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So, there is this show Miraculous Ladybug with multiple studios handling the animation process. We have 3 very cheap studios and 1 expensive Korean studio SAMG.

Recently, there was huge leak with models from the show, and ppl can make own stuff with it. But no matter what technics people use, no one can repeat what SAMG is doing. Any speculations what they are exactly doing to make models look like this? Triangle lighting doesn't seem enough, and Sun lighting don't really matches the outcome.

They're using Maya 2015 and Vray 3.05/3.6
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>Overall 3 lights
anon, somebody needs to study how studio photography works
Over a year. Didn't know this was even possible, but I guess it varies by board.
did anyone even port these models to something like xps? some of us just want to do cheap posing shit, not big project shit
I like Ladybug.
oh come on man this thread has been on my watchlist for 408 days let it die

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How much should I be paying an artist for something like this?
The colors are so vibrant and detailed. It reminds me of old school korean mmos.
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this seems like the right thread, those on the know please tell me about and show me examples of 32 bit float light effects and compositing in CGI, please and thank you
>there's a way to make PS gamma correct
what the sigma?
is there a fast way to turn this on and off or do you have to crawl through the settings every time you want to edit a normal map?
Anything HDRI related or PBR can make use of that. You do all your shader computation in linear space enabling you to do things like lighting your scene with an HDR image.

In standard 8-bit per channel if you show the sun and and a white wall in the same image there is no telling how the sun is much brighter than full white so you try to illuminate your scene with an image like that you can's make it such that the sun in the image makes your model brighter on the sun side than the white pixels off the wall.
Where as in HDRI it can be many times beyond full white.

Biggest difference once you move to 32-bit is that you will always have to use an exposure controller to determine how you compress the dynamic range in your scene to one that fits your display device.

Just go into settings and flip it on and off whenever you have to. It's a reason it's not enabled by default as it'll give unexpected behavior with how layers and blending modes work compared to when it's disabled. You will rapidly understand when and why you wanna use it once you grow familiar with what it does by using it in projects.
>you will always have to use an exposure controller
right on the money, lad, other than that, linear vs 2.2 and log gamma, can you infopill me on that?
* and, what about the "flat" approach, aka whites and blacks unclipped on purpose to adjust later in postpo? off course this is assuming full 32 bits pipeline

Previous >>980013
Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.

Recommend Youtube Channel :
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ok. so now you gotta post your work for real
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>>988986 see >>988440 >>988813 and >>988900
i'm still learning...pic related is the latest, everyday until get good, this time i'll watch random video on youtube
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fuck hand
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i'm feeling good about this one
actually nvm, it's not good enough

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I spent so much fucking time trying to get a pirated version of Cinema 4D working When i get it working the Redshift not working right when redshit working some other shit crashing

Why the fuck did i think just because that shit more expensive it was better than blender when blender addons & renderers are so easy to install

>but in reality i do want to go into mainly motion graphic simulations & animation so it might be better
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I think. Cinema is b
If you're actually good, it won't matter what software you're using. They all do the same shit, especially these days, the differences between them is negligible in 99% of cases. Blender's free and convenient, so just use that until you're good enough to make money, then pickup whatever your studio/client wants you to pickup.

Unless you're some kind of small brain who can't handle learning new software. Then get Maya, Zbrush, and Houdini.
c4d with redshift or octane rapes blendjeet "foss software"
blender is better
I'm personally gonna use Blender for everything 3d I need, but in my limited experience of ~2 months, Blender has very good UI/UX for polyediting and very bad UI/UX for animation.
But I'm kinda getting used to it even for animating. Take this with a grain of salt, because I never tried other software, maybe everything else is even worse even for animations.

