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so this is what passes for AAA these days? they don't even bother making high poly for assets anymore. the whole thing feels like it was outsourced to some third world asset-mill for $200
the hell is happening to this industry
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They had to save the polygons for the 1 million polygon apples.
forget the model, the textures are horrendous
couldn't tell what i was looking at until i noticed the fangs, i knew their art direction was terrible but this is unacceptable
>the industry is making more money than ever
Don't take those figures at face value, take inflation into consideration as well. We're in a recession
theyre also playing the same finance>flop game as the movie industry.
The industry is washed. Being independent is where the money and security is

I got a design for a razor that could change shit...

I need a modeler
I use SOLIDWORKS 64 and know software that was in 2013...

But yeah all the free shit I downloaded just isn't solid works 64

Extrude/revolve/cut/fillet/chamfer... Etc

We could potentially make money I have a discord

Basedrapist we can work on something if u want or u could just steal it like everyone else does... Ppl are niggers on all boards here this place gets two darkies
Take your meds anon.

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No nuke can't stop the Gunt.

Post anything Gunt related or of a Guntish nature

>I want to use the Gunt model

Gunt's model should be here:


Old nuked thread:
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i was worried Gunt had died in the blast and would be forgotten, thanks anon, have aclassic gunt
Guys what the fuck is this?
they are anthropomorphized versions of that goofy ass hat that baguettes like. but still the resemblance is uncanny. guntanon should at least seek royalties or something, I'm sure a good lawyer could make it happen
i cooked. can't stop won't stop. someone help me i'm cooking too much.

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Megascans will go behind a paywall at the end of 2024.
Or something like that. Epic just sent out a vaguely worded email:
- Megascans will be available through Fab starting in October
- Megascans will be 'free' till the ***end of 2024***
- New pricing model will be introduced
- Some Megascans will remain free
- Megascans content you got for free will still be in your account (probably?)
- Bridge will be discontinued (?)

1. Add every megascans item to your account now and pray epic lets you keep them
2. Buy a new harddrive and download everything now
3. Hope that everything free now will remain free as legacy content
New pricing model:

- Standalone 2D and 3D assets starting at $0.99 USD
- Asset packs starting at $24.99 USD
- Procedural asset kits starting at $4.99 USD
4. Stop using half assed shortcuts and make your own textures like you should have done all along.

unity has apparently caved and completely abandoned the run time fee. they will keep the seat based subscription model. if you use unity6 you maybturn off the "made with unity" logo too.
Who cares, I'm not going back. This "We treat customers like shit and see if they put up with it" scheme will stop once corporations learn that their product dies if they try that shit.
Yeah and I'm thinking about using it again. Godot is kinda better culturally and in terms of licenses, but I really disliked how animation state machine turned out useless in practice and you still have to manually implement your own state machines in code and control animations from there. Also I really dislike the absence of proper composition based component model. You can do the same with find child or whatever it's called, but it feels less natural and docs say they prioritize inheritance over composition iirc. Imagine prioritizing inheritance when you don't have neither multiple inheritance, nor mixins or traits. Idk how to use this approach and honestly I'm not even interested because I love composition based approaches. One thing I though was a big win in Godot is easy built-in geonodes/pathfinding, that worked ok for me, not perfect and I'm not sure I could fix it to be perfect, but it was decent. And in Unity I don't even know if they have built-in solution, iirc there's only paid stuff in Asset Store for this.
unity has a built in navmesh system that has always worked for me with my admitedly simple uses for it.
until they decide to implement it again, or something even worse

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These are horribly over-engineered, can't we use motion controllers, bit like those that come with VR goggles??? Why isn't it a thing?
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>These are horribly over-engineered
Get the normal one that's just the nub then? I've got one and it's fucking great. Working without one is an absolute slog. Using a VR controller or something similar sounds fucking awful.
Waggling something around in space "pretending" to be moving something compared to actually grabbing something and manipulating it will always be better. For that purpose, I think the 3d mouse isn't over engineered at all, it's exactly what it needs to be.
They're like $90. I know for a 3d hobbyist that's quite a steep price, but that's pretty affordable and worth it.
Chunky as fuck and hefty too, they weigh like a pound. I've also had mine drop a few times (shitty desk drawer that pops off its hinges and crashes down to the ground), and it still works like nothing happened.

Honestly just sounds like you don't have one and are pulling the sour grapes routine. Buy one, try it out for a week (to get used to moving around). Return it if it's shit.
ofc I don't have one. If I did, I'd cope too.

