Which photogrammetry software do you use and why is it the best one for photogrammatizing your own vehicle?
>>994202I don't know how to photogrammatize something sorry. If I knew it would have something to do withpololarizamation filters and neutral lightinging.
>>994202Pirate a copy of 3DF Zephyr Aerial. You need a powerful computer and a lot of HD space but its good software that's pretty easy to use.
>>994202>Vehicle If you don’t have a matte finish on that bitch already I’m afraid you’ll have to paint it before trying to scan it cuz metallic or reflective surfaces don’t work well with photogrammetry.
I love VDBs
>>993823what is this?
>>994130Its a cloud spiral I made. I can make any shape into clouds just like god.
>>994120I can't get rid of those aliasing artifacts-
>>994336Why pick something so gay to cloudify?
So I took an animation course and modeling course for my art minor. Both courses specialized in cinema 4D. I wanted to learn Maya so I'm retaking the same animation course but this time it's with Maya. The instructor said however it was a more art focused course and we weren't going to be going deep into the technical aspect of the Maya program. And a lot of what we learned in class were literally covered in YouTube tutorials he posted. Plus my school actually has a lot of Maya tutorials that I can access via the library website. A part of me is thinking taking the course might be pointless and I can just learn this stuff on my own and save my money on the course and focus on doing my major (non art related). Now there are some pros to the course. I did meet another student who showed me some cool things in Maya. I know I generally do better in a more structured learning environment and get more done. So I guess the class would be more worth just to interact with others, and I could say "I have experience with Maya". At the same time the class is expensive of course and I have to commute an hour to get to it. I don't need this course for my minor or major. So should I stay with the class or just drop it and use the resources to learn the more technical aspects of the program or stick with it to be forced to complete some projects and work with others.
>>993376maya has a lot going on with it and it helps to take a class. Otherwise buy the official book and actually read it and actually do the exercises in it.
>>993377>>993379I do want to get deep into 3D. I want to be an animator. I'm not in art school, I'm just picking up an art minor at my collage and trying to supplement that with learning on my own. And like I said I have taken this class before just with a different program. Though it seems that the lesson program is completely different and it's a different professor. But also it seems everything taught in this course is available on YouTube on the technical side of the program. My goal was just to learn about Maya.
>>993376I'd say do it. There aren't a lot of good, high quality Maya YouTube tutorials out there like there are for Blender so it would be worthwhile to take a class that specializes in it and so you can have a professor to help you out during office hours
>>994089Blender tutorials get outdated, requiring unsafe 3rd party plugins, super specific instructions and will break when the developers of Blender alter one version. The only thing Maya changes are for better quality or faster results in the industry. As many already pointed out, there’s enough of the basic UI for you to learn. You can click on the (?) for more information. Maya channel has a video showing how stuff works. Zero reason why you should go to school learning about functions.
>>993376>The instructor said however it was a more art focused course and we weren't going to be going deep into the technical aspect of the Maya programWhat does that even mean, really? That you learn how to extrude and you're left to your own devices, trying to sculpt geometrically with basic knowledge of the program?I'd take it if you're a bad solo learner, otherwise I'd consider finding some deeper youtube tutorialists that can teach you, say, the high-poly+lod0+baking pipeline.
Like the image says. Im stressing and new to all this. I also want to know how to import it to Sims4Studio.
>>994285you will be stuck with me forever on /3/, chuddington
>>994293it's the other way around, you're stuck here perma seething at us, our mere existence makes you shit yourself with rage, yet you choose this fate every day, remember you're here forever
>>994299nop, i will continue annoying chuddies and shitposting. pee pee poo poo this place is my cinema
>>994299>t. chuddie taking things too seriously and projecting his rage and pants-shitting onto other people.Poor chuddies will never learn...
>>994299>Election touring chudmeister mistakenly believe everyone on the website is just like him except a minority group of lost lefties.
Let's make midwit the new /3dcg/ meme. MIDWIT
>>994030is anyone willing to do it?
In 3DCG pervert means per-vertex
>>994127lets do something short 15 to 30 minsplit it to a min or less per person
>>994244I'm in but I would prefer something already done like an existing animated short so the references are abundant and it doesn't get lost in an obscure story.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8R3qHKS-dk
>>99424415 minutes is not short
Anyone here like to make landscapes?
>>994008Thats beautiful anon.
>>993958I'm learning Houdini for the sole reason of procedural landscape creation. I'm probably over my head since everyone says the program is extremely hard
>>994016Heightfields are awesome! >I'm probably over my head since everyone says the program is extremely hardIts "hard" in the same way Fallout 1 is hard compared to fallout4. While a lot more complicated it gives you so many options to be able to do so many things that you can't do anywhere near as well in other programs.
