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>joined an 3D animation discord server for connections and potential work
>most members are broke and unemployed
>only do one animation a year and never update their portfolio
>criticize popular 3D animators and how THEY can do better
Why is this so common?
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>The CG industry, especially at high tiers is nepotistic
It's always more accurate to say that building connections is the way to go when you are at the top
As an introvert fuck who never interacted with anyone outside of my family how do you build connections? I am in a third world country so I cant just go to studios because there is none here.
ankle biters
gamma boys

the bane of society
A lot of 3D artists in discord servers are either old dudes with great technical skill but a lack of creativity (think godlike sculptors that do the same boring shit that takes 8 months), or blender zoomers who blitzed tutorials.

You just don't get a portfolio of work that has volume AND quality. Newer artists tend to be CG Generalists while older artists are specialists (Riggers, Hard Surface Modelers, Technical Artists).

Anyone with meaningful PRODUCTION experience is either NDA'd to hell and back, old with kids and busy, or not in a server like that. Specialist servers like Technically Speaking might be more your speed because a lot of the users there have a sense of clarity about what they're doing, and they fundamentally cannot skirt the technical skills with subjective criticism like animation servers. Good luck!
put out things good enough it gets people talking in professional fields like that lil lego jit

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So, why am I so happy? I usually do humans in sculpt mode which I fucking hate for some reason but I did this mostly in edit mode! How amazing is that! I didn't know I could do it like that and it seems so much easier and I can make heads more accurately!
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Now he's low poly!
I didn't have to do retopology whatsoever with this way of modeling humans and shit!
Doesn't really look like Elvis, but I'm glad you're happy with the results. I Typically do things in edit mode first too. And then I touch it up with sculpting tools. And sort of bounce back and forth between edit and sculpt until it looks right. But yeah, they call it "box modelling". It was the standard way of modelling before sculpting really took off. Box modelling can be easier than sculpting, if that's what you're accustomed to. Personally, I find sculpting still useful to quickly smoothing and filling out.

You should work on shaping the eyes and lips. The eye sockets are definitely not done. And Elvis doesn't have stretched out thin lips like those. He has pouty lips.

Also, I'm a topology nerd, so I'll appreciate if you posted the wireframe.
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Kek, it reminded me of my first sculpt ever.

For context I work professionally as a commercial illustrator for editorials, packaging and advertising and I'm proficient in using the gradient mesh tool in illustrator among other things in order to create "quasi-3D" looking illustrations.

With this in mind, how easy would it be to learn this 90s CGI style like pic related? It's something I want to learn for myself because ive always been obsessed with that style and want to make art in that style.
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Have sex and touch grass, incel.
I prefer being an incel to a bugchaser
So are you gonna close your eyes and pretend AI won't make anything that you've been teaching yourself for years to make but infinitely better, faster and cheaper? AI is the future. Don't fight it. You already lost the moment v.0000001 was created
>this thing is bad for society, generally low quality and only lazy retards like it
I like modeling as a hobby and I will keep doing it and you will never stop me aislop doomer shitter

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Why cant I do 3D at all?
I cant even pose nor understand poses
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Troll thread pt.2
Chud thread.
Talent is a myth fucknuts
If you're a low iq midwit who is incapable of learning you will never succeed.
The fact that you feel the need to complain on 4chan about being shit is proof enough you're a dud
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And they banned me for trolling....
I know this is a schizo thread but find an image you like the pose/lighting of and copy it until you understand it

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Been thinking of buying a 3D printer and open a 3D print shop.

Anyone knows if that shit is profitable?
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If you have to ask for a quote, it's not affordable.
It tells you the rough price right on the site. About the quote that's not applicable, if OP supposedly wants to make a business out if it that's to be expected.
B2B transactions just happen that way, which means you can haggle btw.
if he's asking here he's not taking out a business loan to spend $15k on an SLS printer.
> Power to run your machine overnight is over $100

this has to be a troll or a child

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>application not responding
If you're using autosaves like you should you are crying about ~7 minutes of lost work on average.
i don't use autosaves because im new at this and fuck shit up beyond repair very often and like the idea of being able to go back to when i hadn't done that
Practice is what helps you improve and most of practice is just repitition


Have any of you learned using this series and would you say it's worth the 15 bucks or am I better off just learning on various youtube videos?
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cgcookie is tutorial hell but expensive.
>He fall to the pay course meme
why so?
Show me one person who has benefitted from cgcookie that isn't a jaded beginner? You can't.

What projects have you been working on lately?

Unreal Engine 5.1 new features video:

Building Unreal Engine from source:

Learn Unreal Engine:


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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what do you want to talk about?
Oh yeah be a crybaby on /3/ for a change.
Can someone tell me how several developers work on one project? For example, how do level designers work on one level at the same time?