Look at it, dood. you have a dial that you hold in a pinch grip, just to move something in 3rd axis. That's terrible. The simpler versions have the same issue. All this stuff that goes into making it work, when you could just have sensors in a solid body or w/e
PS a lot of motion controllers only come with the damned goggles, so those sets are ungodly expensive due to that. Ofc people aren't going to pay up 4k for a controller. That the market didn't catch up with such a small demand from CGI people is no surprise, either.
>can't we use motion controllers, bit like those that come with VR goggles??? Why isn't it a thing?
The main reason you wouldn't want this is that it's just not as cognitively efficient for muscle memory. Your body is always more precise, quicker, and thinks less when you have an external reference point. With 3D trackers, you're flapping your hands in mid air and the only feedback is your sight. It works just fine, but for precise work it's terrible. I do sculpting in VR from time to time, and there's certain benefits to it (you can sculpt in arbitrary points in space without having to take out a gizmo and move things around), but it also makes you think too much about small shit like zooming around, it's fatiguing. It's like touch screens in cars, it's distracting to do simple shit.
the juice vs the squeeze. my mouse has 2 axis and a mouse wheel for zooming. that's 3 dimensions. i had a friend taking cad with a 3d mouse. i used it briefly. it couldnt do anything a normal mouse couldnt do, and it didnt do any of those things better or faster.

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A place for Blender's best headache.
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I didn't look up how to do SDF, but I think I got something like it going by accident. I was just looking for a way to fix my shitty rotations, when I somehow managed to make a mask that was oddly smooth. Normally when you create values that spread across the mesh, you can see one point blending polygonally into another. But apparently, you can create smooth transitions across the mesh.
I followed that idea, and then I realized I essentially created a space that the mesh is reacting to. And I can overlap them. Of course the first thing I did was isolate a titty.
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I tried using the sdf in a simulation node. But I still don't know how to make anything worthwhile in sim nodes, so she ends up getting sucked into her tit like a black hole.
Actually, I got better results with other configurations, but nothing so great to show off.
Also interested.
Those unnecessary loops drive me up the fuckin wall. Like yeah, I can throw a decimate on there set to planar, but it really should be simple geo from the start. Skin is great for shit like beams, rafters, and other industrial bits, but it really screws the pooch in terms of polycount and skyrockets way to fuckin quick.
You should keep that saved in another file for later, suppose later you could design some space monster that breaks reality and the deformation seen here reflects that. Could be a pretty cool effect.
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I accidentally created inflation. I've been trying to figure out how to make the mesh conform to the "mass" of the field. I did kind of get it. I can make it so that when gravity is applied, the mesh sort of drapes over an invisible sphere. But the parts of the mesh that don't drape over the spear continue to fall, and it looks like a thick dripping fluid. Like melting cheese.

I need a way to stop edges from losing shape. Unfortunately, edge correction is hard. I figured I could cheat by just scaling out from the center of the field. And it created this inflation effect. The mesh is pushing out to the boundary of the field. Which, isn't perfectly spherical, because I scaled it to an egg shape to better alight with the shape of the breast. The scaler is even nullifying the effect of gravity.

Needless to say, this isn't what I was going for. But I think it's neat to be able to visualize the boundary of the field.

There are probably simpler ways to do such abstractions. That node group is very cluttered, because I'm trying to find ways to control the rotations in a very precise way. But if all I wanted was to make stuff bend all abstractly, then I'd make something a lot simpler.

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check it out, just made this abomination. gonna use it to hit on a girl. wish me luck guys
This makes me realize that the thread I miss the most from old /3/ is the huh thread
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Man, life truly doth.
she stopped responding bros :(
you tried to court her with something you didn't make by hand, why dont you chop up a styrofoam cup next time and hotglue it to your dick, atleast that way it'll be something truly cuming from the hurt

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So I wanna arrange my scenes in blender for a comic/manga. I figure it'll look unique at the very least, maybe I can do something with the lighting/geometry? Any suggestions?
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that sounds absolutely moronic and itd look like pure shite
why are you even making this thread are this incapable of applying a texture to a basic primitive?
What else do you expect from someone who posts ai garbage?
Just draw better, that’s the answer.
Looking for hacky solutions to cut corners and claiming the shitty end product as a unique style instead of properly learning. Now where have I heard that before? It seems like the god of workflows has some competition now, I wish you the best of luck on your decade long journey
Use images as planes

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As I lurked Reddit I found a post where guy posted a link to his Dark-Souls themed archive of 3d models for printing (there were also discord links but they expired a long time ago). There were some pretty cool models but THE ONE I was searching for was absent!!! Instead there was just a picture of a render, as if to tease me. Does anyone know where I could find this model? Or any good gwyndolin 3d models actually. Any models I found online were either unprintable or NSFW, lol
>Does anyone know where I could find this model?
Try in telegram, we have a minis thread here >>>/tg/93867519 too.
Telegram's got some good stuff.

