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Industrybros how do you find motivation to work on your personal projects after you come home from your 10+ hour soul-crushing vertex-pushing keyframe-shifting job? I'm seriously thinking about leaving the industry just so I can enjoy working on my personal stuff again.
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nigga thought you make artwork at a corporation
>he fell for the industry meme
They didn't tell you your job was specifically for people with 0 personal ambitions?
Freaky image. I don't like it.

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Is it possible to sculpt a character like this without motion capture?
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not for you it isn't
What about a train? Could one sculpt a locomotive?
No, everything except trains, they are impossible
Just wait for 3d ai generators
Literally anything, however, sculpting that would be unwise

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i have a scan of my teeth, upper and lower.
the initial purpose was to print a copy of them and vacuum form a mold over them as a retainer, because i grind my teeth and tear up my retainers really fast, and they're 200$ to get replaced.

a secondary goal is to slightly pivot my teeth to undo the shifting they've experienced since i got my braces off. DIY invisalign.
the same idea as what this guy did:

my question is, what program should i work in to manipulate these scans? i've got .obj files. i know fusion360 but it's not really built for stuff like this. i've done the blender donut but that's about all of my blender experience. can i do this sort of parametric work in blender? like, sectioning off a tooth and rotating it, or setting a distance to keep between certain features?
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how did you get a 3d scan of your teeth?
I have a flash drive with my MRI scans on them and I've had some success using 3d slicer to segment out body parts for game assets and I've wondered about teeth for a long time. good luck on your project anon.
No idea, but for the incremental changes, I'd just use a shapekey.
Take your original scan, and add a shapekey, set it to the final shape, and then just move the slider for your incremental changes and print those. You could go as slow as you want. Fuck, you could increment by roughly 0.003 percent (it's a 0-1 scale), print 365 of them and have one for every day.
For incremental changes is there any sculpting tool that would preserve volume? Otherwise I feel like that part could really fuck your teeth up if you aren't careful OP
>how did you get a 3d scan of your teeth?
i paid my dentist 50$ to scan my teeth
that is useful. i've read some orthodontics literature and there are rates for how much you can move a tooth in an amount of time. shapekey is pretty much the thing i'd want to use to do that. thanks.

this pic >>1007517
is from the guy i'm stealing the idea from, so he made it work with blender i guess. i'm going to sit down and learn it myself. i guess i'll report back if i figure it out. it seems reasonable that i could sort of cut out the teeth as individual units and translate them in 3D space.
>i paid my dentist 50$ to scan my teeth
what kind of scan do I ask for?

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it's over
fuck this timeline
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not even Zremesh is that good you dumbass
The question will always be if it's good enough. Sure, there will always be people who will pay top dollar for the best of the best, but to most people and companies, "good enough" will do because they are profit-oriented.
If you tell them that you can get a result that is only 80% as good as your regular 3d artist for cents and seconds, they will gobble it up.
I'm getting less and less surprised when I see a product on the market with AI art on it somewhere.
You can run hunyuan3D locally with no internet connection.
>locally with no internet connection.
>made by tencent
>github specifically mentions using an api
>only good for tiny ass props
Completely pointless. Call me when it can design, model, and texture an entire level

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Gott evenink todey wehr goren to törk aßaout ze Blender Reich addon

Jast keeding, todey wehr discussing Kryptowährung, wirtschaftlich und investment strategies.

I start by opening ze gas valve inside the box, and finish by watching them die.

Danke fur watching. Don't forget to subscribe, und leave your suggestions in the comments, und I will catch you, in the next video. :)
>returns after his stock channel flopped

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For a retard like me, that is. What do I need to do to beat my retardation and get good at it?
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this is retarded low poly slop with nothing remotely complicated in it, characters have 2 bones. you don't need to be a genius to pull this off.
but I'm retarded
this could've gone in the dumb question thread. Repent!
legally retarded third worlders living in favelas are currently making money on fiverr doing more complicated models than this. blender is retardedly easy to fit retards like you
They made 1 decent anime girl model, and the rest is trivially simple models. That's not even throwing shade, I'm pretty sure they would agree that there wasn't that much difficult 3d modelling in the production.

Got gifted a printer for xmas. Didn't ask for it but I'd feel really guilty if I didn't use it. What do I do?
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This is pretty much it. Maybe make shit for around the house >>>/diy/ style
I hate how the OP pic instantly made me think of laser loli
We've been here too long.
Just use actually biodegradable filament. Yes, it's more expensive, but at least you're not giving yourself full body cancer and neurological issues from plastic. And it doesn't make anywhere near as harmful or as much fumes.

If you want to keep a lasting copy of your model, just keep a copy of the data backed up.
The fine plastic debris and VOC will still be there when you remove the case, but there might be some benefit to reducing the circulation of the microplastics in air.
I have been thinking about using bipolar ionizers (they're getting really cheap) and MERV filters or maybe a mineral oil bubbler. It's a moot point because there's nothing I really want to print.

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Therefore, I do not charge for the assets that I make
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Go away faggot.
Surrounding yourself with beautiful things maximizes happiness and minimizes depression. Thus distributing good-looking assets into as many products as possible is a public service that benefits us all.
Gimmie a billion dollars first to get survival out of the way
Make me a free asset, I want a 10 inch ferret dildo to gift my favourite streamer maldavius figtree
Go away PooDeep. Fucking dalit.

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how do I use free camera on any unity game for upskirts?

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you can have your cake and eat it too. there are shaders which will mimic the movement of reflections and highlights.
also you can use a lit texture but give all the materials luminosity. so there are still rendered shadows and painted lighting together.
Did this use vroid studio?
Mita a cute!

