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So, there is this show Miraculous Ladybug with multiple studios handling the animation process. We have 3 very cheap studios and 1 expensive Korean studio SAMG.

Recently, there was huge leak with models from the show, and ppl can make own stuff with it. But no matter what technics people use, no one can repeat what SAMG is doing. Any speculations what they are exactly doing to make models look like this? Triangle lighting doesn't seem enough, and Sun lighting don't really matches the outcome.

They're using Maya 2015 and Vray 3.05/3.6
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All studios use same models, textures and apps, since they are provided by owner of the show Zag Entertainment. Only technics of making it are different. And even they have troubles with keeping quality close to SAMG
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Overall, their renders are more full of life and nights are darker. So, any speculations? Using triangle Vray lights gives very close effect, but still totally different.
>Triangle lighting doesn't seem enough, and Sun lighting don't really matches the outcome.
How do you know?
post models then
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>and ppl can make own stuff with it
In last /co/ thread >>>/co/137101735 there were loinks to two YT videos that might be from the leak. I know that the description alleges Blender, but that might be to avoid imperial entanglement.

In any case, I agree the lightening is a bit weird. At times the costumes look more metallic than latex.
We tested. Looks great, but still faraway from what the show is doing
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2 model examples.
Marinette in Pyjama (traingle lights were used, but still totally different effect as you see)


Fox Hero

>pixar style
>not anime style
what kind of children show that has girls in skintight body suit?
Couldn't most of those differences be explained by shit done in post? Somehow I doubt they just take whatever Vray spits out and call it done.
If no other profesional studio can repeat their process, then it should mean something. Show's creator also speak sometimes about it
It looks like light is coming from the wrong direction on her face. Subsurface scattering does that.
Maybe they're using Blender 2.79 with the internal renderer and that's about it.
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>no one can repeat what SAMG is doing
Do you mean the metallic reflections that appears exaggerated in >>945853?
In that case, looking at the image in >>945826, the same shine is in most of the left column, especially 1 and 6 from the top. And itr is also seen in the right column in images 1 and 2.

>what kind of children show that has girls in skintight body suit?
French shows, of course.
I mean the hair, eyes and skin softeness. Refleftions are quite easy to set up in Vray materials
>We tested.
Are you planning to release some clips? Or perhaps make some posters/wallpapers? There are too few of those.

Enjoy more skintight teenagers. COme to think of it, she too to latex like a fish to water, much quicker than I had expected, even for a French teenager I mean.
not him but i have the official maya 2023 and it give me so much errors from MEL scripts missing, Python code missing, Node missing, render is missing, etc.

Yes, I have the model but same problems with it looking like in the show. Looks like they made a new render engine if i am getting so many errors.
Shaders and compositing, next question
Because they are using Maya 2015, since always. It's a very conservative studio. They didn't update their apps for ages and they don't plan to
Duh. What exactly they would do to achieve it, when others artist aren't able to do that
The ones that make money
Look at the positives. There isn't as much diversity as there could have been and it's not as decadent and rotting on the inside as America is.
France? that shits on fire dog, lol.
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Sometimes I watch these 3d children shows with my nephews and I'm always wondering, why the fuck I'm not making my own show...
Besides the voice actors, I'm pretty sure I can do a better job and automate most of the stuff
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sure anon
He >>946050 possesses the power of the CHEAP AS FUCK workflow pipeline. You have no idea.
Make a show, ill use AI to do all the voices. The new stuff sounds like real people.
>Buy 10K worth of expensive equipment to do Mocap
>Learn that the data mess up and you have to clean it up.
>Pay Maya or some software that supports Mocap files.
>Realize you still have to make the world.
>Give up.
This is the fate of all who tried.
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>Doing mocap
Only for background character shit to save time, otherwise NGMI
>Learn that the data mess up
Depends on mocap equipment.
Also how retarded do you need to be to think you won't have to do cleanup? Are you planning to make an animation without planning to fucking ANIMATE?
>Pay Maya
>Software that supports mocap files
Imagine being that retarded. Export to fbx and retarget to your rig, cretin. Even fucking blender is able to do this.
>Realize you still have to make the world
Scenebuild, retard. You aren't making an RPG, you are making a scene. No need to make a giant expansive landscape full of detail even at the most distant corners if no one is going to see 90% of it. Put cardboard box buildings in the background, use texture cutouts - cut corners, retard.
Unless you are talking about not even being able to imagine how the scene must look like, which just makes you a double faggot.
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This is a strangely common misconception. Just look at Questionable Content. The cartoonist is regularly panned for low grade backgrounds and hammered for using only 2 or 3 angles for the low polygon count characters. And still he makes serious money on this webcomic.
So don't worry about mess, background or imprecise movement, just put something out there.
Can someone port Marinette to an OBJ file please?
she has erotic boobies
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why would you light her like a corpse in a morgue
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necrophilia is pretty hot frfr no cap
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Here's a houdini / redshift project which will get you pic-related (it has a minor levels correction). maybe people can use it as a reasonable base:

check the geo folder in link above for body and hair. the maya project's a mess so if you really want A-pose you need to get in and do it yourself.


