Zbrush Student licence is gone.. How do you extend trial forever? VM + blocking internet is the way to do it? Any other option maybe more smooth?Im not too fond of downloading russian repack.. so id rather do it trial way.
>>1006530put it on your credit card
>>1006530RLM mode + exe swap
>im not fond of the solution that works. is there one that...doesnt work?
>>1006530I will never understand why westerners are such giant pussies when it comes to pirating
>>1006530If your trial is over continuing to use it is illegal so just pirate it already like a normal human being.
Im working on developing some games in my spare time and I’d really like to target the fidelity of ps2-ps3 style games, mostly for stylistic purposes (but also because I’m solo and don’t have the time and resources to make too many high poly things)Specifically, I’m really interested in how characters like pic related were modeled and textured to look semi-realistic and expressive (especially textures because I’m still terrible with them)Feel free to post low-poly or just your favorite models/textures from the games of the good old era of games
Are there any good books focused on model topology for this kind of thing?
>>998263For fine details you could model a high poly version and bake it to your uv texture to put on the low poly version.That would save you a bit of texture painting.
Just came from another thread, I finished the CG cookie Blender beginner Course and my endgame goal is ps2/psp era graphics.Do you guys have any recommendations of videos, courses, or anything to help me get to that?
>>1002334I can also recommend that book. I didn't read it entirely (some parts of it explain pretty basic stuff) but there were some really helpful things in there! I'm pretty sure you can find it on sci-hub.Also, using an emulator and RenderDoc can be helpful for looking at textures and models to study, especially if you can't find any ripped models online.
>that feeling when you are trying to finish the last 20%
>>1006592Our biggest foe.
Previous: >>998835
>>1007273>If the "object" output of the texture coordinate node is the relative position, this should result in an all black output, right?No. It should be colored. Because the surface of the sphere is a bit away from the origin of the empty.It's not comparing origin to origin. It's comparing origin to mesh surface>>1007274>>1007276The layer weight node, automatically does the dot calculation facing the viewer. If you plug in normals, and and add node, you can skew the direction the highlights go. It's a node of convenience. But setting it up with the empty and texture coordinates, allows you to get more creative. You have greater control, and the math is more open to make the light bend to your will. So it really depends on how much effort you want to bother putting into highlights.You could just add a specular BSDF, and have that handle it for you.
>>1007277thanks for the tips.>The layer weight nodeI will check the docs and make more experiments after work later, maybe I'm over-complicating this stuff after all
>>1007278Quick demonstration. Notice how the shading up top doesn't change? It's the same calculation. Whether using the using the layer weight node, the incoming dot, or the empty, it all comes down to the same concept. Just three different ways to arrive to the same destination.For the demonstration, I place the empty at the camera, and went into the camera view, so the empty dot matches the incoming dot. But the empty can be moved anywhere to change the highlights.I added rotation to the the equation, because rotating the normals, is effectively the same as rotating the direction of the highlights. Therefore, you don't truly need the normal to choose an arbitrary direction. All you have to do, is rotate the normals the way you see fit.
>>1007285>Therefore, you don't truly need the normalI meant empty, not normal. You don't truly need the empty.
so i have an annoying issue where even though i have a decent pc, when i add about 30 rigged human modes into my scene the render won't start. the render window will open but it stays blankif i turn the human models off it renders fineany idea how to optimize this shit?
It's been leaked to hell over the past few months, announced already, and it's out in the wild in at least some manufacturers' hands - so where the fuck are the 3D models of it? How come the only ones I've seen are poor copycats from screencap reconstructions that are charging like $10 a download? Does anyone have the REAL 3D models somewhere or is it all just fakes?
>>1006490Phones have looked the same for decades, you and the two other guys who can tell the difference between one rectangular piece of plastic and another can sort it out amongst yourself.
the original model can be easily traced to whoever leaked it
How popular is this method? I've seen a few call of duty devs use fusion 360 and then convert to 3DS/Blender, retopo. Is it worth learning if i wanna make guns? Or the retopology part is gonna be as much suffering as if i made it in a normal program from scratch?
>>1003492>100-200kNothing you're doing needs more than 1k tris. Hell it probably doesnt even need more than 1k verts
CAD pipeline is good if you are visually inclined. Booleaning and open chamfering has always been awesome.
>>1004434>1k trisLegit people here stuck in 2004 modding era when 10k tris a was a lot, 1k tris is like 1998 quake 2 tierPeople with this mentally wont make it
do you guys not use normal maps at all? what kind of realtime model requires that many polygons? 30 million is absolutely insane, i legit can't think of a single model that would need all this detail
For hardsurface stuff, CAD to gameready is popping off hard right now. People were already transitioning from poly modeling to Fusion, and now people are switching to Plasticity.
Why are there no sculpting brushes?
