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how do I use free camera on any unity game for upskirts?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVlbIkyUbMs [Embed]
Please have sex
offer your ass
Not OP but i am curious about how they did the artstyle render part of this game
painted lighting on unlit textures
>>1003525 (OP)
you can just look up it on sketchfab
Really huh? What about the shine on her hair/skirt?
also painted on
I could've sworn i saw it move based on camera position ingame.
you can have your cake and eat it too. there are shaders which will mimic the movement of reflections and highlights.
also you can use a lit texture but give all the materials luminosity. so there are still rendered shadows and painted lighting together.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb9z-vmc_NM [Embed]
Did this use vroid studio?
>>1003525 (OP)
Mita a cute!
>>1003525 (OP)

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