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Welcome to our thread dedicated to honing your topology skills in 3D art! Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, mastering topology is crucial for creating clean and efficient 3D models. In this thread, we'll share and discuss various exercises aimed at improving your understanding and application of topology.
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It's generally a good idea to keep the topology as regular as possible around areas that will deform a lot, like joints. This means that transition areas (where you reduce the geometry) should ideally be placed in areas of the mesh that experience minimal deformation. This helps to avoid issues with skinning and rigging later on.

The flow of your topology should support the contours and muscle structure of the character for the best visual and deformation results. Star points or poles can be used strategically to redirect edge flow or reduce geometry, but they should be used sparingly and placed in areas that do not deform excessively.

Looking at the image you provided, if those poles are not in a highly deformable area (which typically would be closer to the hips and knees), then it might be acceptable. However, if these poles are near the buttock area, it might be problematic since this area can deform significantly during leg movement.

Regarding the thighs, if they don't contain much detail and don't contribute to the silhouette significantly, normal mapping can be quite effective. Just ensure that the base geometry follows the major muscle lines to get the best result from the normal map.
thanks for that insightful post
i reduced the number of poles on the leg
hopefully it won't cause issues down the line.
i'm a bit confused by the buttocks edge flow
is it suppose to be like pic related?
You are pretty close, good topology it's a craft.
You need to surround some areas

Check this guy
For the head: https://youtu.be/YCX54Nffuys?si=u74pxgApddQWW4QY

For the body:
rip image
yeah it was the wrong image
this was the right one >>966564

I want the best tutorial I can pirate. I want to learn the basics of 3D from modeling to animation, I can use blender or either pirate Maya. I have access to cgpeers because im a super badass
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I always found Imphenzias tutorials on youtube pretty good.
was enough for me to get a foot in the door with modeling and animation.
Grant Abbit's stuff is great for beginners and his stuff is available on rutracker. Have fun anon :)
YouTube can be a good source depending on what your after and humble bumble have a good deal on books and courses at the mo, I know you said pirate but worth a look.

Has lots of torrents for tutorials and despite it been russian site they tend to be in English, I advise for ease of use login to the site then once logged in use Google translate to help navigate
Watch out! We got a badass over here

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Thoughts? Assuming the subscription costs don't matter.
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In maya, is it possible to have two simulated deformation to collide with each other?
>automatic retopology
explain to me why this is not something that must always be done manually
>Both can be obtained for free.
No one here actually is a modeler.

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that actually sounds really handy
do you mind sharing what extension you used?
for environment? unironically google maps street view. yeah the quality aint exactly HD but at least its 360 degrees and you have multiple point of view for reference. it is as "real life" environment as its gets. perhaps you can cleanup and upscale with AI and even take a few shots and do photogrammetry
Sorry I didn't get notification for some reason.
The chrome extention seems to be removed from the store, but I looked up some alternatives:
Display Image List:

Seems good
Not an answer and that looks like shit.

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>Just learn Blender, bro
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gyattman's gyattmobile
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Yakub car
Someone is bound to fap to taht

I want one of you to show me how to make low poly model like this. Please show me. Please, please. Please. I want someone to stream and show me. Please. Why the fuck do I have to learn on my own. Please show me.
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Better get in on the ground floor before low poly gooning takes off.
Show us what you've managed to get on your own.
Ive been waiting for people to make games like this for a decade now, still pretty much nothing outside of Froggun and Psuedoregalia
I've seen a couple of this guys works on his tumblr before it disappeared. He usually sculpted the models first in Zbrush before making low poly versions of them.
>That hand

Look at real low poly from videogames, simple as

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is cascadeur good or should I just learn normal animation?
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New update with some improvements to AutoPhysics
Anyone used the mocap feature much? Im finding it works really well for the upper body, but leg tracking is kind of iffy, and a lot of the time it will keep the hips nearly locked in place, even if the video has me doing the chad stride across the whole frame.
Apparently I got a free 2 year indie license for having registered last year, but finally decided to try it out. Right now using blender/unity, but curious what the work flow will be since cascadeur does movement, but I use uv textures for blinks/mouths. Animate general motion and then animate the face afterward?
Make it do a cartwheel (human body edition) otherwise it's completely useless because if it can't do that then it can't do anything.
I got the free 2 year indie license.
Your license becomes permanent for that version after a year, right?

