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What's the secret to a successful career in Adult 3DCG?
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There are more people who would rather see girls fucking eachother or insert themselves being fucked by girls than there are self inserters that want to see themselves fucking women
to each their own. I still think most of their models are ugly though.
Furry Porn.
If someone has $9,000 for a fur suit they have $10 a month to get CG furry porn.
Not with that attitude at least. If you're unemployed, or have the free time, what do you lose by trying, if it is something you would like to do? If it's not, that's another story, there's nothing wrong with working for a wage, if that's what you prefer. There's up and downsides for both options. I will admit that making a breakthrough is harder these days, but not for the reason you imply, it's due to advertising having become harder. A lot of the options that were great back then, like pornhub, have become a shadow of their former selves, and there's no real good comparable replacement available at the moment. Twitter is probably your best bet at the moment to gain visibility, and even that looks to be collapsing.
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Be a degenerate.

Got gifted a printer for xmas. Didn't ask for it but I'd feel really guilty if I didn't use it. What do I do?
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bros.. if only i had one in xmas instead of "why do you spend all day on your pc" or "stop playing vidya games all the time"
well maybe you should stop playing Vidya all the time, it's that simple (that's just the first step into getting your shit together but no one will tell you that), good luck anon, hope 2025 is the year you escape the vidyajew. Get rid of your PC if needed

pd: I'm waiting 15 to post this just so you know I mean it
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The fumes aren't what you should be primarily worried about. It's the plastic debris that is created. Microplastics will be the new asbestos. By 2050 most of us will have cancer from what we get from drinking water and eating seafood alone, there is no telling what we will get as a result of messing with these industrial level machines in our very houses. I know this and yet I still print on the daily because I like making my own legos. I think lung cancer ten years from now is worth it if I get custom legos.
Browse Thingiverse and Printables. I've made pots, water cans, Christmas ornaments, pan fishing kits, knitting machines, model kits, puzzles, etc. Since this is /3/, you can start learning CAD and design some kickass bracket, shelf, or crank powered tuna slicer
do you have any figure ideas? i want to try making them but i dont have a printer yet, ill make you one in exchange for letting me test using yours

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How can into rigging?
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>actual rigging, auto rig is junk.
I'm not afraid of manually rigging stuff I just don't see what the point is when I can get the same result with an addon faster.
Are there any issues when using Maya to rig blender models?
Scaling will likely be off. Blender scales things weirdly and uses a different FBX format than Autodesk stuff.
i honestly don't know. i think rigging is pretty much impossible to do unless you know exactly how you want to pose your characters and express them. you can start off with a basic rig, but you'll refine it as you try to push its limits. i'd say start off with just coming up with basic poses and expressions with an already existing rig, then reverse engineer it.
Freeshit or gtfo

When doing lowres pixelart texture for lowpoly model, depending on UVs and seems some lines are perfect while others are choppy and pixelated. How would you make this more consistent? Any suggestions what are the most wrong things here and how to make it better while still maintaining thicc-pixel-lowpoly style? I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when in comes to lowpoly character modelling and texturing so even entrylevel tips are welcome.
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Very nice.
Nice. Polycount?
This is something i made a few months ago as my first low poly character with a texture.
How would I add shading to the texture image like >>1000620 so its not so flat?
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I should contribute my thing as well I guess
I think this looks fantastic

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I want to make superior japanese folded steel 3d models and a guy who makes models for vrchat told me to find these, please share if you have them and thank you
it's already posted in a thread on this board right this very moment. I'm sure you can use your brain to find it. good luck anon!

also why can't your friend just give them to you? I find that highly suspect.
I don't have a friend, anon. The japanese hate piracy so I can't ask him. I found some links but they were all dead
They’re dead because mod deleted it, all of it. Also didn’t we already talked about how this Blender book had been self published and contained nothing. There’s actual no real world books of it’s existence. Never sold online either so pointless to ask.
Wdym there's no actual real books of it's existence and never sold online. I found both of them on japanese amazon.
Not the same company and it says it ships from Amazon not publisher like other normal books. So someone is scamming people like you into believing it’s real when it’s not. Ai books in Amazon are everywhere, this book is one of them.

