Hello, I've tried to convert this Blender model using Crowbar, however, my materials folder isn't working. I tried to use the VTFEditor to create the VTF archives and put them in this folder, but it's still not working. What can I do?
SubD Gun modeling tutorial recommendations?I'll start..>Live Boolean modeling Maya & ZBrushhttps://hatchery1.gumroad.com/l/QZemE
>>1004574They aren't all Max just posting on phone
FrankPolygon's posts on Polycount are very good for learning SubD:https://polycount.com/discussion/221392/sketchbook-frank-polygon/p1
>>1004523Going to watch this.>https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/aD3ey/tutorial-stylized-game-rifle
>>1005340>https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/aD3ey/tutorial-stylized-game-rifleYeah, I may buy it aswell.
How do I get more unique simple objects in blender with script? I need to create like minimum 3600 very simple objects like cubes and they cant be instances because I have to run operations on all of them. Right now if I try to do it it freezes 4.3
>solid modelers hate it because it's a direct edit tool with limited parametric capabilities>polygon modelers hate it because blender has more features while also being completely free>boomers who refuse to learn something newer swear by it for some reasonI get that people working in industries like architecture, civil engineering, and education like to use Rhino, but is it worth learning the program as a casual hobbyist?
>>1006007Its modeling software. It's not BIM.
>>1006028Oh yeah sorry sir I thought that grasshopper for rhino was one of the most popular parametric modelling plugins used by MVRDV, Foster and Partners, Hadid Studios, BIG, Gensler, Perkings, Ghery Partners and other. My bad.
>>1006029Oohh someone is flexing their literacy skills after visiting rhino's front facing consumer page!Like I said, rhino is for modeling. Every one of those firms use BIM.
>>1006087Yes you are right.
I want use this pokemon 3D model https://rigmodels.com/model.php?view=T_pose_rigged_model_of_Jenny-3d-model__c1c39f834b3247d592c06a9132703a2a&searchkeyword=jenny%20pokemon&manualsearch=1 to create a skin for grand theft auto san andreas(pc) but im not able to make work the txd(my txd. file has their respective textures but the model in the game is all white) I already tried txd workshop and magic txd but nothing works.Any hint? the dff. model works great in my game but I'm stuck with this issue related to the txd. file. This is my first time making a skin from a 3D model that's not something from gta sa so no idea what im doing wrong.I'm using autodesk 3d max 2012.
are the textures supposed to be compiled into the dff file?
>>1006013no idea? i only know that you must thave the dff. file and the txd. file in order all works.
OP here.Im a noob with all this 3D stuff. But why when i drop the png files on the model in some parts(arms, legs, gun holsters, skirt) the textures match perfeclty but in other parts (t-shirt) the texture is fucked up? I didn't even move the model.
>>1000944Xe is a hero for the open sores community
>>999074Geonodes are a meme.>>1000944I used to like the guy but i stopped following him when the whole NFT cringe event.
>>1005826He released donut NFTs? No way...
>>1005999Two years ago he was so convinced that NFTs were the next big thing, and he had his followers create a bunch of donuts to create a mosaic to mint and sell it as NFT. He expected to get a massive fortune out of it but it actually sold for very little (for all the hype he was making out of the thing). He just donated all the money to the Blender foundation and never spoke about the topic again (not before creating a cringe video defending NFTs that noone ended up agreeing with).
Hello, I’m making a computer game called Hypercoven. [www.hypercoven.rodeo - a demo is also on Steam]The dream from the beginning was to achieve "2.5D" graphics like they were common around 2000, in SC:BW, RA2, Infinity Engine and such. [spoiler]I’m just a programmer.[/spoiler]I’ve come a surprisingly long way now using cheap assets from itch.io, to the point that many units are at least isometric.But for some of the remaining units, which are vital to the gameplay, it’s quite unlikely to ever find fitting ready-made spritesheets. So my next best idea would be rendering spritesheets from existing 3D models, as I understand there’s a lot more variety and flexibility in that space.Throw any guidance and advice my way?Actually I’m wondering if any Anon would be interested in doing this rendering for me. for money.
>>1005927meshy.com seems to be defunct?I understand mixamo can rig/animate 3D characters. But the rendering (in Blender or similar) still needs to be done, no?I for the moment don’t really mind using completely pre-made 3D assets, at least I tell myself that I would find fitting stuff on the marketplace if I looked. My concern is the generation of the spritesheets.
