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the ai demon can make better donut than me it's over time to uninstall blender and find a real job such as coal mining fuck you donut tutorial guy you made me believe I have a chance you should find a real job too btw
the AI didn't get past part 5 eh?
>the AI didn't get past part 5 eh?
no I didn't ai doesn't even need the shitty donut tutorial it can just whip realistic donuts straight out of the depths of hell me on the other hand well I can't put the particles on top sorry
oh shit that's YOUR donut?
no mine was similar but worse it's over for me fuck the deceptive tutorial rabbi all he wants is the youtube ads money
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you have ads?

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>No I won't give you my extension here's a lower version of it.
You guys are all too tiresome my god.
What site is this
how do I give something that has been discontinued from the store? The other extension I recommended does the same thing you troglodyte.
Just model the walls you need and texture it.
Do you actually know how to use photo textures dude?

so imagine that i got good at 3d modeling, how do i realistically make money? is porn the fastest and easy route? how do you build a fanbase or do you make videos for pornhub and cash on views?

i dont want to work in a studio or with other people, want to fly solo here
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you need to post on other sites too and link your xitter there
like r34 or pixiv
and if you're using other people's models you could try @'ing them so they can retweet your stuff, but dont spam them
>you need to post on other sites too and link your xitter there
Yeah i was thinking about going this way
I see all the big artists on twitter barely doing anything but I guess they got their followers from other platforms
That's what I did. It took some time to grow. Doesn't happen over night unless you're lucky. But at the beginning, I was posting on hentai forums and hentai gallery sites. I don't know if forums are still relevant. But the point of those sites, is that when you initially post, your material is for just a brief periods of time, featured on the front page, or the newest posts. So people looking for new material are going to see you at the top of the pile. That is, until new uploads come in and push you down.

That's how you get eyes on you. Twitter is good when you already have people willing to retweet your work. It will propagate to more eyes. But you need the first batch of eyes from gallery sites in order to get the retweets.
he also cheats by using ai to paint over his renders

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Post anything Gunt related or of a Guntish nature

>I want to use the Gunt model

Gunt's model should be here:
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sexo with the Gunt
hey friends, any new gunt featurings cookin?
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Captured using lidar from a jet.

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What now biitches?
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what are you waiting for.. how does it taste?
Post the donut namefag
I'm full of microplastics not suicidal.

Is learning blender a waste of time if I'm serious about learning animation?
I just want to animate anime girls with bouncy boobies fighting with weapons and magic like RWBY.
I've seen people say that Maya is better for animation than blender but I've not seen people actually explain what makes it better specifically. Is it the UI or something? I only have experience in Blender and cinema 4d. I prefer animating in blender over C4D. Right now I'm not doing shit professionally but I don't want to waste time learning Blender if I'm just going to have to learn Maya later. I'm not getting any younger over here.

I've taken a 3d animation and modeling course at college just for an art minor. I plan on taking animation again but learning Maya instead of cinema 4d. Would it be better to just fuck around in blender making meme shit until this fall or should I just dive into Maya?
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that's cool. have fun with your hobby.
>subscription software
you realize businesses used to amortize the cost of software so from an accounting perspective it was the same as a subscription anyways? oh, right, carry on.
As long as I get to own my software in the end
the problem with maya i found is that there's surprisingly lack of tutorials for newer versions. blender has a lot of tutorials on youtube but most for maya are a few years old. and if some menus change then as a beginner it's really frustrating.
More productions are starting to use Blender. Large chunks of Godzilla Minus One's VFX were done in Blender, for instance.

That said, you'll still need to know Maya to get hired in the first place.

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recommend me a good UV mapping software freeware
i tried headus but i cant use the save even on hobby mode
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Rizom if not Maya
if fiver jeets threatens your livelihood then im sure your skillset isnt that good
I'm just not gonna give it to him. I know, I know, but he's just not gonna get it.
>Hmph if one billion living spam bots flood your industry the problem is (You)
Cucked, trooned and gaslight pilled.
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you blame jeets for your failure in life?
and audacity to call someone else cucked , look in the mirror how you behave you are the one that is cucked financially blaming jeets out of no where plus im not even a jeet which is funny LMAOOOOO
at least stick to the 4chan script and blame the jews FFS

>spend dozens of hours making a sculpt of Michaelangelo's David in zbrush
>show to friends and family
>"huh that's cool. So your computer made it?"

