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Don't mind me
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I am going to mind you...
You have been mound.
Need to see her on a skateboard doing a sick ass grind down a stair set.
*hides thread*
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Thanks, Anons!

Animating is hard.
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You're a real one. Thanks.

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Hello, ive been working on game on my free time doing models, animations and levels, problem is im not able to find a programmer for this to work with revenue share. Yes i know its hard to find people to spend time in an unpaid project and yes i know my models aren't AAA but in my opinion they look decent.
I have been looking for programmers on reddit and most of the time the just end up quitting after a while
Basic game loop is similar to Deep rock galactic and Lethal company, pretty easy to work with them and popular Hiring one is impossible for me now.
Should i keep working on it and then try to find someone? is it even worth working on it ??

Some images: https://imgur.com/a/siqaPl6

sorry for bad English
thanks in advance
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Cris does that all the time.
eyo sorry for he late replies
there are propably somewhere to 12 unique ones and the rest of the itemes are resources, craftable etc.. these are a bunch 20+ maybe

Thanks but that would be impossible for the limited time i get
So what i did was creat an "Item" class that held all the data every item would have. For me that was a name, value, weight, and an icon. Then particular items like crafting materials, clothing, consumables, etc had their own classes descended from the item class. All of the items were held in arrays held in a globally accessible object.
The actual player inventory is arrays of a class that just holds 2 integers. One int is the index for the item and the other was the quantity of that item the player posessed.
incase you're super duper newb.

You know how when you make variables in unity they pop up in the inspector?
like yout type:
>public int money = 0;
and in the inspector on that component now there's a little number box called "Money". You can make your own thingies to put in that list. They're called "Classes"
So if you make a new c# script in unity it automatically types a bunch of shit. Up near the top there's like
>public class MyScriptName : MonoBehavior {
the "MonoBehavior" is another class which your script is <inheriting> from. So your new class has all the special properties of a monobehavior automatically. And if anyone needs to talk to a monobehavior they know how to talk to your new script.
What you can do is replace "monobehavior" with "System.Object"
"System" is a box of special objects that belong to the operating system. The unsexiest most generic things. The "Object" class is the most generic type there is. So when your class inherits from the object class you're making a brand new thing defined by you.
One extra thing is to add a little market that let's unity know this is the kind of thing we want to show up in the inspector, right before the class definition.
So try this out (remember to delete the update and start functions)
>[System.Serializable] //this lets unity know to print it out in the inspector

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this eclipse bussin fr fr

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Is it possible to sculpt ths in Blender? Why or why not?
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You're completely right, but I've learned how to use it now, so I don't care.
stockholm syndrome
It would be practical to start off in Blender and add the final details in Zbrush.
why would that be practical?
It sounds like I was advocating that as a superior workflow, but the point was that you should at the very least use ZBrush for the finder details, because it can handle higher polycounts and it has sculpting layers. My suggestion assumes that OP wants to use Blender to sculpt it, most likely due to being accustomed to it.

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tutorial GOAT. bob ross of 3D

so many of these tutorial people are unpleasant to listen to. having a nice voice is more important than indepth autistic knowledge, especially at the beginning stages when most of the information is variations of the same shit.
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i feel bad for this guy. for all the hype this film got, only 80k views in 9 days is an objective failure, especially for his channel size and for how much shilling this film has had from other creators like grant, p2design, smeaf, etc. honestly it's kinda boring and slow paced and seems to be targeted to kids. which is weird coming from a guy who's made jiggle physics tutorials, something tells me his audience isn't in grade school. but at least he accomplished something, unlike me kek
I wish Adobe didn't lock my pirated Photoshop copy. the things I would do to this motherfucker's smile...
Buy Affinity before it becomes subscription based. It works just like Photoshop including the plugins. The same money you spend on Photoshop can be spent to save 10000000% more on Affinity.
yeah I was thinking that but I keep putting it off because I'm too lazy to learn new UI.. but buying it just in case it becomes subscription only isn't a bad idea
I think it was simply underwhelming. You hear about this magnum opus film five-plus years in the making, and it's... blob shapes that aren't even rigged. Disappointing.