>>1005817Oh i was also trying to do something like that.If i understand correctly the basics are like:Set the camera on blender to point directly at the center from a certain angle, this helps i guesshttps://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/135306/setting-up-an-isometric-viewMess around with a cube until it has the angles and proportions of a proper iso cube.Then put actual model here.Set the background to transparent and output them as images in a format that supports transparency, you're gonna need the same animation in 8 directions like this https://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/Tesla_trooper_(Red_Alert_2)?file=Tesla_Trooper_animation.gifYou can do this manually and then develop severe suicidal urges like me, or i think you can automatize it with imageMagick.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1005933MESHY.AI sorry. Dude do you even know how to use a computer?
>Dude do you even know how to use a computer?Not really :/>>1005942Sick, thanks a lot. It seems not everyone is producing the file format this tool requires (FBX with embedded textures), but I am able to at least generate something. Now to hunt for models.>>1005938Thank you, this is very interesting. The tank is looking formidable.
Anyone here like to make landscapes?
>>998797Thank you thank you. Made in blender and works in all available game engines when exported as a heightmap.
>>998791tutorials links?
>>1002634I don't really do youtube or tutorials but I can make a quick guide and post it on my blog if you want
>>993958For me, it's World Creator.
>>1004152Please do
What techniques and programs are used to create open world games?Unreal Engine has Landscape, yes, but I'm not interested in Unreal, I'm talking older games like Skyrim, Fallout 3, or even GTA San Andreas which I replayed recently, like how the FUCK did they create those massive open worlds? Especially in SA's case I find it especially impressive, as it has both kinds of environments one would be faced with in tackling this endeavour, both natural (countryside, deserts, mountains) and man made (roads, sidewalks, skyscrapers).I looked up possible answers on G*ogle but all answers are just news articles glorifying (rightfully so) Beth's and Rockstar's open worlds, but there aren't actual technical details like what program they even used, settings, that kind of stuff, nothing that can allow me some wannabe to even begin trying to ape their work. I did find a very useful GDC talk going over modular kits [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBAM27YbKZg ], but while great that video goes over buildings and interiors (they used 3DSMax, one could use Blender as well if they wanted to), not open world creation. They touch on it briefly in the video I just linked, but more on a conceptual level, like oh we first draw a map, then we define the coastline, then the roads etc. but I'd like to know, again, more technical details, like are these worlds created as a simple plane in 3DS/Blender, how do they go about texturing such a huge plane without using enormous textures, how do they export it into a game engine, do they import it whole or do they slice it up in pieces for optimization and whatnot, and so on and so forth
>>1001272the trick to open worlds is easychunks.you never load in everything at once, instead you load high-quality chunks close to the player, low quality chunks in the distance and no chunks where the player doesn't see. that's all there is to it.how you implement those chunks is up to your engine or you.
>>1001272i saw a video about Mario64 and how those worlds were put together, it describes what the anon is talking about in this thread, the splat maps and geometry. i tried to find it but couldn't but it is on youtube somewhere.
>>1001272I also want to create an open world like the one in Shadow of the Colossus
>>1001272a mix of procedural generation and levels of detail. having millions of copy of simple things are simple to do, see grass in games. these are not placed by hand by developers
there's also an approach with procedurally generating infinite terrain using noise functions. it's used for no man's sky and starfield i'm pretty sure, but i don't know how they integrate that with handmade terrain tiles as well.
I look at how complex this is at the high level and how much goes into it and I just get incredibly intimidated. I just feel like I'm not smart/talented enough to do this. Even though I took some intro 3d and animation classes and passed them I still feel like the high level professional stuff is just beyond my reach. Like I'm never going to be able to make something like pic related. I can't imagine myself being able to make something this good ever. I feel like I'm only good enough for retail work and anything too complex is outside my mental capacity. I don't know what the minimum IQ is for this work is but it's clearly way above me. It just looks so intimidating. I couldn't hack it with STEM which is why I went with a political science degree instead. I'm 27 now and I'm too old to learn. I still struggle with the UI of programs.
>>1005694>polsci major>has disdain for fellow manchecks out>>1005677congratulations you have reached the "oh wait i don't know anything and i'm fucking retarded" stage of learning, now push through another 10,000 hours of this feeling and you might be goodalso that model was made by a team of people, each with their own specialization
>>1005749Here's the lamp. Working on the couch now. Not satisfied with the top loopy bit. I need to make it better.
>>1005677>>1005746>>1005906You're a loser that's deluding themselves and no you're never going to get anywhere with any of this. Your stuff is basic bitch garbage. Stick to retail.