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Someone in the name of God, have done this model of Shrek in the MAD show?
he didnt spend years anguishing over not being good enough. he made a portfolio and relentlessly harranged potential employers

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Where is 3d going in the next years, /3/? We all know that AI didn't pan out, especially given the amount of surveillance there is.
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> certain you've understood what labeling someone a larper means?

>Therefore have a better perspective on what's around the corner for us,
>2 more weeks
>just wait

larper means live action roleplayer, which in your case is synonymous with "futurist" aka "2 more weeks bro"
2 years people we where talking about how AGI was potentially around the corner given the then recent developments.

Now here we are 2 years into this at a stage where having the conversation if we're hitting AGI are entering
the fuzzy boundary where having such a conversations is now legitimate. If someone was here talking AGI with you they stand redeemed.

I've said zilch about the next 2 months you hyperbolic person you. I've simply stated that people in the know are now discussing
ASI being a reality come the 30's is something that is taken very seriously.

Head OpenAI scientist Ilya Sutskever who has more insight to where things are going than anyone hedged his bet on it.
Branched off to form his own 'SSI - Safe Super Intelligence' company at the height of his success with OpenAI.
The fact that people on the deepest level who's driving these developments take it seriously to that degree should clue you in
just to what degree something is afoot.


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>redditor brings up AI for no reason
>derails thread with his twitter buddy
>/3/ discussion
>how do I use unreal engine 5 as someone with no knowledge and no experience
>why does everything I make in blender look like shit as someone with no knowledge and no experience?
>I have watched two gazillion hours of tutorials, why am I still bad?
>/3/ discussion
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I think AI is a great support hand for artists but ultimatively shouldn't be relied on to completely replace you. I use AI image generation to make small things such as 2D images of bolts or small decorations which I cannot get clear images off from the internet, and then I project them onto my low poly non-pbr model and it looks good in the end

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most tutorials for animation simply follow a reference, they don't explain why the body is moving in this way to look convincing. If I follow these tutorials I'm simply copying and not understanding.
Without a reference I don't know how to make my animation look convincing. Are there any tutorials which explain the body movement ?
Sorry if I didn't explain properly, don't know how to quite explain myself.
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are you saying that I need to be an octopus if I want to animate an octopus?
strongly consider remaking what cascadeur is doing, but in houdini or maya with solvers
i read this and its ass. maybe 10% of it is actually about animation, the rest is just the authors jerking themselves off because they worked at disney. richard williams animator survival kit is way better. still a bit self-masturbatory but has way more useful info than the disney one.
you want physics based animation. Two joint chains, one affected by physics and bound loosely to the real keyframed skeleton giving cascadeur like results. Test this out with a character set up on a subdivided plane that has a sin wave modifier. Set this up in in a dcc
OP you found a course related to what you want ? I'm seriously interested in that as well.
Or even anything close you redeem good enough since I'm pretty much a beginner.

omg chat new sam hyde dropped
is this real
This really needed to be its own thread.
This is the greatest day of my life.
hey thanks! wa la!

She's public domain. I posted the .blend on https://amarilloarts.itch.io/blender-chan

Do whatever you want with it.
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downloaded to copy your shaders and literally nothing else.
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Give him a break you losers. At least he actually made something instead of just bitching and moaning about how much better your software is constantly. Who cares if it's badly optimized? This is obviously a concept piece. He didn't say it was game or animation ready.
Fuck, you can program too? You're leaving me behind bro, haven't done anything worth posting lol
>Glasses instead of a scouter on a monkey tailed girl
As expected of a moeSHITTER
the butt crate drop rate is cancer, and the lack of pussy modeling

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Texture Authoring with convoluted node graphs instead of just drawing it in photoshop. Post graphs you have made.
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Yes, I downloaded some, but they just crashed in windows sandbox. I just stay at blender.

Why do you posting so many times on /3/, anon? Is it you(>>1004874 >>1004872 >>1004875) ?
NFI what you're on about
I am just schizo, nevermind
I'm not a stormfag. I just thought it would be cool to make the once Indian symbol it in SD.
M0nkrus adobe master v2

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I'm looking to move on from sculpting with a mouse since 2 years and want to try out the graphics tablet method with a pen for the first time.

