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I'm interested in the creation of simple, stylized characters like picrel. Modelling humanoids has always been my bane and I want to get good at it. Could some kind anon point me in the right direction resource/course-wise?
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Very nice, do you trace your refs or polymodel just by looking at them?
How long did this take?
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thank you anon! I trace my ref first, then fix stuff by eye. my first attempt that produced a pretty rough looking model took me a whole day, this one took like 4 hrs total. also added a mouth that i'll dread trying to rig later probably!!
saved this btw, finna make one myself sometime. like that style.
make her.... bigger....
problem with that type of stylized 3D is that it's really hard to add genitals

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What's the board obsession with DAZ? I regularly use blender, Zbrush, etc in my pipeline and never even once considered using DAZ. I don't even know what it does, yet you all seem to insist on it.
The only thing I know about DAZ is that every model that comes out of it looks like a single mom with a skin disease and a permanent fluoride stare. Even the stylized characters seem to have a "look" about them that instantly betrays their dazzieness. What's the deal? What's being offered in DAZ that I can't get anywhere else?
DAZ is a coomer videogame disguising as a art software. It's purpose is to enable the userbase of
taking creep shot photography off women pretending like they're doing something more elevated than that.

It's popular with an audience that pretends like this isn't the case and seek out art-communities to spam renders pretending
like posing, staging assets and lighting scenes is a craft in it's own on a similar level to making stuff from scratch.

It's nothing new. Before DAZ it was poser Bryce 3D etc. Don't confuse the DAZ-lets with real people.

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This is the best 3D AI model generator right now.
I mean feed in your best and most optimized inputs to make the most coherent shape and then youre job is just retopo technician and adding details.
I could see myself extruding a base mesh, exporting it, and importing it into zbrush in as much time as it takes to generate it's best results
Cris stay in your fucking thread.
Post your donut filthy peasant
I can imagine some art director looking at this thinking “Just needs a few tweaks, but the tech is there. Lets terminate all the senior modelers and gave Sreedhar the intern run the prompts. Just retopo the model will even know its AI! I am so good at art.”

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Sometimes I wonder, how the fuck am I able to make such levels of KINO.

cris, you basterd bloody beatch.
you made it again.
you got KINO.

AI can't win over this level of uganda KINO.
Humans won.
AI lost.
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lmao he didn't win anything. Cris got worse. He had so much potential.
Back to your thread cris.
Chris. Daz3d. Chinks. The holy trinity of kino that makes /3/ assmad everyday
Post a donut
looks like cris abandoned his acompanamiento psicologico meds.

we're so back cris bros!

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Do any of You Do Stage Visuals?
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I just Downloaded ODESZA The Last Goodbye Cinematic Experience cause I'm a motion graphics designer & want to go into C4d & blender stage visuals for concerts, at the end of video this closing scene is the exact thing I said 10 years ago WTF

I was here in this exact place 10 years ago with different giant versions of myself watching me walk down a path Exactly like this, the first time I took LDS

I Just found the artist on Instagram Landis Tanaka & this guy has created All of My Major Dreams & Trips & doing the exact Job I call my Dream Job

WTF have i been doing with my life trying to flip[ shitty fucking motion graphics templates while someone else lives my dream

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From what I'm hearing it's that the 3D job market has dried up and things are looking bad right now. In the US everything is being downsized and offshored to India, Canada, and Europe. So finding a job in the US at this point seems rather difficult. I'm happy to take anything, but long term I want to work in games and make my own games and animations. Pic related is something I made for school, hope you think it's cool.
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You're not alone in that position. There are no easy answers and there is great uncertainty at what rate jobs will be destroyed due to automation.
AI advances doesn't not follow a liner progression but it's this random size step-function what sort of new capabilities emerge within
the better trained models just due to scaling.

We're currently living thru the 4th industrial revolution and everyones lives on this planet will change as a result of it over the course of our life time.
But if this is a dragged out slow take-off process and we have multiple decades of drawn out labor displacement ahead or if it will all happen in one savage blow
over the coming couple of years is currently a big question mark even to the people who stand at the apex of driving this development.

