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But I can use Blender somewhat, so I just make models from schematics
I was also thinking of remaking art by actually creative and artistic people in 3D, or replicating video game scenes.
Anyone else like this?
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Replicating things that already exist (from reference) is extremely common and has been for thousands of years. Everyone does it and you should too. Make shit that you enjoy or enjoy the process of making.

If you want to be more creative try stepping out of your comfort zone more. Experiment and remix when making things. You will fuck up, but think critically about it and you can learn. If depression is getting in the way get some exercise and sunlight.
your modelling talent is required to preserve old art. starts making 3D models of those cultures that are unexposed that aren't Western or Eastern.
I'm in the same boat over here with my aphantasia. For creative outlet I just love modifying things, since I can see shortcomings or missing pieces, but not create anything from scratch.
On the other hand, if you WANT to create things without imagination,unironically use Dall-E 3 to generate shit (there is an outpour of threads on /v/ for AI generation currently, if you don't have any idea how to prompt). It will create the rough outline of an item/character/place, provide some details and you can make the thing take shape in 3D software (something I considered once I saw some outputs of mine and thought the contents were a cool idea).
See what art you like and make your own referencing the original, but not copying it. To be creative, you have to be ''random'' (Just like a child looking at the clouds and see a king doing backflip with a mage's skateboard).

If you do models, take inspirations from the media that you like, maybe even mash with other things.

This shit only works with people with schizophrenia and I am not joking. Even more so the part of drugs. When you have a job to do, you have to force yourself to do art. Not all people are the same and can hear the squirrels dancing with a cat in the tree
>Anyone else like this?
There's this nigga on /3/ who wants to create a Berserk adaptation in LoL Arcane artstyle.
Doesn't matter what you do, just stay consistent.

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Asymmetry = Soul

just turn it off. Unleash yourself. Be free
Be free
It's been almost a decade. The delegates, Dahnald. Hand them over.
>have to weight paint and texture paint twice because you can't use symmetry
How do I get around this?

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Welcome to our thread dedicated to honing your topology skills in 3D art! Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, mastering topology is crucial for creating clean and efficient 3D models. In this thread, we'll share and discuss various exercises aimed at improving your understanding and application of topology.
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It's like one big puzzle coming together.
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I like how sloppy these wipers look. It just werks and motionblur takes care of everything
I'm working on a gun, and the grip part has some curves obviously. Using subdivision modelling. The problem I'm having is that I like to keep things as low poly as possible to keep them manageable, but I just can't realistically tie in the details I need with a low poly version of parts of it.
Would it be bad practice to model the general shape low poly, apply 1 sibdivision to get the nicely smoothed slightly higher poly version, and then tie the smaller details into that? It feels hacky, but I'm not going to be able to hand-place every single one of the vertices just right as compared to the subd.
That is pretty common workflow. Rough out a shape in sub-D collapse/flatten the stack down to that level and then optimize the sub-d generated mesh to fit your target needs by modifying deleting loops etc.

There's nothing hacky about it, any method you can think of to generate the polygons you need is valid if the end result is something useful that matches your target specs.

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So....that big AI image or video to 3d mesh never materialized, did it? Its mid april. We should all be free of modelling by now. All this big AI talk, but nothing delivered. No image to model, no video to model, no ai texure, no ai uv, and github copilot stinks on ice.
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There's this project that applies the ideas of noise/diffusion based image generation, like stable diffusion and combines it with gaussian splatting.

The results are pretty good for what is essentially first gen. It even has browser based demo. https://gsgen3d.github.io/ if you can use this to generate a mesh, you could then use another program to retopo, and use image based ai to generate extra maps, or change texture styles.

It wouldn't surprise me if some dev starts using this kind of workflow for background assets in the next 5 or so years. Especially with nanite allowing unnecessary details.

Things like the fruits in a fruit stand in the next elder scrolls game, which is probably still run a gamebryo derivative...
AI will temporarily die the moment someone wins a trademark case. AI will have to be retrained with data that is not trademarked eventually
Not a single strike won because AI training on copyrighted data is legal and will remain legal. And what do you do when AI is trained on AI that is trained on copyrighted data? This shit should have sorted out in 2022 and the fact that it didnt fudge even an inch is sign that it will remain that way forever.
>And what do you do when AI is trained on AI that is trained on copyrighted data?
ChatGPT and other AI networks already degraded because it's a cycle of shit, this doesn't work.
Honestly, "AI" (if you really can even remotely call it that) has peaked. There won't be any significant "game-changer" improvements in any capacity for a long time. Fundamentally, AI research the way it is now is pretty flawed and there's always going to be an upper limit of what's capable. Which we're pretty close to reaching. As they are now, all the computing power in the world won't make them smarter or more robust, just train them faster. Even training has diminishing returns, since training something too much ends up making it shit.

AI is going to be stuck in "toyland" for a good while. Don't get me wrong, it's useful as it is, and there's certain applications that are really cool, but it'll never become a "real boy" like Pinocchio. The AI shit that seems like straight up magic won't happen for a really really long time. We'd need a significant breakthrough in computing and creating neural nets for something like that. Like we'd need a literal cyberbrain first.

