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My plan is to learn enough modelling and composition so I can make NSFW "art" and sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad. I have identified a niche of degenerates that seem underserved and recently a big artist in that niche burned out. I'm thinking of giving his audience a new home. He published a new comic every month of roughly 60 pages consisting of shots from around 3 or 4 scenes, all rendered in DAZ. I think this can be trimmed by at least half. He was a bit too into his own story and characters and cutting that out while keeping the degenerate stuff will keep me from burning out too.

Do you guys think this is a viable idea?
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who is that artist? what's the niche?
>they're slowly pushing out nsfw because payment jews don't like it
>jewish run porn will continue to receive funding though
ahh, to live in the United States of Israel.
Go to Upwork and see how many indians are selling 3d services
>My plan is to learn enough modelling and composition so I can make NSFW "art" and sell it on Fanbox/Patreon/Gumroad.

The market is fucking over saturated, the fucking world economy is in a recession and no one has fucking money to throw at retarded coomer artists.
Either come back in a couple years or better spend your time learning a skill or trade that will actually make you enough money to keep your roof over your head.

Learning 3D for monies right now is dumb. Doing it as a hobby is great.
you tell me

I'm having an annoying issue with studio library, probably me using it wrongly. If I add a run animation to a character in a scene, so I don't have to animated it every time, it snaps back to where the root is, and aligning it so you can't tell afterwards is a problem.

So I wanted to make a Mel script to create a locator at the current position of the character, then constrain the root to that position so the character will end up in the same place, but I can't get this fucking Mel garbage to work. Even examples online just give me syntax errors.
Now I'm just trying to select the locator and set its translateY to 0, but how to I set the position of either a named object, or the selection?
spaceLocator -p 0 0 0 -name FuckYouMaya;
parentConstraint -skipRotate x -skipRotate z Character:RootX_M FuckYouMaya;
select -r FuckYouMayat_parentConstraint1 ;
select -r FuckYouMaya

SetAttr //what goes here?
wrong place to ask for help bud.

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Can you suggest tutorials for setting up lights and render settings in Marmoset for professional looking renders that I can post on Artstation?
Paid or free it doesn't matter.
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get fucked faggot
I hope so
nta, but if you hate russkies or ukries, fuck you faggot for falling for D&C propaganda, you are the problem, anhero
>I would give you what you need
Even help with relocating? I have some unfinished project where I'm stuck at rendering and presenting my work. If it ends up decently good will you help me get a job?

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>Koreans start getting into mainstream media
>All their models look like high quality DAZ renders
Explain this, I can't be the only one who notices.
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A lot of people do that, mostly in porn.
I've got a lot of commissions for heads of characters, and then I see them attached to daz bodies. I have never seen a Korean game company using any daz model. Maybe a solo developer?
>generic, soulless, generic, soulless, literally
I think we're due some new buzzwords
Can anyone explain what this stands for? (please)
it originally stood for Digital Art Zone but it doesn't mean anything now..
hey oh

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Do any of You Do Stage Visuals?
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I just Downloaded ODESZA The Last Goodbye Cinematic Experience cause I'm a motion graphics designer & want to go into C4d & blender stage visuals for concerts, at the end of video this closing scene is the exact thing I said 10 years ago WTF

I was here in this exact place 10 years ago with different giant versions of myself watching me walk down a path Exactly like this, the first time I took LDS

I Just found the artist on Instagram Landis Tanaka & this guy has created All of My Major Dreams & Trips & doing the exact Job I call my Dream Job

WTF have i been doing with my life trying to flip[ shitty fucking motion graphics templates while someone else lives my dream
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>Landis Tanaka
not familiar with his work, but i know of this artist that worked with ODESZA as well.. those are almost certainly his figures in the animation: https://www.aeforia.xyz/odesza-1

must be a collab between the two, just thought you might like to see more in case you hadn't found aeforia by now.
Video got strike and removed.

