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Have a 3Ds Max/Maya question? recently started a project? Or simply want to complain about Maya crashing?

Previous thread: >>
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If you mean the sort of jittering effect 3D PS1 games had, you can achieve this in Maya by moving the scene/characters extremely far from the origin. What happens is that the transformation values get so big, that they go over the 32 bit float limit, and lose accuracy due to it, which causes the effect.
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anyone know where I can find this Elementza course for free? rutracker has an older version of the course with 1 seeder and corrupted video files
Totally agree!
Nope. Just buy it
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>mfw got the edu license for autodesk and can use any product for a year for free

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so this is the state of valve rn
Unless you're a jeet working for 50 dollars a project ngmi
Those normal errors look pretty grim so I can only imagine how bad the topo is. A placeholder?
that's the second most expensive keychain going for 20-25$

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Node Wrangler is a powerful Blender add-on that simplifies working with nodes

Old Thread: Exploring Topology in 3D Art (Archived)
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Cool addon!
Blender Paint with Stencils
I'm a beginner and I appreciate it

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Whenever I connect the strips with faces when modelling with this sort of method, I always get some triangles.
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Yeah, that happens.
>It's impossible to model a complex surface without either adding triangles or poles.
that's not true, though. That's literally the entire point of topology: Anything with no holes can be deformed into a sphere without altering topology.
No anon, you are wrong, every mesh with an extrusion or inset has poles on it, because extrusion causes 3 and 5 edge poles
you don't need to extrude or inset
>Anything with no holes can be deformed into a sphere without altering topology.

You have two problems: A) Good luck modelling anything worthwhile out of a spherical topology. B) A sphere has poles too.

Functionally you will. Anywhere you break the flow of polygons you'll end up with a pole somewhere. A box has poles, a sphere has poles, a capped cylinder has poles. only manifold/closed shape I can think of that is fully quaded with no poles is the torus.

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working in Blender when suddenly....
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Has the sandworm chink entered into official /3/ canon? A new type of Cris?
I'd like to see an actual comparison video of someone animating the same thing in blender vs in motionbuilder and see which actually wins. I think it would be very eye opening.
What are you talking about? No one animates in motionbuilder, I've literally never heard of any studio using motionbuilder for keyframe animation, hell I've never known anyone that uses it for anything. It's an entirely separate tool from Maya.
you don't need billions of polygons to make free anime slops for social media, unlike Hollywood blockbusters that sell tickets and subs

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I assume it's some height map displacement fuckery combined with some sort of material something, but none of my attempts to recreate it have proved fruitful. No tutorials on it either, which sucks. What am I missing here?
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OP update:

Now I'm highly doubtful this is the same method used, but using a glossy shader on a heightmapped plane gives a similar look.
That's most likely how the same method. It's one I learned a long time ago. Just watching a random video about gameplay textures.(you know how it is. Going down the youtube rabbit hole)
I forgot about it until just now reading your post. But yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how it's done.

Well actually I believe it's two titled textures. When displaced, they disguise each others tiling, appearing random. Something like that. Scrolling is involved. You have to scroll the texture to make it look like it's moving.
>shaders you can hear
My old Radeon had a hard time rendering that but it was worth the fps hit
perlin noise as a bump map, or 2 perlin noises as the red and green of a normal map
This is the correct answer. Spherical panorama mapped to spherical coordinats (same map as skybox/skydome) used as a reflection map, then the normals are perturbed by noise using legacy 'bump mapping' but you can use regular normal mapping today and it'll look even better.

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>Putting textures on simple geometry isn't real ar-ACK!
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truth. but faggots will keep using it to make horror games and try to bait muh nostalgia.

it wasnt a style choice. it was a limitation.
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>it wasnt a style choice.
it is now.
>it wasnt a style choice. it was a limitation.
limitation births style you mongoloid
what a long post that tells absolutely nothing
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brushes with nice light and fog still looks kino


Roughly 1 year ago I was recommended trying out 3D art and was told about Blender being free to use, so I gave it a go.
I made a thread here as a newfag but then a janny dropped xers gamerfuel shaker on the server mid goon sesh and fucked it.
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christ that gif came out shite, one more try then i am done for the time being.
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so i have not finished this scene as i had too many ideas, testing fog flow and lighting. learning how to light darkness is a great challenge.
this webm has slight different speed in fog and flame
and just want to say cheers to the anons who had posted approval in the old thread. and to the guy who had just started i hope you post your work somewhere and keep at it.
good stuff Anon, looks like you've got a good all-round handle on blender
how'd you suddenly learn to texture >>1000456 out of curiosity? looks pretty well textured for a relative beginner
also curious which courses you took, besides the Grant stuff
I'm working my way through all of these from left to right atm. already learned a fair bit from the very first course, and that's after roughly ~2 years of blender usage (and a handful of breaks)
courses are really effective, especially after so much time of just looking stuff up sporadically and self-teaching. tends to create a lot of gaps in knowledge, I think
Well, I don´t really want to discourage you on your journey, but even as a beginner a lot of this conten looks unfinished and very boring. what I love about blender which I have been using for 2 years is that it can do so many different things, but I think it´s important to focus on actually getting good and individiual areas instead of testing a garbage rig or a shitty scene and actually try to finish something with some purpose. Keep it up this is all hot garbage but you have learned quite a lot already, just keep pushing and do better.
Texturing it was a mix of blenderkit downloads and colouring faces individually. There are loads of good autists flogging their courses along with a free tut like this automaton here. https://m.youtube.com/@RyanKingArt.
If i wondered how to do something i just searched it up.

