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I'm trying to make a video game, however I suck at using Vroid so I feel the supporting character looks too generic (Attached). Does anybody know any good places to commission Vroid artists?
well of course she'll look generic is you use vroid. If youre going to commissions someone you may as well commission a brand new mesh. Otherwise, there's lots of free moe blob 3d models.
gtfo with your tranime slop
looks generic but cute UwU

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How to learn to animate like ZZZ?
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looks like exaggerated overlaps, nothing special. we have a maya script that creates them for you
>This is not motion capture
its motion capture, the most they done it is change and adjust some thing
mocap is useless in stylized animation, it's way easier to keyframe it than to cleanup and tweak mocap for exaggerated cartoon poses. only way mocap is used for these might be for a timing / anatomy reference but a good animator doesn't even need that
hence the wave to bland "realistic enough" games polluting the market all using cheap mocap.
is there a BTS?

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Would anyone have a guide or could point me in the right direction for creating/generating various textures (noise, normals, etc.)? Namely looking at things that are crystal/gem-like, and would like to eventually get them into a material editor like in Unreal.
Substance Designer tutorials on youtube.
You can apply almost everything that is shown there in Material Maker, which is a free open source alternative.
You can also do some more things in Material Maker, like Flood Fill to UV and custom whatever nodes you might find or invent.
Thanks, anon. I'll give MM a shot if the free student Designer license doesn't pan out.
There's this great photoshop plug-in called nDo. It was free for a long time, and it was just a complicated action file that makes rather passable normal maps from plain color images. Works great with photos and noisy texture.
Later it became a standalone application and it's paid, but I still have the free version.
Worth mentioning, every single texture synthesis engine like Substance Designer or Material Maker has a node that takes image as input and returns normal map as output. There are also all kinds of node to adjust HSV, Brightness/Contrast, covert image to given palette, etc. I personally think it's just easier and faster to open MM and drag-n-drop image there to do any processing than bother with photoshop/gimp or whatever.

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Beeple did it so I am gonna give it a go, in fact I think I'll up the difficulty and make em animation loops.
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This is my first time even hearing about it.
you should check it out. lots of integration out of the box (ableton/Reaper, UE5, kinect/azure/orbbec), you can use GLSL shaders, can send and receive NDI, output to a projector. It's a really nice software. tons of tutorials for all levels (I'm tempted to make a beginner crash-course. lots of beginner tutorials, but it's always a specific thing.) You should check out bileam tschepe (elekktronaut), PPPANIK, and
The Interactive & Immersive HQ if you wanna learn more. This does LOTS of things
So is it a texture generator like designer?
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I dunno what you mean by that. TouchDesigner is really a node-based language. The main commercial purpose of TouchDesigner is to make interactive visuals, mostly for live events, but also for websites or video effects and loops (like for a music video). It can also handle DMX (lighting) and MIDI signals. it can handle 3D animated objects too like in >>998169. you can also extrude from an image too (It's nice to make spinning logos quick). it also does a bunch of things I dunno about cause it's much more advanced.

pic related is a moving grid of images fed into feedbacks with a transform to give it more than just a trailing effect. the "grid" node is its own level. It's spitting out both individual grids, and a composite of the two, which you can change what effect the composite goes through. the movement is animated with an LFO, and you can choose the wave (sine, gaussian, ramp, etc)

the different color of nodes represent the functions. CHOPs (green) handle signals, TOPs (purple) handle 2D, COMPs (black) 3D objects, 2D UIs and misc time stuff, SOPs for 3D points and polygons, MATs for shaders and materiels, DATs for ascii plain text and cells

free version lets you do almost everything, but you're locked under 1280x1280 and other things you shouldnt worry about like multi-desktop sharing.
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>running Maya without plugins
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What do you need plugins for? Really the only ones you might need, are alternative renderers, if you don't want to use Arnold, and maybe something like Yeti, since xgen is a pain in the ass. Animbot is useful, but definitely not mandatory. Same for Studio Library, but it's free.
>running maya
I think basically houdini, photoshop, substance painter, a game engine, a text editor, resolve, is the only "plugin" you need for maya with houdini being the main "plugin".
I remember pirating V-Ray and its materials in 3Ds Max several years ago, when I was actually using CGI software, good times, I recommend it
What are you using now, senpai? Traditional media, /ic/? If so, much respect

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The people deep into NURBS back in the day was always singing the praise of Rhino as I recall.

