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Reminder: Subscriptions SUCK!

Have a 3Ds Max/Maya question? recently started a project? Or simply want to complain about Maya crashing?

Previous thread: >>
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Advice would be welcome.
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Autodesk general?
I want to use autodesk but I cannot stand the subscriptions. what are my other options for obtaining the software?
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This is a huge longshot, but does anyone have the braid/spiral creation script for Maya? It was on highend3d but the site has been down for 6 months with no telling when it'll come up. The script was EXTREMELY useful for creating fast nice looking braids to use with modeling or xgen.
You can do it with follow along curve
The script automates something that is tedious (but easy) to do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFjuIW8fBvM
Maya and 3d max thread, eh? Game changer
It looks fine; is it animated?
>Advice would be welcome.
model something more interesting
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I have these breaks in texture lighting after extruding
tinkering with smoothing/normals didnt do anything
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quick peeling doesnt adhere to the peel seams I manually drew
as you can see on these 2 islands far apart
Just delete the lines and votex, just delete it. There’s nothing stopping you from doing it.
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now the shading problem propagated to the whole face
It looks like a lightning problem because even if you rearrange it in UV, you can see the same problem in this picture: >>993332

I don’t know how lightning in 3DMax works do might want to look into it.
Like what?
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Script for free I made today to rename a bunch of shit i had in the same folder.

Autodesk General - Autodesk 3D Modeling applications
Should i learn Plasticity or SubD?
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trying to rely on smart extrude to merge objects but it isnt working for this instance
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try Modifier List>Normals>check unify normal/uncheck flip normal and see what happens
doesnt work
smart extrude only works with 1 face selected it seems
Make the bottom faces planar in z and it will work.
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The smart extrude algorithm initiates the boolean operation only on the faces that contact the surface first, by making it planar you are forcing the program to take all faces into account.
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trying to make an ISU 152 gun mantlet but cant do it merging 2 primitives (cylinder & chamfered box)

should I switch to paneling?

reference I want to achieve
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Cute. This reminds me of my first 3d model of a mustang I tried to make using only boolean because I had no idea of hard surface modelling.

You must get into poly modeling if you want to achieve reference.
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Better kbps
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Use smooth modifier with value 35

Mesh is having trouble maintaining circularity in this spot because you have an unbalanced loop. Cylinders are tricky because the only good wat to maintain a perfect circular shape is to subd the whole circumference in regular loops.
I love this thread
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total noob here
my fat monkey fingers hit something and now the left cone is retarded. What did I do? Ctrl + Z doesn't work.
1- no smoothing, 2-smoothing with cage, 3- smoothed mesh preview (subdivided preview)
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I’m learning Maya so I can create some game assets. It’s so frustrating how much better the Blender tutorials are on YouTube though. Most of the Maya tutorials are done by pajeets with awful microphones and bad instructions. Does anyone know of any channels that have higher quality stuff in regards to Maya? So far GameDevAcademy's 4 hour intro video has been really good but I'm struggling to find more of that level of quality.
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When applying texture to this wall it overlaps onto the window, is there a way to remove the overlapping section?
It's not a texture it's a triangulation problem.

Convert to edit poly > select wall face > retriangulate.

If problem persists retriangulate manually.

If problem persists use optimize modifier with auto edge.
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Max sometimes goes crazy when a square whole is made onto a square polygon and it has no edges because it creates non conforming triangulation.
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I should've specified my b, this is in Maya. I "fixed" it by just not applying texture to the outer wall. Seems like if I apply the texture to the outside then the overlapping happens (although it only shows up when rendering the image).

Is there a similar re-triangulate setting in Maya?
This is why an autodesk general doesnt work because autodesk programs are alien to eachother.

If this is something happening in the arnold buffer you should shack your mesh settings. My vague memory tells me there is a quad split option in the mesh settings.
This will prevent unwanted rendertime retriangulation.
thanks! I'll investigate that
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my maya donut
this is my world, you are just living in it.
Elementza, paid tho
did you 0 bottom diameter?
I've seen blender donuts BTFO it severely
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I'm getting really weird distortions on this bowl when I render it w/ Arnold after applying a texture. I suspect something wrong with the UV mapping?
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Yes, the UV bow should not be rounded, it needs to stay in squares or at very least close to how you would draw it. One of the bows is out of bounds so that is why you get that render. Lastly, the UV camera angle needs a lot of work.

