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But I can use Blender somewhat, so I just make models from schematics
I was also thinking of remaking art by actually creative and artistic people in 3D, or replicating video game scenes.
Anyone else like this?
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What's wrong with Blender?
He is right thoughever
The best way to be "creative" is to literally not focus on it at all. Go outside, go for a drive, a hike, have some kind of experience, watch a movie or show, play a game. Do literally anything else besides art. Keeping your mind fresh and open to new experiences is how you can get creative juices flowing.
Now when I say that, I don't mean procrastinate and consoom media, I really do mean opening up your mind and taking in the sights and sounds, enjoying things in the moment. Shit like that really does wonders.

If all else fails, just do drugs and center your entire life around them like all the "dude weed" people.
I find drugs to be kinda gay (because of people who base their whole personality on them), but I'd be lying if I said it doesn't work for some people. Kinda makes "being creative" a bit expensive though, I'll bet.
If you want to be creative study art that you find creative, look at a lot of artworks, expand your visual library, study history or other subjects close to what you aim to design, draw from various inspirations, creativity is a skill that can be developed, it will take time to go from uninspired works, to inspired, to original
Actual dogshit advice
Replicating things that already exist (from reference) is extremely common and has been for thousands of years. Everyone does it and you should too. Make shit that you enjoy or enjoy the process of making.

If you want to be more creative try stepping out of your comfort zone more. Experiment and remix when making things. You will fuck up, but think critically about it and you can learn. If depression is getting in the way get some exercise and sunlight.

What projects have you been working on lately?

Unreal Engine 5.1 new features video:

Building Unreal Engine from source:

Learn Unreal Engine:


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I want to learn Unreal but I don't know which version to use, UE5 seems to have a lot of stuff that I don't want to use for my game (lumen etc) and I've heard it's not as good as UE4, but at the same time I think about the bugs fixes, other new features, improved U.I that could be useful in the future and also the fact that maybe it'll be viable to make optimized games one day
Go with the latest UE5 and disable features you don't want. A lot is still in beta and questionable to use but just try them out and use the older stuff if it works better. Optimization will mostly be on your skills.
I saw now with 5.4 they have some sort of LOD version of the skeletal mesh to use for the realtime cloth physics.
I bet they can rework that system for fluids.
what about lyra?
you're shooting yourself in the foot by using anything other than the latest UE5 release

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>try to search for tutorials on modeling
>everything is a fucking youtube tutorial
Why are modellers so fucking ADHD brainrotted? Is there really no text resources for non retarded humans to study?
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The tutorials were inside you all along. Art was not meant to be written, only expressions.
Transcribe the tutorials into text. It's like taking notes, allows you to sink in the information better.
Tutorials are for the technical aspects of making art, not learning to make art.
Yep yep, sharing also helps since you have to reformat what you learned into your own words.
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it."
I always preferred text to video tutorials. but so much goes on in modeling and a lot of it needs to be shown that it makes it easier to do that in a video format.
The only bad ones are Andrew with his 30 part series in 45 minute chunks. Really it should be one 10-15 minute video. Also obviously the beginner ones because they cover things you already know.
You sound extremely 110 IQ.

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/Questions Bread/. Post your 3dcg questions here and hope for good answers. Lets'a go
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I forgot a crucial bit of info.
On the main menu bar.
Display>Heads Up Display>Poly Count
Yep, that a bit similar. They have a nice channel.
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Think this an improvement, but I doubt if I it's usable, mesh is no are no longer symmetric because I decimated it.
any texture painting software that lets me paint across materials? thinking specifically for getting rid of texture seams between the neck and body when doing "headhacks".

i use blender for the modelling but as far as i know it doesnt do painting across materials
Is there any option to stop a new added object from going into the last selected collection? It's not a problem usually but if you have a few collections that you're flicking between then it becomes a chore to have to narrow it down and remove it from the collection.

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Don't mind me
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I am going to mind you...
You have been mound.
Need to see her on a skateboard doing a sick ass grind down a stair set.
*hides thread*
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Thanks, Anons!

Animating is hard.
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You're a real one. Thanks.

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Another blog post of a guy hoping to make it.
for reference i never complete any projects cause I'm lazy and I lack discipline, also because I have a day job.
Let's see if I can finish this time, goal is to finish a base mesh with game res and textures, as well as eyes and hair cards.
Also, please feel free to destroy me, I value your opinions.
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maybe not there yet, I'll do a couple more.
I'm gonna do 2 hairstyles and then clean them up, this one still has some clipping and what not.
previous was good, but cut was too high, you didnt think on where the hair line starts

armpits corner is still too high, big problem since early wips
Yeah definitely cut looks too high, thank you for pointing that out, I know the model still has issues though I think they're minor, save for the armpits. I'll be fixing them to the best of my ability.
Incredibly based.