>>994065>>994016The hard part about houdini is just being satisfied with the out of the box tools and creating cool stuff. I am way less productive since starting with Houdini. I used to have like 30 side projects in a year when using max. Now i have fucking 100 scatterbrained non-renderable projects that look like shit to any layperson.
>>994099Hard for me to relate since I started so long ago I have already made so many node setups and preset tools of my own. There really is a sop for everything tho so if you aren’t getting sheckshual shatishfacshion from thish make sure you have labs installed.
Any good 3dcg forums or other chans?Share the links please.Preferably something chill, comfy and low-profile.
Currently looking into various lemmy and mastodon instances. On lemmy, there is a lot of moderation drama way more retarded than even reddit and 4chan, but it's kinda compensated by the fact there is a shit ton of decentralized instances owned and moderated by different people and only the few biggest ones are retarded. Found some comfy anarchist, porn and anime instances. Mastodon currently has at least three instances populated mostly exclusively by gamedevs and artists and those look like a fun place to discover and post 3dcg, but my registration isn't approved for idk how many hours. Hopefully they don't have braindead policies like not allowing VPNs or something.
One of things I enjoy at lemmys compared to 4chan and reddit is full moderation transparency.Anyone willing to try to get 3dcg sub going there on some low profile comfy instance?
>>993843Forgot to add, that's a global moderation log, showing all moderation across all of instances. A lot of those actions are from top 3 shitty instances, but you can see what's happening everywhere.
Got verified on mastodon. Following the #blender tag is the way. Doesn't even matter which exact instance you register at, there are plenty of good ones.
>>993844glanced at it. looks like the same bullshit where certain kinds of people get to talk all the shit they want and others get their messages deleted.
Niggas can make detailed models here, but they can't make a good render.
>>992883You were saying?
>>993433oddly comfy. I think it's the warm lighting. Makes me think it's some closet or something under the stairs of your grandma's house you plopped a mattress in rather than some sad bachelor shoebox-sized goypen.
>>993105do you have any tutorials you suggest on stylized npr? your pic looks great
>>992883Guilty, I only show off my work using matcaps
>>993982Yep, that pic is a very basic incomplete reproduction of the tutorial:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl5HFg57bpU
While gen ai is already capable of creating high res models, textures and whole scenes, yall still clicking subdivide and sharing ur garbage on this barely alive forum. What strain of cope is it? Accept your fate, breathe out with relief and maybe go do something actually worthwhile, instead of committing to memory some soon to be absolete program's UI.
>>993334>Taking a bite of the 8/8 gr8 b8, m8Why play a game when you can download a 100% save and say you beat it? Why watch a movie when you can just skip to the end credits?There's a lot more that people get out of creating something than just shitting out an end product. Most artists don't really give a fuck about the end result in terms of something being "done", the actual process of creating that thing is infinitely more fulfilling than beaming its photons into their retinas. Once it's done, an artist doesn't get anything out of it. It's a piece of them that's put out into the world, no longer part of them.Retarded content consoomers like yourself just see the end result and think that's what making art is about, shitting out pretty things to look at, when it's the actual process of making something is what artists enjoy. It's something intrinsically human. People like you, who's greatest creative accomplishment is the giant turd you forgot to flush down the toilet, you people are less than human. You're the people being replaced by "AI" (as retarded a marketing term that is). Whether or not some generator can do something is pointless. A shortcut to the bottom isn't what artists are looking for.That being said, image gen is pretty nifty for concepting, and light texture creation, but I agree with the other anon that it's got too cocked up with bullshit to be especially useful. Pretty useful for porn though.3d is hardly what I'd call "high res models, textures and whole scenes" best it can do right now is mushy play-doh models. Even then, it's not like average people would know how to do shit with those anyway. Remember Microsoft's retarded "3d objects" folder and 3d paint? People don't give a fuck.
>>993336>Generative AI if fully realized will only be a mirror of just how hollow your inner universe really is anonSounds like just wishiful thinking, no need to be scared anon
>>993631Talk to a LLM and it's usefulness to you will be gated by how curious/insightful questions and follow up questions you are capable of stating.There is a synergy that happens at the prompt that is as dependent on you the user being an interesting individual as the quality of the generator itself.If you lack the mental/spatial vocabulary to express yourself fluidly what you can generate will be highly directionless and random. People will not spend time paying attention to the mental slop generated by feeble minds, you will traverse the worlds crafted by the artisans of that new craft.Because it is spatial visual art, the ones that understand that language the best are the same people who could craft that output it was trained on in the first place.Being able to prompt generative AI to craft something interesting will follow a bell-curve just like anything else.Those that are able to have a interesting back and forth discussion with the AI refining what it makes til it assumes specific output are the ones that will gain prominence.You give artists a 'hyper bursh' that is so good it invalidates all art that came before it it also raises the bar for what will counts as relevant art going forward by the same magnitude.It's like playing Pen & Paper RPG with your mates, if your DM doesn't have sharp wits and is able to think on his feet outpacing or matching your deductive reasoning around situationsyou're not gonna wanna play with him for very long. Such worlds where any scenario/location you can imagine is available is still gated by the quality and coherence of ones imagination.
