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What is this style cals4led?
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psx low poly, or if you're a westerner doing it in 2025, transexual
Cel-shaded low poly.
die cris
brain rot
skibidi rizz sigma fr fr fr so true my lowpoly anime characters be BUSSIN no cap

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it's over
fuck this timeline
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not even Zremesh is that good you dumbass
The question will always be if it's good enough. Sure, there will always be people who will pay top dollar for the best of the best, but to most people and companies, "good enough" will do because they are profit-oriented.
If you tell them that you can get a result that is only 80% as good as your regular 3d artist for cents and seconds, they will gobble it up.
I'm getting less and less surprised when I see a product on the market with AI art on it somewhere.
You can run hunyuan3D locally with no internet connection.
>locally with no internet connection.
>made by tencent
>github specifically mentions using an api

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Will it be more lucrative to try and make indie 3D animations, Make indie Games, or just make models. It kind of seems like animation isn't very prophetable.
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I'd recommend you get a regular job while you work on your 3D skills
That talentless nyakumi is making 10k/month with his retarded shit. Fag can't be bothered to fix the hair uv and get 10k
but where can you sell porn?
Subscription based paywall

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do i have to take cosmetology classes or something? because no matter what technique or workflow i try, nothing seems to "click" for me. curves, particle/hair curves, even vertex modeling. nothing.
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nta but you try looking on VGresource for a specific game. also open3Dlab
a) with this black base shader even zzz models look like retard work
b) you havnt any talent so spend 2 hours more on it

To extract models from the unreal engine, use the UE Viewer: https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel

Download the game, install it, and then use this program by selecting where the game was installed. Then just look for where the models are and export as gltf2.

You will need the AES key to extract the models, and you can find the game key in this topic: https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=100672

Set the unreal engine version the game was made in if any error occurs when loading.

I used this method to extract the models from Starlight Season.
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thanks anon. its not perfect and still needs tweaks but its better than my first attempt.
b) was also helpful
Could you show me her boobs?

I'm very broke, a monthly indie license costs more than I earn in a year of work.
It is really possible to use these cracked programs without getting infected by billions of viruses. I heard that Indians only use cracked 3ds max. How do I get this cracked program without getting my PC hacked?
Lern2Blender like the rest of us poorfags.
Have you tried, I dunno.... getting a job?
Unless you're an animator (Maya) or archviz artist (God help you Pedro), Blender probably has all the features you need and more.

What is it you want out of Maya/Max, specifically?
If you can't into piracy go learn blender. You are setting up barriers to learning and are having a bad start already.
Why not just use Blender?

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Painting with stencils allows you to use textures generated by an algorithm to quickly photobash your models.

Here, a tutorial will be shown on how to do this from the basics.
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the image macro sequence is the premiere tutorial format. Make it a single continuous vertical image, and it's perfect.
>takes OP three days
Okay retard.
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Only someone with their head firmly lodged in their own ass would fail to grasp that explaining a technique takes longer than using it. But I admire your dedication to being publicly wrong
>writing a couple of lines on an image is hard work guys
Who the hell said it was hard work you imbecile? You can't even grasp the difference between something tedious and difficult.
How dare I spend time on something meticulous without your approval?

Is this still worth learning? It seems AI is coming for them too. I heard 3Ding stuff is super complicated and even veterans don't know all there is to know in Blender. What to do, I will hate to learn it just for AI do better stuff with a button click. I already saw a Blendie cry about a site doing one click 3D models.
how do you even come up with bait that bad?

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First attempt at rigging my first character...it's NOT looking good bros
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did a few more poses today, i am happy with this desu
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hmm maybe i should make some background
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I use rigify, to lazy to suffer that entire process

What is the most realistic game with MSAA graphics? Is it even possible?
holy fucking sperg
Op's obv confused about a lot of things but I'll answer 'the spirit of the question' so this thread don't go completely to waste:

For older rendertech; A well crafted scene with baked ligthning can look arbitrarily realistic as you're essentially looking at a draped photograph.
There are examples of PS2 era games like the photomode in Gran Turismo 4 that starts to approach photorealism even on that old hardware.
Mirror's Edge is another example of how well 'baked light' still holds up as it still looks better than many current era games.

The pre-production is a lot heavier and the result is more static and non-usable but in principle if it's narrowly defined
very high levels of photorealism in realtime graphics have been possible to pull off from shader model 3 and onwards (driectX 9, ~2004).
Lighting would need to be done thru ambient cubemaps or spherical panorama using image based lighting aka IBL.