Is it better than a mouse and will it enhance my sculpting abilities?

What affordable model do you recommend? Not something super expensive. I've been looking at Huion since their reviews state they produce better things than Wacom, or should I get a wacom?
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alright. Is the Huion Inspiroy 2 any good for sculpting?
it's a tablet, they're pretty much all the same, it does what a tablet does
you can ask on the /ic/ tablet thread if you're still unsure
go to a shopping center and try different tablets, then you'll know what's the deal, but if I were you and I were serious, I'd put the money on the table for a big screen wacom
>but it's to early to say
small-mid size no screen wacom
>middle ground
and this is still going to hurt, there are some laptops out there with pressure screen and stylus, still
if you are going to pay for the hardware to handle it it might be an even bigger spending than just the wacom, which btw is just a screen it's not a computer AND a screen
Why are all the blendlets wacomfags? Your Wacom doesn't make up for your lack of skill. Also don't reply without pyw.

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Is it possible to sculpt this to the same quality in Blender as you can in Zbrush? Is Maxon in trouble?
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you dont have any skill either since you're here, chud
being "here" doesn't mean you lack skill. Socials are far worse and they move too fast.
Yes, it does, chud. you should be out posting your work on artstation and being busy freelancing or working for a studio. Instead, you're here jerking with your left hand off to vrchat model threads.
artstation is not the place to get critique. The majority of it is ai generated and the other part moves too quick and never gives you any feedback. Freelancing or studio work is lame and you WONT be making what you want to make, that is guaranteed. The only guarantee is that you will soon start hating what you are forced to do and burnout. The only way to go is to make what you like to make, 100% of the time. Hollywood studios and media is dead anyway.
You talk like a real unemployed person
Git gud anon, day you will get a job

Why are you cheap cunts refusing to donate to Blender Foundation? This is why Blender will never become industry standard.
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I don't donate to Wikipedia because they spend a bit part of their money on DEI, and that's a waste of money
This, I prefer it to be this way
I'm a professional and I use blender outside of work and for personal projects. But I would never use it on my job.
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Not giving a cent to Blender when I am using student versions of Autodesk products for free for the past 5 years even if I am not in school anymore. It's been already proven your gacha waifus aren't professionally made in Blender anyway.
They had a feedback thread up for a good while. Got flooded with a bunch of complaints. Eventually they closed the thread. But I think they got the idea. They know it's a mess.
Can I move in with you?

Been following tutorials for a good 6 months and while I’m somewhat confident with c4d now it still seems such a daunting thing to learn.

Am I wasting my time with tutorials?
Yeah, it might feel slow but you’re learning. Remember though you should also probably start making your own shit and finding solutions as you go
It's best used as reference to be aware of a set of methods that can be employed to achieve something.
Watching tutorials to get a feel for how people are doing things is useful but trying to slavishly follow them tend to stifle your learning
as you don't think creatively about the 'how's' and 'why's' you are doing something a particular way the way the individual who came up with the workflow had
to think about it to arrive at the formula.

Experimentation guided by tutorials or drawing inspiration from tutorials is a better approach.

It's a balance act whether to look at someone else's homework and doing it yourself; 'autodidacts' who learn a field on their own develop a higher level ingenuity
and intuition for it and are better at coming up with novel approaches on the fly and tend to be the ones that break thru to discover new better methods as they are not as rigid in their thinking as someone who was told what to do by a seasoned expert and adhere to what was provided as dogmatic gospel.

A subset of them are typically the ones that eventually grow into the sort of experts that are studied for impressive workflows as they are breaking the new ground.

The price they pay is that they are exposed to fewer concept and at a lower rate than someone who routinely takes aboard formulaic methods
and follow them to near algorithmic perfection. Autodidacts tend to have more blind-spots as a result not having as extensive knowledge as fast

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Great post. Although it seems damn near impossible to come up with an improvised “trial and error” way of having good topology. This is what I struggle with the most from a graphic design background. I don’t really have the logical mathematical mind that’s required for that stuff. Seems there’s a definite “right” with it that you have to follow otherwise you end up with no end of glitches and ugly oroblems later

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