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i want to rip the Transformers models off the chinese PUBG mobile, is there a way to get them? tried asset ripper and ninja ripper but neither worked
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tried both, didnt work
anyone else?
Just eyeball it. It's over

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - Impostor Collage Anon Edition

Hey degenerates OP here, I made this here collage to honor the OG. All hail collage-kun, he's the best of us.
Anyway post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>972982

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB (embed)
/3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/gbYCEBPuK2
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I think /gd/ can upload PDF as well, SVG too (I think), but I can't remember if SVG is sitewide or not.
It'd be neat to upload models, but I can't see anyone that does the dev for 4chan taking the time to do that (and optionally a viewer) for this little board.
It's a shame we can't get like a plugin/script or something that embeds it+viewer via catbox. Like how on /h/ (/hdg/ specifically) with a greasemonkey script you can upload via catbox with a button next to the file, and the script automatically links it with generation info and stuff.

Not to mention they have hyuuuge image limits. It ain't fair, and there's no one to fix it. /3/ isn't dead, but we sure are the kids that go to class outside of the school in the little "annex" that's just a fucking trailer. /3/ is the trailer kids.
SVG isn't available anywhere. I would use /gd/ if it was, honestly.

>/3/ is the trailer kids
I don't see genuine counterculture anywhere else on the internet except on /3/ and /v/'s fanart/music/gamedev threads. If /3/ could upload gltf it would probably lead to a 3D forum renaissance.
>generic enemy NPC for my wannabe game
Oh my god man what a waste... you could sell this guy on gumroad as a VRChat avatar for 45$ and make more off of it than with whatever you had in mind. Boarguy is rather hot!!~
Post slow-motion.
What you need is slow motion as the bike enters the shot. As soon as the whole bike is in view drop to 2x slow-motion for a few seconds showing the chrome reflections on his wheel alloys. Then bam the whole thing returns to normal speed and you can see the bike darting into the horison.

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You there anon who works with UE4

How do i fix these blocky shadows? looks something with their resolution
i already tried those commands:
>r.Shadow.DistanceScale (seems to increase visibility but lowers overall resolution from closer pov)
>r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold (dont changes anything)

Its dynamic shadow using one point of lighting from the window.
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I simply live with the blocks
just enable ray tracingb ro
Depending on the glass the light goes through, it can look very much like your pic
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prolly this my guy. in cg you usually want the abolity to alter how drastically the shadows fade from sharp to soft like they do with real lights and the sun. 1.2 is the typicaly number that works beat for a directional light in maya to appear sun-like.
Suggests to not learn optimization

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the eternal debate...

spoiler: only Z-Up is based. Z-Up came first in history, so it must be right. CAD enginners and cartographers used 3D graphics long before any of you animators dicking around in Maya.
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But I'm looking at nodes on my monitor, not my desk top.
Nigger go back
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>This is 3D where XY is the ground plane.
>Y is up as told by math,

Daily reminder that Z is up because this is how planes navigate.
Satan is correct.
Fucking NERD, stop overthinking the simplest shit and get to work.
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>what unit are the units?
>"nah bro its unitless"
>default gravity is 9.82

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3D inspo thread - what gets your poly goning?
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>kino robot art style
>rich after decades of grinding
I have nothing but admiration for Cawthon
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I really like the PS1/PS2 aesthetic. Another inspiration is the Mask of Light movie. Though, I doubt I'll ever be able to make something like this.
I wish there were more modern tutorials on how to subd like this. I feel like a lot of people jump straight to sculpting and retopo for things that absolutely don't need it just because wrinkles are involved and most of what you find online now says wrinkles = sculpt.