Max has NURBS but it was considered legacy even in the late 90's so the tools for it available there is not nice to work with. NURMS effectively superseded it and max headed down that path with all of it's subsequent tools for editable poly.
Okay but what's the most recent software that replicates this look? Obviously it's not optimal for most of this software to make models "look old" but for some people this is what they want.
>Okay but what's the most recent software that replicates this look?
90's software
You could do it with max of today more easily than you could with ~R9 which is probably around the last era when max still had all it's legacy video effect filters available.
Thing about legacy tools are that they where and are harder to work with and you would essentially have to study how to best employ them to do something that was
considered pretty cutting edge with those tools back then. Which is a retarded thing to do.

You have 2+ decades of advancement in 3D graphics and much more capable and refined tools available today. You're a lot better off investing your time learning current tools
and just emulate the look of old video effect filters in something external and current since it's both easier and more applicable for you to go where ever you want when you tire of
pursuing retro graphics because you've discovered how unrewarding it is to do something just as difficult that looks worse than other accessible aesthetics you could pursue.

Between getting max R9 look like Donkey Kong Country and make Max 2024 look like Donkey Kong Country, the latter is easier since you still have to touch every slider and material
in R9 to dial in that look, it's not like renders looks that way out of the box just because you're using Legacy Software. It'll just render the same flat blinn/lambert out of the box
the rest is up to you.

Without you spending a lot of time learning and experimenting exactly what settings and filters where used you're not much closer to that look for using 90's software.
And in ever other parameter you are just objectively worse off using less refined tools, modelling, texturing, rendering will all be more difficult and slower for you.
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Holy shit I wish NURBS had bezier curves, I think that would have been a cool feature.
And yes, you did need to adjust the threshold of your NURBS objects. Back when I was using then the renders would actually take a while because (as it was explained to me) NURBS resolution was infinite. As the camera changed the resolution of the NURBS surface would adjust.
I hated NURBS and had teachers that told us we had to use it.

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What can you do in OSL that you can't do in a shader node graph? Why would you use OSL?
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>really there isnt any advantage to it
I always thought that with OSL you could inject outside functions into your shading from other libraries not included with blender and also use things like for loops and if statements
It's probably best to grab a fully open-ended 3rd party renderer like MALT to do that
I don't need to introduce some no name software / malware onto my carefully constructed $5k+ machine.
It's probably the most popular alt renderer for Blender. It feels a bit janky at first though, like, it's running some python and opens an empty cmd side window to do some internal stuff.
definitely not downloading that crap

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I fuck around with low poly PS1 but the artistry in these models tell me that there's alot of planning involved.
What I think happens is that they sculpt these characters then bake the textures onto a retopologized low poly model. Similar to tracing over an existing model.
I ask because I want to get back into 3D modeling again for my own game but I'll only invest the time if it doesn't involve sculpting.
While you can accomplish that with sculpting, you can also just make a low poly model and add polys in places the player will see often, like the face. And you just keep adding poly's until it looks right or you hit the range you want.

I think the only time you would need to consider a high poly sculpt is if you wanted to do the higher fidelity cutscene character vs the lower poly gameplay character thing, but its unnecessary especially for indie/hobbyist stuff.