>>993334>ai is already capable of creating high res models, textures and whole scenesLink? I've only ever used Luma's Genie
>>993334not reading ur post and also that image looks like shit kill yourself
Would have posted this in the QTDDTOT but it seems to have fucked off, is there any AI paid or free that can auto generate textures onto a mesh? Looking for something detailed in biological/sSci-Fi alien stuff since aside from very minor edits I'm complete shit at 3D painting and texturing.>Only need a base texture for a model, nothing beyond that save for perhaps an emissive.
>>993849For stuff like this definitely consider procedural texture in substance designer or even blender shader nodeshttps://www.artstation.com/blogs/delaneydesign/DRBy/infected-alien-flesh-in-substance-designer
I would use a picture of some animal like a hagfish or veiny meat and just projection paint it on. Dont know if there is an AI that can make seamless textures yet. There was artengine at one point in time but we all know how that story ended.
Is there a way to buy Autodesk apps outright anymore or do I have to resort to piracy? I really want to use Maya because its industry standard and I dont want to have to learn blender just to have that knowledge be irrelevant. I'm also not doing any subscription scam.
>>993614Wasted thread.You dumb retarded niggers, just pirate the software. That'sall it takes.
>>993749I literally cannot find a torrent since I don't use private trackers
>>993764Then you’re too young to stay in 4chan, sorry but you should have read the rules. SAY GOODBYE.
>>993764use 'file cr' website if you're that incompetent
>>993262Thanks! Feel free to post your maids here if you'd like, I'd love to see them.
>>993222>>992897Please post all of your maids. I have a big amount of appreciation for maids.
>>993505you're that homo dude from /g/ aren't you?
>>992897Looks nice anon, maybe she looks a bit short?
>>993509Yes he is obviously.
Whenever I connect the strips with faces when modelling with this sort of method, I always get some triangles.
>>993647>>993648It's impossible to model a complex surface without either adding triangles or poles. The thing is any fully quaded surface that has a pole is equally bad as having a triangle as they generate the same kind of pinched topology wherever that odd number of edges meet.The advanced answer is that you can and should use triangles in your models but you should locate them to areas where they are out of the way and necessary to break edge flow. If you go full autism and make a fully quaded surface you will have still have at least many poles as you would've ended up with using triangles efficiently and thus accomplished nothing at all. This holds true for subdivided surfaces as well since a triangle subdivides down to quads but leaving a pole in the topology at the location of the triangle.Pic related demonstrates why 'fully quaded' and surfaces using triangles are effectively the same.
>>993691Also remember that every surface is always all triangles and we only model in quads because pairing and squaring them up into loops that follow the curvature of the thing we're making simplifies visualization for us and structures the surface in such a way it will shades and deform predictably.Your actual concern whether using quads or triangles is to not end up with this sort of issue as the red triangle at the location of that triangle or pole, Looking at a model with the isoline turned off also highlights why you have the very same problem as using a triangle at every single quad-pole.
>>993691>>993692thank you anon!
I feel bad for you guys so here's a level I made for super monkey ball 2. https://files.catbox.moe/jjy31u.zipIf you have any other models you made for Vidya, feel free to post them here. That counts as 3DCG, right? 3D modeling?
>>993167Kino answer
>>993167...the Congreve Cube?Wow. I haven't seen that movie in a long, long time.
>>993125Pretty cool. But that vibration is not pleasant to look at.
>>993265I used one of the vanilla backgrounds, that's how it is in the main game. It rarely takes up this much 'screen' in actual gameplay and is far more tolerable.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7icEw13Ux4A
>>993167Level 1 - pallet wood crateLevel 5 - milled pineLevel 10 - cedaretcJeweled hinges somehow give more inventory space idk. Easter egg unlocks when 1.7% of the crates mass is wood screws.
/3/...home...at least it was befoe jannies fuck it up.
>>993436just when it seemed Cris was improving. They feared his potential.
Sometimes /3/ requires a good nuking.
it's already a slow board. retardded (tr)jannies. I was about to post on Blender that makes you go "oah".https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68oRQvV6GhY
>>9929095 people used to post here.Now it's a ghost board.
>>993586> (tr)janniesI'm getting tired of this 4chan culture of saying "nigger" or "tranny" as a general insult without actually meaning it.