my shitty cpu wont allow me to good sculpts
>>999382A good artist is not limited by their tools.
>>999382Cheer up buddy look at the cool hat your thread got
>>999382nobody asked
>>1003989really.. evil on the jolly day..
>>1003989I asked.
How do you go about rigging this type of dress. How do you place the bones etc. Not exactly the dress in the pic, but that type of dress with the long "loin cloth", not sure what the name is. Tabard dress? Qipao? The character that will use it "fully modeled'. As in, the clothing can be taken off, or replaced with other clothes. Do you make a separate armature for the cloth or is it part of the characters armature? I made some attempts, but making it behave nicely, especially when the character is sitting is a struggle.
>>1006252The skeleton of the character is ofc insufficient to drive it so you'll need to extra bones or other custom systems like a clothsim to drive it.
bone chain along the front and back
>>1006289>>1006275Do you guys make the cloth bones part of the characters armature, or as a separate one
>>1006264I thought of physics as well, it can just get a bit slow at times on my machine, even with proxy cages or whatever you call them.
>>1006290I typed out like 4 different use cases to justify doing or not doing that and in all of them it was just as easy to as to not. It comes down to personal preference.In my use case I have characters who swap clothing in a RT environment. Some of the clothes will have fancy flowy things with joint chains. Some of them wont. Those that do will all be different from each other. It doesn't make sense to me to put every single possible bone all of the different clothes might need onto the character. I would rather the clothing object carries the clothing's joints along with the mesh. Then I will just constrain the root joints as necessary. That being said, if I did put the joints on the character hierarchy, it would be very easy to swap meshes in and out for different outfits. I'd also always know the physics will work if they work once.So personal preference
>be master at plap animation>cannot do a simple walkWhy does this commonly seem to filter so many animators?Is it really that hard to animate walking?
>>1004451i think he just didn't polish this shot up at all. look at the falling petals and the roses, those are more blatantly not good than the animation
>>1004451plap animation is barely an animation, it's literally just 3 keys looped. for walk you need to know how to work with weight and body mechanics.>>1004462what the fuck did I just read
Because it's something we witness every day. Most natural movement we do. Replicating it requires mimicry. It's why motion capture is a neccessity and saves time. The time spent for an animator to do these things for a shot takes too long.
Because he's a hack that only knows how to animate disfigured manfaced trannies (no pussy = no futa) fucking in an exaggerated wayYou wanna know something crazy?if you go to the rule34 page for that video, there's people praising the first 15 minutes of that video, in which nothing happens, it's just shitty voice acting and awkward pauses between each line. One basedboy went as far as to call it "absolute fucking cinema". Grim.
>>1005905His animations outside of the lewd parts are pretty low quality in general. It's not just this video. But it is pretty likely those shots don't get nearly as much time invested into them, compared to the main meat of his content, so it's somewhat excusable. Some shortcuts are required when working alone, if you don't want to spend a ton of time on each project, when likely 90% of the viewers will just skip over all of the scenario setup and talking, and go straight to the lewd bits. Working alone also has the detrimental side, that you don't have anyone qualified around to give you good feedback. Even the best animators get blind to their own work, and benefit from having a colleague comment on their work. Sadly, coomers never give useful comments or constructive feedback, it's always either "Absolute cinema!", "Are you a god?", or someone complaining it doesn't cater to his incredibly specific fetish. If only we had a red 3D board where we could share our lewd content, to ask for feedback, so we could help each other improve.>>1004510This is the correct answer. Flashy fights and such are relatively simple to do. A good walking animation on the other hand is a massive pain in the ass to do well. If a scene requires me to show a character walking from place A to B, I'll either allocate several times more time for it on my schedule, compared to other things, or I'll hide most of it with camera cuts and angles, to minimize the amount of work needed for it.
>>1006223He got lipp.
Here's mine
>>1006235This thing could honestly replace rorscach tests
>>1006223I support this
Post vintage/retro-styled renders and animations.Pre-rendered, game graphics, whatever you got.
>>1005870And that's all I've got.
I really hated 3D graphics back in the late 80s and early 90s. Compared to drawn animation it looked so off to me, cold and I was young enough to feel actually creeped out by it (in the bad way).I do understand the appeal of it being used as distinctive style in the 2020s and I guess that creepiness is part of it.To me it feels like brutalist architecture. It can be impressive to look at every no and then but I don't want to get confronted with it every single day.
>>1005835Cheers bro. Here's a new one.
Finished up another one tonight.
Someone in my family told me straight up that he believes that 3d can be completely automated yesterday when we were talking about 3d jobs. I had to tell him that 1) you can only automate the simple stuff and 2) if you automate your art it looks like its been automated.Who was right?
