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How do you call this art style?
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forced soul
It reminds me a lot of late 90s early 2000s aesthetics.
Games like:
Deus Ex
Unreal Tournament
Max Payne
People not doing pixelart and lowpoly for nostalgia, having less detail has inherent value.
It's called minimalism.
It's easier for viewer's comprehension and allows to express more with less.
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you could shoehorn nostalgiafagging into a minimalism box, but if minimalism was the only concern then there's no reason to adopt retro aesthetics. you can pathtrace your way to low visual information if you really want to.
> you can pathtrace your way to low visual information if you really want to.
Idk what that means, but doing lowpoly and pixelart are some of the ways of minimalism and they are often done in a different way than people done in the past.
And that's only makes it more interesting imo, while some people just dismiss it and say it's "not faithful".
LMAO, it's not supposed to be faithful, it's not copying anything, it's just doing its own thing, I appreciate it.

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So, there is this show Miraculous Ladybug with multiple studios handling the animation process. We have 3 very cheap studios and 1 expensive Korean studio SAMG.

Recently, there was huge leak with models from the show, and ppl can make own stuff with it. But no matter what technics people use, no one can repeat what SAMG is doing. Any speculations what they are exactly doing to make models look like this? Triangle lighting doesn't seem enough, and Sun lighting don't really matches the outcome.

They're using Maya 2015 and Vray 3.05/3.6
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I like Ladybug.
oh come on man this thread has been on my watchlist for 408 days let it die
I guess this thread has run its course.
fuck you buddy
So fellas. Who's going to re-up the files?

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How hard is it to make your own engine and make your own content in it compared to using unity or unreal?
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That's what they tell you in the cult of Godot. In reality there's a reason why Godot's version number is higher than there are playable games written in it.
A generic game engine always has to consider the worst case scenario. You don't have to.
Why do so m
libraries like RayLib hit the sweetspot
Why do so many here talk like it's either use Unity or program Vulkan from scratch?
Libraries like RayLib hit the sweetspot of flexibility and speed of development
Egocentrical people thinking they can reinvent the wheel.
>Nooo I can't sell my game because of *
>Yes you can.
>Nooo but AI*

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Just started making some Y2K styled CGI in Blender. Anyone else interested who can give me tips?
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how to make 90s cgi nintendo in blender studio ghibli 90s anime aesthetic y2k blender ps1 graphics in blender???
Hi Quinlan
the visor with the black thingie, the "cristal" part is über kino
In the 90s I made 3d renders in a calendar app. Mostly playing around as a kid. It was weird a calendar application had that feature.

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i am not the anon who made this, i was a just a random passing anon who got into the whole retro style because of this render
even reverse searching the image bring nothing, i would love to see this style more, its not psx but its low poly
Find and download ps1 models with google no? lool
That is one stylish cat.
>it looked ass without the pixelation or low rezo textures

Brother if you couldn't intuit those you may be too far gone. In the meantime, keep your eyes open and look at things.

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Hey /3/, I did something astronomically stupid: I wrote a feature length screenplay
Now some anons are goading me to make it into a movie
I have told them that this is many orders of magnitude more difficult than just writing the script, especially for something that's over two hours long and drenched in 4chan memes, yet they persist
You guys have real skills and know what you're talking about so maybe if you're the ones to say it there's a chance they'll actually listen
Can you help me convince them this is literally, unironically impossible?
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Hey, anon, you forgot to type your post
I'd bump the thread more if I had more to show, but as you can see I'm still learning basic shit

Whatever, here's more music from Music Bro
It's for pages 6 and 7 where he runs past a bunch of stuff
(Maybe I should number the scenes)
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I might be in over my head here
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Sculpting fingers in Blender is utterly hopeless
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I was going to learn how to model but I saw there's a text-to-model AI software. It's got textures too.
Has anyone tried this out? How is it?
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That's called cope, I know 0 coding and now I can write my own tools
This is what ai bros called democratisation of art, but they forgot about democratisation of code.
This fucking shit sucks. Tried generating titta a day ago and it generates fat niggers no matter the prompt.
>I was going to learn how to model
You was not going to learn how to model, Cris.
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>AI getting better each day.
The problem is hardware.
Hardware will not let you work with the demands of real CGI and everyone in the industry can fart out better simplified models in minutes.
You fucks are on your last legs since AI regulation is coming and the investors who blew ungodly amounts of money into your corporations are getting nervous since they are not seeing a way to get their money back.

>AI getting better each day.
Tell that to the investors breathing down your neck.

The 2020s AI craze
1) Promise investors heaven on earth with AI magic
2) Get shit loads of money
3) Use money to hire Africans (yes for real) to manually by hand tag pictures (or in this case models) and feed them into learning algorithms to fart out a AI who basically learned to photo bash only from the content it has stolen.

4) Get access to billions of content under the pretenses of """le research and le non profit"""

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>AI getting better each day.
One day it might even show you how to buy an ad!