If you could travel back in time and rewrite the code for 'shader model 3' era shaders to use some current day PBR concepts you could've made a
PBR-esque realtime shader that functioned on mid 2000's hardware that would look a lot better than anything that was featured in games at the time.
so basically, the most realistic MSAA game came out in 2004?
Half-Life Alyx

Cheap AA looks bad on VR headsets if base resolution is not crazy
No it’s not realistic close enough, you can’t even make fire with realistic sources.

When doing lowres pixelart texture for lowpoly model, depending on UVs and seems some lines are perfect while others are choppy and pixelated. How would you make this more consistent? Any suggestions what are the most wrong things here and how to make it better while still maintaining thicc-pixel-lowpoly style? I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when in comes to lowpoly character modelling and texturing so even entrylevel tips are welcome.
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Nice. Polycount?
This is something i made a few months ago as my first low poly character with a texture.
How would I add shading to the texture image like >>1000620 so its not so flat?
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I should contribute my thing as well I guess
I think this looks fantastic
Reminds me of my first character model ever. I went low poly with a tiny texture because I thought it'd be easier. Boy was I wrong. I still can't low poly to save my life, something between 2K to 5K tris is where I'm comfortable.

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - HO HO HO Edition

Brothers, the end of the year is nigh, may 2024 have been a productive year for you, and if not, may 2025 be the one. Amen!
Now please do go ahead and post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here, cheers friends.

Previous thread: >>998180
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Praise gets old very fast
Never, I'd kill for praise
when its unearned
pretty cute face anon, keep going!
New >>1006887

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so, in blender, i’m making a rig for a very athletic character. i’m making an animation where he bobs up and down, planting himself with the balls of his feet rather than his heels. my rigs’ legs normally have very standard inverse IK with “inherit rotation” disabled on the foot bone. this works in most cases but, obviously in this case, does not. how should i go about this task of shifting weight from heels to balls?
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You mean to say toes not balls, you cannot move the important bone muscle in your foot. OMG why did you call it ball when you should know the Ankle in elementary school.
The ball of the foot is not the ankle, it's the padded area that support your foot when you lift your heel of the ground.
Which is commonly refereed to as "stand on the balls of your feet"

Most riggers use the term 'ball' when referring to the joint that bends all the toes, as it does when someone wears shoes
or when the toe joints are simplified to a single joint as they typically are even for barefoot depictions.

So if you name your major bones per joint it'll usually be 'hip - knee - ankle - ball'
and if you named them by the distance the bone spans it'd be 'thigh - calf - foot - toe'
No one call it “balls”, you’re the first person to refer the heel as “balls”. No one calls it that because they always get reminded of the story of Achilles who got shot in the heel and died.
When are you going to finally fuck off?

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working in Blender when suddenly....
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Samn that musta taken alot of work.
Too bad anime girls are fucking gay, lmao
Kudso tho
to me it was this creation of his that really impresses me
Stop posting nazi websites when it’s banned in many countries.
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Is Mac good for 3d now, or is pc a requirement? I have a pc, but it is aging and I want to know if I should just buy the best mac I can get instead of manually having to build a pc, install drivers, pray to the microsoft gods, etc.
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The reason I use mac os is because of how easy it is to use and how stable it is and its ecosystem. Linux and windows are the opposite of that. I used to use android for example for phone. Boy was it horrible and i came to realize that when I moved to iphone.
And by mac os, I mean iphone os. I have an ipad, but I dont think I can run blender on it. This is why I am considering a real desktop mac.
Anyone can answer this?
Without biases? No, only you can answer yourself, but maybe try /g/
Mac can run everything you need. Mari needs an intel chip and is only limited to 4.7 but that's about I think. Mari 4.7 is more than enough.
t. some googling

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They made bloom a bit less easy to access because it became the telltale sign Blender was used and most importantly because every SFM quality level porn was using copious amounts of it. It became the HDR or pissfilter meme of 3d porn.
this and idiotic camera movements with motion blur on full tilt to the point where you can't even make the fuck out WHAT you're actually seeing on screen because of all the smeared motion blur
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im not as angry at the checkbox removal as i am angry about the settings
I liked having the ability to tweak them so that shit does not actually get smeared and also to help set the scene with stuff like color. O used that regularly, and they just removed it because ????.
I tried recreating the settings with the compositor but the effect of it is still lacking compared to 4.1, not to mention that the viewport compositor bloom scales the bloom value based on your window size, caking the preview in it even if the render is looking alright.
It made sense that they removed it because bloom belongs in post-processing, meaning in the compositor
But you don't have to like it

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