I don't get it, what are people struggling with (at home)?

>Triangle lighting doesn't seem enough
Because it isn't, ~10 - 15+ lights in an average shot is more like it
Not to mention lights being tweaked/added/removed shot to shot within the same scene
>so if you really want A-pose you need to get in and do it yourself
ok, thanks
Can someone post a mega for all the 3d leaked models?
here apparently:

also, if you find the missing maya rigging plugin post a link
rig should be in the catnoir folder
which zip is that in?
it's a little annoying someone decided to upload this as 3 big archives.
that's how it was originally shared. 68 character one.
found it. incompatible with my maya 2020 install unfortunately. not sure i can be bothered pirating 2015. bit of a goldmine for someone who cares about this show tho.
you also need a compatible vray
not really worth dealing with that shit unless you're going for authenticity. none of the stuff posted here is particularly impressive.
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no one's really done anything since it's such a pain in the ass. what we need is the models to be somehow converted to modern shit.
Even if we did get the models, the movements wont be the same. The controllers, bones and weights will be different from the original. Not to mention if someone were to rebuild them, it would take a long time to get 20+ models working. Just the 3 main characters Ladybug, Cat Noir and Hawk Moth is still worth over 1 month to build.
rebuilding the rigs isn't worth it like >>946297 says. best to use old maya and do anim/pose in that. in fact, there's a portable one on cgpeers, let me see if that just werks.

setting up a rendering environment that ingests the old models and applies new shaders (which would have to be manually built one time for each character / env) is a relatively straightforward process in houdini or even blender (with some python knowledge). still requires a bit of work, but nothing crazy.
lmao, okay i just saw the install instructions for the portable maya and i'm not doing that shit just for this.
i can upload the installer if anyone wants it comes with

here's what's included:

- Maya 2015 sp6

- MentalRay 2015 sp6
- MentalCore 1.7v2
- Maya to Arnold (Arnold core
- Vray for Maya 3.00.01
- 3delight 8.0.9 (8 cores)
- Krakatoa MY 2.3.2
- Fury 2.47

- Yeti 1.3.19
- FumeFX 3.5.8
- Qualoth 4.1-8
- MiArmy 3.6
- Xfrog4maya (Xfrog 5.3)
- Mash 3.3.1

- powerTranslator R700
- emReader 1.235
- TheFaceMachine 1.09
- RapidRigModular 1.6
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someones making her from scratch at least
I would like it if you still have it, if you don't that's alright though.
here u go, m8:

i've included a screenshot of the cgp page because the description mentions that you can ignore a bunch of instructions in the readme + there might be something helpful in the rest of hte comments.

let us know if you get it working
Wow, I wasn't expecting the download to be so small. Thanks a ton, including the screenshot is especially helpful. I'll check it out sometime this week and post an update on how it goes. I'll whip up some instructions on what I did to get it running if I manage it.
Sadly both links no longer work.
I copy and pasted and was told that the files were no longer available.
they're included in the archives here >>946287
Is a shame, Volpina/Lila is not among those.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to manage to it it running on my own system. I decided to write the instructions to elaborate on what you're supposed to do to get it running, if someone else wants to give it a shot.
I'm not exactly sure where I went wrong though, I got stuck on an infinite FlexNet Licence Finder dialogue thing, so maybe something about my firewall was off.

that's unfortunate. there was a scene release for maya 2015 which might be less hassle because it doesn't have a billion extra things included:

but then you may have to hunt down the service pack releases as well.
i'd install this myself but i don't want to break my existing maya install.
Thanks for the link. I'd be willing to give this a go, but I'm going to be absolutely clueless once we get to the actual nitty gritty on working the models, if we get to that point, that is. If you, or anyone else is willing to do some extreme handholding, I wouldn't mind trying to get it all up and going, but going by the earlier discussion in the thread, it sounds like it would probably be better off left to someone who can install it locally at that point, unless someone is okay with having some infinite patience and going through it very slowly with me. It's one of those times I wish I was more educated in this sort of thing.
tb h the only thing to 'do' once you have the rigs loaded is poke around, learn how the controls work and actually play with them and do the things you want. get a copy of old vray and you can just render in there too. but yeah, at that point you need to know a little bit about maya, animation and some rendering.