If I was young today I would advice myself to get any job ASAP and work that just to build up a reserve and pursue what I really love as a hobby.
Likely you will live thru a time of great displacement of labor when there will be those who have and those have not in a way few ever experienced in the western world.

Eventually this will lead to collapse of the consumer economy and some sort of financial security like UBI will be implemented, but before getting there all
of us are likely gonna pass thru a hellscape where most places will start to look more and more like Detroit after the collapse of the auto industry.
This is because there will be a lot of voters who will experience increased material success due to the partial automation who can acquire a lot of the cheap goods available at affordable prices to those who still have an income and they will consume amongst themselves while they have yet to be displaced by the machines.
Before a critical point is reached where enough voters are out on their ass that government is elected on mandate do rectify the situation
by socializing ownership of production we're likely gonna deal with a very dark chapter of 'late state capitalism gone wrong'.

If you're young today your mission is just to attempt to thrive/survive as best as you can while our civilization pivots across the fulcrum towards free labor.
In the post-scarcity world discovering intrinsic values like pursuing ones creativity are prob gonna be key to keep us sane as you're otherwise irrelevant.
>I physically can't work a manual labor Job
Of course you can, don't be silly, and stop imagining that it's not physically demanding to work a creative job
A job is a job
No I mean my back and knees are fucked and I can barely walk.
Unless you're GOD theyd rather hire an indian.
Make your own stuff, cultivate an audience, crowd fund.

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I hate geometry nodes.

So I wanted to get an array that has a offset for example every repeated part is -5 of the original distance.

This is impossible to get in the array modifier (despite the devs being retarded for not including it)

So lets see how I can do this in geometry nodes.
Repeat something node yes???
WTF? What is this shit.

Youtube search.

LOOOK AT THIS GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I only use Geometry Nodes along some Addons like Geo Scatter and for making quick, advanced and ready to render environment art.

Never use it for anything else.

Geometry Nodes are engineering, not art.
You need to be extremely autistic or mathematical to understand this.

>For example:

Instead of using Arrays in Blender, I literally just use Nanomesh and Arrays in Zbrush, which is what I know.

>"But I know how to use Geometry Nodes! It's not hard!"

Well good for you! But most people do not know how to use this, it's far too complex.
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I've found blender nodes to be pretty useful for making trees quickly.
Smoothbrain artist-type here, I ended up picking them up after forcing myself to use them instead of long chains of modifiers and stuff.
I'm still shit at them, but they're definitely not as intimidating as they were before and I can somewhat get by. I'd say they're as complicated as learning material nodes. I used to be shit at those to, but now I'm really fuckin good at those.
They're not good for artistic purposes, better to use them as a sort of skeleton
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geo nodes arent complex they are just fucking retarded. every geo node guru ive seen essentially spends all his time mangling that intuitive peice of crap to do something simple. its such a fucking roundabout system its easier and faster to do everything in python why cant they just add programmable scriptable modifiers already?

Is there any sort of Blender add-on that converts it to using sketch/constraint-based CSG style tools?
Blender-style tools are absolute garbage for hard surface compared to basic CAD
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You have that cad addon, whatever is called but it is not an option
Imagine if FreeCAD actually supported common operations like making a fucking offset perimeter
ConjureSDF, you should go with Plasticity or Fusion360 instead
Opencascade (Freecad) integration was proposed in 2022, ofc nobody took the project, you could try to contact Hans Goudey on blenderchat, he is working on the sculpt mode refactor now so i suppose nothing is planned and he has no time for this, you can take a look at the modeling module too.
Wtf is that "tangent" constraint? For ANY 2 circles (which are not one inside another at least) you always have two lines that are "tangent" to both circles. So what is it supposed to do?

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Another blog post of a guy hoping to make it.
for reference i never complete any projects cause I'm lazy and I lack discipline, also because I have a day job.
Let's see if I can finish this time, goal is to finish a base mesh with game res and textures, as well as eyes and hair cards.
Also, please feel free to destroy me, I value your opinions.
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>2 months
Stfu just fucking render this shit and call it done. Move on to the next one dude. You don’t have unlimited time just like the rest of us.
why the rush? I'm learning how to sculpt clothes, I don't wanna half ass anything.
well that's the bump limit.
half the skills you learned have already been made obsolete by AI
I don't care about AI, I do this out of enjoyment.

