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Is follygon's Modmesh shit worth it? I like the way his stuff looks, and I would love to buy the mastery course thing, but its over a hundred dollars when its not on sale, and I'd like to get some kind of review before I drop that kind of money on some base meshes and videos.
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oftopic but
dont you just love how those types moaned and cried about black representation in animation and now that that movement has seized power and progressing their agenda. What we get a feminine sissy boys of all of their favorite browns.
>Here you go guys you're FINALLY the main character! As a gay.
I'm trying to learn how to be a better sculptor, so maybe I should just watch his paid courses. Its tough work though; nothing I make ever looks right IMO.
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>What we get a feminine sissy boys of all of their favorite browns.
They're too afraid of making a black character that's a stereotype. Except for the ones that do make black characters that end up stereotypical. Like black deadshot in that Suicide Squad abomination.
Braindead /pol/niggers shitting up another thread
>What we get a feminine sissy boys of all of their favorite browns.
Well, I managed to find a download for the base Modmesh heads for free, and they do look pretty nice. I just might sink hundreds of dollars for Folly's stuff if all the quality is like this.

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When learning to creating models, is it better to learn the typical fundamentals first then shift to learning about low poly or should I just start with learning low poly first? I intend to mainly do low poly first or at least PS2 level of poly and i'm not sure if, for whatever reason, learning normal high poly modeling could be detrimental or waste my time instead of just skipping over to low poly stuff.
learn what you want to make, 3d is a wide field
The definition of Low-poly is context dependent. First, the default state of every model is low poly and good topology practice dictates that polygons are added, incrementally, only as needed until the model is complete. Second, low-poly is an art form that is minimalist representation of objects, but to do this well requires a solid understanding of topology. So rather than thinking in terms of hi/low-poly, think instead about optimum topology.
speaking from experience, I fell for the blender donut meme and felt pretty overwhelmed halfway through since I had little chance to understand why I was doing what I was doing. it was 95% just trying to copy exactly what he did without knowing why, throwing me right into the deep end before I even knew how to make something as simple as a table
after that I went to low poly and found it far easier and more enjoyable, especially so since that's what I wanted to do in the first place
anyway, most of it is just finding a teacher you like that's actually decent, plus searching up how to do things when you run into a wall. you might prefer to pay for a course if you want a guided learning experience though, since doing the random youtube tutorial method can create some gaps in your knowledge
I think Grant Abbitt and Imphenzia are particularly good teachers. just stick with it and you'll get there eventually, start simple and work your way up

Think about it anon. Legacy videogame graphics that is so lowpoly you can count the surfaces is the art of representing something you can't capture
using the limited poly budget as well as you would want so you the artist have to sacrifice all but the most important detail to get it to look as good as you want.

Making stellar lowpoly art hinges on you being a good enough artist to make the thing you want to depict as it would actually look if
you where unrestricted by polycount and then simplify it to what is possible within your limitations.

It's not some 'easy to do' artform you practice because 'real art' is jsut too hard. The people who in the era that kind of hrapic is from
made the low poly assets for games was tip of the spear art talent that could continue to work on more elaborate graphics as
hardware restrictions became less of a factor, they where not some dabbling yahoos like the ones who flock to retro-graphics today.

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good morning sirs
sirs please can you rate please
made from sir blender guru turoiral
please rate mistakes or what can I improve
thank you sirs
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We are in /donut/ now old man, the future is now
why do you sneedthe in every thread on /3/?
Its fun.

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>*breaks nonphotorealstic rendering*
>uhhhhh hey can you guys fix this, we're stuck on Blender 3.0
>it's just one guy
>he broke it on purpose and refuses to fix it because of his "vision" for Eevee, a realtime engine that runs at 2 fps
I'm starting to understand the criticism against Blender.
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Don’t, it’s a scam. If you can’t understand it without tools then you’re not going to understand it with tools. Yes you have a brush, everyone can buy one but real artists knows that brushes aren’t the answer to the problem.
Low fidelity slop I bet
No he's not wrong, for those in the know it was preferable for instance to create your own sort of volumetric rendering engine within cycles for certain task because the stock shader nodes were just terribly inefficient.
I mean if you have an in-depth understanding of programming and arithmetic then I don't see why not if it helps you.
>Low fidelity slop I bet
what does this buzzword mean
Sorry to break it to you but... ngmi

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Been thinking of buying a 3D printer and open a 3D print shop.

