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Plasticity surprisely hasn't been cracked neither has Fusion 360, Says alot about their product.
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that almost looks like a donut in that op
not if said wagie lives on their own lol
>>perpetual license but no updates after 12 months

that's a subscription service you doofus
It isn't though, little zoomie.
Believe it or not but you absolutely CAN use software without updating it every day.
but blender exists and it's free. almost any addon worth while in blender can be gotten for free too. i only use one anyway so...

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Is anyone in possession of this mythical pack, courtesy of world4jack, and willing to share? The mega folder listed on his website is sadly empty :(

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What are /3/'s thoughts on this new GLITCH animation?

Personally, this is some of the most creative modeling and animation I've seen in years

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/3/ is so dead that this shit-ass thread is somehow still going
TADC is for trannies btw
Go watch Skibidi Toilet if you wanna SEE an actually good 3d zoomer cartoon
Cheaping out on ads Alexei?
Post your donut or gtfo.
Post it
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I love the "dreamcast era cutscene" aesthetic of it.
It was fun. I've seen bootleg Pomni plushies IRL so that means it's going to be big even with the normies.

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You DO use it, right?
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don't you want page files in the same drive as your OS? Unless you have enough RAM I guess
Nope. What you want is a virtualization, cache and paging nvme.
it was added back when 3d printing was thought to be the next big thing
wonderwhy we never got an NFT folder, how long untill the AI folder appears
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Don't mind me
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If you don't mind me asking, what software did you use to display this? I like the little hexagon stand and the tri and tex info in the top
I really like your texturing anon, good job
Great job anon! Not to be pushy, but what software is this? I'd like to be able to display the information about the textures and tris if I ever get good enough to show off my models
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Thanks Anon

>>986727 >>986926
Sorry, it's just Blender. I modeled the octagonal base and I'm just typing out the polygon and texture information manually
In the output properties (Red) I enabled Metadata -> Burn Into Image and Note, and put the polygon count information manually on the Note field.
Since it didn't let me type more than one line normally I used a script (Yellow) to insert the text with the new lines directly on the Note field.
And for rendering I'm using the Viewport Render function rather than the normal rendering so I can use the Viewport Overlay menu (Green) to control whether wireframes get rendered, and I set the background color on the theme preferences
Thanks anon! I haven't really played around with everything in Blender so I really have no idea what half the settings do

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Just my luck ffs finally have a week of free time to try to learn something and it's gone.
Not saying I'm lost without it but it would help.
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is houdini apprentice good enough to just fuck around and learn it? like does it remove any important features that would fuck me up down the line vs if i learned with the full program

apprentice isn't really missing anything it just limits you to 720p and puts a watermark on your shit. you also can't export alembics which you may or may not care about
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Don't listen to the faggots in this thread they are all larpers who don't even know how to make their pps bigger. I'll tell you something only a true wizard knows.

VOP is easiest because it's the same as vex only noded. Well technically SOP is easier but VOP exists in SOP. DOP is dynamic so its anything being done in frames over time. All use VEX underneath so you can do it all the same in different ways.
I'll use increasing my pp size as an example.
In vex here is how I make my pp bigger:

float makemyppbig = chf("pp_slider");
@pscale = makemyppbig;

In VOP its just two nodes. one Constant connected to a bind export that is named "pscale", make sure it is a float.

There is a sop for changing vex attributes called "attribute create" call it "pscale", again make sure it's a float and done!
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That's beautiful but there is in fact a much simpler way.

Simply start with a box or tube if thou wants to make a cone instead.

Then create a group with the selected top face as the primitive and then convert that primitive group to a point group with a group promote and finally a fuse sop with the selected converted group and a snap distance of at least 1.5 but preferably 10.

This way thou gets access to cube and tube nodes for easier manipulation.

>>968818 thou can then put all of this into a subnet connected to paramters and you will have an easy to use cone/pyramid sop.
how much money are you making?

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good morning sirs
sirs please can you rate please
made from sir blender guru turoiral
please rate mistakes or what can I improve
thank you sirs
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isn't that just doughtnut in french?
An eclair is a donut for the gooners
We are in /donut/ now old man, the future is now
why do you sneedthe in every thread on /3/?
Its fun.

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this time its xrd bedman
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thanks anon :)

glad /3/ is fucking normal
hey i see a cute design i gotta call it out thats the rules!!!
btw do you have resources for making stuff like this?? i think this would be a very fun and easy way to start learning blender...
youtube basically, theres a tutorial for everything
can you please stop this?
btw the shadow is pure cringe

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My plan is to learn enough modelling and composition so I can make NSFW "art" and sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad. I have identified a niche of degenerates that seem underserved and recently a big artist in that niche burned out. I'm thinking of giving his audience a new home. He published a new comic every month of roughly 60 pages consisting of shots from around 3 or 4 scenes, all rendered in DAZ. I think this can be trimmed by at least half. He was a bit too into his own story and characters and cutting that out while keeping the degenerate stuff will keep me from burning out too.

Do you guys think this is a viable idea?
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>sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad
they're slowly pushing out nsfw because payment jews don't like it (and that's unironically a good thing, get fucked lol)
who is that artist? what's the niche?
>they're slowly pushing out nsfw because payment jews don't like it
>jewish run porn will continue to receive funding though
ahh, to live in the United States of Israel.
Go to Upwork and see how many indians are selling 3d services
>My plan is to learn enough modelling and composition so I can make NSFW "art" and sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad.

