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Previous: >>998835
anyone used the new animation tools in the alpha version?
Is it normal to wait 10-20 frames for hair simulation to "settle" before beginning the actual simulation for the animation?
Yes. Physics simulations are all differential equations, so you always need to specify some initial state. If that state is not the rest state, then it will need to relax into that state.
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> he uses blender
Does blender still suck shit with amd
Total noob to animating with blender, how do you use multiple blend files in a scene? Most porn models come with massive blend files and I'm not sure how to use lets say a male model and a female one together. If export one as fbx it usually ruins it.
I'm starting to think that the only viable way to make money with blender is to make an Add-on of sorts and sell it
Do you guys use any baking add-ons? I'm deciding between Oven Bake ($20) and Quick Baker ($37) right now. I mainly want to use them to bake textures, colors, normals, AO, and all from ripped game model meshes to a full body model like a Genesis base since a lot of the full body models on smutbase and the like only include the colors since that is as far as most youtube tutorials go.
I have been able to transfer the normal map by treating the game's normal as the RGB texture to bake, but it doesn't work entirely right if you set up the baked normal map like an actual normal map (non-color space; only works in RGB space for some reason).
I don't bake very often, I use SimpleBake when I do but that's the only one I know
I do not recommend paying for addons
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I use it and I bet I am better at you in every way.
>file ->append
>make money with blender
or porn
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I have a hall with some walls like this, how can I make so the players see the other way bc its red the other way look
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see, it's red, I need both sides blue, how do I go about this
Thank you, what do I append when it comes to the mesh though? If I append both collections and mesh there are duplicates which one should I use? I assume collections
blender's video editor is fun and useful and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.
How the FUCK do i shell-texture fur in this piece of shit? Ive been trying to figure it out for weeks but theres no information about how to do it anywhere except "tutorials" of how to install some addon that costs $21 real world dollaridoos, or how to use the useless geometry nodes that afik will just export to six brazillion verticies, or how to model actual fucking seashells of which there are like 30 different tutorials for some absurd reason

Ive tried copying the nodes from one of the videos as a starting point but it seems the only ones that actually do anything important are custom with no imediately obvious equivalents. With how much random garbage there is in this thing there MUST be some way to tell a shader node to make a shell texture, but for the life of me i cant find it. PLEASE tell me it can actually be done and i dont need to go learn how to code shaders.

>just pay the 20 bucks
Not for something that wont even do physics in the game engine. Ill tolerate lower quality for convenience, but if i have to pay for low quality id rather just learn to write shaders and get a better result for it.
Update - out of desperation i have been forced to use geometry nodes.
Pros- it eventually worked in blender
Cons- it only exported a cube
Looks like ill need to convert it all to meshes after all. For the ammount of time it took i probably could have just made 10 sequential hair textures and applied them to some shells myself. At least that way i could get them to wiggle a bit, if im shackled with 10× the geometry either way i might as well get to use it
dude, just use a shader for whatever engine you're exporting,hair systems cannot be exported they're engine dependant
you don't export hair systems ever
>blender can do anything you need with this model!
>only if you install a paid mod though
>and you cant export model
Fucks sake. Its wiggle bones all over again.
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Anyone ever get this before?
And, any idea how to fix it? I tried marking seams and rewrapping this section, its not showing the correct texture area.
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pov: you searched for a blender tutorial on youtube
All youtube shows me is a bunch of weird european dude's doughnoughts
modern youtube search is useless, unrelated to blender
I do not click any content from channels that have a name that has that typical generic jeet english (shit like "top learning", "ingenious inventions", "best tutorial 2024", "learn [program]" etc) and the second I hear that typical broken english or AI voice I also instantly close the tab.
new to Blender retard here, what am i doing wrong and how do i fix it?

>trying to resize loop
>it scale off center and focuses on the original point or edge selected
>change transformation orientation settings
>still does it
i'm clearly stupid, but how do i fix this? it's infuriating
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and you have median point selected? (shortcut is period "." )
that fixed it, thanks
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top ten NEW Blender addons you missed in 2025 (This changes everything)
how do I simultaneously add and edit constraints on multiple bones? I have shrinkwrap on them but I don't want to individually toggle to the target. I'm trying to make a transition from hair to a solid object, think multiple threads coming together, forming a solid mesh. I don't think the hairtool would be useful in this case, and I'll have to use a hair card. But I'm not sure if that's the best option
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working on a master study of ole billy eggs
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I did this render for the 10 cube challenge
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get this gay shit outta here
I remember when blender studio was based
instead of this boring sculpty look that every fucking guy on artstation is doing, they actually had soul

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