Can someone tell me if the face rig control panel on the right is part of an addon I'm missing or if it's custom? This is all in Blender.
>>1005712It's default, you can make bones look like anything.
As we are all aware, the mainstream entertainment industry has no idea how to make attractive characters anymore.Use this thread to discuss things like good references, workflows, or just characters you find appealing and why. For example, how do you design a character's face? What references would you use?
>>1005667Who the fuck approved those designs?As an art director I can't imagine what they were thinking.
>>1005670Are you talking about the final design, or the concept art with more of the yellow detailing and dark areas?
>>1005667(By the left, I meant the left image shown in OP's. It's not ugly, but I prefer the bulkier design. The final model somehow loses all the appeal.)
>>1004789isn't that one just fanart drawn by @art_attackx? The actual official earlier design was >>1005667
>>1005688both, the concept art is atrocious, its incoherent from the shape design to the color palette.The blue lipstick on the model made me chuckle a bit.
>search for help with blender / maya / hou / painter / etc>giant AI answer with hallucination 100% of the time with made up parameters that don't exist and have never existed in the softwareThis is what you were afraid of "taking our jobs" and making tutorial makers obsolete.
>>1004305saar I have found the answer to your path to object alignment troubles.first you vill press vindows button and type,, "run." then here type, regedit, and nawigate to hkey local machine user softvare blender and then find wariable minimum memory usage and set to hexadecimal one.then open C:/ program files / blender foundation / bin / scrips. there you vill find a folder called viz and you will delete the three .dll files inside.restart your computer and it vill be fix.please like and subscribe to this video for more remedies
For a retard like me, that is. What do I need to do to beat my retardation and get good at it?
>>1005640Firstly, you need to stop asking "can I get good' because the answers always "yes". Of course you can get good at something with practice, and the best part about art is that you don't have to be as good as the people you see to make as much money as they do, or more.What you need is practice, a portfolio, and you need to stop acting like a downer little bitch if you want to grow. That's it; I've gave you the blueprint for success.If you're bitching without a portfolio, you're not gonna make it.
>>1005640this is retarded low poly slop with nothing remotely complicated in it, characters have 2 bones. you don't need to be a genius to pull this off.
shhhhhh she is reading
>>1005428Is the book an actual model or just a plane with an alpha? I can't tell.
>>1005456Look at those jaggy edges. Definitely the latter.
>>1005428now pose her spreading her butthole
Is ArtStation a good place to post still or is it overrun by bots and scrapers?
>>1005395>bots and scrapersMight as well post nowhere
>>1005399I don't mind that
>>1005395Every place it's overrun by bots and scrapers The internet is dead, normies killed it years ago
>>1005407if thats the case then why cant you scrape and index discord? I get info off of there that never ever shows up in search
>>1005409it depends on if the domain (e.g, permits google to scrape or not via the settings they place in their robots.txt file. now, of course, someone who is not google could write a program that joins various discord servers and downloads all of the files posted there, but as of their API update quite some time ago, discord bots can only see files that users explicitly send to them via commands.TLDR, discord has a restrictive API that is decent at blocking a good amount of scraping, other sites are either not smart enough to block scraping, or they believe it is in their best business interest to allow scraping
No nuke can't stop the Gunt.Post anything Gunt related or of a Guntish nature>I want to use the Gunt modelGunt's model should be here: nuked thread:
Got a mail someone bought a gunt hoodie so expect some sexy anon to show it off soon
>>1005276Poor gunt.But now wild gunt appeared.
>>1005384t. art director complex anon with very basic cgi notionsbump up the resolution of that stone wall right near the camera it stands up and it's a shame when the whole composition being so high quality, consider doing the same with the tree, but this one isn't as obviousand the gunt, shouldn't it be shiny and slimy-like?
>>1005420I'll do those changes if you post a photo of a banana with ">>1005384" written on it with ink.
>cgsocietypost itt if you were a actually a member of cgsociety in the old days
how do I use free camera on any unity game for upskirts?
>>1003894I could've sworn i saw it move based on camera position ingame.
>>1003912you can have your cake and eat it too. there are shaders which will mimic the movement of reflections and highlights.also you can use a lit texture but give all the materials luminosity. so there are still rendered shadows and painted lighting together.
Did this use vroid studio?
>>1003525Mita a cute!
We’re already seeing platforms like NVIDIA GauGAN3D and Adobe Substance 3D that can generate realistic textures and models. Could this have a bigger impact on 3D modeling than it has on digital art? I’m hesitant to invest in a hobby that might be overtaken by lines of code in the near future.
>>1004933Isn't this practically communism? Remove skill as a parameter from acquiring wealth wouldn't all with same amount of skill(same ai model) be able to obtain same amount of wealth as the next person?
>>1005299What makes you think you're getting any wealth?
>>1004809Yes ai will replace all the artistic jobs, become a plumber
>sculpted / modelled in zbrush>textured in substance....>uv / rendering in cycles>featured / Top Row at at Blender ArtistsWhat happened to that place.
BA top row please
>>1005287what are xir pronouns?
>>1005287frucking predator twink
>>1005223It's kinda weird that blender is included into the pipeline as a rendering engine, is it better than the rest? Or they can't afford marmoset after paying all the other subscriptions?
Is there any Tutorial on now to create a Vagina or Anus on existing Model ??Janny pls dont delete, this is for research.
>>1002755Here you go fren, hope you still alive. up using poly modelling, scultping around all those folds seem like nightmare.Also lets see what you guys have been up to!!! Share your new year proyects!!!
>>1005322mhmm yes im monitering this thread. very nice. i too stuggle with this trying to sculpt up inside of nooks and crannies. surely there's a solution for it.
>>1005350Backface masking, visibility groups (polygroups(Zbrush)), etc
Whenever I connect the strips with faces when modelling with this sort of method, I always get some triangles.
thank bros, thought I was shit tier modeller cause I always make tri-angles in my models
>>1003413The "best practice" is not using ngons and not using tris but exclusively using 3-poles and 5 poles. (It's theoretically possible to represent any surface using just quads that with at 3, 4 and 5 vertex neighbors.This only applies to ancient engines like SFM who can't handle anything but quads for rendering subdivision surfaces. Technically it's faster in blender too if you do it that way.But: Using also tris and and pentagons is sort of the same thing after it's subdivided at least once.And shading issues don't really occur with them if they are placed correctly.
>>993644You should use triangles tho. You just have to know how to use them.
triangles is not a problem. the problem is that developers forgot that loop subdivision exists.,topicNumber=d30e117288
>>993644topogun vs quad drawwho wins?
How does one become good enough to sculpt designs like pic related?
>>1001080until you're good enough
>>1001066baseline - (IQ level + Eye for aesthetics level + unemployment level + (level of interest in sculpting ^2)) = Time it'll take. That's all it boils down to really, the more of the four you have the quicker you'll be. With interest being the stongest factor if you ask me.
>>1001080Don't even bother, just blow your load and continue doomscrolling.
for starters buy some clay and spray guns these figurines arent made with 3d software
>downloads your city of tokyo to scale for free via point cloud datanothing personnel
aren't they doing the same for the entierety of France?
>>1004346No, but would be ideal for that Imagine at city-level scale
>>1003976People already have converted it
>>1004342>paid software>paid software>paid softwarengmi