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How do 3D artists learn to do architecture like this?
What books read or what courses they take?
3D CG artist take architecture classes?
I thought that if i wanted to draw fantasy architecture like this, i should start studying real old architecture. I looked for some books on the subject but most pivot to the historical aspect rather than explain the elements of the buildings that are iconic of every era and every country and their functionality.

>"Hurrr just model arches and add bullshit"
>"Just search on google images for lots of references bro"
Both of these takes are retarded.
1. The style greatly deviates depending the building, so just by adding arches with bullshit i could end with a mix of styles, which won't look good.
2. While elegant, these are FUNCTIONAL designs, if look at the hallway image on bottom left, you can see the ceiling integrity is related to the design. Not only it looks pretty, there is a logic behind it.
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I was working on gothic dark fantasy stuff creating authentic styled medieval architecture. Project was canceled but pic related is my work.
I started by binge watching an ~18hour TTC course on medieval architecture by William R. Cook for research to get all the vocabulary down
and have a detailed walkthru and explanation of how these things are put together so I knew the name and function of anything I was looking at.

After taking notes having done that that it was real easy to google for references for any of the specifics i needed to capture the look.
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Those were most likely made in some 4-square program with a grid like this and then touched up by an environment artist, it's a 2 man job really.
I will tell you the answer as I might be one of the only professional environment artists on this board, whether you believe me or not is up to you.

This is 50% research, and 50% design knowledge.

Design comes first. You need to understand how to create hierarchy and contrast through varying up the elements of your work (shapes, sizes, proportions, textures, details). Everything is about ratios, you wanna have different ratios of things and avoid 50/50 so you can have a clear hierarchy when you view the thing. "First I see there's a lot of X, then a little Y, and a tiny bit of Z if I look really close." You don't wanna go overboard and schizo out with 9000 different elements either, pick a few things and reuse them throughout the design.

Look at Stormveil Castle. It has a mix of big, medium, and small towers. Most of the building is made of bricks, but there's also a gold trim present all throughout the design in smaller proportion. The brick is very minimalistic and flat, the gold trim is very noisy and ornate, with the same patterns (columns, arches, and spires) repeating throughout. Repeating these patterns rather than having 9000 different ones helps the design look like a coherent whole rather than the schizo mess mentioned above.

Now, the beautiful thing about good design principles is you can make designs out of anything. That's where research comes in. If you know the rules about combining visual elements in pleasing ratios, maintaining a hierarchy and working from big to small, you can pick anything for these elements as long as your picks mesh together well. So read up on your favorite architectural period, go look at some towers, arches and cornices, and treat them as building blocks to make your own designs with.
pretty good, yet, not perfect, but I'll cut them some slack because it's a videogame
>I started by binge watching an ~18hour TTC course on medieval architecture by William R. Cook for research to get all the vocabulary down
Might i ask for the name on said course? There is a lot of stuff by William R. Cook, but i am not sure what course you might be talking about.

>professional environment artists
>Design comes first. You need to understand how to create hierarchy and contrast through varying up the elements of your work (shapes, sizes, proportions, textures, details). Everything is about ratios, you wanna have different ratios of things and avoid 50/50 so you can have a clear hierarchy when you view the thing.
>"First I see there's a lot of X, then a little Y, and a tiny bit of Z if I look really close." You don't wanna go overboard and schizo out with 9000 different elements either, pick a few things and reuse them throughout the design.
Yup, this is solid advice.
Did you went to college to learn environment art/design or did you learn by research?

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The donut is under the dock, silly Anon.
You always start with that when modelling a horse. Always.
no, horses are too complicated
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I made a donkey and a plow for a scene.
Sophisticated behaviour

Would it be easy to make and render these kinds of vaporwave graphics on a MacBook Pro M1? I dont want to bother with expensive PCs and graphics cards and I also hate windows.
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Install POV-Ray
I’ve actually been really interested in this. I’ve downloaded for Mac but not sure how to install it on mac
I presume you've downloaded the source code or an ancient OS X binary that can't run on Apple Silicon. Here's the compiling instructions: https://github.com/POV-Ray/povray/blob/3.7-stable/unix/README.md
Though I'd suggest that you install it through MacPorts instead. https://ports.macports.org/port/povray/
Keep in mind it's a command line tool.
Can some one make a general to contain thses people
Sorry, only very few selected people can make threads.