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is this shit ever coming out
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fuck off iFag
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Who bought you an iPad, Cris?
Blender is trying to make a tablet version too.
2028 at best I suppose.
Maybe if the developers stop adding useless rendering and wasting time on small animation projects. They would complete it by now.

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I spent so much fucking time trying to get a pirated version of Cinema 4D working When i get it working the Redshift not working right when redshit working some other shit crashing

Why the fuck did i think just because that shit more expensive it was better than blender when blender addons & renderers are so easy to install

>but in reality i do want to go into mainly motion graphic simulations & animation so it might be better
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wtf did you just say that to confuses me even more just woke up feeling amazing gave up smoking a week ago finally feeling like a human again ready to finally starting blender
It was over before it even started
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Just finish my first render how long until i start making all that money i heard about
3DS Max is bordering on abandonware and is falling behind modelling in Blender.
renders p good

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>13 years of production experience
>Modeler/texture artist.
>Worked on big budget production.
>Writer strike happens, vfx house basically closes down
>Running on 11 month of not working.
I'm dying inside little by little. I hate any past colleagues who finds work. We're all clawing and scratching for scraps. Keep this shit a hobby, don't try and go pro.
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>If you had any talent you'd be making your own films.
I started working on my own material and art because of this. I'm making a bit of money from social media and music videos I'm putting out.
Blender peertube shows why it’s an awful idea for dumb people to make videos or movies. Yes there’s some great videos but not all of it.
>whose job can be done by Indians for one-tenth of the money
and one-hundredth of the quality
You never save money by using Indians. The drop in quality is so big it always impact sales hard.
It's unironically better to pick an even *cheaper* random third-world country, you will get better stuff out of it.
good morning sir

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how can i recreate 90s style 3d renders in modern blender? i know i could just learn bryce3d but i don't want to. ive heard eevee has phong shading but i can't find it.
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Not OP but povray is my next focus. Got filtered by the blender add on version so just going to try it stand alone for now.
A lot of that classic 90's style is the lack of modern tone mapping. Modern Blender uses some kind of filmic tonemapper (filmic blender, ApX, ACES all do this) which desaturates highlights. Classic graphics don't do this which leads to that unique "fake" look.
You should be able to achieve this look pretty much entirely in the Compositor, using "convert color space" nodes.
old cg doesnt gives a fuck about correct gamma calculation. also its the reason why constant ambient light is needed to "correct" the midtones.
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It's even easier than messing around in Compositor. Literally just setting the View Transform in the Color Management to "Raw" will do it. You don't even need to re-render, either, since tonemappers themselves use Raw data when they adjust colors.
It really is amazing how effective tonemapping is at selling compelling lighting. I've only been dabbling in 3D for the past week or so but I've been doing color-managed digital art for a while, now, and it's just as effective there as it is here, while allowing for comparatively simple Multiplicative shading setups, now unlike that of a deferred lighting engine.

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I do 2d, but I need a model. Anyone got the bazarr shop from Ocarina Of Time?
I don't have it, Cris. Sorry.
Im sorry that you don't have it Cris, maybe someone else?
Op here. I found this. https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/oot-shop-scene-fd8172bedf5c4af197d97dc6b73080eb
But am I allowed to use it?
How do I download it?
How do I make the room a little brighter?

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>Koreans start getting into mainstream media
>All their models look like high quality DAZ renders
Explain this, I can't be the only one who notices.
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This. Before we got ourselves cucked by the Sarkessa of Flacidstan we where a lot hornier than any micro-dick eastern devs.
Some of you are to young to remember this but our videogames girls used to have like hips and boobs and clothes that shaped their body.
They didn't even look like minors but like actual babes and game magazines had adds that looked like pin-up's.

Kids grew up thirsting after actual adult women and they didn't even turn into furries or pedo-bears that often.
That's exactly why the chinese government finances Diversity Equity and Inclusivity content. That's why they give money to teachers to present communism in a positive light to students and so on. It's a war out there my friend. It never ended.
>Kids grew up thirsting after actual adult women and they didn't even turn into furries or pedo-bears that often.