Anyone knows if that shit is profitable?
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If you have to ask for a quote, it's not affordable.
It tells you the rough price right on the site. About the quote that's not applicable, if OP supposedly wants to make a business out if it that's to be expected.
B2B transactions just happen that way, which means you can haggle btw.
if he's asking here he's not taking out a business loan to spend $15k on an SLS printer.
> Power to run your machine overnight is over $100

this has to be a troll or a child
not op here, about to start 3d printing myself and i just wanna print high quality minis for myself. anyone know where i can find some stl files at a heavily discounted rate?

so imagine that i got good at 3d modeling, how do i realistically make money? is porn the fastest and easy route? how do you build a fanbase or do you make videos for pornhub and cash on views?

i dont want to work in a studio or with other people, want to fly solo here
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there's always a market for porn there's nothing to be afraid of
even if the internet became 80% ai generated porn its not like people aren't going to want whatever you're offering too if its good
>he makes massive futa cocks
Don't they all
I'd say to be self-determined, and solve each problem as it comes. For a start, please, the world have enough disgusting fat pigs for me to have more on the art I consume. Start by pursuing some svelte standard of beauty instead of this yo momma so fat insert.

Good luck either way. Come back in the future and tell us what you achieved.
you would probably have to release a ton of free stuff in order to build a name for yourself then go on to create a patreon where you would get even fewer paying people because why when you're already free?
Does anyone know what happened to rule34video dot com? It's been down for a week now

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I keep seeing you guys begging for jobs and having software wars but when was the last time you actually had fun with 3D artwork?
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are you the insane fortnite render guy?
You can't just leave this here without spilling some beans
If u are a man, yes.
Spill the beans.
Not him but staring at realistic stuff all day makes replicating it so boring, why not have fun with the world instead of just trying to recreate it.

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How do you make this look better? It’s going for a “promotional 90s 3D render for N64 game” aesthetic
anything that should be tweaked
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show more detail with geometry. Marios's lips are modeled, indentation around his eyes, the flaps on his overalls, his ear has a cavern.
IMO the cheek circles are too proud. It looks like I could get my fingernails under them and peel them off.
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i agree with >>990268 except for the sclera part since it could be a stylization choice. also want to add that the star cutouts on the dress look wack to me. like its separating the dress on the edge, and the star on her chest in both versions i think might be clipping into the dress. theres a black cluster of pixels in the center. also the knees almost look like they're on her shins, i would move them up
IMO: move knees up, make waist wider, make the black lighter, and make star on chest smaller
Aaaaaaaand we out

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He taught me Blender when no one else would.
Doughnuts, anvils, chairs, you name it.
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Nope unless you’re dumb enough to install real adobe software and allow them to access your computer without permission.
>Nope unless you’re dumb enough to install real adobe software and allow them to access your computer without permission.
Good, time to pirate substance painter!
It’s common practice to block connections in case Adobe did something to trigger traps. https://www.laptopmag.com/articles/block-windows-10-programs-connecting-to-internet
Sounds like excuses to me
>This guy's videos is like having a friend show you how to use blender.
And the irony is he's literally your enemy.

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I want to design a 3d model of an office chair, down to scaled dimensions and moveable parts to demonstrate how it would operate. I have zero /3d/ experience so what's an friendly entry-level way to go about this? I don't mind it being low poly
picunrel just a steelcase chair
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Because product rendering is not a video game. Optimization doesn't matter that much.

Le yes.
this one makes sense to me because it's all bendy. The last one I saw some straight areas covered in loops and I didn't see why that would be, even with subdivisions.
Nice chairs, anyway.
Those 'straight areas' fall into the subd solver and yes they generate unnecessary geometry but actually cleaning up those areas takes more work that its worth so yeah.