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me when i try to learn blender
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>spread equally
not necessarily, right? i thought it was dependent on what you were trying achieve. like with curves and smooth surfaces in subd modeling, absolutely. but with other geometry you would want it to be uneven (e.g. control loops, specific shapes).
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is it true that cone-like shapes are impossible to 3d model without shading issues and you would have to make it have a million vertices to make it look good
no, just harden/soften edges properly, and verify it's fine via baking in substance

Does anyone here use 90s texture packs?
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fuckin based, this is it, thanks
curious, what are you going to do with it?
because art is a process
the art I like is influenced by a thousand choices, constraints, and accidents
I like to understand the hardware limitations
the tools used to produce the assets
and, yes, the texture packs that were commonly used and widely available
doesn't mean I will use them in any final product, but it will help me understand how these aesthetics emerged
it's like reading about how the old masters created their paints
what pigments were available,
why certain colors were common, why other were reserved for special paintings or sections
I'm never gonna order dry oyster powder and minx anal gland gel to make my own renaissance violet grey, but now I know and appreciate when I see it and I can use that knowledge to achieve that look if I want

or you can do what any other idiot does and just google "ps1 filter" and slap on some bullshit vertex wobbling and vhs post processing on top of a 100 million polygon scene with dynamic lighting
You have a very surface level worldly normie understanding of art cris

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Maybe dumb question, but for character animation is it better to sculpt the character and then retopo or simply model it, and why?
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Is the built-in quad remesher from blender good enough for retopo?
The build-in quad remesher SUCKS, but if it's good enough for your requirements, that's great.
Just do whatever you find the most time-efficient to get the result you need.
What do you guys think of bsurfaces and the annotation tool?
do you guys just not know what subdivision is or...?

How can I eliminate these artifacts?
I need to have additional quads in that part of the dress because it stretches a lot when rigging
All of these are quads
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Ignore pic related, was going to say something else lol
Cris please stop, you've messed up topology of a fucking cylinder
>it stetches a lot when rigging
the hell? can't you just have more geometry for the for the dress overall?
thats the issue, I'm not sure
its for my own vidya, and I'm aiming for low-spec compatiblity

I think I found the solution, I just needed some sleep
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if that's your highpolycage, do the left version
if it's your lowpoly, do the right version

there is nothing wrong with using ngons and tris in your subdivision cage as long as you're aware what they're doing. Tris pinch, ngons sag, that's it.

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itt we post /3/ stuff that makes you go "huh."
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>Please make this insight an educational meme...
*rotates head in y axis*
Angle between vectors
Thank you, that is a very interesting system.
pretty cool, kek'd hardly
my insides after mexican dick

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What's the board obsession with DAZ? I regularly use blender, Zbrush, etc in my pipeline and never even once considered using DAZ. I don't even know what it does, yet you all seem to insist on it.
The only thing I know about DAZ is that every model that comes out of it looks like a single mom with a skin disease and a permanent fluoride stare. Even the stylized characters seem to have a "look" about them that instantly betrays their dazzieness. What's the deal? What's being offered in DAZ that I can't get anywhere else?
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>Knows about /ic/ boardculture

You're not making headway in proving your the real deal being a dazlet you poser.
>gigganiggachadchonga I'm the ambassador of kekkalonga
Couldn't stop laughing to this my god...
My only problem is that all the renders I've seen look like shit
Why not just use blender or sfm?
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I just like playing doll dressup from time to time my main mane
nothing wrong with that
It's the 3D slop equivalent of Koikatsu

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is it a bad idea to use A.I. pictures as reference for modeling and texture color?
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Right. You're making references. Don't gen an image plane with fucked up hands and just go
>oh gee well my ref says 7.5 fingers so that's what I'll model
Which i also don't think is a realistic problem. Even an oblivious modeller would see the problem when they get to that part of the mesh and at worst, model a normal hand with no reference.
When I said jank I meant more subtle ones like illogical clothes or textures
Even then. Don't model a belt that turns into a butt cheek just because it's in the reference. I can draw well enough to get my point across, but it's not like I have a team of master artists doing concept work for me. And trying to find random stuff on the internet means not getting exactly what I want anyways. I have to deal with suboptimal reference material no matter what I choose. AI gens are just another option.
Hey what is this? where did the megaman legends taimanin picture come from?
Seen the Megaman style lora before on Civi
So he just made image as a reference

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Is anyone in possession of this mythical pack, courtesy of world4jack, and willing to share? The mega folder listed on his website is sadly empty :(
Found it here, https://nnty.fun/downloads/art/world4jack_texture_garden/
But I'm too much of a brainlet to install WGet or the alternatives to actually download all the files.
Why is the frog shitting on his pants.
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Actually, I'm retarded. Turns out you CAN just download from the site normally, but they just give some BS about wget to sound 1337 or some shit.
All you have to do is select the folder (there's a checkbox on every file, so just go to the parent folder that has all of it), and at the top left there's a tiny as fuck download icon to download the selected files.
I had the textures for years, and used them in a few projects, but lost the textures in an HDD failure. Good to have em back in case I ever need to re use those projects for something. Not that old textures are hard to come by, but it's good to have this because the file names and shit will be the same so I can just point those projects to this and it'll just work.

he shiddin

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