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They made bloom a bit less easy to access because it became the telltale sign Blender was used and most importantly because every SFM quality level porn was using copious amounts of it. It became the HDR or pissfilter meme of 3d porn.
this and idiotic camera movements with motion blur on full tilt to the point where you can't even make the fuck out WHAT you're actually seeing on screen because of all the smeared motion blur
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im not as angry at the checkbox removal as i am angry about the settings
I liked having the ability to tweak them so that shit does not actually get smeared and also to help set the scene with stuff like color. O used that regularly, and they just removed it because ????.
I tried recreating the settings with the compositor but the effect of it is still lacking compared to 4.1, not to mention that the viewport compositor bloom scales the bloom value based on your window size, caking the preview in it even if the render is looking alright.
It made sense that they removed it because bloom belongs in post-processing, meaning in the compositor
But you don't have to like it

omg chat new sam hyde dropped
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This is the greatest day of my life.
hey thanks! wa la!
Is this from BlenderGuru's "Sam Hyde Pillow Tutorial"?
i need a gif of it slowly rotating on the z axis

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I had to go away for a while but I'm back now I've gathered some references and will start working on the maid model today
Maid-chan is back! Hurray! I look forward to seeing more of your work
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Sorry, I have yet to draw the reference sheets for the maid... This was her rifle though.
Happy new year!
Tranny artstyle
Practicing painting to make the reference sheets and I decided to try making one those 2D skeletal animations on Blender as an experiment.

This is the orthographic view, I've also done a perspective view from an angle and adjusted the position of the planes and sculpted them a bit to try and give the forms some volume, but I think it ended up looking worse.

It's a bit annoying to do this in Blender though, a specialized tool would be better for creating meshes for all the different body parts.
For the amount of work it took to make in Blender, I would rather simply make full 3D.

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Are there high quality blender projects with animations that I can study? I want to see how pros are making stuff. Maybe there some creators that share them on patreon or something?
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it doesnt have to be impossible. just harder. why work harder when another option, which is easier and makes better outcomes, is available?
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f95 has a lot of guides and stuff, the rabbithole goes infinite, but besides all that it really is just watching a lot of real life bouncy butt and recreating it as best as possible with your talent and your skillset. Learn whatever program you're using from head to toe and practice until you get it right.

jesus what a piece of shit advice
Unironically, SFM was waaaaaay ahead of its time for animation.
It's features and UI are still superior to anything else on the market right now.

The only thing they are better at is having proper soft body physics etc.

It's fucking baffling how these gorillion dollar companies fail at such basic things. Maya? Fuck that shit. Blender? Stumbling buffoons. Even unreal engine is better than those two.
SFM doesn’t have cloth physics, outdated files that one day will no longer exist, no node controls for the animator, percussion editing not available, etc. SFM is the one with the outdated stuff, you’re not even a real animator if you can’t see the major difference between SFM and Blender/Maya animation tools.
i can somewhat understand that
Fuck no. The only real feature that sets ot apart is the native source integration, since it is, technically, a fucking source game. I'd love an addon that somehow integrates the TF2 recording system into blender but thats it.
Almost anything SFM can do, blender can do bettter, and in many cases faster, while allowing way better control over every single element of the scene, not to mention that SFM hasnt been updated in a literal decade and is bursting at the seam at every possible moment.
I admit that i dont know anything about S2FM, but the original has been outdated dogshit even back when it was still big.

Got gifted a printer for xmas. Didn't ask for it but I'd feel really guilty if I didn't use it. What do I do?
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Browse Thingiverse and Printables. I've made pots, water cans, Christmas ornaments, pan fishing kits, knitting machines, model kits, puzzles, etc. Since this is /3/, you can start learning CAD and design some kickass bracket, shelf, or crank powered tuna slicer
do you have any figure ideas? i want to try making them but i dont have a printer yet, ill make you one in exchange for letting me test using yours
Print warhammer
Unironically true.
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>Step 1: Learn how to model shit in something like fusion
>Step 2 (Optional): Buy a pair of calipers
>Step 3: Ask your dad, grandpa, grandma, anyone if there are any things they need to replace in the house, like a hinge or a fixture, or maybe a car part that isnt under a ton of thermal stress
>Step 4: reverse engineer said part and print it out, or maybe find an already made model of it if you're lucky
>Step 5: become your family's most beloved child
PETG is great for most parts and is the best functional material you can use, since your printer is probably unable to do ABS/ASA, but PLA has its uses too since its way more rigid than the former and prints easier - its just very weak to heat.
Also /diy/ is the board for you, fren. This is 3DCG - 3D C omputer G raphics.

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I'm looking to move on from sculpting with a mouse since 2 years and want to try out the graphics tablet method with a pen for the first time.

Is it better than a mouse and will it enhance my sculpting abilities?

What affordable model do you recommend? Not something super expensive. I've been looking at Huion since their reviews state they produce better things than Wacom, or should I get a wacom?
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it's a tablet, they're pretty much all the same, it does what a tablet does
you can ask on the /ic/ tablet thread if you're still unsure
go to a shopping center and try different tablets, then you'll know what's the deal, but if I were you and I were serious, I'd put the money on the table for a big screen wacom
>but it's to early to say
small-mid size no screen wacom
>middle ground
and this is still going to hurt, there are some laptops out there with pressure screen and stylus, still
if you are going to pay for the hardware to handle it it might be an even bigger spending than just the wacom, which btw is just a screen it's not a computer AND a screen
Why are all the blendlets wacomfags? Your Wacom doesn't make up for your lack of skill. Also don't reply without pyw.
Huion H1060P is good, serves me well

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It's pretty neat.
Also, what other 3DCG software is available on the Android? Surprise there hasn't been some sort of Blender port in the works.
Tell me about zbrush on the ipad, man.
yes. i love it.
i dont like it.
I like it, very fun to use, and easy.