>>10057633D transformers are still text to image to depth map to point cloud to mesh.That's for free ones you can try on github and commercial ones that want you to buy credits for the same thing.That's the reason they suck. Nobody has done a true 3D transformer yet that has been trained on actual meshes and until they do they will continue to suck.
>>1005917>How do you think the AI understands what you mean when you ask it to conjure up something using descriptions of said thing?its just rightthink with no comprehension so like I just said, LLM is not AI. Stop fooling yourself.
>>1005923cont.and, as I've just said "prompting" or "searching" for some keywords will deplatform you entirely and get you banned or worse. This happens now and will always happen. Not the same fear in analog. Hits different.
>>1005763i cant respond to #1. but #2 seems like nobody is gonna give a fuck in a few years.
>>1005796cant we just take a baseball bat and go to town on their computers
Am I hallucinating or was there an Unreal Engine General (/ueg/) at some point? It was nuked when the moderators did that oopsie a few months back, wasn't it? I double checked on /vg/ too but it doesn't seem to be there either.I'm making a new /ueg/ then, please forgive the absence of links and other useful information normally associated with such kinds of threads but I was never a regular and therefore did not save them.What're you up to anon?
>>1004211he lied, no jobs
>>1004345I don't want to post any screenshots of my game because my art style isn't finalized yet BUT I do have a new piece of information for you lol. first part of a series for creating your own lighting model in engine just dropped on youtube from an industry veteran. I've been hoping he'd upload something like this for a while now.
>>1001764Hammer sucks on Linux, it basically doesn't work. Unreal ed werks
Any word on when DLSS or FSR will be compatible with UE 5.5?
I've no clue how to get a particle system to spawn at a new, random location within a range with each loop/call/instance.Any pointers?
look at my donut. i sold my old car and invested in a gayming computer with shitty RGB lights i can't turn off (tech illiterate)So... how much longer until i'm making looped WEBMs of furry porn and charging a thousand dollars per character commission?it gets better... right? i feel like a baby just learning to crawl.
>>1002111>started immediately working on a character modelngmi. that's like wright brothers trying to build a space rocket
>>1002111fuck that other anon.starting with something that grabs you is as good as any other. what ever gets you googling and scrolling stack exchange and trial-and-erroring your way through. an important thing to remember is that if you can't recreate it, it's not worth being made, so never fear scraping something because it becomes unworkable. think of it as an opportunity to hone your beginning process more. whether it's a donut or your oc or what ever, if you belev you can achev (not to sound too cliche)
>>1002111>I’m worried that if I go any further I’m going to ruin it completelyjust hit "save incremental" every like 5 minutes and load an older save if u feel like u've fucked it frenthat and go into your preferences and under "System" crank "Undo Steps" to 256 to let you ctrl+Z a shitload
the point of the donut tutorial is not that the donut looks incredible and people are now 3d wizards, its for showing process and features of blender (and more broadly, considerations of 3d) to complete beginners. you barrel through a lot of handholding very quickly to see what you might like.
>>1003933>crank "Undo Steps" to 256 to let you ctrl+Z a shitload I set it to 32768 just to be sure
Disney is still selling stolen 3D artwork and never apologized to artist. Keep your eyes peeled.
>>1006142they owe him nothing tbphwyfmlminternet losers need to learn they don't own the fanart they make, they never have and never will and the only reason they can e-beg through patreon or whatever while profiting from IPs they don't own is mere courtesy and good will from those multibillion dollar companies
>>1006149Glad someone said it, so I don't have to.
>>1006140I came to this thread expecting Disney to be unscrupulous, but if it's not his original IP, well, tough shit boyo.
>>1006157>>1006149That's not how the law work, edgy trannies
>>1006149unironically this.also this is disney, they can do whatever the fuck they want even if they don't have the law on their side. even if the guy somehow finds a lawyer brave enough to sue and somehow reach a positive outcome for the artist, they will settle it behind closed doors and NDA him for the rest of his life. in the 0.0001% chance that the guy actually wins, is it really a victory if he can't tell anyone about it?personally I can't wait for the day that a big porn animator learns this lesson and catches a massive suit. imagine the meltdown. and it WILL happen, it's only a matter of time. one day some random ultra religious lawyer will get promoted to a high position in a massive company like actiblizz and absolutely bring the hammer down. and once there's blood in the water then the payment processors will swoop in and finish the job. you should screencap this post. in fact i will screencap it myself and have it on hand for the day that I am proven right.
Therefore, I do not charge for the assets that I make
>>1006158I can't wait until I make something valuable enough to sell. I don't care if Blender is free. I'm making bank on my creations.