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Are you supposed to sculpt or box model organic things like human characters and monsters?
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i just stack tubes and cylinders, then i can get in a a nice pose and then start pushing and pulling with a clay and smooth brush
Box modelling only *feels* slower initially. Because you're doing the work of retopology up front. Which front-loads the process with a lot of problem solving. Whereas sculpting makes the beginning process smoother, since you can turn your brain off, and just mush the geometry around.
However, as the box modeller comes to solve the geometry, the BACK half of the process is a lot easier, because they only need to sculpt their clean topology. And if they need more detail, they just Subdivide.

So it is more or less the same time commitment. Personally, I find box modelling to be better, since I prefer to get the hard part done first. And I also just enjoy solving topology like a puzzle. I don't like work where the tedious part is at the end. So retopology is really annoying to me. It reminds me of my 2D work. Where I did all the fun sketching first, and then I have to follow the fun part with the CHORE that is inking. I hate that.

But yeah, I think that it comes out to about the same amount of time. Once you understand the principles of topology.
I like box modelling and for me it's faster because I'm a shitty sculptor, so easier to get a good base mesh and really focus on that first level. But I think I'd be lying if I said retopologizing an already sculpted asset is harder than doing decent topology from scratch. I don't think the limitations of sculpting topology are quite as bad as they were when sculpting was introduced . The automatic retopo tools are better now. Not that they make for a good final mesh, but they can definitely accommodate a lot.

Basically I don't think the time is allotted equally just out of order the way you are saying.
I think it's more like
sculpt first flow:
>start with blob, sculpt to final result. 7 arbitrary time units
>retopo sculpt. 3 arbitrary time units

box model flow:
>box model a quality base mesh. 5 arbitrary time units
>sculpt. 5 arbitrary time units
>retopo sculpt. 1, or 2 arbitrary time units.

Yeah, some steps might be faster with a better base mesh, but I don't think it makes up for the added time - and I say that hypocritically as a person who does it.
and im the pne who countered that not only can you box model wrinkles in some cases it's easier
try every workflow that interests you and see which one you prefer
I prefer this for organic characters
>box model general shape

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I've completed my donuts. So what now?
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Now put them on the boobs!
That will give you more views
Now make a model of Garfield looming menacingly over them.
Now eat it
correct opinion, anvil is giga based
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what other objects should I do as a beginner?

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a thread to post your daily sculpts and sculpting in general
previous thread >>995861
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decided to throw in some colors for this cock

>nice, that sounds like a good challenge
yeah im learning a lot, it's great practice

>very hot
sir that is a cat
Is this snoop dogg lol?
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heres my latest sculpt, im still learning and its taken forever
image limit reached, new thread at >>1007862

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Open weights AI generated text-to-3D and image-to-3D
also supports hybrid inputs (give it an image and text)

Try free online, no account needed:

download models for free:
*also includes a separate model called "Paint" for creating and texturing UV maps from a mesh input
*The output mesh is a trimesh object, which you could save to glb/obj (or other file format).
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Last one.
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If there were multiple image support, there could be more potential than a singular image.
>maybe animators in 10 years. Modeller and even rigger positions will be among the first
It's literally the opposite imo. Modelers will be the last to go as the need for high quality clean meshes will not go down. Animation and texturing will be the first to go, because it's the easier to replicate
It's a subpar blockout, and if this seems useful to you, you're not making anything worthwhile from the mesh you're getting. But once you get to that point that it's better than nothing - and you'll get to that point and easier quicker without it - it's not useful. So, why use it?

You can see it here pretty clearly >>1006344, all of the shapes are wrong, even if you can appreciate that an attempt was made, so why not make the attempt yourself a few dozen times, and quickly learn to be better than it?

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How do I make and animate 3D models for a game? Preferrably with an anime-ish art style and that whole "stepped animation" shindig (i.e, what ASW does with dragon ball fighterz)
I'd look in the pinned FAQ, but half of the links are missing and half of the images won't load.
how do you do it? extrude faces, slice edges, and move vertices. everything else is a tool that does that for you.
you want loke good advice?
if youre an absolute brand new newb and cant even scroll the view port yet you have to do the basics tutorials and it will be awhile before you can make a character and a long while before you can make a character thats good.
There's already a thread that covers this: >>993798
It's a lot more work than you probably think.

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Not bait

But what's the point of learning 3D? Like what can you realistically do if you get good at it?

Can the average person make a living out of this, or is it like 2D art where 99% don't even have a job prospect
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holy cringe nigga shut the fuck up. you take a perfectly fine message and kill it with your retarded delivery. go outside, now.
>why learn a skill used in 95% of multimedia projects
get raped to death
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3D is a very a ample topic and even kinda vague in the way you've mentioned.

>But what's the point of learning 3D?
it's fun. it's all about bringing a whole new layer of interactivity to otherwise static reference. and it's really useful in real life too, but that's a very broad topic to cover.

>Like what can you realistically do if you get good at it?
get a job in a studio. if you're really good, you can get a job in a big studio.

>Can the average person make a living out of this, or is it like 2D art where 99% don't even have a job prospect
since you narrowed it down to the artistic sense, no. but that's art in general.
you can make some side bucks from commissions and patreon. most people do it so by doing animated smut. me personally, being very socially incompetent (it's all about making connections with other artists if you're willing to get into that) i chose to pick up making assets for games and mods, but i do it mostly out of passion, as an amateur hobby.
in the broader sense though, there are lots of average dudes making a living with it. most are engineers doing CAD work. they're the vast majority of people who work with 3D stuff as well.
>But what's the point of learning 3D?
I want to be able to observe things with my eyes that I could only perceive with my mind

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