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Post /3/ humor.
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this made me laugh
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I am forgotten.
>/3/ humor thread
but we have a Cris thread already >>988573

I want one of you to show me how to make low poly model like this. Please show me. Please, please. Please. I want someone to stream and show me. Please. Why the fuck do I have to learn on my own. Please show me.
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What's the lore on the white body paint and symbol
if you´re gonna have both shader lighting and painted shadows at least bother to have the same color
love it,
but plz fix the skin color
+ probs remove casted shadows on self, if your gonna draw shading in
The design of the t-shirt is a bit distracting and the make up on the face makes her look clownish

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It may still be used in mobile games or modern games, I'm not sure. But I'd be really curious to hear if there's a particular process to get this done in a fast enough way or if it's a matter of spending time on it.
Tips to make the actual texture fitting this would be appreciated too.
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Just, like, fucking do it.Turn on snapping or do stuff like scaling selection to 0 on one axis (select, s, x 0 on blender to align all selected UVs vertically) and there you go.

There's few enough vertices that it's totally manageable.
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Also, plenty of games just didn't do it and looked great all the same.
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>rectangular UVs
You're looking for the "Follow Active Quads" function when doing the whole UV layout thing. Watch this tutorial son
Do you have links to said addons? I'm curious

Thank you anons, I'll experiment with this!

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Not sure where else to ask, but is there a Koikatsu-like program that's non-anime? As someone who can't actually model, I enjoy modding games sometimes to edit already existing models, which does help me learn programs like Blender.
chatgpt said DAZ studio, but Koikatsu is still probably the most simple one, now learn blender its fun
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Makehuman is free and FOSS.

There's also character creator from reallusion if you want to pirate industry standart shit.

koikatsu and Vroid studio are for anime shit.
The first two are for realistic styles.
>The integrated character creation system in our free 3D software forms the cornerstone of Daz’s ecosystem
Exactly what I'm looking for, thanks /3/ros
This website acts like its full of fucking malware with its ads. For now I'll see if I can accomplish anything with DAZ.
>This website acts like its full of fucking malware with its ads
As opposed to Daz's? The pot's calling the kettle black, eh?

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Where the hell is autosmooth normals?
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press Q you'll find it in your quick favorites
you need to first delete your system.32 before you'll be allowed to shade smooth
filtered ngmi
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right click, shade smooth

if you want to sharpen off smooth normals by their angle, it's in the modifiers under "smooth by angle"

A thread dedicated to CAD, the chad's choice and the working man's choice in 3D production.

What projects have you been working on lately? What kind of work do you do?




>Tutorials and Guidebooks

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moon cricket
porch monkey
I literally spent two years doing nothing but dual-dim drawings for a multinational corporation.
freecad / VariCAD or just stick with onshape

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Why should I use Zbrush instead of sculpting in Blender?
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Autodesk is trying to be as evil as adobe but they just can't compete. They should have bought 3dcoat, memory holed it and THEN abandoned Mudbox. I swear, evil is hardly even worth the name these days.
>subdivides to 80 million polys
heh nothing personnel, officer
it can handle more polys
that's it

zbrush interface was designed by a drunk toddler, plebs will try and tell you it's a skill filter, they have stockholm syndrome and are mindbroken, ignore them
only response in this thread which actually makes fucking sense
thank you for reading my rant anon

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I want to start doing learning 3D modelling since I want to design small accessories and jewelry, mainly the kind of stuff that would be injection moulded.
So, what software should I be using? Blender seems to have a lot of tutorials available but a lot of people also decry it as having an unintuitive interface. It also doesn't seem to be that good for when you need exact measurements, which I'll undoubtedly need to be able to fit in pre-fab components such as snap buttons etc.
AutoCAD is unfortunately Windows only, which I'm not going back to ever considering the dumpster fire it seems to have become since I left. FreeCAD might be sufficient for my needs, but would using a straight-up CAD program actually be good for my use case which isn't really that technical?
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>How come you're talking about injection moulding and not 3D printing?
3D printing is not suitable for mass production, but I'll obviously use it for prototyping.
Moreover, 3D printing is less limited in a way than injection moulding, so anything I design for injection moulding can be 3D printed.
With regards to cost, I'll start out with designing stuff that can be produced using laser cutting and the like, since that doesn't require a huge up-front investment. Injection moulding will have to be for once I get the ball rolling.
>What's wrong with polygonal models in this case?
Polygon models can't be used to make injection molds.
The machines that cut metal don't work with poly models. Don't make that mistake.
If you need to make a mold for injection molding you need nurb surfaces, that why we use cad instead of blender.
It's foss, has a parametric constraint solver and is intuitive.
There's also dune3d which uses the same solver
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linux? a kernel for server operating systems? why would you sneed a 3d design software for that?

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>the most popular normalmap tutorial for photoshop
>he creates normalmap straight from diffuse, no heightmaps involved
>in the end his bricks are concave
>doesn't even mention that photoshop doesn't have option to generate OpenGL normalmaps and you would have to manually flip green channel if you want OpenGL standard normalmaps
>video gets a lot of praise in the comments and no one points out this tutorial is absolute shit

How do we stop Crises like this from making tutorials?