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It may still be used in mobile games or modern games, I'm not sure. But I'd be really curious to hear if there's a particular process to get this done in a fast enough way or if it's a matter of spending time on it.
Tips to make the actual texture fitting this would be appreciated too.
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looks great*
Vivi is my nigga, poor dude only had like a year to live, and learnt it, big sad =(
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Can anyone translate what does he meant by this? I'm trying to figure out how to extract models from this game but currently I'm stuck at the file type .pak and .tpl. I know .tpl is texture file for the models but what the hell is .pak and how to read it?
I've been following this tutorial when I encountered the extracted file.
>It's been a while since I last ripped from Radiant dawn so I might not remember all the steps correctly, but here we go:
>First, open a path of radiance iso with a program called GCTool (I'm not sure if wiiscrubber works there as well) and find where the battle models are stored. Then extract every single file that you will find in a character folder (every character works).
>Now open a radiant dawn iso with wiiscrubber, find where the battle character models are stored and then find a folder called SwoLE, which contains edward's myrmidon files. Replace everything except the pack.cmp (which is edward's model) with path of radiance's files. That will make the character go to the famous T-pose in battle.
>Then find the folder that contains the character you want to rip (for example, trueblade mia is SwoSW I think) and extract the pack.cmp and the tpl files, which are the textures.
>Replace edward's pack.cmp file with your character of choice and convert the texture files using a program called tpl converter. Then you should have the texture images in an usable format.
>Close wiiscrubber (it automatically saves the changes) and run the dolphin emulator with 3d ripper dx. Start a new game and skip everything until you can control edward. attack the bandit and voila! you get the character of your choice t-posed. >Get the frame with 3d ripper DX and find the character in a 3d editing program (know you'll have to deal with the weird double sided faces).
>And that's it, you need a bunch of programs but in the end it's worth it.
Just work in majority quads and triangulate afterward holy shit
Try these Noesis plugins here https://github.com/Zheneq/Noesis-Plugins

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For procedural game assets generation. But the year I started, they launched the SideFX Labs Tools and most of my previous work became obsolete.
So now, I'm working on different aspect and I'll jump back on it when I'm ready to make my environment stuff.
>Do your slap comps not embed into your offline renders?
>doesn't seem to work the way they demo'ed it in the keynote.
found out why this is happening. default slapcomp block adds an input/output for depth.
if you don't have a depth pass it won't bake.
either add depth AOV, or remove depth from slapcomp block.
Tell me why you use houdini, and for what
I see, thanks for the info
God I love Houdini but I really need to rant. Because say what you will about Autodesk their things are -stable-. That's a side-effect of them not changing anything, of course, but it does provide comfort. I can watch a decade old Maya tutorial and get by fine because everything is where it has always been and it works.

Contrast that with Houdini where even watching a H19.0 tutorial is a nightmare. A significant portion of features have changed completely. Nodes are deprecated if not removed or merged. Naming-schemes have changed. Nodes will generate different outputs from one version to another. The documentation isn't up to date never mind descriptive and won't be for another 3 versions. Studios only shares knowledge internally and snub the community. What little non-studio-bound community exists is solely on discord where nothing can be effectively searched for and there are few enough active, knowledgeable users that I could fit them all in my kitchen. The handful of tutorials are hit-and-miss but mostly miss. You used to get good shit from Jeff Wagner or Jeff Lait but those high-quality masterclasses seem to have dried up completely. The Labs guys that used to form some kind of tether to the userbase have disappeared and been replaced by people I think try but don't really cut it. SideFX spends so much time and effort trying to polish messy features or UI/UX elements but then leave glaring ones like some important nodes' default settings not generating output or code editors still being terrible.

They do incredible work on the tech end and the innovations are beautiful but somewhere along the chain there needs to be a UX or QA team that asks "how are we going to give this longevity and make it intuitive and reliable?". Every release I'm excited and disappointed. I really hope they restructure a little and let the package settle.

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So I'm finally unbanned. /archviz/ was cool but was pruned in the ban I'm no longer in the mood for that.