So yeah, in a sense "AI" is already dead. Or rather it hasn't even begun yet. What we have now is just a pale imitation of it by techbros. Neat and useful? Absolutely. But we're a long way off from something that'd really change the game enough to actually warrant fundamental policy change. Policy makers will probably do shit because they're old retards that don't know how tech works, but it's not really worth it at this stage. Image/video generation aren't something that'll shake the world to its core.

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blender idiot here

I'm making a model for a vrchat avatar and for some reason some bones are moving around on their own after I export as an FBX then reimport. I've searched all over the internet for a solution and a lot of the threads on various websites talk about animations and making sure that the armature is set to the correct frame of the animation, but I've never touched any of that. I may have fatfingered some hotkey during the whole process, but I have no idea if this is a bug or if I'm just retarded. I've applied all the scales and rotations etc too, so I don't think it's that.
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I have zero issue?

I opened the clean .blend exported just the base mesh with the stuff with bones and armature and re-imported it.
if you mean the bone length that doesn't mean anything.

FBX doesn't keep the length of the bones, so blender just guesses the size you can click the armature, go to edit mode hit A to select all then S to scale, then G to move it, then go back to object mode Ctrl + A Apply All Transforms.

You really need to work on communicating your issues.

as when you say the bones are moving that could be anything.

Finally you don't need to export out of blender until your done editing? why would you export if you haven't finished?
or you can just export just the mesh and just parent it to the armature that's already there if you prefer the look of it its a hassle tho



This vid will burn after 2 days.

But shows you a quick way to export and re-import the mesh and then re-use the armature that's in the base blend.

But I think your been a Grade SS+ Autistic as you don't have any reason to export out and back into blender.

Past this video I'm done here.

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Why does his VFX feel so cheap, lads?

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>using blender
>Two more weeks bro!
>dude couldn't even be assed to take his fucking glasses off so they're just clipping underneath his "cybernetics"
Fuckin lazy.
bottom of the beard is just photoshop clip tooled out. At the chin area you can see he tried to keep some of the feathering in the beard but the left side is just completely smooth lol looks like a bad edit that's why.
Because this is rushed and done poorly by a gay Yootoober CG grifter/imposter/indiefag and not a genuine industry graphics team.

Shocking, I know.

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Why do we have to go through a pointless process as westerners while nips get a freepass?
they just 3d paint their textures and the uv can be any crazy nonsense as long as it's optimized.
You're most likely looking at a ripped model that some poor soul had to piece together themselves after ripping it.
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japs often use anime cartoon shading
the texture is essentially just an atlas
with various color gradients and some small details
but there are examples of them doing outstanding UVs e.g. FF XII
Because it doesn't fucking matter if you actually put soul into it and not just revert to kike PBR slop

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Desktop PC Core i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD + 240GB SSD, 24" monitor.
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It doesn't come with a GPU included, but I plan to buy one at Christmas, a GTX 1650 16GB.
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i have a question, could I use the 16GB for rendering in Daz3D if I specifically use 3Delight? I'm not sure if anyone knows about this.
>Core i7
that means like nothing. What version? I had a i7 "Bloomfield" back in 2009. So what gen?
Decent amount. Speed and performance is not that important here just the amount. 16GB is a bit low if you also have a chrome tab open on the side and such but this should be OK.
i have a question, could I use the 16GB for rendering in Daz3D if I specifically use 3Delight? I'm not sure if anyone knows about this.
yes, the 16GB will be used as video memory if you run without a gpu.
if you are talking about the GTX 1650 16GB (did not know they such a large VRAM version) then ofc you could use all that using any renderer as its mostly down to the amount of shaders and textures in the your scene.
> I'm buying a custom car for (I don't know if I'll use it as an uber or a rock crawler), and these are the specifications it has. How well would it run?
>Car with v7, holds 16 seats, hauls 1 ton, 240kg in the frunk, it has 24" inch wheels
>The car doesn't come with a drivetrain but I plan to buy it at christmas, a gold one.

>Could I use 16 wheels for going places with my car? (I don't specify if I'm going to run for a yard or 1000 miles in rocky terrain)

You clearly don't know shit about computers. Of course it will run daz3d. Do you think modern software is still prohibitively specked? Asking if a vanilla pc will run a piece of software is idiotic.
Get, at least, 32 GB. And a NVidia GPU with 8 GB or more. If can't get a good GPU, just get a old Xeon with shit loads of Cores in Aliexpress.