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Green is green to our eyes, but colour information has chirality in the digital space, so the computer can say "this is green" or "this is mirror green", and still display it as regular green.
Programmers sometimes might want to specify which green they want for certain operations, or they can optimise their game by deleting the chiral colours from their palette, which isn't something you'd use these days because memory buffers are so large.
A common way to flip green is to save out the green channel in your image editor as a .bmp, then bring it into audacity as raw data then flip it there. Make sure you don't flip it + reverse it or you'll get double chiral green.

Actually that's all nonsense, you can just do pic related. Curves adjustments are all relative so the green will swap with the magenta.
If you inspect each individual channel of a RGB image you find it's just a value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, or 0 to 255 for a typical 24bit image (8 bit per color channel).
A black and white image essentially that you can place in any of the three channel to display as your red green or blue component.
Flipping a channel means you invert it so the white becomes black and black becomes white.

When you flip the green channel it means the parts of the image that had no green now turns green and the parts that where fully green now has zero green.
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And in the context of a tangent space normal map it is encoded such that a value of 0.5 or 127 in red or green channel
means it is pointing neutral in that direction, Red represents X direction, green represents Y direction.
Blue points out the screen towards you in Z direction and it is neutral at a value of 1 or fully white.

so RGB(127,127,255) means the normal points the same way as the normal of the surface why you see that light-blue tint across most of a normalmap.

Now some programs disagree if the Y axis should point up or down so if you invert the green channel it will point towards the other direction.
but the so 255 becomes 0 and 0 becomes 255, but the middle neutral value of 127 is still 127 when inverted.
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>he creates normalmap straight from diffuse
>>988022 There's way more to normal maps than just making a height map and using a generator, this vid explains some of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOPwVZI5UTM

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What is this artstyle called? it's between anime and realism like the new final fantasy games and are there any resources/courses for this specific artstyle?
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You may be retarded but that just means you fit in.
It's not Ai
Here's an easier way. Mess around with DAZ so you can have an easily bodymesh and facemesh that you can alter with slides, then port that shit to Blender to make it look better.

OP's image was probably that exact workflow.
>What is this artstyle called?
Chad art

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First post here ever and I have almost no experience 3D modeling, but I am trying to make content which will require some basic understanding of it. But the type of animations I need are extremely rudimentary, more symbolic representations of what I'm saying. This may seem strange but in short, what I need is some sort of software that will allow me to do basic animations such as a sphere rotating and/or moving around on a black plane. Another animation example I need specifically is a circle with a point that rotates cyclically around the shape of the circle.

So in other words, I don't need super complex animations but more just basic polygons in motion. Is Blender my best bet here? My buddy recommended SFM as well but based on what I've seen from SFM, it doesn't seem like it's the best program suited for my purposes.

I guess my final question is, how long would it take realistically to learn this level of 3D animation?

Pic related.
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CAD “Computer-aided design”, Maya, 3Dmax, Hudini and many others not specifically designed for CAD design are not available for miniature models.
Of course the CAD fag is back, get a load of yourself bum
Everyone knows Blender can’t do CAD and requires mods to make it happen. It’s not like the developers are going to offer CAD like tools because they’re not professionals.
with the 4.2 update it has native parametric cad modelling. I've been playing with the beta quite a bit and it works better than autoCAD.
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I'd ask first if you actually need 3D animations. For as simple as you describe you could just use whatever 2D software that does frames - Clip Studio Paint for example. If you don't actually need the camera to move, if you don't actually need the objects to be 3D or interact or whatever. 2D animation has been around since Flash was called Director.

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>joined an 3D animation discord server for connections and potential work
>most members are broke and unemployed
>only do one animation a year and never update their portfolio
>criticize popular 3D animators and how THEY can do better
Why is this so common?
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>The CG industry, especially at high tiers is nepotistic
It's always more accurate to say that building connections is the way to go when you are at the top
As an introvert fuck who never interacted with anyone outside of my family how do you build connections? I am in a third world country so I cant just go to studios because there is none here.
ankle biters
gamma boys

the bane of society
A lot of 3D artists in discord servers are either old dudes with great technical skill but a lack of creativity (think godlike sculptors that do the same boring shit that takes 8 months), or blender zoomers who blitzed tutorials.

You just don't get a portfolio of work that has volume AND quality. Newer artists tend to be CG Generalists while older artists are specialists (Riggers, Hard Surface Modelers, Technical Artists).

Anyone with meaningful PRODUCTION experience is either NDA'd to hell and back, old with kids and busy, or not in a server like that. Specialist servers like Technically Speaking might be more your speed because a lot of the users there have a sense of clarity about what they're doing, and they fundamentally cannot skirt the technical skills with subjective criticism like animation servers. Good luck!
put out things good enough it gets people talking in professional fields like that lil lego jit

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