>a woman makes an ugly fairy with sculpy
>"that's incredible.. it looks so real"
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Sure it's not hard, but what really does it add to the conversation other than surface level responses? One answer you get a time that's impossible to put into perspective, and the other will either be art BS they don't understand or technical stuff they don't understand. Either way it leads to "cool....","yeah".
my tip is to show them the process real-time, my mother didn't really understand what I was doing so I did a demo the last time I invited her over
first - dont be a sexist douche bag you dirty ball stank cunt

second- pretty impressive to pull of a good copy . howd you do it? sculpty strchy 3d shit is weird
yeah but this particular one is clearly ai
troonoid detected

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Always keep track of your topology, lads.
How do you even end up in a situation like this?
>sculpt the head with Dyntopo on instead off
>delete half of the mesh to fix the topo by hand
>topo is still fucked, smoothing is what happening the webm
That would be my guess
This is the only part freaking me out. I feel much better now

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Can someone who has worked with blender geometry nodes, give me a QRD on what the limitations and possibilities are.
I've literally never even had to touch 3d modeling software up until recently for game dev stuff.
How schizophrenic can you get with parametric designs? How crazy/precise can you make the logic chains? Can it be used for 3d printing/engineering projects as well?
I have yet to hear someone say it's shit because _____, other than for a seeming lack of problem solving skills. It kinda reminds me of when FM was first starting to get really popular in the sound design space and I know you can go off the deep end with sound design pretty fucking fast. I'm hoping parametric modelling is the same.
if you're not attached to blender by the hip, just go straight to houdini.
geo nodes are built so closely to the way things work in houdini that skills transfer over if you do want to use both eventually (most geonodes have 1:1 houdini node analogues).
difference b/w the two being houdini's been around for dog's years and everything in geonodes is already in houdini + a lot more.
also fm comparison is silly, eurorack/modular would be better.
>what the limitations
I've barely scratched the surface, but you can't do recursive geo nodes.
Like if you had an object created with geometry nodes, and you wanted to use that object on another GN setup, you can't do it.
Here's a real-world example
>You make a procedural tree with GN that randomly makes a new tree with every instance/duplicate
>You make a plane, with the intent of scattering that procedural tree all over it, with the hope that every tree scattered will be random
>Blender kicks you in the balls, fucks your mom, and tells you to go fuck yourself, because you can't nest GN setups like that, and even if you could, the trees won't be random
The only solution is to do it ALL in one single GN nodetree (i.e. create the tree, and scatter that tree in a single GN modifier), defeating the point of creating modular assets as tiny, self-contained, units.

Other than that, GN has been pretty handy. And this is coming from a fucking retard that hasn't had to teach himself something in like 10 years.
Like I said, I don't know shit about 3d modelling apart from all the blender 101s I've binged over the past week.
I've looked through what Houdini has, and idk man, I don't like that I have to sign up/pay for it. Even if I could probably get it off the bay.
Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but blender seems to be the swiss army knife of anything 3d related, and I want to avoid having to switch between different software/workflow where possible. The only reason why I would swap between the two is if geo nodes would take a long while to/never catch up to those of houdini, because from what I understand they're still a relatively new feature in blender. Thanks though, I'll keep my options open.
And yeah, I forgot about the modular schizos, I had a brain lag on that one. But honestly, you can have a whole 1950's computer building type modular chain going and it still not come close to some of the Phase Plant patches I've seen.
yeah, that sounds like a pain in the ass. Although I don't really plan on making complex parametric animations like that in blender yet. But I can see it coming back to bite me in the ass later, for sure.
Do you think it's something that will be implemented at some point either by blender/ by a community mod?
>The only reason why I would swap between the two is if geo nodes would take a long while to/never catch up to those of houdini
it's very unlikely geo nodes will catch up to houdini. it's just a consequence of how the two pieces of software were architected, the user-base for each, and the pace of development on both.

if you primarily want to manually model/sculpt/animate and dabble with nodes then blender is a better option
if you primarily want to build procedural systems and do simulations then houdini is the way to go - you'll still need blender for modelling/sculpting
knowing both is ideal, they compliment each other very well

houdini apprentice is free with minor liminations and yes, piracy is possible
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possibilities are endless and the limit is you. duh.

is there something you actually want to do that isn't already well within the use cases?

>How schizophrenic can you get with parametric designs?
you can get very pedantic, aka very autistic, I don't know how being a schizo is going to help but you can very easily make geonodes seem schitzo.

>How crazy/precise can you make the logic chains?
functionally limitless although it certainly seems like one would experience a decreasing roi after a certain number of nodes.