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am i gonna make it?
ITT: post animations you did with blender, anything is welcome
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>do you often do car animations like this
The drifting? Nah, not too often. That project was kind of a whimsy thing because the dude that commissioned a previous, similar, project didn't want his Jeep drifting ( >>977004 ), but I really wanted to animate some cool drifting. So I made a new animation with what I wanted to do originally.
Do I often do animations with cars? Yeah, that tends to be a running theme. Not so much because I'm super into cars, I just kinda fell into it after, I did some anims for fun, a few people commissioned stuff for themselves and suddenly it became a "thing" that I do. I don't mind it though, cars are fun to animate, and not too many subjects let you make an animation that covers large distances and stuff.

>i find the drifting reminiscent of that drifting mobile game fr legends
I don't play mobile games, so I can't say that was any kind of inspiration. I don't even play racing games all that often any more since they're kinda boring to me these days. They're all kinda the same, and don't do enough to separate themselves from each other.
That being said, I think I was inspired a bit by the Dirt Rally games in terms of the subject matter, but as stupid as it sounds the drifting was inspired straight up by Mario Kart. The way it chains together, the unrealistic speed taking the drifts, even down to the little "hop" that I have the car do before it drifts.
Hey, I'm not sure if I'm in the right place on this board but I'm looking for someone who can animate simple shapes rising and falling away. Is there open commissions here? I've been on fiverr but everyone is offering services for logos and shit when I just need a simple animation showing what I need these shapes to do.
more details pls
Just whatever you do don't ever learn what quaternions actually are or how they work. If someone mentions Clifford Algebras run for the hills
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>I'm looking for someone who can animate simple shapes rising and falling away
you. unironically. You could figure out how to do this in less time than any one person will even respond to an email.

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itt we post /3/ stuff that makes you go "huh."
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I'm not making a skull, it's a face
>I wish this shit worked with stylized heads and topo.
Oh it absolutely does.
It's purpose though is to make retopo faster for similar models. So if you're doing a ton of normal human faces you only need one finished good topology head.
If you make dog heads or something, just have 1 good topo dog head and you can do the same again.
If you always for some reason do completely different models each time then yeah, it wouldn't be of any help in your case
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here ya go guys
That's not as strange as I expected. It's still weird but I can see the appeal. I might try it soon.

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Hello, ive been working on game on my free time doing models, animations and levels, problem is im not able to find a programmer for this to work with revenue share. Yes i know its hard to find people to spend time in an unpaid project and yes i know my models aren't AAA but in my opinion they look decent.
I have been looking for programmers on reddit and most of the time the just end up quitting after a while
Basic game loop is similar to Deep rock galactic and Lethal company, pretty easy to work with them and popular Hiring one is impossible for me now.
Should i keep working on it and then try to find someone? is it even worth working on it ??

Some images: https://imgur.com/a/siqaPl6

sorry for bad English
thanks in advance
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Cris does that all the time.
eyo sorry for he late replies
there are propably somewhere to 12 unique ones and the rest of the itemes are resources, craftable etc.. these are a bunch 20+ maybe

Thanks but that would be impossible for the limited time i get
So what i did was creat an "Item" class that held all the data every item would have. For me that was a name, value, weight, and an icon. Then particular items like crafting materials, clothing, consumables, etc had their own classes descended from the item class. All of the items were held in arrays held in a globally accessible object.
The actual player inventory is arrays of a class that just holds 2 integers. One int is the index for the item and the other was the quantity of that item the player posessed.
incase you're super duper newb.

You know how when you make variables in unity they pop up in the inspector?
like yout type:
>public int money = 0;
and in the inspector on that component now there's a little number box called "Money". You can make your own thingies to put in that list. They're called "Classes"
So if you make a new c# script in unity it automatically types a bunch of shit. Up near the top there's like
>public class MyScriptName : MonoBehavior {
the "MonoBehavior" is another class which your script is <inheriting> from. So your new class has all the special properties of a monobehavior automatically. And if anyone needs to talk to a monobehavior they know how to talk to your new script.
What you can do is replace "monobehavior" with "System.Object"
"System" is a box of special objects that belong to the operating system. The unsexiest most generic things. The "Object" class is the most generic type there is. So when your class inherits from the object class you're making a brand new thing defined by you.
One extra thing is to add a little market that let's unity know this is the kind of thing we want to show up in the inspector, right before the class definition.
So try this out (remember to delete the update and start functions)
>[System.Serializable] //this lets unity know to print it out in the inspector

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this eclipse bussin fr fr

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Is it possible to sculpt ths in Blender? Why or why not?
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You're completely right, but I've learned how to use it now, so I don't care.
stockholm syndrome
It would be practical to start off in Blender and add the final details in Zbrush.
why would that be practical?
It sounds like I was advocating that as a superior workflow, but the point was that you should at the very least use ZBrush for the finder details, because it can handle higher polycounts and it has sculpting layers. My suggestion assumes that OP wants to use Blender to sculpt it, most likely due to being accustomed to it.

