generate content and discuss the role we (the humans) will take once AI is doing most of the heavy lifting.

I'll start.
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There is no utilizing AI for art. The purpose of it is for larger corporations to get their labour costs and replace them. AI art makes creative decisions, you can't utilize it to make art because it does the entire process for you, making the artists redundant. Millions of people think they can make the next lord of the rings with this technology, they won't. It'll be endless slop.

>Just adapt bro
There is no adapting. Being a creative is over.
My working theory is that AI art will never get good enough to bring anything of meaning into people's lives.
However, it does seem like people's threshold for quality in what will captivate their attention is getting lower and lower to the point where they'll be staring at flashing lights for entertainment.
Generating a starting base/idea and build from there
Hard AF
2019 called. They want their opinion back.

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been here for 10 minutes and already notice the blender hatred, what are recommended softwares for 3d modeling for someone with zero experience 3d modeling or creativity of any kind?
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I use blender to box model, Maya to animate, and z brush to add more poly. Z brush you need to 9000% adjust the UI cause the default is dogshit and hardcore splatter on the wall and floor diarrhea all in one.
this is a dead board where the few people that remain have more opinions than finished art pieces.
I started about 80% of Blender hate threads, don't worry about them.
>already notice the blender hatred
my guess is it's residual hatred for the god awful UI in pre 2.8 (might be wrong about the exact version number)

I literally learned how to fly a gd helicopter faster than how to use blender pre 2.8. I gave up trying to learn how to use blender and I been dabbling in various 3D programs for almost 2 decades like 3DS Max, C4D and a tiny bit of CAD programs, so it's not like I have 0 exprience in 3D programs. I even had college courses for making 3D models and 3D animation. It was like they stayed up at night thinking about the worst possible ways they can make the UI and then paid a research team to make it even worse, then had a sample team try it out and picked the worst scoring ideas. Take the worst ui you seen in any program and make it pants on head ass backward inside out and use the mouse upside down and that'd still probably be 100x more intuitive and easier to use than blender's pre 2.8 UI. I can't express enough how awful it was.

The new UI on the other hand is so much better and actually usable. I don't need to search google for a tutorial to do the most absolute most basic things anymore.

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These look familiar
What's your @?
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Bruh, it’s not zoomers that squirt anal liquid on Daz out of nowhere. Lmao!
>Follow hyper 3d artist
>Hyper, but does weird shapes in a good way and isn’t an asshole like literally every other hyperfag that isn’t brazilian or a chink
>Whines about Daz not being a real 3d software completely out of the blue
>Like, legit sounds like he’s about to cry about
>One of his followers tells him to shill and explains average use case of daz for the common user and professional. Zbursh users using the base models for their sculpts, magazine cover art (Is that even a thing anymore?), advertisement for companies (?)
>Says he understands, but still complains about people making money with minimal effort (No matter the fetish, no way someone pays that much for renders unless it’s a personal commissioned comic)
TLDR: Perma wegs, but even worse somehow. Think his was voidnich for someshit.
>Smutbase copypaste
>Probably used genesis 8
>Less coomkino than lustguard
Kekadoodlydoodokapoo! How the fuck do dazlets and sfmakerkeks still live rent free in perma wegs?
A shame that their MC looks repulsive

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What does /3/ think about the Metalheart aesthetic?
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I like this, but that could just be nostalgia.
it reminds me of my childhood so I don't like it
even without factoring in my father beating me Matrix gave me nightmares
Reminds me of pictures that show up when you search the word "future" on Google
Reminds me of 2007.
Would be kino if it weren't just random shapes. To me an aesthetic is something that is applied to a shape or concept, not the shape/concept itself. So the early 2000's sci fi cool colors, the simulated scan lines, flowing lines, reflective surfaces, etc. to me are an aesthetic, whereas the random shapes are not.

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