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This but unironically
Lucky for you, I have actual objective reasons to love and chase lowpoly retro aestethics. The first reason is minimalism. By reducing the number of polygons you have to focus on the bold important features which stimulates coming up with minimalistic designs. Another reason is human comprehension. By having less detail and reduced palettes, scenes become more comprehensible and memorable. This second is very much consumer-side reason, I love modern retro-inspired games exactly for this, I just get lost in modern overdetailed vidya that all looks the same due to how similarly incomprehensible and overloaded it all is. By having only the most skeletal keystone features you make it easier to see the difference between scenes, because thick layers of noise on top of something different makes it more similar to each other and the skeletal difference becomes blurred by all the layers of insignificant detail/noise on top of it. The biggest example for this is forests in modern RPGs vs forests in old RPGs. Make a hundred of random screenshots in a new game and an old game and then divide screenshots into clusters by visual similarity, you will have way more clusters in older RPGs.
Lifehack: do it for a game and you don't even need it to be "art".
I wouldn't mind having someone posting this style consistently in my feed. It's kinda cool and has some psychedelic cover art vibes, but this is just 1 picture impression.
go back

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I'm trying to make upper and lower lips separate (model has a mouth cavity) but dynamesh merges them if they get too close. Should I make upper and lower lips different groups and then dynamesh by group? Is this how everyone does it?
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>Should I make upper and lower lips different groups and then dynamesh by group?
what the fuck are you talking about
>I'd just sculpt it with closed lips and model the mouth area once I've re-topo'ed
just do this
my nigga, if you are trying to make a model with a significant amount of detail you need to
- drop dynamesh asap (so, duplicaye your model)
- make a clean mesh (retopo / zremesh the copt of your model and have a low poly version of your model) (UV unwrap if you want)
- polygroup the areas that need special care to avoid overlapping (mouth, eyelids, ears)
- reproject the detail on the clean mesh (subdivided, of course)
- then delete the model with dynamesh (because at that point it is useless)
there is NO reason to work with a model with 200k+ polys and have dynamesh on
Flick sculptris on and off if you don't want to Retopo/Zrem yet
sculpt the negative space and boolean subtract it
Whats the matcap you are using?

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There are currently 4 donut threads in this board. Let's make a fifth one. Fuck you Cris.
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I need a good thread for discussing Blender donuts. Any recommendations?
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start a new one. that way people will see your question!
that's not a bad idea
I could post a donut but I wont.
I've never done a donut tutorial. Can I even call myself a 3D artist?

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I keep seeing you guys begging for jobs and having software wars but when was the last time you actually had fun with 3D artwork?
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>truth is I only enjoy stylized stuff, whenever I'm making something "realistic" I have a melt down
Same,I just find it boring to do anything realistic
Me too, except for waifus, I like making realistic 3d big boob waifus
Same, realistic models are nice when you're a noob and need to practice or as a portfolio for entry level work. It gets boring after a while and I'd only do it if it's my job. I'm not an AI fag but realistic models will definitely be the primary target for AI and automation.

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If you're so smart then how would you rig up a sling? WITHOUT double transform errors?

...Yeah, thought so.
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No it’s not, that’s the lame easy way for video games. It doesn’t offer the best artistic value.
What kind of a rig are you trying to build with something this simple, to end up with double transformations?

This is sufficient a lot of the time.

Anything more than this is almost always a waste of time. You could use an IK chain to make it a bit more pleasant to control, but an aim constraint will also do the trick. Throw in a few blendshapes/deformer animation when/if needed for some more detail to the pouch. I wouldn't waste time with simulations with something like this, in most cases.

Only idiots put in more work than necessary. What was suggested is good enough a lot of the time.
I can justifiably blendshapes but not tied with bones because there’s no point in it.
It depends what you need it to do. If you want the shoulder to move more, for whatever reason, be it for some cartoony animation or something else, then you probably want the joints there. It's not like it's a big step to create a simple joint chain like that anon made in the example.

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I made this donut to celebrate me using blender for 8 years, hurah
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Congrats, 8 more years to go to reach the rank of "amateur" at using blender
so I'm super new to anything 3D, I was just lurking here, but I think it's funny how even seasoned guys still absolutely despise topology stuff. Like, usually you should get better and maybe get the hang of things so eventually you don't really think about it, just do it by reflex as it were. But no, even after working so much still sucks. Fuck topology.

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Why do you need a phd to accomplish the simplest tasks imaginable in maya? I just want to paint the middle of this mesh with an asphalt material and the sides with a grass material. This couldn't be more simple in blender- you make a mix node and plug your grass into one input and your asphalt into another, then you plug an image texture into your alpha input, create a new image and paint your mask.