But you can also go here: https://www.models-resource.com/pc_computer/darksouls/?source=genre

This has the actual in-game model and textures used. Not sure if you can print it without some modifications though
Telegram, tho I couldnt find the ones from the STLSmith yet

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What is the best controller for modeling/sculpting in VR?
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well, OP, since you started a thread, do tell us what you got and what use cases you found thus far.
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Valve Index, probably

To reset this thread.
This game Gauntlet Legends (and Dark Legacy) is an early 2000's era 3D arcade game with an exceedingly simple game design formula.
I am making the whole thing on my own, first and foremost, but I thought it would be fun to open the doors to anyone on /3/ interested in making some assets.

Here is the old thread. It has some screenshots and webms

here is the playable demo
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the project is a new game made from scratch which copies the game design principles of a game made in the 90s. the point is that this game was very simple and very fun. easy to replicate. that game is Gauntlet Dark Legacy. it was like a moba but you cobtrolled your character with a joystick. there were several player classes to pick from which were mostly just cosmetic. every character could shoot, do melee combos, and had AOE abilities. "get to the end" style levels.
cool project man, love the janky walk animation for hte ninja. I think when the other anon said the github didn't work, he was expecting to clone it and access the actual project files. Why not make the project fully open source? Either way very cool and I'd contribute if I was skilled enough.
What are the requirements for a model? Like, how many animations it needs, what format, what's the general direction for it and whatnot? I might give my golira a try.
i wrote some animation guidelines in the original thread.
every player character needs these animations
>light shoot
>heavy shoot
>light melee 1
>light melee 2
>light melee 3
>heavy melee 1
>heavy melee 2
>heavy melee 3
>half turbo
>full turbo

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k goodluck getting free models for something you won't share the code for

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Would a rich guy be willing to pay for models of this quality? I hate waging and desperately want to escape
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Op here I didn't draw anything I suck at painting uvs and shit I only used shades for the materials
so how ya do it then
You have nothing to sell.
are you really going to pretend you made that model?
Are you really going to pretend I pretended to make this model?

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>Install m0nkrus 2025 Maya crack
>Fans randomly start spinning when idle
Should I be worried?
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>No racism on my 3d board, dysgenic chud.
Cool story tranny how about you rope or post your work!
Have sex first, chud. Being edgy on the secret internetz website will not add any value to your meaningless existence.
You will never be happy.
Lol you're funny troon, no u. If you were remotely happy strangers typing a word wouldn't phase you ore elicit a response. Post your work.
what's the name of the uploader? so we'll be cautious and immediately avoid his his repacks. Thanks in advance if you ever reply to this.

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Im working on developing some games in my spare time and I’d really like to target the fidelity of ps2-ps3 style games, mostly for stylistic purposes (but also because I’m solo and don’t have the time and resources to make too many high poly things)

Specifically, I’m really interested in how characters like pic related were modeled and textured to look semi-realistic and expressive (especially textures because I’m still terrible with them)

Feel free to post low-poly or just your favorite models/textures from the games of the good old era of games
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Japanese fighting games from the PS2 era have beautiful character models. That is all.
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So I was able to find the actual in-game model for this character. The model is pretty low poly but I'm having alittle trouble understanding it.

For example, how would they get the split that happens on the front of the shirt, about where the nipples should be? Everything else around it seems to be a loop cut, which makes sense but I dont understand how they would have done that without using like the knife tool. Is this all from edge modeling or am I just an idiot?
they didnt make it split. they combined a row of edges between nipples. it gives that part a slightly crisper crease and importsntly its also a clever way to lower your poly count.
>Is this all from edge modeling or am I just an idiot?

Geometry is just geometry, who knows how the modeller that built that one preferred to work but any and all methods that you can use to generate useful geometry is valid, you have a knife tool and it makes sense to use it; use it.

Thank you! I appreciate the help. I'm trying to take modeling seriously so I probably get too into the weeds and worry about random stuff I shouldn't

Again, thanks! And sorry for the probably simple questions

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