>doesnt make assets anyone wants, even for free.
My side chicks husband doesn't charge for the assets he makes. So I put those assets in my game which I sell, maximizing my profit margins. What a dork. (Nice guy though)
Go away faggot.
My primary goals are to create characters for my own games and animations. More than anything I want to focus on animations and character designs. I'm operating solo trying to do stuff but I've realized that 3D is so multifaceted that it's very very difficult for a single person to be good at all of it. I understood this conceptually but until I really started making my own projects I realized why these pipelines are so specialized. I want decent quality rigs, and it's not like I don't think I have the capability to make them but it's just such a time and skill investment that I want to dedicate to my main purpose which is animation and character design. I don't have the money to pay someone to do this so I guess I'm in a tough spot.
I don't understand rigging, arent all humanoids are basically exactly same with just slightly different proporions? What's the problem to automatically make rig to all humanoid models?
>>1006134how new are you? there are billion scripts for auto rigs
>>1006134Rigging doesn't mean replicating the human skeleton 1:1, especially the shoulders are tricky to get right.There are a ton of semi-automated rigging scripts but in order to know if they will work for you you have to understand rigging yourself.
collaborate with someone who wants to rig but doesnt want to make character models
Anyone has ever done it? Not as an actor but as either a animator in charge of correcting animation or the technical responsible for setting it up.You think it's a realistic idea/goal to set up a studio and iterate on it starting from my bedroom?I'm a programmer and want to get into animation and was thinking about this from a gamedev perspective that really doesn't have the will to learn 3D animations the manual way. I realise how kind of dumb it sounds but I legit don't know anything about it but the logic behind doesn't seem so complex though
>>1005020Would make more sense to hire some turdworlder animator/modder than invest into the equipment and deal with the cleanup, hope you realise it's not a drag and drop thing
>You think it's a realistic idea/goal to set up a studio and iterate on it starting from my bedroom?w....what is this? Do you think this is a joke?
>>1005070To live in Venezuela with mental illness in not a joke.
I want to try Rokoko this week like I can just use my phone in my room and it's free.
>>1006123bump, need to know this
I don't like the way I do my face. Can someone tell me how I can improve it. Also I will not mind criticism, it will help me to understand what I do wrong.
Find, make, buy, steal some really accurate front and side image planes of a face design you like. Set them up in your scene, and trace them in 3d.
First off>furry>posts a scalieAlso your anatomy is still horrible, especially the hands (do you have hands? look at them and model them until they kinda look like yours) and what kinda head is that supposed to be? Dragon? Dog? Use references.
What do you think of the mouth?There's just something bothering me and I can't figure it out.
>>1006128well it's not finished. That's what's "off" about it. I can kind of see nice looking proportions creep out, but it lacks the final shape. Are you sculpting the mouth partway open so you can have blends that open and close it all the way?
>>1005829what this anon >>1005873 said use references. either of similar designs or of the animal you are trying to model (some kind of lizard or w/e)
Previous: >>993129Daz youtuber's and general guides: Davids (Marvelous designer)ThundorndCgBytes JinBridges: Blender Bridge: too long. Click here to view the full text.
New thread theme ideas?
>>1006433Then this stuff isn't for me. I had zero idea it existed anyway. Or fuck it, i buy it then give it to render-state. Fuck their optic.
>>1006686What i meant is that i only pay attention to what i can get for free. Jumping through hoops isn't worth it. So i ignore it entirely.Gain of time and energy.I also took a look at the first ten pages of requests. There's only one thing i would have downloaded. Why such a big deal about this place anyway?As for f95, does the interface allows the same display as render-state? If not, then it's useless.
I'm planning to start try doing futa stuff in Daz soon, what products do yall recommend for slapping dicks on G8F models?Also, any recommendations for cumshot facials?Thought I'd ask about what's good/popular rather than download a bunch of shit I'll never use.
I'm so fucking lost rn. I'm trying to create a simulation of bubbles going past an object with an collision tree. But I have no idea where and with which nodes I can combine them. Anybody here who can help me on my way?
>>1005625>sharing a ".blend" file on this siteabsolute cringe
>>1005625Maybe one day you'll be able to emulate Pong with your Blender. Think of the possibilities.
>>1005549>>1005493When will you realize only programmers care about if something is done the 'right' way? Other humans only want to know what the easiest way is to get to a result
>>1006114Only learn easy, ya sure like how Gamedev easy way is shovelware junk that spams Steam platform. The easy way of art is AI junk that ruin internet viewing experience. The easy way of making tshirts is using cheap materials that harm people who wear it.Everything easy is bad anon.