In maya the paint3d tool seems to do absolutely nothing unless you're painting on a cube primitive. Tutorials that may or may not help me accomplish this very simple task have 30 minutes of nonsense to skip through. why
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>you make a mix node and plug your grass into one input and your asphalt into another
Node based materials came from maya. You can do this in maya. You do it in the hypershade.
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Just use Softimage
This, just connect the painted texture to the layer mask/mixshader of whatever renderer's node you are using, specifics will depend on what renderer you use. But if it's not a simple mask, you're better off painting the texture in something else, like substance. And if you use UDIMs, Maya's own painting tools are essentially useless.
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I'm a commercial illustrator and one thing I hate about actual illustration is it takes so long just to do one project and everything has to be lit, textured and drawn laboriously and even then you've only got one fixed perspective.

3D has always been an endgame for me because it frees me from all these constraints, but also because it seems people can make stuff really fast with it. Is it true that it's quicker in that respect, I only want to do basic vaporwave type stuff like this, nothing too involved.
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It depends how good/fast of an illustrator you are of course, but in general, assuming similar levels of expertise in the given field, you'll paint a single image faster, than you'll model/texture/light/render/composite an entire environmental scene. The advantages of 3D mostly become apparent when you need repetition, as in multiple angles or animation, a particularly repetitive background, and similar stuff. So it of course also depends on the background and complexity required for props and so on as well. For example, that image you posted, looks rather laborious to draw, but would be fast to do in 3D. The only thing that I could see taking time in that image is the grandfather clock.

This is almost always just counterintuitive and a waste of time, for any illustrator who's at a professional level.
but you're assuming he'd model the grandfather clock not just import an asset. grabbing assets throwing them in a scene and rendering is definitely faster than illustrating.

also shut the fuck up, we used to do this shit with an airbrush and ink pens.
That is of course a separate matter. Of course, if you're using premade assets, it's going to be faster. But depending on the project, that might not be an option.
>muh we had it worse
Narcissistic nigger-boomer
It's faster as long as you're not modeling and rigging characters.

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itt we post /3/ stuff that makes you go "huh."
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I'm no expert. But I believe that if you want to make a model such as the one in the video appear higher poly, then you can just subdivide the mesh. That model is very economical with it's topology. Meaning, there is little to no excess. But it's not low poly either. A low poly model wouldn't use what appears to be a 12 to 16 sided cylinder to define the thighs. If your topology is tight enough, then you can subdivide it without no problem. You might need to sharpen some edges here and there, but other than that, it shouldn't require much work at all.
i was hyped but end result looks like shit
Disclaimer I have shit taste, but to me a lot of those "smooth cartoonish 3d models" look like they immediately will look better if you decimate/weld to reduce polys to early 90s levels.
post moar huh material
I want to huh more

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Can someone review my issues with Blender and present a diagnosis? I'll be actively comparing myself to someone else that started at the same time. Both have no previous practical experience (Mine was like 2 parts of the Blender donut years ago)

Please help me decide what to do
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Helping him? Think hes better than me?
Why did I get no compliments?
You have paranoia. Please seek mental help.
No I am jealous
That you think he has more potential than me
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cool tip
i usually damped track constraint it to an empty or a bone on the character but this works very nicely as well

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I'm actually scared about AI, like is there any point learning to draw or model when computers are becoming capable or generating shit within seconds?
I really don't know if it's worth to keep learning
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>You didn't tell me about what you have achieved. Please, don't be shy, tell me all about it. Surely you have something?
I got rich and now sit at home and make 3D art all day that people happen to like..
cris, in your dreams.
I'm not saying AI is not the future (it is) but what I will say is you're still playing "generation roulette". The consistency just isn't there yet. Ask the AI to generate that model in your pic 10 times you're gonna get ten different characters. Ask any /3/ anon to render a model ten times and it'll be the same each time.
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One year ago you thought something like this was completely impossible for AI
all you can do is move the goalposts every time you get BTFO
the actually good models will be locked behind massive paywalls and kept away from the public because it could be too disruptive to industries that more or less own the government. they'll probably still offer some utility, idea generation is up there, but as far as replacing layman's tools like blender and stuff it'll never happen in our lifetime unless your name is Paramount or Sony

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