I don’t know if it’s me or what but did you super size the UVs to unreasonable levels? Also why EXR format, you can use png or other photo formats that can capture the roughness of the model. What have you been doing…
The texture is 4k so I have to increase the size of the UVs so that it doesn’t look blurry, I probably overdid it though as you mentioned it’s out of bounds.
I just snapped a pic using snipping tool which is why it’s a jpg
No one ever told you that using outside tiles is just a repeat of the original 4K. This is why everything is only in block1 and only rarely would anyone use outside block2 or 4. The size of material won’t matter much unless you want it to be super detailed. The UV cameras and UV shapes are the thing you need to fix.
What specifically not anon different guy learning subd
The blender one is supposed to be a good one?
Finally found a solution to a long standing bevelling issue been having in maya
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Are there any good (free or paid) mech tutorials?
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Retard here. Could you guys point me in the right direction with Fusion 360? Took this model from the internet but I need to shorten the distance between these two big bolt holes and 3D print it. I can cut it in the slicer obviously, but it wont keep the same curve going down to the second bolt hole. Surely there's some tool that can do this.
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Man fuck this shit I'm gonna learn how to make my own and do it from scratch and make it better.
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Let me guess you found that you've been using the bevel tool incorrectly and you should be doing it with offsets instead of fractions?

https://discord.gg/Dayy7kFgJG read the rules and pass the botcheck then go to #3d-faq-frequently-asked-questions some autistic on their server assumable an encyclopedia of beginner tutorials.
Thank you. I just got help with my cylinder
so working with stls in fusion kidna sucks but its doable. You want to select all of the tris in the holle and the bevel and just delete them, then fill it.

Also, its probably smart to convert the model before you do anything. its been a while but i remember doing the same shit with models in the past.

Or jsut rebuild it like you were thinking about, thats a pretty good model to learn from replicating
you probably want to build the shape first then cut the holes afterwards. if you want to original sleek curvature of the original model, i think lofting with a few guide lines will be your friend
Oh, This is good.
Should I swap from maya to blender?
You're fucking crazy my dude. Blender feels like it was designed by 30 different autists.
You can complement your workflow with Blender, since its modeling and sculpting tools are generally better than Maya's, but switching programs over entirely would be a downgrade.

The chad workflow is to model and unwrap in blender, arrange your scene and animate in maya and then add simulations and render in houdini. And by chad workflow I mean my workflow
Blender can’t handle millions of polygons even with higher graphics cards. It doesn’t offer symmetry or auto repto. Only dumb people would continue to use ancient methods that takes days to complete a model vs another software like Wings3D that just works.

Also, maya’s UV editing offers more opportunities to create it for many studios compared to Blender’s backwater of UV editing. Wings3D is obviously better too because it’s designed to get simple UV to work.
I dunno what you're doing that makes it unable to handle 'millions' of polygons because I routinely make models that go over 10 million by the end of the project.

Also why would you ever suggest Wings3D? That program is dogwater shit I first learned 3D with. Never suggest it as a serious tool.
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dummy this is 101 of UV texturing, you need to work in the small square, ZOOM the UV until you see ONE square and packaged everything around it, this is hilariously bad but dont worry, one time mistake, promise?
I want to do an elementas course but you have to buy it. It's alot of money.
What CPU should I get for Autoshit Revit, working on massive bloated projects with arch and MEP and my 5600x is getting fucked in the ass. Thinking 7950X3D or wait for 9000X3D to come out.

Do any of their programs have multi threading???
>What engine should I get for Uber, working on hauling bricks and my leather upholstery is getting fucked in the ass. I think if I put a v8 in my uber or wait for a v9 to come out.
Do any brick loads support many vehicles???

You are a moron.
I gave in bought the course learning alot
Care to explain, would of been great to get an answer. Intel gay.
Fuck me this great just the introduction videos already learning alot
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Still using 2019 for conpatibility and reasons. Am i missing out?
Any info out there on creating PS1 type vertex snapping/dithering in Maya? There's a ton of tutorials for Blender but I'm having a hard time finding how to do it in Maya
If you mean the sort of jittering effect 3D PS1 games had, you can achieve this in Maya by moving the scene/characters extremely far from the origin. What happens is that the transformation values get so big, that they go over the 32 bit float limit, and lose accuracy due to it, which causes the effect.
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anyone know where I can find this Elementza course for free? rutracker has an older version of the course with 1 seeder and corrupted video files
Totally agree!
Nope. Just buy it
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>mfw got the edu license for autodesk and can use any product for a year for free

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