there's no point 'porting' things to something more modern because it would be dozens of hours of work per character. you would either need to be a very dedicated fan, or employed full time by the studio to do something like this.
That's comforting to know that I'm not depriving anyone of anything, andI wasn't aware that porting a model for modern software could be such an undertaking, it sounds like a sort of thing that would have been automated a while ago by now.
I'll give installing and fiddling with it a go. I imagine it won't be too hard to find at least one of those versions of Vray, although I'm not sure I'll actually render anything myself, I might reupload it here as you did for the portable Maya. It's a bit sad though, I wish I was able to get the portable version working, so more users could pick at it.

I've got to head out, but I'll give it a whirl later this week and share what it looks like for the people can't install it. Thanks again.
Lucky, you do. I know the ways of animation and UV. Now, i don't know if this will be possible but try to export the weight maps if you have the character with controllers successfully done. Take pictures of the controllers too so if there any extra detail like hair controllers, it should help us mirror a copy without much work.

picture of the channel box and attribute editor too if they went with that route. Lastly, picture of nobe editor. Press "Layout the graph" this will make it nice and neat to see.

if you want to learn about it yourself Maya youtube can explain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzpz2vksI7Q
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I tried spotlight this time and it's overlighted no matter how Ĺ‚Ăłw the numbers are
No matter how low the numbers are
are you rendering in maya's own render view or vray's vfb?

might be smart to get some help from the achviz thread because they use vray over there.
A french children show.
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thank you france praise jebus
literally and without so much as a hint of irony i could wipe my ass using my laptop as toilet paper, and that process is likely decades ahead of the this "professional studio"s final product
>posts zero examples
Were there any scenes/stages/locations leaked? They might have lights already set up for like 'daytime', 'indoors' etc.
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I think the Agreste mansion was in teh leaks. The game had many locations but were of really low quality.
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The game locations are stripped down show assets. Even the chara models are just triangulated show models. Any lighting from them is going to be in the Unity area map I guess, going off my vague knowledge of Unreal, and likely not show accurate.
The textures were also all simplified and compressed.

I think it was Hawkmoth's Lair in the leaks, if someone still has it...? Feels like all the links to the models dried up pretty fast, and no one elsewhere seems to be talking aboutt it anymore.
Most links in >>946287 still exist.
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More people doing theur own animations. not sure where these models are from.
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they're from the Unity engine game Rise of the Sphynx. The skin/clothes is literally the show model with triangulated faces, new built simplified rig, remade hair as vertex sheets/alpha textured, and show textures flattened and downscaled.
They may have made some edits to the models, but I can see the hair polys match on one of their other LB animations. It's definitely the Unity models.
Ya, the real models use Maya xgen, very hard not to notice. They should be way more detail, they are making these for worldwide TV and films, you can't make low poly models for those types of characters, the animators need high poly models to move without problems.
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I found a thread on chaos site (vray) for someone who's working on the show and it seems like they want to finally upgrade their vray version, thought it was interesting to share:
>over a year old
i don't think anything happened then
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I was trying to work on models in early January when this incident happened. It was a real nightmare, starting with the fact that I never worked in Maya, in addition my computer was slow to process the old software of 2014. I did a couple of renders as far as my patience was and didn't touch it again. Hope to see some more fun renders here. Here are some more of my works
Well clearly you need a background for this and set the AA all the way up. Maybe working on the lighting a little by having the defaults/Arond/sky dorm not touch the characters fully. If you need help i'm fully train on this part of the industry.
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Astruc had a broken arm bone rig. That's why I didn't come up with anything more kek
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And an attempt to try to animate Marinette
Later, I learned how to create simple forms and overlay screenshots of backgrounds on them. Lighting lessons would not hurt me, but at the moment I have lost interest in the 3D theme. Maybe in the future I'll come back when I upgrade my PC
It could be that the upgrade was for the movie. After all many of the models differ from those of the series, both in shape and texture.
That is pretty good. I am sure a good pose with single models would be nice as wallpapers.
Also >>950557 is popular over in the other LB threads such as >>>/aco/7306377.
Links are kill.
Absolutely based
why not make it USD, rig it with KINEFX, and render it in SOLARIS?

why is nobody using USD for this?
why aren't you doing it?
Do you idiots not know what subsurface scattering is?
It's not just subsurface scattering or the materials, it's the actual lighting and post processing they want to replicate, specifically how SAMG makes it look. The models already have all materials set up correctly in Maya 2015 (it throws errors in newer versions I understand), but I guess it must be missing VRay settings when it renders, or getting the lighting right? I'm from the /co/ threads, and humbly out of my depth with this stuff.
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Finaly some simliar results... It was doomlight and one Directional light. Overall 3 lights
How are things progressing? The images look realy nice, I hope to see more.
What happened to her thumbs? Or is that AI generated? Some generated images are pretty good:
Also, can AI generate output as rigs/models rather than raster?
Nobody uses solaris. Solaris is a toy.
Looks like the thumbs are in the pockets but because pockets don't exist in the model it goes right through.

