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Desktop PC Core i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD + 240GB SSD, 24" monitor.
17 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
You need more system RAM and you need the fastest Nvidia GPU with the most VRAM you can afford for Daz. VRAM is your main bottleneck for rendering. If you run out of VRAM using Iray it will default to CPU rendering which you don't want.
The anon who created this thread either already had his answer, or doesn't care anymore, but I'm going to comment anyway.
DAZ Studio is an extremely unpleasant program to use. It's terrible, it's slow, it crashes, everything you do in it is more annoying than it should be. With all this in mind, I strongly recommend that anyone who is going to use DAZ Studio seriously consider having the most retardedly powerful computer possible. Buy the best CPU you can find, buy a GPU with at least 24GB, buy a 2TB SSD to install the resources you're going to use, etc. Don't skimp, otherwise you'll get stressed and irritated.
But of course, I'm talking from the point of view of someone who will need to work with the program for hours a day, and not just use it for recreation.

Note: I think it's best to use DAZ just to transfer assets to other programs. I've talked to DAZ users who have switched to Blender and they have no regrets. The time you spend learning Blender will be largely recovered later when you're working with a more versatile and powerful program. In DAZ, sometimes something as simple as a stubborn geometry in the model's hair that refuses to behave properly requires hours of fine tuning and the use of extra tools like the mesh grab, when in Blender this wouldn't even be an issue.
You need 1TB of RAM, a 4090ti or Ada A6000, and a Threadripper Pro 7995WX so you can bloat bloat bloat your scenes and rendering resolutions like a drooling retard then proceed to complain about how 5 min renders are too slow, all while you drain the wallets of coomers. Don't forget to do test renders at max rez & light bounces too

I'd say get the most Vram you can buy and get twice that in Ram.
Then get a Nvme drive as your assets/morph main drive.
Your GPU will outperform you CPU: So only render with your GPU, you cpu will be free while you render and you will be able to do something else in the meantime.


Is learning blender a waste of time if I'm serious about learning animation?
I just want to animate anime girls with bouncy boobies fighting with weapons and magic like RWBY.
I've seen people say that Maya is better for animation than blender but I've not seen people actually explain what makes it better specifically. Is it the UI or something? I only have experience in Blender and cinema 4d. I prefer animating in blender over C4D. Right now I'm not doing shit professionally but I don't want to waste time learning Blender if I'm just going to have to learn Maya later. I'm not getting any younger over here.

I've taken a 3d animation and modeling course at college just for an art minor. I plan on taking animation again but learning Maya instead of cinema 4d. Would it be better to just fuck around in blender making meme shit until this fall or should I just dive into Maya?
33 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
the problem with maya i found is that there's surprisingly lack of tutorials for newer versions. blender has a lot of tutorials on youtube but most for maya are a few years old. and if some menus change then as a beginner it's really frustrating.
More productions are starting to use Blender. Large chunks of Godzilla Minus One's VFX were done in Blender, for instance.

That said, you'll still need to know Maya to get hired in the first place.
Animation isn't software dependant,
is this thread retarded?

Use whatever you want, just practice
want serious?
learn blender

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blender vs maya
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Yeah I get you, but I personally don't think this board has changed too much recently. This board peaked about 2 years ago, but it's been slow and lame ever since.
I've gotten some nice interactions on here before, but I honestly do better by OP fagging on /bant/ and /v/.
It gives me the courage to want to make a xitter account, but at this point I've been reduced to a lazy cunt that takes forever to finish a project, and I don't think that would bode well for the algorithm.
>2 years ago
Jesus Christ. How new are you faggots? GO BACK
endless console wars faggotry
Blender won a long time ago

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Just my luck ffs finally have a week of free time to try to learn something and it's gone.
Not saying I'm lost without it but it would help.
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how much money are you making?
Not him, but I make around 13000$ per month, before taxes and business costs, doing niche fetish porn, so there's money in it, if you know your audience, and can produce decent quality. Vanilla might be more difficult to break into, since there's more competition, and people aren't usually as willing to pay, than in the fetish communities. But on the other hand, the audience is a lot bigger, so maybe it evens out.

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End of discussion.
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>Y is up
I dunno you tell me
That's a lot of words to say you are freaking retard
>seething cad incel
>End of discussion
Why are you posting an entire thread then, retard? Clearly you're leaving plenty of room for discussion.
Y is down actually chud. -Y is up.