So /3dsg/ anything 3ds max related. Tell me if you have any doubts using this god awful fucking piece shit of a software, wips, works etc etc.
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>I hope FARC takes Jamundí and rapes everyone including your dog then.
Loose the glasses and add 200 pounds.
Why is max considered the best for 3D modelling, can't Maya do 90% of what Max does?
Because of the 10%.
do you use LUTs?
Whats the point of using one and setting your render to look like someone elses work?
whenever ive tried putting a lut on top of a render , the results always look bad

How do you even justify a stylization like this? It's so disproportionate.
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He's always so pg, I don't know why he did this
I'm throbbing
why does it need to be justified? this is a question for twitter not 4chan
wheres the upvote button? god damn the ui on this sight is terrible, can't even find my dms

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So I got my hands on old Polish game and wanted to use some of it's assets, but all 3D models are in .DBO format. How to convert it to something usable like obj, fbx, ... ?
Use fragmotion

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>the most popular normalmap tutorial for photoshop
>he creates normalmap straight from diffuse, no heightmaps involved
>in the end his bricks are concave
>doesn't even mention that photoshop doesn't have option to generate OpenGL normalmaps and you would have to manually flip green channel if you want OpenGL standard normalmaps
>video gets a lot of praise in the comments and no one points out this tutorial is absolute shit

How do we stop Crises like this from making tutorials?

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If you inspect each individual channel of a RGB image you find it's just a value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, or 0 to 255 for a typical 24bit image (8 bit per color channel).
A black and white image essentially that you can place in any of the three channel to display as your red green or blue component.
Flipping a channel means you invert it so the white becomes black and black becomes white.

When you flip the green channel it means the parts of the image that had no green now turns green and the parts that where fully green now has zero green.
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And in the context of a tangent space normal map it is encoded such that a value of 0.5 or 127 in red or green channel
means it is pointing neutral in that direction, Red represents X direction, green represents Y direction.
Blue points out the screen towards you in Z direction and it is neutral at a value of 1 or fully white.

so RGB(127,127,255) means the normal points the same way as the normal of the surface why you see that light-blue tint across most of a normalmap.

Now some programs disagree if the Y axis should point up or down so if you invert the green channel it will point towards the other direction.
but the so 255 becomes 0 and 0 becomes 255, but the middle neutral value of 127 is still 127 when inverted.
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>he creates normalmap straight from diffuse
>>988022 There's way more to normal maps than just making a height map and using a generator, this vid explains some of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOPwVZI5UTM
>draw up to 200.000 faces by hand?
No, not in the way that you're probably thinking

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i made a vampire's hand today, gonna rig it tomorrow, total noob modeling stuff like this and it took me a few tries, proud of it so i wanted to show you
not terrible desu, compare it to hands from games from 2001-2008 and it would fit right in
that's actually sort of the aesthetic im going for :^)
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How would you go about making a wheat field that
>will be seen up close
>is in-engine
>needs to be optimized
>has destructibility
>is dense
So that the 3 main concerns are that it can't consist of a ton of individual strands that are laggy and easily seen through, it can't look dogshit if approached in first person, and will look right if a chunk is removed via programming. Stylized is fine and encouraged as the intent, but shouldn't explicitly come off as fake (e.g. a big rectangle with a solid texture). It doesn't need to be fancily animated, or sway, though the capability to have subtle animation would improve its value. It would benefit if there was some transparency between strands, or the illusion of transparency to a degree that is aesthetically desirable. Bonus if this technique can apply to other such thick, continuous foliage like a field of grass
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I'm sure there's an asset you can just use, there's no need to reinvent the wheel, also there's no 3D modelling with what you're looking for
you're asking for a lot and it doesn't sound like you know what you're doing, scale down your project
if you still want to make it, watch this and it should give you an idea of what you have to do
>How would you go about making a wheat field that
>>will be seen up close
>>is in-engine
>>needs to be optimized
>>has destructibility
>>is dense
>It is made by fucking Cris
If you are not gonna help just shut up.
use the engine's hair solution from far, and switch to individual strands up close

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Gonna start learning how to seriously Blend today. Haven't used 'er in over a year so let's see.
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chad, can I post my stuff here time to time too?
Studying for a network cert instead, so not yet unfortunately :(.
how about now...?

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Where can I pirate Keos Mason's stuff?
I want to see their tutorials and have their resources.
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communists hate piracy though
they hate it when poor people get access to things
is your suitable place
I am as removed from that as one can be.
it's one guy mate, one guy
the fuck? fucking commie bastard, fuck off!!
does anyone have Mike nash brush? I don't want to spend $20 because he's already dead

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