My team and I use Unreal Engine 5. I know about Multi-User, we tried to use it. But... It has a number of significant drawbacks. It does not respond to undo and redo (at least, it did not work for us) and does not support terrain editing. And it is also not entirely clear how the files added by participants are saved and synchronized. Is it possible to do this? Will the files be updated for other users? Or do we need to use Git every time to pull in the changes? Knowledgeable people, please explain.

It would be easier if our project represented several levels, and not one with a conditionally open world. But this option does not suit us.

In general, I would like to know how this is done in large studios, because I did not find the relevant information. Maybe there are some more convenient tools.
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I've just imported a daz character using the daz to unreal bridge and re-targeted using the plugin but due to the proportion difference of my custom character compared to the mannequin, the limbs deform oddly during animations. How can I adjust that? Somewhere in the re-targeting blueprint would be my guess.
They use source control solutions, perforce being the most popular

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When are they going to make a proper 3d modelling software?
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Aren't they trying to turn substance painter into a modelling software?
>she doesnt know about the old soul Adobe Dimensions (not to be confused with Adobe Dimension, without the "s")
No way...
Adobe soul?
I remember this. My dad used to have it on his computer and I would fuck around with it as a kid. Obviously I didn't know what I was doing, nor did I make anything good, but still.
this is literally impossible under its license you moron, someone would fork the code in ten minutes.

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Why did you guys choose 3D over drawing? Is it because drawing it's too difficult?

I've been thinking if I like drawing or 3D more and what to invest more time on, because with 2D you can also animate
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Yay, I would decimate that face real hard.
3D and 2D are incredibly different in terms of what you do.

In 2D you draw something usually with inherent stylisation(100% perspectively correct 2D looks weird) it's a lot more interpretativ as an artform. It's a lot about perspective shading etc.

But in 3D it's more like construction/crafting something. You model/sculpt something, paint it, rig it. It's closer to something like puppetry or stop motion, with a very technical aspect to it.
This technical aspect might be appealing to some, but it is an inherent difference,
that 2D artists don't have to content with.

You don't have to know 2D as an 3D artist: you don't have to know 3D as an 2D artist.

It's a bit of an oversimplification.
but the baseline is:
They're different artforms, just because you draw doesn't mean you need to also clay sculpt.
I used to do 2D, pivoted to 3D when someone told me not to commit to 2D animation for my major in college. I still like drawing but the technical side of 3D makes it more interesting. If my drawings sucked it would just be a "grind it out" thing, but with 3D there's so many different things to try out that I don't get bored. It helps that it pays well too
I tried 2d but going from noob > intermediate is a massive fucking barrier that I don't know how to pass.
>Why did you guys choose 3D over drawing? Is it because drawing it's too difficult?
No, because 3d art is fucking difficult too. Its trading one set of headaches for another. However, I have a sort of connection with 3D art that I didn't have with drawing.

I feel good when I'm making 3d art, but with 2D drawing I only felt good when I was done.

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its kinda crazy what blender is capable of in 2024
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Why are the two background elements levitating? And it looks like one of the utensils is coming out of a donut.
They're not you dumb fuck. Get a pair of glasses.
Good, fuck off now, nobody cares
Settle down, hoss.
yeah i fixed those mistakes in the final render
shiny donuts look cool
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Gonna start learning how to seriously Blend today. Haven't used 'er in over a year so let's see.
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Yes, I made a lot of progress with blender.
Soon I'll be posting some of my art.
Most of them are tutorials btw.
chad, can I post my stuff here time to time too?
Studying for a network cert instead, so not yet unfortunately :(.

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Anyone who's old enough to grow a beard is a boomer right?
>Porn addicts just cope thinking they are making quality content
What you call cope is just using the right tools for the job. Nobody outside """creative""" boards autisimo cares.
>person with dumb opinion has garbage fetishes and does garbage art
shocked, truly
>still no screenshots
I accept your concession.
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Cope and sneed :^)
pyw while you're at it

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- Most well made
- Most realistic
- Most sexy
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>most well made
pinky butt
>most realistic
for the lard ass that she has: Zelda
>most sexy
Lara by a mile
years? I was in grade school when this faggot started this shit. This is decades now.
Decades are still comprised of years anon. Dunno if they taught you that in grade school or not.
Keep downplaying it vegan
Downplaying what?
Dude's a fuckin schizo and I wish he'd fuck off.

it's so over bros
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5 mins in blender.

Download a pirated copy of a game, try to sell it on steam "oh noes im retarded" anyway good try AI bro, you'll get 'em next time ;)
janny removed my doom thread
i'm pissed
Then why you scrape anime doodles if it's not necessary?
Ai is theft and you are larping as an artist.
So it's worthless like this image. This shit is completely wrong and impractical.

The fuck is anyone gonna do with a fucking jpg that tells you how to do shit wrong?

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