>>1005677Your talent/IQ in a given area serves more to throttle how rapidly you advance than cut you off from exploring something in particular. You may need a 'high IQ' for art to get to your pic related rapidly/soon but you don't need exceptional talent to get there.Question you need to ask yourself is how hard you are willing to struggle with something as that can only be determined by you.How much is it worth to you to pursue something you want that's hard won compared to doing something repetitive/mundane and mentally light-weight that comes easy?
>>1005906Nice one keep it up.The shader still need to pich up the folds in the shade. Practice practice practice.>>1005913Post a banana.>>1005914>how hard you are willing to struggle with something as that can only be determined by you.Yes but beware of sunken costs theory.
If I know the basics, am not starting from scratch and have an entire year of no work and just a little bit of school can be employable by next January of I put in 5 to 8 hours a day into 3D modeling. I'm trying to learn Blender and Maya at the same time (student license) and do animation for fun on the side.
>>1005881>no studio will hire you because they already have 1 senior artist for every role using some futuristic AI out of star trek to pump out work 100x faster than youand then you're competing with 20 million asians, mexicans, indians, and eastern europeans to be that one guy at the studioit's completely fucking over
>>1005881hobbyists still winningwe will keep the craft alive in our free time while people like you are cleaning toilets just to scrape by.
>>1005884A hobbyist is never going to reach their full potential if their time is dedicated to a 40 hour a week job. The point of wanting to sustain yourself doing this is so you can dedicated yourself to the craft without distractions.
>>1005488>>1005490Sorry if I'm asking for spoonfeeding, but do you know any good courses that I take? I don't care if I have to pay some money for it as long as it will get me closer to industry work.
>>1005298There's no pic rel.
The only way to truly create retro CGI is by using period accurate hardware and software, anything else is forced soul from coping zoomers.
>>1001106kinda same as using actual VHS tapes instead of a VHS filtertho with 3d i would say you don't need old hardware, probably just old software in a VM or something similar should be enough
>>1003189Povray seems very boring to use, if I were to try it I would probably get an old version of 3d studio max or something
why not just emulate an amiga running lightwave 3dand then use all your spare processing power to emulate a thousand more amigas to be your renderfarm
>>1003374haven't seen anything that gives the odd look 90s cgi had in the same way povray does
>>1003105>I don't know why they're insulting youhttps://archive.org/details/pinkpill
I'm trying to extract scenes from a Unity game for the maps (RWBY Grimm Eclipse, Steam Edition). Since it's an older game, after using AssetRipper to extract the scenes it defaulted to Unity Version 5.4.1p4 (from 2016) when I opened the project in Unity; though I've had the same problem that caused me to make this post before when using a slightly younger version of Unity (during an attempt to do the same process with UTinyRipper instead of AssetRipper). Since I'm working with an older Unity version, I don't have any options to extract the maps besides using the Scene Exporter OBJ plugin from the asset store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/scene-obj-exporter-22250My problem is that this plugin doesn't work for me. I should be able to click the file tab to get the option to export, but this doesn't show up for me, picrel (the left is how it should look, the right is how it looks for me). Anyone know how to fix this?
the mesh should already be an fbx right? just import the fbx.
Also the introduction and guide's readme.txt link and images are broken.I assume paid lessons have the advantages of showing the workflow, but I guess time-lapses also works?
>>1005728good call, found it, maybe my renders won't look like shit now
>>1005736Its on ru
>>1005751Can you at least type the full name? I have no clue what tf is ru
>>1005755It’s a Russia version of Pirate Bay but with higher chance of being hacked. There’s no official name because it keeps changing for obvious reasons.
It seems like a lot of people are trying to make buildings lately. I thought it would be fun to have a go, see what i can learn and get some criticism on how im doing things, as well as see what everyone else can come up with. plus, isnt it fun to see how badly you can fuck something up some times?Lets see some houses!
all things considered im pretty happy with it despite its ugliness. i ended on 205 verts and 384 tris, i had an internal space, i got the windows and doors in and i got away with some arches. next time i'll try the seperate parts thing and see if i can put a reasonable texture on it
>>1005685I have no comments I love it.
>>1005678>Lets see some houses!Can I make a nigloo? I've always wanted to make a Nigloo.
hmm. UV unwrapping continues to be an absolute pain in the ass, but using more parts seems to be the reasonable path forward. i need to figure out how to get a skybox into these, the grey is too bleak>>1005693Thanks!>>1005700i dont know, can you?
beautiful view from the fourth floor, the void is lovely this time of year