>>1006391>why there is no copy paste option?something something optimizationsomething something the shitty object type we use would make the program crashyou have to enter object mode to add stuff and THEN join them (Ctrl+J)
>>1006470>Sergei cant STILL write a fucking multires modifier, after 10 fucking yearsLet's be positive, this year is the year, we might get color attributes with multires modifiersOr someone might blow his kneecaps off, in minecraft
>>1006428>>1006471i'm talking about coping values in the fields.every software you select right click a field you will have, you expect a menu with a copy/paste option.literally only blender doesn't.
>>1006476you fool, you absolute buffoonyou have to do this using geometry nodes in the latest versions of Blender, by making a geometry tool
>>1006381Bro just use bforartists if the UI is tripping you up this bad
How can into rigging?
>>1004321Scaling will likely be off. Blender scales things weirdly and uses a different FBX format than Autodesk stuff.
i honestly don't know. i think rigging is pretty much impossible to do unless you know exactly how you want to pose your characters and express them. you can start off with a basic rig, but you'll refine it as you try to push its limits. i'd say start off with just coming up with basic poses and expressions with an already existing rig, then reverse engineer it.
>>1002745Freeshit or gtfo
what are best practices for rigging boobs?using one bone parented to spine works in a "well, it's there" sort of way, but looks cheap.
>>1006414One result i got that was decent was to use multiple joint segments down the breast and then apply a jiggle constraint across the whole thing.
Learning on your own is fucking impossible
>>1005187As if we're ever alone anymore, you have the fucking arch professor in every subject available to guide you. Sure he lies about stuff occasionally and makes up wild stories but he's free. Treat him as a alcoholic master and you'll be fine.
>>1005187Help I'm retarded.>>1005199Nope you are wrong. I don't help people who don't show the slightest interest in helping themselves.
>>1005187post what you made which made you come to this crushing realization
>>1005187Tutorials are made for retards like you by people that learnt on their own.
>>1005187Read books maybe?
Can anyone point me in a direction for learning how to model houses or generally buildings from reference/floorplans? Every tutorial I can find falls short in all of the same ways. Either it's an outdoor scene where the inside of the house is a hollow unusable shell, a purely interior scene with no attention paid to the exterior at all, or it doesn't show you how to make a roof on anything more complicated than a perfect rectangle or L shape.. or it's a "modern" house that is just a cube with a flat roof presumably to compensate for modelling roofs being too complicated. And then I've tried this method of extruding planes over an image of a floor plan and that doesn't compute at all because I always end up with this twisting labyrinth of walls that looks completely out of whack in scale no matter how much I scale it up in comparison to my character. And then how do you properly make a roof for such a thing? Or make stairs to a second floor or basement and/or add these things real houses have like a 2nd story where its just a room or two and not a 1:1 extrusion up from the first story?I've tried to just not think so hard about it and just make it up as I go, using whatever janky methods I need to block something out but I always create a total mess of duplicate edges and overlapping that I'm not even sure how I ended up with, and just seem to be wasting time trying to brute force a totally incorrect way of doing things When I play games and open a door from outside and walk into a house it feels like I'm witnessing black magic. I would do shameful things in exchange for the knowledge of how to take reference of a complex house and recreate it as a scene where you can seamlessly walk in and out of it- and not see a bunch of fucked lighting artifacts and the like
>>1005733>Holy shit thank you. Do you want some shekels?Write in a banana ">>1005697 thank you" and post the image.
>>1004866>Architectural modeling requires architectural knowledge just as character modelling requires anatomyPretty much the most correct answer in the entire thread.>>1004190>So pros model houses in CAD and import them into the game engine after?Pros use BIM, but if you're using the building model for a game and you're not worrying architectural integrity of the model, use whatever you like.
>>1004123this is almost what i do for work lol
>>1005743I hope I've understood the assignment
>>1006422Nice one. Okay now I'll make part 2 maybe on thursday. I'm traveling right now.
I don't want to go to through the process of sculpting, retopology, rigging. So I'm thinking of just buying the character I need. I've asked around and it's usually 800 bucks. What do other anons think.
>>1005890Depends how extensive it is. If the seller is doing a whole detailed character, animation ready and everything, then 800 dollars sounds fair to me. But I'm not in the 3D market, so I don't know what they charge. Personally, I charge about half that for 2D work. And I'd say that 3D is just as difficult, if not more so in some respects. But 3D is also infinitely more versatile. Once you have the character, you can pose it up and take a bajillion photos. So you don't need the artist anymore.(Unless you want more accessories, or alterations to the character.) Whereas with 2D work, if you want more of the character, you have to pay up in full again. So considering that, I think charging more for a versatile reusable asset makes sense.But if you're just getting a little shitposty kind of model, then 800 sounds like a bit much.