>Can it be used for 3d printing/engineering projects as well?
yes. is there some reason you suspect it wouldn't?

>I have yet to hear someone say it's shit because _____,

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rate my rockbruches (mudbox)
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I'm missing hard edges vs soft edges and definition in your models
God I wish Mudbox shipped with PBR shaders
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it was done in 5 minutes



its not about the software, its about the artist
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is this what youre looking for

something HEAVILY edited to the point where it looks fake aka stylized

yeah, i can do that as well
>new features
you can create hard surface easily in zbrush, has a gorillion brushes, shaders, tools and options. you do not need to software hop anymore just to create an armor plate for a character. it's like using a bicycle versus a motorbike.

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guys i'm never on this channel but i wanted to know something maybe some of you who play tarkov or arena breakout infinioty have heard about it
BSG the company that develops tarkov says the game arena breakout has stolen their assets including not only models but also sounds etc. you are experts in 3d modelling what do you guys say? i really wanted to hear from experts what is true or not here are two videos one says it is stolen the other says it is not stolen


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>yea so this is for sure copied from the game
>ok so how did they copy it from the game?
kill yourself
ABI built their high poly models from tarkov's ripped low poly models, then poly reduced the lows. They also baked the texture data to speed up texturing, which is why key texture details are the same (they couldn't even be bothered to overlay a texture or clone stamp to break them up)
As >>983505 said, there is no way the models line up that perfectly. Someone should check the UVs on both assets and see how they line up.
This is why no one likes you
but what if you bought too much ram and thus it because unreacheable?

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Hey /3/, I did something astronomically stupid: I wrote a feature length screenplay
Now some anons are goading me to make it into a movie
I have told them that this is many orders of magnitude more difficult than just writing the script, especially for something that's over two hours long and drenched in 4chan memes, yet they persist
You guys have real skills and know what you're talking about so maybe if you're the ones to say it there's a chance they'll actually listen
Can you help me convince them this is literally, unironically impossible?
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This is just AI slop, isn't it?
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This isn't what I asked for but I appreciate the enthusiasm
Not a word
Human hands wrote this script
I did try using AI to make some images, but it could never understand what the fuck I was talking about
If there's a language model that can write like I do, I will consume a garment intended as a head covering strictly for its nutritional value
I talked things over with an anon who I'll call Music Bro
He wrote this for the sequence in the Pentagon and the next couple of scenes introducing the agents
We're going to try storyboarding some of this shit so stay tuned
Bad news! He doesn't want to do music for the sex scenes
the west has fallen

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Deleting the default cube in Blender is bad practice.
You're supposed to drag it out of view.

Of course the total hack hiding under the moniker "Blender Guru" (or as I like to call him "The Doughnut Grifter") teaches you to erase it.
I hate him so much.
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only if you do it in edit mode so the origin point stays on the world origin
take your meds right fucking now
Proportional editing.
> The Cube
Let me lick.
>But you're not supposed to delete it
>You're supposed to drag it out of view.
please for fucks sake support this statement with some reasoning. I can't think of any other program that starts with something instead of nothing. the camera and light are extra fucking annoying because like the cube 95% of the time that's not what I'm doing with blender. to me it's a throwback to when some idiot freecoder couldn't have an empty obj_list. fucking retarded it's still here in 2024.

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>"don't use blender EVER. never ever EVER use blender PLEASE use literally ANYTHING else or you will NEVER make good art, EVER"
>search "#b3d" on twitter
>significantly large community that creates portfolio-tier content with the most visually and technologically impressive 3d bullshit i've ever seen
is this a bit or something, or
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Bruh, what are you even doing that you can use default materials?
I don't feel like supporting kikes, so I will never pay for any 3D programs, period.
I don't think it should be illegal to do, but I strongly believe they should be strictly forced to use the word "rent" and not "buy" when doing so (as shown here >>963158
). I hate subscriptions and marketing departments with a passion and it would be wonderful to call out their bullshit.
Blender being open source inherently gives it an element of longevity that propietary software doesn't have. Someone can always fork the former, the latter requires engagement from it's owners or being sold to someone capable and willing to be developed. That said, if decompilation was more capable this trait would be irrelevant. The only thing I hope for in AI is the automation/advancement of software reverse engineering.
>AI in the automation/advancement of software reverse engineering
I feel like this should be relatively easy to train for since we’ve got lots of open source projects available that you can compare the source to the compiled code. Obfuscation will hinder things but I guess you could run automated obfuscation on open source projects and train it on those too.

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