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tutorial GOAT. bob ross of 3D

so many of these tutorial people are unpleasant to listen to. having a nice voice is more important than indepth autistic knowledge, especially at the beginning stages when most of the information is variations of the same shit.
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i feel bad for this guy. for all the hype this film got, only 80k views in 9 days is an objective failure, especially for his channel size and for how much shilling this film has had from other creators like grant, p2design, smeaf, etc. honestly it's kinda boring and slow paced and seems to be targeted to kids. which is weird coming from a guy who's made jiggle physics tutorials, something tells me his audience isn't in grade school. but at least he accomplished something, unlike me kek
I wish Adobe didn't lock my pirated Photoshop copy. the things I would do to this motherfucker's smile...
Buy Affinity before it becomes subscription based. It works just like Photoshop including the plugins. The same money you spend on Photoshop can be spent to save 10000000% more on Affinity.
yeah I was thinking that but I keep putting it off because I'm too lazy to learn new UI.. but buying it just in case it becomes subscription only isn't a bad idea
I think it was simply underwhelming. You hear about this magnum opus film five-plus years in the making, and it's... blob shapes that aren't even rigged. Disappointing.

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>Pirate Maya3D
>Search "How to do [ ] in Maya3D
>90% of tutorials are how to do it in Blender

WTF? I thought the shit posting on /3 was a joke. Blender has taken over.

Best I could find is Mike Hermes and Academic Phoenix Plus, but there are a load of special effects they don't cover.
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just use "how to * in maya, -blender " it removes anything that has blender in the title , blender cucks exploit youtube Search Engine Optimization for even get into other software searches
It’s a very rare used tool for mash and doesn’t exactly have a name. Seeing the video will explain more.
I don't exactly know what MASH is supposed to be (some auto generator for those pillars? "music bars"?), but you can definitely drive things with audio in Blender.
You simply bake the sound to an F-Curve. And use that to drive whatever you need. It won't automatically make a bunch of synced pillars, but there's ways you can do that that aren't very hard.
Speaking from personal experience, it's a bit shit to use a full song as the driver for animated elements in any software. Simply because you're using the entire thing and just amounts to visual noise. You don't really get any kind of separation between different instruments. It's much more interesting if you have individual tracks to drive things separately.
But at this point I think I'm going a bit off topic.
i didnt read your guys' conversation but MASH is just one of the available built in add-ons that you can turn on in Maya with useful features for dynamics with better performance and instancing geometry in interesting ways that can stack like modifiers. its really easy to make the sort of junk that would be projected on a big screen while music is playing at a show or shit like that.
Ah then yeah, I can't say other software has anything like that. At least as far as making something super fast that'd run at a show.
Geo Nodes maybe if you keep shit simple, or the extinct Blender Game Engine, but maybe I'm still kind of misinterpreting what it's for.
Still it sounds pretty neat.

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i want to rip the Transformers models off the chinese PUBG mobile, is there a way to get them? tried asset ripper and ninja ripper but neither worked
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tried both, didnt work
anyone else?
Just eyeball it. It's over

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - Impostor Collage Anon Edition

Hey degenerates OP here, I made this here collage to honor the OG. All hail collage-kun, he's the best of us.
Anyway post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>972982

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB (embed)
/3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/gbYCEBPuK2
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Welcome to 4chan
/po/ and /tg/ can upload pdfs but /3/ can't upload gltf or obj
to be fair we also hit bump limit, only it takes ages for the thread to 404 here
I think /gd/ can upload PDF as well, SVG too (I think), but I can't remember if SVG is sitewide or not.
It'd be neat to upload models, but I can't see anyone that does the dev for 4chan taking the time to do that (and optionally a viewer) for this little board.
It's a shame we can't get like a plugin/script or something that embeds it+viewer via catbox. Like how on /h/ (/hdg/ specifically) with a greasemonkey script you can upload via catbox with a button next to the file, and the script automatically links it with generation info and stuff.

Not to mention they have hyuuuge image limits. It ain't fair, and there's no one to fix it. /3/ isn't dead, but we sure are the kids that go to class outside of the school in the little "annex" that's just a fucking trailer. /3/ is the trailer kids.
SVG isn't available anywhere. I would use /gd/ if it was, honestly.

>/3/ is the trailer kids
I don't see genuine counterculture anywhere else on the internet except on /3/ and /v/'s fanart/music/gamedev threads. If /3/ could upload gltf it would probably lead to a 3D forum renaissance.

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You there anon who works with UE4

How do i fix these blocky shadows? looks something with their resolution
i already tried those commands:
>r.Shadow.DistanceScale (seems to increase visibility but lowers overall resolution from closer pov)
>r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold (dont changes anything)

Its dynamic shadow using one point of lighting from the window.
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I simply live with the blocks
just enable ray tracingb ro
Depending on the glass the light goes through, it can look very much like your pic
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prolly this my guy. in cg you usually want the abolity to alter how drastically the shadows fade from sharp to soft like they do with real lights and the sun. 1.2 is the typicaly number that works beat for a directional light in maya to appear sun-like.
Suggests to not learn optimization

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