If you have an ipad then cozyblanket and Uniform are other 3d programs worth checking out. Obviously you dont need Uniform if you like Nomad.

Eh. I have it free with my zbrush subscription and don't even end up using it. You cant do lights or rendering. Nomad allows both, so I use it instead.

Maybe when they figure it out for the app I'll try it again.
Nomad is a fun app for some quick sculpt 'sketching' but there are many things I wish they could tweak. Like having reference images that track with the model, or tubes with symmetry. A lot of times I'm left wishing somebody would get blender working on iPadOS, so I could just make the shape instead of trying to 'artist' it.

I wish I could get into Sparseal's apps. Cozyblanket feels like a toy, Uniform is obnoxious (and turned out to be just another sculpting app), and the devs constantly shoot themselves in the foot by pricing their stuff stupidly high.

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I like this software but how could I model people in it?

Also general OpenSCAD appreciation

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> literally clicked the /3/ ad on /g/

So do people share their lewd models anywhere? Can't be expected to be on the normal places, right?

also readme.txt in pin is 404, FAQ did not cover this either
There's no loli... fags

What's the best way to put the dress in that pose? Dragging in sculpt mode is just chaotic.
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You don't need to do all of that. Just go to sculpt mode and use face set lasso tool on the sleeves, then pose it with pose brush (set to face sets, not topological)
>idiots telling newbies what to do
Go to school and learn how real 3D programming works or watch Maya’s tutorial videos for free: https://youtube.com/watch?v=LJLo6MafPVM

Blender is never going to work on fixing or solving problems with your dress.
jesus christ... blender fags, everyone
Just make a shitty rig and move it into position
3dsmax. Rig the body, the arms at least, and place it in the same pose as the dress, then add a skinwarp modifier on the dress with the body as target, set the distance to 0, convert to skin. Now select the body again and move the arms back to the T pose, now you can paint the skin on the dress to select only the vertexes in the arms.

Another way is maybe use soft selection in 3dsmax to rotate the vertexes with falloff

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Reminder: Subscriptions SUCK!

Have a 3Ds Max/Maya question? recently started a project? Or simply want to complain about Maya crashing?

Previous thread: >>
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Thanks frens. I got Maya on an edu license.
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Intergalactic planetary, planetary intergalactic
i have an alternate side to the 3ds max side. They broke my old plugins I was supporting since the gametap days purely because they wanted to remove "master" and "slave" variable names.
Pencil 4+ for Max 2024 anyone?
ChamferZone has one. Didn't take it, but his knife+substance course is amazing.

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Where is 3d going in the next years, /3/? We all know that AI didn't pan out, especially given the amount of surveillance there is.
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>redditor brings up AI for no reason
>derails thread with his twitter buddy
>/3/ discussion
>how do I use unreal engine 5 as someone with no knowledge and no experience
>why does everything I make in blender look like shit as someone with no knowledge and no experience?
>I have watched two gazillion hours of tutorials, why am I still bad?
>/3/ discussion
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I think AI is a great support hand for artists but ultimatively shouldn't be relied on to completely replace you. I use AI image generation to make small things such as 2D images of bolts or small decorations which I cannot get clear images off from the internet, and then I project them onto my low poly non-pbr model and it looks good in the end
into the gutter like everything else
We have to merge our workflows into the AI, or be left behind.

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Blender vs Maya.
>Do you even use the software you claim is inferior? If so how much time did you spend using it?
>Are you a professional?
>Are you criticizing the software as a whole or something specific? 3D is a vast artform with many technical hurdles. Some packages are better at doing one thing than the other.
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also, i like to make a new blender fork to prototype out stuff instead of having to do all sorts of work to get vfx libs to work somewhere else.
I don't get it, do you actually use Blender for anything 3D related? This isn't /g/.
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He just told you; he uses Blender to make forks. This is the one thing Blender does better than Maya.
My sides
It's really not that deep anymore and you get the added benefit of not paying shitty autodesk any money. This is just from perspective of an environment artist where basically all you need from modeling software is an fbx, but I believe it's more important in cinematics, animation for sure etc.jtlskd0

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How would I go about modelling wings for an owl character? How do I make a smooth transition from "closed wings" to "open wings"?
You can do it the hard way with morph on Maya Blendshape or Blender keyshape. Or the acceptable version with bones and realize how birds hate their wings limitations because of evolution.
pic related surely uses model swapping.
you either need a very articulate skeleton or a simple skeleton with corrective blend shapes. depends so much on of this is a flap made of polies or if its a bunch of 3d modelled feathers and down.
Make a big blob shaped smear object that flashes up when the wing opens if you don't want to animate the whole process.
model swapping. you need to have 3 stages of the wings (close, half-opened, fully opened)
I am a tourist but interested in browsing 3DCG.
Don't you make a skeleton inside the model with lines in this situation that are set to have limitations and then looking at real bird videos to make it fly

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>still can't even set the viewport resolution
how can blendtards stand this piece of shit software? it's fucking unusable on a 6k screen
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>learning 3d modelling
>I'm gonna start
>do i just read
>the donut is a meme
>i saved some tutorial
>this year
>i lost it

Is Donut the Loomis of /3/?
OP only sucks dick if it comes with RGB rim lighting equipped
absolute cumsoomer if you can't handle not having 6k
render>performance>viewport>pixel size>automatic
Change automatic to 2x, 4x, 8x, whatever works
It's a retarded place to put it, but what can you do. Blender always tries to reinvent the wheel.
because its still eaiser to use then fucking maya.

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