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Hopes for Maya 2025? It should be dropping in a matter of weeks.
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post your work first
no professionals browses this shithole website
there's nothing here anyone can learn from
Dd they fix the accursed crashing issues and instability from 2023 and 2024 yet?
it only crashes if Your system is unstable. If you dont upgrade your motherboard BIOS and your RAM timings are unsupported you will crash maya. If Your system is stable, it wont or will very very rarely crash.
I feel like even though Maya receives next to zero publicity or tutorials these days on YouTube that doesn't necessarily mean the software is dead

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They thought moving smooth feature to modifiers stack was a good thing but they made it even worse
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No it doesn’t, the official website documentation for said code clearly says so: https://help.autodesk.com/cloudhelp/2024/ENU/Maya-Tech-Docs/Commands/undo.html

Video clip showing the settings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf5UXU9-ePI&t

In case you’re still going to make up bullshit, Wikipedia also has an entire article telling you how it works: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queue_(abstract_data_type)

It’s over, you are crazy one here.

You’re crazy, save state is save state, you know like saving current event. A different method then undo, redo and replace. You are going crazy over the concept of undoing 7 days work to bring back the cube. This is how the industry works, the boss demanded magic of undoing the problem then it should happen. You are never going to win this debate, you aren’t qualified to do such actions and put shame on the blander community.
>they thought removing the musgrave texture node was a good idea
Because apparently you can emulate it using 15 other nodes.
Getting my credit card to buy the addons right now! Thanks OP!
I mean yeah you can technically emulate it with the way they merged it into the noise node which is cool but like fuck
Only the ones you cannot crack

Don't know if it's because I cracked it or because of Advanced Skeleton or because of some weird shit I did

When I change the value of a control in the channel box, it moves the connected joints correctly. But moving the same control in the viewport doesn't do anything.
Why is that?
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>can't troubleshoot their own project.
Lmao artists literally have no brain whatsoever.
smart ass here cant even read the thread to see OP solved his own problem.
how to download from autodesk?
they make you give them your phone number, fuck that shit!!

Go to tool option
(hammer icon)
reset settings for move tool or disable the "preserve children" option, you might also be in tweak mode.

guessing from AS use, you wanted to move one bone without affecting others. that might be the issue here.
Is 3ds max better than blender?

Hello, Last saturday i was informed by an internet chum of mine about blender. I have never used 3d modeling tools before and was interested to give it a try, had an old housemate show me some stuff about 10 years ago and it looked tedious and overly complicated and i had no pc at the time either.
I have now used blender for less than 24 hours in total and am enjoying learning, have made 2 (well 1.5) things so far.
My E-Chum also informed me about this board, as he said it can have good info here now and then so here i am.
I like sculpting the best so far and spent 3 hours today experimenting with geometry and extrusion, inset tools etc, so may check out this more often.
Thank you for reading my blog.
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Proud of you anon
I love everything about your work. Don't loose your creative spirit. Don't take the artstation pill. I was like you in 2003
Cheers, never even heard of it.
just enjoy sitting listening to podcasts with a cup of tea, lightly stoned and going down the autism hole of creation for a week until i burn out and take a few days away from it.
Krista is fun. A little-known secret is that it can have the same color management Blender and compositors use, and as a result, you can use it to make HDRIs
Some ban evading rule 1 breaking peado reported me and got me banned for wishing death on the nonce, so dunno if those posts will return once it expires or not.

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Very new to this shit, hoping anons can provide some advice

I built and textured a map in Trenchbroom. I exported it to Blender as a OBJ/MTL from a folder containing the textures. Luckily, the textures kept their coordinates, but when I open the UV mapping menu, I get this fucking messy nightmare. Why? Is it because there's so many individual brushes? Is the scale too large or something? I need to export the UV map as a PNG/BMP, because the engine I'm working with can only reference one texture per object. Any ideas? Thanks anons

>Tfw didn't train my 3d skill for years to update portfolio
Can I buy off anyone's 3D portfolio models/images that you guys don't use anymore?

I lost my job and now I wanna move back into 3D modelling. Some small enviroment stuff would be nice while I make my own portfolio on the side.
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Nasim Aghdam my queen

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