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How popular is this method? I've seen a few call of duty devs use fusion 360 and then convert to 3DS/Blender, retopo. Is it worth learning if i wanna make guns? Or the retopology part is gonna be as much suffering as if i made it in a normal program from scratch?
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Untill you post a tutorial that covers the entire workflow from Plascity/Fusion 360 to Maya/Max then into Substance painter.

I will hear no more of these Cad lies; 500 USD for a tutorial is how much i'd value this infomation at.
i tried it at our studio, made 2 guns in cad and 1 plane
in the end i stopped, problems were quite clear

-clunky uis and tools, which is crazy since 3d packages are already clunky as fuck, and somehow all CAD software, especially fusion, is even worse
-cant find plans and dimensions for everything, i had the real guns by my side and after a while i got bored of measuring shit, i still prefer tracing pictures, if 3d scanning metal wasnt such pain in ass, i would just grab some pics and convert them to 3d with photogrammetry ( though maybe guasian splats will solve this since they can deal with reflections better)
-lack of tools you get used to, cad software dosnt support modern rendering pipelines, texturing, and uv tools
-exporting into geo with geo control which meant >
-no mid poly stage for retopo, need to retopo from scratch which also meant >
-a lot of out models dont have high poly, we got 200-300k tris low poly models with decals with weighted normals, meaning you add a lot of work in cad workflow

i gotta say i never used plasticity, so no idea if its any better
i still think about going back to cad for gun parts for 3d printing, currently use basic snapping and measurements
Its extremely autistic and retarded, besides you can change the measurements on pretty much all 3d software anyways, so doing it on CAD for a vidya is just redundant, start on 3dmax/maya/blender right away.
CAD after all is focused for engineering on the actual world, vidya faggots dont really care if its "accurate"
>200-300k tris low poly
that's not lowpoly
it is, if you are working on anything more than your first half life 2 mod
we can push few milion tris with no performance impact even on 5+ year old hardware, tris rasterization is laughably cheap, its draw calls and shaders that cost us per frame, and 99% of performance problems are from asset streaming and the lighting model
hell, doom eternal had models as dense half a decade ago and it runs at 100 fps on a potato, horizon zero dawn was pushing much more almost a decade ago on previous console gen

either way, i like to do both low and high at once, but recently im just doing the low and do details in substance painter, after you pass that 100-200k polycount there is little you cant do by baking weighting and materials into the normal, even with no udims on a single 2k texture you can push a lot of detail, and usually my models have few 4k udims
>it is, if you are working on anything more than your first half life 2 mod
yeah no, 200k tris is well into mid poly territory.
yeah that's bullshit, 300k is too much for anything in a videogame. and people wonder why modern games run like shit nowadays, it's because of people like you.
fuck you mean too much? work at lest 5 minutes on any project before you speak
spiderman 1 ps4 had character models that reached up to 1 milion polys, zero dawn had up to 1 milion, god of war had kratos at 150k with no weapons and no kid, together around 500k, ps4 games
every single re8 character is in 300k - 1mln, enemies are 100k-1mln range with sometimes 6-8 of them on screen at once, mentioned before doom eternal all weapons are 100-200k tris, enemies are 50-200k tris, both considered greatly optimized games that run solid 60 fps at 4k on mid range hardware
there are mobile games that are 5 years old that push half a mln scenes

also why the fuck would 300k be a lot? a single 2k texture is 4 milion 16-24 bit points, 4k textures weight more than rigged fbx file with multiple uvs, as long as tris arent subpixel so 4 pixel squares dont get rendered multiple times millions of polies cost you nothing to rasterize

its retards like you that create misconceptions on what creates bad optimization, you literally have 0 idea what polycounts games push or why they run bad, unreal 5 games run like shit due to tris overdraw, and meme fucking ray tracing, virtualized shadows and heavy shaders, but they prove you can have billions of tris, if it fits in vram it makes no difference

the hell is mid poly?
there is either low or high, you gonna be calling 200k mid pol in 10 year too when games push 10mln tris counts?
none of these games you cited are well optimized.

>also why the fuck would 300k be a lot? a single 2k texture is 4 milion 16-24 bit points
yeah, because you're gonna have an untextured 1 million poly model... right? you're gonna use 2K textures at minimum for anything that isn't PSX or flat shaded memepoly slop.
so what would weigh more, a very optimized model with less than 50k tris, or something with hundreds of thousands of tris, using the same textures? it's pretty fucking obvious especially if it's a skinned mesh.

i stand with my point, it's because of retards like you that games run like shit nowadays. all because of lazy artists who don't want to spend time making good topology and instead just pluck their sculpts directly into their engines and let muh nanite or whatever the fuck do all the magic work for them. retard.
>none of these games you cited are well optimized.
You gotta be shitting me.
Doom eternal is literally the golden standard given as well optimized game, that shit runs at 140fps with ray tracing on at 4k native on my pc.
I played horizon forbidden west, one of the best looking games ever created at locked 60 4k, and all the ps4 games literally run on a 2teraflop gpu, something that by today standards is considered weaker than mid range smartphones.

You are completely delusional if you think thats not well optimized enough.

>so what would weigh more, a very optimized model with less than 50k tris, or something with hundreds of thousands of tris, using the same textures? it's pretty fucking obvious especially if it's a skinned mesh.
What shaders, how many lods, how many drawcalls in the model, how many bones per vertex, any tris or pixel overdraw, proper culling or not, how complex rig. Shadow maps using proxies or base geo?
Your comparison is so idiotic i regret even reading your post, i legit get dumber from it.

> it's because of retards like you that games run like shit nowadays
You cant even accept that the games i mentioned run well, you are so keen on arguing shit you know nothing about your opinion is worthless.
I give up, you are too stupid to argue with.
No tutorial yet?
These niggas don't know shit about how rendering works.
>What shaders, how many lods, how many drawcalls in the model, how many bones per vertex, any tris or pixel overdraw, proper culling or not, how complex rig. Shadow maps using proxies or base geo?
Half of the stuff on your list is about reducing polygon or vertex count, retard

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