The market is fucking over saturated, the fucking world economy is in a recession and no one has fucking money to throw at retarded coomer artists.
Either come back in a couple years or better spend your time learning a skill or trade that will actually make you enough money to keep your roof over your head.

Learning 3D for monies right now is dumb. Doing it as a hobby is great.

I'm having an annoying issue with studio library, probably me using it wrongly. If I add a run animation to a character in a scene, so I don't have to animated it every time, it snaps back to where the root is, and aligning it so you can't tell afterwards is a problem.

So I wanted to make a Mel script to create a locator at the current position of the character, then constrain the root to that position so the character will end up in the same place, but I can't get this fucking Mel garbage to work. Even examples online just give me syntax errors.
Now I'm just trying to select the locator and set its translateY to 0, but how to I set the position of either a named object, or the selection?
spaceLocator -p 0 0 0 -name FuckYouMaya;
parentConstraint -skipRotate x -skipRotate z Character:RootX_M FuckYouMaya;
select -r FuckYouMayat_parentConstraint1 ;
select -r FuckYouMaya

SetAttr //what goes here?
wrong place to ask for help bud.

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Can you suggest tutorials for setting up lights and render settings in Marmoset for professional looking renders that I can post on Artstation?
Paid or free it doesn't matter.
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Can someone drop the torrent
get fucked faggot
I hope so
nta, but if you hate russkies or ukries, fuck you faggot for falling for D&C propaganda, you are the problem, anhero
>I would give you what you need
Even help with relocating? I have some unfinished project where I'm stuck at rendering and presenting my work. If it ends up decently good will you help me get a job?

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Was originally trying to learn blender but the user interface is really slow for me to use and even after getting the hang of it im just not enjoying making stuff with it. I would have been happy to buy C4D outright but since they've changed to subscription plans I'll be pirating it.

Which one should I invest my time learning? Is it beneficial to learn both?
it's hard to recommend c4d these days unless you really want to get into the advertising industry.
it is intuitive, but it's also a mess these days - all i ever see from power users are complaints about speed and stability.
the new dynamics stuff in c4d is better than blender's, but it's much worse than houdini.

if you just want to fuck around and have fun then t bh pick whatever, it doesn't matter all that much. iirc cracked c4d doesn't include a gpu renderer these days so you'll probably have to pirate arnold (don't rely on new octane or redshift cracks, doesn't happen regularly).

if you want pursue a generalist path and take it somewhat seriously then blender/maya + houdini is the way to go right now.

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How hard is it to make your own engine and make your own content in it compared to using unity or unreal?
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its kind of like building a plane in 1920 vs a plane in 2024.

back then all you needed was wood, canvas, and knowledge of aerodynamics.
now you need to understand jet engines, combustion, materials science, and a billion other things.
It's not that. The difference is the amount of "regulations" or "industry standards" or "APIs" that are completely useless but that you're expected and in some cases bullied into learning.
cuz I want my cool 3d dino spinning in my cool 3d engine
Similar to the difference between building a piano and playing a piano. They require some shared knowledge, but two completely different skillsets.

There are plenty free open source game engines available. It's easier than ever to avoid sketchy companies.
Yeah, I don't know why so many people seem to think that the only alternative to unreal/unity is to build your own engine from the ground up. It's like if someone got sick of living in San Francisco and decided to move to the Principality of Sealand.
And likewise, there's nothing stopping you from building your canvas plane today. In fact, modern materials, engines and knowledge means that you can make a better canvas plane than at any other point in history, and in much less time. Your canvas plane might not compete directly with Airbus or Lockheed Martin's offerings, but there are still people out there who want canvas planes.
Although dropping the analogy for a second, while the resurgence of the boomer shooter proves that older, simple games can still see success, it's still going to be much easier to make one in a premade engine and normies probably aren't going to care whether you made your own engine or not, and they certainly won't be interested in using said engine.

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me when i try to learn blender
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>in 3D you need a uniform topology (spread equally) in quads.
Why would you need that? Sounds ridiculous
for the normals. Just look at OP. THAT is why.
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it's not that you need "uniform topology (spread equally)" you're suggesting there should be grids of pointless quads on every flat surface?

a lot of people misinterpret advice they heard for making AAA character models with complex moving shapes and apply it to all of 3d modelling, regardless of whether its applicable or a good use of time, especially if you're just practicing
woah, how did he do that
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>spread equally
not necessarily, right? i thought it was dependent on what you were trying achieve. like with curves and smooth surfaces in subd modeling, absolutely. but with other geometry you would want it to be uneven (e.g. control loops, specific shapes).

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i think im finally starting to understand blender im going to try 3ds max and maya next, is there anything i should know before i use them
(robot made in blender )
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the cris workflow for sub 20 iq monkeyoids
Post your donut or stfu
I found the blender user
No topology workflow is the best, there's so many companies using it right now.
For Maya use the no topology workflow
It’s a bit of an industry secret but it’ll more than likely blow up as normies catch on. The no topology workflow is essentially just a workflow with no topology
It will for sure catch on, it's so refreshing not to be restricted by topology bullshit, there are caviats but this is the future man, I'm still in awe, autodesk have outdone themselves

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