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What's the best way to put the dress in that pose? Dragging in sculpt mode is just chaotic.
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You don't need to do all of that. Just go to sculpt mode and use face set lasso tool on the sleeves, then pose it with pose brush (set to face sets, not topological)
>idiots telling newbies what to do
Go to school and learn how real 3D programming works or watch Maya’s tutorial videos for free: https://youtube.com/watch?v=LJLo6MafPVM

Blender is never going to work on fixing or solving problems with your dress.
jesus christ... blender fags, everyone
Just make a shitty rig and move it into position
3dsmax. Rig the body, the arms at least, and place it in the same pose as the dress, then add a skinwarp modifier on the dress with the body as target, set the distance to 0, convert to skin. Now select the body again and move the arms back to the T pose, now you can paint the skin on the dress to select only the vertexes in the arms.

Another way is maybe use soft selection in 3dsmax to rotate the vertexes with falloff

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Reminder: Subscriptions SUCK!

Have a 3Ds Max/Maya question? recently started a project? Or simply want to complain about Maya crashing?

Previous thread: >>
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Thanks frens. I got Maya on an edu license.
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Intergalactic planetary, planetary intergalactic
i have an alternate side to the 3ds max side. They broke my old plugins I was supporting since the gametap days purely because they wanted to remove "master" and "slave" variable names.
Pencil 4+ for Max 2024 anyone?
ChamferZone has one. Didn't take it, but his knife+substance course is amazing.

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Where is 3d going in the next years, /3/? We all know that AI didn't pan out, especially given the amount of surveillance there is.
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>redditor brings up AI for no reason
>derails thread with his twitter buddy
>/3/ discussion
>how do I use unreal engine 5 as someone with no knowledge and no experience
>why does everything I make in blender look like shit as someone with no knowledge and no experience?
>I have watched two gazillion hours of tutorials, why am I still bad?
>/3/ discussion
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I think AI is a great support hand for artists but ultimatively shouldn't be relied on to completely replace you. I use AI image generation to make small things such as 2D images of bolts or small decorations which I cannot get clear images off from the internet, and then I project them onto my low poly non-pbr model and it looks good in the end
into the gutter like everything else
We have to merge our workflows into the AI, or be left behind.

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Blender vs Maya.
>Do you even use the software you claim is inferior? If so how much time did you spend using it?
>Are you a professional?
>Are you criticizing the software as a whole or something specific? 3D is a vast artform with many technical hurdles. Some packages are better at doing one thing than the other.
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also, i like to make a new blender fork to prototype out stuff instead of having to do all sorts of work to get vfx libs to work somewhere else.
I don't get it, do you actually use Blender for anything 3D related? This isn't /g/.
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He just told you; he uses Blender to make forks. This is the one thing Blender does better than Maya.
My sides
It's really not that deep anymore and you get the added benefit of not paying shitty autodesk any money. This is just from perspective of an environment artist where basically all you need from modeling software is an fbx, but I believe it's more important in cinematics, animation for sure etc.jtlskd0

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How would I go about modelling wings for an owl character? How do I make a smooth transition from "closed wings" to "open wings"?
You can do it the hard way with morph on Maya Blendshape or Blender keyshape. Or the acceptable version with bones and realize how birds hate their wings limitations because of evolution.
pic related surely uses model swapping.
you either need a very articulate skeleton or a simple skeleton with corrective blend shapes. depends so much on of this is a flap made of polies or if its a bunch of 3d modelled feathers and down.
Make a big blob shaped smear object that flashes up when the wing opens if you don't want to animate the whole process.
model swapping. you need to have 3 stages of the wings (close, half-opened, fully opened)
I am a tourist but interested in browsing 3DCG.
Don't you make a skeleton inside the model with lines in this situation that are set to have limitations and then looking at real bird videos to make it fly

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>still can't even set the viewport resolution
how can blendtards stand this piece of shit software? it's fucking unusable on a 6k screen
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>learning 3d modelling
>I'm gonna start
>do i just read
>the donut is a meme
>i saved some tutorial
>this year
>i lost it

Is Donut the Loomis of /3/?
OP only sucks dick if it comes with RGB rim lighting equipped
absolute cumsoomer if you can't handle not having 6k
render>performance>viewport>pixel size>automatic
Change automatic to 2x, 4x, 8x, whatever works
It's a retarded place to put it, but what can you do. Blender always tries to reinvent the wheel.
because its still eaiser to use then fucking maya.

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Now that CGPeers has locked half it's userbase out for not remembering their registration burners, what is the next best place to not pay money to Autodesk, Foundry and Maxon?
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Have you ever needed email to register? I registered in 2018 and i don't remember I used email at all
you did and apparently they didn't allow gmail accounts because i used protonmail to sign up, was a bitch finding the burner account i used all those years ago
>Basically Indians would upload all the torrents to other sites or share torrents
Extremely based indians have saved the internet again
where does CGPeers recruit from?
just checked my own account and my burner still works thank fuck,

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Texture Authoring with convoluted node graphs instead of just drawing it in photoshop. Post graphs you have made.
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NFI what you're on about
I am just schizo, nevermind
I'm not a stormfag. I just thought it would be cool to make the once Indian symbol it in SD.
M0nkrus adobe master v2
how well does this work for stuff like anthros/furries?