I miss the 90's early 00s before unattainable hour-glass bodies got blamed for the worlds ill's.
The masses must realize how imprinting sexually on cartoon animals isn't an ideal situation and part of what brought us in this mess.

No young dudes seeing women in games back then would get the idea they could ever become one, our body frame can't support such a graceful figure.
The cock is a compass which provide a man his bearing in life, our diamond dongs would've pointed us straight if only they'd let them lead us the way.

Maybe we shouldn't have made it borderline pornographic because that was what made them come after us so successful and sell us the idea we had done something wrong.
Like Icarus we just flew too close to the sun and they burned our wings.
I agree that there was characters that reflected all those ideas, they call them bygone era designs.
The uglification of characters comes from culture itself, but a culture outside videogames. That's why we desire to Go back to that time, because that infiltrated culture it's not ours.

It's more than being horny, it's the idealistic representation of what a man sees as a powerful woman.
>They didn't even look like minors but like actual babes
Korean designs don't look like minors either, remember that Asians hold younger features than whites in general, so younger faces are common in adult women from that race.

>Kids grew up thirsting after actual adult women and they didn't even turn into furries or pedo-bears that often.
Mostly everyone is aware of this, except for some cultists of the extreme left.
>Too gay for the west
Have you played the game the west does?
>Also consider how they are crazy with cosmetic surgery and shit over there
Early teens use lip filler in Europe.
cosmetic surgery it's a common thing in USA and Europe too. And big boobs are not a trend, we can discuss if there is a better way to enhance them now with fat injections...
>Real is never fashionable, but real never really goes out of fashion either.
Agree, but we are talking about beauty in videogames, if you look at actresses from the 40s., 60s. or 80s. They are still considered beautiful, even if your style is out of fashion.
Most humans like to look at beautiful people because they are rare, average it's just common.

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90s-early 2000s: smart white guys and asians
late 2000s-2020: poor people show up
2020-presetnt: smart white guys and asians

we're going home bros
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I'm not familiar with freetard software but as I mentioned previously, I don't use shoulders from mocap at all most of the time because I reanimate the arms anyway and then the original movement doesn't correspond (I reanimate with IKs in a kinda retarded way but it's much faster than classic workflow)
I'm curious to try to do that but I don't think it's going to work because Blender's IK system relies on joints being a little pre-bent in the right direction and I don't think the CMU skeleton has that feature.
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I'm surprised. It kinda works. However not with the default solver. The itasc solver has an option to copy the rotation of the target instead of using a pole and that seems to work. It should also allow to set rotation limits, stiffness...
For years I've tried to understand what the iTaSC solver thing purpose was. Because the documentation is cryptic and it works kinda like a cut down version of a rigid body simulator.
Turns out it's for advanced re-targeting. When it's enabled, the "Copy Pose" mode inside the IK constraint can be used instead of the Copy Transform constraint. It's outside the scope of what I'm trying to do now but I'll get back to it
yeah, the trick is that 80% of the important motion comes from the ankles, chest and wrists (all on IK).. you can just grab the poses you need (from the original mocap) and delete all other keys and you will still get sort of cleaned up original motion that you can restore via constrains and playing with IK pulls. of course you need to know what you are doing as an animator. sometimes reanimating things yourself is faster than trying to clean up shitty mocap

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Do they take a special computer graphics course in Japanese only? Why do we westerners have to be content with a subpar anatomy tutorial with ugly bodies?

My answer: Topology over anything else. After extracting 3d models from multiple japanese games myself, they were simply made by hobbyists with no background at modeling. It's the information they had available at Japan which is something I need to obtain.
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Most people don't start off with lowpolly.
When I started 3d i learned to box model, which definitely was low poly.
just hit the retopo button in zbrush a bunch of times you fucking monogloids it's not even an arform

oooo I did it I'm yellow now I'm a little japanese man I'm a SAVANT i'm a genus. eat my shit trump 2024
Are you ok anon? You seem in distress
Do it with this model: https://3d.si.edu/object/3d/1903-wright-flyer%3Ad8c62e5e-4ebc-11ea-b77f-2e728ce88125

I know you can’t because the scanner messed it up and become impossible to use it.

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