Most of the work is just the textures.

check this thread for some other tips and go download models off of Model Resource to study
they did not have sculpting tools at all when they mae this model
This is exactly what I needed, thanks anon.
Yep they put drawings in the background of their modeling app and pulled on vertices until the polys matched them. There's a book on Amazon from 2000-ish which walks you through the process. (think it was called 3d character design in 3D Studio Max or somesuch, might be able to view it on IA still)

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What is a good way to get into modeling Mecha?
Any good recommended sources to look at?
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Cool hobby idea! Try:

"Check YouTube tutorials"
Tutorial Generation
>this is what no pussy does to japanese incels
How can one draw this reference without getting bored to death? What are you, 12 years old to be into marvel mecha?
It's just a bunch of straight lines

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>that feeling when I try to create a new shader that I can do consistently in traditional media (pencil, pen, ink, paint) but is actually too complicated to create with traditional Blender 4.2
Stick to painting it
Not surprising at all. Painting is a different league.
subhumans who try anything other then procedural shading need to be fukking shot

and how would you make her today?
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here's what I'm thinking so far
- there are several different models.
- the resting hand closeup model is distinct from the main body (possibly)
- the legs appear to have expanded (it's possible these are actually simulated muscles... Square Pictures had that ability, was used in Spirits Within)
- The spine penetration shots may have been done by positioning a spine model to the side of her (it doesn't look natural really
Japanese studios liked softimage a lot.
The face is the part that seems the most difficult to pull off... the way it bubbles and the torn flesh expands and swells. It's so organic, is the thing.
This thread is a psyop
Either OP's blind or doesn't know the fundamentals of 3D
The creature design is cool and I like the detail of the face splitting apart at the jawline but quite frankly the overall execution is dogshit.
This looks shitty, like a DAZ model.

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why cum this hapen?
forgor to assign material to vertices?
Bingo: the purple faces have a Material assigned but said Material is missing its image texture. OP, go into Shading mode and see if your textures are setup correctly, if images ARE pluggedin pay close attention to the file names
tank u

blender just won another competition, now there's no reason for you to not use it, if you're still using blender congrats you're a Chad, you have independent thought and not influenced by Maya bot opinion that forced you to give up on blender, and maya... only losers use maya
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Doing porn as in actual porn or started making 3D porn?
>"A competition" is nothing compared to the dozens of academy awards given to the VFX industry that's using other programs that aren't Blender.

kinda like how jews invented the nobel peace prize then only awarded it to other jews
Alfred Nobel was Jewish?
Making 3D porn. Was it not clear from this reply? >>994608
No, he was Swedish, anon has an inferiority complex

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alright, just modeled this
what do i do?
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le new antispam filters really stopped the 'eens, didn't it?
you should delete it and make something actually good, this looks ugly as fuck
give her a giant ass and do twerk+fart animation, nusoicaca will goon for weeks
you got that wrong, their actual goals:
. getting people to pay for passes
. datamine email accounts from normies
. fucking you over so they do any of the above
You could've made a gemerald with your unique talents, but you made jartycuck coal instead.

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The truth is, AgX is good, its damn good, but any tonemapper or colorspace isn't going to make or break you when it comes to what really counts which is animation.

The truth is, there are avenues out there that AI art has been totally unable to crack.

The truth is, maya is just as necessary as houdini in VFX.
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look at the comparison image on the official blender 4.2 release download page comparing khronos / agx / standard. It's khronos in a landslide.
If you're not set on anything specific, and you're looking up this, looking up that, and testing testing testing, just use ACES or old sRGB. You're wasting time
nobody understands ACES, not even the creators
Check your rendering space is set to aces
Use SDR - 1.0 as your view transform if you're using modern aces. Pump your lights up if switching from a different space
Un-tone-mapped is for inspecting shit, like flat lighting
For typical gamma curved textures (jpegs from the internet) use sRGB - Texture
For linear textures use Linear rec.709
For data maps use utility - raw
Aces/AcesCG Textures don't exist unless you export in those spaces in your texturing software, they don't make a difference to anything
The space of EXR's you render out to disk are dependant on the software you're using unless you specify what space you want them to export in. They may be exported in Linear despite working in aces

That's it
kind of related but does anyone here use nuke anymore or has everyone switched to vinci? What are the pros to vinci besides it being free but paywalled?

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