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I bought a 4090 to do 3D but apparently physics simulations use processor exclusively. What the hell man...
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Physics has nothing to do with graphics. What did you expect?
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Look mommy, I'm in the screenshot!
SAME! But instead of physics, it just viewport playback. That uses exclusively processor to track objects (Makes sense when you take in consideration the processing tree)
Is this a shitpost thread? The GPU has its own processors you can just make it compute with the GPU

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>13 years of production experience
>Modeler/texture artist.
>Worked on big budget production.
>Writer strike happens, vfx house basically closes down
>Running on 11 month of not working.
I'm dying inside little by little. I hate any past colleagues who finds work. We're all clawing and scratching for scraps. Keep this shit a hobby, don't try and go pro.
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I'm a 2D Animator in the US and it's almost been a year of unemployment for me too, but when I search for "Animator" on job boards all I see is 3D Jobs. Are my chances any better finding a 3D job? Thinking I should try a few courses from Animschool, iAnimate, Animation Mentor. I can't afford the whole 1.5 yr average of most of them. Got some tutorials from Udemy to start out with in Maya. Will AI ruin 3D? I hate this so much I really liked doing 2D and it's so over.
No, same problem with 3D artist. Corporate is running on skeleton crew with overwork VFX people. It matters not if you are blender or Cinema 4D, Corporate America refuses to hire more people to help overworked artists.

Oh and don’t buy anything that says you’re will learn through YouTube or pay for things. Those are scams and often never teach you 3D art. The scam teaches you (insert program) U.I with no help on creating models. These scammers never went to school or follow the 12 principles of animation (they claim it but you see they only use it as a trick to bait people).
>The scam teaches you (insert program) U.I with no help on creating models
I'm a hobbyist and I've always had this problem. Courses have little to no information that carries between programs even though 3D is built on certain universal principles.
I'd search animation mentor. I know a few coworkers back in the day went through their programs to get better at animating for 3d. Honestly, I spend time learning something completely different outside of the industry for the time being. Rates are lowering across the board in the united states. My rate was 60 but now I'm getting asked to do jobs for 40, I'll agree and still not get the gig. Video games had layoffs but their is still a decent amount of opportunity in that industry. I'd focus on animating for games dont bother with film/tv for the next year or two.
The problem with Indians is that all of their shit is jank. Same reason something made in China costs 4 cents and the same something made with pure freedom is $100 (minimum).

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This is from Lethal Company. Whenever you're modelling/texturing/rigging/whatever and get hung up on stupid shit that nobody cares about, take a step back and remember that this game made $100m
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average unity user.
by looking at flawed models that made money
There isn't a point. Whoever made this model didn't give a shit about topology because it's not important. The game is all about a spooky atmosphere and online party gimmicks. There's no point spending a ton of time making the models look good when nobody playing the game gives a shit about it.

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I hate geometry nodes.

So I wanted to get an array that has a offset for example every repeated part is -5 of the original distance.

This is impossible to get in the array modifier (despite the devs being retarded for not including it)

So lets see how I can do this in geometry nodes.
Repeat something node yes???
WTF? What is this shit.

Youtube search.

LOOOK AT THIS GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There are the new quantum mechanical nodes coming but they're always in a superposition of being useless and being useless.
This might help you.
You don't need to follow the tutorial, just grab the nodes. I use them quite a lot. The circular array is really nice, since you don't have to do the retarded "add array on first object, add empty, rotate empty, add object offset to the array on your first object" rigamarole.
Whether or not the nodes do the exact thing you need, I dunno, but I'm sure it'd be easy to tweak with some basic math.
>You don't need to follow the tutorial, just grab the nodes. I use them quite a lot. The circular array is really nice, since you don't have to do the retarded "add array on first object, add empty, rotate empty, add object offset to the array on your first object" rigamarole.

I remember doing something like this like in blende 2.3 and it used something (not geometry nodes) I think it was the particle system

>just grab the nodes
Why are geometry nodes so counter intuitive?

No they keep changing them in every new version. Get your shit together!
I was waiting for the first adopters to get burned however it is blender 4.0 and they keep on fuckign with the nodes!

>>You don't need to follow the tutorial, just grab the nodes. I use them quite a lot. The circular array is really nice, since you don't have to do the retarded "add array on first object, add empty, rotate empty, add object offset to the array on your first object" rigamarole.
If blender was not retarded and god portions of it being stuck in the 90s other in the 2000s they literally give you a extra box in the array modifier that says.

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Oh, I see you're just throwing a temper-tantrum and venting for people to agree with you.
Hence you putting words in my mouth. You know, because I never once said anything about you "learning" anything.
I offered up something that might help (an existing setup that you just apply like any other modifier), but you're just looking to sperg out because something was added to Blender that you don't want to engage with.
Don't engage with it then. Simple as that.

geonodes was created as an excuse so that blenderfags and devs can say that it has """"parametric modeling"""" capabilities. you just have to DIY all the presets imaginable to do the most basic shit parametrically.

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>tfw renderman 26 never actually comes out
It never will.
Cris has more chance to make a good videogame
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>Using pixarslop
Chad? Based.

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I'm trying to make an animation in Lego style based on the work of Dagon by writer H. P. Lovecraft.
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Sorry but I couldn't see anything. Now that I can see and that you're telling me that you want to make a LEGO style animation, my thoughts are: Yeah, you could do that.
some things moves at a slow choppy stop-motion frame rate, and other things move it a smooth real-time way.
And sound effects are a person imitating the sound with their voice.
looks cool

Where do I get cracked ae plugins now?
where can I get gfx packs?

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