>>1005898>>1005953It's a sculpt from 0 from some description and references I gave him. Animation ready, rigged, with custom blendshapes and some hairstyles. Can anyone with experience tell me if this is a good deal?
>>1005974I charge 300 for a custom outfits that are not rigged or textured. And I've seen custom rigged vrchat models start from 700, so 800 sounds about right especially with blendshapes and several hairstyles. In fact I think he's actually undercharging.
>>1005890Guy... it was $1000 10 years ago.$800 is cheap.
>>1005890Jet go finish the S2 eps. then S2.5.then S3.
How are highways like this modelled so seamlessly along these curved roads despite their complexity? This aspect of 3D modelling is so foreign to me. Is it some special program? I think this involves a lot more than just array -> curve modifier in blender.Game is Tokyo Xtreme Racer, just came out a few days ago.
three nodes in houdini:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU9VBX3yjX8
>>1006340> I think this involves a lot more than just array -> curve modifier in blender.
>>1006346>houdinii guess i'll have to stop putting off learning this accursed program. is this the least obtuse way of making roads like that?
>>1006340Are you sure they're modeled in an external program and arent just done in-engine?As a complete beginner i would probably do most of the roads as a bunch of planes with a texture on them in the game engine itself, and then deform a few premade assets when i needed something special like a specific intersection. If the road texture is applied from the global position of the face then it should be seamless, and you can probably do something similar for the road markingsYou could even define a curve for the fence models by following the vertexes of the road its on so you'd only need straight ones. Oh, and segment them too
>>1006340They are modeled as static mesh the same way any level geometry is built, the roads surfaces have enough mesh densitythat you can bend a straight tiling map in UV to curve with the road. Some games that feature real world tracks have incredibly dense road meshes that have been laser scanned to feature all the majordimps and bulges in the road surface as the real track features.The roads typically have dual UV sets and masks that allow seams and weathering effects to layer on-top of one another masking offevery part of the track there the UV seam would be visible. A secondary mesh slightly offset (millimeters above the road) typicallyis used with a transparent decal shader for all the white lines markers or stains etc.If your game has a photo mode and you can zoom in close to the surface you can typically see a tiny bit of parallax how the roadmarkers all float slightly above the surface.
Every day I make assets for various purposes and clients. Low poly anon's thread made me want to make a thread where I post weird random shit I make from scratch/ ai / download and modify every day for my clients. Almos all assets are quickly made just for illustration and context purposes so don't expect perfect models. So I'm posting some of the assets I make until I get bored, thread prunes or the world explodes.Lets start with some sculptures made for a client that collects them and wants to see them in his new apartment. Technique: Photogrammetry from a video taken by the client and then processed for low res and multicolor.
Restoration hardware living room. Chairs and table were made from scratch sofa is a modified model.
Salma chair made from scratch.
ligustrum optimized bush 90% lighter than the shit that comes from xfrog.
"low poly" public gym made from scratch
pickleball court... now every client is putting these in projects.
That being said what is your excuse
>>1006317https://youtube.com/watch?v=eXvBOzFIA1oLearn blender noob.
>>1006074four people>>1006292the plugin was created for the film and only released publicly recently
>>1006338No one has 4 million dollars, I’m sure people who tried to raised 4 million with only 4 people aren’t getting 4 million.>How many? 4 and you’re going to use a free 3D software that doesn’t work with your vision but you’re going to try anyway. - investorsIt just unrealistic
Cope the thread.I'm just happy a small team achieved to make it happen. Not a movie for me but that is just because i'm a sucker for old school cinema. Good job, good for them, I wish I could have the discipline to make something of this scale instead of many smaller projects.
If you think that someone can't change the story of cinema in his free time please watch this documentary.
>yhou'll never get a job woth b;lender
>>1006215The only MEL commands not having a Python counterpart are commands that are already integrated in Python, like math functions or string functions.
>>1006216but thats just not true. In my personal script if I search for cases where I need to run mel.eval(x) i get over 100 hits in vs codefor example>mel.eval('openAEWindow;')>mel.eval('raiseChannelsLayers;')>mel.eval('raiseChannelBox;')>mel.eval('ArtPaintBlendShapeWeightsTool;toolPropertyWindow; toolPropertyShow;')>mel.eval('BlendShapeEditor;')once you really get into heavy, industry scripting you have to do all sorts of commands with setting the viewport state as well. There are lots of other examples
>>1006220thats not a python counterpart. It only exists in the mel language and there is no python equivalent, just like with the Maya Python API 2.0 for creating nodes there is sometimes no equivalent for functions from the Maya Python API 1.0
>>1006205that could change this year, depending on how they implement sculpting layers and if they fix the multires modifierblender's sculpting workflow is close-ish to zbrush if you have the quadremesher addon (zremesher)well, they'll always require zbrush in production anyway because it has more premade brushes and assets