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how do i put the vertex then the edge around there to move up down
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1. work in lower poly
2. use subdivide in viewer
3. alt+R
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Whatever you are saying, I think you have other problems with your model.
Search "retopology" to clean up your model
Search "rigging" or "armature" to move you model.
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What did you do to captain qwark?
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The only way to truly create retro CGI is by using period accurate hardware and software, anything else is forced soul from coping zoomers.
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This isn't Kiwi Farms. Let's talk about his 3D work.
stop bumping your own thread, nick.
His art is shit, there's not much to talk about
So. True.

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evil blender be like: separator
evil 3ds max be like: 2ds min
evil autodesk maya be like: manualfloor aztec
evil blockbench be like: spherebed
evil softimage be like: hardidea
evil bryce 3d be like: bruna 2d
evil source filmmaker be like: derived filmdestroyer
evil freecad be like: paidcad
evil plasticity be like: inflexibility
evil cinema 4d be like: at-home 3d
evil zbrush be like: achisel
evil substance painter be like: immaterial paint stripper
evil autocad be like: manualcad
evil revit be like: unvit
evil miku miku dance be like: miku miku (but evil) sit

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>manualfloor aztec
Thanks, I'm using this from now on. Toasting an ebin bread
>evil 3ds max be like: GPD Win 3 min
>evil zbrush be like: achisel
That's pretty good.

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basically stuff like beyond the minds eye
ive been watching a lot of 90s 3d demo videos lately and i just love it, but im having a hard time finding similar stuff
please post them here if you find any
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>unironically linking reddit
are you new here or something
>actually caring about reddit enough to be derogatory
looks like you're the only new one.
>unironically believing pepe-posting-/pol/tards makes up the entire population.
why is this stuff so comfy? I was born in 1998 and most of this stuff is before my time, but every time I watch this stuff it just makes me feel alright

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Desktop PC Core i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD + 240GB SSD, 24" monitor.
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whos the chick
Please god save me from destroying my family with one of those.
Yeah lol.
You need more system RAM and you need the fastest Nvidia GPU with the most VRAM you can afford for Daz. VRAM is your main bottleneck for rendering. If you run out of VRAM using Iray it will default to CPU rendering which you don't want.
The anon who created this thread either already had his answer, or doesn't care anymore, but I'm going to comment anyway.
DAZ Studio is an extremely unpleasant program to use. It's terrible, it's slow, it crashes, everything you do in it is more annoying than it should be. With all this in mind, I strongly recommend that anyone who is going to use DAZ Studio seriously consider having the most retardedly powerful computer possible. Buy the best CPU you can find, buy a GPU with at least 24GB, buy a 2TB SSD to install the resources you're going to use, etc. Don't skimp, otherwise you'll get stressed and irritated.
But of course, I'm talking from the point of view of someone who will need to work with the program for hours a day, and not just use it for recreation.

Note: I think it's best to use DAZ just to transfer assets to other programs. I've talked to DAZ users who have switched to Blender and they have no regrets. The time you spend learning Blender will be largely recovered later when you're working with a more versatile and powerful program. In DAZ, sometimes something as simple as a stubborn geometry in the model's hair that refuses to behave properly requires hours of fine tuning and the use of extra tools like the mesh grab, when in Blender this wouldn't even be an issue.

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He taught me Blender when no one else would.
Doughnuts, anvils, chairs, you name it.
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>rare seeing good hard surface stuff
name three. bonus points if they do not require a generalist knowledge of blender, e.g. don't "take off" from past the donut tutorial an every generalist thing you need to understand alt+R,click,z,move,click - assuming they even articulate that's what they are doing.
name a better program then
(you can't)
based and grateful Rakesh trying to learn new skills so he can improve his standard of living
who has best tutorials for sculpting in sculpt mode? humans in particular.
idk, I mostly watch tutorials by cats sculpting in edit mode

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