No, AI can never understand human movement to rigged the character model. Not even monster rigs are going to help AI become better, it just never going to feel human.
>Can never
Oh no no no no no
Ai does not undertand an image yet it can make them on command. Would an AI then need to understand human movement to make a rigged model?
Even if it did, it might be able to make a raw 3D model and then have a human touch it up and add the rigging. This is an obvious objective for people interested in AI animations, as a possible shortcut to get something working.

So once again I guess animators will panic while it winds up with AI doing boilerplate work, leaving some artistry to humans.
"No that's dumb" said stockholders. "We paid people to make 3D characters and we own the 3D files".

It's a shrimple as that, you don't even care if the 3D models were used in other games, 99% chance you skip the npcs. The only real work is the main character and side, it's never going to build a character like we want it when AI fails at even making hands in 2D.
>when AI fails at even making hands in 2D.
That is a problem today. Limitations tend to be eliminated over time, especially if there is money in it.
Nope machines have limits just like humans. It can't create new things that aren't known and it can't install new tools. The robot will produced the millions of copies but never new things. The data for wright painting is never going to go into new ideas, people will notice the same actions 100x times over.
Holy shit! Cris is here?!
Chuds on suicide watch.
Is this working with the old tools or did you convert it?
>It can't create new things that aren't known
I am pretty sure hands are known and not something new.
Hands have different shapes and textures, you can not make the AI understand consistent shape of a child’s head without problems.
Why is she so cute bug bros?
I would love to see some Kagami/Ryuko renders
Even paw patrol is doing it now
She was the Queen the show needed, but not the one it deserved.
Limp-wristed bitch.
every screencap here is low bitrate trash
fuckin retard but I suppose that's to be expected here.
images have compression not bitrate. see yourself out.
absolute retard
prove me wrong. you won't. this conversation is over.
low bitrate trash
another win for me :-)
someone did this with Dall e

Dalle is junk to us, 2D is our enemy, 3D is the future
Well some one was busy ...
look up
sketchfab /danigamer495channel
a litlle wonkie but it works...
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So far got it working ... idk why is it doing that with the eye
Models on danigamer495channel's sketchfab are from the mobile game, Rise of the Sphynx or edited from one of them. They're not converted Maya models.
the picture is the leak model got it working in maya dont no squat how to do the shading on this anciente software
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Sorry, copied you in by mistake.
You're in animation mode for the model. You need to change it to rendering for her to show up properly - see image. If it's still not right, check just above the display window settings where wireframe/textures/etc buttons are.
lazy eye alya
Hey there chief. Do you have the Fox Hero files and maybe Catnoir???
so got Maya 2015

from >>947075 and runs fine on my win11 system


VRay 3.00.01 For Maya 2015

V-Ray v3.05.03 for Maya 2015

But cant find Arnold for 2015 does the 2016 builds work with 2015?

as persianGFX has a 2016 build
found a copy

Loaded no script errors
pixeldrain com/u/MHPxF2Ba

dunno how long they will last


SP6 update for Maya 2015
some of the other models throw a tonne of errors and it would take forever to track down all the plugins they used.

unless someone has a list already.
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well it threw a bunch of errors but once i re-pathed the textures the default render worked

output from Script Editor

I've also never used Maya before so if i can manage this rest of you retards can
It would be strange if they didn't. Postprocessing can be night and day. But there are also plenty of little tricks that can be employed, such as lights that ONLY influence certain meshes or components. Dedicated point lights for specular highlights on the eyes is a very common example of this and, while subtle, helps sell "life" to characters even in very dark scenes. Both of these can be used to set the mood and establish clarity in ways realistic, accurate lighting never could.
Damn this thread is still alive.
>Overall 3 lights
anon, somebody needs to study how studio photography works
Over a year. Didn't know this was even possible, but I guess it varies by board.
did anyone even port these models to something like xps? some of us just want to do cheap posing shit, not big project shit
I like Ladybug.
oh come on man this thread has been on my watchlist for 408 days let it die

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