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Are there tutorials on how to make blender look like this?
The technoque is called "hard work" but you usually don't read the tutorial to the end
Looks like this was probably taken in Koikatsu.
There are mods/addons that allow you to export from Koikatsu and import to Blender, fully rigged and with shaders.
There are tutorials for installing KKBP and its dependencies on YT, then just get the character cards on BepisDB.

Or just use Koikatsu.

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Have anyone used blender as a 2D vector tool like inkscape?
it's doable yeah


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My background is in graphic design and I went to art school so I thought this would be easy. The sculpting/modelling side of the hobby I love but getting "good topology" seems impossible for me. I just dont have a mathematical mind and I'll fuck up the topology half way through and then the edge flow is fucked up and I have to start again. It ruins the spontaneity and creativity of it for me. I dont really even care about animating at this point so does it even matter?

Honeslty Ive seen people with great models and insane creativity but theres always some snide fucking asshole talking about "check the n-gons, git gud at topology kiddo". Reminds me of being into music in college and how radio stations would reject demos because the mix was slightly off. It fucking pisses me off. I'm not getting paid for this, I just wanna make 3D stuff that I like. Should I just ignore it all and do it my own way?
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Here is an extremely useful technique you should use that makes it a lot more manageable
Don't worry that he's using Maya, this workflow works with every software. See he is just adding the edge loops he knows he needs like the ones around the mouth and eyes first then connecting them up later? This is so much less confusing than trying to edit a single elaborate continuously connected mesh. Here is an example of doing this workflow with the rest of the body: https://youtu.be/nOw-OHejmq8?si=RASfyhkaOPS0dAKP
You need them for deformation and they help with easy subdivision.
Aesthetic comes from form ( model/scullpted), surfacing ( textures and bake from highpoly ), and design.

Topology is for performance and further pipeline.If you just want to do still renders, as long as the rendered pixels look the way you want it doesn't matter 100k or 100m, auto-remesh or manual retopo.
However, calculating polygons is taxing on your hardware. The more model you want rendered at the same time or the more you want to further manipulate your model ( rig/pose/deform/animate/simulate..etc) the more optimized you want your topology to be for your PC to do calculation and not explode
also most of high-fidelity graphic from games come from textures ( try ripping assets from games sometimes, half of the game file size are just PNGs ) and trickeries with surface normal like baking to make a few quads appear like a perfect curve

Also quad flows, tris creases, if you're stuck just copy other people 's topology
Well, you can upres it one division and it ends up in quads anyway, but there's a method and sanity to how far you're willing to push all quad topology.

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music video made for the hatsune miku channel made in blender (goo engine)

i posted in here ages ago, i stopped cause i got busy
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Most vocaloid songs do.
To be fair though, I don't think he made the song, just the animation.
The animation is cool.
but sounds like shit.
Honestly, I feel bad for the guy, having to listen to that song for a whole year.
it was a little under 2 months but I like it alright
what a terrible song.
anyway, good job op. one can tell you still have a lot to learn but you're already top 1% on here.

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While gen ai is already capable of creating high res models, textures and whole scenes, yall still clicking subdivide and sharing ur garbage on this barely alive forum. What strain of cope is it? Accept your fate, breathe out with relief and maybe go do something actually worthwhile, instead of committing to memory some soon to be absolete program's UI.
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not reading ur post and also that image looks like shit kill yourself
Chill out, dude.
You just suck at generating, I love 2D AI as it works great for me.
Good morning sirs. Kindly be contributizing a bunp in recognizance, brothers.

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>that feeling when you have to abandon your project because of multiple failures in the research and planning stages
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heres a fun fact : i was working hard on a mod for a popular game and several weeks in did i discover that the company behind the game has a new stance of being heavily anti mods to any of their games or any videos of the game on any video sharing site showcasing anything beyond base features and will DMCA you on any platform. Now I am forced to make my own game or abandon it
NTA but what game anon-kun? GTA 5?
i cant tell you, but the company is from asia
>popular game
LOL, go back chang, none of your games are popular, only bots and CCP shills "play" those. Even chinkslop like LoL is only popular because there's a huge gambling industry behind it.
Who gives a shit? Work on it and put it up. If it's all your assets, what can they really do? Take it down? Big deal. Once it's up, it'd spread around anyway.

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Post vintage/retro-styled renders and animations.
Pre-rendered, game graphics, whatever you got.
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