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Now that CGPeers has locked half it's userbase out for not remembering their registration burners, what is the next best place to not pay money to Autodesk, Foundry and Maxon?
>>1002702 (OP)
Pirate Bay is relatively usefull for normalfag entry 3D software with clean cracks. However, start searching for 'weirder' stuff like professional fire and render plugins and you get nothing.
>>1002702 (OP)
why are they gate keeping so hard? the fuck
because the admins were too stupid and incompetent to filter out the bad actors.
they were also too dumb to implement basic failsafe provisions for people losing their account details. Why implement security questions or 2FA when you can just interview 800+ pajeets one by one all day.
Basically Indians would upload all the torrents to other sites or share torrents

A torrent still survives if people are downloading it.

Still having to buy access is laughable had a fun time writing an article for this
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>>1002702 (OP)
Have you ever needed email to register? I registered in 2018 and i don't remember I used email at all
you did and apparently they didn't allow gmail accounts because i used protonmail to sign up, was a bitch finding the burner account i used all those years ago
>Basically Indians would upload all the torrents to other sites or share torrents
Extremely based indians have saved the internet again
where does CGPeers recruit from?
just checked my own account and my burner still works thank fuck,

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