>Nice chairs, anyway.
Just tell me if you want to toalk about chairs more. Chairs are life I have chairs in my blood. AHHHH.
whats your platonic ideal chair?
wireframes of subdivided models are smoke and mirrors that always look more impressive than if the same divided model was overlaid with its base wireframe

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Do you actually know how to use photo textures dude?
Just make your own.
Do you?
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Might be barking up the wrong tree, but I lost a shit ton of textures and stuff recently. I've for the most part gotten a hold of most of what I need, save for this one.
One of you guys don't happen to have it, do you? Or a link to an archive of shit from the site? CGPeers doesn't seem to have anything.
I can offer up a torrent link to something on CGP as payment if you're not on there.

I know it's a simple as fuck texture to just make, but I'd rather just get it and have the shit that use it already in projects to just work without figuring out what shit is missing it.

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>What a good time
yeah if you had 10 grand to spare
oh and the third reason is because i'm gay
I would be more impressed if people managed to copy the old blizzard style, but with modern improvements.
'zzard style
everything about this era of CG is hand tweaked from shot to shot
modern renderers are so obsessed with physical realism they're limiting

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What are /3/'s thoughts on this new GLITCH animation?

Personally, this is some of the most creative modeling and animation I've seen in years

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How do you animate characters like Jax?

He has an inner and outer layer that is round, and the outer layer just bends arounds to reveal his eyes and mouth.

If they move the topology manually the depth would get distorted. If they use Difference Modifier the angles of the cutout would be all wrong.
Not hard to do, the 2 methods are sculpting with blendshapes or an illusion and his entire face is not real but digitally rendered. I have to pick the blendshape method because it’s way easier.
That doesn't really answer the question of how the blendershape is so perfectly distorted
I think you missed understand how things like Ncloth and how things are connected. There’s nothing stopping the artist from doing both Ncloth and blendshapes. Make professionals use such methods to convey body language that a normal human skin could not do. This is completely different from the tricky thing with the camera and scale sized body. I would like to explain more into detail but that would be writing an essay on it. Just find it on the internet, it should exist within professional circles.

If I'm serious about animation and modeling should I get a Wacom Cintiq or other similar tablet?

Right now I do everything with just my mouse. Is a tablet something mandatory or optional? Does it provide a significant improvement to workflow? And do I need a tablet like a Wacom if I want to work professionally or would something like an artist 15.6 pro work?

I have the money, I just want to know if I need this or if it will help substantially in my career.
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First draw on paper to make sure you won't get tired of it after you put in some effort.
Cintiq could be a waste of money
I feel like screen tablets are useless unless you can afford one big enough to make the UI not teeny tiny. And even then you have to adjust to your cursor floating around like a bubble level which would drive me crazy. Just get a cheap regular Wacom tablet.
Been using an 18cm screenless tab for 5 years that I bought a decade ago, it's all you need going off of how far my skills have come, but I can't make the comparison
I want to model but also want to handpaint textures... What do?
Pen displays have the advantage of drawing directly on the screen, but your hand might get in the way a lot. Pen tablets on the other hand seemingly need to be a size as close to your screen as possible, so probably L in a lot of cases, but idk if they're well suited for texture painting as opposed to a display.
So I think the choice is probably between Cintiq Pro 16 and Intuos Pro L
>animation and modeling
tablet is useless for those. tablet is only useful whenever you need pressure, so texturing and sculpting. you don't need a fucking tablet for moving around keys on a timeline

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Ideally quite simple in terms of design, I'm looking for inspiration.
These robots are simple and can easily be custom designed.

Tales games have a set of skeletons that are reused between dozens of monsters. Some skeletons have feature parts that aren't used in some monsters, for example the rabtor here doesn't use the head bones of the generic raptor/hawk skeleton. With this setup the games have "unique" enemies for every location with only a handful of skeletons and animations.
And then you got the Monster Hunter games taking this to the extreme.

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