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Welcome to our thread dedicated to honing your topology skills in 3D art! Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, mastering topology is crucial for creating clean and efficient 3D models. In this thread, we'll share and discuss various exercises aimed at improving your understanding and application of topology.
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What practical application does this have? Any time I post a mesh using these conversions I get told NOPE WRONG NEVER DO THIS INCORRECT SQUARES ONLY
while some people might say "NOPE WRONG NEVER DO THIS INCORRECT SQUARES ONLY," it's important to clarify that we are not talking about squares, but quads. Quads are polygons with four vertices, and they are essential for proper edge loop management and subdivision surface modeling.
>this strikes fear into the heart of the /3/fag
Anyone got any nice lowish to mid poly body topology examples? Particularly for shoulder and pelvis?
>>this strikes fear into the heart of the /3/fag
you can't even explain why

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Sometimes I wonder, how the fuck am I able to make such levels of KINO.

cris, you basterd bloody beatch.
you made it again.
you got KINO.

AI can't win over this level of uganda KINO.
Humans won.
AI lost.
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He's been training for 8 years to become a master of AAA workflows, you can't expect to compete with that
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look at this chuds.
Cris, please upload all your creations on the Blender Asset Store so that many people in the community can appreciate them.

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I cannot model for shit but I sclupted these, right is all blender could manage in my machine and left is the "finished" version using zbrush
1000 hours in blender
whas a good horse refrence for modling
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Animals aren't normally what I like to create. But I wanted to test myself. Lots of room for improvement, but I'm happy with it. Made my own crude armature too.
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I can sculpt a horse, I'm sure I could retopo it if I was so inclined

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - High Level Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>982476
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It's not even eevee ;_; does it really look that bad?
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the model is fine, if you wanted a bit more realism you could add some micro scratches to the glossier plastic to break up the highlight a bit..
as for the lighting issues, the matt-ness of the bottom is probably just bounce light from your floor. try get rid of it in the render to see if anything changes
Yeah I might add some imperfections actually good point.
>the matt-ness of the bottom is probably just bounce light from your floor
I didn't think of that. I'll give that a try and see how it pans out. Thanks.
Is that not just the bounce reflection of the diffuse table?
Shit, shoulda scrolled down.

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recommend me a good UV mapping software freeware
i tried headus but i cant use the save even on hobby mode
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Maya suck at UV mapping ,something being industry standards doesn't necessarily mean it's the best ,it's just that the fossils that use it have a good workflow
Literally anything that's stable you lazy bum

Blender General - Aren't all /3/ threads *really* about Blender tho edition

Previous: >>984313
390 replies and 128 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Blendabros how do I put the face on? This is the low poly head and an SVG imported as grease pencil. I want raised topography in these shapes, maybe projected on the head surface. I don't even know what to call the process I should be using in blender.
bro not skipping neck day
Image bump mapping not working, I need physical features. pls respond
I couldn't get png to bump map to work either so I just did svg > bezier > path. Blender is fucking obtuse sometimes.
legend, thanks
was not as helpful to me as I hoped it would be but good to know nonetheless

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Always keep track of your topology, lads.
How do you even end up in a situation like this?
>sculpt the head with Dyntopo on instead off
>delete half of the mesh to fix the topo by hand
>topo is still fucked, smoothing is what happening the webm
That would be my guess
This is the only part freaking me out. I feel much better now
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why does this have any topology at all? you could literally just draw a texture on a circle and it would look better than this bullshit

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how do i put the vertex then the edge around there to move up down
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Whatever you are saying, I think you have other problems with your model.
Search "retopology" to clean up your model
Search "rigging" or "armature" to move you model.
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What did you do to captain qwark?
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evil blender be like: separator
evil 3ds max be like: 2ds min
evil autodesk maya be like: manualfloor aztec
evil blockbench be like: spherebed
evil softimage be like: hardidea
evil bryce 3d be like: bruna 2d
evil source filmmaker be like: derived filmdestroyer
evil freecad be like: paidcad
evil plasticity be like: inflexibility
evil cinema 4d be like: at-home 3d
evil zbrush be like: achisel
evil substance painter be like: immaterial paint stripper
evil autocad be like: manualcad
evil revit be like: unvit
evil miku miku dance be like: miku miku (but evil) sit

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>manualfloor aztec
Thanks, I'm using this from now on. Toasting an ebin bread
>evil 3ds max be like: GPD Win 3 min
>evil zbrush be like: achisel
That's pretty good.

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the ai demon can make better donut than me it's over time to uninstall blender and find a real job such as coal mining fuck you donut tutorial guy you made me believe I have a chance you should find a real job too btw
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>the AI didn't get past part 5 eh?
no I didn't ai doesn't even need the shitty donut tutorial it can just whip realistic donuts straight out of the depths of hell me on the other hand well I can't put the particles on top sorry
oh shit that's YOUR donut?
no mine was similar but worse it's over for me fuck the deceptive tutorial rabbi all he wants is the youtube ads money
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you have ads?

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