Is this a good excuse to learn how to make porn animations in blender? been postponing learning animation and only did some basic scene modeling, but one of my bucket list thing was making porn of stuff like this
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>fictional drawings are the same as real life

retards like you or why nothing ever gets solved. you cant think past generalizations cause you just cant wrap your head around it. its like saying you like murder cause of all the killing you do in games.
To be fair its not the porn thats bad, its the lack of accountability and discipline you have. Porn is just a masturbatory aid. No different than any other vice. Its just easier to act like porn is an addiction instead of taking accountability for your own retarded actions.
I want to make porn game in Unity, somehow we have shit loads of good 3D porn but I never saw a single good interactive 3d porn game.
>Loli/shota is not the same as CP.
pedo in denial, kys.
>Good idea:making children's cartoons.
>Bad idea: making children's cartoons have sex.

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Zbrush Student licence is gone.. How do you extend trial forever? VM + blocking internet is the way to do it? Any other option maybe more smooth?
Im not too fond of downloading russian repack.. so id rather do it trial way.
put it on your credit card
RLM mode + exe swap
>im not fond of the solution that works. is there one that...doesnt work?
I will never understand why westerners are such giant pussies when it comes to pirating
If your trial is over continuing to use it is illegal so just pirate it already like a normal human being.

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Im working on developing some games in my spare time and I’d really like to target the fidelity of ps2-ps3 style games, mostly for stylistic purposes (but also because I’m solo and don’t have the time and resources to make too many high poly things)

Specifically, I’m really interested in how characters like pic related were modeled and textured to look semi-realistic and expressive (especially textures because I’m still terrible with them)

Feel free to post low-poly or just your favorite models/textures from the games of the good old era of games
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Are there any good books focused on model topology for this kind of thing?
For fine details you could model a high poly version and bake it to your uv texture to put on the low poly version.
That would save you a bit of texture painting.
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Just came from another thread, I finished the CG cookie Blender beginner Course and my endgame goal is ps2/psp era graphics.

Do you guys have any recommendations of videos, courses, or anything to help me get to that?
I can also recommend that book. I didn't read it entirely (some parts of it explain pretty basic stuff) but there were some really helpful things in there! I'm pretty sure you can find it on sci-hub.

Also, using an emulator and RenderDoc can be helpful for looking at textures and models to study, especially if you can't find any ripped models online.

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>that feeling when you are trying to finish the last 20%
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Our biggest foe.

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Previous: >>998835
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so i have an annoying issue where even though i have a decent pc, when i add about 30 rigged human modes into my scene the render won't start. the render window will open but it stays blank
if i turn the human models off it renders fine
any idea how to optimize this shit?
What's the difference between shade smooth and shade smooth by angle?
I've never seen the latter used in tutorials, but I find that my own stuff responds better to it despite my horrible topology.
Smooth by angle automatically detects the angle between faces. And if it's over a certain angle, then it makes it sharp, if it's under a certain angle, it makes it smooth.
You can control the angle. There's an option for it somewhere. Generally, I find it better to turn that off, and mark sharp edges manually. Since smooth by angle doesn't always make the right call.
Are booleans as bad as they say it is? I don't really plan on letting anyone see the toplogy after I render my animation, and I really want to save time going through shrinkwrapping, aligning and fixing the toplogy so my robot can have screw holes.
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Been struggling with curves today and yesterday, finally got my head around getting the right modifiers to conform my mesh to the curve. Still, I'm stuck with getting my mesh to both conform directly to the curve and to sort out the kinks in the new mesh, presumably the kinks are a result of the differing scales and rotations of the handles and enough trial and error should resolve that. Still, the mesh is a different issue, I have no clue as to what the problem could be, geometry is to origin on both mesh and curve, applied my transforms, no funky offsets, and pretty normal geometry, any Anons got any advice or resources that aren't a 30 second clip of how to make ropes for the quintillionth time?

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It's been leaked to hell over the past few months, announced already, and it's out in the wild in at least some manufacturers' hands - so where the fuck are the 3D models of it? How come the only ones I've seen are poor copycats from screencap reconstructions that are charging like $10 a download? Does anyone have the REAL 3D models somewhere or is it all just fakes?
Phones have looked the same for decades, you and the two other guys who can tell the difference between one rectangular piece of plastic and another can sort it out amongst yourself.
the original model can be easily traced to whoever leaked it

How popular is this method? I've seen a few call of duty devs use fusion 360 and then convert to 3DS/Blender, retopo. Is it worth learning if i wanna make guns? Or the retopology part is gonna be as much suffering as if i made it in a normal program from scratch?
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Nothing you're doing needs more than 1k tris. Hell it probably doesnt even need more than 1k verts
CAD pipeline is good if you are visually inclined. Booleaning and open chamfering has always been awesome.
>1k tris
Legit people here stuck in 2004 modding era when 10k tris a was a lot, 1k tris is like 1998 quake 2 tier
People with this mentally wont make it
do you guys not use normal maps at all? what kind of realtime model requires that many polygons? 30 million is absolutely insane, i legit can't think of a single model that would need all this detail
For hardsurface stuff, CAD to gameready is popping off hard right now. People were already transitioning from poly modeling to Fusion, and now people are switching to Plasticity.

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